Beispiel #1
WebGLTexture::IsMipmapCubeComplete() const
    // In particular, this checks that this is a cube map:
    if (!IsCubeComplete())
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        const TexImageTarget face =
            TexImageTargetForTargetAndFace(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, i);
        if (!DoesMipmapHaveAllLevelsConsistentlyDefined(face))
            return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #2
WebGLTexture::GenerateMipmap(TexTarget texTarget)
    // GLES 3.0.4 p160:
    // "Mipmap generation replaces texel array levels level base + 1 through q with arrays
    //  derived from the level base array, regardless of their previous contents. All
    //  other mipmap arrays, including the level base array, are left unchanged by this
    //  computation."
    const ImageInfo& baseImageInfo = BaseImageInfo();
    if (!baseImageInfo.IsDefined()) {
        mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: The base level of the texture is"
                                        " not defined.");

    if (IsCubeMap() && !IsCubeComplete()) {
      mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: Cube maps must be \"cube"
                                      " complete\".");

    if (!mContext->IsWebGL2() && !baseImageInfo.IsPowerOfTwo()) {
        mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: The base level of the texture"
                                        " does not have power-of-two dimensions.");

    auto format = baseImageInfo.mFormat->format;
    if (format->compression) {
        mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: Texture data at base level is"
                                        " compressed.");

    if (format->hasDepth) {
        mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: Depth textures are not"
                                        " supported.");

    // OpenGL ES 3.0.4 p160:
    // If the level base array was not specified with an unsized internal format from
    // table 3.3 or a sized internal format that is both color-renderable and
    // texture-filterable according to table 3.13, an INVALID_OPERATION error
    // is generated.
    const auto usage = baseImageInfo.mFormat;
    bool canGenerateMipmap = (usage->isRenderable && usage->isFilterable);
    switch (usage->format->effectiveFormat) {
    case webgl::EffectiveFormat::Luminance8:
    case webgl::EffectiveFormat::Alpha8:
    case webgl::EffectiveFormat::Luminance8Alpha8:
        // Non-color-renderable formats from Table 3.3.
        canGenerateMipmap = true;

    if (!canGenerateMipmap) {
        mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: Texture at base level is not unsized"
                                        " internal format or is not"
                                        " color-renderable or texture-filterable.");

    // Done with validation. Do the operation.

    gl::GLContext* gl = mContext->gl;

    if (gl->WorkAroundDriverBugs()) {
        // bug 696495 - to work around failures in the texture-mips.html test on various drivers, we
        // set the minification filter before calling glGenerateMipmap. This should not carry a significant performance
        // overhead so we do it unconditionally.
        // note that the choice of GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST really matters. See Chromium bug 101105.
        gl->fTexParameteri(texTarget.get(), LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
        gl->fTexParameteri(texTarget.get(), LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
    } else {

    // Record the results.
    // Note that we don't use MaxEffectiveMipmapLevel() here, since that returns
    // mBaseMipmapLevel if the min filter doesn't require mipmaps.
    const uint32_t lastLevel = mBaseMipmapLevel + baseImageInfo.MaxMipmapLevels() - 1;
    PopulateMipChain(mBaseMipmapLevel, lastLevel);
Beispiel #3
WebGLTexture::IsComplete(uint32_t texUnit, const char** const out_reason) const
    // Texture completeness is established at GLES 3.0.4, p160-161.
    // "[A] texture is complete unless any of the following conditions hold true:"

    // "* Any dimension of the `level_base` array is not positive."
    const ImageInfo& baseImageInfo = BaseImageInfo();
    if (!baseImageInfo.IsDefined()) {
        // In case of undefined texture image, we don't print any message because this is
        // a very common and often legitimate case (asynchronous texture loading).
        *out_reason = nullptr;
        return false;

    if (!baseImageInfo.mWidth || !baseImageInfo.mHeight || !baseImageInfo.mDepth) {
        *out_reason = "The dimensions of `level_base` are not all positive.";
        return false;

