Beispiel #1
void MadgwickAHRS::update(const float *gyro, const float *acc, const float *mag,
                    Quaternion<float> *Q, const float dT){

  chDbgCheck(true == ready, "AHRS not ready");

  Vector3d<float>   Gyroscope(gyro);
  Vector3d<float>   Accelerometer(acc);
  Vector3d<float>   Magnetometer(mag);
  Quaternion<float> step(1,0,0,0);


  Quaternion<float> tmp;
  Quaternion<float> qDot;
  Quaternion<float> qcon(1,0,0,0); /* complex conjunction to main quaternion */

  //h = quatmult(q, quatmult([0 Magnetometer].', quatcon(q)));
  Quaternion<float> qmag(0, Magnetometer(0), Magnetometer(1), Magnetometer(2));
  qmag.mul(&qcon, &tmp);
  Q->mul(&tmp, &h);

  //b = [norm([m_n m_e]) m_u 0];
  //% Reference direction of Earth's G feild
  //d = [0 1 0];
  b(0) = sqrtf(h(1)*h(1) + h(3)*h(3));
  b(1) = h(2);
  b(2) = 0;

  //Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
  F_m(Q, &d, &Accelerometer, &Ftop);
  F_m(Q, &b, &Magnetometer, &Fdown);

  J_m(Q, &d, &Jtop);
  J_m(Q, &b, &Jdown);

  JT.mul(&F, &step);
  Gyroscope -= &Wb;

  //Compute rate of change of quaternion
  //qDot_w = 0.5*quatmult(q, [0 Gyroscope(1) Gyroscope(2) Gyroscope(3)].');
  //qDot = qDot_w - obj.Beta * step;
  //obj.Q_w = q_w/norm(q_w);
  tmp(0) = 0;
  tmp(1) = gyro[0];
  tmp(2) = gyro[1];
  tmp(3) = gyro[2];

  Q->mul(&tmp, &qDot);
  qDot *= 0.5f;
  step *= *beta;
  qDot -= &step;

  //Integrate to yield quaternion
  //q = q + qDot*obj.dT;
  //obj.Q = q/norm(q); % normalise quaternion
  qDot *= dT;
  *Q += &qDot;

  //delta_wb = 2*obj.Zeta*obj.dT * quatmult(quatcon(q), step);
  qcon.mul(&step, &tmp);
  tmp *= *zeta * 2 * dT;

  //Wb = wb+delta_wb(2:4);
  Wb(0) = tmp(1);
  Wb(1) = tmp(2);
  Wb(2) = tmp(3);
Beispiel #2
 * Compute the MAn for subsets of cardinality 2 to up to p as well as
 * the global statistic I
 * @param U pseudo-observations
 * @param n sample size
 * @param p number of random vectors
 * @param b vector of vector dimensions
 * @param m max. cardinality of subsets of {1,...,p}
 * @param MA0 simulated values of TA under independence (size: N * (sb - p - 1))
 * @param I0 simulated values of I under independence
 * @param N number of repetitions (nrows MA0, fisher0, tippett0)
 * @param subset subsets of {1,...,p} in binary notation (int) whose card. is
 *               between 2 and m in "natural" order
 * @param MA test statistics (size: sum.bin. - p - 1)
 * @param I global test statistic
 * @param pval p-values corresponding to MA (size = sum.bin. - p - 1)
 * @param fisher pvalue à la Fisher
 * @param tippett pvalue à la Tippett
 * @param Ipval pvalue of I
 * @author Ivan Kojadinovic
void empirical_copula_test_rv(double *U, int *n, int *p, int *b, int *m, double *MA0,
			      double *I0, int *N, int *subset, double *MA, double *I,
			      double *pval, double *fisher, double *tippett, double *Ipval)
  int i, j, k, count, sb = (int)sum_binom(*p,*m);
  size_t max_size = (size_t)-1,// C99 has SIZE_MAX
      n_ = (size_t)(*n);
  double J_size = ((double)n_) * n_ * (*p);
  if(J_size > max_size)
      error(_("** empirical_copula.._rv(): n and/or p too large: n^2*p = %12.0g > %12.0g = max(size_t)\n"), 
	    J_size, (double)max_size);

  double *fisher0 = Calloc(*N, double);
  double *tippett0 = Calloc(*N, double);
  double *J = Calloc((size_t) J_size, double);
  double *K = Calloc(n_ * (*p), double);
  double *L = Calloc(*p, double);
  int *R = Calloc(n_ * (*p), int);
  double pvalue;

