Beispiel #1
  /* "G:/Projekte/svn_mynew/svnroot/os2/usb/k8055/pyk8055/pyk8055lib.pyx":38 */
  __pyx_r = 0;
  goto __pyx_L0;

  __pyx_r = 0;
  goto __pyx_L0;
  __pyx_r = -1;
  return __pyx_r;

static void __pyx_f_10pyk8055lib_13K8055LibClass___dealloc__(PyObject *__pyx_v_self); /*proto*/
static void __pyx_f_10pyk8055lib_13K8055LibClass___dealloc__(PyObject *__pyx_v_self) {

  /* "G:/Projekte/svn_mynew/svnroot/os2/usb/k8055/pyk8055/pyk8055lib.pyx":40 */
  K8055_Close((&((struct __pyx_obj_10pyk8055lib_K8055LibClass *)__pyx_v_self)->ulDevHandle));

  /* "G:/Projekte/svn_mynew/svnroot/os2/usb/k8055/pyk8055/pyk8055lib.pyx":41 */
  goto __pyx_L0;

Beispiel #2
void main( INT argc, CHAR* *argv )

  // -- Option derived variables ----

  INT    iOptChar;   // ASCII value of a
                     // Command Line Option Character

  BOOL   blTestsExplained;
  BOOL   blTestScreens;
  BOOL   blDisclaimerLock;

  // -- Variables concerning the USB Device Driver ----

  ULONG  hDevice;
  ULONG  *phDevice;
  CHAR   pszName[9] = "$"; // Refers to USBECD.SYS /N:$

  // -- K8055 input variables ----

  ULONG  ulInpIxValue;
  ULONG  ulInpA1value, ulInpA2value;
  ULONG  ulDecodedInpIxValue;
  ULONG  ulCounterValue;
  ULONG  ulCounterIndex;

  // -- K8055 output variables ----

  ULONG  ulDigitalOutValue;
  ULONG  ulDAC1value;
  ULONG  ulDAC2value;
  ULONG  ulDACidx;

  // -- Variables for user interaction ----

  BOOL   blDoTheMainMenuAgain;
  CHAR   szCmdKeys[33];
  ULONG  ulKeyCode;
  ULONG  ulKeyIdx;

  // -- Variables used in the Read-Test ----

  INT    iTableIdx;
  INT    iBlckCycl;
  ULONG  ulDisplayedValuesCount;

  // -- Variables used in the Read-Test ----

  INT    iByteCycl;

  // -- Variables for specific purposes ----
  ULONG ulrc;       // Return Code for functions

  // -- Initialising Variables ---------- BEGIN ====

  blTestsExplained = FALSE;
  blTestScreens = TRUE;
  blDisclaimerLock = FALSE;

  blDoTheMainMenuAgain = TRUE;

  // -- Initialising Variables ------------ END ====

  // -- Processing Command Line Options ------------- BEGIN --/
  while( ( iOptChar = getopt( argc, argv, "dihn:p?" ) ) != -1 )
    switch( iOptChar )
      case 'd':
        blDisclaimerLock = TRUE;

      case 'i':
        // -- Basic information on 'K8055DD.dll'.
        blTestScreens = FALSE;
        ulrc = PrintingInfo();

      case 'h':
        // -- Printing list of options.
        blTestScreens = FALSE;
        ulrc = PrintingCommandLineOptions();

      case 'n':
        // -- Passing the Device Name to the application.
        strcpy( pszName, optarg );
        // -- Testaid -----
        // printf( "Device Name Option: '%s' ", pszName );
        blTestScreens = TRUE;

      case 'p':
        // -- Explaining every test in form of an intro.
        blTestsExplained = TRUE;

      case '?':
        blTestScreens = FALSE;
        ulrc = PrintingCommandLineOptions();

  // -- Resolving Option Inconsistancy ------------

  // -- Testaid -----
  printf( "\n  Number of Cmd Line Options: '%#02d' ", argc );

  if ( argc == 1 )
    blTestScreens = FALSE;
    ulrc = PrintingCommandLineOptions();

  // -- 'exit(0)' Testaid for argument scanning ---

  // -- Processing Command Line Options --------------- END --/

  // -- Main Menu Key Section ----------------------- BEGIN --|

  if ( blTestScreens == TRUE )

    // -- Main Menu Key Loop --------------------------- BL -))

      ulrc = PrintingHeadLine();

      if ( blDisclaimerLock == FALSE )
        ulrc = PrintingDisclaimer();
        ulrc = PrintingDisclaimerHint();

        ulrc = PrintingGoodByePhrase();



