Beispiel #1
void ROITracker::updateDelay( const PixelViewports& pvps,
                              const uint8_t* ticket )
    LBASSERT( _needsUpdate );
    LBASSERTINFO( ticket == _ticket, "Wrong ticket" );

    if( ticket != _ticket )
        LBERROR << "Wrong ticket" << std::endl;

    uint32_t totalAreaFound = 0;
    for( uint32_t i = 0; i < pvps.size(); i++ )
        totalAreaFound += pvps[ i ].getArea();

    Area& area = (*_curFrame)[ _lastStage ].areas.back();
    if( totalAreaFound < area.pvp.getArea()*4/5 )
        // ROI cutted enough, reset failure statistics
        area.lastSkip = 0;
        // disable ROI for next frames, if it was failing before, 
        // increase number of frames to skip
        area.lastSkip = LB_MIN( area.lastSkip*2 + 1, 64 );
        area.skip     = area.lastSkip;
    _needsUpdate = false;
// read
void SocketConnection::readNB( void* buffer, const uint64_t bytes )
    if( isClosed() )

    WSABUF wsaBuffer = { LB_MIN( bytes, 65535 ),
                         reinterpret_cast< char* >( buffer ) };
    DWORD  flags = 0;

    ResetEvent( _overlappedRead.hEvent );
    _overlappedDone = 0;
    const int result = WSARecv( _readFD, &wsaBuffer, 1, &_overlappedDone,
                                &flags, &_overlappedRead, 0 );
    if( result == 0 ) // got data already
        if( _overlappedDone == 0 ) // socket closed
            LBDEBUG << "Got EOF, closing connection" << std::endl;
        SetEvent( _overlappedRead.hEvent );
    else if( GetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING )
        LBWARN << "Could not start overlapped receive: " << lunchbox::sysError
               << ", closing connection" << std::endl;
void FramerateEqualizer::_init()
    const Compound* compound = getCompound();

    if( _nSamples > 0 || !compound )

    _nSamples = 1;

    // Subscribe to child channel load events
    const Compounds& children = compound->getChildren();

    LBASSERT( _loadListeners.empty( ));
    _loadListeners.resize( children.size( ));

    for( size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i )
        Compound*      child        = children[i];
        const uint32_t period       = child->getInheritPeriod();
        LoadListener&  loadListener = _loadListeners[i];

        loadListener.parent = this;
        loadListener.period = period;

        LoadSubscriber subscriber( &loadListener );
        child->accept( subscriber );

        _nSamples = LB_MAX( _nSamples, period );

    _nSamples = LB_MIN( _nSamples, 100 );
Beispiel #4
void FrameData::adjustQuality( const float delta )
    _quality += delta;
    _quality = LB_MAX( _quality, 0.1f );
    _quality = LB_MIN( _quality, 1.0f );
    setDirty( DIRTY_FLAGS );
    LBINFO << "Set non-idle image quality to " << _quality << std::endl;
Beispiel #5
void TreeEqualizer::_notifyLoadData( Node* node, Channel* channel,
                                     const uint32_t nStatistics,
                                     const Statistic* statistics )
    if( !node )

    _notifyLoadData( node->left, channel, nStatistics, statistics );
    _notifyLoadData( node->right, channel, nStatistics, statistics );

    if( !node->compound || node->compound->getChannel() != channel )

    // gather relevant load data
    const uint32_t taskID = node->compound->getTaskID();
    int64_t startTime = std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max();
    int64_t endTime   = 0;
    bool    loadSet   = false;
    int64_t timeTransmit = 0;
    for( uint32_t i = 0; i < nStatistics && !loadSet; ++i )
        const Statistic& stat = statistics[ i ];
        if( stat.task != taskID ) // from different compound

        switch( stat.type )
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_CLEAR:
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_DRAW:
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_READBACK:
            startTime = LB_MIN( startTime, stat.startTime );
            endTime   = LB_MAX( endTime, stat.endTime );

        case Statistic::CHANNEL_ASYNC_READBACK:
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_FRAME_TRANSMIT:
            timeTransmit += stat.endTime - stat.startTime;

        // assemble blocks on input frames, stop using subsequent data
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_ASSEMBLE:
            loadSet = true;


    if( startTime == std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max( ))

    node->time = endTime - startTime;
    node->time = LB_MAX( node->time, 1 );
    node->time = LB_MAX( node->time, timeTransmit );
Beispiel #6
    uint128_t computeMinMax() const
        uint64_t xMax = 0;
        uint64_t xMin = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();

        for (ItemsCIter i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i)
            const Item& item = *i;
            xMin = LB_MIN(xMin, item.start);
            xMax = LB_MAX(xMax, item.end);
        return uint128_t(xMax, xMin);
int64_t NamedPipeConnection::write( const void* buffer, const uint64_t bytes )
    if( !isConnected() || _fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
        return -1;

    DWORD wrote;
    const DWORD use = LB_MIN( bytes, CO_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE );

    ResetEvent( _write.hEvent );
    if( WriteFile( _fd, buffer, use, &wrote, &_write ))
        return wrote;

    if( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
        LBWARN << "Could not start write: " << lunchbox::sysError << std::endl;
        return -1;

    DWORD got = 0;
    if( GetOverlappedResult( _fd, &_write, &got, false ))
        return got;

    switch( GetLastError( ))
        return 0;
      case ERROR_IO_PENDING:
          if( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject( _write.hEvent, INFINITE ))
              throw Exception( Exception::TIMEOUT_WRITE );

        LBWARN << "Write complete failed: " << lunchbox::sysError << std::endl;

    if( GetOverlappedResult( _fd, &_write, &got, false ))
        return got;

    if( GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED )
        return 0;

    LBWARN << "Write complete failed: " << lunchbox::sysError << std::endl;
    return -1;
Beispiel #8
void Channel::_updateNearFar( const mesh::BoundingSphere& boundingSphere )
    // compute dynamic near/far plane of whole model
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();

    const eq::Matrix4f& rotation     = frameData.getCameraRotation();
    const eq::Matrix4f headTransform = getHeadTransform() * rotation;

    eq::Matrix4f modelInv;
    compute_inverse( headTransform, modelInv );

    const eq::Vector3f zero  = modelInv * eq::Vector3f::ZERO;
    eq::Vector3f       front = modelInv * eq::Vector3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );

    front -= zero;
    front *= boundingSphere.w();

    const eq::Vector3f center =  
        frameData.getCameraPosition().get_sub_vector< 3 >() -
        boundingSphere.get_sub_vector< 3 >();
    const eq::Vector3f nearPoint  = headTransform * ( center - front );
    const eq::Vector3f farPoint   = headTransform * ( center + front );

    if( useOrtho( ))
        LBASSERTINFO( fabs( farPoint.z() - nearPoint.z() ) > 
                      std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon(),
                      nearPoint << " == " << farPoint );
        setNearFar( -nearPoint.z(), -farPoint.z() );
        // estimate minimal value of near plane based on frustum size
        const eq::Frustumf& frustum = getFrustum();
        const float width  = fabs( frustum.right() - frustum.left() );
        const float height = fabs( - frustum.bottom() );
        const float size   = LB_MIN( width, height );
        const float minNear = frustum.near_plane() / size * .001f;

        const float zNear = LB_MAX( minNear, -nearPoint.z() );
        const float zFar  = LB_MAX( zNear * 2.f, -farPoint.z() );

        setNearFar( zNear, zFar );
Beispiel #9
template< class T > void _test()
    T* lock = new T;

    const size_t nThreads = LB_MIN( lunchbox::OMP::getNThreads() * 3,
                                    MAXTHREADS );
    const size_t nThreads = 16;