  /* generate identity selection within the blocks */
  /* used for the computation of the test statistics */
  for (j=0;j<*p;j++)
    for (i=0;i<*n;i++)
      R[(*n) * j + i] = i;

  /* compute W à la Fisher and à la Tippett from MA0*/
  for (k=0;k<*N;k++) {
    fisher0[k] = 0.0;
    tippett0[k] = 1.0;
    for (i=0;i<sb-*p-1;i++) {
      /* p-value */
      count = 0;
      for (j=0;j<*N;j++)
	if (MA0[j + (*N) * i] >= MA0[k + (*N) * i])
	  count ++;
      pvalue = (double)(count + 0.5)/(*N + 1.0);
      fisher0[k] -= 2*log(pvalue);
      tippett0[k] = fmin2(tippett0[k],pvalue);

  /* compute W from the current data */
  *fisher = 0.0;
  *tippett = 1.0;

  /* compute arrays J, K, L */
  J_m(*n, *p, b, U, R, J);
  K_array(*n, *p, J, K);
  L_array(*n, *p, K, L);

  /* for subsets i of cardinality greater than 1 */
  for (i=0;i<sb-*p-1;i++)
      MA[i] =  M_A_n(*n, *p, J, K, L, subset[i]);

      /* p-value */
      count = 0;
      for (k=0;k<*N;k++)
	if (MA0[k + (*N) * i] >= MA[i])
	  count ++;
      pval[i] = (double)(count + 0.5)/(*N + 1.0);

      *fisher -= 2*log(pval[i]);
      *tippett = fmin2(*tippett,pval[i]);

  /* p-values of the Fisher and Tippett statistics */
  count = 0;
  for (k=0;k<*N;k++)
    if (fisher0[k] >= *fisher)
      count ++;
  *fisher = (double)(count + 0.5)/(*N + 1.0);

  count = 0;
  for (k=0;k<*N;k++)
    if (tippett0[k] <= *tippett)
      count ++;
  *tippett = (double)(count + 0.5)/(*N + 1.0);

  /* compute In from the current data and the corresponding pvalue*/
  *I = I_n(*n, *p, J, K, L);
  count = 0;
  for (k=0;k<*N;k++)
    if (I0[k] >= *I)
      count ++;
  *Ipval = (double)(count + 0.5)/(*N + 1.0);

Beispiel #3
 * Bootstrap of the MAn, up to subsets of cardinality p,
 * and of In
 * @param n sample size
 * @param N number of repetitions
 * @param p number of random vectors
 * @param b vector of vector dimensions
 * @param U pseudo-observations
 * @param m max. card. of A
 * @param MA0 bootstrap values of MAn under independence (N repetitions)
 * @param I0 bootstrap values of In under independence (N repetitions)
 * @param subset subsets of {1,...,p} in binary notation (int) whose card. is
 *        between 2 and m in "natural" order
 * @param subset_char similar, for printing
 * @param verbose display progress bar if > 0
 * @author Ivan Kojadinovic
void bootstrap_MA_I(int *n, int *N, int *p, int *b, double *U, int *m,
		    double *MA0, double *I0, int *subset, char **subset_char,
		    int *verbose)
  int i, j, k, sb[1];
  size_t max_size = (size_t)-1,// C99 has SIZE_MAX
      n_ = (size_t)(*n);
  double J_size = ((double)n_) * n_ * (*p);
  if(J_size > max_size)
      error(_("** bootstrap_MA_I(): n and/or p too large: n^2*p = %12.0g > %12.0g = max(size_t)\n"), 
	    J_size, (double)max_size);

  int *R = Calloc(n_ * (*p), int);
  double *J = Calloc((size_t) J_size, double);
  double *K = Calloc(n_ * (*p), double);
  double *L = Calloc(*p, double);

  /* number of subsets */
  *sb = (int)sum_binom(*p,*m);

  /* partial power set in "natural" order */
  k_power_set(p, m, subset);

  /* convert partial power set to char for printing */
  k_power_set_char(p, sb, subset, subset_char);

  /* Simulate the distribution of TA under independence */

  /* N repetitions */
  for (k=0; k<*N; k++) {
    /* generate row selection within the blocks */
    /* for (j=0;j<*p;j++)
      for (i=0;i<*n;i++)
      R[(*n) * j + i] = (int)( unif_rand() * (*n) ); */

