Beispiel #1
CAMLprim value mlsdlevent_add(value elist)
  int len = mlsdl_list_length(elist);
  LOCALARRAY(SDL_Event, evt, len);
  value l = elist;
  int i=0;
    evt[i] = SDLEvent_of_value(hd(l));
    l = tl(l);
  if(SDL_PeepEvents(evt, len, SDL_ADDEVENT, SDL_ALLEVENTS) < 0)
  return Val_unit;
Beispiel #2
CAMLprim value mlsdlevent_get(value omask, value num)
  int n = Int_val(num);
  int m;
  LOCALARRAY(SDL_Event, evt, n);
  Uint32 mask = Opt_arg(omask, Int_val, SDL_ALLEVENTS);
  m = SDL_PeepEvents(evt, n, SDL_GETEVENT, mask);
  if(m < 0)
    int i;
    v = nil();
    for(i=m-1; i>=0; i--){
      value e = value_of_SDLEvent(evt[i]);
      v = mlsdl_cons(e, v);
Beispiel #3
void SeqEdgeColoringPar<DefaultStructs>::vizing(
	VizingState<Graph, ColorMap> &vState,
	typename Graph::PEdge edge, typename Graph::PVertex vertX)
	typedef typename Graph::PVertex Vert;
	typedef typename Graph::PEdge Edge;
	const EdgeDirection Mask = EdDirIn|EdDirOut|EdUndir;
	int degree = vState.graph.Delta(Mask);

	int freeColorX; //color not incident to X; always freeColorX <= maxColor
	Edge LOCALARRAY(usedColorX, vState.notColored); //edges incident to X (by colors)
	int LOCALARRAY(usedColorY, vState.notColored);  //if colors are incident to Y_k (yes/no)
	int LOCALARRAY(freeColorYY, vState.notColored); /*freeColorYY[i]==j
			means that color i is not incident with the vertex
			described in fan[j] (fan[j]- edge (v,u) one vertex is vertX and second is the described one)*/
	Edge LOCALARRAY(fan, degree); //as in Vizing's proof (edges that are used in fan)
	int fanLen, ii;

	Vert vertY = edge->getEnd(vertX);
	int idVertX = vState.vertToTab[vertX];

	for(ii=0; ii<=vState.maxColor; ii++)
		usedColorX[ii] = NULL;
	for(Edge eX = vState.graph.getEdge(vertX, Mask); eX;
		eX = vState.graph.getEdgeNext(vertX, eX, Mask))
		if(!vState.colors.hasKey(eX)) continue;
		int tmpCol = vState.colors[eX];
		if(tmpCol<0 || tmpCol>=vState.notColored) continue;
		usedColorX[ tmpCol ] = eX;
	for(ii=0; ii<=vState.maxColor; ii++)
		if(usedColorX[ii]==NULL) break;
	freeColorX = ii;

	for(int i=0; i<=vState.maxColor; i++)
		freeColorYY[i] = -1; //clear all free color of all Y_k (for all k)
	fanLen = 0;
	//long while
	while(1) { //creating fan
		vertY = vState.graph.getEdgeEnd(edge, vertX); //take Y_k
		for(int i=0; i<=vState.maxColor; i++) //reset used colors
			usedColorY[i] = 0;
		for(Edge eY = vState.graph.getEdge(vertY, Mask); eY;
			eY = vState.graph.getEdgeNext(vertY, eY, Mask))
			if(!vState.colors.hasKey(eY)) continue;
			int tmpCol = vState.colors[eY];
			if(tmpCol<0 || tmpCol>=vState.notColored) continue;
			usedColorY[ tmpCol ] = 1;

		fan[fanLen++] = edge; //create new entry in fan of X

		//check if fan recoloring is enough
		for(ii=0; ii<=vState.maxColor; ii++) {
			if(usedColorY[ii]!=0 || usedColorX[ii]!=NULL)
			//if there is unused color in X and Y_k:
			if(fanLen>1) {
				int j = fanLen-1;
				do {
					int prevColor = vState.colors[ fan[j] ];
					vState.changeColor(fan[j], prevColor, ii);
					vState.colors[ fan[j] ] = ii;
					ii = prevColor;
				} while( (j=freeColorYY[ii])>0 ); //recoloring in fan (2)
			vState.changeColor(fan[0], vState.notColored, ii);
			vState.colors[ fan[0] ] = ii;

		for(ii=0; ii<=vState.maxColor; ii++) {
			if( usedColorY[ii]>0 ) continue; //we don't watch colors from neighbourhood of Y
			if( freeColorYY[ii]>=0 ) { //there are 2 vertices in fan that miss color 'ii'
				//a)recoloring by path; [next b)recoloring by fan]
				//subgraph creation
				vState.subgraph(freeColorX, ii);
				//travel from vertex vertX...
				int iV = vState.altPathWalk(idVertX, ii);
				int endVert = vState.vertToTab[ vState.graph.getEdgeEnd( fan[ freeColorYY[ii] ] , vertX) ];
				if(iV==endVert) {
					endVert = vState.vertToTab[ vertY ];
				} else {
					fanLen = freeColorYY[ii];
				//path recoloring (starts in endVert)
				vState.altPathRecoloring(endVert, freeColorX);

				// fan recoloring
				ii = freeColorX;
				for(int i=fanLen; i>0;) { //recoloring in fan (2)
					int prevColor = vState.colors[ fan[i] ];
					vState.changeColor(fan[i], prevColor, ii);
					vState.colors[ fan[i] ] = ii;
					ii = prevColor;
					i = freeColorYY[ii];
				vState.changeColor(fan[0], vState.notColored, ii);
				vState.colors[ fan[0] ] = ii;
				return; //double break
			} else //add information about free colors in Y_k
				freeColorYY[ii] = fanLen-1;

		//we search edge incident to X that has color missed to edges of the fan
		for(Edge ee = vState.graph.getEdge(vertX, Mask); ee;
			ee = vState.graph.getEdgeNext(vertX, ee, Mask))
			Vert v = vState.graph.getEdgeEnd(ee, vertX);
			vState.tabVert[ vState.vertToTab[v] ].vc[0] = 0;
		for(ii=0; ii<fanLen; ii++) {
			Vert v = vState.graph.getEdgeEnd(fan[ii], vertX);
			vState.tabVert[ vState.vertToTab[v] ].vc[0] = 1;
		for(ii=0; ii<=vState.maxColor; ii++) {
			if( freeColorYY[ii]<0 || usedColorX[ii]==NULL ) continue;
			Vert v = vState.graph.getEdgeEnd( usedColorX[ii], vertX );
			if( vState.tabVert[ vState.vertToTab[v] ].vc[0]==1 )
			edge = usedColorX[ii];
		if(ii>vState.maxColor) {
			//we use new color ( ++maxColor )
			vState.changeColor(fan[0], vState.notColored, vState.maxColor);
			vState.colors[ fan[0] ] = vState.maxColor;