Beispiel #1
  gaussian_pyramid(const ImageView<T>& image,
                   const ImagePyramidParams& params = ImagePyramidParams())
    using Scalar = typename ImagePyramid<T>::scalar_type;

    // Resize the image with the appropriate factor.
    auto resize_factor = pow(2.f, -params.first_octave_index());
    auto I = enlarge(image, resize_factor);

    // Deduce the new camera sigma with respect to the dilated image.
    auto camera_sigma = Scalar(params.scale_camera())*resize_factor;

    // Blur the image so that its new sigma is equal to the initial sigma.
    auto init_sigma = Scalar(params.scale_initial());
    if (camera_sigma < init_sigma)
      Scalar sigma = sqrt(init_sigma*init_sigma - camera_sigma*camera_sigma);
      I = gaussian(I, sigma);

    // Deduce the maximum number of octaves.
    auto l = std::min(image.width(), image.height());
    auto b = params.image_padding_size();
    // l/2^k > 2b
    // 2^k < l/(2b)
    // k < log(l/(2b))/log(2)
    auto num_octaves = static_cast<int>(log(l/(2.f*b))/log(2.f));

    // Shorten names.
    auto k = Scalar(params.scale_geometric_factor());
    auto num_scales = params.num_scales_per_octave();
    auto downscale_index = int( floor( log(Scalar(2))/log(k)) );

    // Create the image pyramid
    auto G = ImagePyramid<T>{};
    G.reset(num_octaves, num_scales, init_sigma, k);

    for (auto o = 0; o < num_octaves; ++o)
      // Compute the octave scaling factor
      G.octave_scaling_factor(o) =
        (o == 0) ? 1.f/resize_factor : G.octave_scaling_factor(o-1)*2;

      // Compute the gaussians in octave \f$o\f$
      Scalar sigma_s_1 = init_sigma;
      G(0, o) = o == 0 ? I : downscale(G(downscale_index, o - 1), 2);

      for (auto s = 1; s < num_scales; ++s)
        auto sigma = sqrt(k*k*sigma_s_1*sigma_s_1 - sigma_s_1*sigma_s_1);
        G(s,o) = gaussian(G(s-1,o), sigma);
        sigma_s_1 *= k;

    // Done!
    return G;
Beispiel #2
   @brief Constructor
     the response threshold which local maxima of the determinant of Hessian
     function must satisfy.
     This variable indicates the minimum border size of the image.
     Maxima of determinant of Hessians located in the border of width
     'img_padding_sz' are discarded.
     This variable indicates the number of scales to search in order to
     select the characteristic scale of a corner.
     This variable controls the number of iterations to refine the
     localization of DoG extrema in scale-space. The refinement process is
     based on the function **DO::refineExtremum()**.
 ComputeHessianLaplaceMaxima(const ImagePyramidParams& pyrParams =
                                 ImagePyramidParams(-1, 3+1),
                             float extremum_thres = 1e-5f,
                             int img_padding_sz = 1,
                             int numScales = 10,
                             int extremumRefinementIter = 5)
     : _pyr_params(pyrParams)
     , _extremum_thres(extremum_thres)
     , _img_padding_sz(img_padding_sz)
     , _extremum_refinement_iter(extremumRefinementIter)
     , _num_scales(numScales)