Beispiel #1
static int aio_cmd_sendto(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    int wlen;
    int len;
    const char *wdata;
    union sockaddr_any sa;
    const char *addr = Jim_String(argv[1]);
    int salen;

    if (IPV6 && af->addr_family == PF_INET6) {
        if (JimParseIPv6Address(interp, addr, &sa, &salen) != JIM_OK) {
            return JIM_ERR;
    else if (JimParseIpAddress(interp, addr, &sa, &salen) != JIM_OK) {
        return JIM_ERR;
    wdata = Jim_GetString(argv[0], &wlen);

    /* Note that we don't validate the socket type. Rely on sendto() failing if appropriate */
    len = sendto(fileno(af->fp), wdata, wlen, 0, &, salen);
    if (len < 0) {
        JimAioSetError(interp, NULL);
        return JIM_ERR;
    Jim_SetResultInt(interp, len);
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #2
static int aio_cmd_buffering(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    static const char * const options[] = {
    int option;

    if (Jim_GetEnum(interp, argv[0], options, &option, NULL, JIM_ERRMSG) != JIM_OK) {
        return JIM_ERR;
    switch (option) {
        case OPT_NONE:
            setvbuf(af->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
        case OPT_LINE:
            setvbuf(af->fp, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
        case OPT_FULL:
            setvbuf(af->fp, NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #3
static int aio_cmd_tell(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    Jim_SetResultInt(interp, ftell(af->fp));
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #4
static int aio_cmd_seek(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    int orig = SEEK_SET;
    long offset;

    if (argc == 2) {
        if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[1], "start"))
            orig = SEEK_SET;
        else if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[1], "current"))
            orig = SEEK_CUR;
        else if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[1], "end"))
            orig = SEEK_END;
        else {
            return -1;
    if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[0], &offset) != JIM_OK) {
        return JIM_ERR;
    if (fseek(af->fp, offset, orig) == -1) {
        JimAioSetError(interp, af->filename);
        return JIM_ERR;
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #5
static int aio_cmd_filename(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    Jim_SetResult(interp, af->filename);
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #6
static int aio_cmd_puts(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    int wlen;
    const char *wdata;
    Jim_Obj *strObj;

    if (argc == 2) {
        if (!Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[0], "-nonewline")) {
            return -1;
        strObj = argv[1];
    else {
        strObj = argv[0];

    wdata = Jim_GetString(strObj, &wlen);
    if (fwrite(wdata, 1, wlen, af->fp) == (unsigned)wlen) {
        if (argc == 2 || putc('\n', af->fp) != EOF) {
            return JIM_OK;
    JimAioSetError(interp, af->filename);
    return JIM_ERR;
Beispiel #7
static int JimCleanupChildren(Jim_Interp *interp, int numPids, pidtype *pidPtr, fdtype errorId)
    struct WaitInfoTable *table = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    int result = JIM_OK;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < numPids; i++) {
        int waitStatus = 0;
        if (JimWaitForProcess(table, pidPtr[i], &waitStatus) != JIM_BAD_PID) {
            if (JimCheckWaitStatus(interp, pidPtr[i], waitStatus) != JIM_OK) {
                result = JIM_ERR;

     * Read the standard error file.  If there's anything there,
     * then add the file's contents to the result
     * string.
    if (errorId != JIM_BAD_FD) {
        if (JimAppendStreamToString(interp, errorId, Jim_GetResult(interp)) != JIM_OK) {
            result = JIM_ERR;


    return result;
Beispiel #8
int Jim_SubCmdProc(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    const jim_subcmd_type *ct =
        Jim_ParseSubCmd(interp, (const jim_subcmd_type *)Jim_CmdPrivData(interp), argc, argv);

    return Jim_CallSubCmd(interp, ct, argc, argv);
Beispiel #9
static int JimELUpdateCommand(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    Jim_EventLoop *eventLoop = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    static const char * const options[] = {
        "idletasks", NULL
    int option = UPDATE_NONE;
    int flags = JIM_TIME_EVENTS;

    if (argc == 1) {
        flags = JIM_ALL_EVENTS;
    else if (argc > 2 || Jim_GetEnum(interp, argv[1], options, &option, NULL, JIM_ERRMSG | JIM_ENUM_ABBREV) != JIM_OK) {
        Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, argv, "?idletasks?");
        return JIM_ERR;

    eventLoop->suppress_bgerror = 0;

    while (Jim_ProcessEvents(interp, flags | JIM_DONT_WAIT) > 0) {

    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #10
static BOOL
Win32_GetLastInputInfo(Jim_Interp *interp, int objc, Jim_Obj *const objv[])
    struct lastinputinfo_t {
        UINT cbSize;
        DWORD dwTime;
    } lii;
    typedef BOOL (__stdcall *LPFNGETLASTINPUTINFO)(struct lastinputinfo_t *);
    HMODULE hLib = (HMODULE)Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    if (hLib != NULL)
        lpfnGetLastInputInfo = (LPFNGETLASTINPUTINFO)GetProcAddress(hLib, "GetLastInputInfo");
    if (lpfnGetLastInputInfo == NULL) {
        Jim_SetResultString(interp, "command not available on this platform", -1);
        return JIM_ERR;

    lii.cbSize = sizeof(lii);
    if (!lpfnGetLastInputInfo(&lii)) {
            Win32ErrorObj(interp, "GetLastInputInfo", GetLastError()));
        return JIM_ERR;
    Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, lii.dwTime));
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #11
static int aio_cmd_flush(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    if (fflush(af->fp) == EOF) {
        JimAioSetError(interp, af->filename);
        return JIM_ERR;
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #12
static int aio_cmd_gets(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    char buf[AIO_BUF_LEN];
    Jim_Obj *objPtr;
    int len;

    errno = 0;

    objPtr = Jim_NewStringObj(interp, NULL, 0);
    while (1) {
        buf[AIO_BUF_LEN - 1] = '_';
        if (fgets(buf, AIO_BUF_LEN, af->fp) == NULL)

        if (buf[AIO_BUF_LEN - 1] == '\0' && buf[AIO_BUF_LEN - 2] != '\n') {
            Jim_AppendString(interp, objPtr, buf, AIO_BUF_LEN - 1);
        else {
            len = strlen(buf);