    // "* The texture is a cube map texture, and is not cube complete."
    if (IsCubeMap() && !IsCubeComplete()) {
        *out_reason = "Cubemaps must be \"cube complete\".";
        return false;

    WebGLSampler* sampler = mContext->mBoundSamplers[texUnit];
    TexMinFilter minFilter = sampler ? sampler->mMinFilter : mMinFilter;
    TexMagFilter magFilter = sampler ? sampler->mMagFilter : mMagFilter;

    // "* The minification filter requires a mipmap (is neither NEAREST nor LINEAR) and
    //    the texture is not mipmap complete."
    const bool requiresMipmap = (minFilter != LOCAL_GL_NEAREST &&
                                 minFilter != LOCAL_GL_LINEAR);
    if (requiresMipmap && !IsMipmapComplete(texUnit)) {
        *out_reason = "Because the minification filter requires mipmapping, the texture"
                      " must be \"mipmap complete\".";
        return false;

    const bool isMinFilteringNearest = (minFilter == LOCAL_GL_NEAREST ||
                                        minFilter == LOCAL_GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST);
    const bool isMagFilteringNearest = (magFilter == LOCAL_GL_NEAREST);
    const bool isFilteringNearestOnly = (isMinFilteringNearest && isMagFilteringNearest);
    if (!isFilteringNearestOnly) {
        auto formatUsage = baseImageInfo.mFormat;
        auto format = formatUsage->format;

        // "* The effective internal format specified for the texture arrays is a sized
        //    internal color format that is not texture-filterable, and either the
        //    magnification filter is not NEAREST or the minification filter is neither
        // Since all (GLES3) unsized color formats are filterable just like their sized
        // equivalents, we don't have to care whether its sized or not.
        if (format->isColorFormat && !formatUsage->isFilterable) {
            *out_reason = "Because minification or magnification filtering is not NEAREST"
                          " or NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, and the texture's format is a"
                          " color format, its format must be \"texture-filterable\".";
            return false;

        // "* The effective internal format specified for the texture arrays is a sized
        //    internal depth or depth and stencil format, the value of
        //    TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE is NONE[1], and either the magnification filter is not
        //    NEAREST, or the minification filter is neither NEAREST nor
        // [1]: This sounds suspect, but is explicitly noted in the change log for GLES
        //      3.0.1:
        //      "* Clarify that a texture is incomplete if it has a depth component, no
        //         shadow comparison, and linear filtering (also Bug 9481)."
        // As of OES_packed_depth_stencil rev #3, the sample code explicitly samples from
        // a DEPTH_STENCIL_OES texture with a min-filter of LINEAR. Therefore we relax
        // this restriction if WEBGL_depth_texture is enabled.
        if (!mContext->IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_depth_texture)) {
            if (format->hasDepth && mTexCompareMode != LOCAL_GL_NONE) {
                *out_reason = "A depth or depth-stencil format with TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE"
                              " of NONE must have minification or magnification filtering"
                              " of NEAREST or NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST.";
                return false;

    // Texture completeness is effectively (though not explicitly) amended for GLES2 by
    // the "Texture Access" section under $3.8 "Fragment Shaders". This also applies to
    // vertex shaders, as noted on GLES 2.0.25, p41.
    if (!mContext->IsWebGL2()) {
        // GLES 2.0.25, p87-88:
        // "Calling a sampler from a fragment shader will return (R,G,B,A)=(0,0,0,1) if
        //  any of the following conditions are true:"

        // "* A two-dimensional sampler is called, the minification filter is one that
        //    requires a mipmap[...], and the sampler's associated texture object is not
        //    complete[.]"
        // (already covered)

        // "* A two-dimensional sampler is called, the minification filter is not one that
        //    requires a mipmap (either NEAREST nor[sic] LINEAR), and either dimension of
        //    the level zero array of the associated texture object is not positive."
        // (already covered)

        // "* A two-dimensional sampler is called, the corresponding texture image is a
        //    non-power-of-two image[...], and either the texture wrap mode is not
        //    CLAMP_TO_EDGE, or the minification filter is neither NEAREST nor LINEAR."

