Beispiel #1
context_t act_init(context_t own_context, init_info_t* info, size_t init_base, size_t init_entry) {
	KERNEL_TRACE("init", "activation init");

	internel_if.message_send = kernel_seal(act_send_message_get_trampoline(), act_ref_type);
	internel_if.message_reply = kernel_seal(act_send_return_get_trampoline(), act_sync_ref_type);

	kernel_next_act = 0;

	// This is a dummy. Our first context has already been created
	reg_frame_t frame;
	bzero(&frame, sizeof(struct reg_frame));

	// Register the kernel (exception) activation
	act_t * kernel_act = &kernel_acts[0];
	act_register(&frame, &kernel_queue.queue, "kernel", status_terminated, NULL, cheri_getbase(cheri_getpcc()));
	/* The kernel context already exists and we set it here */
	kernel_act->context = own_context;

	// Create and register the init activation
	KERNEL_TRACE("act", "Retroactively creating init activation");

	/* Not a dummy here. We will subset our own c0/pcc for init. init is loaded directly after the kernel */
	bzero(&frame, sizeof(struct reg_frame));
	size_t length = cheri_getlen(cheri_getdefault()) - init_base;

    frame.cf_c0 = cheri_setbounds(cheri_setoffset(cheri_getdefault(), init_base), length);
    capability pcc =  cheri_setbounds(cheri_setoffset(cheri_getpcc(), init_base), length);

    KERNEL_TRACE("act", "assuming init has virtual entry point %lx", init_entry);
	frame.cf_c12 = frame.cf_pcc = cheri_setoffset(pcc, init_entry);

	/* provide config info to init.  c3 is the conventional register */
	frame.cf_c3 = info;

	act_t * init_act = &kernel_acts[namespace_num_boot];
	act_register_create(&frame, &init_queue.queue, "init", status_alive, NULL);

	/* The boot activation should be the current activation */

	return init_act->context;
Beispiel #2
int act_terminate(act_control_t * ctrl) {
	ctrl->status = status_terminated;
	KERNEL_TRACE("act", "Terminating %s", ctrl->name);
	/* This will never return if this is a self terminate. We will be removed from the queue and descheduled */
	if(ctrl == kernel_curr_act) { /* terminated itself */
		kernel_panic("Should not reach here");
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
void kernel_interrupt(void) {
	register_t ipending = cp0_cause_ipending_get();
	register_t toprocess = ipending & get_others_interrupts_mask();
	KERNEL_TRACE("interrupt", "%x %x", ipending, toprocess);
	if (ipending & MIPS_CP0_CAUSE_IP_TIMER) {
	if(toprocess) {
Beispiel #4
void kernel_interrupts_init(int enable_timer) {
	KERNEL_TRACE("init", "enabling interrupts");
	kernel_assert(cp0_status_ie_get() == 0);

	if(enable_timer) {
		/* Start timer */
Beispiel #5
status_e act_get_status(act_control_t *ctrl) {
	KERNEL_TRACE("get status", "%s", ctrl->name);
	return ctrl->status;
Beispiel #6
act_t * act_register(reg_frame_t *frame, queue_t *queue, const char *name,
							status_e create_in_status, act_control_t *parent, size_t base) {
	KERNEL_TRACE("act", "Registering activation %s", name);
	if(kernel_next_act >= MAX_ACTIVATIONS) {
		kernel_panic("no act slot");

	act_t * act = kernel_acts + kernel_next_act;

	act->image_base = base;

	//TODO bit of a hack. the kernel needs to know what namespace service to use
	if(kernel_next_act == namespace_num_namespace) {
		KERNEL_TRACE("act", "found namespace");
		ns_ref = act_create_sealed_ref(act);

#ifndef __LITE__
	/* set name */
	kernel_assert(ACT_NAME_MAX_LEN > 0);
	int name_len = 0;
	if(VCAP(name, 1, VCAP_R)) {
		name_len = imin(cheri_getlen(name), ACT_NAME_MAX_LEN-1);
	for(int i = 0; i < name_len; i++) {
		char c = name[i];
		act->name[i] = c; /* todo: sanitize the name if we do not trust it */
	act->name[name_len] = '\0';

	/* set status */
	act->status = create_in_status;

/*Some "documentation" for the interface between the kernel and activation start                                        *
* These fields are setup by the caller of act_register                                                                  *
*                                                                                                                       *
* a0    : user GP argument (goes to main)                                                                               *
* c3    : user Cap argument (goes to main)                                                                              *
*                                                                                                                       *
* These fields are setup by act_register itself. Although the queue is an argument to the function                      *
*                                                                                                                       *
* c21   : self control reference                                                 										*
* c23   : namespace reference (may be null for init and namespace)                                                      *
* c24   : kernel interface table                                                                                        *
* c25   : queue                                                                                                        */

	/* set namespace */
	frame->cf_c21 	= (capability)act_create_sealed_ctrl_ref(act);
	frame->cf_c23	= (capability)ns_ref;
	frame->cf_c24	= (capability)get_if();
	frame->cf_c25	= (capability)queue;

	/* set queue */
	msg_queue_init(act, queue);

	/* set expected sequence to not expecting */
	act->sync_state.sync_token = 0;
	act->sync_state.sync_condition = 0;

	/* set scheduling status */

	/*update next_act */
	KERNEL_TRACE("register", "image base of %s is %lx", act->name, act->image_base);
	KERNEL_TRACE("act", "%s OK! ", __func__);
	return act;