    Thread< T > threads[MAXTHREADS];
    for( size_t i = 1; i <= nThreads; i = i << 1 )
        _running = true;
        for( size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j )
            threads[j].lock = lock;
            TEST( threads[j].start( ));
        lunchbox::sleep( 10 ); // let threads initialize

        lunchbox::sleep( TIME ); // let threads run
        _running = false;

        for( size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j )
            TEST( threads[j].join( ));
        const float time = _clock.getTimef();

        TEST( !lock->isSet( ));

        size_t ops = 0;
        for( size_t j = 0; j < nThreads; ++j )
            ops += threads[j].ops;

        std::cout << std::setw(20) << lunchbox::className( lock ) << ", "
                  << std::setw(12) << /*set, test, unset*/ 3 * ops / time
                  << ", " << std::setw(3) << i << std::endl;

    delete lock;
void FramerateEqualizer::LoadListener::notifyLoadData(
    Channel* channel, const uint32_t frameNumber, const Statistics& statistics,
    const Viewport& region  )
    // gather required load data
    int64_t startTime = std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max();
    int64_t endTime   = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < statistics.size(); ++i )
        const eq::Statistic& data = statistics[i];
        switch( data.type )
        case eq::Statistic::CHANNEL_CLEAR:
        case eq::Statistic::CHANNEL_DRAW:
        case eq::Statistic::CHANNEL_ASSEMBLE:
        case eq::Statistic::CHANNEL_READBACK:
            startTime = LB_MIN( startTime, data.startTime );
            endTime   = LB_MAX( endTime, data.endTime );


    if( startTime == std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max( ))

    if( startTime == endTime ) // very fast draws might report 0 times

    for( std::deque< FrameTime >::iterator i = parent->_times.begin();
            i != parent->_times.end(); ++i )
        FrameTime& frameTime = *i;
        if( frameTime.first != frameNumber )

        const float time = static_cast< float >( endTime - startTime ) / period;
        frameTime.second = LB_MAX( frameTime.second, time );
        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Frame " << frameNumber << " channel "
                         << channel->getName() << " time " << time
                         << " period " << period << std::endl;
Beispiel #11
void LoadEqualizer::_updateLeaf( Node* node )
    const Compound* compound = node->compound;
    const Channel* channel = compound->getChannel();
    LBASSERT( channel );
    const PixelViewport& pvp = channel->getPixelViewport();
    node->resources = compound->isActive() ? compound->getUsage() : 0.f;
    LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << channel->getName() << " active " << compound->isActive()
                     << " using " << node->resources << std::endl;
    LBASSERT( node->resources >= 0.f );

    node->maxSize.x() = pvp.w;
    node->maxSize.y() = pvp.h;
    node->boundaryf = getBoundaryf();
    node->boundary2i = getBoundary2i();
    node->resistancef = getResistancef();
    node->resistance2i = getResistance2i();
    if( !compound->hasDestinationChannel( ))

    const float nResources = _getTotalResources();
    if( getAssembleOnlyLimit() <= nResources - node->resources )
        node->resources = 0.f;
        return; // OPT

    const float time = float( _getTotalTime( ));
    const float assembleTime = float( _getAssembleTime( ));
    if( assembleTime == 0.f || node->resources == 0.f )

    const float timePerResource = time / ( nResources - node->resources );
    const float renderTime = timePerResource * node->resources ;

    const float clampedAssembleTime = LB_MIN( assembleTime, renderTime );
    const float newTimePerResource = (time + clampedAssembleTime) / nResources;
    node->resources -= ( clampedAssembleTime / newTimePerResource );
    if( node->resources < 0.f ) // may happen due to fp rounding
        node->resources = 0.f;
// read
void NamedPipeConnection::readNB( void* buffer, const uint64_t bytes )
    if( isClosed( ))

    ResetEvent( _read.hEvent );
    DWORD use = LB_MIN( bytes, CO_READ_BUFFER_SIZE );

    if( ReadFile( _fd, buffer, use, &_readDone, &_read ) )
        LBASSERT( _readDone > 0 );
        SetEvent( _read.hEvent );
    else if( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
        LBWARN << "Could not start overlapped receive: " << lunchbox::sysError
               << ", closing connection" << std::endl;
Beispiel #13
void Renderer::updateNearFar( const Vector4f& boundingSphere )
    const Matrix4f& view = getViewMatrix();
    Matrix4f viewInv;
    compute_inverse( view, viewInv );

    const Vector3f& zero  = viewInv * Vector3f::ZERO;
    Vector3f        front = viewInv * Vector3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );
    front -= zero;
    front *= boundingSphere.w();

    const Vector3f& translation = getModelMatrix().get_translation();
    const Vector3f& center = translation - boundingSphere.get_sub_vector< 3 >();
    const Vector3f& nearPoint  = view * ( center - front );
    const Vector3f& farPoint   = view * ( center + front );

    if( _impl->useOrtho( ))
        LBASSERTINFO( fabs( farPoint.z() - nearPoint.z() ) >
                      std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon(),
                      nearPoint << " == " << farPoint );
        setNearFar( -nearPoint.z(), -farPoint.z() );
        // estimate minimal value of near plane based on frustum size
        const eq::Frustumf& frustum = _impl->getFrustum();
        const float width  = fabs( frustum.right() - frustum.left() );
        const float height = fabs( - frustum.bottom() );
        const float size   = LB_MIN( width, height );
        const float minNear = frustum.near_plane() / size * .001f;

        const float zNear = LB_MAX( minNear, -nearPoint.z() );
        const float zFar  = LB_MAX( zNear * 2.f, -farPoint.z() );

        setNearFar( zNear, zFar );
Beispiel #14
void ROIFinder::_readbackInfo( util::ObjectManager& glObjects )
    LBASSERT( glObjects.supportsEqTexture( ));
    LBASSERT( glObjects.supportsEqFrameBufferObject( ));

    PixelViewport pvp = _pvp;
    pvp.apply( Zoom( GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE ));
    pvp.w = LB_MIN( pvp.w+pvp.x, _pvpOriginal.w+_pvpOriginal.x ) - pvp.x;
    pvp.h = LB_MIN( pvp.h+pvp.y, _pvpOriginal.h+_pvpOriginal.y ) - pvp.y;

    LBASSERT( pvp.isValid());

    // copy frame buffer to texture
    const void* bufferKey = _getInfoKey( );
    util::Texture* texture =
        glObjects.obtainEqTexture( bufferKey, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB );

    texture->copyFromFrameBuffer( GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, pvp );
    texture->copyFromFrameBuffer( GL_RGBA, pvp );