    /* generate row selection */
    for (j=0;j<*p;j++)
	for (i=0;i<*n;i++)
	  R[i + (*n) * j] = i;

	/* random permutation */
	for (i= *n-1; i >= 0; i--)
	    int t1 = R[j * (*n) + i],
	      t2 = (int)((i + 1) *  unif_rand());
	    R[j * (*n) + i] = R[j * (*n) + t2];
	    R[j * (*n) + t2] = t1;

    /* compute arrays J, K, L */
    J_m(*n, *p, b, U, R, J);
    K_array(*n, *p, J, K);
    L_array(*n, *p, K, L);

    /* for subsets i of cardinality greater than 1 and lower than m */
    for (i=*p+1;i<*sb;i++)
      MA0[k + (*N) * (i - *p - 1)] =  M_A_n(*n, *p, J, K, L, subset[i]);
    /* global statistic */
    I0[k] = I_n(*n, *p, J, K, L);
    if (*verbose)
      progressBar(k, *N, 70);


Beispiel #4
PhotoFarquhar::assimilate (const Units& units,
                           const double ABA, const double psi_c,
                           const double ec /* Canopy Vapour Pressure [Pa] */, 
                           const double gbw_ms /* Boundary layer [m/s] */,
			   const double CO2_atm, const double O2_atm, 
                           const double Ptot /* [Pa] */,
			   const double, const double Tc, const double Tl,
                           const double cropN,
			   const std::vector<double>& PAR, 
			   const std::vector<double>& PAR_height,
			   const double PAR_LAI,
			   const std::vector<double>& fraction,
                           const double,
			   CanopyStandard& canopy,
			   Phenology& development,
			   Treelog& msg) 
  const double h_x = std::fabs (psi_c) * 1.0e-4  /* [MPa/cm] */; // MPa
  // sugar production [gCH2O/m2/h] by canopy photosynthesis.
  const PLF& LAIvsH = canopy.LAIvsH;
  const double DS = development.DS;

  // One crop: daisy_assert (approximate (canopy.CAI, bioclimate.CAI ()));
  if (!approximate (LAIvsH (canopy.Height), canopy.CAI))
      std::ostringstream tmp;
      tmp << "Bug: CAI below top: " << LAIvsH (canopy.Height)
	  << " Total CAI: " << canopy.CAI << "\n";
      canopy.CanopyStructure (DS);
      tmp << "Adjusted: CAI below top: " << LAIvsH (canopy.Height)
	  << " Total CAI: " << canopy.CAI;
      msg.error (tmp.str ());
  // CAI (total)  below the current leaf layer.
  double prevLA = LAIvsH (PAR_height[0]); 

  // Assimilate produced by canopy photosynthesis
  double Ass_ = 0.0;

  // Accumulated CAI, for testing purposes.
  double accCAI =0.0;

  // Number of computational intervals in the canopy.
  const int No = PAR.size () - 1;
  daisy_assert (No > 0);
  daisy_assert (No == PAR_height.size () - 1);
  // N-distribution and photosynthetical capacity 
  std::vector<double> rubisco_Ndist (No, 0.0);
  std::vector<double> crop_Vm_total (No, 0.0);

  // Photosynthetic capacity (for logging)
  while (Vm_vector.size () < No)
    Vm_vector.push_back (0.0);
  // Potential electron transport rate (for logging)
  while (Jm_vector.size () < No)
    Jm_vector.push_back (0.0);
  // Photosynthetic N-leaf distribution (for logging)
  while (Nleaf_vector.size () < No)
    Nleaf_vector.push_back (0.0);
  // Brutto assimilate production (for logging)
  while (Ass_vector.size () < No)
    Ass_vector.push_back (0.0);
  // LAI (for logging)
  while (LAI_vector.size () < No)
    LAI_vector.push_back (0.0);

  rubiscoNdist->rubiscoN_distribution (units,
                                       PAR_height, prevLA, DS,
				       cropN /*[g/m²area]*/, msg);
  crop_Vmax_total (rubisco_Ndist, crop_Vm_total);  

  // Net photosynthesis (for logging)
  while (pn_vector.size () < No)
    pn_vector.push_back (0.0);//

  // Stomata CO2 pressure (for logging)
  while (ci_vector.size () < No)
    ci_vector.push_back (0.0);//[Pa]

