Beispiel #1
 * systable_beginscan --- set up for heap-or-index scan
 *	rel: catalog to scan, already opened and suitably locked
 *	indexRelname: name of index to conditionally use
 *	indexOK: if false, forces a heap scan (see notes below)
 *	snapshot: time qual to use (usually should be SnapshotNow)
 *	nkeys, key: scan keys
 * The attribute numbers in the scan key should be set for the heap case.
 * If we choose to index, we reset them to 1..n to reference the index
 * columns.  Note this means there must be one scankey qualification per
 * index column!  This is checked by the Asserts in the normal, index-using
 * case, but won't be checked if the heapscan path is taken.
 * The routine checks the normal cases for whether an indexscan is safe,
 * but caller can make additional checks and pass indexOK=false if needed.
 * In standard case indexOK can simply be constant TRUE.
systable_beginscan(Relation heapRelation,
				   const char *indexRelname,
				   bool indexOK,
				   Snapshot snapshot,
				   int nkeys, ScanKey key)
	SysScanDesc sysscan;
	Relation	irel;

	if (indexOK && !IsIgnoringSystemIndexes())
		/* We assume it's a system index, so index_openr is OK */
		irel = index_openr(indexRelname);

		if (ReindexIsProcessingIndex(RelationGetRelid(irel)))
			/* oops, can't use index that's being rebuilt */
			irel = NULL;
		irel = NULL;

	sysscan = (SysScanDesc) palloc(sizeof(SysScanDescData));

	sysscan->heap_rel = heapRelation;
	sysscan->irel = irel;

	if (irel)
		int			i;

		 * Change attribute numbers to be index column numbers.
		 * This code could be generalized to search for the index key numbers
		 * to substitute, but for now there's no need.
		for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
			Assert(key[i].sk_attno == irel->rd_index->indkey[i]);
			key[i].sk_attno = i + 1;

		sysscan->iscan = index_beginscan(heapRelation, irel, snapshot,
										 nkeys, key);
		sysscan->scan = NULL;
		sysscan->scan = heap_beginscan(heapRelation, snapshot, nkeys, key);
		sysscan->iscan = NULL;

	return sysscan;
Beispiel #2
 * get_relation_info -
 *	  Retrieves catalog information for a given relation.
 * Given the Oid of the relation, return the following info into fields
 * of the RelOptInfo struct:
 *	min_attr	lowest valid AttrNumber
 *	max_attr	highest valid AttrNumber
 *	indexlist	list of IndexOptInfos for relation's indexes
 *	pages		number of pages
 *	tuples		number of tuples
 * Also, initialize the attr_needed[] and attr_widths[] arrays.  In most
 * cases these are left as zeroes, but sometimes we need to compute attr
 * widths here, and we may as well cache the results for costsize.c.
get_relation_info(Oid relationObjectId, RelOptInfo *rel)
	Index		varno = rel->relid;
	Relation	relation;
	bool		hasindex;
	List	   *indexinfos = NIL;

	 * Normally, we can assume the rewriter already acquired at least
	 * AccessShareLock on each relation used in the query.	However this will
	 * not be the case for relations added to the query because they are
	 * inheritance children of some relation mentioned explicitly. For them,
	 * this is the first access during the parse/rewrite/plan pipeline, and so
	 * we need to obtain and keep a suitable lock.
	 * XXX really, a suitable lock is RowShareLock if the relation is an
	 * UPDATE/DELETE target, and AccessShareLock otherwise.  However we cannot
	 * easily tell here which to get, so for the moment just get
	 * AccessShareLock always.	The executor will get the right lock when it
	 * runs, which means there is a very small chance of deadlock trying to
	 * upgrade our lock.
	if (rel->reloptkind == RELOPT_BASEREL)
		relation = heap_open(relationObjectId, NoLock);
		relation = heap_open(relationObjectId, AccessShareLock);

	rel->min_attr = FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber + 1;
	rel->max_attr = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation);

