int main( void ) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT BCSCTL1=0x00; //&= ~XT2OFF; // XT2= HF XTAL do{ IFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear OSCFault flag for (int i = 0xFF; i > 0; i--); // Time for flag to set }while ((IFG1 & OFIFG)); // OSCFault flag still set? BCSCTL2 |= SELM_2+SELS; // MCLK=SMCLK=XT2 (safe) //Init System Service InitialPort(); InitFileSystem(); Init_Pipe(); InitTB(); //Init Device InitialRTC(); Init_UART(); InitADC(); Creat_Command_Task(); //After the bluetooth has beed connected SCH_Init(); SCH_Start(); // SCH_Add_Task(Task_UART_Send,0,5); //creat a task for sending data via uart,after bluetooth connect // SCH_Add_Task(Acquire_ECG,0,4); //32768/4*32 = 256hz // CommandSwitchList(1); while(1){ SCH_Dispatch_Task(); } }
void main() { TRISB=0x00; TRISA=0x00; TRISDbits.TRISD7=0; // chan dieu khien coi bao a=0; index=0x03; Init_UART(); Init_Tran_UART(); Init_Rec_UART(); Osc(); Pwm_init(); VITRI=VITRI_3; //putrsUSART ((const far rom char*)"\r\nNguy hiem muc 3\r\n"); while(1) { LATAbits.LATA0= (index );// lay 4 bit chua gia tri cua index truyen sang 7447, tranh chan ngat int0 LATBbits.LATB1= (index >>1); LATBbits.LATB2= (index >>2); LATBbits.LATB3= (index >>3); LATDbits.LATD7= a; SetDCPWM2(VITRI); } while(1); }
void InitIO(void) { //Init UART for debug //If USB is plugged //TTL232R-3V3-WE will pull _RF3 and _RF5 high if(_RF2==1 && _RF3==1); { //Connect RP99 to U1TX _RP98R = 0b000001; //Init Uart and connect RP104 to U1RX Init_UART((unsigned int)(FOSC/BAUDRATE/32.0f)-1,99); } /*Set ports to digital*/ ANSELA = ANSELB = ANSELC = ANSELD = ANSELE = ANSELG = 0x0000; /*Set inputs and outputs*/ TRISE=0x0000; TRISC=0x0000; TRISF=0x0000; TRISD=0x0000; TRISG=0x0000; TRISA=0x0000; TRISDbits.TRISD1 = 0; //Output for CAN TRISDbits.TRISD2 = 1; //Input for CAN TRISB=0xFFFF; //Analog inputs /*Reset leds*/ LED0=0; LED1=0; }
int main(){ Init_UART(); Init_BT(); Init_Default_Led(); Init_WU(); SystemInit(); if(SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)){ while(1); } char str[256]; sprintf(str,"\n\nFlash Size : %dKb\nUID : %X%X%X\n",*(volatile u16*)(0x1FFFF7E0), *(volatile u32*)(0x1FFFF7E8),*(volatile u32*)(0x1FFFF7EC),*(volatile u32*)(0x1FFFF7F0)); USART1_Send_Sting(str); BT_Send_String(str); while(1){ GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_13); Delay(1000); GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_13); PWR_StandbyMode(); } }
int main(void){ volatile unsigned char a[100]="Laboratory #2 for EEL4742 Embedded Systems0";//string to print volatile unsigned char b; volatile unsigned int i=0; // index of string WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer Init_UART(); while(i>=0){//loop until entire string is printed b=a[i];//temp variable to hold character if(a[i]=='0'){//if null character is found, break loop break;//break statement } OUTA_UART(b);//display character in hyperterminal i++;//increment index } // go blink the light to indicate code is running P2DIR |= 0x02; // Set P1.0 to output direction // Use The LED as an indicator for (;;){ P2OUT ^= 0x02; // Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR i = 10000; // SW Delay do i--; while (i != 0); } }
void initialisation_UART(void){ /* Initialisation de l'UART, à mettre après l'initialisation du PIC */ //FOSC is the frequency of the CPU clock _RP85R = 0b000001; //Connect RP85 to U1TX Init_UART((unsigned int)(FOSC/BAUDRATE/32.0f)-1,87); //Connect RP87 to U1RX }
int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD ; Init_CLK() ; Init_J60SPI() ; MAIN_POWER_ON ; __delay_cycles(5000000) ; P9DIR |= IrDA_OUT ; P9OUT &=~IrDA_OUT ; Init_EtherNet() ; ENC_SLEEP() ; // 省电 OS_IncDI() ; // 屏蔽中断 OS_InitKern() ; // 初始化系统内核 OS_InitHW() ; // 初始化硬件 Init_Func() ; Init_UART() ; Init_RSUART() ; Ini_LED(8) ; Init_ADC() ; Init_RTC() ; LCD_Init() ; LED_POWER_ON ; BackLight() ; OS_CREATERSEMA(&SemaLCD) ; OS_CREATERSEMA(&SemaSPI) ; LED_Disp_Float(3.1415925,7,FIT_ZERO) ; LED_Flicker_Digit(8,1) ; Color = Black ; Color_BK = 0xEF9F ; OS_CREATETASK(&Seg7LED_TASK_TCB, "Seg7LedTask", Seg7LedRefresh, 100, Seg7LED_TASK_STACK ) ; OS_CREATETASK(&LCD_TASK_TCB, "LCD_Task", LCD_Task, 100, LCD_TASK_STACK ) ; OS_CREATETASK(&MENU_OP_TASK_TCB, "MENU_OP_Task", MENU_OP_Task, 100, MENU_OP_TASK_STACK) ; OS_CREATETASK(&KEY_TP_TASK_TCB, "KEY_TP_Task", Key_TP_Task, 100, KEY_TP_TASK_STACK ) ; OS_Start() ; return 0 ; }
/***************************************************************************** main() No introduction needed ... ****************************************************************************/ void main(void) { Init_hardware(); Init_UART(); while (1) { uint8_t b; b = UART_read_byte(); b = filter(b); UART_send(b); } }
