Beispiel #1
wxSize ListCtrlFixed::DoGetBestClientSize() const
	if (!InReportView())
		return wxControl::DoGetBestClientSize();

	int totalWidth;
	wxClientDC dc(const_cast<ListCtrlFixed*>(this));

	const int columns = GetColumnCount();
	if (HasFlag(wxLC_NO_HEADER) || !columns) {
		totalWidth = 50*dc.GetCharWidth();
	} else {
		totalWidth = 0;
		for ( int col = 0; col < columns; col++ )
			totalWidth += GetColumnWidth(col);

	 * This is what we're fixing.  Some..  very foolish person decided,
	 * "Oh, let's give this an 'arbitrary' height!  How about, let's see,
	 * I don't know!  LET'S USE 10 * FONT HEIGHT!"  ..Unfortunately, this
	 * person basically makes it impossible to use smaller sized list
	 * views in report mode.  It will always become tremendously large in
	 * size, despite what constraints you originally have set with sizers.
	 * brilliant job, whoever you are.  10 * character height..  just..
	 * unbeleivably wow.  I am ASTOUNDED.
	return wxSize(totalWidth, 3*dc.GetCharHeight());
Beispiel #2
bool wxListCtrl::SetItem(wxListItem& info)
    const long id = info.GetId();
    QTreeWidgetItem *qitem = QtGetItem(id);
    if ( qitem != NULL )
        if ((info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_TEXT) && !info.GetText().IsNull() )
            qitem->setText(info.GetColumn(), wxQtConvertString(info.GetText()));
        qitem->setTextAlignment(info.GetColumn(), wxQtConvertTextAlign(info.GetAlign()));

        if ( info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_DATA )
            QVariant variant = qVariantFromValue(info.GetData());
            qitem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, variant);
        if (info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_STATE)
            if ((info.m_stateMask & wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED) &&
                (info.m_state & wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED))
                    m_qtTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(qitem, 0);
            if (info.m_stateMask & wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED)
                qitem->setSelected(info.m_state & wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);
        if (info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE)
            if (info.m_image >= 0)
                wxImageList *imglst = GetImageList(InReportView() ? wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL : wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL);
                wxCHECK_MSG(imglst, false, "invalid listctrl imagelist");
                const wxBitmap* bitmap = imglst->GetBitmapPtr(info.m_image);
                if (bitmap != NULL)
                    // set the new image:
                    qitem->setIcon( info.GetColumn(), QIcon( *bitmap->GetHandle() ));
                // remove the image using and empty qt icon:
                qitem->setIcon( info.GetColumn(), QIcon() );
        for (int col=0; col<GetColumnCount(); col++)
            if ( info.GetFont().IsOk() )
                qitem->setFont(col, info.GetFont().GetHandle() );
            if ( info.GetTextColour().IsOk() )
                qitem->setTextColor(col, info.GetTextColour().GetHandle());
            if ( info.GetBackgroundColour().IsOk() )
                qitem->setBackgroundColor(col, info.GetBackgroundColour().GetHandle());
        return true;
        return false;
Beispiel #3
void wxFileListCtrl::OnSize( wxSizeEvent &event )

    if ( InReportView() )
        // In report mode, set name column to use remaining width.
        int newNameWidth = GetClientSize().GetWidth();
        for ( int i = 1; i < GetColumnCount(); i++ )
            newNameWidth -= GetColumnWidth(i);
            if ( newNameWidth <= 0 )

        SetColumnWidth(0, newNameWidth);
Beispiel #4
wxSize wxListCtrlBase::DoGetBestClientSize() const
    // There is no obvious way to determine the best size in icon and list
    // modes so just don't do it for now.
    if ( !InReportView() )
        return wxControl::DoGetBestClientSize();

    int totalWidth;
    wxClientDC dc(const_cast<wxListCtrlBase*>(this));

    // In report mode, we use only the column headers, not items, to determine
    // the best width. The reason for this is that it's easier (we can't just
    // iterate over all items, especially not in a virtual control, so we'd
    // have to do something relatively complicated such as checking the size of
    // some items in the beginning and the end only) and also because the
    // columns are usually static while the list contents is dynamic so it
    // usually doesn't make much sense to adjust the control size to it anyhow.
    // And finally, scrollbars can always be used with the items while the
    // headers are just truncated if there is not enough place for them.
    const int columns = GetColumnCount();
    if ( HasFlag(wxLC_NO_HEADER) || !columns )
        // Use some arbitrary width.
        totalWidth = 50*dc.GetCharWidth();
    else // We do have columns, use them to determine the best width.
        totalWidth = 0;
        for ( int col = 0; col < columns; col++ )
            totalWidth += GetColumnWidth(col);

    // Use some arbitrary height, there is no good way to determine it.
    return wxSize(totalWidth, 10*dc.GetCharHeight());
Beispiel #5
void MyListCtrl::OnListKeyDown(wxListEvent& event)
    long item;

    switch ( event.GetKeyCode() )
        case 'C': // colorize
                wxListItem info;
                info.m_itemId = event.GetIndex();
                if ( info.m_itemId == -1 )
                    // no item


                wxListItemAttr *attr = info.GetAttributes();
                if ( !attr || !attr->HasTextColour() )



        case 'N': // next
            item = GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED);
            if ( item++ == GetItemCount() - 1 )
                item = 0;

            wxLogMessage(_T("Focusing item %ld"), item);

            SetItemState(item, wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED, wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED);

        case 'R': // show bounding rectangle
                item = event.GetIndex();
                wxRect r;
                if ( !GetItemRect(item, r) )
                    wxLogError(_T("Failed to retrieve rect of item %ld"), item);

                wxLogMessage(_T("Bounding rect of item %ld is (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)"),
                             item, r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height);

        case '1': // show sub item bounding rectangle
        case '2':
        case '3':
        case '4': // this column is invalid but we want to test it too
            if ( InReportView() )
                int subItem = event.GetKeyCode() - '1';
                item = event.GetIndex();
                wxRect r;
                if ( !GetSubItemRect(item, subItem, r) )
                    wxLogError(_T("Failed to retrieve rect of item %ld column %d"), item, subItem + 1);

                wxLogMessage(_T("Bounding rect of item %ld column %d is (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)"),
                             item, subItem + 1,
                             r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height);

        case 'U': // update
            if ( !IsVirtual() )

            if ( m_updated != -1 )

            m_updated = event.GetIndex();
            if ( m_updated != -1 )
                // we won't see changes to this item as it's selected, update
                // the next one (or the first one if we're on the last item)
                if ( ++m_updated == GetItemCount() )
                    m_updated = 0;

                wxLogMessage("Updating colour of the item %ld", m_updated);

        case 'D': // delete
            item = GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);
            while ( item != -1 )

                wxLogMessage(_T("Item %ld deleted"), item);

                // -1 because the indices were shifted by DeleteItem()
                item = GetNextItem(item - 1,
                                   wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);

        case 'I': // insert
            if ( GetWindowStyle() & wxLC_REPORT )
                if ( GetWindowStyle() & wxLC_VIRTUAL )
                    SetItemCount(GetItemCount() + 1);
                else // !virtual
            //else: fall through

            LogEvent(event, _T("OnListKeyDown"));
