Int KLU_refactor        /* returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */
    /* inputs, not modified */
    Int Ap [ ],         /* size n+1, column pointers */
    Int Ai [ ],         /* size nz, row indices */
    double Ax [ ],
    KLU_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,

    /* input/output */
    KLU_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric,
    KLU_common<Entry, Int>  *Common
    Entry ukk, ujk, s ;
    Entry *Offx, *Lx, *Ux, *X, *Az, *Udiag ;
    double *Rs ;
    Int *P, *Q, *R, *Pnum, *Offp, *Offi, *Ui, *Li, *Pinv, *Lip, *Uip, *Llen,
        *Ulen ;
    Unit **LUbx ;
    Unit *LU ;
    Int k1, k2, nk, k, block, oldcol, pend, oldrow, n, p, newrow, scale,
        nblocks, poff, i, j, up, ulen, llen, maxblock, nzoff ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* check inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (Common == NULL)
        return (FALSE) ;
    Common->status = KLU_OK ;

    if (Numeric == NULL)
        /* invalid Numeric object */
        Common->status = KLU_INVALID ;
        return (FALSE) ;

    Common->numerical_rank = EMPTY ;
    Common->singular_col = EMPTY ;

    Az = (Entry *) Ax ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get the contents of the Symbolic object */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    n = Symbolic->n ;
    P = Symbolic->P ;
    Q = Symbolic->Q ;
    R = Symbolic->R ;
    nblocks = Symbolic->nblocks ;
    maxblock = Symbolic->maxblock ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get the contents of the Numeric object */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Pnum = Numeric->Pnum ;
    Offp = Numeric->Offp ;
    Offi = Numeric->Offi ;
    Offx = (Entry *) Numeric->Offx ;

    LUbx = (Unit **) Numeric->LUbx ;

    scale = Common->scale ;
    if (scale > 0)
        /* factorization was not scaled, but refactorization is scaled */
        if (Numeric->Rs == NULL)
            Numeric->Rs = (double *)KLU_malloc (n, sizeof (double), Common) ;
            if (Common->status < KLU_OK)
                Common->status = KLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY ;
                return (FALSE) ;
        /* no scaling for refactorization; ensure Numeric->Rs is freed.  This
         * does nothing if Numeric->Rs is already NULL. */
        Numeric->Rs = (double *) KLU_free (Numeric->Rs, n, sizeof (double), Common) ;
    Rs = Numeric->Rs ;

    Pinv = Numeric->Pinv ;
    X = (Entry *) Numeric->Xwork ;
    Common->nrealloc = 0 ;
    Udiag = (Entry *) Numeric->Udiag ;
    nzoff = Symbolic->nzoff ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* check the input matrix compute the row scale factors, Rs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* do no scale, or check the input matrix, if scale < 0 */
    if (scale >= 0)
        /* check for out-of-range indices, but do not check for duplicates */
        if (!KLU_scale (scale, n, Ap, Ai, Ax, Rs, NULL, Common))
            return (FALSE) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* clear workspace X */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (k = 0 ; k < maxblock ; k++)
        /* X [k] = 0 */
        CLEAR (X [k]) ;

    poff = 0 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* factor each block */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (scale <= 0)

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* no scaling */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        for (block = 0 ; block < nblocks ; block++)

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /* the block is from rows/columns k1 to k2-1 */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

            k1 = R [block] ;
            k2 = R [block+1] ;
            nk = k2 - k1 ;

            if (nk == 1)

                /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
                /* singleton case */
                /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

                oldcol = Q [k1] ;
                pend = Ap [oldcol+1] ;
                CLEAR (s) ;
                for (p = Ap [oldcol] ; p < pend ; p++)
                    newrow = Pinv [Ai [p]] - k1 ;
                    if (newrow < 0 && poff < nzoff)
                        /* entry in off-diagonal block */
                        Offx [poff] = Az [p] ;
                        poff++ ;
                        /* singleton */
                        s = Az [p] ;
                Udiag [k1] = s ;


                /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
                /* construct and factor the kth block */
                /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

                Lip  = Numeric->Lip  + k1 ;
                Llen = Numeric->Llen + k1 ;
                Uip  = Numeric->Uip  + k1 ;
                Ulen = Numeric->Ulen + k1 ;
                LU = LUbx [block] ;

                for (k = 0 ; k < nk ; k++)

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
                    /* scatter kth column of the block into workspace X */
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */

                    oldcol = Q [k+k1] ;
                    pend = Ap [oldcol+1] ;
                    for (p = Ap [oldcol] ; p < pend ; p++)
                        newrow = Pinv [Ai [p]] - k1 ;
                        if (newrow < 0 && poff < nzoff)
                            /* entry in off-diagonal block */
                            Offx [poff] = Az [p] ;
                            poff++ ;
                            /* (newrow,k) is an entry in the block */
                            X [newrow] = Az [p] ;