            if (len && (buf[len - 1] == '\n')) {
                /* strip "\n" */

            Jim_AppendString(interp, objPtr, buf, len);
    if (JimCheckStreamError(interp, af)) {
        /* I/O error */
        Jim_FreeNewObj(interp, objPtr);
        return JIM_ERR;

    if (argc) {
        if (Jim_SetVariable(interp, argv[0], objPtr) != JIM_OK) {
            Jim_FreeNewObj(interp, objPtr);
            return JIM_ERR;

        len = Jim_Length(objPtr);

        if (len == 0 && feof(af->fp)) {
            /* On EOF returns -1 if varName was specified */
            len = -1;
        Jim_SetResultInt(interp, len);
    else {
        Jim_SetResult(interp, objPtr);
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #13
static int aio_cmd_recvfrom(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    char *buf;
    union sockaddr_any sa;
    long len;
    socklen_t salen = sizeof(sa);
    int rlen;

    if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[0], &len) != JIM_OK) {
        return JIM_ERR;

    buf = Jim_Alloc(len + 1);

    rlen = recvfrom(fileno(af->fp), buf, len, 0, &, &salen);
    if (rlen < 0) {
        JimAioSetError(interp, NULL);
        return JIM_ERR;
    buf[rlen] = 0;
    Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewStringObjNoAlloc(interp, buf, rlen));

    if (argc > 1) {
        /* INET6_ADDRSTRLEN is 46. Add some for [] and port */
        char addrbuf[60];

#if IPV6
        if ( == PF_INET6) {
            addrbuf[0] = '[';
            /* Allow 9 for []:65535\0 */
            inet_ntop(, &sa.sin6.sin6_addr, addrbuf + 1, sizeof(addrbuf) - 9);
            snprintf(addrbuf + strlen(addrbuf), 8, "]:%d", ntohs(sa.sin.sin_port));
            /* Allow 7 for :65535\0 */
            inet_ntop(, &sa.sin.sin_addr, addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf) - 7);
            snprintf(addrbuf + strlen(addrbuf), 7, ":%d", ntohs(sa.sin.sin_port));

        if (Jim_SetVariable(interp, argv[1], Jim_NewStringObj(interp, addrbuf, -1)) != JIM_OK) {
            return JIM_ERR;

    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #14
static int interp_cmd_alias(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    Jim_Interp *child = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    Jim_Obj *aliasPrefixList;

    /* The prefix list will be held inside the child, but it still belongs
     * to the parent!

    aliasPrefixList = Jim_NewListObj(interp, argv + 1, argc - 1);

    Jim_CreateCommand(child, Jim_String(argv[0]), JimInterpAliasProc, aliasPrefixList, JimInterpDelAlias);
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #15
static int JimELVwaitCommand(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    Jim_EventLoop *eventLoop = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    Jim_Obj *oldValue;
    int rc;

    if (argc != 2) {
        Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, argv, "name");
        return JIM_ERR;

    oldValue = Jim_GetGlobalVariable(interp, argv[1], JIM_NONE);
    if (oldValue) {
    else {
        /* If a result was left, it is an error */
        if (Jim_Length(Jim_GetResult(interp))) {
            return JIM_ERR;

    eventLoop->suppress_bgerror = 0;

    while ((rc = Jim_ProcessEvents(interp, JIM_ALL_EVENTS)) >= 0) {
        Jim_Obj *currValue;
        currValue = Jim_GetGlobalVariable(interp, argv[1], JIM_NONE);
        /* Stop the loop if the vwait-ed variable changed value,
         * or if was unset and now is set (or the contrary)
         * or if a signal was caught
        if ((oldValue && !currValue) ||
            (!oldValue && currValue) ||
            (oldValue && currValue && !Jim_StringEqObj(oldValue, currValue)) ||
            Jim_CheckSignal(interp)) {
    if (oldValue)
        Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, oldValue);

    if (rc == -2) {
        return JIM_ERR;

    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #16
static int
Win32_GetPerformanceInfo(Jim_Interp *interp, int objc, Jim_Obj *const *objv)
    Jim_Obj *a[26];
    size_t n = 0;
    HMODULE hLib = (HMODULE)Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    if (hLib != NULL)
        lpfnGetPerformanceInfo = (LPFNGETPERFORMANCEINFO)GetProcAddress(hLib, "GetPerformanceInfo");
    if (lpfnGetPerformanceInfo == NULL) {
        /* should never happen */
        Jim_SetResultString(interp, "argh!", -1);
        return JIM_ERR;

    pi.cb = sizeof(pi);
    if (!lpfnGetPerformanceInfo(&pi, sizeof(pi))) {
            Win32ErrorObj(interp, "GetPerformanceInfo", GetLastError()));
        return JIM_ERR;

#define JIMADD(name) \
    a[n++] = Jim_NewStringObj(interp, #name, -1); \
    a[n++] = Jim_NewIntObj(interp, )

#undef JIMADD

    Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewListObj(interp, a, n));
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #17
static int aio_cmd_listen(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    long backlog;

    if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[0], &backlog) != JIM_OK) {
        return JIM_ERR;

    if (listen(af->fd, backlog)) {
        JimAioSetError(interp, NULL);
        return JIM_ERR;

    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #18
static void JimDetachPids(Jim_Interp *interp, int numPids, const pidtype *pidPtr)
    int j;
    struct WaitInfoTable *table = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    for (j = 0; j < numPids; j++) {
        /* Find it in the table */
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < table->used; i++) {
            if (pidPtr[j] == table->info[i].pid) {
                table->info[i].flags |= WI_DETACHED;
Beispiel #19
static int aio_cmd_accept(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    int sock;
    union sockaddr_any sa;
    socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(sa);

    sock = accept(af->fd, &, &addrlen);
    if (sock < 0) {
        JimAioSetError(interp, NULL);
        return JIM_ERR;

