Beispiel #1
static LLVMValueRef
CreateFibFunction(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMContextRef Context)
	LLVMBuilderRef B = LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(Context);

	// Create the fib function and insert it into module M. This function is said
	// to return an int and take an int parameter.
	LLVMTypeRef  ParamTypes[] = {LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context)};
	LLVMTypeRef  ReturnType   = LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context);
	LLVMTypeRef  FunctionTy   = LLVMFunctionType(ReturnType, ParamTypes, 1, 0);
	LLVMValueRef FibF         = LLVMAddFunction(M, "fib", FunctionTy);

	// Add a basic block to the function.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef BB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "EntryBlock");

	// Get pointers to the constants.
	LLVMValueRef One = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context), 1, 0);
	LLVMValueRef Two = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context), 2, 0);

	// Get pointer to the integer argument of the add1 function...
	LLVMValueRef ArgX = LLVMGetFirstParam(FibF); // Get the arg.
	LLVMSetValueName(ArgX, "AnArg");             // Give it a nice symbolic name for fun.

	// Create the true_block.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef RetBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "return");

	// Create an exit block.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef RecurseBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "recurse");

	// Create the "if (arg <= 2) goto exitbb"
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, BB);
	LLVMValueRef CondInst = LLVMBuildICmp(B, LLVMIntSLE, ArgX, Two, "cond");
	LLVMBuildCondBr(B, CondInst, RetBB, RecurseBB);

	// Create: ret int 1
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RetBB);
	LLVMBuildRet(B, One);

	// create fib(x-1)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMValueRef Sub       = LLVMBuildSub(B, ArgX, One, "arg");
	LLVMValueRef CallFibX1 = LLVMBuildCall(B, FibF, &Sub, 1, "fibx1");
	LLVMSetTailCall(CallFibX1, 1);

	// create fib(x-2)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	Sub                    = LLVMBuildSub(B, ArgX, Two, "arg");
	LLVMValueRef CallFibX2 = LLVMBuildCall(B, FibF, &Sub, 1, "fibx2");
	LLVMSetTailCall(CallFibX2, 1);

	// fib(x-1)+fib(x-2)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMValueRef Sum = LLVMBuildAdd(B, CallFibX1, CallFibX2, "addresult");

	// Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMBuildRet(B, Sum);

	return FibF;
Beispiel #2
lp_build_exp2_approx(struct lp_build_context *bld,
                     LLVMValueRef x,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_exp2_int_part,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_frac_part,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_exp2)
   const struct lp_type type = bld->type;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(type);
   LLVMValueRef ipart = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef fpart = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef expipart = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef expfpart = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef res = NULL;

   if(p_exp2_int_part || p_frac_part || p_exp2) {
      /* TODO: optimize the constant case */
         debug_printf("%s: inefficient/imprecise constant arithmetic\n",

      assert(type.floating && type.width == 32);

      x = lp_build_min(bld, x, lp_build_const_scalar(type,  129.0));
      x = lp_build_max(bld, x, lp_build_const_scalar(type, -126.99999));

      /* ipart = int(x - 0.5) */
      ipart = LLVMBuildSub(bld->builder, x, lp_build_const_scalar(type, 0.5f), "");
      ipart = LLVMBuildFPToSI(bld->builder, ipart, int_vec_type, "");

      /* fpart = x - ipart */
      fpart = LLVMBuildSIToFP(bld->builder, ipart, vec_type, "");
      fpart = LLVMBuildSub(bld->builder, x, fpart, "");

   if(p_exp2_int_part || p_exp2) {
      /* expipart = (float) (1 << ipart) */
      expipart = LLVMBuildAdd(bld->builder, ipart, lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, 127), "");
      expipart = LLVMBuildShl(bld->builder, expipart, lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, 23), "");
      expipart = LLVMBuildBitCast(bld->builder, expipart, vec_type, "");

   if(p_exp2) {
      expfpart = lp_build_polynomial(bld, fpart, lp_build_exp2_polynomial,

      res = LLVMBuildMul(bld->builder, expipart, expfpart, "");

      *p_exp2_int_part = expipart;

      *p_frac_part = fpart;

      *p_exp2 = res;
Beispiel #3
 * Helper for building packed ddx/ddy vector for one coord (scalar per quad
 * values). The vector will look like this (8-wide):
 * ds1dx ds1dy dt1dx dt1dy ds2dx ds2dy dt2dx dt2dy
 * This only needs 2 (v)shufps.
lp_build_packed_ddx_ddy_twocoord(struct lp_build_context *bld,
                                 LLVMValueRef a, LLVMValueRef b)
   struct gallivm_state *gallivm = bld->gallivm;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef shuffles1[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH/4];
   LLVMValueRef shuffles2[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH/4];
   LLVMValueRef vec1, vec2;
   unsigned length, num_quads, i;