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
                    /* compute kth column of U, and update kth column of A */
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */

                    GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Ulen, Ui, Ux, k, ulen) ;
                    for (up = 0 ; up < ulen ; up++)
                        j = Ui [up] ;
                        ujk = X [j] ;
                        /* X [j] = 0 */
                        CLEAR (X [j]) ;
                        Ux [up] = ujk ;
                        GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Llen, Li, Lx, j, llen) ;
                        for (p = 0 ; p < llen ; p++)
                            /* X [Li [p]] -= Lx [p] * ujk */
                            MULT_SUB (X [Li [p]], Lx [p], ujk) ;
                    /* get the diagonal entry of U */
                    ukk = X [k] ;
                    /* X [k] = 0 */
                    CLEAR (X [k]) ;
                    /* singular case */
                    if (IS_ZERO (ukk))
                        /* matrix is numerically singular */
                        Common->status = KLU_SINGULAR ;
                        if (Common->numerical_rank == EMPTY)
                            Common->numerical_rank = k+k1 ;
                            Common->singular_col = Q [k+k1] ;
                        if (Common->halt_if_singular)
                            /* do not continue the factorization */
                            return (FALSE) ;
                    Udiag [k+k1] = ukk ;
                    /* gather and divide by pivot to get kth column of L */
                    GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Llen, Li, Lx, k, llen) ;
                    for (p = 0 ; p < llen ; p++)
                        i = Li [p] ;
                        DIV (Lx [p], X [i], ukk) ;
                        CLEAR (X [i]) ;



        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* scaling */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        for (block = 0 ; block < nblocks ; block++)

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /* the block is from rows/columns k1 to k2-1 */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

            k1 = R [block] ;
            k2 = R [block+1] ;
            nk = k2 - k1 ;

            if (nk == 1)

                /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
                /* singleton case */
                /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

                oldcol = Q [k1] ;
                pend = Ap [oldcol+1] ;
                CLEAR (s) ;
                for (p = Ap [oldcol] ; p < pend ; p++)
                    oldrow = Ai [p] ;
                    newrow = Pinv [oldrow] - k1 ;
                    if (newrow < 0 && poff < nzoff)
                        /* entry in off-diagonal block */
                        /* Offx [poff] = Az [p] / Rs [oldrow] */
                        SCALE_DIV_ASSIGN (Offx [poff], Az [p], Rs [oldrow]) ;
                        poff++ ;
                        /* singleton */
                        /* s = Az [p] / Rs [oldrow] */
                        SCALE_DIV_ASSIGN (s, Az [p], Rs [oldrow]) ;
                Udiag [k1] = s ;


                /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
                /* construct and factor the kth block */
                /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */

                Lip  = Numeric->Lip  + k1 ;
                Llen = Numeric->Llen + k1 ;
                Uip  = Numeric->Uip  + k1 ;
                Ulen = Numeric->Ulen + k1 ;
                LU = LUbx [block] ;

                for (k = 0 ; k < nk ; k++)

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
                    /* scatter kth column of the block into workspace X */
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */

                    oldcol = Q [k+k1] ;
                    pend = Ap [oldcol+1] ;
                    for (p = Ap [oldcol] ; p < pend ; p++)
                        oldrow = Ai [p] ;
                        newrow = Pinv [oldrow] - k1 ;
                        if (newrow < 0 && poff < nzoff)
                            /* entry in off-diagonal part */
                            /* Offx [poff] = Az [p] / Rs [oldrow] */
                            SCALE_DIV_ASSIGN (Offx [poff], Az [p], Rs [oldrow]);
                            poff++ ;
                            /* (newrow,k) is an entry in the block */
                            /* X [newrow] = Az [p] / Rs [oldrow] */
                            SCALE_DIV_ASSIGN (X [newrow], Az [p], Rs [oldrow]) ;

                    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
                    /* compute kth column of U, and update kth column of A */
                    /* ------------------------------------------------------ */

