// create ourselves a particle emitter
void CParticleEmitter::Spawn( void )
	pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
	pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
	SET_MODEL (ENT(pev), STRING(pev->model));
	pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW;
	UTIL_SetOrigin( pev, pev->origin ); 		
	UTIL_SetSize( pev, pev->absmin, pev->absmax );

    SetUse ( &CParticleEmitter::Use );

	if (pev->spawnflags & SF_START_ON)
		ALERT (at_console, "CParticleEmitter Spawn in <ON> Mode\nNextthink in 0.5 Seconds\n");

		bIsOn = true;
		iID = ++iParticleIDCount;

		SetThink( &CParticleEmitter::TurnOn );
		pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.5;
		bIsOn = false;

	iID = ++iParticleIDCount;
	flTimeTurnedOn = 0.0;
Beispiel #2
void CMultiSource::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	int i = 0;

	// Find the entity in our list
	while (i < m_iTotal)
		if ( m_rgEntities[i++] == pCaller )

	// if we didn't find it, report error and leave
	if (i > m_iTotal)
		ALERT(at_console, "MultiSrc:Used by non member %s.\n", STRING(pCaller->pev->classname));

	// CONSIDER: a Use input to the multisource always toggles.  Could check useType for ON/OFF/TOGGLE

	m_rgTriggered[i-1] ^= 1;

	if ( IsTriggered( pActivator ) )
		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Multisource %s enabled (%d inputs)\n", STRING(pev->targetname), m_iTotal );
		if ( m_globalstate )
			useType = USE_ON;
		SUB_UseTargets( NULL, useType, 0 );
Beispiel #3
int CLightManager::IsTriggered (short nSegment, short nSide, bool bOppSide)
if ((nSegment < 0) || (nSide < 0))
	return 0;

	CTrigger*	trigP;
	int			i = 0;
	bool			bForceField = (gameData.pig.tex.tMapInfoP [SEGMENTS [nSegment].m_sides [nSide].m_nBaseTex].flags & TMI_FORCE_FIELD) != 0;

while ((i = FindTriggerTarget (nSegment, nSide, i))) {
	if (i < 0)
		trigP = &OBJTRIGGERS [-i - 1];
		trigP = &TRIGGERS [i - 1];
	if ((trigP->nType == TT_OPEN_WALL) || (trigP->nType == TT_CLOSE_WALL))
		return 1;
	if (!bForceField) {
		if ((trigP->nType == TT_LIGHT_OFF) || (trigP->nType == TT_LIGHT_ON))
			return 1;
if (bOppSide || !bForceField)
	return 0;
short nConnSeg = SEGMENTS [nSegment].m_children [nSide];
return (nConnSeg >= 0) && IsTriggered (nConnSeg, SEGMENTS [nSegment].ConnectedSide (SEGMENTS + nConnSeg), true);
Beispiel #4
unsigned long Measurement::GetLengthAfterTrigger()
	FILE_LOG(logDEBUG3) << "Measurement::GetLengthAfterTrigger";

	if(IsTriggered()) {
		return GetLength()-GetLengthBeforeTrigger();
	} else {
		return GetLength();
MojErr MojoExclusiveTrigger::ToJson(boost::shared_ptr<const Activity> activity,
                                    MojObject& rep, unsigned flags) const
    if (flags & ACTIVITY_JSON_CURRENT) {
        if (IsTriggered(activity)) {
            rep = m_response;
        } else {
            rep = MojObject(false);

        return MojErrNone;
    } else {
        return MojoTrigger::ToJson(activity, rep, flags);
Beispiel #6
unsigned long Measurement::GetLengthBeforeTrigger()
	FILE_LOG(logDEBUG3) << "Measurement::GetLengthBeforeTrigger";

	double x_fraction;
	if(IsTriggered()) {
		x_fraction = GetTrigger()->GetXFraction();
		if(x_fraction>=0 && x_fraction<=1) {
			return (unsigned long)round((double)GetLength()*x_fraction);
		// we didn't allow that when creating new trigger, but we could
		// the idea is to use a number of samples instead of a fraction
		} else if(x_fraction>=0 && x_fraction<=GetLength()) {
			return (unsigned long)round(x_fraction);
		} else {
			throw("invalid value of x fraction of a simple trigger.\n");
	} else {
		return 0UL;
Beispiel #7
bool CpuTrigger::Condition(FrameworkInMachine* fim) {
    if (!IsTriggered()) {
        // calculate all the executor cpu usage in past m_period_threshold time
        if (fim->IsOverLoad(static_cast<int>(GetPeriod()*60),
                            m_proportion)) {
            LOG(WARNING) << "cpu trigger triggered";
            m_trigger_time = time(0);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        // if triggered then hold on 30s
        if (time(0) - m_trigger_time > 30 && fim->Size() < Pool::Instance()->Size())
        return false;
Beispiel #8
void CMultiSource::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	int i;

	bool bFound = false;