    // draw zoomed quad into FBO
    const void*     fboKey = _getInfoKey( );
    util::FrameBufferObject* fbo = glObjects.getEqFrameBufferObject( fboKey );

    if( fbo )
        LBCHECK( fbo->resize( _pvp.w, _pvp.h ));
        fbo = glObjects.newEqFrameBufferObject( fboKey );
        LBCHECK( fbo->init( _pvp.w, _pvp.h, GL_RGBA32F, 0, 0 ));


    // Enable & download depth texture

    texture->applyZoomFilter( FILTER_LINEAR );

    // Enable shaders
    GLuint program = glObjects.getProgram( shaderRBInfo );
    if( program == util::ObjectManager::INVALID )
        // Create fragment shader which reads depth values from
        // rectangular textures
        const GLuint shader = glObjects.newShader( shaderRBInfo,
                                                        GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER );
        LBASSERT( shader != util::ObjectManager::INVALID );

        const GLchar* fShaderPtr = roiFragmentShader_glsl.c_str();
        const GLchar* fShaderPtr = roiFragmentShaderRGB_glsl.c_str();
        EQ_GL_CALL( glShaderSource( shader, 1, &fShaderPtr, 0 ));
        EQ_GL_CALL( glCompileShader( shader ));

        GLint status;
        glGetShaderiv( shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status );
        if( !status )
            LBERROR << "Failed to compile fragment shader for ROI finder"
                    << std::endl;

        program = glObjects.newProgram( shaderRBInfo );

        EQ_GL_CALL( glAttachShader( program, shader ));
        EQ_GL_CALL( glLinkProgram( program ));

        glGetProgramiv( program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status );
        if( !status )
            LBWARN << "Failed to link shader program for ROI finder"
                   << std::endl;

        // use fragment shader and setup uniforms
        EQ_GL_CALL( glUseProgram( program ));

        GLint param = glGetUniformLocation( program, "texture" );
        glUniform1i( param, 0 );
        // use fragment shader
        EQ_GL_CALL( glUseProgram( program ));

    // Draw Quad
    glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
    glColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

    glBegin( GL_QUADS );
        glVertex3i(      0,      0, 0 );
        glVertex3i( _pvp.w,      0, 0 );
        glVertex3i( _pvp.w, _pvp.h, 0 );
        glVertex3i(      0, _pvp.h, 0 );

    // restore state
    EQ_GL_CALL( glUseProgram( 0 ));


    // finish readback of info
    LBASSERT( static_cast<int32_t>(_perBlockInfo.size()) >= _pvp.w*_pvp.h*4 );

    texture = fbo->getColorTextures()[0];
    LBASSERT( texture->getFormat() == GL_RGBA );
    LBASSERT( texture->getType() == GL_FLOAT );
    texture->download( &_perBlockInfo[0] );
Beispiel #15
template< class T, uint32_t hold > void _test()
    T* lock = new T;

    const size_t nThreads = LB_MIN( lunchbox::OMP::getNThreads()*3, MAXTHREADS );
    const size_t nThreads = 16;

    WriteThread< T, hold > writers[MAXTHREADS];
    ReadThread< T, hold > readers[MAXTHREADS];

    std::cout << "               Class, write ops/ms,  read ops/ms, w threads, "
              << "r threads" << std::endl;
    for( size_t nWrite = 0; nWrite <= nThreads;
         nWrite = (nWrite == 0) ? 1 : nWrite << 1 )
        for( size_t i = 1; i <= nThreads; i = i << 1 )
            if( i < nWrite )

            const size_t nRead = i - nWrite;
            _running = true;
            for( size_t j = 0; j < nWrite; ++j )
                writers[j].lock = lock;
                TEST( writers[j].start( ));
            for( size_t j = 0; j < nRead; ++j )
                readers[j].lock = lock;
                TESTINFO( readers[j].start(), j );
            lunchbox::sleep( 10 ); // let threads initialize

            lunchbox::sleep( TIME ); // let threads run
            _running = false;

            for( size_t j = 0; j < nWrite; ++j )
                TEST( writers[j].join( ));
            for( size_t j = 0; j < nRead; ++j )
                TEST( readers[j].join( ));
            const double time = _clock.getTimed();

            TEST( !lock->isSet( ));

            size_t nWriteOps = 0;
            double wTime = time * double( nWrite );
            for( size_t j = 0; j < nWrite; ++j )
                nWriteOps += writers[j].ops;
                wTime -= writers[j].sTime;
            if( nWrite > 0 )
                wTime /= double( nWrite );
            if( wTime == 0.f )
                wTime = std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon();

            size_t nReadOps = 0;
            double rTime = time * double( nRead );
            for( size_t j = 0; j < nRead; ++j )
                nReadOps += readers[j].ops;
                rTime -= readers[j].sTime;
            if( nRead > 0 )
                rTime /= double( nRead );
            if( rTime == 0.f )
                rTime = std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon();

            std::cout << std::setw(20)<< lunchbox::className( lock ) << ", "
                      << std::setw(12) << 3 * nWriteOps / wTime << ", "
                      << std::setw(12) << 3 * nReadOps / rTime << ", " 
                      << std::setw(9) << nWrite << ", " << std::setw(9) << nRead
                      << std::endl;

    delete lock;
Beispiel #16
void ViewEqualizer::Listener::notifyLoadData(Channel* channel,
                                             const uint32_t frameNumber,
                                             const Statistics& statistics,
                                             const Viewport& /*region*/)
    Load& load = _getLoad(frameNumber);
    if (load == Load::NONE)

    LBASSERT(_taskIDs.find(channel) != _taskIDs.end());
    const uint32_t taskID = _taskIDs[channel];

    // gather relevant load data
    int64_t startTime = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
    int64_t endTime = 0;
    bool loadSet = false;
    int64_t transmitTime = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < statistics.size() && !loadSet; ++i)
        const Statistic& data = statistics[i];
        if (data.task != taskID) // data from another compound

        switch (data.type)
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_CLEAR:
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_DRAW:
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_READBACK:
            startTime = LB_MIN(startTime, data.startTime);
            endTime = LB_MAX(endTime, data.endTime);

        case Statistic::CHANNEL_ASYNC_READBACK:
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_FRAME_TRANSMIT:
            transmitTime += data.startTime - data.endTime;
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_FRAME_WAIT_SENDTOKEN:
            transmitTime -= data.endTime - data.startTime;

        // assemble blocks on input frames, stop using subsequent data
        case Statistic::CHANNEL_ASSEMBLE:
            loadSet = true;


    if (startTime == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())

    LBASSERTINFO(load.missing > 0, load << " for " << channel->getName() << " "
                                        << channel->getSerial());

    const int64_t time = LB_MAX(endTime - startTime, transmitTime);
    load.time += time;

    if (load.missing == 0)
        const float rTime = float(load.time) / float(load.nResources);
        load.time = int64_t(rTime * sqrtf(float(load.nResources)));

