Beispiel #1
void DepressionFSDaily::InitialOutputs() {
    if (nullptr == m_sd) {
        Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_sd, 0.f);
        Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_ed, 0.f);
        Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_sr, 0.f);
#pragma omp parallel for
        for (int i = 0; i < m_nCells; i++) {
            m_sd[i] = m_depCo * m_depCap[i];
Beispiel #2
void SNO_SP::InitialOutputs() {
    if (nullptr == m_snowMelt) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_snowMelt, 0.f);
    if (nullptr == m_SA) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_SA, 0.f);
    if (nullptr == m_packT) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_packT, 0.f);
    if (nullptr == m_snowAccum) {
        /// the initialization should be removed when snow redistribution module is accomplished. LJ
        Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_snowAccum, 0.f);
    if (nullptr == m_SE) {
        /// Snow sublimation will be considered in AET_PTH
        Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_SE, 0.f);
Beispiel #3
void IUH_OL::InitialOutputs() {

    if (m_cellArea <= 0.f) m_cellArea = m_CellWth * m_CellWth;
    if (nullptr == m_Q_SBOF) {
        Initialize1DArray(m_nSubbsns + 1, m_Q_SBOF, 0.f);
        for (int i = 0; i < m_nCells; i++) {
            m_cellFlowCols = Max(CVT_INT(m_iuhCell[i][1]) + 1, m_cellFlowCols);
        //get m_cellFlowCols, i.e. the maximum of second column of OL_IUH plus 1.
        Initialize2DArray(m_nCells, m_cellFlowCols, m_cellFlow, 0.f);
    if (nullptr == m_OL_Flow) {
        Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_OL_Flow, 0.f);
Beispiel #4
void ReservoirMethod::initialOutputs()
    int nLen = m_nSubbasins + 1;
		m_firstRun = false;
	if (m_T_Perco == NULL) Initialize1DArray(nLen,m_T_Perco,0.f);
	if (m_T_Revap == NULL) Initialize1DArray(nLen,m_T_Revap,0.f);
	if (m_T_PerDep == NULL) Initialize1DArray(nLen,m_T_PerDep,0.f);
	if (m_T_RG == NULL) Initialize1DArray(nLen, m_T_RG, 0.f);
	if (m_T_QG == NULL) Initialize1DArray(nLen, m_T_QG, 0.f);
	if (m_petSubbasin == NULL) Initialize1DArray(nLen, m_petSubbasin, 0.f);
	if (m_gwStore == NULL) Initialize1DArray(nLen, m_gwStore, m_GW0);
    if (m_D_Revap == NULL) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_D_Revap, 0.f);
	if (m_T_GWWB == NULL) Initialize2DArray(nLen, 6, m_T_GWWB, 0.f);
Beispiel #5
bool GridLayeringDinf::OutputFlowIn() {
    string header = "ID\tUpstreamCount\tUpstreamID";
    int datalength = n_valid_cells_ + flow_in_count_ + 1;
    bool flag1 = Output2DimensionArrayTxt(flowin_index_name_, header, flow_in_cells_) &&
            OutputArrayAsGfs(flowin_index_name_, datalength, flow_in_cells_);

