Beispiel #1
  std::string Encode(const std::string& rawString)
    char encodingBuffer[4] = { '%', '\0', '\0', '\0' };

    std::size_t rawLen = rawString.size();

    std::string encodedString;

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rawLen; ++i) {
      char curChar = rawString[i];

      if (curChar == ' ') encodedString += '+';
      else if (isalpha(curChar) || isdigit(curChar) || IsSpecialCharacter(curChar)) encodedString += curChar;
      else {
        unsigned int temp = static_cast<unsigned int>(curChar);

        encodingBuffer[1] = ConvertToHexDigit(temp / 0x10);
        encodingBuffer[2] = ConvertToHexDigit(temp % 0x10);
        encodedString += encodingBuffer;

    return encodedString;
void FontRenderable::GetStringRect(const char* str, const Font* fnt, float scale, FontAlignment alignment, Math::FRECT& inout)
	unsigned int lineHeight = fnt->GetLineHeight();

	NormalizeScaling(fnt, scale);

	inout.bottomRight = inout.topLeft;
	inout.bottomRight.y -= scale * lineHeight;

	glm::vec3 pos(inout.topLeft.x, inout.bottomRight.y, 0.0f);

	while (*str)
		if (fnt->IsValidCharacter(*str))
			if (!IsSpecialCharacter(*str))
				pos.x += scale * fnt->GetCharDescriptor(*str).XAdvance;
				ProccessSpecialCharacter(*str, scale, lineHeight, glm::vec3(inout.topLeft, 0.0f), pos);

				inout.bottomRight.y = glm::min(inout.bottomRight.y, pos.y);

			inout.bottomRight.x = glm::max(inout.bottomRight.x, pos.x);


	if (alignment != FontAlignment::Left)
		glm::vec2 offset;
		AlignTextPos(inout.bottomRight.x - inout.topLeft.x, alignment, offset);

		inout.topLeft += offset;
		inout.bottomRight += offset;

void FontRenderable::Render(const Mesh& mesh, ApplyShader& shader, const IResource* resource)
	assert(resource != nullptr);

	const Font* fnt = static_cast<const Font*>(resource->QueryInterface(ResourceType::Font));
	assert("Invalid resource selected" && (fnt != nullptr));

	// Text to be rendered
	const char* str = text.c_str();

	glm::vec3 oldPos = pos;

	// If the text needs to be aligned to center or right
	if (alignment != FontAlignment::Left)
		Math::FRECT drawRect(glm::vec2(oldPos.x, oldPos.y));
		GetStringRect(str, fnt, scale, alignment, drawRect);

		oldPos.x = drawRect.topLeft.x;

	// World pos of aligned text to be rendered
	glm::vec3 posW = oldPos;

	char prevChar = 0;

	NormalizeScaling(fnt, scale);


	// Loop over the entire string
	while (*str)
		if (fnt->IsValidCharacter(*str))
			if (!IsSpecialCharacter(*str))
				// Font info about the character to draw
				const CharDescriptor& charInfo = fnt->GetCharDescriptor(*str);
				int kerningOffset = fnt->GetKerningPairOffset(prevChar, *str);

				// Calculate position of text
				glm::vec3 posTopLeft(posW.x + (charInfo.XOffset + kerningOffset) * scale, posW.y - charInfo.YOffset * scale, posW.z);
				glm::vec3 posBottomRight(posTopLeft.x + charInfo.Width * scale, posTopLeft.y - charInfo.Height * scale, posW.z);

				// Advance position after the current character
				posW.x += charInfo.XAdvance * scale;

				// Build transformation matrix to give to the shader
				glm::mat4 T = glm::translate(glm::vec3((posTopLeft + posBottomRight) / 2.0f));
				T = glm::scale(T, glm::vec3(glm::abs(posBottomRight - posTopLeft)));

				// Give data to shader
				shader->SetValue("transformation", T);
				shader->SetValue("charInfo.pos", glm::vec2(charInfo.x, charInfo.y));
				shader->SetValue("charInfo.size", glm::vec2(charInfo.Width, charInfo.Height));

				// Render a single character of the string
				ProccessSpecialCharacter(*str, scale, fnt->GetLineHeight(), oldPos, posW);

			prevChar = *str;