Beispiel #1
 * refclock_sample - process a pile of samples from the clock
 * This routine implements a recursive median filter to suppress spikes
 * in the data, as well as determine a performance statistic. It
 * calculates the mean offset and RMS jitter. A time adjustment
 * fudgetime1 can be added to the final offset to compensate for various
 * systematic errors. The routine returns the number of samples
 * processed, which could be zero.
static int
	struct refclockproc *pp		/* refclock structure pointer */
	size_t	i, j, k, m, n;
	double	off[MAXSTAGE];
	double	offset;

	 * Copy the raw offsets and sort into ascending order. Don't do
	 * anything if the buffer is empty.
	n = 0;
	while (pp->codeproc != pp->coderecv) {
		pp->codeproc = (pp->codeproc + 1) % MAXSTAGE;
		off[n] = pp->filter[pp->codeproc];
	if (n == 0)
		return (0);

	if (n > 1)
		qsort((void *)off, n, sizeof(off[0]), refclock_cmpl_fp);

	 * Reject the furthest from the median of the samples until
	 * approximately 60 percent of the samples remain.
	i = 0; j = n;
	m = n - (n * 4) / 10;
	while ((j - i) > m) {
		offset = off[(j + i) / 2];
		if (off[j - 1] - offset < offset - off[i])
			i++;	/* reject low end */
			j--;	/* reject high end */

	 * Determine the offset and jitter.
	pp->offset = 0;
	pp->jitter = 0;
	for (k = i; k < j; k++) {
		pp->offset += off[k];
		if (k > i)
			pp->jitter += SQUARE(off[k] - off[k - 1]);
	pp->offset /= m;
	pp->jitter = max(SQRT(pp->jitter / m), LOGTOD(sys_precision));
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug)
		    "refclock_sample: n %d offset %.6f disp %.6f jitter %.6f\n",
		    n, pp->offset, pp->disp, pp->jitter);
	return (int)n;
Beispiel #2
 * init_loopfilter - initialize loop filter data
	 * Initialize state variables.
	sys_poll = ntp_minpoll;
	clock_jitter = LOGTOD(sys_precision);
Beispiel #3
 * init_loopfilter - initialize loop filter data
	 * Initialize state variables. Initially, we expect no drift
	 * file, so set the state to S_NSET. If a drift file is present,
	 * it will be detected later and the state set to S_FSET.
	rstclock(S_NSET, 0, 0);
	clock_jitter = LOGTOD(sys_precision);
Beispiel #4
static void decode_msg(struct ntp_data *nd, void *base, size_t len,
		struct timeval *tv, struct timespec *mrx_time)
	struct ntp_msg *msg = base;
	double m_delta, org, rec, xmt, dst;
	double delay, offset;
	static guint transmit_delay;
	struct timex tmx = {};

	if (len < sizeof(*msg)) {
		connman_error("Invalid response from time server");

	if (!tv) {
		connman_error("Invalid packet timestamp from time server");

	DBG("flags      : 0x%02x", msg->flags);
	DBG("stratum    : %u", msg->stratum);
	DBG("poll       : %f seconds (%d)",
				LOGTOD(msg->poll), msg->poll);
	DBG("precision  : %f seconds (%d)",
				LOGTOD(msg->precision), msg->precision);
	DBG("root delay : %u seconds (fraction %u)",
			msg->rootdelay.seconds, msg->rootdelay.fraction);
	DBG("root disp. : %u seconds (fraction %u)",
			msg->rootdisp.seconds, msg->rootdisp.fraction);
	DBG("reference  : 0x%04x", msg->refid);

	if (!msg->stratum) {
		/* RFC 4330 ch 8 Kiss-of-Death packet */
		uint32_t code = ntohl(msg->refid);

		connman_info("Skipping server %s KoD code %c%c%c%c",
			nd->timeserver, code >> 24, code >> 16 & 0xff,
			code >> 8 & 0xff, code & 0xff);
		nd->cb(false, nd->user_data);
Beispiel #5
offset_calculation (
	struct pkt *rpkt,
	int rpktl,
	struct timeval *tv_dst,
	double *offset,
	double *precision,
	double *root_dispersion
	l_fp p_rec, p_xmt, p_ref, p_org, tmp, dst;
	u_fp p_rdly, p_rdsp;
	double t21, t34, delta;

