LOCAL JPEG_RET_E GetSOF(BOOLEAN isProgressive, JPEG_DEC_INPUT_PARA_T  *jpeg_dec_input)
	uint16	length = 0;
	uint16	width = 0;
	uint16 	height = 0;
	uint8	ci = 0, c = 0;
	uint8 	component_num = 0;
	int8	yuv_id = 0;
	jpeg_component_info *compptr;
	JPEG_CODEC_T *jpeg_fw_codec = Get_JPEGDecCodec();

	jpeg_dec_input->progressive_mode = isProgressive;
		JPEG_TRACE("\nJPEG Mode is: Progressive\n");
		JPEG_TRACE("JPEG Mode is: Baseline\n");

	if (!get_short_word(&length) || length < 8)	/*get length*/
		JPEG_TRACE("GetSOF get length error %d", length);
		return JPEG_FAILED;

	if (!get_char(&c))		/*get sample precision*/
		JPEG_TRACE("GetSOF pricision error, %d", c);
		return JPEG_FAILED;

	if (c !=8 )
 		JPEG_TRACE("ERROR!!! pricision = %d\n", c);
		return JPEG_FAILED;

	if (!get_short_word(&height) || !get_short_word(&width))
 		JPEG_TRACE("GetSOF get size error ");
		return JPEG_FAILED;

	jpeg_dec_input->input_height = height;
	jpeg_dec_input->input_width = width;
	if ((jpeg_dec_input->input_height < 8)||(jpeg_dec_input->input_width < 8))
		JPEG_TRACE("WARNING!!! width =%d, height = %d\n", jpeg_dec_input->input_height, jpeg_dec_input->input_width);

	if (!get_char(&component_num)) /*get the component number*/
 		JPEG_TRACE("GetSOF get component num error");
		return JPEG_FAILED;

	if(component_num != 3)
 		JPEG_TRACE("WARNING!!! component num = %d\n", component_num);

	/*check length*/
	if (length != (component_num * 3 + 8))
 		JPEG_TRACE("Error!!! length = %d\n", length);
		return JPEG_FAILED;
	jpeg_fw_codec->num_components = component_num;

	JPEG_TRACE("JPEG: GetSOF, width=%d, height=%d\n",jpeg_dec_input->input_width, jpeg_dec_input->input_height);

	/*Caution: current we only support the YUV format, sequence is Y..U..V*/
// 	if (jpeg_dec_input->comp_info == NULL)	/* do only once, even if suspend */
		jpeg_fw_codec->comp_info = (jpeg_component_info *)JpegDec_ExtraMemAlloc(component_num * sizeof(jpeg_component_info));

	for(ci = 0, compptr = jpeg_fw_codec->comp_info; ci < component_num; ci++, compptr++) 
		if (!get_char(&c))
 			JPEG_TRACE("[GetSOF] get yuvid error = %d", c);
			return JPEG_FAILED;			

		yuv_id = c;
		compptr->component_index = ci;
		compptr->component_id = yuv_id;

		//index starts from 1, but in our program, ratio and tbl_map starts from 0, 
		//so we need minus yuv_id to 1 before use it. Noted by xiaowei.luo@20090107

			JPEG_TRACE("Error!!! component id = %d\n", yuv_id);
			return JPEG_FAILED;

		if (!get_char(&c))	/*get sample ratio*/
			JPEG_TRACE("Get sample ratio error");
			return JPEG_FAILED;			

		compptr->h_samp_factor = (c >> 4) & 0x0F;
		compptr->v_samp_factor = (c     ) & 0x0F;
		if(ci == 0)
			compptr->MCU_width = compptr->h_samp_factor;
			compptr->MCU_height = compptr->v_samp_factor;
			compptr->MCU_width = 1;
			compptr->MCU_height = 1;

		if (!get_char(&c))	/*get quant table*/
			JPEG_TRACE("Get quant table error");
			return JPEG_FAILED;		
		if(c >= 2/*JPEG_FW_CHR_ID*/)  //be compliant with two chroma quant table.
#if 0
			//JPEG_ERROR(JPEG_EID_MISSQUANT, "quant id = %d\n", c);
			return JPEG_FAILED;
			c -= 2;
		jpeg_fw_codec->tbl_map[yuv_id].quant_tbl_id = c;

	c = (jpeg_fw_codec->comp_info[0].h_samp_factor << 4) | (jpeg_fw_codec->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor);