	// Find the entity in our list
	for( i = 0; i < m_iTotal; ++i )
		if( m_rgEntities[ i ] == pCaller )
			bFound = true;

	// if we didn't find it, report error and leave
	if( !bFound )
		ALERT( at_console, "MultiSrc:Used by non member %s.\n", pCaller->GetClassname() );

	// CONSIDER: a Use input to the multisource always toggles.  Could check useType for ON/OFF/TOGGLE

	m_rgTriggered[ i ] ^= 1;

	if( IsTriggered( pActivator ) )
		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Multisource %s enabled (%d inputs)\n", GetTargetname(), m_iTotal );
		USE_TYPE targetUseType = USE_TOGGLE;
		if( m_globalstate )
			targetUseType = USE_ON;
		SUB_UseTargets( NULL, targetUseType, 0 );
Beispiel #9
void CMultiSource::Use(CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value)
	int i = 0;

	while (i < m_iTotal)
		if (m_rgEntities[i++] == pCaller)

	if (i > m_iTotal)
		ALERT(at_console, "MultiSrc:Used by non member %s.\n", STRING(pCaller->pev->classname));

	m_rgTriggered[i - 1] ^= 1;

	if (IsTriggered(pActivator))
		ALERT(at_aiconsole, "Multisource %s enabled (%d inputs)\n", STRING(pev->targetname), m_iTotal);
		SUB_UseTargets(NULL, m_globalstate ? USE_ON : USE_TOGGLE, 0);
Beispiel #10
int CLightManager::Add (CSegFace* faceP, tRgbaColorf *colorP, fix xBrightness, short nSegment,
							   short nSide, short nObject, short nTexture, CFixVector *vPos, ubyte bAmbient)
	CDynLight*	pl;
	short			h, i;
	float			fBrightness = X2F (xBrightness);
	GLint			nMaxLights;

#if 0
if (xBrightness > I2X (1))
	xBrightness = I2X (1);
if (fBrightness <= 0)
	return -1;

#if DBG
if ((nDbgSeg >= 0) && (nSegment == nDbgSeg))
	nSegment = nSegment;
if ((nDbgObj >= 0) && (nObject == nDbgObj))
	nDbgObj = nDbgObj;
if (colorP && ((colorP->red > 1) || (colorP->green > 1) || (colorP->blue > 1)))
	colorP = colorP;

