double FindBestGamma(dlib::krr_trainer<KernelType>& trainer,
    const std::vector<SampleType>& samples,
    const std::vector<LabelType>& labels)
    // Useful method for calculating gamma value too
    /*const double meanSquaredGamma = 1.0 / compute_mean_squared_distance(
      /  randomly_subsample(trainingSamples, 100));*/

    double bestGammaFound = 0;
    double highestAccuracy = 0;
    // Loop over different gamma values and uses most accurate it can find
    for (double gamma = 0.000001; (gamma <= 1); gamma *= 5)

        std::vector<double> looValues;
        trainer.train(samples, labels, looValues);

        const double classificationAccuracy = dlib::mean_sign_agreement(labels, looValues);
        if (classificationAccuracy > highestAccuracy)
            bestGammaFound = gamma;
            highestAccuracy = classificationAccuracy;
    return bestGammaFound;
Beispiel #2
     * Construct the exact kernel matrix.
     * @param data Input data points.
     * @param transformedData Matrix to output results into.
     * @param eigval KPCA eigenvalues will be written to this vector.
     * @param eigvec KPCA eigenvectors will be written to this matrix.
     * @param rank Rank to be used for matrix approximation.
     * @param kernel Kernel to be used for computation.
    static void ApplyKernelMatrix(const arma::mat& data,
                                  arma::mat& transformedData,
                                  arma::vec& eigval,
                                  arma::mat& eigvec,
                                  const size_t /* unused */,
                                  KernelType kernel = KernelType())
    // Construct the kernel matrix.
    arma::mat kernelMatrix;
    // Resize the kernel matrix to the right size.
    kernelMatrix.set_size(data.n_cols, data.n_cols);

    // Note that we only need to calculate the upper triangular part of the 
    // kernel matrix, since it is symmetric. This helps minimize the number of
    // kernel evaluations.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; ++i)
      for (size_t j = i; j < data.n_cols; ++j)
        // Evaluate the kernel on these two points.
        kernelMatrix(i, j) = kernel.Evaluate(data.unsafe_col(i),

    // Copy to the lower triangular part of the matrix.
    for (size_t i = 1; i < data.n_cols; ++i)
      for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j)
        kernelMatrix(i, j) = kernelMatrix(j, i);

    // For PCA the data has to be centered, even if the data is centered. But it
    // is not guaranteed that the data, when mapped to the kernel space, is also
    // centered. Since we actually never work in the feature space we cannot
    // center the data. So, we perform a "psuedo-centering" using the kernel
    // matrix.
    arma::rowvec rowMean = arma::sum(kernelMatrix, 0) / kernelMatrix.n_cols;
    kernelMatrix.each_col() -= arma::sum(kernelMatrix, 1) / kernelMatrix.n_cols;
    kernelMatrix.each_row() -= rowMean;
    kernelMatrix += arma::sum(rowMean) / kernelMatrix.n_cols;

    // Eigendecompose the centered kernel matrix.
    arma::eig_sym(eigval, eigvec, kernelMatrix);

    // Swap the eigenvalues since they are ordered backwards (we need largest to
    // smallest).
    for (size_t i = 0; i < floor(eigval.n_elem / 2.0); ++i)
      eigval.swap_rows(i, (eigval.n_elem - 1) - i);

    // Flip the coefficients to produce the same effect.
    eigvec = arma::fliplr(eigvec);

    transformedData = eigvec.t() * kernelMatrix;
    transformedData.each_col() /= arma::sqrt(eigval);
void RunIrisSupervisedLearning()
    // Load training/test dataset
	Table data = ParseCSVFile("data/");
	// Print out the data to ensure we've loaded it correctly
	std::cout << "Loaded Data:" << std::endl;

	// Extract feature std::vectors and classes from the loaded data
	std::vector<SampleType> allSamples = GetFeatureVectors(data);
	std::vector<std::string> classes = GetClasses(data);

	// Construct labels compatible with SVMs using the class data
	// Each class is made an integer. The integers grow one number
	// apart, so three classes will be assigned the labels 1, 2 and
	// 3 respectively.
	std::vector<LabelType> allLabels = ConstructLabels(classes);

    // Randomise the samples and labels to ensure the normalisation process
    // does affect the performance of cross validation
    randomize_samples(allSamples, allLabels);

	// Split dataset in half - one half being the training set
	// and one half being the test set.
	// Done AFTER randomising so half of the data set isn't one class
	// and half is the other - would result in a very incorrect classifier!
	unsigned int numTraining = round(allSamples.size() / 2);
	unsigned int numTest = allSamples.size() - numTraining;

	std::vector<SampleType> trainingSamples;
	std::vector<LabelType> trainingLabels;
	std::vector<SampleType> testSamples;
	std::vector<LabelType> testLabels;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; (i < numTraining); ++i)
	for (unsigned int i = numTraining; (i < allSamples.size()); ++i)

    // Construct a trainer for the problem
    dlib::krr_trainer<KernelType> trainer;
    double bestGamma = FindBestGamma(trainer, trainingSamples, trainingLabels);

    // Actually TRAIN the classifier using the data, LEARNING the function
    FunctionType learnedFunction;
    learnedFunction = trainer.train(trainingSamples, trainingLabels);

    // NOTE: This should just print out 1 for our training method
    std::cout << "The number of support vectors in our learned function is "
        << << std::endl;

    double accuracy = CalculateAccuracy(learnedFunction, testSamples, testLabels);
    std::cout << "The accuracy of this classifier is: "
        << (accuracy * 100) << "%." << std::endl;