   /* XXX: do hsub version */
   length = bld->type.length;
   num_quads = length / 4;
   for (i = 0; i < num_quads; i++) {
      unsigned s1 = 4 * i;
      unsigned s2 = 4 * i + length;
      shuffles1[4*i + 0] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BLD_QUAD_TOP_LEFT + s1);
      shuffles1[4*i + 1] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BLD_QUAD_TOP_LEFT + s1);
      shuffles1[4*i + 2] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BLD_QUAD_TOP_LEFT + s2);
      shuffles1[4*i + 3] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BLD_QUAD_TOP_LEFT + s2);
      shuffles2[4*i + 0] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BLD_QUAD_TOP_RIGHT + s1);
      shuffles2[4*i + 1] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BLD_QUAD_BOTTOM_LEFT + s1);
      shuffles2[4*i + 2] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BLD_QUAD_TOP_RIGHT + s2);
      shuffles2[4*i + 3] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BLD_QUAD_BOTTOM_LEFT + s2);
   vec1 = LLVMBuildShuffleVector(builder, a, b,
                                 LLVMConstVector(shuffles1, length), "");
   vec2 = LLVMBuildShuffleVector(builder, a, b,
                                 LLVMConstVector(shuffles2, length), "");
   if (bld->type.floating)
      return LLVMBuildFSub(builder, vec2, vec1, "ddxddyddxddy");
      return LLVMBuildSub(builder, vec2, vec1, "ddxddyddxddy");
Beispiel #4
 * Special case for converting clamped IEEE-754 floats to unsigned norms.
 * The mathematical voodoo below may seem excessive but it is actually
 * paramount we do it this way for several reasons. First, there is no single
 * precision FP to unsigned integer conversion Intel SSE instruction. Second,
 * secondly, even if there was, since the FP's mantissa takes only a fraction
 * of register bits the typically scale and cast approach would require double
 * precision for accurate results, and therefore half the throughput
 * Although the result values can be scaled to an arbitrary bit width specified
 * by dst_width, the actual result type will have the same width.
lp_build_clamped_float_to_unsigned_norm(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                                        struct lp_type src_type,
                                        unsigned dst_width,
                                        LLVMValueRef src)
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(src_type);
   LLVMValueRef res;
   unsigned mantissa;
   unsigned n;
   unsigned long long ubound;
   unsigned long long mask;
   double scale;
   double bias;


   mantissa = lp_mantissa(src_type);

   /* We cannot carry more bits than the mantissa */
   n = MIN2(mantissa, dst_width);

   /* This magic coefficients will make the desired result to appear in the
    * lowest significant bits of the mantissa.
   ubound = ((unsigned long long)1 << n);
   mask = ubound - 1;
   scale = (double)mask/ubound;
   bias = (double)((unsigned long long)1 << (mantissa - n));

   res = LLVMBuildMul(builder, src, lp_build_const_scalar(src_type, scale), "");
   res = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, res, lp_build_const_scalar(src_type, bias), "");
   res = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, res, int_vec_type, "");

   if(dst_width > n) {
      int shift = dst_width - n;
      res = LLVMBuildShl(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, shift), "");

      /* TODO: Fill in the empty lower bits for additional precision? */
#if 0
         LLVMValueRef msb;
         msb = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, dst_width - 1), "");
         msb = LLVMBuildShl(builder, msb, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, shift), "");
         msb = LLVMBuildSub(builder, msb, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, 1), "");
         res = LLVMBuildOr(builder, res, msb, "");
#elif 0
      while(shift > 0) {
         res = LLVMBuildOr(builder, res, LLVMBuildLShr(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, n), ""), "");
         shift -= n;
         n *= 2;
      res = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, mask), "");

   return res;
/* Find the last bit set. */
static void emit_umsb(const struct lp_build_tgsi_action *action,
		      struct lp_build_tgsi_context *bld_base,
		      struct lp_build_emit_data *emit_data)
	struct gallivm_state *gallivm = bld_base->base.gallivm;
	LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
	LLVMValueRef args[2] = {
		/* Don't generate code for handling zero: */
		LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt1TypeInContext(gallivm->context), 1, 0)

	LLVMValueRef msb =
		lp_build_intrinsic(builder, "llvm.ctlz.i32",
				emit_data->dst_type, args, ARRAY_SIZE(args),

	/* The HW returns the last bit index from MSB, but TGSI wants
	 * the index from LSB. Invert it by doing "31 - msb". */
	msb = LLVMBuildSub(builder, lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 31),
			   msb, "");

	/* Check for zero: */
	emit_data->output[emit_data->chan] =
				LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntEQ, args[0],
					      bld_base->, ""),
				lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, -1), msb, "");
/* Find the last bit opposite of the sign bit. */
static void emit_imsb(const struct lp_build_tgsi_action *action,
		      struct lp_build_tgsi_context *bld_base,
		      struct lp_build_emit_data *emit_data)
	struct gallivm_state *gallivm = bld_base->base.gallivm;
	LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
	LLVMValueRef arg = emit_data->args[0];

	LLVMValueRef msb =
		lp_build_intrinsic(builder, "llvm.AMDGPU.flbit.i32",
				emit_data->dst_type, &arg, 1,

	/* The HW returns the last bit index from MSB, but TGSI wants
	 * the index from LSB. Invert it by doing "31 - msb". */
	msb = LLVMBuildSub(builder, lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 31),
			   msb, "");

	/* If arg == 0 || arg == -1 (0xffffffff), return -1. */
	LLVMValueRef all_ones = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, -1);

	LLVMValueRef cond =
			    LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntEQ, arg,
					  bld_base->, ""),
			    LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntEQ, arg,
					  all_ones, ""), "");

	emit_data->output[emit_data->chan] =
		LLVMBuildSelect(builder, cond, all_ones, msb, "");
Beispiel #7
 * Helper for building packed ddx/ddy vector for one coord (scalar per quad
 * values). The vector will look like this (8-wide):
 * dr1dx _____ -dr1dy _____ dr2dx _____ -dr2dy _____
 * This only requires one shuffle instead of two for more straightforward packing.
lp_build_packed_ddx_ddy_onecoord(struct lp_build_context *bld,
                                 LLVMValueRef a)
   struct gallivm_state *gallivm = bld->gallivm;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef vec1, vec2;

