Beispiel #1
void mrpt::vision::pnp::posit::POS()
	Eigen::Vector3d I0, J0 , r1, r2, r3;
	double I0_norm, J0_norm;
	int i;
	double scale;
	scale=(I0_norm + J0_norm)/2;
	/*Computing TRANSLATION */
	/* Computing ROTATION */
// This evaluates the error term and additionally computes
// the Jacobians in the minimal internal representation.
bool SpeedAndBiasError::EvaluateWithMinimalJacobians(
    double const* const * parameters, double* residuals, double** jacobians,
    double** jacobiansMinimal) const {

  // compute error
  Eigen::Map<const okvis::SpeedAndBias> estimate(parameters[0]);
  okvis::SpeedAndBias error = measurement_ - estimate;

  // weigh it
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 1> > weighted_error(residuals);
  weighted_error = squareRootInformation_ * error;

  // compute Jacobian - this is rather trivial in this case...
  if (jacobians != NULL) {
    if (jacobians[0] != NULL) {
      Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9, Eigen::RowMajor> > J0(
      J0 = -squareRootInformation_ * Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9>::Identity();
  if (jacobiansMinimal != NULL) {
    if (jacobiansMinimal[0] != NULL) {
      Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9, Eigen::RowMajor> > J0min(
      J0min = -squareRootInformation_ * Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9>::Identity();

  return true;
Beispiel #3
  void Con2dP2::setJacobians(std::vector<Node2d,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Node2d> > &nodes)
    // node references
    Node2d &nr = nodes[ndr];
    Matrix<double,3,1> &tr = nr.trans;
    Node2d &n1 = nodes[nd1];
    Matrix<double,3,1> &t1 = n1.trans;

    // first get the second frame in first frame coords
    Eigen::Matrix<double,2,1> pc = nr.w2n * t1;

    // Jacobians wrt first frame parameters

    // translational part of 0p1 wrt translational vars of p0
    // this is just -R0'  [from 0t1 = R0'(t1 - t0)]
    J0.block<2,2>(0,0) = -nr.w2n.block<2,2>(0,0);

    // translational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0
    // dR'/dq * [pw - t]
    Eigen::Matrix<double,2,1> pwt;
    pwt = (t1-tr).head(2);   // transform translations

    // dx
    Eigen::Matrix<double,2,1> dp = nr.dRdx * pwt; // dR'/dq * [pw - t]
    J0.block<2,1>(0,2) = dp;

    // rotational part of 0p1 wrt translation vars of p0 => zero

    // rotational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0
    // from 0q1 = (q1-q0)
    J0(2,2) = -1.0;
    J0t = J0.transpose();

    //  cout << endl << "J0 " << ndr << endl << J0 << endl;

    // Jacobians wrt second frame parameters
    // translational part of 0p1 wrt translational vars of p1
    // this is just R0'  [from 0t1 = R0'(t1 - t0)]
    J1.block<2,2>(0,0) = nr.w2n.block<2,2>(0,0);

    // translational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p1: zero

    // rotational part of 0p1 wrt translation vars of p0 => zero

    // rotational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0
    // from 0q1 = (q1-q0)
    J1(2,2) = 1.0;
    J1t = J1.transpose();

    //  cout << endl << "J1 " << nd1 << endl << J1 << endl;

vpPose::poseDementhonPlan(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
  std::cout << "begin CCalculPose::PoseDementhonPlan()" << std::endl ;

  unsigned int i,j,k ;

  if (c3d !=NULL) delete []c3d ;
  c3d = new vpPoint[npt] ;

  vpPoint p0 = listP.front() ;

  vpPoint P ;
  i=0 ;
  for (std::list<vpPoint>::const_iterator it = listP.begin(); it != listP.end(); ++it)
    P = *it;
    c3d[i] = P ;
    c3d[i].set_oX(P.get_oX()-p0.get_oX()) ;
    c3d[i].set_oY(P.get_oY()-p0.get_oY()) ;
    c3d[i].set_oZ(P.get_oZ()-p0.get_oZ()) ;
    i++  ;

  vpMatrix a ;
    a.resize(npt-1,3) ;
    vpERROR_TRACE(" ") ;
    throw ;

  for (i=1 ; i < npt ; i++)

  // calcul a^T a
  vpMatrix ata ;
  ata = a.t()*a ;

  /* essai FC pour debug SVD */
  vpMatrix ata_old ;
  ata_old = a.t()*a ;

  vpMatrix ata((ata_old.getRows()-1),(ata_old.getCols()-1)) ;
  for (i=0;i<ata.getRows();i++)
  for (j=0;j<ata.getCols();j++) ata[i][j] = ata_old[i][j];
  vpMatrix ata_sav;
  ata_sav = ata;

    std::cout << "a" << std::endl <<a<<std::endl ;
    std::cout << "ata" << std::endl <<ata<<std::endl ;

