ColumnScoringMethod ColumnScorer::GetMethodForScorer(unsigned int scorerIndex) const {

    ColumnScoringMethod method = eInvalidColumnScorerMethod;
    if (scorerIndex == 0 && !IsCompound()) {
        method = GetMethod();
    } else if (IsCompound() && scorerIndex < m_scorers.size()) {
        method = m_scorers[scorerIndex]->GetMethod();
    return method;
/* Reverse function of the above, it will remove a shape from a compound shape
 * provided that the former was added to the later using  AddCompoundChild()
void    KX_BulletPhysicsController::RemoveCompoundChild(KX_IPhysicsController* child)
	if (child == NULL || !IsCompound())
	// other controller must be a bullet controller too
	// verify that body and shape exist and match
	KX_BulletPhysicsController* childCtrl = dynamic_cast<KX_BulletPhysicsController*>(child);
	btRigidBody* rootBody = GetRigidBody();
	btRigidBody* childBody = childCtrl->GetRigidBody();
	if (!rootBody || !childBody)
	const btCollisionShape* rootShape = rootBody->getCollisionShape();
	if (!rootShape || 
		rootShape->getShapeType() != COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
	btCompoundShape* compoundShape = (btCompoundShape*)rootShape;
	// retrieve the shapeInfo
	CcdShapeConstructionInfo* childShapeInfo = childCtrl->GetShapeInfo();
	CcdShapeConstructionInfo* rootShapeInfo = GetShapeInfo();
	// and verify that the child is part of the parent
	int i = rootShapeInfo->FindChildShape(childShapeInfo, childCtrl);
	if (i < 0)
	if (childCtrl->m_bulletChildShape)
		int numChildren = compoundShape->getNumChildShapes();
		for (i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
			if (compoundShape->getChildShape(i) == childCtrl->m_bulletChildShape)
		delete childCtrl->m_bulletChildShape;
		childCtrl->m_bulletChildShape = NULL;
	// recompute inertia of parent
	if (!rootBody->isStaticOrKinematicObject())
		btVector3 localInertia;
		float mass = 1.f/rootBody->getInvMass();
	// must update the broadphase cache,
	// reactivate the children
Beispiel #3
BOOL NodeRenderableInk::FactorOutCommonChildAttrHelper(BOOL Global, AttrTypeSet* pAffectedAttrTypes)
	// This function should only ever get called on a compound object
	ENSURE(IsCompound(), "FactorOutCommonChildAttributes called on a non compound object"); 

 	CommonAttrSet CommonAttributeSet; // A list of CommonAttributeItems
	if (!FindCommonAttributesToFactorOut(&CommonAttributeSet))	 // Ignores attr discard nodes
		return FALSE;  
	NodeAttribute* pFactoredOutAttr;

	// Ok let's add the common attributes to the first child of the group 
	CommonAttributeItem* pCommonAttr; 
	for (pCommonAttr = (CommonAttributeItem*)CommonAttributeSet.GetHead();
		 pCommonAttr != NULL;
		 pCommonAttr = (CommonAttributeItem*)CommonAttributeSet.GetNext(pCommonAttr)) 
		// Is the common attribute an attribute which should be factored out ?
		if (!pAffectedAttrTypes || (pAffectedAttrTypes->InSet(pCommonAttr->pAttr->GetAttributeType())) )
			//pCommonAttr->pAttr->MoveNode(this, FIRSTCHILD);    
			// Take a copy of the node and insert it as a first child
			pFactoredOutAttr = (NodeAttribute*)(pCommonAttr->pAttr->SimpleCopy());
			if (!pFactoredOutAttr)
				return FALSE; 
			pFactoredOutAttr->AttachNode(this, FIRSTCHILD, TRUE, FALSE);

	// The CommonAttributeSet is no longer required

	// Do we need to factor out the parents attributes ?
	if (Global)
		Node* pParent = FindParent();
		if (pParent && (pParent->IsCompound()))
			// We need to localise the parent's attributes first  (Recursive bit)
			if (!(((NodeRenderableInk*)pParent)->FactorOutCommonChildAttrHelper(TRUE, pAffectedAttrTypes)))
				return FALSE; // Failed
	return TRUE; // Success
Beispiel #4
BOOL NodeRenderableInk::FactorOutCommonChildAttributes(BOOL Global, AttrTypeSet* pAffectedAttrTypes)
	// This function should only ever get called on a compound object
	ENSURE(IsCompound(), "FactorOutCommonChildAttributes called on a non compound object"); 