	/* Convert timestamps from network to host byte order */
	p_rdly = NTOHS_FP(rpkt->rootdelay);
	p_rdsp = NTOHS_FP(rpkt->rootdisp);
	NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->reftime, &p_ref);
	NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->org, &p_org);
	NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->rec, &p_rec);
	NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->xmt, &p_xmt);

	*precision = LOGTOD(rpkt->precision);
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("sntp precision: %f\n", *precision);
#endif /* DEBUG */

	*root_dispersion = FPTOD(p_rdsp);

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("sntp rootdelay: %f\n", FPTOD(p_rdly));
	printf("sntp rootdisp: %f\n", *root_dispersion);

	pkt_output(rpkt, rpktl, stdout);

	printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->reftime:\n");
	l_fp_output(&(rpkt->reftime), stdout);
	printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->org:\n");
	l_fp_output(&(rpkt->org), stdout);
	printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->rec:\n");
	l_fp_output(&(rpkt->rec), stdout);
	printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->rec:\n");
	l_fp_output_bin(&(rpkt->rec), stdout);
	printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->rec:\n");
	l_fp_output_dec(&(rpkt->rec), stdout);
	printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->xmt:\n");
	l_fp_output(&(rpkt->xmt), stdout);

	/* Compute offset etc. */
	tmp = p_rec;
	L_SUB(&tmp, &p_org);
	LFPTOD(&tmp, t21);
	TVTOTS(tv_dst, &dst);
	dst.l_ui += JAN_1970;
	tmp = p_xmt;
	L_SUB(&tmp, &dst);
	LFPTOD(&tmp, t34);
	*offset = (t21 + t34) / 2.;
	delta = t21 - t34;

		printf("sntp offset_calculation:\tt21: %.6f\t\t t34: %.6f\n\t\tdelta: %.6f\t offset: %.6f\n", 
			   t21, t34, delta, *offset);
Beispiel #6
 * local_clock - the NTP logical clock loop filter.
 * Return codes:
 * -1	update ignored: exceeds panic threshold
 * 0	update ignored: popcorn or exceeds step threshold
 * 1	clock was slewed
 * 2	clock was stepped
 * LOCKCLOCK: The only thing this routine does is set the
 * sys_rootdisp variable equal to the peer dispersion.
	struct	peer *peer,	/* synch source peer structure */
	double	fp_offset	/* clock offset (s) */
	int	rval;		/* return code */
	int	osys_poll;	/* old system poll */
	int	ntp_adj_ret;	/* returned by ntp_adjtime */
	double	mu;		/* interval since last update */
	double	clock_frequency; /* clock frequency */
	double	dtemp, etemp;	/* double temps */
	char	tbuf[80];	/* report buffer */

	 * If the loop is opened or the NIST LOCKCLOCK is in use,
	 * monitor and record the offsets anyway in order to determine
	 * the open-loop response and then go home.
	if (!ntp_enable) {
#endif /* LOCKCLOCK */
		record_loop_stats(fp_offset, drift_comp, clock_jitter,
		    clock_stability, sys_poll);
		return (0);

	 * If the clock is way off, panic is declared. The clock_panic
	 * defaults to 1000 s; if set to zero, the panic will never
	 * occur. The allow_panic defaults to FALSE, so the first panic
	 * will exit. It can be set TRUE by a command line option, in
	 * which case the clock will be set anyway and time marches on.
	 * But, allow_panic will be set FALSE when the update is less
	 * than the step threshold; so, subsequent panics will exit.
	if (fabs(fp_offset) > clock_panic && clock_panic > 0 &&
	    !allow_panic) {
		snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf),
		    "%+.0f s; set clock manually within %.0f s.",
		    fp_offset, clock_panic);
		report_event(EVNT_SYSFAULT, NULL, tbuf);
		return (-1);

	 * This section simulates ntpdate. If the offset exceeds the
	 * step threshold (128 ms), step the clock to that time and
	 * exit. Otherwise, slew the clock to that time and exit. Note
	 * that the slew will persist and eventually complete beyond the
	 * life of this program. Note that while ntpdate is active, the
	 * terminal does not detach, so the termination message prints
	 * directly to the terminal.
	if (mode_ntpdate) {
		if (  ( fp_offset > clock_max_fwd  && clock_max_fwd  > 0)
		   || (-fp_offset > clock_max_back && clock_max_back > 0)) {
			msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "ntpd: time set %+.6f s",
			printf("ntpd: time set %+.6fs\n", fp_offset);
		} else {
			msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "ntpd: time slew %+.6f s",
			printf("ntpd: time slew %+.6fs\n", fp_offset);
		record_loop_stats(fp_offset, drift_comp, clock_jitter,
		    clock_stability, sys_poll);
		exit (0);