if (gameStates.render.nLightingMethod && (nSegment >= 0) && (nSide >= 0)) {
#if 1
	fBrightness /= Intensity (colorP->red, colorP->green, colorP->blue);
	if (fBrightness < 1)
		fBrightness = (float) sqrt (fBrightness);
		fBrightness *= fBrightness;
if (colorP)
	colorP->alpha = 1.0f;
if (0 <= (h = Update (colorP, fBrightness, nSegment, nSide, nObject)))
	return h;
if (!colorP)
	return -1;
if ((colorP->red == 0.0f) && (colorP->green == 0.0f) && (colorP->blue == 0.0f)) {
	if (gameStates.app.bD2XLevel && gameStates.render.bColored)
		return -1;
	colorP->red = colorP->green = colorP->blue = 1.0f;
if (m_data.nLights [0] >= MAX_OGL_LIGHTS) {
	gameStates.render.bHaveDynLights = 0;
	return -1;	//too many lights
i = m_data.nLights [0]; //LastEnabledDynLight () + 1;
pl = m_data.lights + i;
pl->info.faceP = faceP;
pl->info.nSegment = nSegment;
pl->info.nSide = nSide;
pl->info.nObject = nObject;
pl->info.nPlayer = -1;
pl->info.bState = 1;
pl->info.bSpot = 0;
pl->info.fBoost = 0;
pl->info.bPowerup = 0;
pl->info.bAmbient = bAmbient;
//0: static light
//2: object/lightning
//3: headlight
if (nObject >= 0) {
	CObject *objP = OBJECTS + nObject;
	//HUDMessage (0, "Adding object light %d, type %d", m_data.nLights [0], objP->info.nType);
	pl->info.nType = 2;
	if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_POWERUP) {
		int id = objP->info.nId;
		if ((id == POW_EXTRA_LIFE) || (id == POW_ENERGY) || (id == POW_SHIELD_BOOST) ||
			 (id == POW_HOARD_ORB) || (id == POW_MONSTERBALL) || (id == POW_INVUL))
			pl->info.bPowerup = 1;
			pl->info.bPowerup = 2;
	pl->info.vPos = objP->info.position.vPos;
	pl->info.fRad = 0; //X2F (OBJECTS [nObject].size) / 2;
	if (fBrightness > 1) {
		if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_FIREBALL) || (objP->info.nType == OBJ_EXPLOSION)) {
			pl->info.fBoost = 1;
			pl->info.fRad = fBrightness;
		else if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_WEAPON) && (objP->info.nId == FLARE_ID)) {
			pl->info.fBoost = 1;
			pl->info.fRad = 2 * fBrightness;
	m_data.owners [nObject] = m_data.nLights [0];
else if (nSegment >= 0) {
#if 0
	CFixVector	vOffs;
	CSide			*sideP = SEGMENTS [nSegment].m_sides + nSide;
	if (nSide < 0) {
		pl->info.nType = 2;
		pl->info.bVariable = 0;
		pl->info.fRad = 0;
		if (vPos)
			pl->info.vPos = *vPos;
			pl->info.vPos = SEGMENTS [nSegment].Center ();
	else {
#if DBG
		if ((nSegment == nDbgSeg) && ((nDbgSide < 0) || (nSide == nDbgSide)))
			nDbgSeg = nDbgSeg;
		pl->info.nType = 0;
		pl->info.fRad = faceP ? faceP->fRads [1] / 2.0f : 0;
		//RegisterLight (NULL, nSegment, nSide);
		pl->info.bVariable = IsDestructible (nTexture) || IsFlickering (nSegment, nSide) || IsTriggered (nSegment, nSide) || 
									SEGMENTS [nSegment].Side (nSide)->IsVolatile ();
		m_data.nVariable += pl->info.bVariable;
		CSide* sideP = SEGMENTS [nSegment].m_sides + nSide;
		pl->info.vPos = sideP->Center ();
		CFixVector vOffs = CFixVector::Avg (sideP->m_normals [0], sideP->m_normals [1]);
		pl->info.vDirf.Assign (vOffs);
		CFloatVector::Normalize (pl->info.vDirf);
#if 0
		if (gameStates.render.bPerPixelLighting) {
			vOffs *= I2X (1) / 64;
			pl->info.vPos += vOffs;
else {
	pl->info.nType = 3;
	pl->info.bVariable = 0;
#if 0
PrintLog ("adding light %d,%d\n", m_data.nLights [0], pl - m_data.lights [0]);
pl->info.bOn = 1;
pl->bTransform = 1;
SetColor (m_data.nLights [0], colorP->red, colorP->green, colorP->blue, fBrightness);
return m_data.nLights [0]++;
Beispiel #11
void Measurement::RunBlock()
	FILE_LOG(logDEBUG3) << "Measurement::RunBlock";

	int i;
	Timing t;
	uint32_t max_length=0;

	// we will have to start reading our data from beginning again
	// test if channel settings have already been passed to picoscope
	// and only pass them again if that isn't the case
	FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "Measurement::RunBlock - we have " << GetNumberOfChannels() << " channels";
	for(i=0; i<GetNumberOfChannels(); i++) {
		FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "Measurement::RunBlock - setting channel " << (char)('A'+i) << " (which holds index " << GetChannel(i)->GetIndex() << ")";
	// this fixes the timebase if more than a single channel is selected
	// timebase
	// trigger
	if(IsTriggered()) {