    /* Create the file command */
    return JimMakeChannel(interp, NULL, sock, Jim_NewStringObj(interp, "accept", -1),
        "aio.sockstream%ld", af->addr_family, "r+");
Beispiel #20
 * Parse "interface" keyword.
static int
InterfaceFunc(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
	struct mystate *softc;
	struct iface *iface;
	Jim_Obj *ipobj;
	const char *ip;
	const char *name;
	int error;

	iface = NULL;
	ipobj = NULL;
	ip = name = NULL;
	error = 0;

	if (argc != 3)
		return (JIM_ERR);

	softc = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

	/* Name of the interface. */
	name = Jim_GetString(argv[1], NULL);

	softc->block_parsing = 1;
	/* Body of the block */
	error = Jim_EvalObj(interp, argv[2]);
	if (error) {
		printf("couldn't evaluate\n");
		return (JIM_ERR);
	softc->block_parsing = 0;

	/* Take our hidden variable */
	ipobj = Jim_GetVariableStr(interp, JCONF_VAR_IP, JIM_NONE);
	assert(ipobj != NULL);

	ip = Jim_GetString(ipobj, NULL);
	if (ip == NULL) {
		Jim_fprintf(interp, interp->cookie_stdout, "NULL!\n");
		return (JIM_ERR);
	iface = iface_alloc(ip, name);
	assert(iface != NULL);
	INSERT(softc->head, iface);
	return (JIM_OK);
Beispiel #21
static int interp_cmd_eval(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    int ret;
    Jim_Interp *child = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    Jim_Obj *scriptObj;
    Jim_Obj *targetScriptObj;

    scriptObj = Jim_ConcatObj(interp, argc, argv);
    targetScriptObj = JimInterpCopyObj(child, scriptObj);
    Jim_FreeNewObj(interp, scriptObj);

    ret = Jim_EvalObj(child, targetScriptObj);
    Jim_DecrRefCount(child, targetScriptObj);

    JimInterpCopyResult(interp, child);
    return ret;
Beispiel #22
static int aio_cmd_copy(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    long count = 0;
    long maxlen = LONG_MAX;
    FILE *outfh = Jim_AioFilehandle(interp, argv[0]);

    if (outfh == NULL) {
        return JIM_ERR;

    if (argc == 2) {
        if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[1], &maxlen) != JIM_OK) {
            return JIM_ERR;

    while (count < maxlen) {
        int ch = fgetc(af->fp);

        if (ch == EOF || fputc(ch, outfh) == EOF) {

    if (ferror(af->fp)) {
        Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "error while reading: %s", strerror(errno));
        return JIM_ERR;

    if (ferror(outfh)) {
        Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "error while writing: %s", strerror(errno));
        return JIM_ERR;

    Jim_SetResultInt(interp, count);

    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #23
 * Parse "ip" keyword.
static int
InterfaceIPFunc(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
	struct mystate *softc;
	int error;

	 * Get private date shared across this parser.
	softc = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

	/* Check, if we're run from the right place. */
	if (softc->block_parsing == 0) {
		printf("Trying to use 'ip' outside 'interface' block\n");
		return (JIM_ERR);
	if (argc != 2)
		return (JIM_ERR);

	error = Jim_SetVariableStr(interp, JCONF_VAR_IP, argv[1]);
	assert(error == JIM_OK);
	return (JIM_OK);
Beispiel #24
static int JimInterpAliasProc(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    int i, ret;
    Jim_Interp *parent = Jim_GetAssocData(interp, "interp.parent");
    Jim_Obj *targetPrefixObj = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    Jim_Obj *targetScriptObj;


    /* Build the complete command */
    targetScriptObj = Jim_DuplicateObj(parent, targetPrefixObj);
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        Jim_ListAppendElement(parent, targetScriptObj,
            JimInterpCopyObj(parent, argv[i]));

    ret = Jim_EvalObj(parent, targetScriptObj);
    Jim_DecrRefCount(parent, targetScriptObj);

    JimInterpCopyResult(interp, parent);
    return ret;
Beispiel #25
static int aio_cmd_ndelay(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    int fmode = af->flags;

    if (argc) {
        long nb;

        if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[0], &nb) != JIM_OK) {
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (nb) {
            fmode |= O_NDELAY;
        else {
            fmode &= ~O_NDELAY;
        fcntl(af->fd, F_SETFL, fmode);
        af->flags = fmode;
    Jim_SetResultInt(interp, (fmode & O_NONBLOCK) ? 1 : 0);
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #26
/* Calls to [aio.file] create commands that are implemented by this
 * C command. */
static int JimAioHandlerCommand(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc,
        Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    AioFile *af = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    int option;
    const char *options[] = {
	"seek", "tell", 
	"gets", "read", "puts", 
	"flush", "eof", 
	"readable", "writable", "onexception",
    enum {OPT_CLOSE, 
          OPT_FLUSH, OPT_EOF, 

    if (argc < 2) {
        Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, argv, "method ?args ...?");
        return JIM_ERR;
    if (Jim_GetEnum(interp, argv[1], options, &option, "AIO method",
                JIM_ERRMSG) != JIM_OK)
        return JIM_ERR;
    /* CLOSE */
    if (option == OPT_CLOSE) {
        if (argc != 2) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "");
            return JIM_ERR;
        Jim_DeleteCommand(interp, Jim_GetString(argv[0], NULL));
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option == OPT_SEEK) {
    /* SEEK */
        int orig = SEEK_SET;
        long offset;

        if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "offset ?origin?");
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (argc == 4) {
            if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[3], "start"))
                orig = SEEK_SET;
            else if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[3], "current"))
                orig = SEEK_CUR;
            else if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[3], "end"))
                orig = SEEK_END;
            else {
                Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewEmptyStringObj(interp));
                Jim_AppendStrings(interp, Jim_GetResult(interp),
                        "bad origin \"", Jim_GetString(argv[3], NULL),
                        "\" must be: start, current, or end", NULL);
                return JIM_ERR;
        if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[2], &offset) != JIM_OK)
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (fseek(af->fp, offset, orig) == -1) {
            return JIM_ERR;
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option == OPT_TELL) {
    /* TELL */
        long position;

        if (argc != 2) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "");
            return JIM_ERR;
        position = ftell(af->fp);
        Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, position));
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option == OPT_GETS) {
    /* GETS */
        char buf[AIO_BUF_LEN];
        Jim_Obj *objPtr;

        if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "?varName?");
            return JIM_ERR;
        objPtr = Jim_NewStringObj(interp, NULL, 0);
        while (1) {
            int more = 0;
            buf[AIO_BUF_LEN-1] = '_';
            if (fgets(buf, AIO_BUF_LEN, af->fp) == NULL)
            if (buf[AIO_BUF_LEN-1] == '\0' && buf[AIO_BUF_LEN-2] != '\n')
                more = 1;
            if (more) {
                Jim_AppendString(interp, objPtr, buf, AIO_BUF_LEN-1);
            } else {
                /* strip "\n" */
                Jim_AppendString(interp, objPtr, buf, strlen(buf)-1);
            if (!more)
        if (ferror(af->fp) && (errno != EAGAIN)) {
            /* I/O error */
            Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, objPtr);
            return JIM_ERR;
        /* On EOF returns -1 if varName was specified, or the empty string. */
        if (feof(af->fp) && Jim_Length(objPtr) == 0) {
            Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, objPtr);
            if (argc == 3)
                Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, -1));
            return JIM_OK;
        if (argc == 3) {
            int totLen;