   /* use aos swizzle helper */

   static const unsigned char swizzle1[] = { /* no-op swizzle */
   static const unsigned char swizzle2[] = {

   vec1 = lp_build_swizzle_aos(bld, a, swizzle1);
   vec2 = lp_build_swizzle_aos(bld, a, swizzle2);

   if (bld->type.floating)
      return LLVMBuildFSub(builder, vec2, vec1, "ddxddy");
      return LLVMBuildSub(builder, vec2, vec1, "ddxddy");
Beispiel #8
LLVMValueRef gen_sub(struct node *ast)
	return LLVMBuildSub(builder,
Beispiel #9
ac_build_imsb(struct ac_llvm_context *ctx,
	      LLVMValueRef arg,
	      LLVMTypeRef dst_type)
	const char *intr_name = (HAVE_LLVM < 0x0400) ? "llvm.AMDGPU.flbit.i32" :
	LLVMValueRef msb = ac_build_intrinsic(ctx, intr_name,
					      dst_type, &arg, 1,

	/* The HW returns the last bit index from MSB, but NIR/TGSI wants
	 * the index from LSB. Invert it by doing "31 - msb". */
	msb = LLVMBuildSub(ctx->builder, LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 31, false),
			   msb, "");

	LLVMValueRef all_ones = LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, -1, true);
	LLVMValueRef cond = LLVMBuildOr(ctx->builder,
					LLVMBuildICmp(ctx->builder, LLVMIntEQ,
						      arg, LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 0, 0), ""),
					LLVMBuildICmp(ctx->builder, LLVMIntEQ,
						      arg, all_ones, ""), "");

	return LLVMBuildSelect(ctx->builder, cond, all_ones, msb, "");
Beispiel #10
struct LLVMOpaqueValue *bllvm_compile_rirbop(const struct rir_expression *expr,
                                             struct llvm_traversal_ctx *ctx)
    LLVMValueRef ret;
    LLVMValueRef left = bllvm_value_from_rir_value_or_die(expr->binaryop.a, ctx);
    LLVMValueRef right = bllvm_value_from_rir_value_or_die(expr->binaryop.b, ctx);
    switch(expr->type) {
        ret = LLVMBuildAdd(ctx->builder, left, right, "");
        ret = LLVMBuildSub(ctx->builder, left, right, "");
        ret = LLVMBuildMul(ctx->builder, left, right, "");
        ret = LLVMBuildUDiv(ctx->builder, left, right, "");
        RF_CRITICAL_FAIL("Should never get anything other than binaryop here");
    return ret;
Beispiel #11
 * To be able to handle multiple quads at once in texture sampling and
 * do lod calculations per quad, it is necessary to get the per-quad
 * derivatives into the lp_build_rho function.
 * For 8-wide vectors the packed derivative values for 3 coords would
 * look like this, this scales to a arbitrary (multiple of 4) vector size:
 * ds1dx ds1dy dt1dx dt1dy ds2dx ds2dy dt2dx dt2dy
 * dr1dx dr1dy _____ _____ dr2dx dr2dy _____ _____
 * The second vector will be unused for 1d and 2d textures.
lp_build_packed_ddx_ddy_onecoord(struct lp_build_context *bld,
                                 LLVMValueRef a)
   struct gallivm_state *gallivm = bld->gallivm;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef vec1, vec2;

   /* same packing as _twocoord, but can use aos swizzle helper */

    * XXX could make swizzle1 a noop swizzle by using right top/bottom
    * pair for ddy
   static const unsigned char swizzle1[] = {
   static const unsigned char swizzle2[] = {

   vec1 = lp_build_swizzle_aos(bld, a, swizzle1);
   vec2 = lp_build_swizzle_aos(bld, a, swizzle2);

   if (bld->type.floating)
      return LLVMBuildFSub(builder, vec2, vec1, "ddxddy");
      return LLVMBuildSub(builder, vec2, vec1, "ddxddy");
Beispiel #12
LLVMValueRef gen_predec(struct node *ast)
	LLVMValueRef result;

	result = LLVMBuildSub(builder,

	check_store(result, lvalue(ast->one));

	return result;
Beispiel #13
LLVMValueRef gen_postdec(struct node *ast)
	LLVMValueRef orig, result;

	orig = codegen(ast->one);

	result = LLVMBuildSub(builder,

	check_store(result, lvalue(ast->one));

	return orig;
Beispiel #14
 * Inverse of lp_build_clamped_float_to_unsigned_norm above.
lp_build_unsigned_norm_to_float(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                                unsigned src_width,
                                struct lp_type dst_type,
                                LLVMValueRef src)
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(dst_type);
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(dst_type);
   LLVMValueRef bias_;
   LLVMValueRef res;
   unsigned mantissa;
   unsigned n;
   unsigned long long ubound;
   unsigned long long mask;
   double scale;
   double bias;

   mantissa = lp_mantissa(dst_type);

   n = MIN2(mantissa, src_width);

   ubound = ((unsigned long long)1 << n);
   mask = ubound - 1;
   scale = (double)ubound/mask;
   bias = (double)((unsigned long long)1 << (mantissa - n));

   res = src;

   if(src_width > mantissa) {
      int shift = src_width - mantissa;
      res = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(dst_type, shift), "");

   bias_ = lp_build_const_scalar(dst_type, bias);

   res = LLVMBuildOr(builder,
                     LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, bias_, int_vec_type, ""), "");

   res = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, res, vec_type, "");

   res = LLVMBuildSub(builder, res, bias_, "");
   res = LLVMBuildMul(builder, res, lp_build_const_scalar(dst_type, scale), "");

