static int p_unlock2(value v, type t, value vl, type tl) { module_item *m; Check_Atom_Or_Nil(v, t); Check_String(tl); if (!IsModule(v.did)) { Bip_Error(MODULENAME); } if (!IsLocked(v.did)) { Succeed_; } if (DidModule(v.did) == HARD_LOCK_MODULE) { Bip_Error(LOCKED); } m = ModuleItem(v.did); if (!strcmp(m->lock, StringStart(vl))) { hg_free((generic_ptr) m->lock); DidModule(v.did) = UNLOCK_MODULE; m->lock = (char *) 0; Succeed_; } else { Bip_Error(WRONG_UNLOCK_STRING); } }
// --[ Method ]--------------------------------------------------------------- // // - Class : CSoundSystem // - prototype : CSound* LoadSound(CInput* pInput, const std::string& strExt) // // - Purpose : Loads a sound, setting it ready to play. // If succesfull, it returns a valid handle to operate // with, otherwise it returns NULL. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSound* CSoundSystem::LoadSound(CInput* pInput, const std::string& strExt) { if(m_bActive == false) { return NULL; } // Put it into a buffer: pInput->SetPosition(0, CInput::SEEKFROM_START); char* pBuffer = new char[pInput->GetLength()]; assert(pBuffer); if(pInput->ReadRawData(pInput->GetLength(), 1, pBuffer) == 0) { CLogger::ErrorWindow("ERROR - CSoundSystem::LoadSound():\npInput->ReadRawData() failed"); SAFE_DELETE_A(pBuffer); return NULL; } CSound* pSound = NULL; if(IsModule(strExt)) { HMUSIC module = BASS_MusicLoad(TRUE, pBuffer, 0, pInput->GetLength(), 0); if(!module) { CLogger::ErrorWindow("ERROR - CSoundSystem::LoadSound():\nBASS_MusicLoad() failed"); return NULL; } CSound* pSound = new CSoundModule(module, pBuffer); m_vecSounds.push_back(pSound); return pSound; } else if(IsStream(strExt)) { HSTREAM stream = BASS_StreamCreateFile(TRUE, pBuffer, 0, pInput->GetLength(), BASS_MP3_SETPOS); if(!stream) { CLogger::ErrorWindow("ERROR - CSoundSystem::LoadSound():\nBASS_StreamCreateFile() failed"); return NULL; } CSound* pSound = new CSoundStream(stream, pBuffer); m_vecSounds.push_back(pSound); return pSound; } SAFE_DELETE_A(pBuffer); CLogger::ErrorWindow("ERROR - CSoundSystem::LoadSound():\nUnknown format (%s)",; return NULL; }
static int p_erase_module(value module, type module_tag, value from_mod, type tfrom_mod) { module_item *pm, *import_pm; int i; didlist *lib_scan; pword *prop; Check_Module(tfrom_mod, from_mod); Check_Atom_Or_Nil(module, module_tag); if (!IsModule(module.did)) { Succeed_; } else if (IsLocked(module.did) && (from_mod.did != d_.kernel_sepia || !IsModuleTag(from_mod.did, tfrom_mod))) { Bip_Error(LOCKED); } /* * This is a big mess with respect to locking. The erased module's * descriptor is unprotected. It should be first removed as property * and then cleaned up. */ pm = ModuleItem(module.did); /* first, clean the procedures, we can reclaim the space */ erase_module_procs(pm->procedures); hg_free_size((generic_ptr) pm->syntax, sizeof(syntax_desc)); /* reclaim the properties */ erase_module_props(pm->properties); /* reclaim module descriptor */ (void) erase_property(module.did, MODULE_PROP); DidPtr(module.did)->module = 0; Succeed_; }
static int p_is_locked(value v, type t) { Check_Atom_Or_Nil(v, t); if (!IsModule(v.did)) { Bip_Error(MODULENAME) } if (IsLocked(v.did)) { Succeed_; } else { Fail_; } }
void Program::SetSymAddrs () { Module* m; Base* b = inf; do { if (IsModule(b)) { m = (Module*) b; m->SetSymAddrs(); } else { m = (Module*) b->inf; /* b = pointer to library */ if (m != nil) { do { m->SetSymAddrs(); m = (Module*) m->nn; } while (m != b->inf); } } b = b->nn; } while (b != inf); }