        // "* A cube map sampler is called, any of the corresponding texture images are
        //    non-power-of-two images, and either the texture wrap mode is not
        //    CLAMP_TO_EDGE, or the minification filter is neither NEAREST nor LINEAR."
        if (!baseImageInfo.IsPowerOfTwo()) {
            TexWrap wrapS = sampler ? sampler->mWrapS : mWrapS;
            TexWrap wrapT = sampler ? sampler->mWrapT : mWrapT;
            // "either the texture wrap mode is not CLAMP_TO_EDGE"
            if (wrapS != LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ||
                wrapT != LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
                *out_reason = "Non-power-of-two textures must have a wrap mode of"
                              " CLAMP_TO_EDGE.";
                return false;

            // "or the minification filter is neither NEAREST nor LINEAR"
            if (requiresMipmap) {
                *out_reason = "Mipmapping requires power-of-two textures.";
                return false;

        // "* A cube map sampler is called, and either the corresponding cube map texture
        //    image is not cube complete, or TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER is one that requires a
        //    mipmap and the texture is not mipmap cube complete."
        // (already covered)

    return true;
Beispiel #4
    if (MOZ_LIKELY(mFakeBlackStatus != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown))
        return mFakeBlackStatus;

    // Determine if the texture needs to be faked as a black texture.
    // See 3.8.2 Shader Execution in the OpenGL ES 2.0.24 spec, and 3.8.13 in
    // the OpenGL ES 3.0.4 spec.
    if (!IsMipmapRangeValid()) {
        mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
        return mFakeBlackStatus;

    for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) {
        WebGLImageDataStatus status = ImageInfoAtFace(face, EffectiveBaseMipmapLevel()).mImageDataStatus;
        if (status == WebGLImageDataStatus::NoImageData) {
            // In case of undefined texture image, we don't print any message
            // because this is a very common and often legitimate case
            // (asynchronous texture loading).
            mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
            return mFakeBlackStatus;

    const char preamble[] = "A texture is going to be rendered as if it were"
                            " black, as per the OpenGL ES 2.0.24 spec section"
                            " 3.8.2, because it";

    if (mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D ||
        mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_3D)
        int dim = mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D ? 2 : 3;
        if (DoesMinFilterRequireMipmap()) {
            if (!IsMipmapComplete()) {
                mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a %dD texture, with a"
                                          " minification filter requiring a"
                                          " mipmap, and is not mipmap complete"
                                          " (as defined in section 3.7.10).",
                                          preamble, dim);
                mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
            } else if (!mContext->IsWebGL2() &&
                mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a %dD texture, with a"
                                          " minification filter requiring a"
                                          " mipmap, and either its width or"
                                          " height is not a power of two.",
                                          preamble, dim);
                mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
        } else {
            // No mipmap required here.
            if (!ImageInfoBase().IsPositive()) {
                mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a %dD texture and its width or"
                                          " height is equal to zero.",
                                          preamble, dim);
                mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
            } else if (!AreBothWrapModesClampToEdge() &&
                       !mContext->IsWebGL2() &&
                mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a %dD texture, with a"
                                          " minification filter not requiring a"
                                          " mipmap, with its width or height"
                                          " not a power of two, and with a wrap"
                                          " mode different from CLAMP_TO_EDGE.",
                                          preamble, dim);
                mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
    } else  {
        // Cube map
        bool legalImageSize = true;
        if (!mContext->IsWebGL2()) {
            for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face)
                legalImageSize &= ImageInfoAtFace(face, 0).IsPowerOfTwo();