   return res;
Beispiel #15
static LLVMValueRef
translateIntBinOp(NodeKind Op, LLVMValueRef ValueE1, LLVMValueRef ValueE2) {
  switch (Op) {
    case OrOp:   return LLVMBuildOr (Builder, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case AndOp:  return LLVMBuildAnd(Builder, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case SumOp:  return LLVMBuildAdd(Builder, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case SubOp:  return LLVMBuildSub(Builder, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case MultOp: return LLVMBuildMul(Builder, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case DivOp:  return LLVMBuildSDiv(Builder, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case LtOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSLT, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case LeOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSLE, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case GtOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSGT, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case GeOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSGE, ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case EqOp:   return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntEQ,  ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    case DiffOp: return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntNE,  ValueE1, ValueE2, ""); 
    default:     return NULL;
Beispiel #16
static inline LLVMValueRef LLVM_visit(ASTNode *node, LLVMBuilderRef builder) {
  switch(node->type) {
    case AST_BINARY_OP: {
      ASTBinaryOp *binary_op = (ASTBinaryOp*)node;
      LLVMValueRef a = LLVM_visit(binary_op->lhs, builder);
      LLVMValueRef b = LLVM_visit(binary_op->rhs, builder);
      switch(binary_op->op) {
        case '+': return LLVMBuildAdd(builder, a, b, "a + b");
        case '-': return LLVMBuildSub(builder, a, b, "a - b");
        case '*': return LLVMBuildMul(builder, a, b, "a * b");
        case '/': return LLVMBuildSDiv(builder, a, b, "a / b");
    case AST_INT: {
      return LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), ((ASTInt*)node)->value, 0);
Beispiel #17
 * Generate a - b
lp_build_sub(struct lp_build_context *bld,
             LLVMValueRef a,
             LLVMValueRef b)
   const struct lp_type type = bld->type;
   LLVMValueRef res;

   if(b == bld->zero)
      return a;
   if(a == bld->undef || b == bld->undef)
      return bld->undef;
   if(a == b)
      return bld->zero;

   if(bld->type.norm) {
      const char *intrinsic = NULL;

      if(b == bld->one)
        return bld->zero;

      if(util_cpu_caps.has_sse2 &&
         type.width * type.length == 128 &&
         !type.floating && !type.fixed) {
         if(type.width == 8)
            intrinsic = type.sign ? "llvm.x86.sse2.psubs.b" : "llvm.x86.sse2.psubus.b";
         if(type.width == 16)
            intrinsic = type.sign ? "llvm.x86.sse2.psubs.w" : "llvm.x86.sse2.psubus.w";
         return lp_build_intrinsic_binary(bld->builder, intrinsic, lp_build_vec_type(bld->type), a, b);

   if(LLVMIsConstant(a) && LLVMIsConstant(b))
      res = LLVMConstSub(a, b);
      res = LLVMBuildSub(bld->builder, a, b, "");

   if(bld->type.norm && (bld->type.floating || bld->type.fixed))
      res = lp_build_max_simple(bld, res, bld->zero);

   return res;
Beispiel #18
static void emit_bfi(const struct lp_build_tgsi_action *action,
		     struct lp_build_tgsi_context *bld_base,
		     struct lp_build_emit_data *emit_data)
	struct gallivm_state *gallivm = bld_base->base.gallivm;
	LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
	LLVMValueRef bfi_args[3];
	LLVMValueRef bfi_sm5;
	LLVMValueRef cond;

	// Calculate the bitmask: (((1 << src3) - 1) << src2
	bfi_args[0] = LLVMBuildShl(builder,
							     emit_data->args[3], ""),
						bld_base->, ""),
				   emit_data->args[2], "");

	bfi_args[1] = LLVMBuildShl(builder, emit_data->args[1],
				   emit_data->args[2], "");

	bfi_args[2] = emit_data->args[0];

	/* Calculate:
	 *   (arg0 & arg1) | (~arg0 & arg2) = arg2 ^ (arg0 & (arg1 ^ arg2)
	 * Use the right-hand side, which the LLVM backend can convert to V_BFI.
	bfi_sm5 =
		LLVMBuildXor(builder, bfi_args[2],
			LLVMBuildAnd(builder, bfi_args[0],
				LLVMBuildXor(builder, bfi_args[1], bfi_args[2],
					     ""), ""), "");

	/* Since shifts of >= 32 bits are undefined in LLVM IR, the backend
	 * uses the convenient V_BFI lowering for the above, which follows SM5
	 * and disagrees with GLSL semantics when bits (src3) is 32.
	cond = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntUGE, emit_data->args[3],
			     lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 32), "");
	emit_data->output[emit_data->chan] =
		LLVMBuildSelect(builder, cond, emit_data->args[1], bfi_sm5, "");
Beispiel #19
 * Generate 1 - a, or ~a depending on bld->type.
lp_build_comp(struct lp_build_context *bld,
              LLVMValueRef a)
   const struct lp_type type = bld->type;

   if(a == bld->one)
      return bld->zero;
   if(a == bld->zero)
      return bld->one;

   if(type.norm && !type.floating && !type.fixed && !type.sign) {
         return LLVMConstNot(a);
         return LLVMBuildNot(bld->builder, a, "");

      return LLVMConstSub(bld->one, a);
      return LLVMBuildSub(bld->builder, bld->one, a, "");
Beispiel #20
ac_build_umsb(struct ac_llvm_context *ctx,
	      LLVMValueRef arg,
	      LLVMTypeRef dst_type)
	LLVMValueRef args[2] = {
		LLVMConstInt(ctx->i1, 1, 0),
	LLVMValueRef msb = ac_build_intrinsic(ctx, "llvm.ctlz.i32",
					      dst_type, args, ARRAY_SIZE(args),