  // Leaf surface CO2 pressure  (for logging)
  while (cs_vector.size () < No)
    cs_vector.push_back (0.0);//

  // Leaf surface relative humidity (for logging)
  while (hs_vector.size () < No)
    hs_vector.push_back (0.0);//[]

  // Stomata conductance (for logging)
  while (gs_vector.size () < No)
    gs_vector.push_back (0.0);//[m/s]
  // Photosynthetic effect of Xylem ABA and crown water potential.
  Gamma = Arrhenius (Gamma25, Ea_Gamma, Tl); // [Pa]
  const double estar = FAO::SaturationVapourPressure (Tl); // [Pa]
  daisy_assert (gbw_ms >= 0.0);
  gbw = Resistance::ms2molly (Tl, Ptot, gbw_ms);
  daisy_assert (gbw >= 0.0);
  // CAI in each interval.
  const double dCAI = PAR_LAI / No;
  for (int i = 0; i < No; i++)
      const double height = PAR_height[i+1];
      daisy_assert (height < PAR_height[i]);

      // Leaf Area index for a given leaf layer
      const double LA = prevLA - LAIvsH (height);
      daisy_assert (LA >= 0.0);

      prevLA = LAIvsH (height);
      accCAI += LA;

      if (LA * fraction [i] > 0)
	  // PAR in mol/m2/s = PAR in W/m2 * 0.0000046
	  const double dPAR = (PAR[i] - PAR[i+1])/dCAI * 0.0000046; //W/m2->mol/m²leaf/s

          if (dPAR < 0)
              std::stringstream tmp;
              tmp << "Negative dPAR (" << dPAR
                  << " [mol/m^2 leaf/h])" << " PAR[" << i << "] = " << PAR[i]
                  << " PAR[" << i+1 << "] = " << PAR[i+1] 
                  << " dCAI = " << dCAI
                  << " LA = " << LA
                  << " fraction[" << i << "] = " << fraction [i];
              msg.debug (tmp.str ());

	  // log variable
	  PAR_ += dPAR * dCAI * 3600.0; //mol/m²area/h/fraction

	  // Photosynthetic rubisco capacity 
	  const double vmax25 = crop_Vm_total[i]*fraction[i];//[mol/m²leaf/s/fracti.]
	  daisy_assert (vmax25 >= 0.0);

	  // leaf respiration
	  const double rd = respiration_rate(vmax25, Tl);
	  daisy_assert (rd >= 0.0);

	  //solving photosynthesis and stomatacondctance model for each layer
          double& pn = pn_vector[i];
	  double ci  = 0.5 * CO2_atm;//first guess for ci, [Pa]
          double& hs = hs_vector[i];
          hs = 0.5;              // first guess of hs []
          double& cs = cs_vector[i];
          //first gues for stomatal cond,[mol/s/m²leaf]
	  double gsw = Stomatacon->minimum () * 2.0;
	  // double gsw = 2 * b; // old value
	  const int maxiter = 150;
	  int iter = 0;
	  double lastci;
          double lasths;
          double lastgs;
	      lastci = ci; //Stomata CO2 pressure 
              lasths = hs;
              lastgs = gs;

	      //Calculating ci and "net"photosynthesis
	      CxModel(CO2_atm, O2_atm, Ptot, 
                      pn, ci, dPAR /*[mol/m²leaf/s]*/, 
                      gsw, gbw, Tl, vmax25, rd, msg);//[mol/m²leaf/s/fraction]

              // Vapour pressure at leaf surface. [Pa]
              const double es = (gsw * estar + gbw * ec) / (gsw + gbw);
              // Vapour defecit at leaf surface. [Pa]
              const double Ds = bound (0.0, estar - es, estar);
              // Relative humidity at leaf surface. []
              hs = es / estar;
              const double hs_use = bound (0.0, hs, 1.0);

              // Boundary layer resistance. [s*m2 leaf/mol]
              daisy_assert (gbw >0.0);
              const double rbw = 1./gbw;   //[s*m2 leaf/mol]
              // leaf surface CO2 [Pa]

              // We really should use CO2_canopy instead of CO2_atm
              // below.  Adding the resitence from canopy point to
              // atmostphere is not a good workaround, as it will
              // ignore sources such as the soil and stored CO2 from
              // night respiration.
              cs = CO2_atm - (1.4 * pn * Ptot * rbw); //[Pa] 
              daisy_assert (cs > 0.0);

