Beispiel #1
void Rossler::EventsConstraints (realtype t, N_Vector x, int * constraints, void * data) {
  realtype a, b, c;
  realtype x1, x2, x3;
  realtype ris[3], xdot[3];
  Parameters * parameters;
  x1 = Ith (x, 0);
  x2 = Ith (x, 1);
  x3 = Ith (x, 2);
  parameters = (Parameters *) data;
  a = parameters->At(0);
  b = parameters->At(1);
  c = parameters->At(2);

  for(int i=0; i<GetDimension(); i++)
    xdot[i] = Ith(xderiv,i);
  ris[0] = - xdot[1] - xdot[2];
  ris[1] = xdot[0] + a*xdot[1];
  ris[2] = xdot[0]*x3 + xdot[2]*(x1-c);
  for(int i=0; i<GetNumberOfEvents(); i++)
    constraints[i] = (ris[i] < 0 ? 1 : 0);
static int JacB(int NB, realtype t,
                N_Vector y, N_Vector yB, N_Vector fyB,
                DlsMat JB, void *user_dataB,
                N_Vector tmp1B, N_Vector tmp2B, N_Vector tmp3B)
  UserData data;
  realtype y1, y2, y3;
  realtype p1, p2, p3;
  data = (UserData) user_dataB;

  /* The p vector */
  p1 = data->p[0]; p2 = data->p[1]; p3 = data->p[2];

  /* The y vector */
  y1 = Ith(y,1); y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);

  /* Load JB */
  IJth(JB,1,1) = p1;     IJth(JB,1,2) = -p1; 
  IJth(JB,2,1) = -p2*y3; IJth(JB,2,2) = p2*y3+2.0*p3*y2;
                         IJth(JB,2,3) = RCONST(-2.0)*p3*y2;
  IJth(JB,3,1) = -p2*y2; IJth(JB,3,2) = p2*y2;

Beispiel #3
int setup_initial_states(N_Vector y)
  /* Initialize y */
  Ith(y,1) = Y1;
  Ith(y,2) = Y2;
  Ith(y,3) = Y3;
Beispiel #4
int Rossler::Jacobian (long int N, DenseMat J, realtype t, N_Vector x, N_Vector fy, 
			  void *jac_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3) {
#ifdef CVODE26
int Rossler::Jacobian (int N, realtype t, N_Vector x, N_Vector fy, DlsMat J, 
			  void *jac_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3) {
  realtype a, b, c;
  realtype x1, x2, x3;
  Parameters * parameters;
  x1 = Ith (x, 0);
  x2 = Ith (x, 1);
  x3 = Ith (x, 2);
  parameters = (Parameters *) jac_data;
  a = parameters->At(0);
  b = parameters->At(1);
  c = parameters->At(2);
  IJth (J, 0, 0) =  0.0;
  IJth (J, 0, 1) = -1.0;
  IJth (J, 0, 2) = -1.0;
  IJth (J, 1, 0) =  1.0;
  IJth (J, 1, 1) =  a;
  IJth (J, 1, 2) =  0.0;
  IJth (J, 2, 0) =  x3;
  IJth (J, 2, 1) =  0.0;
  IJth (J, 2, 2) =  x1-c;
  return CV_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #5
static void g(realtype t, N_Vector y, realtype *gout, void *g_data)
  realtype y1, y3;

  y1 = Ith(y,1); y3 = Ith(y,3);
  gout[0] = y1 - RCONST(0.0001);
  gout[1] = y3 - RCONST(0.01);
Beispiel #6
void GetSol(void *cpode_mem, N_Vector yy0, realtype tol, 
            realtype tout, booleantype proj, N_Vector yref)
  N_Vector yy, yp;
  realtype t, x, y, xd, yd, g;
  int flag;
  long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nje, nfeLS, ncfn, netf;

  if (proj) {
    printf(" YES   ");
    CPodeSetProjFrequency(cpode_mem, 1);
  } else {
    CPodeSetProjFrequency(cpode_mem, 0);
    printf(" NO    ");

  yy = N_VNew_Serial(4);
  yp = N_VNew_Serial(4);

  flag = CPodeReInit(cpode_mem, (void *)f, NULL, 0.0, yy0, NULL, CP_SS, tol, &tol);

  flag = CPode(cpode_mem, tout, &t, yy, yp, CP_NORMAL_TSTOP);

  x  = Ith(yy,1);
  y  = Ith(yy,2);
  g = ABS(x*x + y*y - 1.0);