            Jim_GetString(objPtr, &totLen);
            if (Jim_SetVariable(interp, argv[2], objPtr) != JIM_OK) {
                Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, objPtr);
                return JIM_ERR;
            Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, totLen));
        } else {
            Jim_SetResult(interp, objPtr);
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option == OPT_READ) {
    /* READ */
        char buf[AIO_BUF_LEN];
        Jim_Obj *objPtr;
        int nonewline = 0;
        int neededLen = -1; /* -1 is "read as much as possible" */

        if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "?-nonewline? ?len?");
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (argc == 3 &&
            Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[2], "-nonewline"))
            nonewline = 1;
        if (argc == 3) {
            jim_wide wideValue;
            if (Jim_GetWide(interp, argv[2], &wideValue) != JIM_OK)
                return JIM_ERR;
            if (wideValue < 0) {
                Jim_SetResultString(interp, "invalid parameter: negative len",
                return JIM_ERR;
            neededLen = (int) wideValue;
        objPtr = Jim_NewStringObj(interp, NULL, 0);
        while (neededLen != 0) {
            int retval;
            int readlen;
            if (neededLen == -1) {
                readlen = AIO_BUF_LEN;
            } else {
                readlen = (neededLen > AIO_BUF_LEN ? AIO_BUF_LEN : neededLen);
            retval = fread(buf, 1, readlen, af->fp);
            if (retval > 0) {
                Jim_AppendString(interp, objPtr, buf, retval);
                if (neededLen != -1) {
                    neededLen -= retval;
            if (retval != readlen) break;
        /* Check for error conditions */
        if (ferror(af->fp)) {
            /* I/O error */
            Jim_FreeNewObj(interp, objPtr);
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (nonewline) {
            int len;
            const char *s = Jim_GetString(objPtr, &len);

            if (len > 0 && s[len-1] == '\n') {
                objPtr->bytes[objPtr->length] = '\0';
        Jim_SetResult(interp, objPtr);
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option == OPT_PUTS) {
    /* PUTS */
        int wlen;
        const char *wdata;

        if (argc != 3 && (argc != 4 || !Jim_CompareStringImmediate(
                        interp, argv[2], "-nonewline"))) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "?-nonewline? string");
            return JIM_ERR;
        wdata = Jim_GetString(argv[2+(argc==4)], &wlen);
        if (fwrite(wdata, 1, wlen, af->fp) != (unsigned)wlen ||
            (argc == 3 && fwrite("\n", 1, 1, af->fp) != 1)) {
            return JIM_ERR;
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option  == OPT_FLUSH) {
    /* FLUSH */
        if (argc != 2) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "");
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (fflush(af->fp) == EOF) {
            return JIM_ERR;
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option  == OPT_EOF) {
    /* EOF */
        if (argc != 2) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "");
            return JIM_ERR;
        Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, feof(af->fp)));
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option  == OPT_NDELAY) {
#ifdef O_NDELAY
    	int fmode = af->flags;

        if (argc == 3) {
		jim_wide wideValue;

		if (Jim_GetWide(interp, argv[2], &wideValue) != JIM_OK)
                return JIM_ERR;
		switch (wideValue) {
		case 0:
			fmode &= ~O_NDELAY; break ;
		case 1:
			fmode |=  O_NDELAY; break ;
		af->flags = fmode;
        Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, (fmode & O_NONBLOCK)?1:0));
        return JIM_OK;
        return JIM_ERR;
    } else if   (  (option  == OPT_READABLE) 
		|| (option  == OPT_WRITABLE) 
		|| (option  == OPT_EXCEPTION) 
                ) {
	int mask = 0;
	Jim_Obj **scrListObjpp = NULL;
	Jim_Obj *listObj;
	const char *dummy = NULL;
	int scrlen = 0;

	if (!(Jim_CreateFileHandler && Jim_DeleteFileHandler)) {
		Jim_SetResultString(interp, "Eventloop not present ( or loaded too late ) !", -1);
        	return JIM_ERR;
	switch (option) {
	case OPT_READABLE:  mask = JIM_EVENT_READABLE;  scrListObjpp = &af->rEvent; 
		if (argc == 4)  mask |= JIM_EVENT_FEOF ; 			  break;
	case OPT_WRITABLE:  mask = JIM_EVENT_WRITABLE;  scrListObjpp = &af->wEvent; break;
	case OPT_EXCEPTION: mask = JIM_EVENT_EXCEPTION; scrListObjpp = &af->eEvent; break;
        switch (argc) {
	case 4:
	case 3:
		if (*scrListObjpp) {
			Jim_DeleteFileHandler(interp, af->fp); //,mask);
			Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, *scrListObjpp); 
			*scrListObjpp = NULL;
		if ( dummy = Jim_GetString(argv[2],&scrlen),(scrlen == 0)) {
		} else {
			*scrListObjpp = Jim_NewListObj(interp, NULL, 0);
			// fprintf(stderr,"0 %p \n",*scrListObjpp);
			listObj = argv[2];
			if (Jim_IsShared(listObj))
				listObj = Jim_DuplicateObj(interp, listObj);
			// Jim_IncrRefCount(listObj);
			// fprintf(stderr,"script:\"%s\" argp: %p objp1: %p\n", Jim_GetString(argv[2], NULL),argv[2],listObj);
			// fprintf(stderr,"1");
			// fprintf(stderr,"2");
			if (mask & JIM_EVENT_FEOF) {
				listObj = argv[3];
				if (Jim_IsShared(listObj))
					listObj = Jim_DuplicateObj(interp, listObj);
				// Jim_IncrRefCount(listObj);
				// fprintf(stderr,"script:\"%s\" argp: %p objp2: %p\n", Jim_GetString(argv[3], NULL),argv[3],listObj);
				// fprintf(stderr,"3");
				// fprintf(stderr,"4");
			// fprintf(stderr,"event readable fd: %d, script:\"%s\" objp3: %p\n",af->fd, Jim_GetString(argv[2], NULL),argv[2]);
			// fprintf(stderr,"6 %p \n",Jim_CreateFileHandler);
			Jim_CreateFileHandler(interp, af->fp, mask, 
			// fprintf(stderr,"7");
	case 2:
		if (*scrListObjpp)
		return JIM_OK;
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "");
            return JIM_ERR;
    } else if (option  == OPT_ACCEPT) {
	int ret;
	ret = JimAioAcceptHelper(interp,af);
	fprintf(stderr,"ret %d\n",ret);
	return (ret);
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #27
/* Calls to commands created via [sdl.surface] are implemented by this
 * C command. */
static int JimSdlHandlerCommand(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc,
        Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    JimSdlSurface *jss = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    int option;
    const char *options[] = {
        "free", "flip", "pixel", "rectangle", "box", "line", "aaline",
        "circle", "aacircle", "fcircle", NULL