  // calcul (a^T a)^-1
  vpMatrix ata1(ata.getRows(),ata.getCols()) ;
  vpMatrix v(ata.getRows(),ata.getCols());
  vpColVector sv(ata.getRows());
  //  ata1 = ata.i() ;
  unsigned int imin = 0;
  double s = 0.0;

  //calcul de ata^-1
  ata.svd(sv,v) ;

  unsigned int nc = sv.getRows() ;
  for (i=0; i < nc ; i++)
    if (sv[i] > s) s = sv[i];

  s *= 0.0002;
  int  irank = 0;
  for (i=0;i<nc;i++)
    if (sv[i] > s ) irank++;

  double svm = 100.0;
  for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
    if (sv[i] < svm) { imin = i; svm = sv[i]; }

      std::cout << "rang: " << irank << std::endl ;;
      std::cout <<"imin = " << imin << std::endl ;
      std::cout << "sv " << sv.t() << std::endl ;

    for (i=0 ; i < ata.getRows() ; i++)
      for (j=0 ; j < ata.getCols() ; j++)
        ata1[i][j] = 0.0;
        for (k=0 ; k < nc ; k++)
          if (sv[k] > s)
            ata1[i][j] += ((v[i][k]*ata[j][k])/sv[k]);

      vpMatrix b ;   // b=(at a)^-1*at
      b = ata1*a.t() ;

      //calcul de U
      vpColVector U(3) ;
      U = ata.column(imin+1) ;

        std::cout << "a" << std::endl <<a<<std::endl ;
        std::cout << "ata" << std::endl <<ata_sav<<std::endl ;
        std::cout << "ata1" << std::endl <<ata1<<std::endl ;
        std::cout << "ata1*ata"  << std::endl <<  ata1*ata_sav ;
        std::cout << "b"  << std::endl <<  b ;
        std::cout << "U " << U.t()  << std::endl ;

      vpColVector xi(npt) ;
      vpColVector yi(npt) ;
      //calcul de la premiere solution
      for (i = 0; i < npt; i++)
        xi[i] = c3d[i].get_x() ;
        yi[i] = c3d[i].get_y() ;


      vpColVector I0(3) ; I0 = 0 ;
      vpColVector J0(3) ; J0 = 0 ;
      vpColVector I(3) ;
      vpColVector J(3) ;

      for (i=1;i<npt;i++)
        I0[0] += b[0][i-1] * (xi[i]-xi[0]);
        I0[1] += b[1][i-1] * (xi[i]-xi[0]);
        I0[2] += b[2][i-1] * (xi[i]-xi[0]);

        J0[0] += b[0][i-1] * (yi[i]-yi[0]);
        J0[1] += b[1][i-1] * (yi[i]-yi[0]);
        J0[2] += b[2][i-1] * (yi[i]-yi[0]);

        std::cout << "I0 "<<I0.t() ;
        std::cout << "J0 "<<J0.t() ;

      s = -2.0*vpColVector::dotProd(I0,J0);
      double c = J0.sumSquare() - I0.sumSquare() ;

      double r,theta,si,co ;
      calculRTheta(s, c, r, theta);
      co = cos(theta);
      si = sin(theta);

      // calcul de la premiere solution
      I = I0 + U*r*co ;
      J = J0 + U*r*si ;

      vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo1f ;
      calculSolutionDementhon(xi[0], yi[0], I, J, cMo1f);

      int erreur1 = calculArbreDementhon(b, U, cMo1f);

      // calcul de la deuxieme solution
      I = I0 - U*r*co ;
      J = J0 - U*r*si ;

      vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo2f;
      calculSolutionDementhon(xi[0], yi[0], I, J, cMo2f);

      int erreur2 = calculArbreDementhon(b, U, cMo2f);

      if ((erreur1 == 0) && (erreur2 == -1))   cMo = cMo1f ;
      if ((erreur1 == -1) && (erreur2 == 0))   cMo = cMo2f ;
      if ((erreur1 == 0) && (erreur2 == 0))
        double s1 =  sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo1f)/npt)  ;
        double s2 =  sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo2f)/npt)  ;

        if (s1<=s2) cMo = cMo1f ; else cMo = cMo2f ;

      cMo[0][3] -= p0.get_oX()*cMo[0][0]+p0.get_oY()*cMo[0][1]+p0.get_oZ()*cMo[0][2];
      cMo[1][3] -= p0.get_oX()*cMo[1][0]+p0.get_oY()*cMo[1][1]+p0.get_oZ()*cMo[1][2];
      cMo[2][3] -= p0.get_oX()*cMo[2][0]+p0.get_oY()*cMo[2][1]+p0.get_oZ()*cMo[2][2];