	/* The HW returns the last bit index from MSB, but TGSI/NIR wants
	 * the index from LSB. Invert it by doing "31 - msb". */
	msb = LLVMBuildSub(ctx->builder, LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 31, false),
			   msb, "");

	/* check for zero */
	return LLVMBuildSelect(ctx->builder,
			       LLVMBuildICmp(ctx->builder, LLVMIntEQ, arg,
					     LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 0, 0), ""),
			       LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, -1, true), msb, "");
Beispiel #21
static INLINE void
yuv_to_rgb_soa(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
               unsigned n,
               LLVMValueRef y, LLVMValueRef u, LLVMValueRef v,
               LLVMValueRef *r, LLVMValueRef *g, LLVMValueRef *b)
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   struct lp_type type;
   struct lp_build_context bld;

   LLVMValueRef c0;
   LLVMValueRef c8;
   LLVMValueRef c16;
   LLVMValueRef c128;
   LLVMValueRef c255;

   LLVMValueRef cy;
   LLVMValueRef cug;
   LLVMValueRef cub;
   LLVMValueRef cvr;
   LLVMValueRef cvg;

   memset(&type, 0, sizeof type);
   type.sign = TRUE;
   type.width = 32;
   type.length = n;

   lp_build_context_init(&bld, gallivm, type);

   assert(lp_check_value(type, y));
   assert(lp_check_value(type, u));
   assert(lp_check_value(type, v));

    * Constants

   c0   = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type,   0);
   c8   = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type,   8);
   c16  = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type,  16);
   c128 = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type, 128);
   c255 = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type, 255);

   cy  = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type,  298);
   cug = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type, -100);
   cub = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type,  516);
   cvr = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type,  409);
   cvg = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, type, -208);

    *  y -= 16;
    *  u -= 128;
    *  v -= 128;

   y = LLVMBuildSub(builder, y, c16, "");
   u = LLVMBuildSub(builder, u, c128, "");
   v = LLVMBuildSub(builder, v, c128, "");

    * r = 298 * _y            + 409 * _v + 128;
    * g = 298 * _y - 100 * _u - 208 * _v + 128;
    * b = 298 * _y + 516 * _u            + 128;

   y = LLVMBuildMul(builder, y, cy, "");
   y = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, y, c128, "");

   *r = LLVMBuildMul(builder, v, cvr, "");
   *g = LLVMBuildAdd(builder,
                     LLVMBuildMul(builder, u, cug, ""),
                     LLVMBuildMul(builder, v, cvg, ""),
   *b = LLVMBuildMul(builder, u, cub, "");

   *r = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, *r, y, "");
   *g = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, *g, y, "");
   *b = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, *b, y, "");

    * r >>= 8;
    * g >>= 8;
    * b >>= 8;

   *r = LLVMBuildAShr(builder, *r, c8, "r");
   *g = LLVMBuildAShr(builder, *g, c8, "g");
   *b = LLVMBuildAShr(builder, *b, c8, "b");

    * Clamp

   *r = lp_build_clamp(&bld, *r, c0, c255);
   *g = lp_build_clamp(&bld, *g, c0, c255);
   *b = lp_build_clamp(&bld, *b, c0, c255);
Beispiel #22
 * Generic type conversion.
 * TODO: Take a precision argument, or even better, add a new precision member
 * to the lp_type union.
lp_build_conv(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
              struct lp_type src_type,
              struct lp_type dst_type,
              const LLVMValueRef *src, unsigned num_srcs,
              LLVMValueRef *dst, unsigned num_dsts)
    LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
    struct lp_type tmp_type;
    unsigned num_tmps;
    unsigned i;

    /* We must not loose or gain channels. Only precision */
    assert(src_type.length * num_srcs == dst_type.length * num_dsts);

    assert(src_type.length <= LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH);
    assert(dst_type.length <= LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH);
    assert(num_srcs <= LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH);
    assert(num_dsts <= LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH);

    tmp_type = src_type;
    for(i = 0; i < num_srcs; ++i) {
        assert(lp_check_value(src_type, src[i]));
        tmp[i] = src[i];
    num_tmps = num_srcs;

    /* Special case 4x4f --> 1x16ub
    if (src_type.floating == 1 &&
            src_type.fixed    == 0 &&
            src_type.sign     == 1 &&
            src_type.norm     == 0 &&
            src_type.width    == 32 &&
            src_type.length   == 4 &&

            dst_type.floating == 0 &&
            dst_type.fixed    == 0 &&
            dst_type.sign     == 0 &&
            dst_type.norm     == 1 &&
            dst_type.width    == 8 &&
            dst_type.length   == 16 &&

            4 * num_dsts      == num_srcs &&

        struct lp_build_context bld;
        struct lp_type int16_type = dst_type;
        struct lp_type int32_type = dst_type;
        LLVMValueRef const_255f;
        unsigned i, j;

        lp_build_context_init(&bld, gallivm, src_type);

        int16_type.width *= 2;
        int16_type.length /= 2;
        int16_type.sign = 1;

        int32_type.width *= 4;
        int32_type.length /= 4;
        int32_type.sign = 1;

        const_255f = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, 255.0f);

        for (i = 0; i < num_dsts; ++i, src += 4) {
            LLVMValueRef lo, hi;

            for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                tmp[j] = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, src[j], const_255f, "");
                tmp[j] = lp_build_iround(&bld, tmp[j]);