int main(void) { // SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_1 | SYSCTL_USE_OSC | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN| SYSCTL_XTAL_8MHZ); SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_10 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_XTAL_8MHZ); SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOG); GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTG_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); Init_ADC(); Init_PWM(); Init_Timer(); Init_UART(); while (1) { } }
void main() { OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b011;//1 MHz TRISB = 0x00; TRISA = 0x00; TRISDbits.TRISD7 = 0; // chan dieu khien coi bao alarm = 0; Led7 = 0x03; Init_UART(); // Init_Tran_UART(); // Init_Rec_UART(); //initialize UART module // OpenUSART(USART_TX_INT_OFF & // USART_RX_INT_ON & // USART_ASYNCH_MODE & // USART_EIGHT_BIT & // USART_BRGH_HIGH & // BAUD_16_BIT_RATE, // 12); INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;//Peripheral interrupt enable INTCONbits.GIE = 1; // Golbal interrupt enable Pwm_init(); VITRI = VITRI_3; while(1) { LATAbits.LATA0 = Led7;// lay 4 bit chua gia tri cua Led7 truyen sang 7447, tranh chan ngat int0 LATBbits.LATB1 = (Led7 >>1); LATBbits.LATB2 = (Led7 >>2); LATBbits.LATB3 = (Led7 >>3); LATDbits.LATD7 = alarm; SetDCPWM2(VITRI); if(EnableProcess) { Processing(); EnableProcess = 0; } } //while(1); }
static void InitializeSystem(void) { ADCON1 |= 0x0F; // TRISCbits.TRISC6=0; // TRISCbits.TRISC7 =0; // LATCbits.LATC6 =0; // LATCbits.LATC7=0; USBDeviceInit(); #if defined(USE_UART) Init_UART(BAUD_RATE); Init_Tran_UART(); Init_Rec_UART(); #endif #if defined(USE_LCD) Init_PORTS(); Init_LCD(); #endif }
/** * @brief función de inicialización de hardware. Inicializa pines y Timmer * */ void bsp_Init(void){ WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; //seteo clock a 1MHZ BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; //inicialización pines LedRojo = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinLedRojo); //hal_pin_init() carga en registros del micro lo establecido en la estructura LedVerde = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinLedVerde); Sw = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinSw); Led1 = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinLed1); Led2 = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinLed2); Sw1 = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinSw1); Sw2 = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinSw2); Sw3 = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinSw3); Sw4 = (void*)hal_pin_init(&pinSw4); hal_pin_init(&cc_gdo0); hal_pin_init(&cc_gdo2); hal_pin_init(&cc_spiSOMI); hal_pin_init(&cc_spiSIMO); hal_pin_init(&cc_spiCLK); hal_pin_init(&cc_spinCS); //inicialización SPI spi1_setup((uint8_t*)&UCB0CTL0); //inicialización CC2500 hal_cc2500_powerupReset(); hal_cc2500_WriteRFSettings(); //inicialización Timmer TACTL = (TASSEL_2 + ID_0 + MC_2); TACCTL1 = (CM_0 + CCIS_2); TACCR1 = TAR + 1000; TACCTL1 &= ~(CCIFG); TACCTL1 |= CCIE; Init_UART(); // Inicialize USCIA (UART Mode) __enable_interrupt(); }
void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT if (CALBC1_16MHZ ==0xFF || CALDCO_16MHZ == 0xFF) while(1); DCOCTL = CALDCO_16MHZ; // Set uC to run at approximately 16 Mhz BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_16MHZ; // Initialize Port 1 P1SEL &= ~0x01; // See page 42 and 43 of the G2553's datasheet, It shows that when both P1SEL and P1SEL2 bits are zero P1SEL2 &= ~0x01; // the corresponding pin is set as a I/O pin. Datasheet: P1REN = 0x0; // No resistors enabled for Port 1 P1DIR |= 0x1; // Set P1.0 to output to drive LED on LaunchPad board. Make sure shunt jumper is in place at LaunchPad's Red LED P1OUT &= ~0x01; // Initially set P1.0 to 0 // Timer A Config TACCTL0 = CCIE; // Enable Periodic interrupt TACCR0 = 16000; // period = 1ms TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_1; // source SMCLK, up mode Init_UART(9600,1); // Initialize UART for 9600 baud serial communication _BIS_SR(GIE); // Enable global interrupt while(1) { if(newmsg) { newmsg = 0; } if (newprint) { P1OUT ^= 0x1; // Blink LED UART_printf("Hello %d\n\r",(int)(timecnt/500)); newprint = 0; } } }
int main(void){ volatile unsigned char a; volatile unsigned int i; // volatile to prevent optimization WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer Init_UART(); // Make green and yellow outputs P2DIR |= 0x06; // Set P1.0 to output direction // Use The LED as an indicator P2OUT = 0x00; //Start with Green and Yellow LEDs off for (;;) //Run for ever toogleLED(); }
int main(void) { BTNDIS_P(); Init_EMIF(); Init_LEDS(); Init_TIMER(); Init_FPGA(); Init_UART(); Init_TWI(100000); mbootBanner(); Init_RTC(); Init_Media(); Init_SHA204(); Init_EMAC(); SYS_UNRESET(); mboot(); while(1); // return 0; }