    LBLOG(LOG_LB1) << "Task " << taskID << ", added time " << time << " to "
                   << load << " from " << channel->getName() << " "
                   << channel->getSerial() << std::endl;
void LoadEqualizer::_computeSplit( Node* node, const float time,
                                   LBDatas* datas, const Viewport& vp,
                                   const Range& range )
    LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "_computeSplit " << vp << ", " << range << " time "
                    << time << std::endl;
    LBASSERTINFO( vp.isValid(), vp );
    LBASSERTINFO( range.isValid(), range );
    LBASSERTINFO( node->resources > 0.f || !vp.hasArea() || !range.hasData(),
                  "Assigning " << node->resources <<
                  " work to viewport " << vp << ", " << range );

    Compound* compound = node->compound;
    if( compound )
        _assign( compound, vp, range );

    LBASSERT( node->left && node->right );

    LBDatas workingSet = datas[ node->mode ];
    const float leftTime = node->resources > 0 ?
                           time * node->left->resources / node->resources : 0.f;
    float timeLeft = LB_MIN( leftTime, time ); // correct for fp rounding error

    switch( node->mode )
        case MODE_VERTICAL:
            LBASSERT( range == Range::ALL );

            float splitPos = vp.x;
            const float end = vp.getXEnd();

            while( timeLeft > std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon() &&
                   splitPos < end )
                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << timeLeft << "ms left using "
                                << workingSet.size() << " tiles" << std::endl;

                // remove all irrelevant items from working set
                for( LBDatas::iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); )
                    const Data& data = *i;
                    if( data.vp.getXEnd() > splitPos )
                        i = workingSet.erase( i );
                if( workingSet.empty( ))

                // find next 'discontinouity' in loads
                float currentPos = 1.0f;
                for( LBDatas::const_iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); ++i )
                    const Data& data = *i;
                    if( data.vp.x > splitPos && data.vp.x < currentPos )
                        currentPos = data.vp.x;
                    const float xEnd = data.vp.getXEnd();
                    if( xEnd > splitPos && xEnd < currentPos )
                        currentPos = xEnd;

                const float width = currentPos - splitPos;
                LBASSERTINFO( width > 0.f, currentPos << "<=" << splitPos );
                LBASSERT( currentPos <= 1.0f );

                // accumulate normalized load in splitPos...currentPos
                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Computing load in X " << splitPos << "..."
                                 << currentPos << std::endl;
                float currentTime = 0.f;
                for( LBDatas::const_iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); ++i )
                    const Data& data = *i;

                    if( data.vp.x >= currentPos ) // not yet needed data sets

                    float yContrib = data.vp.h;
                    if( data.vp.y < vp.y )
                        yContrib -= (vp.y - data.vp.y);

                    const float dataEnd = data.vp.getYEnd();
                    const float vpEnd   = vp.getYEnd();
                    if( dataEnd > vpEnd )
                        yContrib -= (dataEnd - vpEnd);

                    if( yContrib > 0.f )
                        const float percentage = ( width / data.vp.w ) *
                                                 ( yContrib / data.vp.h );
                        currentTime += ( data.time * percentage );

                        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << data.vp << " contributes "
                                         << yContrib << " in " << vp.h << " ("
                                         << percentage << ") with " << data.time
                                         << ": " << ( data.time * percentage )
                                         << " vp.y " << vp.y << " dataEnd "
                                         << dataEnd << " vpEnd " << vpEnd
                                         << std::endl;
                        LBASSERT( percentage < 1.01f )

                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << splitPos << "..." << currentPos << ": t="
                                 << currentTime << " of " << timeLeft
                                 << std::endl;

                if( currentTime >= timeLeft ) // found last region
                    splitPos += ( width * timeLeft / currentTime );
                    timeLeft = 0.0f;
                    timeLeft -= currentTime;
                    splitPos  = currentPos;

            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Should split at X " << splitPos << std::endl;
            if( getDamping() < 1.f )
                splitPos = (1.f - getDamping()) * splitPos +
                            getDamping() * node->split;
            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Dampened split at X " << splitPos << std::endl;

            // There might be more time left due to MIN_PIXEL rounding by parent
            // LBASSERTINFO( timeLeft <= .001f, timeLeft );

            // Ensure minimum size
            const Compound* root = getCompound();
            const float pvpW = static_cast< float >(
                root->getInheritPixelViewport().w );
            const float boundary = static_cast< float >( node->boundary2i.x()) /
            if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
                splitPos = vp.x;
            else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
                splitPos = end;
            else if( boundary > 0 )
                const float lengthRight = vp.getXEnd() - splitPos;
                const float lengthLeft = splitPos - vp.x;
                const float maxRight =
                    static_cast< float >( node->right->maxSize.x( )) / pvpW;
                const float maxLeft =
                    static_cast< float >( node->left->maxSize.x( )) / pvpW;
                if( lengthRight > maxRight )
                    splitPos = end - maxRight;
                else if( lengthLeft > maxLeft )
                    splitPos = vp.x + maxLeft;

                if( (splitPos - vp.x) < boundary )
                    splitPos = vp.x + boundary;
                if( (end - splitPos) < boundary )
                    splitPos = end - boundary;

                const uint32_t ratio =
                           static_cast< uint32_t >( splitPos / boundary + .5f );
                splitPos = ratio * boundary;

            splitPos = LB_MAX( splitPos, vp.x );
            splitPos = LB_MIN( splitPos, end);

            const float newPixelW = pvpW * splitPos;
            const float oldPixelW = pvpW * node->split;
            if( int( fabs(newPixelW - oldPixelW) ) < node->resistance2i.x( ))
                splitPos = node->split;
                node->split = splitPos;

            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Constrained split " << vp << " at X "
                             << splitPos << std::endl;

            // balance children
            Viewport childVP = vp;
            childVP.w = (splitPos - vp.x);
            _computeSplit( node->left, leftTime, datas, childVP, range );

            childVP.x = childVP.getXEnd();
            childVP.w = end - childVP.x;
            // Fix 2994111: Rounding errors with 2D LB and 16 sources
            //   Floating point rounding may create a width for the 'right'
            //   child which is slightly below the parent width. Correct it.
            while( childVP.getXEnd() < end )
                childVP.w += std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon();
            _computeSplit( node->right, time-leftTime, datas, childVP, range );

        case MODE_HORIZONTAL:
            LBASSERT( range == Range::ALL );
            float splitPos = vp.y;
            const float end = vp.getYEnd();

            while( timeLeft > std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon() &&
                   splitPos < end )
                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << timeLeft << "ms left using "
                                 << workingSet.size() << " tiles" << std::endl;

                // remove all unrelevant items from working set
                for( LBDatas::iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); )
                    const Data& data = *i;
                    if( data.vp.getYEnd() > splitPos )
                        i = workingSet.erase( i );
                if( workingSet.empty( ))