    if (nullptr == flow_in_angle_) Initialize1DArray(datalength, flow_in_angle_, 0.f);
    this->BuildMultiFlowOutAngleArray(flowdir_matrix_, flow_in_num_, flow_in_angle_);
    header = "ID\tUpstreamCount\tFlowInPartition";
    bool flag2 = Output2DimensionArrayTxt(flowin_angle_name_, header, flow_in_angle_) &&
            OutputArrayAsGfs(flowin_angle_name_, datalength, flow_in_angle_);
    return flag1 && flag2;
Beispiel #6
void MUSLE_AS::initialOutputs()
    if (m_nCells <= 0)
        throw ModelException(MID_MUSLE_AS, "CheckInputData",
                             "The dimension of the input data can not be less than zero.");
    if (m_sedimentYield == NULL) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_sedimentYield, 0.f);
	if (m_sandYield == NULL) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_sandYield, 0.f);
	if (m_siltYield == NULL) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_siltYield, 0.f);
	if (m_clayYield == NULL) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_clayYield, 0.f);
	if (m_smaggreYield == NULL) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_smaggreYield, 0.f);
	if (m_lgaggreYield == NULL) Initialize1DArray(m_nCells, m_lgaggreYield, 0.f);
    if (m_usle_ls == NULL)
        float constant = pow(22.13f, 0.4f);
        m_usle_ls = new float[m_nCells];
        m_slopeForPq = new float[m_nCells];
#pragma omp parallel for
        for (int i = 0; i < m_nCells; i++)
            if (m_usle_c[i] < 0.001f)
                m_usle_c[i] = 0.001f;
            if (m_usle_c[i] > 1.0f)
                m_usle_c[i] = 1.0f;
            float lambda_i1 = m_flowacc[i] * m_cellWidth;  // m
            float lambda_i = lambda_i1 + m_cellWidth;
            float L = pow(lambda_i, 1.4f) - pow(lambda_i1, 1.4f); // m^1.4
            L /= m_cellWidth * constant;  /// m^1.4 / m^0.4 = m

            float S = pow(sin(atan(m_slope[i])) / 0.0896f, 1.3f);

            m_usle_ls[i] = L * S;//equation 3 in memo, LS factor

            m_slopeForPq[i] = pow(m_slope[i] * 1000.f, 0.16f);
	if (FloatEqual(m_cellAreaKM, NODATA_VALUE)){
		m_cellAreaKM = pow(m_cellWidth / 1000.f, 2.f);
		m_cellAreaKM1 = 3.79f * pow(m_cellAreaKM, 0.7f);
		m_cellAreaKM2 = 0.903f * pow(m_cellAreaKM, 0.017f);
Beispiel #7
int MasterProcess(map<int, SubbasinStruct *>& subbasin_map, set<int>& group_set) {
    StatusMessage("Enter master process...");
    MPI_Request request;
    MPI_Status status;
    int nslaves = CVT_INT(group_set.size()); /// groupSet normally equals (0, 1, 2, ... , nSlaves-1)
    // get the subbasin id list of different groups
    map<int, vector<int> > group_map;
    for (auto it = group_set.begin(); it != group_set.end(); ++it) {
        group_map.insert(make_pair(*it, vector<int>()));
    // get the subbasin ID list of different groups
    for (auto it = subbasin_map.begin(); it != subbasin_map.end(); ++it) {
    // get the maximum length of the task assignment message
    int max_task_len = 0;
    for (auto it = group_set.begin(); it != group_set.end(); ++it) {
        if (group_map[*it].size() > max_task_len) {
            max_task_len = CVT_INT(group_map[*it].size());
#ifdef _DEBUG
    cout << "Group set: " << endl;
    for (auto it = group_map.begin(); it != group_map.end(); ++it) {
        cout << "  group id: " << it->first << ", subbasin IDs: ";
        for (auto it2 = it->second.begin(); it2 != it->second.end(); ++it2) {
            cout << *it2 << ", ";
        cout << endl;
    cout << "  max task length: " << max_task_len << endl;
#endif /* _DEBUG */

    int n_task_all = max_task_len * nslaves;
    int* p_send_group_id = nullptr; // id of the group

    int* p_send_task = nullptr;        // id of subbasins
    int* p_send_updown_ord = nullptr;  // layering method of up-down stream
    int* p_send_downup_ord = nullptr;  // layering method of down-up stream from outlet subbasin
    int* p_send_down_stream = nullptr; // id of downstream subbasins

    int* p_send_up_nums = nullptr;   // number of upstream subbasins
    int* p_send_up_stream = nullptr; // ids of upstream subbasins

    // initialization
    Initialize1DArray(nslaves, p_send_group_id, -1);

    Initialize1DArray(n_task_all, p_send_task, -1);
    Initialize1DArray(n_task_all, p_send_updown_ord, -1);
    Initialize1DArray(n_task_all, p_send_downup_ord, -1);
    Initialize1DArray(n_task_all, p_send_down_stream, -1);