void pri_statistics(void) { int idx = 0; dident mod; int count[6]; while (next_functor(&idx, &mod)) { if (IsModule(mod)) { pri *pd; int i; for(i=0;i<6;++i) count[i] = 0; for (pd = ModuleItem(mod)->procedures; pd; pd = pd->next_in_mod) { switch(PriScope(pd)) { case QUALI: ++count[0]; break; case LOCAL: ++count[1]; break; case EXPORT: ++count[2]; break; case IMPORT: ++count[3]; break; case DEFAULT: ++count[4]; break; case IMPEXP: ++count[5]; break; default: p_fprintf(current_err_, "Illegal scope %s\n", PriScope(pd)); break; } } p_fprintf(log_output_, "\nModule: %s\n", DidName(mod)); p_fprintf(log_output_, " QUALI=%d", count[0]); p_fprintf(log_output_, " LOCAL=%d", count[1]); p_fprintf(log_output_, " EXPORT=%d", count[2]); p_fprintf(log_output_, " IMPORT=%d", count[3]); p_fprintf(log_output_, " DEFAULT=%d", count[4]); p_fprintf(log_output_, " IMPEXP=%d", count[5]); ec_newline(log_output_); } } }
int ec_create_module(dident module_did) /* also called from megalog */ { pword *prop; module_item *m; /* Not quite right, should be atomic lookup & enter */ a_mutex_lock(&ModuleLock); if (IsModule(module_did)) { a_mutex_unlock(&ModuleLock); Bip_Error(MODULE_EXISTS); } DidModule(module_did) = UNLOCK_MODULE; prop = (pword *) get_property(module_did, MODULE_PROP); if (!prop) { prop = (pword *) set_property(module_did, MODULE_PROP); /* the module did not exist before, no need to test prop */ m = (module_item *) hg_alloc(sizeof(module_item)); prop->tag.kernel = TPTR; prop->val.ptr = (pword *) m; } else m = (module_item *) prop->val.ptr; m->syntax = copy_syntax_desc(default_syntax); m->lock = (char *) 0; m->procedures = 0; m->properties = 0; m->imports = 0; a_mutex_unlock(&ModuleLock); Succeed_; }
void Host::FindBasicModules(std::string& dir) { ScopedLock lock(&moduleMutex); Poco::DirectoryIterator iter = Poco::DirectoryIterator(dir); Poco::DirectoryIterator end; while (iter != end) { Poco::File f = *iter; if (!f.isDirectory() && !f.isHidden()) { std::string fpath = iter.path().absolute().toString(); if (IsModule(fpath)) { this->LoadModule(fpath, this); } else { this->AddInvalidModuleFile(fpath); } } iter++; } }
void Program::MarkSegment (int segType, boolean status) { Module* m; Chunk* c; Base* b = inf; b = inf; do { if (IsModule(b)) { m = (Module*) b; c = m->DetermineChunk(segType); c->NeedToReloc(status); } else { m = (Module*) b->inf; /* b = pointer to library */ if (m != nil) { do { c = m->DetermineChunk(segType); c->NeedToReloc(status); m = (Module*) m->nn; } while (m != b->inf); } } b = b->nn; } while (b != inf); }
void Program::SetChunkAddrs () { register Module* m; register Base* b = inf; do { if (IsModule(b)) { m = (Module*) b; textAlloc += m->text->SetAddrs(textAlloc); dataAlloc += m->data->SetAddrs(dataAlloc); bssAlloc += m->bss->SetAddrs(bssAlloc); } else { m = (Module*) b->inf; /* b = pointer to library */ if (m != nil) { do { textAlloc += m->text->SetAddrs(textAlloc); dataAlloc += m->data->SetAddrs(dataAlloc); bssAlloc += m->bss->SetAddrs(bssAlloc); m = (Module*) m->nn; } while (m != b->inf); } } b = b->nn; } while (b != inf); }