  N_VLinearSum(1.0, yy, -1.0, yref, yy);

  N_VAbs(yy, yy);

  x  = Ith(yy,1);
  y  = Ith(yy,2);  
  xd = Ith(yy,3);
  yd = Ith(yy,4);

  printf("%9.2e  %9.2e  %9.2e  %9.2e  |  %9.2e  |",  

  CPodeGetNumSteps(cpode_mem, &nst);
  CPodeGetNumFctEvals(cpode_mem, &nfe);
  CPodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cpode_mem, &nsetups);
  CPodeGetNumErrTestFails(cpode_mem, &netf);
  CPodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cpode_mem, &ncfn);

  CPDlsGetNumJacEvals(cpode_mem, &nje);
  CPDlsGetNumFctEvals(cpode_mem, &nfeLS);

  printf(" %6ld   %6ld+%-4ld  %4ld (%3ld)  |  %3ld  %3ld\n",
         nst, nfe, nfeLS, nsetups, nje, ncfn, netf);


static int g(realtype t, N_Vector y, realtype *gout, void *user_data)
  realtype y1, y3;

  y1 = Ith(y,1); y3 = Ith(y,3);
  gout[0] = y1 - RCONST(0.0001);
  gout[1] = y3 - RCONST(0.01);

Beispiel #8
int setup_tolerances(N_Vector abstol)
  /* Set the scalar relative tolerance */
  //reltol = RTOL;
  /* Set the vector absolute tolerance */
  Ith(abstol,1) = ATOL1;
  Ith(abstol,2) = ATOL2;
  Ith(abstol,3) = ATOL3;

static int fQB(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yB, 
               N_Vector qBdot, void *user_dataB)
  UserData data;
  realtype y1, y2, y3;
  realtype p1, p2, p3;
  realtype l1, l2, l3;
  realtype l21, l32, y23;

  data = (UserData) user_dataB;

  /* The p vector */
  p1 = data->p[0]; p2 = data->p[1]; p3 = data->p[2];

  /* The y vector */
  y1 = Ith(y,1); y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);
  /* The lambda vector */
  l1 = Ith(yB,1); l2 = Ith(yB,2); l3 = Ith(yB,3);

  /* Temporary variables */
  l21 = l2-l1;
  l32 = l3-l2;
  y23 = y2*y3;

  Ith(qBdot,1) = y1*l21;
  Ith(qBdot,2) = - y23*l21;
  Ith(qBdot,3) = y2*y2*l32;

Beispiel #10
void    operAccum(real pl[], real q[], integer N, real t, integer indx)
    integer i;
    real    xnorm, ipr, ipi;
    xnorm = norm2(pl, N);
    for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++) {
        FSmul(&opers[i], t, pl, q);
        inprod(pl, q, N, &ipr, &ipi);
        Ith(opr[i], indx) += ipr / xnorm;
        Ith(opi[i], indx) += ipi / xnorm;
Beispiel #11
void RefSol(realtype tout, N_Vector yref)
  void *cpode_mem;
  N_Vector yy, yp;
  realtype tol, t, th, thd;
  int flag;

  yy = N_VNew_Serial(2);
  yp = N_VNew_Serial(2);
  Ith(yy,1) = 0.0;  /* theta */
  Ith(yy,2) = 0.0;  /* thetad */
  tol = TOL_REF;