                // find next 'discontinuouity' in loads
                float currentPos = 1.0f;
                for( LBDatas::const_iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); ++i )
                    const Data& data = *i;
                    if( data.vp.y > splitPos && data.vp.y < currentPos )
                        currentPos = data.vp.y;
                    const float yEnd = data.vp.getYEnd();
                    if( yEnd > splitPos && yEnd < currentPos )
                        currentPos = yEnd;

                const float height = currentPos - splitPos;
                LBASSERTINFO( height > 0.f, currentPos << "<=" << splitPos );
                LBASSERT( currentPos <= 1.0f );

                // accumulate normalized load in splitPos...currentPos
                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Computing load in Y " << splitPos << "..."
                                << currentPos << std::endl;
                float currentTime = 0.f;
                for( LBDatas::const_iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); ++i )
                    const Data& data = *i;

                    if( data.vp.y >= currentPos ) // not yet needed data sets

                    float xContrib = data.vp.w;

                    if( data.vp.x < vp.x )
                        xContrib -= (vp.x - data.vp.x);

                    const float dataEnd = data.vp.getXEnd();
                    const float vpEnd   = vp.getXEnd();
                    if( dataEnd > vpEnd )
                        xContrib -= (dataEnd - vpEnd);

                    if( xContrib > 0.f )
                        const float percentage = ( height / data.vp.h ) *
                                                 ( xContrib / data.vp.w );
                        currentTime += ( data.time * percentage );

                        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << data.vp << " contributes "
                                         << xContrib << " in " << vp.w << " ("
                                         << percentage << ") with " << data.time
                                         << ": " << ( data.time * percentage )
                                         << " total " << currentTime << " vp.x "
                                         << vp.x << " dataEnd " << dataEnd
                                         << " vpEnd " << vpEnd << std::endl;
                        LBASSERT( percentage < 1.01f )

                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << splitPos << "..." << currentPos << ": t="
                                 << currentTime << " of " << timeLeft
                                 << std::endl;

                if( currentTime >= timeLeft ) // found last region
                    splitPos += (height * timeLeft / currentTime );
                    timeLeft = 0.0f;
                    timeLeft -= currentTime;
                    splitPos  = currentPos;

            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Should split at Y " << splitPos << std::endl;
            if( getDamping() < 1.f )
                splitPos = (1.f - getDamping( )) * splitPos +
                            getDamping() * node->split;
            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Dampened split at Y " << splitPos << std::endl;

            const Compound* root = getCompound();

            const float pvpH = static_cast< float >(
                root->getInheritPixelViewport().h );
            const float boundary = static_cast< float >(node->boundary2i.y( )) /

            if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
                splitPos = vp.y;
            else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
                splitPos = end;
            else if ( boundary > 0 )
                const float lengthRight = vp.getYEnd() - splitPos;
                const float lengthLeft = splitPos - vp.y;
                const float maxRight =
                    static_cast< float >( node->right->maxSize.y( )) / pvpH;
                const float maxLeft =
                    static_cast< float >( node->left->maxSize.y( )) / pvpH;
                if( lengthRight > maxRight )
                    splitPos = end - maxRight;
                else if( lengthLeft > maxLeft )
                    splitPos = vp.y + maxLeft;

                if( (splitPos - vp.y) < boundary )
                    splitPos = vp.y + boundary;
                if( (end - splitPos) < boundary )
                    splitPos = end - boundary;

                const uint32_t ratio =
                           static_cast< uint32_t >( splitPos / boundary + .5f );
                splitPos = ratio * boundary;

            splitPos = LB_MAX( splitPos, vp.y );
            splitPos = LB_MIN( splitPos, end );

            const float newPixelH = pvpH * splitPos;
            const float oldPixelH = pvpH * node->split;
            if( int( fabs(newPixelH - oldPixelH) ) < node->resistance2i.y( ))
                splitPos = node->split;
                node->split = splitPos;

            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Constrained split " << vp << " at Y "
                             << splitPos << std::endl;

            Viewport childVP = vp;
            childVP.h = (splitPos - vp.y);
            _computeSplit( node->left, leftTime, datas, childVP, range );

            childVP.y = childVP.getYEnd();
            childVP.h = end - childVP.y;
            while( childVP.getYEnd() < end )
                childVP.h += std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon();
            _computeSplit( node->right, time - leftTime, datas, childVP, range);

        case MODE_DB:
            LBASSERT( vp == Viewport::FULL );
            float splitPos = range.start;
            const float end = range.end;

            while( timeLeft > std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon() &&
                   splitPos < end )
                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << timeLeft << "ms left using "
                                 << workingSet.size() << " tiles" << std::endl;

                // remove all irrelevant items from working set
                for( LBDatas::iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); )
                    const Data& data = *i;
                    if( data.range.end > splitPos )
                        i = workingSet.erase( i );
                if( workingSet.empty( ))

                // find next 'discontinouity' in loads
                float currentPos = 1.0f;
                for( LBDatas::const_iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); ++i )
                    const Data& data = *i;
                    currentPos = LB_MIN( currentPos, data.range.end );

                const float size = currentPos - splitPos;
                LBASSERTINFO( size > 0.f, currentPos << "<=" << splitPos );
                LBASSERT( currentPos <= 1.0f );

                // accumulate normalized load in splitPos...currentPos
                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Computing load in range " << splitPos
                                << "..." << currentPos << std::endl;
                float currentTime = 0.f;
                for( LBDatas::const_iterator i = workingSet.begin();
                     i != workingSet.end(); ++i )
                    const Data& data = *i;

                    if( data.range.start >= currentPos ) // not yet needed data
#if 0
                    // make sure we cover full area
                    LBASSERTINFO(  data.range.start <= splitPos,
                                   data.range.start << " > " << splitPos );
                    LBASSERTINFO( data.range.end >= currentPos,
                                  data.range.end << " < " << currentPos);
                    currentTime += data.time * size / data.range.getSize();

                LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << splitPos << "..." << currentPos << ": t="
                                 << currentTime << " of " << timeLeft
                                 << std::endl;

                if( currentTime >= timeLeft ) // found last region
                    const float width = currentPos - splitPos;
                    splitPos += (width * timeLeft / currentTime );
                    timeLeft = 0.0f;
                    timeLeft -= currentTime;
                    splitPos  = currentPos;
            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Should split at " << splitPos << std::endl;
            if( getDamping() < 1.f )
                splitPos = (1.f - getDamping( )) * splitPos +
                            getDamping() * node->split;
            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Dampened split at " << splitPos << std::endl;

            const float boundary( node->boundaryf );
            if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
                splitPos = range.start;
            else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
                splitPos = end;

            const uint32_t ratio = static_cast< uint32_t >
                      ( splitPos / boundary + .5f );
            splitPos = ratio * boundary;
            if( (splitPos - range.start) < boundary )
                splitPos = range.start;
            if( (end - splitPos) < boundary )
                splitPos = end;

            if( fabs( splitPos - node->split ) < node->resistancef )
                splitPos = node->split;
                node->split = splitPos;

            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Constrained split " << range << " at pos "
                             << splitPos << std::endl;