    if (argc < 2) {
        Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, argv, "method ?args ...?");
        return JIM_ERR;
    if (Jim_GetEnum(interp, argv[1], options, &option, "SDL surface method",
                JIM_ERRMSG) != JIM_OK)
        return JIM_ERR;
    if (option == OPT_PIXEL) {
    /* PIXEL */
        long x, y, red, green, blue, alpha = 255;

        if (argc != 7 && argc != 8) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "x y red green blue ?alpha?");
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[2], &x) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[3], &y) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[4], &red) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[5], &green) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[6], &blue) != JIM_OK)
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (argc == 8 && Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[7], &alpha) != JIM_OK)
            return JIM_ERR;
        // pixelRGBA(jss->screen, x, y, red, green, blue, alpha);
        uint32_t color = 0;
        color |= alpha << 24;
        color |= red << 16;
        color |= green << 8;
        color |= blue;
        SDL_DrawPixel(jss->screen, x, y, color);
        return JIM_OK;
    } else if (option == OPT_RECTANGLE || option == OPT_BOX ||
               option == OPT_LINE || option == OPT_AALINE)
        long x1, y1, x2, y2, red, green, blue, alpha = 255;

        if (argc != 9 && argc != 10) {
            Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "x y red green blue ?alpha?");
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[2], &x1) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[3], &y1) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[4], &x2) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[5], &y2) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[6], &red) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[7], &green) != JIM_OK ||
            Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[8], &blue) != JIM_OK)
            return JIM_ERR;
        if (argc == 10 && Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[9], &alpha) != JIM_OK)
            return JIM_ERR;
        uint32_t color = 0;
        color |= alpha << 24;
        color |= red << 16;
        color |= green << 8;
        color |= blue;
        switch(option) {
        case OPT_RECTANGLE: {
          // rectangleRGBA(jss->screen, x1, y1, x2, y2, red, green, blue, alpha);
          SDL_Rect r = {
            .x = x1, .y = y1,
            .w = x2 - x1, .h = y2 - y1
          SDL_DrawRect(jss->screen, &r, color);
        case OPT_BOX: {
          // boxRGBA(jss->screen, x1, y1, x2, y2, red, green, blue, alpha);
          SDL_Point rect_poly[4] = {
            { .x = x1, .y = y1 },
            { .x = x2, .y = y1 },
            { .x = x2, .y = y2 },
            { .x = x1, .y = y2 }
          SDL_FillPolygon(jss->screen, rect_poly, sizeof(rect_poly)/sizeof(rect_poly[0]), color);
Beispiel #28
static int JimELAfterCommand(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    Jim_EventLoop *eventLoop = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);
    double ms = 0;
    jim_wide id;
    Jim_Obj *objPtr, *idObjPtr;
    static const char * const options[] = {
        "cancel", "info", "idle", NULL
    int option = AFTER_CREATE;

    if (argc < 2) {
        Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, argv, "option ?arg ...?");
        return JIM_ERR;
    if (Jim_GetDouble(interp, argv[1], &ms) != JIM_OK) {
        if (Jim_GetEnum(interp, argv[1], options, &option, "argument", JIM_ERRMSG) != JIM_OK) {
            return JIM_ERR;
    else if (argc == 2) {
        /* Simply a sleep */
        usleep(ms * 1000);
        return JIM_OK;

    switch (option) {
        case AFTER_IDLE:
            if (argc < 3) {
                Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "script ?script ...?");
                return JIM_ERR;
            /* fall through */
        case AFTER_CREATE: {
            Jim_Obj *scriptObj = Jim_ConcatObj(interp, argc - 2, argv + 2);
            id = Jim_CreateTimeHandler(interp, (jim_wide)(ms * 1000), JimAfterTimeHandler, scriptObj,
            objPtr = Jim_NewStringObj(interp, NULL, 0);
            Jim_AppendString(interp, objPtr, "after#", -1);
            idObjPtr = Jim_NewIntObj(interp, id);
            Jim_AppendObj(interp, objPtr, idObjPtr);
            Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, idObjPtr);
            Jim_SetResult(interp, objPtr);
            return JIM_OK;
        case AFTER_CANCEL:
            if (argc < 3) {
                Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "id|command");
                return JIM_ERR;
            else {
                jim_wide remain = 0;

                id = JimParseAfterId(argv[2]);
                if (id <= 0) {
                    /* Not an event id, so search by script */
                    Jim_Obj *scriptObj = Jim_ConcatObj(interp, argc - 2, argv + 2);
                    id = JimFindAfterByScript(eventLoop, scriptObj);
                    Jim_FreeNewObj(interp, scriptObj);
                    if (id <= 0) {
                        /* Not found */
                remain = Jim_DeleteTimeHandler(interp, id);
                if (remain >= 0) {
                    Jim_SetResultInt(interp, remain);