int main(void){ volatile unsigned char a; volatile unsigned int i=1; // volatile to prevent optimization WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer //initalized UART communication with MSP430 to hyperterminal Init_UART(); while(i!=0){ a=INCHAR_UART();//function that reads character from keyboard if(a=='0x00'){//if character enter is null, break loop break; } OUTA_UART(a);//display character in hyperterminal } // go blink the light to indicate code is running P2DIR |= 0x02; // Set P1.0 to output direction // Use The LED as an indicator for (;;){ P2OUT ^= 0x02; // Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR i = 10000; // SW Delay do i--; while (i != 0); } }
int main(void){ volatile unsigned char d; volatile unsigned int i, j[20], x[5], temp[3]; // volatile to prevent optimization volatile unsigned int a, b, c, e; WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer P2DIR |= 0x02; // Set P1.0 to output direction Init_UART(); Init_LCD(); j[0] = 0x5F; j[1] = 0X06; j[2] = 0X6B; j[3] = 0X2F; j[4] = 0X36; j[5] = 0X3D; j[6] = 0X7D; j[7] = 0X07; j[8] = 0X7F; j[9] = 0X37; j[10] = 0X77; j[11] = 0X7C; j[12] = 0X68; j[13] = 0X6E; j[14] = 0X79; j[15] = 0X71; for (;;){ //letter input 1 a=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(a); //Check if it's a digit or a character and transform to binary if((a>=0x30) && (a<=0x39)){ a = a-0x30; } else{ a = a-0x37; } //letter input 2 b=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(b); //Check if it's a digit or a character and transform to binary if((b>=0x30) && (b<=0x39)){ b = b-0x30; } else{ b = b-0x37; } //Multiply a by 16 because of Hex, add together to obtain final number temp[1] = (a*16)+(b); d=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(d); //letter input 3 a=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(a); //letter input 4 b=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(b); OUTA_UART(0x3D); //Repeat procedure for the next two characters if((a>=0x30) && (a<=0x39)){ a = a-0x30; } else{ a = a-0x37; } if((b>=0x30) && (b<=0x39)){ b = b-0x30; } else{ b = b-0x37; } //Multiply a by 16 because of Hex, add together to obtain final number temp[2] = (a*16)+(b); //If both numbers are equal if(temp[1]==temp[2]){ e = 0; LCDSeg[2]=0x00; } //If the first number is bigger simply subtract else if(temp[1]>temp[2]){ e = temp[1]-temp[2]; LCDSeg[2]=0x00; //reset LCD } //If second number is bigger, invert numbers and add (-) before answer else{ e=temp[2]-temp[1]; OUTA_UART(0X2D); LCDSeg[2]=0x20; } //The next three steps will yield the digits we'll print onto the LCD if((e/16)>15){ x[3] =1; x[2]=(e/16)-16; } else{ x[3]=0; x[2]=e/16; } x[1]= e%16; //Print on LCD LCDSeg[1] = j[x[2]]; LCDSeg[0] = j[x[1]]; //Convert our decimal characters back to ascii if(x[3]<=9) x[3]=x[3] + 0x30; else x[3]=x[3] + 0x37; if(x[2]<=9) x[2]=x[2] + 0x30; else x[2]=x[2] + 0x37; if(x[1]<=9) x[1]=x[1] + 0x30; else x[1]=x[1] + 0x37; //print the characters onto the Hyperterminal OUTA_UART(x[2]); OUTA_UART(x[1]); //Print New line OUTA_UART(0X0A); OUTA_UART(0X0D); } }
/*********主函数**********/ void main (void) { delay(100); //上电延时 Init_ADXL345(); //初始化ADXL345 Init_UART(); //初始化串口通信 SpaceCreate(A); //坐标系建立 delay(200); OPTION=9; while( 1 ) //循环 { switch(OPTION) { case 1: STATUS_PRE=-1; STATUS_NOW=-1; STATUS_HISTORY[0]=0; STATUS_HISTORY[1]=0; STATUS_HISTORY[2]=0; OPTION=2; case 2: UpdateDatabase( DATABASE, A ); AnalyzeDatabase( DATABASE, SET, ZArray); STATUS_HISTORY[0]=STATUS_HISTORY[1]; STATUS_HISTORY[1]=STATUS_HISTORY[2]; if ( isStill(SET) ) { STATUS_HISTORY[2]=StillStatus(SET); } else { STATUS_HISTORY[2]=MovingStatus(ZArray); } if(STATUS_HISTORY[0]==STATUS_HISTORY[1]&&STATUS_HISTORY[2]==STATUS_HISTORY[1]) STATUS_NOW=STATUS_HISTORY[2]; else STATUS_NOW=STATUS_PRE; Send2PhoneMotion(STATUS_NOW, STATUS_PRE); STATUS_PRE=STATUS_NOW; break; case 3: temp=0; result=0; prestatus=0; OPTION=4; case 4: UpdateDatabase( DATABASE, A ); AnalyzeDatabase( DATABASE, SET, ZArray); if ( isStill(SET) ) { break; } result=Count( ZArray ); if( prestatus==0 ) prestatus=result/10; else if( prestatus!=result/10 ) { temp=prestatus; prestatus=result/10; result=temp*10+result%10; } Send2PhoneSteps(result); break; case 9: break; } } }
void main ( void ) { ADI_ETHER_HANDLE hEthernet; ADI_ETHER_RESULT etherResult; ADI_ETHER_DEV_INIT EtherInitData[MAX_NETWORK_IF] = { { true, &memtable[0] }, { true, &memtable[1] }}; // data-cache,driver memory uint32_t reg_data; int i, nEtherDevUsed; char *ether_stack_block; ADI_GPIO_RESULT gpio_result; uint32_t gpioMaxCallbacks; int nRet; /** * Initialize managed drivers and/or services that have been added to * the project. * @return zero on success */ adi_initComponents(); /** * The default startup code does not include any functionality to allow * core 0 to enable core 1. A convenient way to enable core 1 is to use the * 'adi_core_1_enable' function. */ adi_core_1_enable(); /* Begin adding your custom code here */ g_AuxiTMIsFirstUpdated = 1; /* init CGU first time */ CGU_Init ( MULTIPLIER_SEL, CCLK_SEL, DDRCLK_SEL ); /* CCLK=16.384*iMultiplier /1 Mhz, 16.384*iMultiplier/iDDCLKSel