            Range childRange = range;
            childRange.end = splitPos;
            _computeSplit( node->left, leftTime, datas, vp, childRange );

            childRange.start = childRange.end;
            childRange.end   = range.end;
            _computeSplit( node->right, time - leftTime, datas, vp, childRange);

void LoadEqualizer::_updateNode( Node* node, const Viewport& vp,
                                 const Range& range )
    Node* left = node->left;
    Node* right = node->right;

    LBASSERT( left );
    LBASSERT( right );

    Viewport leftVP = vp;
    Viewport rightVP = vp;
    Range leftRange = range;
    Range rightRange = range;

    switch( node->mode )

      case MODE_VERTICAL:
        leftVP.w = vp.w * .5f;
        rightVP.x = leftVP.getXEnd();
        rightVP.w = vp.getXEnd() - rightVP.x;
        node->split = leftVP.getXEnd();

        leftVP.h = vp.h * .5f;
        rightVP.y = leftVP.getYEnd();
        rightVP.h = vp.getYEnd() - rightVP.y;
        node->split = leftVP.getYEnd();

      case MODE_DB:
        leftRange.end = range.start + ( range.end - range.start ) * .5f;
        rightRange.start = leftRange.end;
        node->split = leftRange.end;

    _update( left, leftVP, leftRange );
    _update( right, rightVP, rightRange );

    node->resources = left->resources + right->resources;

    if( left->resources == 0.f )
        node->maxSize    = right->maxSize;
        node->boundary2i = right->boundary2i;
        node->boundaryf  = right->boundaryf;
        node->resistance2i = right->resistance2i;
        node->resistancef = right->resistancef;
    else if( right->resources == 0.f )
        node->maxSize = left->maxSize;
        node->boundary2i = left->boundary2i;
        node->boundaryf = left->boundaryf;
        node->resistance2i = left->resistance2i;
        node->resistancef = left->resistancef;
        switch( node->mode )
        case MODE_VERTICAL:
            node->maxSize.x() = left->maxSize.x() + right->maxSize.x();
            node->maxSize.y() = LB_MIN( left->maxSize.y(), right->maxSize.y());
            node->boundary2i.x() = left->boundary2i.x()+ right->boundary2i.x();
            node->boundary2i.y() = LB_MAX( left->boundary2i.y(),
            node->boundaryf = LB_MAX( left->boundaryf, right->boundaryf );
            node->resistance2i.x() = LB_MAX( left->resistance2i.x(),
                                             right->resistance2i.x( ));
            node->resistance2i.y() = LB_MAX( left->resistance2i.y(),
            node->resistancef = LB_MAX( left->resistancef, right->resistancef );
        case MODE_HORIZONTAL:
            node->maxSize.x() = LB_MIN( left->maxSize.x(), right->maxSize.x());
            node->maxSize.y() = left->maxSize.y() + right->maxSize.y();
            node->boundary2i.x() = LB_MAX( left->boundary2i.x(),
                                           right->boundary2i.x() );
            node->boundary2i.y() = left->boundary2i.y()+ right->boundary2i.y();
            node->boundaryf = LB_MAX( left->boundaryf, right->boundaryf );
            node->resistance2i.x() = LB_MAX( left->resistance2i.x(),
                                             right->resistance2i.x() );
            node->resistance2i.y() = LB_MAX( left->resistance2i.y(),
                                             right->resistance2i.y( ));
            node->resistancef = LB_MAX( left->resistancef, right->resistancef );
        case MODE_DB:
            node->boundary2i.x() = LB_MAX( left->boundary2i.x(),
                                           right->boundary2i.x() );
            node->boundary2i.y() = LB_MAX( left->boundary2i.y(),
                                           right->boundary2i.y() );
            node->boundaryf = left->boundaryf + right->boundaryf;
            node->resistance2i.x() = LB_MAX( left->resistance2i.x(),
                                             right->resistance2i.x() );
            node->resistance2i.y() = LB_MAX( left->resistance2i.y(),
                                             right->resistance2i.y() );
            node->resistancef = LB_MAX( left->resistancef, right->resistancef );
void LoadEqualizer::notifyLoadData( Channel* channel,
                                    const uint32_t frameNumber,
                                    const Statistics& statistics,
                                    const Viewport& region )
    LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << statistics.size()
                     << " samples from "<< channel->getName()
                     << " @ " << frameNumber << std::endl;
    for( std::deque< LBFrameData >::iterator i = _history.begin();
         i != _history.end(); ++i )
        LBFrameData& frameData = *i;
        if( frameData.first != frameNumber )

        // Found corresponding historical data set
        LBDatas& items = frameData.second;
        for( LBDatas::iterator j = items.begin(); j != items.end(); ++j )
            Data& data = *j;
            if( != channel )

            // Found corresponding historical data item
            const uint32_t taskID = data.taskID;
            LBASSERTINFO( taskID > 0, channel->getName( ));

            // gather relevant load data
            int64_t startTime = std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max();
            int64_t endTime   = 0;
            bool    loadSet   = false;
            int64_t transmitTime = 0;
            for( size_t k = 0; k < statistics.size(); ++k )
                const Statistic& stat = statistics[k];
                if( stat.task == data.destTaskID )
                    _updateAssembleTime( data, stat );

                // from different compound
                if( stat.task != taskID || loadSet )

                switch( stat.type )
                case Statistic::CHANNEL_CLEAR:
                case Statistic::CHANNEL_DRAW:
                case Statistic::CHANNEL_READBACK:
                    startTime = LB_MIN( startTime, stat.startTime );
                    endTime   = LB_MAX( endTime, stat.endTime );

                case Statistic::CHANNEL_ASYNC_READBACK:
                case Statistic::CHANNEL_FRAME_TRANSMIT:
                    transmitTime += stat.endTime - stat.startTime;
                case Statistic::CHANNEL_FRAME_WAIT_SENDTOKEN:
                    transmitTime -= stat.endTime - stat.startTime;

                // assemble blocks on input frames, stop using subsequent data
                case Statistic::CHANNEL_ASSEMBLE:
                    loadSet = true;


            if( startTime == std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max( ))

            data.vp.apply( region ); // Update ROI
            data.time = endTime - startTime;
            data.time = LB_MAX( data.time, 1 );
            data.time = LB_MAX( data.time, transmitTime );
            data.assembleTime = LB_MAX( data.assembleTime, 0 );
            LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Added time " << data.time << " (+"
                             << data.assembleTime << ") for "
                             << channel->getName() << " " << data.vp << ", "
                             << data.range << " @ " << frameNumber << std::endl;

            // Note: if the same channel is used twice as a child, the
            // load-compound association does not work.
Beispiel #20
void TreeEqualizer::_assign( Node* node, const Viewport& vp,
                             const Range& range )
    LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "assign " << vp << ", " << range << " time "
                     << node->time << " split " << node->split << std::endl;
    LBASSERTINFO( vp.isValid(), vp );
    LBASSERTINFO( range.isValid(), range );
    LBASSERTINFO( node->resources > 0.f || !vp.hasArea() || !range.hasData(),
                  "Assigning work to unused compound: " << vp << ", " << range);