              //stomatal conductance
              gsw = Stomatacon->stomata_con (ABA /*g/cm^3*/,
                                             h_x /* MPa */, 
                                             hs_use /*[]*/,
                                             pn /*[mol/m²leaf/s]*/, 
                                             Ptot /*[Pa]*/, 
                                             cs /*[Pa]*/, Gamma /*[Pa]*/, 
                                             msg); //[mol/m²leaf/s] 

	      if(iter > maxiter)
		  std::ostringstream tmp;
		  tmp << "total iterations in assimilation model exceed "
                      << maxiter;
		  msg.warning (tmp.str ());
	  // while (std::fabs (lastci-ci)> 0.01);
          while (std::fabs (lastci-ci)> 0.01
                 || std::fabs (lasths-hs)> 0.01
                 || std::fabs (lastgs-gs)> 0.01);

	  // Leaf brutto photosynthesis [gCO2/m2/h] 
	  /*const*/ double pn_ = (pn+rd) * molWeightCO2 * 3600.0;//mol CO2/m²leaf/s->g CO2/m²leaf/h
	  const double rd_ = (rd) * molWeightCO2 * 3600.0;   //mol CO2/m²/s->g CO2/m²/h
	  const double Vm_ = V_m(vmax25, Tl); //[mol/m² leaf/s/fraction]
	  const double Jm_ = J_m(vmax25, Tl); //[mol/m² leaf/s/fraction]

	  if (pn_ < 0.0)
              std::stringstream tmp;
              tmp << "Negative brutto photosynthesis (" << pn_ 
                  << " [g CO2/m²leaf/h])" << " pn " << pn << " rd " << rd
                  << " CO2_atm " << CO2_atm << "  O2_atm " <<  O2_atm 
                  << "  Ptot " <<  Ptot << "  pn " <<  pn << "  ci " <<  ci 
                  << "  dPAR " <<  dPAR << "  gsw " <<  gsw 
                  << "  gbw " <<  gbw << "  Tl " <<  Tl 
                  << "  vmax25 " <<  vmax25 << "  rd " <<  rd; 
              msg.error (tmp.str ());
              pn_ = 0.0;
	  Ass_ += LA * pn_; // [g/m²area/h] 
	  Res += LA * rd_;  // [g/m²area/h] 
	  daisy_assert (Ass_ >= 0.0);

	  //log variables:
	  Ass_vector[i]+= pn_* (molWeightCH2O / molWeightCO2) * LA;//[g CH2O/m²area/h]
	  Nleaf_vector[i]+= rubisco_Ndist[i] * LA * fraction[i]; //[mol N/m²area]OK
	  gs_vector[i]+= gsw /* * LA * fraction[i] */;     //[mol/m² area/s]
	  ci_vector[i]+= ci /* * fraction[i] */;  //[Pa] OK
	  Vm_vector[i]+= Vm_ * 1000.0 * LA * fraction[i]; //[mmol/m² area/s]OK
	  Jm_vector[i]+= Jm_ * 1000.0 * LA * fraction[i]; //[mmol/m² area/s]OK
	  LAI_vector[i] += LA * fraction[i];//OK
	  ci_middel += ci * fraction[i]/(No + 0.0);// [Pa]   OK
	  gs += LA * gsw * fraction[i]; 
	  Ass += LA * pn_ * (molWeightCH2O / molWeightCO2);//[g CH2O/m2 area/h] OK
	  LAI += LA * fraction[i];//OK
	  Vmax += 1000.0 * LA * fraction[i] * Vm_;   //[mmol/m² area/s]
	  jm += 1000.0 * LA * fraction[i] * Jm_;     //[mmol/m² area/s]
	  leafPhotN += rubisco_Ndist[i] * LA *fraction[i]; //[mol N/m²area]; 
	  fraction_total += fraction[i]/(No + 0.0);
  daisy_assert (approximate (accCAI, canopy.CAI));
  daisy_assert (Ass_ >= 0.0);

  // Omregning af gs(mol/(m2s)) til gs_ms (m/s) foretages ved 
  // gs_ms = gs * (R * T)/P:
  gs_ms = Resistance::molly2ms (Tl, Ptot, gs);
  return (molWeightCH2O / molWeightCO2)* Ass_;    // Assimilate [g CH2O/m2/h]