            /* relying on clamping behavior of sse2 intrinsics here */
            lo = lp_build_pack2(gallivm, int32_type, int16_type, tmp[0], tmp[1]);
            hi = lp_build_pack2(gallivm, int32_type, int16_type, tmp[2], tmp[3]);
            dst[i] = lp_build_pack2(gallivm, int16_type, dst_type, lo, hi);


    /* Special case 2x8f --> 1x16ub
    else if (src_type.floating == 1 &&
             src_type.fixed    == 0 &&
             src_type.sign     == 1 &&
             src_type.norm     == 0 &&
             src_type.width    == 32 &&
             src_type.length   == 8 &&

             dst_type.floating == 0 &&
             dst_type.fixed    == 0 &&
             dst_type.sign     == 0 &&
             dst_type.norm     == 1 &&
             dst_type.width    == 8 &&
             dst_type.length   == 16 &&

             2 * num_dsts      == num_srcs &&

             util_cpu_caps.has_avx) {

        struct lp_build_context bld;
        struct lp_type int16_type = dst_type;
        struct lp_type int32_type = dst_type;
        LLVMValueRef const_255f;
        unsigned i;

        lp_build_context_init(&bld, gallivm, src_type);

        int16_type.width *= 2;
        int16_type.length /= 2;
        int16_type.sign = 1;

        int32_type.width *= 4;
        int32_type.length /= 4;
        int32_type.sign = 1;

        const_255f = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, 255.0f);

        for (i = 0; i < num_dsts; ++i, src += 2) {
            LLVMValueRef lo, hi, a, b;

            a = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, src[0], const_255f, "");
            b = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, src[1], const_255f, "");

            a = lp_build_iround(&bld, a);
            b = lp_build_iround(&bld, b);

            tmp[0] = lp_build_extract_range(gallivm, a, 0, 4);
            tmp[1] = lp_build_extract_range(gallivm, a, 4, 4);
            tmp[2] = lp_build_extract_range(gallivm, b, 0, 4);
            tmp[3] = lp_build_extract_range(gallivm, b, 4, 4);

            /* relying on clamping behavior of sse2 intrinsics here */
            lo = lp_build_pack2(gallivm, int32_type, int16_type, tmp[0], tmp[1]);
            hi = lp_build_pack2(gallivm, int32_type, int16_type, tmp[2], tmp[3]);
            dst[i] = lp_build_pack2(gallivm, int16_type, dst_type, lo, hi);

    /* Pre convert half-floats to floats
    else if (src_type.floating && src_type.width == 16)
        for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i)
            tmp[i] = lp_build_half_to_float(gallivm, src_type, tmp[i]);

        tmp_type.width = 32;

     * Clamp if necessary

    if(memcmp(&src_type, &dst_type, sizeof src_type) != 0) {
        struct lp_build_context bld;
        double src_min = lp_const_min(src_type);
        double dst_min = lp_const_min(dst_type);
        double src_max = lp_const_max(src_type);
        double dst_max = lp_const_max(dst_type);
        LLVMValueRef thres;

        lp_build_context_init(&bld, gallivm, tmp_type);

        if(src_min < dst_min) {
            if(dst_min == 0.0)
                thres =;
                thres = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, dst_min);
            for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i)
                tmp[i] = lp_build_max(&bld, tmp[i], thres);

        if(src_max > dst_max) {
            if(dst_max == 1.0)
                thres =;
                thres = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, dst_max);
            for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i)
                tmp[i] = lp_build_min(&bld, tmp[i], thres);

     * Scale to the narrowest range

    if(dst_type.floating) {
        /* Nothing to do */
    else if(tmp_type.floating) {
        if(!dst_type.fixed && !dst_type.sign && dst_type.norm) {
            for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i) {
                tmp[i] = lp_build_clamped_float_to_unsigned_norm(gallivm,
            tmp_type.floating = FALSE;
        else {
            double dst_scale = lp_const_scale(dst_type);
            LLVMTypeRef tmp_vec_type;

            if (dst_scale != 1.0) {
                LLVMValueRef scale = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, tmp_type, dst_scale);
                for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i)
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, tmp[i], scale, "");

            /* Use an equally sized integer for intermediate computations */
            tmp_type.floating = FALSE;
            tmp_vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, tmp_type);
            for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i) {
#if 0
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildFPToSI(builder, tmp[i], tmp_vec_type, "");
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildFPToUI(builder, tmp[i], tmp_vec_type, "");
                /* FIXME: there is no SSE counterpart for LLVMBuildFPToUI */
                tmp[i] = LLVMBuildFPToSI(builder, tmp[i], tmp_vec_type, "");
    else {
        unsigned src_shift = lp_const_shift(src_type);
        unsigned dst_shift = lp_const_shift(dst_type);
        unsigned src_offset = lp_const_offset(src_type);
        unsigned dst_offset = lp_const_offset(dst_type);

        /* Compensate for different offsets */
        if (dst_offset > src_offset && src_type.width > dst_type.width) {
            for (i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i) {
                LLVMValueRef shifted;
                LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, tmp_type, src_shift - 1);
                    shifted = LLVMBuildAShr(builder, tmp[i], shift, "");
                    shifted = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, tmp[i], shift, "");

                tmp[i] = LLVMBuildSub(builder, tmp[i], shifted, "");

        if(src_shift > dst_shift) {
            LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, tmp_type,
                                 src_shift - dst_shift);
            for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i)
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildAShr(builder, tmp[i], shift, "");
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, tmp[i], shift, "");

