Beispiel #1
Datei: xsm.c Projekt: aosm/X11
 * Main program
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char	*p;
    char 	errormsg[256];
    static	char environment_name[] = "SESSION_MANAGER";
    int		success, found_command_line_name, i;

    Argc = argc;
    Argv = argv;

    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
	if (argv[i][0] == '-')
	    switch (argv[i][1])
	    case 'd':					/* -display */
		if (++i >= argc) goto usage;
		cmd_line_display = (char *) XtNewString (argv[i]);

	    case 's':					/* -session */
		if (++i >= argc) goto usage;
		session_name = XtNewString (argv[i]);

	    case 'v':					/* -verbose */
		verbose = 1;

	fprintf (stderr,
	 "usage: xsm [-display display] [-session session_name] [-verbose]\n");
	exit (1);

    topLevel = XtVaAppInitialize (&appContext, "XSm", NULL, 0,
	&argc, argv, NULL,
	XtNmappedWhenManaged, False,
	XtNwindowRole, "xsm main window",
    wmStateAtom = XInternAtom (
	XtDisplay (topLevel), "WM_STATE", False);
    wmDeleteAtom = XInternAtom (
	XtDisplay (topLevel), "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);

    register_signals (appContext);

     * Install an IO error handler.  For an explanation,
     * see the comments for InstallIOErrorHandler().

    InstallIOErrorHandler ();

     * Init SM lib

    if (!SmsInitialize ("SAMPLE-SM", "1.0",
	NewClientProc, NULL,
	HostBasedAuthProc, 256, errormsg))
	fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", errormsg);
	exit (1);

    if (!IceListenForConnections (&numTransports, &listenObjs,
	256, errormsg))
	fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", errormsg);
	exit (1);


    if (!SetAuthentication (numTransports, listenObjs, &authDataEntries))
	fprintf (stderr, "Could not set authorization\n");
	exit (1);

    InitWatchProcs (appContext);

    for (i = 0; i < numTransports; i++)
	XtAppAddInput (appContext,
	    IceGetListenConnectionNumber (listenObjs[i]),
	    (XtPointer) XtInputReadMask,
	    NewConnectionXtProc, (XtPointer) listenObjs[i]);

    /* the sizeof includes the \0, so we don't need to count the '=' */
    networkIds = IceComposeNetworkIdList (numTransports, listenObjs);
    p = (char *) XtMalloc((sizeof environment_name) + strlen(networkIds) + 1);
    if(!p) nomem();
    sprintf(p, "%s=%s", environment_name, networkIds);

    if (cmd_line_display)
	 * If a display was passed on the command line, set the DISPLAY
	 * environment in this process so all applications started by
	 * the session manager will run on the specified display.

	p = (char *) XtMalloc(8 + strlen(cmd_line_display) + 1);
	sprintf(p, "DISPLAY=%s", cmd_line_display);

    if (verbose)
	printf ("setenv %s %s\n", environment_name, networkIds);

    create_choose_session_popup ();
    create_main_window ();
    create_client_info_popup ();
    create_save_popup ();
    create_log_popup ();

     * Initalize all lists

    RunningList = ListInit();
    if(!RunningList) nomem();

    PendingList = ListInit();
    if(!PendingList) nomem();

    RestartAnywayList = ListInit();
    if(!RestartAnywayList) nomem();

    RestartImmedList = ListInit();
    if(!RestartImmedList) nomem();

    WaitForSaveDoneList = ListInit();
    if (!WaitForSaveDoneList) nomem();

    InitialSaveList = ListInit();
    if (!InitialSaveList) nomem();

    FailedSaveList = ListInit();
    if (!FailedSaveList) nomem();

    WaitForInteractList = ListInit();
    if (!WaitForInteractList) nomem();

    WaitForPhase2List = ListInit();
    if (!WaitForPhase2List) nomem();

     * Get list of session names.  If a session name was found on the
     * command line, and it is in the list of session names we got, then
     * use that session name.  If there were no session names found, then
     * use the default session name.  Otherwise, present a list of session
     * names for the user to choose from.

    success = GetSessionNames (&sessionNameCount,
	&sessionNamesShort, &sessionNamesLong, &sessionsLocked);

    found_command_line_name = 0;
    if (success && session_name)
	for (i = 0; i < sessionNameCount; i++)
	    if (strcmp (session_name, sessionNamesShort[i]) == 0)
		found_command_line_name = 1;

		if (sessionsLocked[i])
		    fprintf (stderr, "Session '%s' is locked\n", session_name);
		    exit (1);


    if (!success || found_command_line_name)
	FreeSessionNames (sessionNameCount,
	    sessionNamesShort, sessionNamesLong, sessionsLocked);

	if (!found_command_line_name)
	    session_name = XtNewString (DEFAULT_SESSION_NAME);

    	if (!StartSession (session_name, !found_command_line_name))
	    UnableToLockSession (session_name);
	ChooseSession ();

     * Main loop

    XtAppMainLoop (appContext);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    static XtAppContext 	appContext;
    IceConn			iceConn;
    IceProtocolSetupStatus	setupstat;
    char			*vendor = NULL;
    char			*release = NULL;
    pmGetProxyAddrMsg		*pMsg;
    char 			*pData;
    int				i;
    size_t			len;
    IceReplyWaitInfo		replyWait;
    GetProxyAddrReply		reply;
    int				majorVersion, minorVersion;
    Bool			gotReply, ioErrorOccured;
    char			errorString[255];
    char			*serviceName = NULL, *serverAddress = NULL;
    char			*hostAddress = NULL, *startOptions = NULL;
    char			*managerAddress = NULL;
    Bool			haveAuth = 0;
    char			authName[40];
    char			authData[128];
    char			*authDataBinary = NULL;
    int				authLen = 0;