void UpdateMemoryMap(void) { MemMap.clear(); MemMapCode.clear(); MemMapData.clear(); MemMapModule.clear(); Exports.clear(); CustomNames.clear(); if (hProcess == NULL) return; if (!IsProcHandleValid(hProcess)) { hProcess = NULL; return; } SYSTEM_INFO SysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&SysInfo); MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MBI; ULONG_PTR pMemory = (ULONG_PTR)SysInfo.lpMinimumApplicationAddress; while(pMemory < (ULONG_PTR)SysInfo.lpMaximumApplicationAddress) { if ( VirtualQueryEx(hProcess,(LPCVOID)pMemory,&MBI,sizeof(MBI)) != 0) { if (MBI.State == MEM_COMMIT /*&& MBI.Type == MEM_PRIVATE*/) { MemMapInfo Mem; Mem.Start = (DWORD_PTR)pMemory; Mem.End = (DWORD_PTR)pMemory + MBI.RegionSize - 1; MemMap.push_back(Mem); } pMemory = (ULONG_PTR)MBI.BaseAddress + MBI.RegionSize; } else { pMemory += 1024; } } MODULEENTRY32 ModInfo; ModInfo.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32); HANDLE ModuleList = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,GetProcessId(hProcess)); if ((int)ModuleList != -1) { BOOL rm = Module32First(ModuleList,&ModInfo); while(rm) { MemMapInfo Mem; Mem.Start = (DWORD_PTR)ModInfo.modBaseAddr; Mem.End = Mem.Start + ModInfo.modBaseSize; Mem.Name = ModInfo.szModule; MemMapModule.push_back(Mem); rm = Module32Next(ModuleList,&ModInfo); } CloseHandle(ModuleList); } AddressName Entry; ModuleList = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,GetProcessId(hProcess)); if ((int)ModuleList != -1) { BOOL rm = Module32First(ModuleList,&ModInfo); while(rm) { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER DH; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS pe; ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,ModInfo.modBaseAddr,&DH,sizeof(DH),NULL); ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,ModInfo.modBaseAddr + DH.e_lfanew,&pe,sizeof(pe),NULL); DWORD ssize = (DWORD)pe.FileHeader.NumberOfSections * sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER); PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sh = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)(new char[ssize]); ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,ModInfo.modBaseAddr + DH.e_lfanew + sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS),sh,ssize,NULL); for (int i=0; i < pe.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) { CString txt; MemMapInfo Mem; txt.Format("%.8s",sh[i].Name); txt.MakeLower(); if (txt == ".text" || txt == "code") { Mem.Start = (DWORD_PTR)ModInfo.modBaseAddr + sh[i].VirtualAddress; Mem.End = Mem.Start + sh[i].Misc.VirtualSize; Mem.Name = ModInfo.szModule; MemMapCode.push_back(Mem); } if (txt == ".data" || txt == "data" || txt == ".rdata" || txt == ".idata") { Mem.Start = (DWORD_PTR)ModInfo.modBaseAddr + sh[i].VirtualAddress; Mem.End = Mem.Start + sh[i].Misc.VirtualSize; Mem.Name = ModInfo.szModule; MemMapData.push_back(Mem); } } delete sh; rm = Module32Next(ModuleList,&ModInfo); } CloseHandle(ModuleList); } for (UINT i=0; i<MemMap.size();i++) { if (IsModule(MemMap[i].Start)) MemMap[i].Name = GetModuleName(MemMap[i].Start); } }
bool Directory::IsModuleBasis( const unsigned_16 sub1, const unsigned_16 sub2 ) /*****************************************************/ { return ( IsModule(sub1) && IsModule(sub2) ); }