  cpode_mem = CPodeCreate(CP_EXPL, CP_BDF, CP_NEWTON);  
  flag = CPodeSetMaxNumSteps(cpode_mem, 100000);
  flag = CPodeInit(cpode_mem, (void *)fref, NULL, 0.0, yy, yp, CP_SS, tol, &tol);
  flag = CPDense(cpode_mem, 2);

  flag = CPodeSetStopTime(cpode_mem, tout);
  flag = CPode(cpode_mem, tout, &t, yy, yp, CP_NORMAL_TSTOP);
  th  = Ith(yy,1);
  thd = Ith(yy,2);
  Ith(yref,1) = cos(th);
  Ith(yref,2) = sin(th);
  Ith(yref,3) = -thd*sin(th);
  Ith(yref,4) =  thd*cos(th);

Beispiel #12
static int fref(realtype t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector fy, void *f_data)
  realtype th, thd, g;

  g = 13.7503716373294544;

  th  = Ith(yy,1);
  thd  = Ith(yy,2);

  Ith(fy,1) = thd;
  Ith(fy,2) = -g*cos(th);

static int fB(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yB, N_Vector yBdot, void *user_dataB)
  UserData data;
  realtype y2, y3;
  realtype p1, p2, p3;
  realtype l1, l2, l3;
  realtype l21, l32;
  data = (UserData) user_dataB;

  /* The p vector */
  p1 = data->p[0]; p2 = data->p[1]; p3 = data->p[2];

  /* The y vector */
  y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);
  /* The lambda vector */
  l1 = Ith(yB,1); l2 = Ith(yB,2); l3 = Ith(yB,3);

  /* Temporary variables */
  l21 = l2-l1;
  l32 = l3-l2;

  /* Load yBdot */
  Ith(yBdot,1) = - p1*l21;
  Ith(yBdot,2) = p2*y3*l21 - RCONST(2.0)*p3*y2*l32;
  Ith(yBdot,3) = p2*y2*l21 - RCONST(1.0);

Beispiel #14
static void Jac(long int N, DenseMat J, realtype t,
                N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, void *jac_data,
                N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  realtype y1, y2, y3;

  y1 = Ith(y,1); y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);

  IJth(J,1,1) = RCONST(-0.04);
  IJth(J,1,2) = RCONST(1.0e4)*y3;
  IJth(J,1,3) = RCONST(1.0e4)*y2;
  IJth(J,2,1) = RCONST(0.04); 
  IJth(J,2,2) = RCONST(-1.0e4)*y3-RCONST(6.0e7)*y2;
  IJth(J,2,3) = RCONST(-1.0e4)*y2;
  IJth(J,3,2) = RCONST(6.0e7)*y2;
Beispiel #15
static void Jac(long int N, DenseMat J, realtype t,
                N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, void *jac_data, 
                N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  realtype y1, y2, y3;
  UserData data;
  realtype p1, p2, p3;
  y1 = Ith(y,1); y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);
  data = (UserData) jac_data;
  p1 = data->p[0]; p2 = data->p[1]; p3 = data->p[2];
  IJth(J,1,1) = -p1;  IJth(J,1,2) = p2*y3;          IJth(J,1,3) = p2*y2;
  IJth(J,2,1) =  p1;  IJth(J,2,2) = -p2*y3-2*p3*y2; IJth(J,2,3) = -p2*y2;
                      IJth(J,3,2) = 2*p3*y2;
Beispiel #16
static int res(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, N_Vector res, void *f_data)
  realtype y1, y2, y3, yp1, yp2, yp3;

  y1  = Ith(y,1);  y2  = Ith(y,2);  y3  = Ith(y,3);
  yp1 = Ith(yp,1); yp2 = Ith(yp,2); yp3 = Ith(yp,3);

  Ith(res,1) = yp1 - (RCONST(-0.04)*y1 + RCONST(1.0e4)*y2*y3);
  Ith(res,2) = yp2 + (RCONST(-0.04)*y1 + RCONST(1.0e4)*y2*y3 + RCONST(3.0e7)*y2*y2);
  Ith(res,3) = yp3 - RCONST(3.0e7)*y2*y2;