      delete [] c3d ; c3d = NULL ;
      std::cout << "end CCalculPose::PoseDementhonPlan()" << std::endl ;
vpPose::calculArbreDementhon(vpMatrix &b, vpColVector &U,
                             vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)

  std::cout << "begin vpPose::CalculArbreDementhon() " << std::endl;

  unsigned int i, k;
  int erreur = 0;
  unsigned int cpt;
  double s,c,si,co;
  double smin,smin_old, s1,s2;
  double r, theta;
  vpHomogeneousMatrix  cMo1,cMo2,cMo_old;

  unsigned int iter_max = 20;
  vpMatrix eps(iter_max+1,npt) ;

  // on test si tous les points sont devant la camera
  for(i = 0; i < npt; i++)
    double z ;
    z = cMo[2][0]*c3d[i].get_oX()+cMo[2][1]*c3d[i].get_oY()+cMo[2][2]*c3d[i].get_oZ() + cMo[2][3];
    if (z <= 0.0) erreur = -1;

  smin = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo)/npt)  ;

  vpColVector xi(npt) ;
  vpColVector yi(npt) ;

  if (erreur==0)
    for(i = 0; i < npt; i++)
      xi[k] = c3d[i].get_x();
      yi[k] = c3d[i].get_y();

      if (k != 0)
      { // On ne prend pas le 1er point
        eps[0][k] = (cMo[2][0]*c3d[i].get_oX() +
          cMo[2][1]*c3d[i].get_oY() +

    vpColVector I0(3) ;
    vpColVector J0(3) ;
    vpColVector I(3) ;
    vpColVector J(3) ;

    vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo_old ;
    smin_old = 2*smin ;

    cpt = 0;
    while ((cpt<20) && (smin_old > 0.01) && (smin <= smin_old))
        std::cout << "cpt " << cpt << std::endl ;
        std::cout << "smin_old " << smin_old << std::endl ;
        std::cout << "smin " << smin << std::endl ;

      smin_old = smin;
      cMo_old = cMo;

      I0 = 0 ;
      J0 = 0 ;

      for (i=1;i<npt;i++)
        s = (1.0+eps[cpt][i])*xi[i] - xi[0];
        I0[0] += b[0][i-1] * s;
        I0[1] += b[1][i-1] * s;
        I0[2] += b[2][i-1] * s;
        s = (1.0+eps[cpt][i])*yi[i] - yi[0];
        J0[0] += b[0][i-1] * s;
        J0[1] += b[1][i-1] * s;
        J0[2] += b[2][i-1] * s;

      s = -2.0*(vpColVector::dotProd(I0,J0));
      c = J0.sumSquare() - I0.sumSquare() ;

      co = cos(theta);
      si = sin(theta);

      /* 1ere branche	*/
      I = I0 + U*r*co ;
      J = J0 + U*r*si ;

        std::cout << "I " << I.t() ;
        std::cout << "J " << J.t() ;

      s1 =  sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo1)/npt)  ;
      std::cout << "cMo1 "<< std::endl << cMo1 << std::endl ;

      /* 2eme branche	*/
      I = I0 - U*r*co ;
      J = J0 - U*r*si ;
        std::cout << "I " << I.t() ;
        std::cout << "J " << J.t() ;

      s2 =  sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo2)/npt)  ;
      std::cout << "cMo2 "<< std::endl << cMo2 << std::endl ;

      cpt ++;
      if (s1 <= s2)
        smin = s1;
        k = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < npt; i++)
          if (k != 0) { // On ne prend pas le 1er point
            eps[cpt][k] = (cMo1[2][0]*c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo1[2][1]*c3d[i].get_oY()
              + cMo1[2][2]*c3d[i].get_oZ())/cMo1[2][3];
        cMo = cMo1 ;
        smin = s2;
        k = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < npt; i++)
          if (k != 0) { // On ne prend pas le 1er point
            eps[cpt][k] = (cMo2[2][0]*c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo2[2][1]*c3d[i].get_oY()
              + cMo2[2][2]*c3d[i].get_oZ())/cMo2[2][3];
        cMo = cMo2 ;

      if (smin > smin_old)
        std::cout << "Divergence "  <<  std::endl ;

        cMo = cMo_old ;
        std::cout << "s1 = " << s1 << std::endl ;
        std::cout << "s2 = " << s2 << std::endl ;
        std::cout << "smin = " << smin << std::endl ;
        std::cout << "smin_old = " << smin_old << std::endl ;
  std::cout << "end vpPose::CalculArbreDementhon() return "<< erreur  << std::endl;

  return erreur ;