	if (1 == component_num)
		jpeg_dec_input->input_mcu_info = JPEG_FW_YUV400;
		JPEG_TRACE("YUV Mode is: 4:0:0\n");
	else // componet num is 2 or 3
		case 0x11:
			jpeg_dec_input->input_mcu_info = JPEG_FW_YUV444;
			JPEG_TRACE("YUV Mode is: 4:4:4\n");
		case 0x21:
			jpeg_dec_input->input_mcu_info = JPEG_FW_YUV422;
			JPEG_TRACE("YUV Mode is: 4:2:2, V1,H2\n");
		case 0x41:
			jpeg_dec_input->input_mcu_info = JPEG_FW_YUV411;
			JPEG_TRACE("YUV Mode is: 4:1:1\n");
		case 0x14:
			jpeg_dec_input->input_mcu_info = JPEG_FW_YUV411_R;
			JPEG_TRACE("YUV Mode is: 4:1:1, V4, H1\n");
		case 0x22:
			jpeg_dec_input->input_mcu_info = JPEG_FW_YUV420;
			JPEG_TRACE("YUV Mode is: 4:2:0\n");
		case 0x12:
			jpeg_dec_input->input_mcu_info = JPEG_FW_YUV422_R;
			JPEG_TRACE("YUV Mode is: 4:2:2, V2,H1\n");
			//			JPEG_ERROR(JPEG_EID_SAMPLEFORMAT, "format = %d\n", sample_format);
			JPEG_TRACE("unsupport format = %d", c);
			return JPEG_FAILED;

		//check u sample ratio
		c = (jpeg_fw_codec->comp_info[1].h_samp_factor << 4) | (jpeg_fw_codec->comp_info[1].v_samp_factor);
		if (0x11 != c)
			JPEG_TRACE("unsupport u sample ratio = %d", c);
			return JPEG_FAILED;
		//check v sample ratio
		if (component_num > 2)
			//check u sample ratio
			c = (jpeg_fw_codec->comp_info[2].h_samp_factor << 4) | (jpeg_fw_codec->comp_info[2].v_samp_factor);
			if (0x11 != c)
				JPEG_TRACE("unsupport v sample ratio = %d", c);
				return JPEG_FAILED;
	uint16 		length = 0;
	uint16		i = 0, index = 0, count = 0;
	HUFF_TBL_T	*htblptr = NULL;
	uint8		*bits;
	uint8		*huffval;
	uint8		*default_bits;
	uint8		*default_huffval;
	JPEG_CODEC_T *jpeg_fw_codec = Get_JPEGDecCodec();
	uint8		c = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < NUM_HUFF_TBLS; i++)
			jpeg_fw_codec->dc_huff_tbl[i].bits = (uint8*)JpegDec_ExtraMemAlloc((sizeof(uint8))*(MAX_BITS_SIZE+1));
			jpeg_fw_codec->dc_huff_tbl[i].huffval = (uint8*)JpegDec_ExtraMemAlloc((sizeof(uint8))*(AC_SYMBOL_NUM+1));
			jpeg_fw_codec->ac_huff_tbl[i].bits = (uint8*)JpegDec_ExtraMemAlloc((sizeof(uint8))*(MAX_BITS_SIZE+1));
			jpeg_fw_codec->ac_huff_tbl[i].huffval = (uint8*)JpegDec_ExtraMemAlloc((sizeof(uint8))*(AC_SYMBOL_NUM+1));
		g_huff_tbl_malloced = TRUE;

	if (!get_short_word(&length) || length < 2)
		JPEG_TRACE("[GetHuffTbl] get length error, length = %d", length);
		return JPEG_FAILED;
	length -= 2;

	while (length > 0)
		if (!get_char(&c))
			JPEG_TRACE("[GetHuffTbl] get table error");
			return JPEG_FAILED;

		//clear the invalid bits
		index = c & 0x13;
		if (index & 0x10)	
			index -= 0x10;	/* AC table definition */
			htblptr = &(jpeg_fw_codec->ac_huff_tbl[index]);
			bits = htblptr->bits;
			huffval = htblptr->huffval;
			if(index == 00) //luma
				default_bits = jpeg_fw_lum_ac_bits_default;
				default_huffval = jpeg_fw_lum_ac_huffvalue_default;
			else //chroma
				default_bits = jpeg_fw_chr_ac_bits_default;
				default_huffval = jpeg_fw_chr_ac_huffvalue_default;
		{				/* DC table definition */
			htblptr = &(jpeg_fw_codec->dc_huff_tbl[index]);
			bits = htblptr->bits;
			huffval = htblptr->huffval;
			if(index == 00) //luma
				default_bits = jpeg_fw_lum_dc_bits_default;
				default_huffval = jpeg_fw_lum_dc_huffvalue_default;
			else //chroma
				default_bits = jpeg_fw_chr_dc_bits_default;
				default_huffval = jpeg_fw_chr_dc_huffvalue_default;