Mhz DDR2 CLK */ #if defined(__DEBUG_FILE__) /* open the debug file */ pDebugFile = fopen(__DEBUG_FILE_NAME__, "w"); if (pDebugFile == 0) { fclose(pDebugFile); return; } #elif defined(__DEBUG_UART__) Init_UART(); #endif Init_PTPAuxin(); /* configures the switches */ #if BF609_EZ_BRD DEBUG_STATEMENT ( "Configuring switches for the ethernet operation \n\n" ); ConfigSoftSwitches(); #endif /* open ethernet device */ nEtherDevUsed = ( user_net_num_ifces > MAX_NETWORK_IF ) ? MAX_NETWORK_IF : user_net_num_ifces; #if BF609_EZ_BRD nEtherDevUsed = 1; #endif DEBUG_STATEMENT ( " init EMAC\n\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < nEtherDevUsed; i++ ) { etherResult = adi_ether_Open ( g_pDevEntry[i], &EtherInitData[i], g_pEthCallBack[i], &hEthernet ); if ( etherResult != ADI_ETHER_RESULT_SUCCESS ) { DEBUG_STATEMENT ( "adi_ether_Open: failed to open ethernet driver\n\n" ); return ; } g_hDev[i] = hEthernet; /* get the mac address */ memcpy ( ( ( ADI_EMAC_DEVICE * ) hEthernet )->MacAddress, user_net_config_info[i].hwaddr, 6 ); /* allocate memory */ ether_stack_block = heap_malloc ( i+1, g_contEthHeapSize[i] ); if ( ether_stack_block == NULL ) { DEBUG_PRINT ( " heap_malloc: in heap %d, failed to allocate memory to the stack \n\n" , i+1); return ; } /* init buf mem */ nRet = InitBuff ( g_contEthHeapSize[i], ether_stack_block, hEthernet, &user_net_config_info[i] ); if( nRet<0 ) { DEBUG_STATEMENT ( " InitBuff: failed to enable Init Buffs\n\n" ); return ; } /* Enable the MAC */ etherResult = adi_ether_EnableMAC ( hEthernet ); if ( etherResult != ADI_ETHER_RESULT_SUCCESS ) { DEBUG_STATEMENT ( " adi_ether_EnableMAC: failed to enable EMAC\n\n" ); return ; } } //enable EMAC INT adi_int_EnableInt ( ( (ADI_EMAC_DEVICE *)g_hDev[0])->Interrupt, true); adi_int_EnableInt ( ( (ADI_EMAC_DEVICE *)g_hDev[1])->Interrupt, true); /* activate rx channel DMA */ enable_rx ( g_hDev[0] ); enable_rx ( g_hDev[1] ); /* activate tx channel DMA */ enable_tx ( g_hDev[0] ); enable_tx ( g_hDev[1] ); //enable emac0 tx,rx enable_emac_tx_rx ( g_hDev[0] ); //enable emac1 tx,rx enable_emac_tx_rx ( g_hDev[1] ); //enable Enable_Time_Stamp_Auxin_Interrupt(); // HandleLoop(); return ; }//main
int main() { GRID_RESET(); rPIOD_PDR = (1 << 12); rPIOD_BSR = (1 << 12); rPIOE_PDR = 0x80000000; rPIOE_BSR = 0x80000000; rPIOC_PER = 0x1F83; rPIOC_PDR = 0xFFFFE07C; rPIOC_OER = 0x0; rPIOC_ODR = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_IFER = 0x0; rPIOC_IFDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_SODR = 0x0; rPIOC_CODR = 0x0; rPIOC_IER = 0x0; rPIOC_IDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_MDER = 0x0; rPIOC_MDDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_PUDR = 0x0; rPIOC_PUER = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_ASR = 0xFFFFE07C; rPIOC_BSR = 0x0; rSMC_SETUP(0) = (0 << 24) + (2 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (0 << 0); rSMC_PULSE(0) = (0 << 24) + (6 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 0); rSMC_CYCLE(0) = (0 << 23) + (8 << 16) + (0 << 7) + (6 << 0); rSMC_MODE(0) = (0 << 28) + (0 << 24) + (1 << 20) + (8 << 16) + (2 << 12) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 4) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 0); rSMC_SETUP(1) = (0 << 24) + (2 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (0 << 0); rSMC_PULSE(1) = (0 << 24) + (8 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 0); rSMC_CYCLE(1) = (0 << 23) + (10 << 16) + (0 << 7) + (6 << 0); rSMC_MODE(1) = (0 << 28) + (0 << 24) + (1 << 20) + (8 << 16) + (2 << 12) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 4) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 0); rSMC_SETUP(2) = (0 << 24) + (2 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (0 << 0); rSMC_PULSE(2) = (0 << 24) + (8 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 0); rSMC_CYCLE(2) = (0 << 23) + (10 << 16) + (0 << 7) + (6 << 0); rSMC_MODE(2) = (0 << 28) + (0 << 24) + (1 << 20) + (8 << 16) + (2 << 12) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 4) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 0); rSMC_SETUP(3) = (0 << 24) + (2 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (0 << 0); rSMC_PULSE(3) = (0 << 24) + (8 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 0); rSMC_CYCLE(3) = (0 << 23) + (10 << 16) + (0 << 7) + (6 << 0); rSMC_MODE(3) = (0 << 28) + (0 << 24) + (1 << 20) + (8 << 16) + (2 << 12) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 4) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 0); FPGA_CONF_P(); GRID_RESET(); BTNDIS_P(); Init_LEDS(); Init_TIMER(); //Init_FPGA(); Init_UART(); //Init_TWI(100000); //mbootBanner(); //Init_RTC(); //Init_Media(); //Init_SHA204(); //Init_EMAC(); SYS_UNRESET(); GRID_UNRESET(); //mboot(); while(1) { // *((volatile U32 *)(0x10000100)) = 0x22222222; // *((volatile U32 *)(0x10000104)) = 0x33333333; // *((volatile U32 *)(0x10000100)) = 0x44444444; // *((volatile U32 *)(0x10000104)) = 0x55555555; } }