    Compound* compound = node->compound;
    if( compound )
        LBASSERTINFO( vp == Viewport::FULL || range == Range::ALL,
                      "Mixed 2D/DB load-balancing not implemented" );

        compound->setViewport( vp );
        compound->setRange( range );
        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << compound->getChannel()->getName() << " set " << vp
                         << ", " << range << std::endl;

    switch( node->mode )
        // Ensure minimum size
        const Compound* root = getCompound();
        const float pvpW = float( root->getInheritPixelViewport().w );
        const float end = vp.getXEnd();
        const float boundary = float( node->boundary2i.x( )) / pvpW;
        float absoluteSplit = vp.x + vp.w * node->split;

        if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = vp.x;
        else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = end;
        else if( boundary > 0 )
            const float right = vp.getXEnd() - absoluteSplit;
            const float left = absoluteSplit - vp.x;
            const float maxRight = float( node->right->maxSize.x( )) / pvpW;
            const float maxLeft = float( node->left->maxSize.x( )) / pvpW;

            if( right > maxRight )
                absoluteSplit = end - maxRight;
            else if( left > maxLeft )
                absoluteSplit = vp.x + maxLeft;
            if( (absoluteSplit - vp.x) < boundary )
                absoluteSplit = vp.x + boundary;
            if( (end - absoluteSplit) < boundary )
                absoluteSplit = end - boundary;
            const uint32_t ratio = uint32_t( absoluteSplit / boundary + .5f );
            absoluteSplit = ratio * boundary;

        absoluteSplit = LB_MAX( absoluteSplit, vp.x );
        absoluteSplit = LB_MIN( absoluteSplit, end);

        node->split = (absoluteSplit - vp.x ) / vp.w;
        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Constrained split " << vp << " at X "
                         << node->split << std::endl;

        // traverse children
        Viewport childVP = vp;
        childVP.w = (absoluteSplit - vp.x);
        _assign( node->left, childVP, range );

        childVP.x = childVP.getXEnd();
        childVP.w = end - childVP.x;

        // Fix 2994111: Rounding errors with 2D LB and 16 sources
        //   Floating point rounding may create a width for the 'right'
        //   child which is slightly below the parent width. Correct it.
        while( childVP.getXEnd() < end )
            childVP.w += std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon();

        _assign( node->right, childVP, range );

        // Ensure minimum size
        const Compound* root = getCompound();
        const float pvpH = float( root->getInheritPixelViewport().h );
        const float end = vp.getYEnd();
        const float boundary = float( node->boundary2i.y( )) / pvpH;
        float absoluteSplit = vp.y + vp.h * node->split;

        if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = vp.y;
        else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = end;
        else if( boundary > 0 )
            const float right = vp.getYEnd() - absoluteSplit;
            const float left = absoluteSplit - vp.y;
            const float maxRight = float( node->right->maxSize.y( )) / pvpH;
            const float maxLeft = float( node->left->maxSize.y( )) / pvpH;

            if( right > maxRight )
                absoluteSplit = end - maxRight;
            else if( left > maxLeft )
                absoluteSplit = vp.y + maxLeft;
            if( (absoluteSplit - vp.y) < boundary )
                absoluteSplit = vp.y + boundary;
            if( (end - absoluteSplit) < boundary )
                absoluteSplit = end - boundary;
            const uint32_t ratio = uint32_t( absoluteSplit / boundary + .5f );
            absoluteSplit = ratio * boundary;

        absoluteSplit = LB_MAX( absoluteSplit, vp.y );
        absoluteSplit = LB_MIN( absoluteSplit, end);

        node->split = (absoluteSplit - vp.y ) / vp.h;
        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Constrained split " << vp << " at X "
                         << node->split << std::endl;

        // traverse children
        Viewport childVP = vp;
        childVP.h = (absoluteSplit - vp.y);
        _assign( node->left, childVP, range );

        childVP.y = childVP.getYEnd();
        childVP.h = end - childVP.y;

        // Fix 2994111: Rounding errors with 2D LB and 16 sources
        //   Floating point rounding may create a width for the 'right'
        //   child which is slightly below the parent width. Correct it.
        while( childVP.getYEnd() < end )
            childVP.h += std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon();

        _assign( node->right, childVP, range );

    case MODE_DB:
        LBASSERT( vp == Viewport::FULL );
        const float end = range.end;
        float absoluteSplit = range.start + (range.end-range.start)*node->split;

        const float boundary( node->boundaryf );
        if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = range.start;
        else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
            absoluteSplit = end;

        const uint32_t ratio = uint32_t( absoluteSplit / boundary + .5f );
        absoluteSplit = ratio * boundary;
        if( (absoluteSplit - range.start) < boundary )
            absoluteSplit = range.start;
        if( (end - absoluteSplit) < boundary )
            absoluteSplit = end;

        node->split = (absoluteSplit-range.start) / (range.end-range.start);
        LBLOG( LOG_LB2 ) << "Constrained split " << range << " at pos "
                         << node->split << std::endl;

        Range childRange = range;
        childRange.end = absoluteSplit;
        _assign( node->left, vp, childRange );

        childRange.start = childRange.end;
        childRange.end   = range.end;
        _assign( node->right, vp, childRange);

Beispiel #21
void TreeEqualizer::_update( Node* node )
    if( !node )

    const Compound* compound = node->compound;
    if( compound )
        const Channel* channel = compound->getChannel();
        const PixelViewport& pvp = channel->getPixelViewport();
        LBASSERT( channel );

        node->resources = compound->isActive() ? compound->getUsage() : 0.f;
        node->maxSize.x() = pvp.w; 
        node->maxSize.y() = pvp.h; 
        node->boundaryf = _boundaryf;
        node->boundary2i = _boundary2i;
    // else

    LBASSERT( node->left );
    LBASSERT( node->right );

    _update( node->left );
    _update( node->right );

    node->resources = node->left->resources + node->right->resources;

    if( node->left->resources == 0.f )
        node->maxSize = node->right->maxSize;
        node->boundary2i = node->right->boundary2i;
        node->boundaryf = node->right->boundaryf;
        node->time = node->right->time;
    else if( node->right->resources == 0.f )
        node->maxSize = node->left->maxSize;
        node->boundary2i = node->left->boundary2i;
        node->boundaryf = node->left->boundaryf;
        node->time = node->left->time;
        switch( node->mode )
        case MODE_VERTICAL:
            node->maxSize.x() = node->left->maxSize.x() +
            node->maxSize.y() = LB_MIN( node->left->maxSize.y(), 
                                        node->right->maxSize.y() ); 
            node->boundary2i.x() = node->left->boundary2i.x() +
            node->boundary2i.y() = LB_MAX( node->left->boundary2i.y(), 
            node->boundaryf = LB_MAX( node->left->boundaryf,
                                      node->right->boundaryf );
        case MODE_HORIZONTAL:
            node->maxSize.x() = LB_MIN( node->left->maxSize.x(), 
                                        node->right->maxSize.x() );  
            node->maxSize.y() = node->left->maxSize.y() +
            node->boundary2i.x() = LB_MAX( node->left->boundary2i.x(), 
                                           node->right->boundary2i.x() );
            node->boundary2i.y() = node->left->boundary2i.y() +
            node->boundaryf = LB_MAX( node->left->boundaryf,
                                      node->right->boundaryf );
        case MODE_DB:
            node->boundary2i.x() = LB_MAX( node->left->boundary2i.x(), 
                                           node->right->boundary2i.x() );
            node->boundary2i.y() = LB_MAX( node->left->boundary2i.y(), 
                                           node->right->boundary2i.y() );
            node->boundaryf = node->left->boundaryf +node->right->boundaryf;

        node->time = node->left->time + node->right->time;
Beispiel #22
int64_t SocketConnection::write( const void* buffer, const uint64_t bytes )
    if( !isConnected() || _writeFD == INVALID_SOCKET )
        return -1;