     * Truncate or expand bit width
     * No data conversion should happen here, although the sign bits are
     * crucial to avoid bad clamping.

        struct lp_type new_type;

        new_type = tmp_type;
        new_type.sign   = dst_type.sign;
        new_type.width  = dst_type.width;
        new_type.length = dst_type.length;

        lp_build_resize(gallivm, tmp_type, new_type, tmp, num_srcs, tmp, num_dsts);

        tmp_type = new_type;
        num_tmps = num_dsts;

     * Scale to the widest range

    if(src_type.floating) {
        /* Nothing to do */
    else if(!src_type.floating && dst_type.floating) {
        if(!src_type.fixed && !src_type.sign && src_type.norm) {
            for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i) {
                tmp[i] = lp_build_unsigned_norm_to_float(gallivm,
            tmp_type.floating = TRUE;
        else {
            double src_scale = lp_const_scale(src_type);
            LLVMTypeRef tmp_vec_type;

            /* Use an equally sized integer for intermediate computations */
            tmp_type.floating = TRUE;
            tmp_type.sign = TRUE;
            tmp_vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, tmp_type);
            for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i) {
#if 0
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildSIToFP(builder, tmp[i], tmp_vec_type, "");
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildUIToFP(builder, tmp[i], tmp_vec_type, "");
                /* FIXME: there is no SSE counterpart for LLVMBuildUIToFP */
                tmp[i] = LLVMBuildSIToFP(builder, tmp[i], tmp_vec_type, "");

            if (src_scale != 1.0) {
                LLVMValueRef scale = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, tmp_type, 1.0/src_scale);
                for(i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i)
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, tmp[i], scale, "");
    else {
        unsigned src_shift = lp_const_shift(src_type);
        unsigned dst_shift = lp_const_shift(dst_type);
        unsigned src_offset = lp_const_offset(src_type);
        unsigned dst_offset = lp_const_offset(dst_type);

        if (src_shift < dst_shift) {
            LLVMValueRef pre_shift[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH];
            LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, tmp_type, dst_shift - src_shift);

            for (i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i) {
                pre_shift[i] = tmp[i];
                tmp[i] = LLVMBuildShl(builder, tmp[i], shift, "");

            /* Compensate for different offsets */
            if (dst_offset > src_offset) {
                for (i = 0; i < num_tmps; ++i) {
                    tmp[i] = LLVMBuildSub(builder, tmp[i], pre_shift[i], "");

    for(i = 0; i < num_dsts; ++i) {
        dst[i] = tmp[i];
        assert(lp_check_value(dst_type, dst[i]));
Beispiel #23
 * Special case for converting clamped IEEE-754 floats to unsigned norms.
 * The mathematical voodoo below may seem excessive but it is actually
 * paramount we do it this way for several reasons. First, there is no single
 * precision FP to unsigned integer conversion Intel SSE instruction. Second,
 * secondly, even if there was, since the FP's mantissa takes only a fraction
 * of register bits the typically scale and cast approach would require double
 * precision for accurate results, and therefore half the throughput
 * Although the result values can be scaled to an arbitrary bit width specified
 * by dst_width, the actual result type will have the same width.
 * Ex: src = { float, float, float, float }
 * return { i32, i32, i32, i32 } where each value is in [0, 2^dst_width-1].
lp_build_clamped_float_to_unsigned_norm(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                                        struct lp_type src_type,
                                        unsigned dst_width,
                                        LLVMValueRef src)
    LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
    LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(gallivm, src_type);
    LLVMValueRef res;
    unsigned mantissa;

    assert(dst_width <= src_type.width);
    src_type.sign = FALSE;

    mantissa = lp_mantissa(src_type);

    if (dst_width <= mantissa) {
         * Apply magic coefficients that will make the desired result to appear
         * in the lowest significant bits of the mantissa, with correct rounding.
         * This only works if the destination width fits in the mantissa.

        unsigned long long ubound;
        unsigned long long mask;
        double scale;
        double bias;

        ubound = (1ULL << dst_width);
        mask = ubound - 1;
        scale = (double)mask/ubound;
        bias = (double)(1ULL << (mantissa - dst_width));

        res = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, src, lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, scale), "");
        res = LLVMBuildFAdd(builder, res, lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, bias), "");
        res = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, res, int_vec_type, "");
        res = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, res,
                           lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, src_type, mask), "");
    else if (dst_width == (mantissa + 1)) {
         * The destination width matches exactly what can be represented in
         * floating point (i.e., mantissa + 1 bits). So do a straight
         * multiplication followed by casting. No further rounding is necessary.

        double scale;

        scale = (double)((1ULL << dst_width) - 1);

        res = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, src,
                            lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, scale), "");
        res = LLVMBuildFPToSI(builder, res, int_vec_type, "");
    else {
         * The destination exceeds what can be represented in the floating point.
         * So multiply by the largest power two we get away with, and when
         * subtract the most significant bit to rescale to normalized values.
         * The largest power of two factor we can get away is
         * (1 << (src_type.width - 1)), because we need to use signed . In theory it
         * should be (1 << (src_type.width - 2)), but IEEE 754 rules states
         * INT_MIN should be returned in FPToSI, which is the correct result for
         * values near 1.0!
         * This means we get (src_type.width - 1) correct bits for values near 0.0,
         * and (mantissa + 1) correct bits for values near 1.0. Equally or more
         * important, we also get exact results for 0.0 and 1.0.