// Main function int main (void) { // Local variable definations emxArray_uint8_T *xaxis; emxArray_uint8_T *yaxis; emxArray_uint8_T *norm_xaxis_filt; emxArray_uint8_T *norm_yaxis_filt; uint16_T count; uint8_T xaxis2,yaxis2; long j = 0; int again = 1; char letter; char letterstr[10]; int i=0; letterstr[i] = '\0'; // Variable Initialisation for(j=0;j<MAX_VALUE;j++) { xdata[j] = 0; ydata[j] = 0; } // Function Initialisation PINSEL2 &= ~((1<<2)|(1<<3)); GLCD_Initalize(); //Initialize the LCD Init_UART(); InitADC(); // Welcome message GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(10,4); GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); // for(j=0;j<999999;j++); delay_ms(2000); // Calibration //Left bottom GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(10,0); GLCD_WriteString("Calibration"); GLCD_GoTo(10,4); GLCD_WriteString("Touch the point"); GLCD_GoTo(0,7); GLCD_WriteString("o"); do { xaxis1 = Read_xaxis(); yaxis1 = Read_yaxis(); if(xaxis1<10) xaxis1 = 0; if(yaxis1<10) yaxis1 = 0; }while(xaxis1==0 && yaxis1==0); for(j=0;j<25;j++) capture(); x1 = xaxis1; y1 = yaxis1; GLCD_GoTo(10,5); GLCD_WriteString("Stored"); delay_ms(1000); //Right top GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(10,0); GLCD_WriteString("Calibration"); GLCD_GoTo(10,4); GLCD_WriteString("Touch the point"); GLCD_GoTo(120,0); GLCD_WriteString("o"); do { xaxis1 = Read_xaxis(); yaxis1 = Read_yaxis(); if(xaxis1<10) xaxis1 = 0; if(yaxis1<10) yaxis1 = 0; }while(xaxis1==0 && yaxis1==0); for(j=0;j<25;j++) capture(); x2 = xaxis1; y2 = yaxis1; GLCD_GoTo(10,5); GLCD_WriteString("Stored"); delay_ms(1000); while(again==1) { again = 0; // Capturing xaxis and yaxis GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(10,0); GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); GLCD_GoTo(12,4); GLCD_WriteString("Waiting for input"); do { xaxis1 = Read_xaxis(); yaxis1 = Read_yaxis(); if(xaxis1<10) xaxis1 = 0; if(yaxis1<10) yaxis1 = 0; }while(xaxis1==0 && yaxis1==0); xyelem = 0; count = 0; GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(0,0); // Eliminate first 25 samples for(j=0;j<25;j++) capture(); while(count!=250) { capture(); if(xaxis1!=0 && yaxis1!=0 && count==0) { // xaxis2 = (uint8_T)(((xaxis1-80)*255)/730); // yaxis2 = (uint8_T)(((yaxis1-100)*255)/650); xaxis2 = (uint8_T)(((xaxis1-x1)*255)/(x2-x1)); yaxis2 = (uint8_T)(((yaxis1-y1)*255)/(y2-y1)); count = 0; xdata[xyelem] = xaxis2; ydata[xyelem] = yaxis2; xyelem = xyelem + 1; GLCD_SetPixel(xaxis2/2,255-(yaxis2/4),1); if(xyelem>MAX_VALUE - 1) { GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(10,0); GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); GLCD_GoTo(10,4); GLCD_WriteString("Overflow!!!"); while(1); } } else if(xaxis1!=0 && yaxis1!=0) { xyelem = xyelem - 2; // Eliminate first 25 samples for(j=0;j<25;j++) capture(); count = 0; } else { count = count + 1; } // delay(1000); } GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(10,0); GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); GLCD_GoTo(0,1); GLCD_WriteString(letterstr); //GLCD_GoTo(10,4); //GLCD_WriteString("Scanning ended"); //delay_ms(500); // Transmitting data to PC // transmit(); // Remove noise remove_noise(); // Allocating space for pointers xaxis = emxCreateWrapper_uint8_T(xdata,1,xyelem); //xdata1 yaxis = emxCreateWrapper_uint8_T(ydata,1,xyelem); //ydata1 emxInit_uint8_T(&norm_xaxis_filt, 2); emxInit_uint8_T(&norm_yaxis_filt, 2); /* GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(10,0); GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); GLCD_GoTo(0,2); GLCD_WriteString("Step1"); GLCD_GoTo(37,2); GLCD_WriteString("In"); */ // for(j=0;j<999999;j++); step1(xaxis, yaxis, norm_xaxis_filt, norm_yaxis_filt); // GLCD_ClearScreen(); // GLCD_GoTo(10,0); // GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); // GLCD_GoTo(54,2); // GLCD_WriteString("Out"); // for(j=0;j<999999;j++); emxDestroyArray_uint8_T(xaxis); emxDestroyArray_uint8_T(yaxis); // GLCD_ClearScreen(); // GLCD_GoTo(10,0); // GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); // GLCD_GoTo(0,3); // GLCD_WriteString("Step2"); // GLCD_GoTo(37,3); // GLCD_WriteString("In"); // for(j=0;j<999999;j++); // char_bin is stored in column first fashion... each column vector are concatenated step2(norm_xaxis_filt, norm_yaxis_filt, char_bin); // GLCD_ClearScreen(); // GLCD_GoTo(10,0); // GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); // GLCD_GoTo(54,3); // GLCD_WriteString("Out"); // for(j=0;j<999999;j++); emxFree_uint8_T(&norm_xaxis_filt); emxFree_uint8_T(&norm_yaxis_filt); // GLCD_ClearScreen(); // GLCD_GoTo(10,0); // GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); // GLCD_GoTo(0,4); // GLCD_WriteString("Step3"); // GLCD_GoTo(37,4); // GLCD_WriteString("In"); // for(j=0;j<999999;j++); for(j=0;j<10;j++) char_vec[j] = 