    Initialize1DArray(n_task_all, p_send_up_nums, 0);
    Initialize1DArray(n_task_all * MAX_UPSTREAM, p_send_up_stream, -1);

    int igroup = 0;
    for (auto it = group_set.begin(); it != group_set.end(); ++it) {
        p_send_group_id[igroup] = *it;
        int group_index = igroup * max_task_len;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < group_map[*it].size(); i++) {
            int id = group_map[*it][i];
            p_send_task[group_index + i] = id;
            p_send_updown_ord[group_index + i] = subbasin_map[id]->updown_order;
            p_send_downup_ord[group_index + i] = subbasin_map[id]->downup_order;
            if (subbasin_map[id]->down_stream != nullptr) {
                p_send_down_stream[group_index + i] = subbasin_map[id]->down_stream->id;
            int n_ups = CVT_INT(subbasin_map[id]->up_streams.size());
            p_send_up_nums[group_index + i] = n_ups;
            if (n_ups > MAX_UPSTREAM) {
                cout << "The number of upstreams exceeds MAX_UPSTREAM(4)." << endl;
                MPI_Abort(MCW, 1);
            for (int j = 0; j < n_ups; j++) {
                p_send_up_stream[MAX_UPSTREAM * (group_index + i) + j] = subbasin_map[id]->up_streams[j]->id;

    // send the information to slave0
    StatusMessage("Sending tasks to the first slave process...");
#ifdef _DEBUG
    cout << "  pSendTask, pSendUpdownOrd, pSendDownupOrd, pSendDownStream, pSendUpNums" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < n_task_all; i++) {
        cout << "  " << p_send_task[i] << ", " << p_send_updown_ord[i] << ", " << p_send_downup_ord[i]
                << ", " << p_send_down_stream[i] << ", " << p_send_up_nums[i] << ", " << endl;
#endif /* _DEBUG */
    MPI_Send(&n_task_all, 1, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW);
    MPI_Send(p_send_group_id, nslaves, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW);
    MPI_Send(p_send_task, n_task_all, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW);
    MPI_Send(p_send_updown_ord, n_task_all, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW);
    MPI_Send(p_send_downup_ord, n_task_all, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW);
    MPI_Send(p_send_down_stream, n_task_all, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW);
    MPI_Send(p_send_up_nums, n_task_all, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW);
    MPI_Send(p_send_up_stream, n_task_all * MAX_UPSTREAM, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW);
    StatusMessage("Tasks are dispatched.");

    // loop to receive information from slave process
    // first of all, receive the count of transferred values
    int transfer_count;
    MPI_Irecv(&transfer_count, 1, MPI_INT, SLAVE0_RANK, WORK_TAG, MCW, &request);
    MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
#ifdef _DEBUG
    cout << "Master process received transfer values count: " << transfer_count << endl;
    // initialize the transferred values for each subbasin struct
    for (auto it = subbasin_map.begin(); it != subbasin_map.end(); ++it) {
        it->second->transfer_count = transfer_count;
        if (it->second->transfer_values != nullptr) { continue; }
        Initialize1DArray(transfer_count, it->second->transfer_values, NODATA_VALUE);

    bool finished = false;
    int buflen = MSG_LEN + transfer_count;
    float* buf = nullptr;
    Initialize1DArray(buflen, buf, NODATA_VALUE);
    map<int, int> waiting_map; // key: GroupIndex, value: Slave Rank ID