        if (DoesMinFilterRequireMipmap()) {
            if (!IsMipmapCubeComplete()) {
                mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a cube map texture, with a"
                                          " minification filter requiring a"
                                          " mipmap, and is not mipmap cube"
                                          " complete (as defined in section"
                                          " 3.7.10).", preamble);
                mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
            } else if (!legalImageSize) {
                mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a cube map texture, with a"
                                          " minification filter requiring a"
                                          " mipmap, and either the width or the"
                                          " height of some level 0 image is not"
                                          " a power of two.", preamble);
                mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
        else // no mipmap required
            if (!IsCubeComplete()) {
                mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a cube map texture, with a"
                                          " minification filter not requiring a"
                                          " mipmap, and is not cube complete"
                                          " (as defined in section 3.7.10).",
                mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;
            } else if (!AreBothWrapModesClampToEdge() && !legalImageSize) {
                mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a cube map texture, with a"
                                          " minification filter not requiring a"
                                          " mipmap, with some level 0 image"
                                          " having width or height not a power"
                                          " of two, and with a wrap mode"
                                          " different from CLAMP_TO_EDGE.",
                mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;

    TexType type = TypeFromInternalFormat(ImageInfoBase().mEffectiveInternalFormat);

    const char* badFormatText = nullptr;
    const char* extText = nullptr;

    if (type == LOCAL_GL_FLOAT &&
        badFormatText = "FLOAT";
        extText = "OES_texture_float_linear";
    } else if (type == LOCAL_GL_HALF_FLOAT &&
        badFormatText = "HALF_FLOAT";
        extText = "OES_texture_half_float_linear";

    const char* badFilterText = nullptr;
    if (badFormatText) {
        if (mMinFilter == LOCAL_GL_LINEAR ||
            mMinFilter == LOCAL_GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR ||
            mMinFilter == LOCAL_GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST ||
            mMinFilter == LOCAL_GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR)
            badFilterText = "minification";
        } else if (mMagFilter == LOCAL_GL_LINEAR) {
            badFilterText = "magnification";

    if (badFilterText) {
        mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a texture with a linear %s filter,"
                                  " which is not compatible with format %s by"
                                  " default. Try enabling the %s extension, if"
                                  " supported.", preamble, badFilterText,
                                  badFormatText, extText);
        mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture;

    // We have exhausted all cases of incomplete textures, where we would need opaque black.
    // We may still need transparent black in case of uninitialized image data.
    bool hasUninitializedImageData = false;
    for (size_t level = 0; level <= mMaxLevelWithCustomImages; ++level) {
        for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) {
            bool cur = (ImageInfoAtFace(face, level).mImageDataStatus == WebGLImageDataStatus::UninitializedImageData);
            hasUninitializedImageData |= cur;

    if (hasUninitializedImageData) {
        bool hasAnyInitializedImageData = false;
        for (size_t level = 0; level <= mMaxLevelWithCustomImages; ++level) {
            for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) {
                if (ImageInfoAtFace(face, level).mImageDataStatus == WebGLImageDataStatus::InitializedImageData) {
                    hasAnyInitializedImageData = true;
            if (hasAnyInitializedImageData) {

        if (hasAnyInitializedImageData) {
            /* The texture contains some initialized image data, and some
             * uninitialized image data. In this case, we have no choice but to
             * initialize all image data now. Fortunately, in this case we know
             * that we can't be dealing with a depth texture per
             * WEBGL_depth_texture and ANGLE_depth_texture (which allow only one
             * image per texture) so we can assume that glTexImage2D is able to
             * upload data to images.
            for (size_t level = 0; level <= mMaxLevelWithCustomImages; ++level)
                for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) {
                    TexImageTarget imageTarget = TexImageTargetForTargetAndFace(mTarget,
                    const ImageInfo& imageInfo = ImageInfoAt(imageTarget, level);
                    if (imageInfo.mImageDataStatus == WebGLImageDataStatus::UninitializedImageData)
                        EnsureInitializedImageData(imageTarget, level);
            mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded;
        } else {
            // The texture only contains uninitialized image data. In this case,
            // we can use a black texture for it.
            mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::UninitializedImageData;

    // we have exhausted all cases where we do need fakeblack, so if the status is still unknown,
    // that means that we do NOT need it.
    if (mFakeBlackStatus == WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown) {
        mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded;

    MOZ_ASSERT(mFakeBlackStatus != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown);
    return mFakeBlackStatus;