    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
	if (argv[i][0] == '-')
	    switch (argv[i][1])
	    case 'a':					/* -auth */
		haveAuth = 1;

	    case 'm':					/* -manager */
		if (++i >= argc) goto usage;
		managerAddress = (char *) XtNewString (argv[i]);

	    case 's':					/* -server */
		if (++i >= argc) goto usage;
		serverAddress = (char *) XtNewString (argv[i]);

	    case 'n':					/* -name */
		if (++i >= argc) goto usage;
		serviceName = XtNewString (argv[i]);

	    case 'h':					/* -host */
		if (++i >= argc) goto usage;
		hostAddress = XtNewString (argv[i]);

	    case 'o':					/* -options */
		if (++i >= argc) goto usage;
		startOptions = XtNewString (argv[i]);

	    case 'v':

	if (i >= argc)
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s requires an argument\n",
		     argv[0], argv[i-1]);
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized argument '%s'\n",
		     argv[0], argv[i]);

    if (serviceName == NULL) {
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: -name serviceName must be specified\n", argv[0]);
    if (serverAddress == NULL) {
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: -server serverAddr must be specified\n", argv[0]);

    if (managerAddress == NULL) {
	managerAddress = getenv("PROXY_MANAGER");
	if (managerAddress == NULL) {
	    fprintf (stderr, "Error: -manager option must be specified when PROXY_MANAGER is not in the environment\n");
	    exit (1);

     * Register support for PROXY_MANAGEMENT.

    if ((PMopcode = IceRegisterForProtocolSetup (
	"XC", "1.0",
	PMversionCount, PMversions,
	0, /* authcount */
	NULL, /* authnames */ 
        NULL, /* authprocs */
	NULL  /* IceIOErrorProc */ )) < 0)
	fprintf (stderr,
	    "Could not register PROXY_MANAGEMENT protocol with ICE");
	exit (1);

    appContext = XtCreateApplicationContext ();

    InitWatchProcs (appContext);

    if ((iceConn = IceOpenConnection (
	managerAddress, NULL, 0, 0, 256, errorString)) == NULL)
	fprintf (stderr,
	    "Could not open ICE connection to proxy manager: %s", errorString);
	exit (1);

    setupstat = IceProtocolSetup (iceConn, PMopcode, NULL,
	False /* mustAuthenticate */,
	&majorVersion, &minorVersion,
	&vendor, &release, 256, errorString);

    if (setupstat != IceProtocolSetupSuccess)
	IceCloseConnection (iceConn);
	fprintf (stderr,
	    "Could not initialize proxy management protocol: %s\n",
	exit (1);

     * If auth data is supplied, read it from stdin.

    if (haveAuth)
	fgets (authName, sizeof (authName), stdin);
	fgets (authData, sizeof (authData), stdin);

	for (i = 0; i < strlen (authName); i++)
	    if (authName[i] == '\n')
		authName[i] = '\0';
	for (i = 0; i < strlen (authData); i++)
	    if (authData[i] == '\n')
		authData[i] = '\0';

	 * Convert the hex auth data to binary.

	authLen = cvthexkey (authData, &authDataBinary);

	if (authLen == -1)
	    fprintf (stderr, "Could not convert hex auth data to binary\n");
	    exit (1);

     * Now send the GetProxyAddr request.

    len = STRING_BYTES (serviceName) +
	  STRING_BYTES (serverAddress) +
	  STRING_BYTES (hostAddress) +
	  STRING_BYTES (startOptions) +
	  (authLen > 0 ? (STRING_BYTES (authName) + authLen) : 0);

    IceGetHeaderExtra (iceConn, PMopcode, PM_GetProxyAddr,
	SIZEOF (pmGetProxyAddrMsg), WORD64COUNT (len),
	pmGetProxyAddrMsg, pMsg, pData);

    pMsg->authLen = (CARD16) authLen;

    STORE_STRING (pData, serviceName);
    STORE_STRING (pData, serverAddress);
    STORE_STRING (pData, hostAddress);
    STORE_STRING (pData, startOptions);
    if (authLen > 0)
	STORE_STRING (pData, authName);
	memcpy (pData, authDataBinary, authLen);

    IceFlush (iceConn);

    replyWait.sequence_of_request = IceLastSentSequenceNumber (iceConn);
    replyWait.major_opcode_of_request = PMopcode;
    replyWait.minor_opcode_of_request = PM_GetProxyAddr;
    replyWait.reply = (IcePointer) &reply;

    gotReply = False;
    ioErrorOccured = False;

    while (!gotReply && !ioErrorOccured)
	ioErrorOccured = (IceProcessMessages (
	    iceConn, &replyWait, &gotReply) == IceProcessMessagesIOError);

	if (ioErrorOccured)
	    fprintf (stderr, "IO error occured\n");
	    exit (1);
	else if (gotReply)
	    if (reply.status == PM_Success)
		fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", reply.addr);
		exit (0);
		fprintf (stderr, "Error from proxy manager: %s\n",
		exit (1);