Beispiel #17
void PLL::EventsConstraints (realtype t, N_Vector X, int * constraints, void * data) {
  constraints[0] = 1;
  // minimum of x [we know that x is a sinusoid with mean 0]
  constraints[1] = (Ith(X,0) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
  constraints[2] = 1;
static int Jac(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, SUNMatrix J,
               void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  realtype y2, y3;
  UserData data;
  realtype p1, p2, p3;
  y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);
  data = (UserData) user_data;
  p1 = data->p[0]; p2 = data->p[1]; p3 = data->p[2];
  IJth(J,1,1) = -p1;  IJth(J,1,2) = p2*y3;          IJth(J,1,3) = p2*y2;
  IJth(J,2,1) =  p1;  IJth(J,2,2) = -p2*y3-2*p3*y2; IJth(J,2,3) = -p2*y2;
  IJth(J,3,1) = ZERO; IJth(J,3,2) = 2*p3*y2;        IJth(J,3,3) = ZERO;

Beispiel #19
int Jac(long int N, realtype t,
               N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, DlsMat J, void *user_data,
               N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  realtype y1, y2, y3;

  y1 = Ith(y,1); y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);

  IJth(J,1,1) = RCONST(-0.04);
  IJth(J,1,2) = RCONST(1.0e4)*y3;
  IJth(J,1,3) = RCONST(1.0e4)*y2;
  IJth(J,2,1) = RCONST(0.04); 
  IJth(J,2,2) = RCONST(-1.0e4)*y3-RCONST(6.0e7)*y2;
  IJth(J,2,3) = RCONST(-1.0e4)*y2;
  IJth(J,3,2) = RCONST(6.0e7)*y2;

static int ewt(N_Vector y, N_Vector w, void *user_data)
  int i;
  realtype yy, ww, rtol, atol[3];

  rtol    = RTOL;
  atol[0] = ATOL1;
  atol[1] = ATOL2;
  atol[2] = ATOL3;

  for (i=1; i<=3; i++) {
    yy = Ith(y,i);
    ww = rtol * SUNRabs(yy) + atol[i-1];
    if (ww <= 0.0) return (-1);
    Ith(w,i) = 1.0/ww;

Beispiel #21
int main()
  void *cpode_mem;
  N_Vector yref, yy0;
  realtype tol, tout;
  int i, flag;

  tout = 30.0;
  /* Get reference solution */
  yref = N_VNew_Serial(4);
  RefSol(tout, yref);

  /* Initialize solver */
  tol = TOL;
  cpode_mem = CPodeCreate(CP_EXPL, CP_BDF, CP_NEWTON);  
  yy0 = N_VNew_Serial(4);
  Ith(yy0,1) = 1.0;  /* x */
  Ith(yy0,2) = 0.0;  /* y */
  Ith(yy0,3) = 0.0;  /* xd */
  Ith(yy0,4) = 0.0;  /* yd */
  flag = CPodeInit(cpode_mem, (void *)f, NULL, 0.0, yy0, NULL, CP_SS, tol, &tol);
  flag = CPodeSetMaxNumSteps(cpode_mem, 50000);
  flag = CPodeSetStopTime(cpode_mem, tout);
  flag = CPodeProjDefine(cpode_mem, proj, NULL);
  flag = CPDense(cpode_mem, 4);

  for (i=0;i<5;i++) {

    printf("\n\n%.2e\n", tol);
    GetSol(cpode_mem, yy0, tol, tout, TRUE, yref);
    GetSol(cpode_mem, yy0, tol, tout, FALSE, yref);
    tol /= 10.0;


static int rhsQ(realtype t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector qdot, void *user_data)
  realtype v1, v2, v3;
  realtype m1, J1, m2, J2, a;
  UserData data;
  data = (UserData) user_data;
  J1 = data->J1;
  m1 = data->m1;
  m2 = data->m2;
  J2 = data->J2;
  a  = data->a;

  v1 = Ith(yy,4); 
  v2 = Ith(yy,5); 
  v3 = Ith(yy,6);