        unsigned n = MIN2(src_type.width - 1, dst_width);

        double scale = (double)(1ULL << n);
        unsigned lshift = dst_width - n;
        unsigned rshift = n;
        LLVMValueRef lshifted;
        LLVMValueRef rshifted;

        res = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, src,
                            lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, scale), "");
        res = LLVMBuildFPToSI(builder, res, int_vec_type, "");

         * Align the most significant bit to its final place.
         * This will cause 1.0 to overflow to 0, but the later adjustment will
         * get it right.
        if (lshift) {
            lshifted = LLVMBuildShl(builder, res,
                                    lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, src_type,
                                            lshift), "");
        } else {
            lshifted = res;

         * Align the most significant bit to the right.
        rshifted =  LLVMBuildLShr(builder, res,
                                  lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, src_type, rshift),

         * Subtract the MSB to the LSB, therefore re-scaling from
         * (1 << dst_width) to ((1 << dst_width) - 1).

        res = LLVMBuildSub(builder, lshifted, rshifted, "");

    return res;
Beispiel #24
 * gen_operator_expression
 * Code generation for operator expressions.  Most of them have straightforward
 * translations into LLVM instructions and are handled directly here.
static LLVMValueRef
gen_operator_expression (gencodectx_t gctx, expr_node_t *exp, LLVMTypeRef neededtype)
    expr_node_t *lhs = expr_op_lhs(exp);
    expr_node_t *rhs = expr_op_rhs(exp);
    optype_t op = expr_op_type(exp);
    LLVMBuilderRef builder = gctx->curfn->builder;
    LLVMTypeRef inttype;
    LLVMValueRef lval, rval, result;

    if (op == OPER_FETCH) {
        return gen_fetch(gctx, rhs, neededtype);

    if (op == OPER_ASSIGN) {
        LLVMValueRef val = llvmgen_assignment(gctx, lhs, rhs);
        return llvmgen_adjustval(gctx, val, neededtype, 0);

    if (op == OPER_SHIFT) {
        return gen_shift(gctx, lhs, rhs, neededtype);

    inttype = LLVMIntTypeInContext(gctx->llvmctx, machine_scalar_bits(gctx->mach));

    lval = (lhs == 0 ? 0 : llvmgen_expression(gctx, lhs, inttype));
    rval = llvmgen_expression(gctx, rhs, inttype);
    switch (op) {
        case OPER_UNARY_PLUS:
            result = rval;
        case OPER_UNARY_MINUS:
            result = LLVMBuildNeg(builder, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_ADD:
            result = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_SUBTRACT:
            result = LLVMBuildSub(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_MULT:
            result = LLVMBuildMul(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_DIV:
            result = LLVMBuildUDiv(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_MODULO:
            result = LLVMBuildURem(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_AND:
            result = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_OR:
            result = LLVMBuildOr(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_NOT:
            result = LLVMBuildNot(builder, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_XOR:
            result = LLVMBuildXor(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
        case OPER_EQV:
            result = LLVMBuildXor(builder, lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
            result = LLVMBuildNot(builder, result, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
            if (op >= OPER_CMP_EQL && op <= OPER_CMP_GEQA) {
                result = LLVMBuildICmp(builder,
                                       llvmgen_predfromop(op, machine_addr_signed(gctx->mach)),
                                       lval, rval, llvmgen_temp(gctx));
            } else {
                // Everything should be covered
                expr_signal(gctx->ectx, STC__INTCMPERR, "gen_operator_expression");
                result = LLVMConstNull(inttype);

    return llvmgen_adjustval(gctx, result, neededtype, 0);

} /* gen_operator_expression */
Beispiel #25
 * See
lp_build_log2_approx(struct lp_build_context *bld,
                     LLVMValueRef x,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_exp,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_floor_log2,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_log2)
   const struct lp_type type = bld->type;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(type);

   LLVMValueRef expmask = lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, 0x7f800000);
   LLVMValueRef mantmask = lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, 0x007fffff);
   LLVMValueRef one = LLVMConstBitCast(bld->one, int_vec_type);

   LLVMValueRef i = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef exp = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef mant = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef logexp = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef logmant = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef res = NULL;

   if(p_exp || p_floor_log2 || p_log2) {
      /* TODO: optimize the constant case */
         debug_printf("%s: inefficient/imprecise constant arithmetic\n",

      assert(type.floating && type.width == 32);

      i = LLVMBuildBitCast(bld->builder, x, int_vec_type, "");

      /* exp = (float) exponent(x) */
      exp = LLVMBuildAnd(bld->builder, i, expmask, "");

   if(p_floor_log2 || p_log2) {
      logexp = LLVMBuildLShr(bld->builder, exp, lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, 23), "");
      logexp = LLVMBuildSub(bld->builder, logexp, lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, 127), "");
      logexp = LLVMBuildSIToFP(bld->builder, logexp, vec_type, "");

   if(p_log2) {
      /* mant = (float) mantissa(x) */
      mant = LLVMBuildAnd(bld->builder, i, mantmask, "");
      mant = LLVMBuildOr(bld->builder, mant, one, "");
      mant = LLVMBuildBitCast(bld->builder, mant, vec_type, "");

      logmant = lp_build_polynomial(bld, mant, lp_build_log2_polynomial,

      /* This effectively increases the polynomial degree by one, but ensures that log2(1) == 0*/
      logmant = LLVMBuildMul(bld->builder, logmant, LLVMBuildSub(bld->builder, mant, bld->one, ""), "");

      res = LLVMBuildAdd(bld->builder, logmant, logexp, "");

      *p_exp = exp;

      *p_floor_log2 = logexp;

      *p_log2 = res;