AActor* UBTNode::GetGameplayTaskAvatar(const UGameplayTask* Task) const
	if (Task == nullptr)
		if (IsInstanced())
			const UBehaviorTreeComponent* BTComponent = Cast<const UBehaviorTreeComponent>(GetOuter());
			//not having BT component for an instanced BT node is invalid!
			return BTComponent->GetAIOwner();
			UE_LOG(LogBehaviorTree, Warning, TEXT("%s: Unable to determine default GameplayTaskAvatar!"), *GetName());
			return nullptr;

	const UAITask* AITask = Cast<const UAITask>(Task);
	if (AITask)
		return AITask->GetAIController() ? AITask->GetAIController()->GetPawn() : nullptr;

	const UGameplayTasksComponent* TasksComponent = Task->GetGameplayTasksComponent();
	return TasksComponent ? TasksComponent->GetGameplayTaskAvatar(Task) : nullptr;
Beispiel #2
UWorld* UBTNode::GetWorld() const
    // instanced nodes are created for behavior tree component owning that instance
    // template nodes are created for behavior tree manager, which is located directly in UWorld

    return GetOuter() == NULL ? NULL :
           IsInstanced() ? (Cast<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(GetOuter()))->GetWorld() :