1; step3(char_bin, char_vec); // GLCD_ClearScreen(); // GLCD_GoTo(10,0); // GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); // GLCD_GoTo(54,4); // GLCD_WriteString("Out"); // for(j=0;j<999999;j++); for(j=0;j<26;j++) char_vec1[j] = char_vec[j]; // Feeding char_vec to trained neural network char_recog_nn(char_vec1,Y); letter = character(); letterstr[i] = letter; letterstr[i+1] = '\0'; // GLCD_ClearScreen(); // GLCD_GoTo(10,0); // GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); // GLCD_GoTo(0,6); // GLCD_WriteString("Letter is: "); GLCD_GoTo(0,1); GLCD_WriteString(letterstr); GLCD_GoTo(0,7); GLCD_WriteString("Continue"); do { xaxis1 = Read_xaxis(); yaxis1 = Read_yaxis(); if(xaxis1<10) xaxis1 = 0; if(yaxis1<10) yaxis1 = 0; }while(xaxis1==0 && yaxis1==0); again = 1; i = i + 1; /* GLCD_ClearScreen(); GLCD_GoTo(10,0); GLCD_WriteString("Intelligent e-book"); GLCD_GoTo(20,4); GLCD_WriteString("Restarting."); delay_ms(200); GLCD_WriteString("."); delay_ms(200); GLCD_WriteString("."); delay_ms(200); GLCD_WriteString("."); */ delay_ms(400); } while(1); }
int main(void){ volatile unsigned char a, b; volatile unsigned int i, j[20], x; // volatile to prevent optimization WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer P2DIR |= 0x02; // Set P1.0 to output direction Init_UART(); Init_LCD(); j[0] = 0x5F; j[1] = 0X06; j[2] = 0X6B; j[3] = 0X2F; j[4] = 0X36; j[5] = 0X3D; j[6] = 0X7D; j[7] = 0X07; j[8] = 0X7F; j[9] = 0X37; j[10] = 0X77; j[11] = 0X7C; j[12] = 0X68; j[13] = 0X6E; j[14] = 0X79; j[15] = 0X71; //Run indefinitely for (;;){ //letter input 1 a=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(a); //Check if input is digit or character and print //onto the board's LCD screen if(isdigit(a)){ a = a - 0x30; LCDSeg[1]=j[a]; } else{ a = a - 0x37; LCDSeg[1]= j[a]; } //letter input 2 b=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(b); //Repeat procedure followed for input a if(isdigit(b)){ b = b - 0x30; LCDSeg[0]=j[b]; } else{ b = b - 0x37; LCDSeg[0]= j[b]; } Print New line OUTA_UART(0X0A); OUTA_UART(0X0D); P2OUT ^= 0x02; // Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR i = 10000; // SW Delay do i--; while (i != 0); } }
int main(void){ volatile unsigned char d; volatile unsigned int i, j[20], x[5], temp[3]; // volatile to prevent optimization volatile unsigned int a, b, c, e; WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer P2DIR |= 0x02; // Set P1.0 to output direction Init_UART(); Init_LCD(); j[0] = 0x5F; j[1] = 0X06; j[2] = 0X6B; j[3] = 0X2F; j[4] = 0X36; j[5] = 0X3D; j[6] = 0X7D; j[7] = 0X07; j[8] = 0X7F; j[9] = 0X37; j[10] = 0X77; j[11] = 0X7C; j[12] = 0X68; j[13] = 0X6E; j[14] = 0X79; j[15] = 0X71; for (;;){ //letter input 1 a=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(a); //Check if it's a digit or a character and transform to binary if((a>=0x30) && (a<=0x39)){ a = a-0x30; } else{ a = a-0x37; } //letter input 2 b=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(b); //Check if it's a digit or a character and transform to binary if((b>=0x30) && (b<=0x39)){ b = b-0x30; } else{ b = b-0x37; } //Multiply a by 16 because of Hex, add together to obtain final number temp[1] = (a*16)+(b); d=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(d); //letter input 3 a=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(a); //letter input 4 b=INCHAR_UART(); OUTA_UART(b); OUTA_UART(0x3D); //Repeat procedure for the next two characters if((a>=0x30) && (a<=0x39)){ a = a-0x30; } else{ a = a-0x37; } if((b>=0x30) && (b<=0x39)){ b = b-0x30; } else{ b = b-0x37; } //Multiply a by 16 because of Hex, add together to obtain final number temp[2] = (a*16)+(b); //Multiply e = temp[1]*temp[2]; //The next few steps will be used to display our output x[4] = e/4096; temp[0]=e%4096; x[3]=temp[0]/256; temp[0]=temp[0]%256; x[2]=temp[0]/16; temp[0]=temp[0]%16; x[1]= temp[0]; //Print on LCD LCDSeg[3] = j[x[4]]; LCDSeg[2] = j[x[3]]; LCDSeg[1] = j[x[2]]; LCDSeg[0] = j[x[1]]; //Convert our decimal characters back to ascii if(x[4]<=9) x[4]=x[4] + 0x30; else x[4]=x[4] + 0x37; if(x[3]<=9) x[3]=x[3] + 0x30; else x[3]=x[3] + 0x37; if(x[2]<=9) x[2]=x[2] + 0x30; else x[2]=x[2] + 0x37; if(x[1]<=9) x[1]=x[1] + 0x30; else x[1]=x[1] + 0x37; //print the characters onto the Hyperterminal OUTA_UART(x[4]); OUTA_UART(x[3]); OUTA_UART(x[2]); OUTA_UART(x[1]); //Print New line OUTA_UART(0X0A); OUTA_UART(0X0D); } }
