Beispiel #1
XOR3::XOR3(const GraphicsInfo & r_GfxInfo, std::string r_Label) : Gate(r_GfxInfo, 5)
	m_InputPins.push_back(InputPin(std::pair<int, int>(r_GfxInfo.GetX() + 2, r_GfxInfo.GetY() + 5)));
	m_InputPins.push_back(InputPin(std::pair<int, int>(r_GfxInfo.GetX() + 2, r_GfxInfo.GetY() + 6)));
	m_InputPins.push_back(InputPin(std::pair<int, int>(r_GfxInfo.GetX() + 2, r_GfxInfo.GetY() + 7)));
STDMETHODIMP CDXFilter::SetDeliveryBuffer( ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES props, BYTE * m_pBuffer )
    // have the input/output pins been created?
    if( !InputPin( ) || !OutputPin( ) )
        return E_POINTER;

    // they can't be connected if we're going to be changing delivery buffers
    if( InputPin( )->IsConnected( ) || OutputPin( )->IsConnected( ) )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    return ((CDXFilterInPin*)m_pInput)->SetDeliveryBuffer( props, m_pBuffer );
Beispiel #3
HRESULT CSampleGrabber::GetConnectedMediaType( CMediaType * pmt )
    CAutoLock lock( &m_Lock );

    HRESULT hr;
    hr = CopyMediaType( pmt, &InputPin( )->CurrentMediaType() );

    return hr;
Beispiel #4
HRESULT CSampleSender::SetDeliveryBuffer( ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES props, BYTE * m_pBuffer )
    // they can't be connected if we're going to be changing delivery buffers
    if( InputPin( )->IsConnected( ) || OutputPin( )->IsConnected( ) )
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    return ((CSampleSenderInPin*)m_pInput)->SetDeliveryBuffer( props, m_pBuffer );
HRESULT CTransInPlaceFilter::DecideBufferSize
            ( IMemAllocator *pAlloc
            , ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProperties
    HRESULT hr;

    // If we are connected upstream, get his views
    if (m_pInput->IsConnected()) {
        // Get the input pin allocator, and get its size and count.
        // we don't care about his alignment and prefix.

        hr = InputPin()->PeekAllocator()->GetProperties(&Request);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            // Input connected but with a secretive allocator - enough!
            return hr;
    } else {
        // We're reduced to blind guessing.  Let's guess one byte and if
        // this isn't enough then when the other pin does get connected
        // we can revise it.
        ZeroMemory(&Request, sizeof(Request));
        Request.cBuffers = 1;
        Request.cbBuffer = 1;

    DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,1,TEXT("Setting Allocator Requirements")));
    DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,1,TEXT("Count %d, Size %d"),
           Request.cBuffers, Request.cbBuffer));

    // Pass the allocator requirements to our output side
    // but do a little sanity checking first or we'll just hit
    // asserts in the allocator.

    pProperties->cBuffers = Request.cBuffers;
    pProperties->cbBuffer = Request.cbBuffer;
    pProperties->cbAlign = Request.cbAlign;
    if (pProperties->cBuffers<=0) {pProperties->cBuffers = 1; }
    if (pProperties->cbBuffer<=0) {pProperties->cbBuffer = 1; }
    hr = pAlloc->SetProperties(pProperties, &Actual);

    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;

    DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,1,TEXT("Obtained Allocator Requirements")));
    DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,1,TEXT("Count %d, Size %d, Alignment %d"),
           Actual.cBuffers, Actual.cbBuffer, Actual.cbAlign));

    // Make sure we got the right alignment and at least the minimum required

    if (  (Request.cBuffers > Actual.cBuffers)
       || (Request.cbBuffer > Actual.cbBuffer)
       || (Request.cbAlign  > Actual.cbAlign)
       ) {
        return E_FAIL;
    return NOERROR;

} // DecideBufferSize