  Ith(qdot,1) = HALF*(J1*v1*v1 + m2*v2*v2 + J2*v3*v3);

Beispiel #23
static int jacE(int N, realtype t,
                N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                DlsMat J, void *jac_data,
                N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  realtype y1, y2, y3;

  y1 = Ith(y,1); y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);

  IJth(J,1,1) = RCONST(-0.04);
  IJth(J,1,2) = RCONST(1.0e4)*y3;
  IJth(J,1,3) = RCONST(1.0e4)*y2;
  IJth(J,2,1) = RCONST(0.04); 
  IJth(J,2,2) = RCONST(-1.0e4)*y3-RCONST(6.0e7)*y2;
  IJth(J,2,3) = RCONST(-1.0e4)*y2;
  IJth(J,3,1) = ZERO;
  IJth(J,3,2) = RCONST(6.0e7)*y2;
  IJth(J,3,3) = ZERO;

Beispiel #24
void PLL::ManageEvents(realtype t, N_Vector X, int * events, int * constraints) {
  // everything is off for t < T
  if(t < T) {
  int c[3] = {1,1,1};
  if(constraints != NULL) {
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) c[i] = constraints[i];
  if(events[0]) {
    zu = true;
    fprintf(stderr, "%c%s", ESC, CYAN);
    fprintf(stderr, "zu <= 1 @ %e\n", t);
    fprintf(stderr, "%c%s", ESC, NORMAL);
  if(events[1] && c[1]) {
    if((divout && cnt == floor((double) N/2)) || (!divout && cnt == ceil((double) N/2))) {
    if((divout && cnt == floor((double) N[idx]/2)) || (!divout && cnt == ceil((double) N[idx]/2))) {
      cnt = 0;
      divout = !divout;
      if(divout) { // rising edge of the output of the frequency divider
	zd = true;
	idx = (idx+1) % ndiv;
	fprintf(stderr, "%c%s", ESC, YELLOW);
	fprintf(stderr, "zd <= 1 @ %e\n", t);
	fprintf(stderr, "%c%s", ESC, NORMAL);
  if(events[2]) {
    zu = zd = false;
    fprintf(stderr, "%c%s", ESC, MAGENTA);
    fprintf(stderr, "zu <= zd <= 0 @ %e\tw = %e\n", t, Ith(X,3));
    fprintf(stderr, "%c%s", ESC, NORMAL);
    wait_reset = false;
  if(zu && zd && ! wait_reset) {
    treset = t;
    wait_reset = true;

} // namespace bal
Beispiel #25
void    integrate()
    integer i, N, flag;
    real    tr, t;

    N = RHS.N;
    for (i = 1; i <= 2 * N; i++)
        Ith(y, i) = Ith(ystart, i);

    /* Initialize ODE solver */
    cvode_mem = CVodeMalloc(2 * N, derivs, Ith(tlist, 1), y,
                            (method == 0) ? ADAMS : BDF,
                            (itertype == 0) ? FUNCTIONAL : NEWTON,
                            (nabstol == 1) ? SS : SV,
                     &reltol, abstolp, NULL, NULL, TRUE, iopt, ropt, NULL);
    if (cvode_mem == NULL) {
        fatal_error("CVodeMalloc failed.\n");
    /* Call CVDiag */