        case AFTER_INFO:
            if (argc == 2) {
                Jim_TimeEvent *te = eventLoop->timeEventHead;
                Jim_Obj *listObj = Jim_NewListObj(interp, NULL, 0);
                char buf[30];
                const char *fmt = "after#%" JIM_WIDE_MODIFIER;

                while (te) {
                    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, te->id);
                    Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, listObj, Jim_NewStringObj(interp, buf, -1));
                    te = te->next;
                Jim_SetResult(interp, listObj);
            else if (argc == 3) {
                id = JimParseAfterId(argv[2]);
                if (id >= 0) {
                    Jim_TimeEvent *e = JimFindTimeHandlerById(eventLoop, id);
                    if (e && e->timeProc == JimAfterTimeHandler) {
                        Jim_Obj *listObj = Jim_NewListObj(interp, NULL, 0);
                        Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, listObj, e->clientData);
                        Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, listObj, Jim_NewStringObj(interp, e->initialus ? "timer" : "idle", -1));
                        Jim_SetResult(interp, listObj);
                        return JIM_OK;
                Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "event \"%#s\" doesn't exist", argv[2]);
                return JIM_ERR;
            else {
                Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, argv, "?id?");
                return JIM_ERR;
    return JIM_OK;
Beispiel #29
 * JimCreatePipeline --
 *  Given an argc/argv array, instantiate a pipeline of processes
 *  as described by the argv.
 * Results:
 *  The return value is a count of the number of new processes
 *  created, or -1 if an error occurred while creating the pipeline.
 *  *pidArrayPtr is filled in with the address of a dynamically
 *  allocated array giving the ids of all of the processes.  It
 *  is up to the caller to free this array when it isn't needed
 *  anymore.  If inPipePtr is non-NULL, *inPipePtr is filled in
 *  with the file id for the input pipe for the pipeline (if any):
 *  the caller must eventually close this file.  If outPipePtr
 *  isn't NULL, then *outPipePtr is filled in with the file id
 *  for the output pipe from the pipeline:  the caller must close
 *  this file.  If errFilePtr isn't NULL, then *errFilePtr is filled
 *  with a file id that may be used to read error output after the
 *  pipeline completes.
 * Side effects:
 *  Processes and pipes are created.
static int
JimCreatePipeline(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv, pidtype **pidArrayPtr,
    fdtype *inPipePtr, fdtype *outPipePtr, fdtype *errFilePtr)
    pidtype *pidPtr = NULL;         /* Points to malloc-ed array holding all
                                 * the pids of child processes. */
    int numPids = 0;            /* Actual number of processes that exist
                                 * at *pidPtr right now. */
    int cmdCount;               /* Count of number of distinct commands
                                 * found in argc/argv. */
    const char *input = NULL;   /* Describes input for pipeline, depending
                                 * on "inputFile".  NULL means take input
                                 * from stdin/pipe. */
    int input_len = 0;          /* Length of input, if relevant */

#define FILE_NAME   0           /* input/output: filename */
#define FILE_APPEND 1           /* output only:  filename, append */
#define FILE_HANDLE 2           /* input/output: filehandle */
#define FILE_TEXT   3           /* input only:   input is actual text */

    int inputFile = FILE_NAME;  /* 1 means input is name of input file.
                                 * 2 means input is filehandle name.
                                 * 0 means input holds actual
                                 * text to be input to command. */

    int outputFile = FILE_NAME; /* 0 means output is the name of output file.
                                 * 1 means output is the name of output file, and append.
                                 * 2 means output is filehandle name.
                                 * All this is ignored if output is NULL
    int errorFile = FILE_NAME;  /* 0 means error is the name of error file.
                                 * 1 means error is the name of error file, and append.
                                 * 2 means error is filehandle name.
                                 * All this is ignored if error is NULL
    const char *output = NULL;  /* Holds name of output file to pipe to,
                                 * or NULL if output goes to stdout/pipe. */
    const char *error = NULL;   /* Holds name of stderr file to pipe to,
                                 * or NULL if stderr goes to stderr/pipe. */
    fdtype inputId = JIM_BAD_FD;
                                 /* Readable file id input to current command in
                                 * pipeline (could be file or pipe).  JIM_BAD_FD
                                 * means use stdin. */
    fdtype outputId = JIM_BAD_FD;
                                 /* Writable file id for output from current
                                 * command in pipeline (could be file or pipe).
                                 * JIM_BAD_FD means use stdout. */
    fdtype errorId = JIM_BAD_FD;
                                 /* Writable file id for all standard error
                                 * output from all commands in pipeline.  JIM_BAD_FD
                                 * means use stderr. */
    fdtype lastOutputId = JIM_BAD_FD;
                                 /* Write file id for output from last command
                                 * in pipeline (could be file or pipe).
                                 * -1 means use stdout. */
    fdtype pipeIds[2];           /* File ids for pipe that's being created. */
    int firstArg, lastArg;      /* Indexes of first and last arguments in
                                 * current command. */
    int lastBar;
    int i;
    pidtype pid;
    char **save_environ;
    struct WaitInfoTable *table = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    /* Holds the args which will be used to exec */
    char **arg_array = Jim_Alloc(sizeof(*arg_array) * (argc + 1));
    int arg_count = 0;


    if (inPipePtr != NULL) {
        *inPipePtr = JIM_BAD_FD;
    if (outPipePtr != NULL) {
        *outPipePtr = JIM_BAD_FD;
    if (errFilePtr != NULL) {
        *errFilePtr = JIM_BAD_FD;
    pipeIds[0] = pipeIds[1] = JIM_BAD_FD;

