Beispiel #1
long CMUSHclientDoc::ImportXML(LPCTSTR XML) 
long iCount = 0;

  CMemFile f ((unsigned char *)  XML, strlen (XML));
  CArchive ar (&f, CArchive::load);


    if (IsArchiveXML (ar))

      UINT iTriggers = 0;
      UINT iAliases = 0;
      UINT iTimers = 0;
      UINT iMacros = 0;
      UINT iVariables = 0;
      UINT iColours = 0;
      UINT iKeypad = 0;
      UINT iPrinting = 0;

      // do it
      Load_World_XML (ar, 
                      // don't load plugins or general world config here  (note, this sets XML_OVERWRITE)
                      (unsigned long) ~(XML_PLUGINS | XML_NO_PLUGINS | XML_GENERAL), 
                      0,          // load flags

      iCount =  iTriggers +  
                iAliases +   
                iTimers +    
                iMacros +    
                iVariables + 
                iColours +   
                iKeypad +    

      iCount = -1;    // not in XML

     } // end of try block
  catch (CArchiveException* ) 
    iCount = -1;    // error parsing XML

	return iCount;
}  // end of CMUSHclientDoc::ImportXML
Beispiel #2
// returns true if clipboard turns out to be XML
bool IsClipboardXML (void)
CString strContents; 

  if (!GetClipboardContents (strContents, false, false))
    return false;

// see if base64 encoded

  SeeIfBase64 (strContents);

  CMemFile f ((unsigned char *) (const char *) strContents, strContents.GetLength ());
  CArchive ar (&f, CArchive::load);
  if (IsArchiveXML (ar))
    return true;

  return false;
  } // end of IsClipboardXML
Beispiel #3
BOOL CMUSHclientDoc::Load_Set (const int set_type, 
                               CString strFileName,
                               CWnd * parent_window)
BOOL replace = TRUE;

if (strFileName.IsEmpty ())
  CString suggested_name = m_mush_name,

  CString filename;

    if (Set_Up_Set_Strings (set_type, 
        return TRUE;    // bad set_type

    CFileDialog filedlg (TRUE,   // loading the file
                         suggested_extension,    // default extension
                         "",  // suggested name
                         OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST,
                         filter,    // filter 
                         parent_window);  // parent window

    filedlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = title;
    filedlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile = filename.GetBuffer (_MAX_PATH); // needed!! (for Win32s)  
    if (App.platform == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)
      strcpy (filedlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile, "");
      strcpy (filedlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile, suggested_name);

    ChangeToFileBrowsingDirectory ();
    int nResult = filedlg.DoModal();
    ChangeToStartupDirectory ();

    if (nResult!= IDOK)
      return TRUE;    // cancelled dialog

  // since they can have any number of triggers, aliases and timers, ask them
  // whether they want to add this file to an existing list (if any)

    if (set_type == TRIGGER && !m_TriggerMap.IsEmpty ())
        if (::TMessageBox ("Replace existing triggers?\n"
                            "If you reply \"No\", then triggers from the file"
                            " will be added to existing triggers",
                            MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO)
          replace = FALSE;
    if (set_type == ALIAS && !m_AliasMap.IsEmpty ())
        if (::TMessageBox ("Replace existing aliases?\n"
                            "If you reply \"No\", then aliases from the file"
                            " will be added to existing aliases",
                            MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO)
          replace = FALSE;
    if (set_type == TIMER && !m_TimerMap.IsEmpty ())
        if (::TMessageBox ("Replace existing timers?\n"
                            "If you reply \"No\", then timers from the file"
                            " will be added to existing timers",
                            MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO)
          replace = FALSE;

    strFileName = filedlg.GetPathName ();
  }   // end of no filename suppliedl

CFile * f = NULL;
CArchive * ar = NULL;

    f = new CFile (strFileName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite);

    ar = new CArchive(f, CArchive::load);

    if (IsArchiveXML (*ar))

      switch (set_type)
        case TRIGGER: 
          if (replace)
            DELETE_MAP (m_TriggerMap, CTrigger);
          Load_World_XML (*ar, XML_TRIGGERS | XML_NO_PLUGINS);  

        case ALIAS:   
          if (replace)
            DELETE_MAP (m_AliasMap, CAlias);
          Load_World_XML (*ar, XML_ALIASES | XML_NO_PLUGINS);  

        case COLOUR:  
          Load_World_XML (*ar, XML_COLOURS | XML_NO_PLUGINS);  
        case MACRO:   
          Load_World_XML (*ar, XML_MACROS | XML_NO_PLUGINS);  

        case TIMER:   
          if (replace)
            DELETE_MAP (m_TimerMap, CTimer);
          Load_World_XML (*ar, XML_TIMERS | XML_NO_PLUGINS);  

        } // end of switch

      }  // end of XML load
      ::TMessageBox ("File does not have a valid MUSHclient XML signature.",
        AfxThrowArchiveException (CArchiveException::badSchema);
      } // end of not XML

    } // end of try block

  // even on an exception we will return a "good" status, because the triggers etc.
  // may well have been deleted by now, so we need to redraw the lists

  catch (CFileException * e)
    ::UMessageBox (TFormat ("Unable to open or read %s",
                      (LPCTSTR) strFileName), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
    e->Delete ();
    } // end of catching a file exception

  catch (CMemoryException * e)
    ::TMessageBox ("Insufficient memory to do this operation", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
    e->Delete ();
    } // end of catching a memory exception

  catch (CArchiveException * e)
    ::UMessageBox (TFormat ("The file %s is not in the correct format", 
                      (LPCTSTR) strFileName), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
    e->Delete ();
    } // end of catching an archive exception

  delete ar;      // delete archive
  delete f;       // delete file

  SetModifiedFlag (TRUE);   // document has now changed
  return false;   // OK return

  } // end of CMUSHclientDoc::load_set