    fwrite(N_VDATA(y), sizeof(real), 2 * N, op);
    for (i = 2; i <= ntimes; i++) {
        tr = Ith(tlist, i);
        flag = CVode1(cvode_mem, tr, y, &t, NORMAL);
        if (flag != SUCCESS) {
            sprintf(errmsg, "CVode failed, flag=%d.\n", flag);
        fwrite(N_VDATA(y), sizeof(real), 2 * N, op);
        progress += NHASH;
        while (progress >= ntimes - 1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "#");
            progress -= ntimes - 1;
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
Beispiel #26
int PLL::Events (realtype t, N_Vector X, realtype * event, void * data) {
  realtype x, y, r, w;
  Parameters * parameters = (Parameters *) data;
  x = Ith (X, 0);
  y = Ith (X, 1);
  r = Ith (X, 2);
  w = Ith (X, 3);
  fREF = parameters->At(0);
  T = 1.0/fREF;
  R1 = parameters->At(1);
  omega0 = 2*pi*parameters->At(2);
  Vdd = parameters->At(3);
  rho0 = parameters->At(4);
  rhoap = parameters->At(5);
  k0 = parameters->At(6);
  Krho = parameters->At(7);
  Kap = parameters->At(8);
  alpha = parameters->At(9);
  KVCOa = parameters->At(10);
  KVCOb = parameters->At(11);
  KVCOc = parameters->At(12);
  tuning_coeff = parameters->At(13);
  // rising edge of the clock
  event[0] = t - n*T;
  // extrema of x
  realtype gamma = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
  realtype vtune = w/tuning_coeff;
  event[1] = ((rho0+Krho*vtune)/gamma - 1)*k0*x - ((1-alpha)*Kap*(gamma-rhoap) + 1 + alpha*vtune*(KVCOa + KVCOb*vtune + KVCOc*vtune*vtune))*omega0*y;
  // reset
  event[2] = t - (treset+tau_d+dt);
  return CV_SUCCESS;
static int fS(int Ns, realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, 
              int iS, N_Vector yS, N_Vector ySdot, 
              void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2)
  UserData data;
  realtype p1, p2, p3;
  realtype y1, y2, y3;
  realtype s1, s2, s3;
  realtype sd1, sd2, sd3;

  data = (UserData) user_data;
  p1 = data->p[0]; p2 = data->p[1]; p3 = data->p[2];

  y1 = Ith(y,1);  y2 = Ith(y,2);  y3 = Ith(y,3);
  s1 = Ith(yS,1); s2 = Ith(yS,2); s3 = Ith(yS,3);

  sd1 = -p1*s1 + p2*y3*s2 + p2*y2*s3;
  sd3 = 2*p3*y2*s2;
  sd2 = -sd1-sd3;

  switch (iS) {
  case 0:
    sd1 += -y1;
    sd2 +=  y1;
  case 1:
    sd1 +=  y2*y3;
    sd2 += -y2*y3;
  case 2:
    sd2 += -y2*y2;
    sd3 +=  y2*y2;
  Ith(ySdot,1) = sd1;
  Ith(ySdot,2) = sd2;
  Ith(ySdot,3) = sd3;

Beispiel #28
static void f(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, void *f_data)
  realtype y1, y2, y3, yd1, yd3;

  y1 = Ith(y,1); y2 = Ith(y,2); y3 = Ith(y,3);

  yd1 = Ith(ydot,1) = RCONST(-0.04)*y1 + RCONST(1.0e4)*y2*y3;
  yd3 = Ith(ydot,3) = RCONST(3.0e7)*y2*y2;
        Ith(ydot,2) = -yd1 - yd3;
Beispiel #29
static void PrintOutput(N_Vector u)
    printf(" %8.6Lg  %8.6Lg\n", Ith(u,1), Ith(u,2));
    printf(" %8.6g  %8.6g\n", Ith(u,1), Ith(u,2));
    printf(" %8.6g  %8.6g\n", Ith(u,1), Ith(u,2));
Beispiel #30
static void PrintOutput(N_Vector y)
  int i;

  printf("     l=x+1          x         u=1-x\n");
  printf("   ----------------------------------\n");

  for(i=1; i<=NVAR; i++) {

    printf(" %10.6Lg   %10.6Lg   %10.6Lg\n", 
           Ith(y,i+NVAR), Ith(y,i), Ith(y,i+2*NVAR));
    printf(" %10.6g   %10.6g   %10.6g\n", 
           Ith(y,i+NVAR), Ith(y,i), Ith(y,i+2*NVAR));
    printf(" %10.6g   %10.6g   %10.6g\n", 
           Ith(y,i+NVAR), Ith(y,i), Ith(y,i+2*NVAR));