	Assert(rel->max_attr >= rel->min_attr);
	rel->attr_needed = (Relids *)
		palloc0((rel->max_attr - rel->min_attr + 1) * sizeof(Relids));
	rel->attr_widths = (int32 *)
		palloc0((rel->max_attr - rel->min_attr + 1) * sizeof(int32));

	 * Estimate relation size.
	estimate_rel_size(relation, rel->attr_widths - rel->min_attr,
					  &rel->pages, &rel->tuples);

	 * Make list of indexes.  Ignore indexes on system catalogs if told to.
	if (IsIgnoringSystemIndexes() && IsSystemClass(relation->rd_rel))
		hasindex = false;
		hasindex = relation->rd_rel->relhasindex;

	if (hasindex)
		List	   *indexoidlist;
		ListCell   *l;

		indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);

		foreach(l, indexoidlist)
			Oid			indexoid = lfirst_oid(l);
			Relation	indexRelation;
			Form_pg_index index;
			IndexOptInfo *info;
			int			ncolumns;
			int			i;
			int16		amorderstrategy;

			 * Extract info from the relation descriptor for the index.
			 * Note that we take no lock on the index; we assume our lock on
			 * the parent table will protect the index's schema information.
			 * When and if the executor actually uses the index, it will take
			 * a lock as needed to protect the access to the index contents.
			indexRelation = index_open(indexoid);
			index = indexRelation->rd_index;

			info = makeNode(IndexOptInfo);

			info->indexoid = index->indexrelid;
			info->rel = rel;
			info->ncolumns = ncolumns = index->indnatts;

			 * Need to make classlist and ordering arrays large enough to put
			 * a terminating 0 at the end of each one.
			info->indexkeys = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * ncolumns);
			info->classlist = (Oid *) palloc0(sizeof(Oid) * (ncolumns + 1));
			info->ordering = (Oid *) palloc0(sizeof(Oid) * (ncolumns + 1));

			for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; i++)
				info->classlist[i] = indexRelation->rd_indclass->values[i];
				info->indexkeys[i] = index->indkey.values[i];

			info->relam = indexRelation->rd_rel->relam;
			info->amcostestimate = indexRelation->rd_am->amcostestimate;
			info->amoptionalkey = indexRelation->rd_am->amoptionalkey;

			 * Fetch the ordering operators associated with the index, if any.
			amorderstrategy = indexRelation->rd_am->amorderstrategy;
			if (amorderstrategy != 0)
				int			oprindex = amorderstrategy - 1;

				for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; i++)
					info->ordering[i] = indexRelation->rd_operator[oprindex];
					oprindex += indexRelation->rd_am->amstrategies;

			 * Fetch the index expressions and predicate, if any.  We must
			 * modify the copies we obtain from the relcache to have the
			 * correct varno for the parent relation, so that they match up
			 * correctly against qual clauses.
			info->indexprs = RelationGetIndexExpressions(indexRelation);
			info->indpred = RelationGetIndexPredicate(indexRelation);
			if (info->indexprs && varno != 1)
				ChangeVarNodes((Node *) info->indexprs, 1, varno, 0);
			if (info->indpred && varno != 1)
				ChangeVarNodes((Node *) info->indpred, 1, varno, 0);
			info->predOK = false;		/* set later in indxpath.c */
			info->unique = index->indisunique;

			 * Estimate the index size.  If it's not a partial index, we lock
			 * the number-of-tuples estimate to equal the parent table; if it
			 * is partial then we have to use the same methods as we would for
			 * a table, except we can be sure that the index is not larger
			 * than the table.
			if (info->indpred == NIL)
				info->pages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(indexRelation);
				info->tuples = rel->tuples;
				estimate_rel_size(indexRelation, NULL,
								  &info->pages, &info->tuples);
				if (info->tuples > rel->tuples)
					info->tuples = rel->tuples;


			indexinfos = lcons(info, indexinfos);