                    GET_POINTER (LU, Uip, Ulen, Ui, Ux, k, ulen) ;
                    for (up = 0 ; up < ulen ; up++)
                        j = Ui [up] ;
                        ujk = X [j] ;
                        /* X [j] = 0 */
                        CLEAR (X [j]) ;
                        Ux [up] = ujk ;
                        GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Llen, Li, Lx, j, llen) ;
                        for (p = 0 ; p < llen ; p++)
                            /* X [Li [p]] -= Lx [p] * ujk */
                            MULT_SUB (X [Li [p]], Lx [p], ujk) ;
                    /* get the diagonal entry of U */
                    ukk = X [k] ;
                    /* X [k] = 0 */
                    CLEAR (X [k]) ;
                    /* singular case */
                    if (IS_ZERO (ukk))
                        /* matrix is numerically singular */
                        Common->status = KLU_SINGULAR ;
                        if (Common->numerical_rank == EMPTY)
                            Common->numerical_rank = k+k1 ;
                            Common->singular_col = Q [k+k1] ;
                        if (Common->halt_if_singular)
                            /* do not continue the factorization */
                            return (FALSE) ;
                    Udiag [k+k1] = ukk ;
                    /* gather and divide by pivot to get kth column of L */
                    GET_POINTER (LU, Lip, Llen, Li, Lx, k, llen) ;
                    for (p = 0 ; p < llen ; p++)
                        i = Li [p] ;
                        DIV (Lx [p], X [i], ukk) ;
                        CLEAR (X [i]) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* permute scale factors Rs according to pivotal row order */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (scale > 0)
        for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
            /* TODO : Check. REAL(X[k]) Can be just X[k] */
            /* REAL (X [k]) = Rs [Pnum [k]] ; */
            X [k] = Rs [Pnum [k]] ;
        for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
            Rs [k] = REAL (X [k]) ;

#ifndef NDEBUGKLU2
    ASSERT (Offp [n] == poff) ;
    ASSERT (Symbolic->nzoff == poff) ;
    PRINTF (("\n------------------- Off diagonal entries, new:\n")) ;
    ASSERT (KLU_valid (n, Offp, Offi, Offx)) ;
    if (Common->status == KLU_OK)
        PRINTF (("\n ########### KLU_BTF_REFACTOR done, nblocks %d\n",nblocks));
        for (block = 0 ; block < nblocks ; block++)
            k1 = R [block] ;
            k2 = R [block+1] ;
            nk = k2 - k1 ;
            PRINTF ((
                "\n================KLU_refactor output: k1 %d k2 %d nk %d\n",
                k1, k2, nk)) ;
            if (nk == 1)
                PRINTF (("singleton  ")) ;
                PRINT_ENTRY (Udiag [k1]) ;
                Lip = Numeric->Lip + k1 ;
                Llen = Numeric->Llen + k1 ;
                LU = (Unit *) Numeric->LUbx [block] ;
                PRINTF (("\n---- L block %d\n", block)) ;
                ASSERT (KLU_valid_LU (nk, TRUE, Lip, Llen, LU)) ;
                Uip = Numeric->Uip + k1 ;
                Ulen = Numeric->Ulen + k1 ;
                PRINTF (("\n---- U block %d\n", block)) ;
                ASSERT (KLU_valid_LU (nk, FALSE, Uip, Ulen, LU)) ;

    return (TRUE) ;
Beispiel #2
static void sort (Int n, Int *Xip, Int *Xlen, Unit *LU, Int *Tp, Int *Tj,
    Entry *Tx, Int *W)
    Int *Xi ;
    Entry *Xx ;
    Int p, i, j, len, nz, tp, xlen, pend ;

    ASSERT (KLU_valid_LU (n, FALSE, Xip, Xlen, LU)) ;

    /* count the number of entries in each row of L or U */ 
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        W [i] = 0 ;
    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
        GET_POINTER (LU, Xip, Xlen, Xi, Xx, j, len) ;
        for (p = 0 ; p < len ; p++)
            W [Xi [p]]++ ;

    /* construct the row pointers for T */
    nz = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        Tp [i] = nz ;
        nz += W [i] ;
    Tp [n] = nz ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        W [i] = Tp [i] ;

    /* transpose the matrix into Tp, Ti, Tx */
    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
        GET_POINTER (LU, Xip, Xlen, Xi, Xx, j, len) ;
        for (p = 0 ; p < len ; p++)
            tp = W [Xi [p]]++ ;
            Tj [tp] = j ;
            Tx [tp] = Xx [p] ;

    /* transpose the matrix back into Xip, Xlen, Xi, Xx */
    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
        W [j] = 0 ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
        pend = Tp [i+1] ;
        for (p = Tp [i] ; p < pend ; p++)
            j = Tj [p] ;
            GET_POINTER (LU, Xip, Xlen, Xi, Xx, j, len) ;
            xlen = W [j]++ ;
            Xi [xlen] = i ;
            Xx [xlen] = Tx [p] ;

    ASSERT (KLU_valid_LU (n, FALSE, Xip, Xlen, LU)) ;