      // -- The Main Menu -----------------------------------
      printf("   Main menu \n\n");

      printf("\n     Reading from K8055.....................");
      printf("............. r ");
      printf("\n     Writing to K8055.......................");
      printf("............. w ");
      printf("\n ");
      printf("\n     Info on the Device Specific Library ");
      printf("K8055DD.dll .... i ");
      printf("\n     Disclaimer.............................");
      printf("............. d ");
      printf("\n     Quit...................................");
      printf("............. q ");
      printf("\n      Press one of the listed keys !");

      strcpy( szCmdKeys, "iIdDqQrRwW" );
      ulKeyCode = 0;
      ulKeyIdx = 0;
      ulrc = PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray( &szCmdKeys,
                                           &ulKeyIdx   );

      // -- Testaid ---
      //    to check all return conditions of
      //    'PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray()'
      //printf( "%hu , ", ulrc );
      //printf( "%hu , ", ulKeyCode );
      //printf( "%hu", ulKeyIdx );

      // -- Main Menu Function Selector --------- BEGIN ------&
      switch( ulKeyCode )
        //-- Showing Disclaimer -----------------------------
        case 'd':
        case 'D':

          ulrc = PrintingHeadLine();
          ulrc = PrintingDisclaimer();

          printf("\n\n  Press  m  ");
          printf("to return to the Main Menu \n");
          strcpy( szCmdKeys, "mM" );
          ulKeyCode = 0;
          ulKeyIdx = 0;
          ulrc = PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray( &szCmdKeys,
                                               &ulKeyIdx   );

          blDoTheMainMenuAgain = TRUE;

          break; //-- Showing Disclaimer, ready -------------

        //-- Showing info on 'K8055DD.dll' ------------------
        case 'i':
        case 'I':

          if ( blTestsExplained == TRUE )

            ulrc = PrintingHeadLine();
            ulrc = PrintingInfoPref();

            printf( "\n\n  Press  i  to start test \n" );
            strcpy( szCmdKeys, "iI" );
            ulKeyCode = 0;
            ulKeyIdx = 0;
            ulrc = PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray( &szCmdKeys,
                                                 &ulKeyIdx   );

          ulrc = PrintingHeadLine();
          ulrc = PrintingInfoHeadLine( &pszName );

          // This function will call 'K8055_GetInfoStr()'
          ulrc = PrintingInfo();

          printf( "\n\n  Press  m  " );
          printf( "to return to the Main Menu \n" );
          strcpy( szCmdKeys, "mM" );
          ulKeyCode = 0;
          ulKeyIdx = 0;
          ulrc = PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray( &szCmdKeys,
                                               &ulKeyIdx   );

          blDoTheMainMenuAgain = TRUE;

          break; //-- Showing info on 'K8055DD.dll', ready --

        //-- Test: Reading from K8055 -----------------------
        case 'r':
        case 'R':

          if ( blTestsExplained == TRUE )

            ulrc = PrintingHeadLine();
            ulrc = PrintingReadPref();

            printf( "\n\n  Press  r   to start the test \n" );

            strcpy( szCmdKeys, "rR" );
            ulKeyCode = 0;
            ulKeyIdx = 0;
            ulrc = PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray( &szCmdKeys,
                                                 &ulKeyIdx   );


          phDevice = &hDevice;

          ulrc = K8055_Open( &pszName[0], phDevice );
          if (ulrc != 0)
            printf( "\n\n Cannot open device " );
            printf( " '%s' ! ", pszName );

            ulrc = PrintingGoodByePhrase();

            // ----------------------------------------------
            // 'K8055_Init' reads descriptors and sets
            // the configuration as a K8055 needs it.
            ulrc = K8055_Init( phDevice );
            if ( ulrc == 0 )

              // -- Displays 5 tables of 5 value lines ---LB-
              for( iTableIdx = 1;
                   iTableIdx <= 5;
                   iTableIdx++     )

                // -- Extra time between two value tables.

                ulrc = PrintingHeadLine();
                ulrc = PrintingHeadLineRead( iTableIdx,
                                             &pszName   );

                // -- Displays 5 value lines -------------LB-
                for( iBlckCycl = 0;
                     iBlckCycl <= 5;
                     iBlckCycl++     )

                  ulInpIxValue = 1;
                  ulInpA1value = 0;  ulInpA2value = 0;
                  ulrc = K8055_ReadAllInputs( phDevice,
                                              &ulInpA2value  );

                  printf( "\n      " );
                  printf( "%#04x,   ", ulInpIxValue );

                  ulrc = K8055_DecodeDigitalInputs
                                      ( &ulInpIxValue,
                                        &ulDecodedInpIxValue );

                  printf( "%#04x  ",   ulDecodedInpIxValue );
                  printf( "  ( %#06b )", ulDecodedInpIxValue );
                  printf( " ³     " );
                  printf( "%#03d", ulInpA1value );

                  printf( "    " );
                  printf( "%#03d", ulInpA2value );

                  // -- Time between two value lines is app.
                  //    the same time as between two reading
                  //    operations.