	// for rapid block mode
	if(GetNTraces() > 1) {
		// TODO - check that GetLength()*GetNumberOfEnabledChannels()*GetNTraces() doesn't exceed the limit
		if(GetSeries() == PICO_4000) {
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "ps4000SetNoOfCaptures(handle=" << GetHandle() << ", nCaptures=" << GetNTraces() << ")";
				GetHandle(),    // handle
				GetNTraces())); // nCaptures
		} else {
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "ps6000SetNoOfCaptures(handle=" << GetHandle() << ", nCaptures=" << GetNTraces() << ")";
				GetHandle(),    // handle
				GetNTraces())); // nCaptures
		if(GetPicoscope()->GetStatus() != PICO_OK) {
			std::cerr << "Unable to set number of captures to " << GetNTraces() << std::endl;
			throw Picoscope::PicoscopeException(GetPicoscope()->GetStatus());
		if(GetSeries() == PICO_4000) {
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "ps4000MemorySegments(handle=" << GetHandle() << ", nSegments=" << GetNTraces() << ", &max_length=" << max_length << ")";
				GetHandle(),   // handle
				GetNTraces(),  // nSegments
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "->ps4000MemorySegments(... max_length=" << max_length << ")";
		} else {
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "ps6000MemorySegments(handle=" << GetHandle() << ", nSegments=" << GetNTraces() << ", &max_length=" << max_length << ")";
				GetHandle(),   // handle
				GetNTraces(),  // nSegments
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "->ps6000MemorySegments(... max_length=" << max_length << ")";
		if(GetPicoscope()->GetStatus() != PICO_OK) {
			std::cerr << "Unable to set number of segments to " << GetNTraces() << std::endl;
			throw Picoscope::PicoscopeException(GetPicoscope()->GetStatus());
		if(max_length < GetLength()) { // TODO: times number of enabled channels
			std::cerr << "The maximum length of trace you can get with " << GetNTraces()
			          << " traces is " << max_length << ", but you requested " << GetLength() << "\n";
		if(GetSeries() == PICO_4000) {
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "ps4000SetNoOfCaptures(handle=" << GetHandle() << ", nCaptures=" << GetNTraces() << ")";
				GetHandle(),    // handle
				GetNTraces())); // nCaptures
		} else {
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "ps6000SetNoOfCaptures(handle=" << GetHandle() << ", nCaptures=" << GetNTraces() << ")";
				GetHandle(),    // handle
				GetNTraces())); // nCaptures
		if(GetPicoscope()->GetStatus() != PICO_OK) {
			std::cerr << "Unable to set number of captures to " << GetNTraces() << std::endl;
			throw Picoscope::PicoscopeException(GetPicoscope()->GetStatus());

	//std::cerr << "\nPress a key to start fetching the data ...\n";

	if(GetSeries() == PICO_4000) {
		FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "ps4000RunBlock(handle=" << GetHandle() << ", noOfPreTriggerSamples=" << GetLengthBeforeTrigger() << ", noOfPostTriggerSamples=" << GetLengthAfterTrigger() << ", timebase=" << timebase << ", oversample=1, *timeIndisposedMs=NULL, segmentIndex=0, lpReady=CallBackBlock, *pParameter=NULL)";
			GetHandle(),              // handle
			GetLengthBeforeTrigger(), // noOfPreTriggerSamples
			GetLengthAfterTrigger(),  // noOfPostTriggerSamples
			timebase,                 // timebase
			1,                        // ovesample
			NULL,                     // *timeIndisposedMs
			0,                        // segmentIndex
			CallBackBlock,            // lpReady
			NULL));                   // *pParameter
	} else {
		FILE_LOG(logDEBUG2) << "ps6000RunBlock(handle=" << GetHandle() << ", noOfPreTriggerSamples=" << GetLengthBeforeTrigger() << ", noOfPostTriggerSamples=" << GetLengthAfterTrigger() << ", timebase=" << timebase << ", oversample=1, *timeIndisposedMs=NULL, segmentIndex=0, lpReady=CallBackBlock, *pParameter=NULL)";
			GetHandle(),              // handle
			GetLengthBeforeTrigger(), // noOfPreTriggerSamples
			GetLengthAfterTrigger(),  // noOfPostTriggerSamples
			timebase,                 // timebase
			1,                        // ovesample
			NULL,                     // *timeIndisposedMs
			0,                        // segmentIndex
			CallBackBlock,            // lpReady
			NULL));                   // *pParameter
	if(GetPicoscope()->GetStatus() != PICO_OK) {
		std::cerr << "Unable to start collecting samples" << std::endl;
		throw Picoscope::PicoscopeException(GetPicoscope()->GetStatus());
	} else {
		std::cerr << "Start collecting samples in "
		          << ((GetNTraces() > 1) ? "rapid " : "") << "block mode ... ";
	// TODO: maybe we want it to be asynchronous
	// TODO: catch the _kbhit event!!!
	// while (!Picoscope::IsReady() && !_kbhit()) {
	while (!Picoscope::IsReady()) {
	std::cerr << "OK (" << t.GetSecondsDouble() << "s)\n";

	// sets the index from where we want to start reading data to zero