bool BatchCommands::WriteMp3File( const wxString Name, int bitrate )
{  //check if current project is mono or stereo
   int numChannels = 2;
   if (IsMono()) {
      numChannels = 1;

   double endTime = GetEndTime();
   if( endTime <= 0.0f )
      return false;
   AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
   if( bitrate <=0 )
      // 'No' bitrate given, use the current default.
      // Use Mp3Stereo to control if export is to a stereo or mono file
      return mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("MP3"), Name, false, 0.0, endTime);

   bool rc;
   long prevBitRate = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), 128);
   gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), bitrate);
   // Use Mp3Stereo to control if export is to a stereo or mono file
   rc = mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("MP3"), Name, false, 0.0, endTime);
   gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), prevBitRate);
   return rc;
Beispiel #2
static void
RenderGlyph(uint8_t *buffer, size_t width, size_t height,
            FT_GlyphSlot glyph, int x, int y)

  if (IsMono()) {
    /* with anti-aliasing disabled, FreeType writes each pixel in one
       bit; hack: convert it to 1 byte per pixel and then render it */
    FT_Bitmap bitmap;
    ConvertMono(bitmap, glyph->bitmap);
    RenderGlyph(buffer, width, height, bitmap, x, y);
    delete[] bitmap.buffer;
  } else
    RenderGlyph(buffer, width, height, glyph->bitmap, x, y);
Beispiel #3
  if (IsMono()) {
    /* disable anti-aliasing */
    load_flags |= FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO;
    render_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO;

  font_path = FindDefaultFont();
  bold_font_path = FindDefaultBoldFont();
  italic_font_path = FindDefaultItalicFont();
  bold_italic_font_path = FindDefaultBoldItalicFont();
  monospace_font_path = FindDefaultMonospaceFont();
Beispiel #4
bool BatchCommands::WriteMp3File( const wxString Name, int bitrate )
{  //check if current project is mono or stereo
   bool Mp3Stereo = true;
   if (IsMono()) {Mp3Stereo = false;};

   double endTime = GetEndTime();
   if( endTime <= 0.0f )
      return false;
   AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
   if( bitrate <=0 )
      // 'No' bitrate given, use the current default.
      // Use Mp3Stereo to control if export is to a stereo or mono file
      return ::ExportMP3(project, Mp3Stereo, Name, false, 0.0, endTime);

   bool rc;
   long prevBitRate = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), 128);
   gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), bitrate);
   // Use Mp3Stereo to control if export is to a stereo or mono file
   rc = ::ExportMP3(project, Mp3Stereo, Name, false, 0.0, endTime);
   gPrefs->Write(wxT("/FileFormats/MP3Bitrate"), prevBitRate);
   return rc;
// TIDY-ME: Get rid of special commands and make them part of the
// 'menu' system (but not showing on the menu)
// ======= IMPORTANT ========
// Special Commands are a KLUDGE whilst we wait for a better system to handle the menu
// commands from batch mode.
// Really we should be using a similar (or same) system to that used for effects
// so that parameters can be passed to the commands.  Many of the menu
// commands take a selection as their parameter.
// If you find yourself adding lots of existing commands from the menus here, STOP
// and think again.  
// ======= IMPORTANT ========
// CLEANSPEECH remnant
bool BatchCommands::ApplySpecialCommand(int WXUNUSED(iCommand), const wxString command,const wxString params)
   if (ReportAndSkip(command, params))
      return true;

   AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();

   int numChannels = 1;    //used to switch between mono and stereo export
   if (IsMono()) {
      numChannels = 1;  //export in mono
   } else {
      numChannels = 2;  //export in stereo

   wxString filename;
   wxString extension; // required for correct message
   if (command == wxT("ExportWAV"))
      extension = wxT(".wav");
   else if (command == wxT("ExportOgg"))
      extension = wxT(".ogg");
   else if (command == wxT("ExportFLAC"))
      extension = wxT(".flac");
   else extension = wxT(".mp3");

   if (mFileName.IsEmpty()) {   
      filename = project->BuildCleanFileName(project->GetFileName(), extension);
   else {
      filename = project->BuildCleanFileName(mFileName, extension);