void main(void) { u16 i; u8 shortcut = KEY_INVALID; // RS485 Node init_var(); //init data structure // System Initialization Init_Port(); // Init_Timers(); // Init_Ex_Interrupt(); Init_UART(); Enable_XMEM(); Init_554(); InitLED(); Key_Init(); // Global enable interrupts WDTCR = 0x00; //disable dog watch #asm("sei") /*********************************************************************/ // System hardware dection /*********************************************************************/ // intialize LED. nextwin = 0; sleepms(20*ONEMS); LCD_Init(); wnd_msgbox(&bootup); //init the DMM nav_command(NAV_INIT); sleepms(200*ONEMS); navto1v(); nav_command(NAV_SLOWMODE); sleepms(200*ONEMS); nav_command(NAV_AFLTON); sleepms(200*ONEMS); sleepms(2*ONEMS); //wait until all the node is ready after power up State_Init(); SET_BORE_MODE; nextwin = PG_BOOTTYPE; key = KEY_INVALID; curr_ch = 1; //channel for display curr_dispch = 1; while(1) { if(nextwin != 0) { SwitchWindow(nextwin); (*curr_window)(MSG_INIT); nextwin = 0; } if(key != KEY_INVALID) { if((key == KEY_BTN1)||(key == KEY_BTN2)||(key == KEY_BTN3)||(key == KEY_BTN4)) { shortcut = key; //processing shortcut key if(curr_window == pgmain_handler) { LCD_Cls(); wnd_msgbox(&modify); } if(shortcut == KEY_BTN1) //mode switch { SET_TOP1MA; SET_TOPT1000; if(IS_BORE_MODE){ SET_THERM_MODE; }else{ SET_BORE_MODE; } dlg_cnt = 0; onesec_cnt = 0; phase = 0; //reset the state machine } if(shortcut == KEY_BTN2) //auto ktt or not { if(IS_BORE_MODE) { SET_TOP1MA; SET_TOPT1000; if((IS_MODE_KTT)){ CLR_MODE_KTT; SET_PKTT; }else{ SET_MODE_KTT; SET_PKTT; } dlg_cnt = 0; onesec_cnt = 0; phase = 0; //reset the state machine } } if(shortcut == KEY_BTN3) //thermal probe type { display_buttons(KEY_BTN3,1); if(IS_THERM_MODE) { i = sysdata.tid[curr_dispch-1]; if(i != INVALID_PROBE) { if((tprbdata.type[i] >= PRBTYPE_K) &&\ (tprbdata.type[i] <= PRBTYPE_R)) { if(tprbdata.type[i] == PRBTYPE_R) tprbdata.type[i] = PRBTYPE_K; else tprbdata.type[i] +=1; } if(rundata.reading[curr_dispch-1] > -9000) rundata.temperature[curr_dispch-1] = MValueToTValue(rundata.reading[curr_dispch-1], tprbdata.type[i]); } } display_buttons(KEY_BTN3,0); } if(shortcut == KEY_BTN4) //remove zero { display_buttons(KEY_BTN4,1); if(IS_BORE_MODE){ sysdata.R0 = rundata.Rx; }else{ //sysdata.V0 = nav_read(); nav_command(NAV_ZEROON); sleepms(1000*ONEMS); } display_buttons(KEY_BTN4,0); } if(curr_window == pgmain_handler) //redraw the running window { pgmain_handler(MSG_INIT); } shortcut = KEY_INVALID; }else{ (*curr_window)(key); } key = KEY_INVALID; }else{ if(curr_window != pgmain_handler) continue; if(dlg_cnt > 1) { onesec_cnt++; if(onesec_cnt == (ONESEC-10)) { updatestate(); } if(onesec_cnt == ONESEC) onesec_cnt = 0 ; dlg_cnt--; continue; } updatestate(); if((IS_THERM_MODE)) { if(therm_state() == 0) continue; }else{ if(bore_state() == 0) continue; } //shift to next channel while(true) { ch_to_search += 1; if(ch_to_search >= MAX_CH_NUM) { ch_to_search = 0; break; } if(IS_THERM_MODE) { i = sysdata.tid[ch_to_search]; }else{ i = sysdata.rid[ch_to_search]; } if(i == INVALID_PROBE) continue; if(IS_THERM_MODE) { if((tprbdata.type[i] >= PRBTYPE_K) && (tprbdata.type[i] <= PRBTYPE_R)) break; }else{ if((rprbdata.type[i] <= PRBTYPE_MAX) && (rprbdata.type[i] >= PRBTYPE_MIN)) break; } } } } }
int main(void) { /* Ledstrips inits */ /* W5100 defines */ unsigned char sockstat; unsigned int rsize; char radiostat0[10], radiostat1[10]; int postidx, getidx; /* Initial variable used */ sockreg = 0; tempvalue = 0; ledmode = 0; Init_timer1(); Init_timers(); /*Init_shift();*/ OSCTUN = 21; PLLFBD = 38; /* M=40 */ CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0; /* N1=2 */ CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0; /* N2=2 */ /* Eraseleds();*/ /* even ledstrips have to be mirrored */ /* Mirror(patt); */ /* LCD inits */ Init_mcp(); Init_LCD(); Write_LCD(startup); /* W5100 inits */ Init_pin_SPI(); Init_SPI(); W5100_Init(gtw_addr,mac_addr,sub_mask,ip_addr); T_SPI_CS; SPI_CS = 1; Init_UART(); for (;;) { sockstat = SPI_Read(S0_SR); switch (sockstat) { case SOCK_CLOSED: if (socket(sockreg, MR_TCP, TCP_PORT) > 0) { /* Listen to Socket 0 */ if (listen(sockreg) <= 0) Delayms(1); } break; case SOCK_ESTABLISHED: /* Get the client request size */ rsize = recv_size(); if (rsize > 0) { /* Now read the client Request */ if (recv(sockreg, buf, rsize) <= 0) break; Putstr(buf); /* printf("%s",buf);*/ /* Check the Request Header */ getidx = strindex((char *) buf, "GET /"); postidx = strindex((char *) buf, "POST /"); if (getidx >= 0 || postidx >= 0) { /* Now check the Radio Button for POST request */ if (postidx >= 0) { if (strindex((char *) buf, "uBoard new color") > 0) ledmode++; } /* Create the HTTP Response Header */ strncpy((char *)buf,("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "<body style=\"background-color:FFFFFF;\">\r\n"),96); strcat((char *)buf,("[\n" " {\n" " \"id\": \"1\",\n" " \"name\": \"uBoard webboard\",\n" " \"ipaddr\": \"\",\n" " \"subnetmask\": \"\",\n" " \"gateway\": \"\",\n" " \"adjustSpeedOfPattern\": \"int\",\n" " \"turnLedsOnOff\": \"boolean\"\n" " }\n" "]\n")); /* Now Send the HTTP Response */ if (send(sockreg,buf,strlen((char *)buf)) <= 0) break; /* TODO: add status */ LCD_Clear(); LCD_PutByte(ledmode); if (ledmode == 1) { strncpy(radiostat0,"",0); strncpy(radiostat1,("checked"),7); } else { strncpy(radiostat0,("checked"),7); strncpy(radiostat1,"",0); } /* Create the HTTP Radio Button Response */ strncpy((char *)buf,("<p><input type=\"radio\" name=\"radio\" value=\"0\" "),52); strcat((char *)buf,radiostat0); strcat((char *)buf,(">Turn off\r\n")); strcat((char *)buf,("<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"radio\" value=\"1\" ")); strcat((char *)buf,radiostat1); strcat((char *)buf,(">Lounge mode\r\n")); strcat((char *)buf,("</strong><p>\r\n")); strcat((char *)buf,("<input type=\"submit\">\r\n")); strcat((char *)buf,("</form></span></body></html>\r\n")); /* Now Send the HTTP Remaining Response */ if (send(sockreg,buf,strlen((char *)buf)) <= 0) break; } /* Disconnect the socket */ disconnect(sockreg); } else Delayms(1); /* Wait for request */ break; case SOCK_FIN_WAIT: case SOCK_CLOSING: case SOCK_TIME_WAIT: case SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT: case SOCK_LAST_ACK: /* Force to close the socket */ close(sockreg); break; } } return 0; }
int main() { U32 i; GRID_RESET(); rPIOD_PDR = (1 << 12); rPIOD_BSR = (1 << 12); rPIOE_PDR = 0x80000000; rPIOE_BSR = 0x80000000; rPIOC_PER = 0x1F83; rPIOC_PDR = 0xFFFFE07C; rPIOC_OER = 0x0; rPIOC_ODR = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_IFER = 0x0; rPIOC_IFDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_SODR = 0x0; rPIOC_CODR = 0x0; rPIOC_IER = 0x0; rPIOC_IDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_MDER = 0x0; rPIOC_MDDR = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_PUDR = 0x0; rPIOC_PUER = 0xFFFFFFFF; rPIOC_ASR = 0xFFFFE07C; rPIOC_BSR = 0x0; rSMC_SETUP(0) = (0 << 24) + (2 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (0 << 0); rSMC_PULSE(0) = (0 << 24) + (6 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 0); rSMC_CYCLE(0) = (0 << 23) + (8 << 16) + (0 << 7) + (6 << 0); rSMC_MODE(0) = (0 << 28) + (0 << 24) + (1 << 20) + (8 << 16) + (2 << 12) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 4) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 0); rSMC_SETUP(1) = (0 << 24) + (2 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (0 << 0); rSMC_PULSE(1) = (0 << 24) + (8 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 0); rSMC_CYCLE(1) = (0 << 23) + (10 << 16) + (0 << 7) + (6 << 0); rSMC_MODE(1) = (0 << 28) + (0 << 24) + (1 << 20) + (8 << 16) + (2 << 12) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 4) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 0); rSMC_SETUP(2) = (0 << 24) + (2 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (0 << 0); rSMC_PULSE(2) = (0 << 24) + (8 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 0); rSMC_CYCLE(2) = (0 << 23) + (10 << 16) + (0 << 7) + (6 << 0); rSMC_MODE(2) = (0 << 28) + (0 << 24) + (1 << 20) + (8 << 16) + (2 << 12) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 4) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 0); rSMC_SETUP(3) = (0 << 24) + (2 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (0 << 0); rSMC_PULSE(3) = (0 << 24) + (8 << 16) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 0); rSMC_CYCLE(3) = (0 << 23) + (10 << 16) + (0 << 7) + (6 << 0); rSMC_MODE(3) = (0 << 28) + (0 << 24) + (1 << 20) + (8 << 16) + (2 << 12) + (0 << 8) + (2 << 4) + (1 << 1) + (1 << 0); FPGA_CONF_P(); GRID_RESET(); BTNDIS_P(); Init_LEDS(); Init_TIMER(); //Init_FPGA(); Init_UART(); //Init_TWI(100000); //mbootBanner(); //Init_RTC(); //Init_Media(); //Init_SHA204(); //Init_EMAC(); SYS_UNRESET(); GRID_UNRESET(); //mboot(); U32 j, k, a; while(1) { if((gSYS_ID == 0x1)&&(gSYS_ID_FLAG == 0xEA68)){ grid_func_led_set(0, 0, 0x60, 0x15); grid_func_led_set(1, 0, 0x60, 0x15); grid_func_led_set(2, 0x60, 0, 0x15); grid_func_led_set(3, 0x60, 0, 0x15); grid_shield_a_lo_en(); grid_shield_a_hi_en(); grid_shield_b_lo_en(); grid_shield_b_hi_en(); grid_shield_a_pwr_en(); grid_shield_b_pwr_en(); for(i=0; i<26; i++) { GRID_PWM(i)->PWM_RESET = 0; GRID_PWM(i)->PWM_GATE = 0x0000FFFF; } for(i=0; i<26; i++){ for(j=0; j<=0x8000; j = j+0x200){ if(i >= 2) GRID_PWM((U8)(i-2))->PWM_DTYC = j/128; if(i >= 1) GRID_PWM((U8)(i-1))->PWM_DTYC = j/8; GRID_PWM(i)->PWM_DTYC = j; if(i <= 25) GRID_PWM((U8)(i+1))->PWM_DTYC = j/8; if(i <= 24) GRID_PWM((U8)(i+2))->PWM_DTYC = j/128; Delay_ms(20); } Delay_ms(50); for(j=0; j<=0x8000; j = j+0x200){ if(i >= 2) GRID_PWM((U8)(i-2))->PWM_DTYC = (0x8000 - j)/128; if(i >= 1) GRID_PWM((U8)(i-1))->PWM_DTYC = (0x8000 - j)/8; GRID_PWM(i)->PWM_DTYC = 0x8000 - j; if(i <= 25) GRID_PWM((U8)(i+1))->PWM_DTYC = (0x8000 - j)/8; if(i <= 24) GRID_PWM((U8)(i+2))->PWM_DTYC = (0x8000 - j)/128; Delay_ms(10); } Delay_ms(50); } GRID_PIO26_SLOT_A->PIO_DOE = (0xFFFFFFFF); GRID_PIO26_SLOT_B->PIO_DOE = (0xFFFFFFFF); for(i=0; i<4; i++) { GRID_PIO26_SLOT_A->PIO_DOUT[i] = (0x0); Delay_ms(200); GRID_PIO26_SLOT_A->PIO_DOUT[i] = (0xFF); } for(i=0; i<26; i++) { GRID_PIO26_SLOT_A->PIO_IO[i] = 0; Delay_ms(50); GRID_PIO26_SLOT_A->PIO_IO[i] = 1; } } } }