    while (!finished) {
        MPI_Irecv(buf, buflen, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MCW, &request);
        MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
        // deal with different types of message
        int msg_code = int(buf[0]);
        if (msg_code == 1) {
            // receive transferred values of subbasin, no need to reply
#ifdef _DEBUG
            cout << "master received info: msgCode: 1, subbasin ID: " << int(buf[1]) << endl;
            int id = int(buf[1]); // subbasin id
            time_t t = int(buf[2]);
            for (int vi = 0; vi < transfer_count; vi++) {
                subbasin_map[id]->transfer_values[vi] = buf[vi + MSG_LEN];
            subbasin_map[id]->calculated = true;
#ifdef _DEBUG
            cout << "received data of subbasin ID: " << id << ", all: ";
            for (auto it = subbasin_map.begin(); it != subbasin_map.end(); ++it) {
                if (it->second->calculated) cout << it->first << " ";
            cout << endl;
            // check waiting list
            int found = false;
            for (auto it = waiting_map.begin(); it != waiting_map.end(); ++it) {
                int gid = it->first;
                int srank = it->second;
                for (auto isub = group_map[gid].begin(); isub != group_map[gid].end(); ++isub) {
                    if (subbasin_map[id]->down_stream->id != *isub) continue;
                    // send message to the slave process
                    int msg_len = transfer_count + 1;
                    MPI_Isend(&msg_len, 1, MPI_INT, srank, WORK_TAG, MCW, &request);
                    MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
                    float* pdata = nullptr;
                    Initialize1DArray(transfer_count + 1, pdata, NODATA_VALUE);
                    pdata[0] = float(id);
                    for (int vi = 0; vi < transfer_count; vi++) {
                        pdata[vi + 1] = subbasin_map[id]->transfer_values[vi];
                    MPI_Isend(pdata, transfer_count + 1, MPI_FLOAT, srank, WORK_TAG, MCW, &request);
                    MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
#ifdef _DEBUG
                    cout << "Send data of subbasin >> " << pdata[0] << " -> world_rank: " << srank << endl;
                    found = true;
                    // delete the current group from waiting group
                    subbasin_map[id]->calculated = false; // for next timestep
                if (found) { break; }
        } else if (msg_code == 2) {
            // a slave process is asking for information of the newly calculated upstream subbasins
#ifdef _DEBUG
            cout << "master received info: msgCode: 2, group: " << int(buf[1]) <<
                    ", from world_rank: " << int(buf[2]) << endl;
            map<int, float *> trans_map; // used to contain flowout of the newly calculated basins
            int gid = int(buf[1]);
            int srank = int(buf[2]);
            // loop subbasins in the group
            for (auto isub = group_map[gid].begin(); isub != group_map[gid].end(); ++isub) {
                vector<SubbasinStruct *>& ups = subbasin_map[*isub]->up_streams;
                for (auto iup = ups.begin(); iup != ups.end(); ++iup) {
                    if ((*iup)->calculated) {
                        trans_map[(*iup)->id] = (*iup)->transfer_values;
                        (*iup)->calculated = false; // for next timestep
            if (trans_map.empty()) {
                waiting_map[gid] = srank;
            } else {
                // tell the slave process the message length containing new information
                int msg_len = CVT_INT(trans_map.size()) * (transfer_count + 1);
                MPI_Isend(&msg_len, 1, MPI_INT, srank, WORK_TAG, MCW, &request);
                float* pdata = nullptr;
                Initialize1DArray(msg_len, pdata, NODATA_VALUE);
                int counter = 0;
                for (auto it = trans_map.begin(); it != trans_map.end(); ++it) {
                    pdata[(transfer_count + 1) * counter] = float(it->first);
                    for (int vi = 0; vi < transfer_count; vi++) {
                        pdata[(transfer_count + 1) * counter + vi + 1] = it->second[vi];
                MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
                MPI_Isend(pdata, msg_len, MPI_FLOAT, srank, WORK_TAG, MCW, &request);
                MPI_Wait(&request, &status);

#ifdef _DEBUG
                cout << "Send data of subbasin >> ";
                for (int i = 0; i < msg_len; i += (transfer_count + 1)) {
                    cout << "    subbasinID: " << pdata[i] << " -> world_rand: " << srank << " ";
                cout << endl;
        } else if (msg_code == 0) {
            // reset for new timestep
            for (auto it = subbasin_map.begin(); it != subbasin_map.end(); ++it) {
                it->second->calculated = false;
                for (int vi = 0; vi < it->second->transfer_count; vi++) {
                    it->second->transfer_values[vi] = NODATA_VALUE;
            StatusMessage("master: running to next timestep...");
        } else if (msg_code == 9) {
            finished = true;
            StatusMessage("Exit from the master process.");
    return 0;