bool UpdateMemoryMap(void) { MemMap.clear(); MemMapCode.clear(); MemMapData.clear(); MemMapModule.clear(); Exports.clear(); CustomNames.clear(); if (g_hProcess == NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG PrintOut(_T("[UpdateMemoryMap]: Process handle NULL!")); #endif return 0; } if (!IsProcHandleValid(g_hProcess)) { g_hProcess = NULL; #ifdef _DEBUG PrintOut(_T("[UpdateMemoryMap]: Process handle invalid!")); #endif return 0; } SYSTEM_INFO SysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&SysInfo); MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemInfo; size_t pMemory = (size_t)SysInfo.lpMinimumApplicationAddress; while (pMemory < (size_t)SysInfo.lpMaximumApplicationAddress) { if (VirtualQueryEx(g_hProcess, (LPCVOID)pMemory, &MemInfo, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)) != 0) { if (MemInfo.State == MEM_COMMIT /*&& MemInfo.Type == MEM_PRIVATE*/) { MemMapInfo Mem; Mem.Start = (size_t)pMemory; Mem.End = (size_t)pMemory + MemInfo.RegionSize - 1; MemMap.push_back(Mem); } pMemory = (ULONG_PTR)MemInfo.BaseAddress + MemInfo.RegionSize; } else { pMemory += 1024; } } static HMODULE hNtDll = (HMODULE)Utils::GetLocalModuleHandle("ntdll.dll"); static tNtQueryInformationProcess NtQueryInformationProcess = (tNtQueryInformationProcess)Utils::GetProcAddress(hNtDll, "NtQueryInformationProcess"); PPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION ProcessInfo = NULL; PEB Peb; PEB_LDR_DATA LdrData; // Try to allocate buffer HANDLE hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); DWORD dwSize = sizeof(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION); ProcessInfo = (PPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY | HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, dwSize); ULONG dwSizeNeeded = 0; NTSTATUS status = NtQueryInformationProcess(g_hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, ProcessInfo, dwSize, &dwSizeNeeded); if (status >= 0 && dwSize < dwSizeNeeded) { if (ProcessInfo) HeapFree(hHeap, 0, ProcessInfo); ProcessInfo = (PPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY | HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, dwSizeNeeded); if (!ProcessInfo) { #ifdef _DEBUG PrintOut(_T("[UpdateMemoryMap]: Couldn't allocate heap buffer!")); #endif return 0; } status = NtQueryInformationProcess(g_hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, ProcessInfo, dwSizeNeeded, &dwSizeNeeded); } // Did we successfully get basic info on process if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // Check for PEB if (!ProcessInfo->PebBaseAddress) { #ifdef _DEBUG PrintOut(_T("[UpdateMemoryMap]: PEB is null! Aborting UpdateExports!")); #endif if (ProcessInfo) HeapFree(hHeap, 0, ProcessInfo); return 0; } // Read Process Environment Block (PEB) SIZE_T dwBytesRead = 0; if ( ReadMemory( ProcessInfo->PebBaseAddress, &Peb, sizeof(PEB), &dwBytesRead) == 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG PrintOut(_T("[UpdateMemoryMap]: Failed to read PEB! Aborting UpdateExports!")); #endif if (ProcessInfo) HeapFree(hHeap, 0, ProcessInfo); return 0; } // Get Ldr dwBytesRead = 0; if ( ReadMemory( Peb.Ldr, &LdrData, sizeof(LdrData), &dwBytesRead) == 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG PrintOut(_T("[UpdateMemoryMap]: Failed to read PEB Ldr Data! Aborting UpdateExports!")); #endif if (ProcessInfo) HeapFree(hHeap, 0, ProcessInfo); return 0; } LIST_ENTRY *pLdrListHead = (LIST_ENTRY *)LdrData.InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink; LIST_ENTRY *pLdrCurrentNode = LdrData.InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink; do { LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY lstEntry = { 0 }; dwBytesRead = 0; if (! ReadMemory( (void*)pLdrCurrentNode, &lstEntry, sizeof(LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY), &dwBytesRead)) { #ifdef _DEBUG PrintOut(_T("[UpdateMemoryMap]: Could not read list entry from LDR list. Error = %s"), Utils::GetLastErrorString().GetString()); #endif if (ProcessInfo) HeapFree(hHeap, 0, ProcessInfo); return 0; } pLdrCurrentNode = lstEntry.InLoadOrderLinks.Flink; if (lstEntry.DllBase != NULL /*&& lstEntry.SizeOfImage != 0*/) { unsigned char* ModuleBase = (unsigned char*)lstEntry.DllBase; DWORD ModuleSize = lstEntry.SizeOfImage; wchar_t wcsFullDllName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wchar_t* wcsModule = 0; if (lstEntry.FullDllName.Length > 0) { dwBytesRead = 0; if ( ReadMemory( (LPVOID)lstEntry.FullDllName.Buffer, &wcsFullDllName, lstEntry.FullDllName.Length, &dwBytesRead)) { wcsModule = wcsrchr(wcsFullDllName, L'\\'); if (!wcsModule) wcsModule = wcsrchr(wcsFullDllName, L'/'); wcsModule++; if (g_AttachedProcessAddress == NULL) { wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameExW(g_hProcess, NULL, filename, MAX_PATH); if (_wcsicmp(filename, wcsFullDllName) == 0) { g_AttachedProcessAddress = (size_t)ModuleBase; g_AttachedProcessSize = ModuleSize; } } } } // module info MemMapInfo Mem; Mem.Start = (size_t)ModuleBase; Mem.End = Mem.Start + ModuleSize; Mem.Size = ModuleSize; Mem.Name = wcsModule; Mem.Path = wcsFullDllName; //PrintOut(_T("%s: %IX"), Mem.Name.GetBuffer(), Mem.Start); MemMapModule.push_back(Mem); // module code IMAGE_DOS_HEADER DosHdr; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHdr; ReadMemory( ModuleBase, &DosHdr, sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER), NULL); ReadMemory( ModuleBase + DosHdr.e_lfanew, &NtHdr, sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS), NULL); DWORD sectionsSize = (DWORD)NtHdr.FileHeader.NumberOfSections * sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER); PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sections = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)malloc(sectionsSize); ReadMemory( ModuleBase + DosHdr.e_lfanew + sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS), sections, sectionsSize, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < NtHdr.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) { CString txt; MemMapInfo Mem; txt.Format(_T("%.8s"), sections[i].Name); txt.MakeLower(); if (txt == ".text" || txt == "code") { Mem.Start = (size_t)ModuleBase + sections[i].VirtualAddress; Mem.End = Mem.Start + sections[i].Misc.VirtualSize; Mem.Name = wcsModule; MemMapCode.push_back(Mem); } if (txt == ".data" || txt == "data" || txt == ".rdata" || txt == ".idata") { Mem.Start = (size_t)ModuleBase + sections[i].VirtualAddress; Mem.End = Mem.Start + sections[i].Misc.VirtualSize; Mem.Name = wcsModule; MemMapData.push_back(Mem); } } delete sections; } } while (pLdrListHead != pLdrCurrentNode); } else { #ifdef _DEBUG PrintOut(_T("[UpdateExports]: NtQueryInformationProcess failed! Aborting...")); #endif if (ProcessInfo) HeapFree(hHeap, 0, ProcessInfo); return 0; } if (ProcessInfo) HeapFree(hHeap, 0, ProcessInfo); for (UINT i = 0; i < MemMap.size(); i++) { if (IsModule(MemMap[i].Start)) MemMap[i].Name = GetModuleName(MemMap[i].Start); } return 1; }
static int p_authorized_module(value v, type t) { Check_Atom_Or_Nil(v, t); Succeed_If(IsModule(v.did) && (!IsLocked(v.did) || IsModuleTag(v.did, t))); }
static int p_is_module(value v, type t) { Check_Atom_Or_Nil(v, t); Succeed_If(IsModule(v.did)); }