                // -- Displays 5 value lines -------------LE-

              // -- Displays 5 tables of 5 value lines ---LE-

              ulCounterValue = 0;
              // -- Obtaining impulses counted on I1 --
              ulCounterIndex = 1;
              ulrc = K8055_CheckIxCounter( &ulCounterValue,
                                           &ulCounterIndex );

              printf( "\n  Impulses counted on I1 =  " );
              printf( "%#06d ", ulCounterValue);

              // -- Obtaining impulses counted on I2 --
              ulCounterIndex = 2;
              ulrc = K8055_CheckIxCounter( &ulCounterValue,
                                           &ulCounterIndex );

              printf( "\n  Impulses counted on I2 =  " );
              printf( "%#06d ", ulCounterValue);

              ulrc = K8055_Close( phDevice );
              printf( " \n");
              printf( " Device '%s' closed.", pszName );

            printf( "\n" );
            printf( " Test -Read- completed !" );


          printf( "\n\n  Press  m  " );
          printf( "to return to the Main Menu \n" );
          strcpy( szCmdKeys, "mM" );
          ulKeyCode = 0;
          ulKeyIdx = 0;
          ulrc = PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray( &szCmdKeys,
                                               &ulKeyIdx   );

          blDoTheMainMenuAgain = TRUE;

          break; //-- Test: Reading from K8055, ready -------

        //-- Test: Writing to K8055 -------------------------
        case 'w':
        case 'W':

          if ( blTestsExplained == TRUE )

            ulrc = PrintingHeadLine();
            ulrc = PrintingWritePref();

            printf( "\n\n  Press  w  to start the test \n" );

            strcpy( szCmdKeys, "wW" );
            ulKeyCode = 0;
            ulKeyIdx = 0;
            ulrc = PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray( &szCmdKeys,
                                                 &ulKeyIdx   );


          ulrc = PrintingHeadLine();
          ulrc = PrintingHeadLineWrite( &pszName );

          phDevice = &hDevice;

          ulrc = K8055_Open( &pszName[0], phDevice );
          if ( ulrc != 0 )
            printf( "\n\n Cannot open device " );
            printf( " '%s' ! ", pszName );

            ulrc = PrintingGoodByePhrase();

            // ----------------------------------------------
            // 'K8055_Init' reads descriptors and sets the
            // configuration as a K8055 needs it.
            ulrc = K8055_Init( phDevice );
            if ( ulrc == 0 )

              ulDisplayedValuesCount = 0;
              for( iByteCycl = 0;
                   iByteCycl <= 255;
                   iByteCycl++ )


                ulDigitalOutValue = iByteCycl;
                ulrc = K8055_PrepairDigitalOut
                                        ( &ulDigitalOutValue );

                // -- Selecting DAC1, going upwards -----
                ulDACidx = 1;
                ulDAC1value = iByteCycl;
                ulrc = K8055_PrepairDACxOut( &ulDAC1value,
                                             &ulDACidx     );

                // -- Selecting DAC2, going downwards ---
                ulDACidx = 2;
                ulDAC2value = 255 - iByteCycl;
                ulrc = K8055_PrepairDACxOut( &ulDAC2value,
                                             &ulDACidx     );

                ulrc = K8055_SetAllOutputs( phDevice );

                if ( ulDisplayedValuesCount == 24 )
                  ulDisplayedValuesCount = 0;
                  printf( "\n" );
                printf( " %02X", iByteCycl );



              ulrc = K8055_Close( phDevice );
              printf( " \n");
              printf( " Device '%s' closed.", pszName );

            printf( "\n" );
            printf( " Test -Write- completed !" );

          printf("\n\n  Press  m  ");
          printf("to return to the Main Menu \n");
          strcpy( szCmdKeys, "mM" );
          ulKeyCode = 0;
          ulKeyIdx = 0;
          ulrc = PollingForMenuKeyByCharArray( &szCmdKeys,
                                               &ulKeyIdx   );

          blDoTheMainMenuAgain = TRUE;

          break; //-- Test: Writing to K8055, ready ---------

        //-- Qitting Main Menu ------------------------------
        case 'q':
        case 'Q':

          printf( " \n");
          printf( " -Quit- selected !" );

          blDoTheMainMenuAgain = FALSE;

          break; //-- Quitting Main Menu, ready -------------

      // -- Main Menu Function Selector ----------- END ------&

    } while ( blDoTheMainMenuAgain == TRUE );
    // -- Main Menu Key Loop --------------------------- EL -))

  // -- Main Menu Key Section ------------------------- END --|

  ulrc = PrintingGoodByePhrase();