   // We have a command index, but we don't use it!
   // TODO: Make this special-batch-command code use the menu item code....
   // FIXME: No error reporting on write file failure in batch mode.
   if (command == wxT("NoAction")) {
      return true;
   } else if (!mFileName.IsEmpty() && command == wxT("Import")) {
      // historically this was in use, now ignored if there
      return true;
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportMP3_56k_before")) {
      filename.Replace(wxT("cleaned/"), wxT("cleaned/MasterBefore_"), false);
      return WriteMp3File(filename, 56);
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportMP3_56k_after")) {
      filename.Replace(wxT("cleaned/"), wxT("cleaned/MasterAfter_"), false);
      return WriteMp3File(filename, 56);
   } else if (command == wxT("StereoToMono")) {
      // StereoToMono is an effect masquerading as a menu item.
      Effect * f = EffectManager::Get().GetEffectByIdentifier(wxT("StereoToMono"));
      if (f != NULL) {
         return ApplyEffectCommand(f, command, params);
      wxMessageBox(_("Stereo to Mono Effect not found"));
      return false;
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportMP3")) {
      return WriteMp3File(filename, 0); // 0 bitrate means use default/current
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportWAV")) {
      filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".wav"), false);
      double endTime = GetEndTime();
      if (endTime <= 0.0f) {
         return false;
      return mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("WAV"), filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportOgg")) {
      filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".ogg"), false);
      double endTime = GetEndTime();
      if (endTime <= 0.0f) {
         return false;
      return mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("OGG"), filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
      wxMessageBox(_("Ogg Vorbis support is not included in this build of Audacity"));
      return false;
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportFLAC")) {
      filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".flac"), false);
      double endTime = GetEndTime();
      if (endTime <= 0.0f) {
         return false;
      return mExporter.Process(project, numChannels, wxT("FLAC"), filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
      wxMessageBox(_("FLAC support is not included in this build of Audacity"));
      return false;
   wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Command %s not implemented yet"),command.c_str()));
   return false;
Beispiel #6
// TIDY-ME: Get rid of special commands and make them part of the
// 'menu' system (but not showing on the menu)
// ======= IMPORTANT ========
// Special Commands are a KLUDGE whilst we wait for a better system to handle the menu
// commands from batch mode.
// Really we should be using a similar (or same) system to that used for effects
// so that parameters can be passed to the commands.  Many of the menu
// commands take a selection as their parameter.
// If you find yourself adding lots of existing commands from the menus here, STOP
// and think again.  
// ======= IMPORTANT ========
bool BatchCommands::ApplySpecialCommand(int iCommand, const wxString command,const wxString params)
   AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
   wxString filename;
   int numChannels = 1;		//used to switch between mono and stereo export
   if (IsMono()) {
      numChannels = 1;	//export in mono
   } else {
      numChannels = 2;	//export in stereo

   if( ReportAndSkip(command, params))
      return true;

   if (mFileName.IsEmpty()) {   
      filename = project->BuildCleanFileName(project->GetFileName());
   else {
      filename = project->BuildCleanFileName(mFileName);

   // We have a command index, but we don't use it!
   // TODO: Make this special-batch-command code use the menu item code....
   // FIX-ME: No error reporting on write file failure in batch mode.
   if( command == wxT("No Action")){
      return true;
   } else if (!mFileName.IsEmpty() && command == wxT("Import") ){
      return true;
   } else if (command == wxT("Save Hq Master1")){
      filename.Replace(wxT("cleaned/"), wxT("cleaned/MasterBefore_"), false);
      return WriteMp3File( filename, 56 );
   } else if (command == wxT("Save Hq Master2")){
      filename.Replace(wxT("cleaned/"), wxT("cleaned/MasterAfter_"), false);
      return WriteMp3File ( filename, 56 );
   } else if (command == wxT("Stereo To Mono")){
      // StereoToMono is an effect masquerading as a menu item.
      Effect * f=GetEffectFromCommandName( _("Stereo To Mono") );
      if( f!=NULL )
         return ApplyEffectCommand( f, command, params );
      wxMessageBox( _("Stereo To Mono Effect not found"));
      return false;
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportMp3") ){
      return WriteMp3File ( filename, 0 ); // 0 bitrate means use default/current
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportWav") ){
      filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".wav"), false);
      double endTime = GetEndTime();
      if( endTime <= 0.0f )
         return false;
      return ::ExportPCM(project, numChannels, filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportOgg")){
      filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".ogg"), false);
      double endTime = GetEndTime();
      if( endTime <= 0.0f )
         return false;
      return ::ExportOGG(project, numChannels, filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
      wxMessageBox(_("Ogg Vorbis support is not included in this build of Audacity"));
      return false;
   } else if (command == wxT("ExportFlac")){
      filename.Replace(wxT(".mp3"), wxT(".flac"), false);
      double endTime = GetEndTime();
      if( endTime <= 0.0f )
         return false;
      return ::ExportFLAC(project, numChannels, filename, false, 0.0, endTime);
      wxMessageBox(_("FLAC support is not included in this build of Audacity"));
      return false;
   wxMessageBox( wxString::Format(_("Command %s not implemented yet"),command.c_str()) );
   return false;