	// Try to factor out the neccessary attributes
	if (!FactorOutCommonChildAttrHelper(Global, pAffectedAttrTypes))
		// Tidyup then return FAIL
		DeleteLocalisedAttributes(Global, pAffectedAttrTypes); // tidyup
		return FALSE; // Failed
		// The only thing that remains now is to delete all remaining factored out attributes
		DeleteFactoredOutAttribs(Global, pAffectedAttrTypes); 

	return TRUE; // Success
Beispiel #5
BOOL NodeRenderableInk::LocaliseCommonAttributes(BOOL CheckForDuplicates,  
												 BOOL Global,
												 AttrTypeSet* pAffectedAttrTypes,
												 BOOL RecursiveForChildren) 
	// This function should only ever get called on a compound object
	ENSURE(IsCompound(), "LocaliseCommonAttributes called on a non compound object"); 
	// First of all let's try and localise the attributes. This is the bit that can fail
	if (!LocaliseCommonAttrHelper(CheckForDuplicates, Global, pAffectedAttrTypes, RecursiveForChildren))
		// We ran out of memory so we must, delete all attributes which were localised
		DeleteFactoredOutAttribs(Global, pAffectedAttrTypes); 
		return FALSE; 
		// We managed to localise all the attributes so it is now safe to delete
		// them from the compounds.
		DeleteLocalisedAttributes(Global, pAffectedAttrTypes); 
		return TRUE;
/* This function dynamically adds the collision shape of another controller to
 * the current controller shape provided it is a compound shape.
 * The idea is that dynamic parenting on a compound object will dynamically extend the shape
void    KX_BulletPhysicsController::AddCompoundChild(KX_IPhysicsController* child)
	if (child == NULL || !IsCompound())
	// other controller must be a bullet controller too
	// verify that body and shape exist and match
	KX_BulletPhysicsController* childCtrl = dynamic_cast<KX_BulletPhysicsController*>(child);
	btRigidBody* rootBody = GetRigidBody();
	btRigidBody* childBody = childCtrl->GetRigidBody();
	if (!rootBody || !childBody)
	const btCollisionShape* rootShape = rootBody->getCollisionShape();
	const btCollisionShape* childShape = childBody->getCollisionShape();
	if (!rootShape || 
		!childShape || 
		rootShape->getShapeType() != COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE ||
		childShape->getShapeType() == COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
	btCompoundShape* compoundShape = (btCompoundShape*)rootShape;
	// compute relative transformation between parent and child
	btTransform rootTrans;
	btTransform childTrans;
	btVector3 rootScale = rootShape->getLocalScaling();
	rootScale[0] = 1.0/rootScale[0];
	rootScale[1] = 1.0/rootScale[1];
	rootScale[2] = 1.0/rootScale[2];
	// relative scale = child_scale/parent_scale
	btVector3 relativeScale = childShape->getLocalScaling()*rootScale;
	btMatrix3x3 rootRotInverse = rootTrans.getBasis().transpose();
	// relative pos = parent_rot^-1 * ((parent_pos-child_pos)/parent_scale)
	btVector3 relativePos = rootRotInverse*((childTrans.getOrigin()-rootTrans.getOrigin())*rootScale);
	// relative rot = parent_rot^-1 * child_rot
	btMatrix3x3 relativeRot = rootRotInverse*childTrans.getBasis();
	// create a proxy shape info to store the transformation
	CcdShapeConstructionInfo* proxyShapeInfo = new CcdShapeConstructionInfo();
	// store the transformation to this object shapeinfo
	proxyShapeInfo->m_childScale.setValue(relativeScale[0], relativeScale[1], relativeScale[2]);
	// we will need this to make sure that we remove the right proxy later when unparenting
	proxyShapeInfo->m_userData = childCtrl;
	// add to parent compound shapeinfo (increments ref count)
	// create new bullet collision shape from the object shapeinfo and set scaling
	btCollisionShape* newChildShape = proxyShapeInfo->CreateBulletShape(childCtrl->GetMargin(), childCtrl->getConstructionInfo().m_bGimpact, true);
	// add bullet collision shape to parent compound collision shape
	// proxyShapeInfo is not needed anymore, release it
	// remember we created this shape
	childCtrl->m_bulletChildShape = newChildShape;
	// recompute inertia of parent
	if (!rootBody->isStaticOrKinematicObject())
		btVector3 localInertia;
		float mass = 1.f/rootBody->getInvMass();
	// must update the broadphase cache,
	// remove the children