		/*read bits*/
		bits[0] = 0;
		count = 0;
		for (i = 1; i <= 16; i++)
			if (!get_char(&c))
				JPEG_TRACE("[GetHuffTbl] get table error");
				return JPEG_FAILED;
			bits[i] = c;
			if(bits[i] != default_bits[i])
				jpeg_fw_codec->using_default_huff_tab = FALSE;
			count += bits[i];
		if (count > 256)
 			JPEG_TRACE("huff value table len = %d is larger than 256\n", count);
			return JPEG_FAILED;

		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
			if (!get_char(&c))
				JPEG_TRACE("[GetHuffTbl] get table error");
				return JPEG_FAILED;
			huffval[i] = c;
			if(huffval[i] != default_huffval[i])
				jpeg_fw_codec->using_default_huff_tab = FALSE;


		if (length < (1 + 16 + count))
			JPEG_TRACE("[GetHuffTbl] huffman table error!");
			return JPEG_FAILED;
			length -= (1 + 16 + count);

//		htblptr->bits = bits;
//		htblptr->huffval = huffval;
	uint16	length = 0;
	uint8	n = 0, j = 0, prec = 0;
	uint8	*quant_ptr = NULL;
	int32	has_two_chroma_quant_tbl = FALSE;
	JPEG_CODEC_T *jpeg_fw_codec = Get_JPEGDecCodec();

	jpeg_fw_codec->using_default_quant_tab = FALSE;

	if (!get_short_word(&length) || length < 2)
		JPEG_TRACE("[GetHuffTbl] get length error, length = %d", length);
		return JPEG_FAILED;

	length -= 2;

	while (length > 0)
		if (!get_char(&n))
			JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
			return JPEG_FAILED;			

		prec = n>>4;
		n &= 0x0F;
		if (prec)
 			JPEG_TRACE("error quant table precision = %d\n", prec);
	// 		return JPEG_FAILED;

		if (n >= 2)
#if 0
 			JPEG_TRACE("warning: error quant table id = %d\n", n);
			return JPEG_FAILED; 	
			n -= 2;
		if (n > 1)
 			JPEG_TRACE("warning: error quant table id = %d\n", n);
			//return JPEG_SUCCESS; //removed by xwluo, @20090330
			has_two_chroma_quant_tbl = TRUE;

		jpeg_fw_codec->quant_tbl[n] = (uint8*)JpegDec_ExtraMemAlloc((sizeof(uint8))*64);
		quant_ptr = &jpeg_fw_codec->quant_tbl[n][0];

		if (prec == 0)
			for(j = 0; j < 64; j+=4)
				uint8 c = 0;

				if (!get_char(&c))
					JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
					return JPEG_FAILED;			
				quant_ptr[jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[j]] = c;
				if (!get_char(&c))
					JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
					return JPEG_FAILED;			

				quant_ptr[jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[j+1]] = c;

				if (!get_char(&c))
					JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
					return JPEG_FAILED;			
				quant_ptr[jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[j+2]] = c;
				if (!get_char(&c))
					JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
					return JPEG_FAILED;			
				quant_ptr[jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[j+3]] = c;
			for(j = 0; j < 64; j+=4)
				uint16 c = 0;

				if (!get_short_word(&c))
					JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
					return JPEG_FAILED;			

				quant_ptr[jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[j]] = (uint8)c;

				if (!get_short_word(&c))
					JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
					return JPEG_FAILED;			

				quant_ptr[jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[j+1]] = (uint8)c;

				if (!get_short_word(&c))
					JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
					return JPEG_FAILED;			

				quant_ptr[jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[j+2]] = (uint8)c;

				if (!get_short_word(&c))
					JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] get table error");
					return JPEG_FAILED;			

				quant_ptr[jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[j+3]] = (uint8)c;

		if (length < (64 + 1 + 64 * prec))
			JPEG_TRACE("[GetQuantTbl] huffman table error!");
			return JPEG_FAILED;
			length -= (64 + 1 + 64 * prec);
#if 0
	if(has_two_chroma_quant_tbl) //check if these two chroma quant tables are same or not.
		uint8	*u_tbl_ptr = &jpeg_fw_codec->quant_tbl[1][0];
		uint8	*v_tbl_ptr = &jpeg_fw_codec->quant_tbl[2][0];

		for(j = 0; j < 64; j++)
			if(u_tbl_ptr[j] != v_tbl_ptr[j])
				return JPEG_FAILED;