     * First, scan through all the arguments to figure out the structure
     * of the pipeline.  Count the number of distinct processes (it's the
     * number of "|" arguments).  If there are "<", "<<", or ">" arguments
     * then make note of input and output redirection and remove these
     * arguments and the arguments that follow them.
    cmdCount = 1;
    lastBar = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        const char *arg = Jim_String(argv[i]);

        if (arg[0] == '<') {
            inputFile = FILE_NAME;
            input = arg + 1;
            if (*input == '<') {
                inputFile = FILE_TEXT;
                input_len = Jim_Length(argv[i]) - 2;
            else if (*input == '@') {
                inputFile = FILE_HANDLE;

            if (!*input && ++i < argc) {
                input = Jim_GetString(argv[i], &input_len);
        else if (arg[0] == '>') {
            int dup_error = 0;

            outputFile = FILE_NAME;

            output = arg + 1;
            if (*output == '>') {
                outputFile = FILE_APPEND;
            if (*output == '&') {
                /* Redirect stderr too */
                dup_error = 1;
            if (*output == '@') {
                outputFile = FILE_HANDLE;
            if (!*output && ++i < argc) {
                output = Jim_String(argv[i]);
            if (dup_error) {
                errorFile = outputFile;
                error = output;
        else if (arg[0] == '2' && arg[1] == '>') {
            error = arg + 2;
            errorFile = FILE_NAME;

            if (*error == '@') {
                errorFile = FILE_HANDLE;
            else if (*error == '>') {
                errorFile = FILE_APPEND;
            if (!*error && ++i < argc) {
                error = Jim_String(argv[i]);
        else {
            if (strcmp(arg, "|") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "|&") == 0) {
                if (i == lastBar + 1 || i == argc - 1) {
                    Jim_SetResultString(interp, "illegal use of | or |& in command", -1);
                    goto badargs;
                lastBar = i;
            /* Either |, |& or a "normal" arg, so store it in the arg array */
            arg_array[arg_count++] = (char *)arg;

        if (i >= argc) {
            Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "can't specify \"%s\" as last word in command", arg);
            goto badargs;

    if (arg_count == 0) {
        Jim_SetResultString(interp, "didn't specify command to execute", -1);
        return -1;

    /* Must do this before vfork(), so do it now */
    save_environ = JimSaveEnv(JimBuildEnv(interp));

     * Set up the redirected input source for the pipeline, if
     * so requested.
    if (input != NULL) {
        if (inputFile == FILE_TEXT) {
             * Immediate data in command.  Create temporary file and
             * put data into file.
            inputId = JimCreateTemp(interp, input, input_len);
            if (inputId == JIM_BAD_FD) {
                goto error;
        else if (inputFile == FILE_HANDLE) {
            /* Should be a file descriptor */
            FILE *fh = JimGetAioFilehandle(interp, input);

            if (fh == NULL) {
                goto error;
            inputId = JimDupFd(JimFileno(fh));
        else {
             * File redirection.  Just open the file.
            inputId = JimOpenForRead(input);
            if (inputId == JIM_BAD_FD) {
                Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "couldn't read file \"%s\": %s", input, JimStrError());
                goto error;
    else if (inPipePtr != NULL) {
        if (JimPipe(pipeIds) != 0) {
            Jim_SetResultErrno(interp, "couldn't create input pipe for command");
            goto error;
        inputId = pipeIds[0];
        *inPipePtr = pipeIds[1];
        pipeIds[0] = pipeIds[1] = JIM_BAD_FD;

     * Set up the redirected output sink for the pipeline from one
     * of two places, if requested.
    if (output != NULL) {
        if (outputFile == FILE_HANDLE) {
            FILE *fh = JimGetAioFilehandle(interp, output);
            if (fh == NULL) {
                goto error;
            lastOutputId = JimDupFd(JimFileno(fh));
        else {
             * Output is to go to a file.
            lastOutputId = JimOpenForWrite(output, outputFile == FILE_APPEND);
            if (lastOutputId == JIM_BAD_FD) {
                Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "couldn't write file \"%s\": %s", output, JimStrError());
                goto error;
    else if (outPipePtr != NULL) {
         * Output is to go to a pipe.
        if (JimPipe(pipeIds) != 0) {
            Jim_SetResultErrno(interp, "couldn't create output pipe");
            goto error;
        lastOutputId = pipeIds[1];
        *outPipePtr = pipeIds[0];
        pipeIds[0] = pipeIds[1] = JIM_BAD_FD;
    /* If we are redirecting stderr with 2>filename or 2>@fileId, then we ignore errFilePtr */
    if (error != NULL) {
        if (errorFile == FILE_HANDLE) {
            if (strcmp(error, "1") == 0) {
                /* Special 2>@1 */
                if (lastOutputId != JIM_BAD_FD) {
                    errorId = JimDupFd(lastOutputId);
                else {
                    /* No redirection of stdout, so just use 2>@stdout */
                    error = "stdout";
            if (errorId == JIM_BAD_FD) {
                FILE *fh = JimGetAioFilehandle(interp, error);
                if (fh == NULL) {
                    goto error;
                errorId = JimDupFd(JimFileno(fh));
        else {
             * Output is to go to a file.
            errorId = JimOpenForWrite(error, errorFile == FILE_APPEND);
            if (errorId == JIM_BAD_FD) {
                Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "couldn't write file \"%s\": %s", error, JimStrError());
                goto error;
    else if (errFilePtr != NULL) {
         * Set up the standard error output sink for the pipeline, if
         * requested.  Use a temporary file which is opened, then deleted.
         * Could potentially just use pipe, but if it filled up it could
         * cause the pipeline to deadlock:  we'd be waiting for processes
         * to complete before reading stderr, and processes couldn't complete
         * because stderr was backed up.
        errorId = JimCreateTemp(interp, NULL, 0);
        if (errorId == JIM_BAD_FD) {
            goto error;
        *errFilePtr = JimDupFd(errorId);

     * Scan through the argc array, forking off a process for each
     * group of arguments between "|" arguments.

    pidPtr = Jim_Alloc(cmdCount * sizeof(*pidPtr));
    for (i = 0; i < numPids; i++) {
        pidPtr[i] = JIM_BAD_PID;
    for (firstArg = 0; firstArg < arg_count; numPids++, firstArg = lastArg + 1) {
        int pipe_dup_err = 0;
        fdtype origErrorId = errorId;

        for (lastArg = firstArg; lastArg < arg_count; lastArg++) {
            if (arg_array[lastArg][0] == '|') {
                if (arg_array[lastArg][1] == '&') {
                    pipe_dup_err = 1;
        /* Replace | with NULL for execv() */
        arg_array[lastArg] = NULL;
        if (lastArg == arg_count) {
            outputId = lastOutputId;
        else {
            if (JimPipe(pipeIds) != 0) {
                Jim_SetResultErrno(interp, "couldn't create pipe");
                goto error;
            outputId = pipeIds[1];