    DWORD  wrote;
    WSABUF wsaBuffer =
            LB_MIN( bytes, 65535 ),
            const_cast<char*>( static_cast< const char* >( buffer ))

    ResetEvent( _overlappedWrite.hEvent );
    if( WSASend(_writeFD, &wsaBuffer, 1, &wrote, 0, &_overlappedWrite, 0 ) == 0 )
        // ok
        return wrote;

    if( WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING )
          return -1;

    const DWORD err = WaitForSingleObject( _overlappedWrite.hEvent, INFINITE );
    switch( err )
      case WAIT_FAILED:
      case WAIT_ABANDONED:
            LBWARN << "Write error" << lunchbox::sysError << std::endl;
            return -1;

          LBWARN << "Unhandled write error " << err << ": " << lunchbox::sysError
                 << std::endl;
          // no break;
      case WAIT_OBJECT_0:

    DWORD got = 0;
    DWORD flags = 0;
    if( WSAGetOverlappedResult( _writeFD, &_overlappedWrite, &got, false,
                                &flags ))
        return got;

    switch( WSAGetLastError() )
          throw Exception( Exception::TIMEOUT_WRITE );

          LBWARN << "Write error : " << lunchbox::sysError << std::endl;
          return -1;

    return -1;
Beispiel #23
int64_t IBInterface::postRdmaWrite( const void* buffer, uint32_t numBytes )
    eq::lunchbox::Clock       clock;
    ib_api_status_t    ibStatus;

    ib_wc_t    wc;
    ib_wc_t    *wcDone,*wcFree;

    wcFree = &wc;
    wcFree->p_next = 0;
    wcDone = 0;
    eq::lunchbox::Clock       clockWait;
    // validation of the send job
    do {
        ibStatus = ib_poll_cq( _completionQueue->getWriteHandle(), 
                               &wcDone );
        if ( ibStatus == IB_SUCCESS )
            if ( wcDone->status != IB_WCS_SUCCESS )
                LBWARN << "ERROR IN POLL WRITE"<< std::endl;
                return -1;
            _writePoll.getData()[wcDone->wr_id] = true;
            wcFree = wcDone;
            wcFree->p_next = 0;
            wcDone = 0;
        else if ( !_writePoll.getData()[ _numBufWrite ] )
            ibStatus = IB_SUCCESS;
    } while ( ibStatus == IB_SUCCESS );
    _timeTotalWriteWait += clockWait.getTimef();
    uint32_t incBytes = 0;
    uint32_t compt = 0;
    uint32_t size;
    size = LB_MIN( numBytes, EQ_MAXBLOCKBUFFER );
    ib_local_ds_t    list;
    eq::lunchbox::Clock       clockCopy;
    //memcpy( _writeBlocks[ _numBufWrite ]->buf.getData(), 
    //                      buffer , size );
    eq::lunchbox::fastCopy( _writeBlocks[ _numBufWrite ]->buf.getData(), 
                             buffer , size );
    list.vaddr   = _writeBlocks[ _numBufWrite ]->getVaddr();
    _timeCopyBufferWrite += clockCopy.getTimef();
    list.lkey    = _writeBlocks[_numBufWrite ]->getLocalKey();
    list.length  = size;
    // A 64-bit work request identifier that is returned to the consumer
    // as part of the work completion.
    _wr.wr_id    = _numBufWrite;
    // A reference to an array of local data segments used by the send
    // operation.
    _wr.ds_array = &list;
    // Number of local data segments specified by this work request.
    _wr.num_ds   = 1;
    // The type of work request being submitted to the send queue.
    _wr.wr_type  = WR_SEND;
    // A pointer used to chain work requests together.  This permits multiple
    // work requests to be posted to a queue pair through a single function
    // call.  This value is set to NULL to mark the end of the chain.
    _wr.p_next   = 0;

    // This routine posts a work request to the send queue of a queue pair
    ibStatus = ib_post_send( _queuePair, &_wr, 0 );
    if ( ibStatus != IB_SUCCESS )
        LBWARN << "ERROR IN POST SEND DATA"<< std::endl;
        return -1;
    _writePoll.getData()[ _numBufWrite ] = false;
    if ( _numBufWrite == EQ_NUMBLOCKMEMORY -1 )
    _numBufWrite = ( _numBufWrite + 1 ) % EQ_NUMBLOCKMEMORY;
    _timeTotalWrite += clock.getTimef();
    return size;
Beispiel #24
int64_t IBInterface::readSync( void* buffer, uint32_t bytes )

    eq::lunchbox::Clock       clock;

    uint32_t comptRead = 0;
    int64_t sizebuf = _readPoll.getData()[ _numBufRead ];

    // if no data in buffer, we ask for a receive operation
    while ( sizebuf < 1 )
        eq::lunchbox::Clock       clockWait;
        sizebuf = _waitPollCQ( _numBufRead );

            _timeTotalWaitPoll += clockWait.getTimef();
    if ( sizebuf > _posReadInBuffer )
        eq::lunchbox::Clock       clockCopy;
        // find a better memcpy or a system that we don't need to use memcpy
        // copy buffer
        uint32_t nbRead = LB_MIN( bytes, sizebuf - _posReadInBuffer);
     /*   memcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>( buffer ) + comptRead, 
                                 ( _readBlocks[_numBufRead]->buf.getData()) + 
                                   _posReadInBuffer, nbRead );*/
        eq::lunchbox::fastCopy( reinterpret_cast<char*>( buffer ) + comptRead, 
                                 ( _readBlocks[_numBufRead]->buf.getData() ) + 
                                   _posReadInBuffer, nbRead );
        _posReadInBuffer += nbRead;
        _timeCopyBufferRead += clockCopy.getTimef();
        // all buffer has been taken
        if ( _posReadInBuffer == sizebuf )
           // init var for next read
           _posReadInBuffer = 0;
           _readPoll.getData()[ _numBufRead ] = 0;
           // next Read in on the next CQ
           if (_numBufRead == EQ_NUMBLOCKMEMORY-1 )

           // notify that read is finnish 
           _ibPostRecv( _numBufRead );
           // To do work with more buffer in a CQ 
           _numBufRead = ( _numBufRead + 1 ) % EQ_NUMBLOCKMEMORY;
        return nbRead;

    LBWARN << "ERROR IN READ SYNC"<< std::endl;
    return -1;
    _floatTimeReadSync += clock.getTimef();