		JPEG_TRACE("U and V quant table is same\n");

	int32 time_out_flag = 0;
	uint8 tbl_id = 0;
	uint8 tbl_num = 0;
	uint32 qtable_addr = (uint32)INV_QUANT_TBL_ADDR;
	uint32 cmd = 0;
	int32 tmp = 0;
	int32 index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
	uint16 yuv_id = 0;
	JPEG_CODEC_T *jpeg_fw_codec = Get_JPEGDecCodec();

	SCI_ASSERT(jpeg_fw_codec != PNULL);

	if(jpeg_fw_codec->num_components == 1) 
		tbl_num = 1;
		tbl_num = 2;
	        cmd = JPG_READ_REG(JPG_GLB_REG_BASE+GLB_CTRL_OFFSET, "DCAM_CFG: allow software to access the vsp buffer");
	        cmd |= (1<<2);		
	        JPG_WRITE_REG(JPG_GLB_REG_BASE+GLB_CTRL_OFFSET, cmd, "DCAM_CFG: allow software to access the vsp buffer");
	        time_out_flag = JPG_READ_REG_POLL(JPG_GLB_REG_BASE+GLB_CTRL_OFFSET, (1<<8), (1<<8), TIME_OUT_CLK, "DCAM_CFG: polling dcam clock status");

		if(time_out_flag != 0)
			SCI_TRACE_LOW("time_out_flag %s,%d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
			return JPEG_FAILED;

		for(tbl_id = 0; tbl_id < tbl_num; tbl_id++)
			const uint8  *quant_tbl_current = PNULL;
			uint32 i = 0;

			yuv_id = jpeg_fw_codec->tbl_map[tbl_id].quant_tbl_id;
			quant_tbl_current = jpeg_fw_codec->quant_tbl[yuv_id];

			for(i=0; i < JPEG_FW_DCTSIZE2; i+=2)
				index1 = jpeg_fw_ASIC_DCT_Matrix[i];
				index2 = jpeg_fw_ASIC_DCT_Matrix[i+1];	/*lint !e661 */
				tmp = ((quant_tbl_current[index1] & 0xFFFF) | (quant_tbl_current[index2]<<16));
				JPG_WRITE_REG(qtable_addr, tmp, "INV_QUANT_TAB_ADDR: Write Qtalbe into Qbuffer");
				qtable_addr += 4;		
			#if _CMODEL_
				//	FILE *qfile = fopen("D:/SC6800H/code/Firmware/jpeg_codec/simulation/VC/Dec_WinPrj/trace/dct/qtable.txt", "ab+");
				//	fprintf_oneWord_hex(qfile, tmp);
				//	fclose(qfile);

        	cmd = JPG_READ_REG(JPG_GLB_REG_BASE+GLB_CTRL_OFFSET, "DCAM_CFG: allow hardware to access the vsp buffer");
	        cmd = (cmd & ~0x4) ;
	        JPG_WRITE_REG(JPG_GLB_REG_BASE+GLB_CTRL_OFFSET, cmd, "DCAM_CFG: allow hardware to access the vsp buffer");
	        time_out_flag = JPG_READ_REG_POLL (JPG_GLB_REG_BASE+GLB_CTRL_OFFSET, 1, 1, TIME_OUT_CLK, "DCAM_CFG: polling dcam clock status");

		if(time_out_flag != 0)
			time_out_flag = JPG_READ_REG (JPG_GLB_REG_BASE+GLB_CTRL_OFFSET, "DCAM_CFG: allow hardware to access the vsp buffer");
			SCI_TRACE_LOW("time_out_flag %s,%d %x",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,time_out_flag);
			return JPEG_FAILED;
		JPEG_PROGRESSIVE_INFO_T *progressive_info = JPEGFW_GetProgInfo();
		int32 i;

		progressive_info->quant_tbl_new[0] = (int32 *)JpegDec_ExtraMemAlloc(sizeof(int32)*64);
		progressive_info->quant_tbl_new[1] = (int32 *)JpegDec_ExtraMemAlloc(sizeof(int32)*64);

		for(tbl_id = 0; tbl_id < tbl_num; tbl_id++)
			const uint8 *quant;
			yuv_id = jpeg_fw_codec->tbl_map[tbl_id].quant_tbl_id;

			quant = jpeg_fw_codec->quant_tbl[yuv_id];

				for(i = 0; i < JPEG_FW_DCTSIZE2; i++)
					progressive_info->quant_tbl_new[tbl_id][i] = 			
						(int32)DESCALE(MULTIPLY16V16((int32)quant[i/*jpeg_fw_zigzag_tbl[i]*/], (int32)aanscales[i]), IFAST_SCALE_BITS);
				for(i = 0; i < JPEG_FW_DCTSIZE2; i++)
					progressive_info->quant_tbl_new[tbl_id][jpeg_fw_zigzag_order[i]] = (int32)quant[i];