        /* Now fork the child */

#ifdef __MINGW32__
        pid = JimStartWinProcess(interp, &arg_array[firstArg], save_environ ? save_environ[0] : NULL, inputId, outputId, errorId);
        if (pid == JIM_BAD_PID) {
            Jim_SetResultFormatted(interp, "couldn't exec \"%s\"", arg_array[firstArg]);
            goto error;
         * Disable SIGPIPE signals:  if they were allowed, this process
         * might go away unexpectedly if children misbehave.  This code
         * can potentially interfere with other application code that
         * expects to handle SIGPIPEs;  what's really needed is an
         * arbiter for signals to allow them to be "shared".
        if (table->info == NULL) {
            (void)signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

        /* Need to do this befor vfork() */
        if (pipe_dup_err) {
            errorId = outputId;

         * Make a new process and enter it into the table if the fork
         * is successful.
        pid = vfork();
        if (pid < 0) {
            Jim_SetResultErrno(interp, "couldn't fork child process");
            goto error;
        if (pid == 0) {
            /* Child */

            if (inputId != -1) dup2(inputId, 0);
            if (outputId != -1) dup2(outputId, 1);
            if (errorId != -1) dup2(errorId, 2);

            for (i = 3; (i <= outputId) || (i <= inputId) || (i <= errorId); i++) {

            execvpe(arg_array[firstArg], &arg_array[firstArg], Jim_GetEnviron());

            /* Need to prep an error message before vfork(), just in case */
            fprintf(stderr, "couldn't exec \"%s\"", arg_array[firstArg]);

        /* parent */

         * Enlarge the wait table if there isn't enough space for a new
         * entry.
        if (table->used == table->size) {
            table->size += WAIT_TABLE_GROW_BY;
            table->info = Jim_Realloc(table->info, table->size * sizeof(*table->info));

        table->info[table->used].pid = pid;
        table->info[table->used].flags = 0;

        pidPtr[numPids] = pid;

        /* Restore in case of pipe_dup_err */
        errorId = origErrorId;

         * Close off our copies of file descriptors that were set up for
         * this child, then set up the input for the next child.

        if (inputId != JIM_BAD_FD) {
        if (outputId != JIM_BAD_FD) {
        inputId = pipeIds[0];
        pipeIds[0] = pipeIds[1] = JIM_BAD_FD;
    *pidArrayPtr = pidPtr;

     * All done.  Cleanup open files lying around and then return.

    if (inputId != JIM_BAD_FD) {
    if (lastOutputId != JIM_BAD_FD) {
    if (errorId != JIM_BAD_FD) {


    return numPids;

     * An error occurred.  There could have been extra files open, such
     * as pipes between children.  Clean them all up.  Detach any child
     * processes that have been created.

    if ((inPipePtr != NULL) && (*inPipePtr != JIM_BAD_FD)) {
        *inPipePtr = JIM_BAD_FD;
    if ((outPipePtr != NULL) && (*outPipePtr != JIM_BAD_FD)) {
        *outPipePtr = JIM_BAD_FD;
    if ((errFilePtr != NULL) && (*errFilePtr != JIM_BAD_FD)) {
        *errFilePtr = JIM_BAD_FD;
    if (pipeIds[0] != JIM_BAD_FD) {
    if (pipeIds[1] != JIM_BAD_FD) {
    if (pidPtr != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < numPids; i++) {
            if (pidPtr[i] != JIM_BAD_PID) {
                JimDetachPids(interp, 1, &pidPtr[i]);
    numPids = -1;
    goto cleanup;
Beispiel #30
/* Syslog_Log -
 * implements syslog tcl command. General format: syslog ?options? level text
 * options -facility -ident -options
 * syslog ?-facility cron|daemon|...? ?-ident string? ?-options int? ?debug|info|...? text
int Jim_SyslogCmd(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
    int priority = LOG_INFO;
    int i = 1;
    SyslogInfo *info = Jim_CmdPrivData(interp);

    if (argc <= 1) {
        Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, argv,
            "?-facility cron|daemon|...? ?-ident string? ?-options int? ?debug|info|...? message");
        return JIM_ERR;
    while (i < argc - 1) {
        if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[i], "-facility")) {
            int entry =
                Jim_FindByName(Jim_String(argv[i + 1]), facilities,
                sizeof(facilities) / sizeof(*facilities));
            if (entry < 0) {
                Jim_SetResultString(interp, "Unknown facility", -1);
                return JIM_ERR;
            if (info->facility != entry) {
                info->facility = entry;
                if (info->logOpened) {
                    info->logOpened = 0;
        else if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[i], "-options")) {
            long tmp;

            if (Jim_GetLong(interp, argv[i + 1], &tmp) == JIM_ERR) {
                return JIM_ERR;
            info->options = tmp;
            if (info->logOpened) {
                info->logOpened = 0;
        else if (Jim_CompareStringImmediate(interp, argv[i], "-ident")) {
            strncpy(info->ident, Jim_String(argv[i + 1]), sizeof(info->ident));
            info->ident[sizeof(info->ident) - 1] = 0;
            if (info->logOpened) {
                info->logOpened = 0;
        else {
        i += 2;

    /* There should be either 0, 1 or 2 args left */
    if (i == argc) {
        /* No args, but they have set some options, so OK */
        return JIM_OK;

    if (i < argc - 1) {
        priority =
            Jim_FindByName(Jim_String(argv[i]), priorities,
            sizeof(priorities) / sizeof(*priorities));
        if (priority < 0) {
            Jim_SetResultString(interp, "Unknown priority", -1);
            return JIM_ERR;

    if (i != argc - 1) {
        goto wrongargs;
    if (!info->logOpened) {
        if (!info->ident[0]) {
            Jim_Obj *argv0 = Jim_GetGlobalVariableStr(interp, "argv0", JIM_NONE);

            if (argv0) {
                strncpy(info->ident, Jim_String(argv0), sizeof(info->ident));
            else {
                strcpy(info->ident, "Tcl script");
            info->ident[sizeof(info->ident) - 1] = 0;
        openlog(info->ident, info->options, info->facility);
        info->logOpened = 1;
    syslog(priority, "%s", Jim_String(argv[i]));

    return JIM_OK;