Beispiel #1
inline void __fastcall DoFormWindowProc(TCustomForm * Form, TWndMethod WndProc,
  TMessage & Message)
  if ((Message.Msg == WM_SYSCOMMAND) &&
      (Message.WParam == SC_CONTEXTHELP))
    Message.Result = 1;
  else if (Message.Msg == CM_SHOWINGCHANGED)
    TForm * AForm = dynamic_cast<TForm *>(Form);
    assert(AForm != NULL);
    if ((Application->MainForm == Form) ||
        // this particularly happens if error occurs while main
        // window is being shown (e.g. non existent local directory when opening
        // explorer)
        ((Application->MainForm != NULL) && !Application->MainForm->Visible))
      if (Form->Showing)
        SendMessage(Form->Handle, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, reinterpret_cast<long>(Application->Icon->Handle));

      if (!Form->Showing)
        // when closing main form, remember its monitor,
        // so that the next form is shown on the same one
        LastMonitor = Form->Monitor;
      else if ((LastMonitor != NULL) && (LastMonitor != Form->Monitor) &&
        // would actually always be poScreenCenter, see _SafeFormCreate
        if ((AForm->Position == poMainFormCenter) ||
            (AForm->Position == poOwnerFormCenter) ||
            (AForm->Position == poScreenCenter))
          // this would typically be an authentication dialog,
          // but it may as well be an message box

          // taken from TCustomForm::SetWindowToMonitor
          AForm->SetBounds(LastMonitor->Left + ((LastMonitor->Width - AForm->Width) / 2),
            LastMonitor->Top + ((LastMonitor->Height - AForm->Height) / 2),
             AForm->Width, AForm->Height);
          AForm->Position = poDesigned;
        else if ((AForm->Position != poDesigned) &&
                 (AForm->Position != poDefaultPosOnly))
          // we do not expect any other positioning
        TForm * AForm = dynamic_cast<TForm *>(Form);
        assert(AForm != NULL);
        // otherwise it would not get centered
        if ((AForm->Position == poMainFormCenter) ||
            (AForm->Position == poOwnerFormCenter))
          AForm->Position = poScreenCenter;
    bool WasFormCenter =
      (AForm->Position == poMainFormCenter) ||
      (AForm->Position == poOwnerFormCenter);
    // Make sure dialogs are shown on-screen even if center of the main window
    // is off-screen. Occurs e.g. if you move the main window so that
    // only window title is visible above taksbar.
    if (Form->Showing && WasFormCenter && (AForm->Position == poDesigned))
      TRect Rect;
      // Reading Form.Left/Form.Top instead here does not work, likely due to some
      // bug, when querying TProgressForm opened from TEditorForm (reloading remote file)
      GetWindowRect(Form->Handle, &Rect);

      int Left = Rect.Left;
      int Top = Rect.Top;
      TRect WorkArea = AForm->Monitor->WorkareaRect;

      if (Left + Rect.Width() > WorkArea.Right)
        Left = WorkArea.Right - Rect.Width();
      if (Left < WorkArea.Left)
        Left = WorkArea.Left;
      if (Top + Rect.Height() > WorkArea.Bottom)
        Top = WorkArea.Bottom - Rect.Height();
      if (Top < WorkArea.Top)
        Top = WorkArea.Top;
      if ((Left != Rect.Left) ||
          (Top != Rect.Top))
        SetWindowPos(Form->Handle, 0, Left, Top, Rect.Width(), Rect.Height(),
Beispiel #2
void __fastcall FormHelp(TForm * Form)
  InvokeHelp(Form->ActiveControl != NULL ? Form->ActiveControl : Form);