	 * The huff-n'-puff filter finds the lowest delay in the recent
	 * interval. This is used to correct the offset by one-half the
	 * difference between the sample delay and minimum delay. This
	 * is most effective if the delays are highly assymetric and
	 * clockhopping is avoided and the clock frequency wander is
	 * relatively small.
	if (sys_huffpuff != NULL) {
		if (peer->delay < sys_huffpuff[sys_huffptr])
			sys_huffpuff[sys_huffptr] = peer->delay;
		if (peer->delay < sys_mindly)
			sys_mindly = peer->delay;
		if (fp_offset > 0)
			dtemp = -(peer->delay - sys_mindly) / 2;
			dtemp = (peer->delay - sys_mindly) / 2;
		fp_offset += dtemp;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
		    "local_clock: size %d mindly %.6f huffpuff %.6f\n",
			    sys_hufflen, sys_mindly, dtemp);

	 * Clock state machine transition function which defines how the
	 * system reacts to large phase and frequency excursion. There
	 * are two main regimes: when the offset exceeds the step
	 * threshold (128 ms) and when it does not. Under certain
	 * conditions updates are suspended until the stepout theshold
	 * (900 s) is exceeded. See the documentation on how these
	 * thresholds interact with commands and command line options.
	 * Note the kernel is disabled if step is disabled or greater
	 * than 0.5 s or in ntpdate mode.
	osys_poll = sys_poll;
	if (sys_poll < peer->minpoll)
		sys_poll = peer->minpoll;
	if (sys_poll > peer->maxpoll)
		sys_poll = peer->maxpoll;
	mu = current_time - clock_epoch;
	clock_frequency = drift_comp;
	rval = 1;
	if (  ( fp_offset > clock_max_fwd  && clock_max_fwd  > 0)
	   || (-fp_offset > clock_max_back && clock_max_back > 0)
	   || force_step_once ) {
		if (force_step_once) {
			force_step_once = FALSE;  /* we want this only once after startup */
			msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Doing intital time step" );

		switch (state) {

		 * In SYNC state we ignore the first outlyer and switch
		 * to SPIK state.
		case EVNT_SYNC:
			snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%+.6f s",
			report_event(EVNT_SPIK, NULL, tbuf);
			state = EVNT_SPIK;
			return (0);

		 * In FREQ state we ignore outlyers and inlyers. At the
		 * first outlyer after the stepout threshold, compute
		 * the apparent frequency correction and step the phase.
		case EVNT_FREQ:
			if (mu < clock_minstep)
				return (0);

			clock_frequency = direct_freq(fp_offset);

			/* fall through to EVNT_SPIK */

		 * In SPIK state we ignore succeeding outlyers until
		 * either an inlyer is found or the stepout threshold is
		 * exceeded.
		case EVNT_SPIK:
			if (mu < clock_minstep)
				return (0);

			/* fall through to default */

		 * We get here by default in NSET and FSET states and
		 * from above in FREQ or SPIK states.
		 * In NSET state an initial frequency correction is not
		 * available, usually because the frequency file has not
		 * yet been written. Since the time is outside the step
		 * threshold, the clock is stepped. The frequency will
		 * be set directly following the stepout interval.
		 * In FSET state the initial frequency has been set from
		 * the frequency file. Since the time is outside the
		 * step threshold, the clock is stepped immediately,
		 * rather than after the stepout interval. Guys get
		 * nervous if it takes 15 minutes to set the clock for
		 * the first time.
		 * In FREQ and SPIK states the stepout threshold has
		 * expired and the phase is still above the step
		 * threshold. Note that a single spike greater than the
		 * step threshold is always suppressed, even with a
		 * long time constant.
			snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%+.6f s",
			report_event(EVNT_CLOCKRESET, NULL, tbuf);
			tc_counter = 0;
			clock_jitter = LOGTOD(sys_precision);
			rval = 2;
			if (state == EVNT_NSET) {
				rstclock(EVNT_FREQ, 0);
				return (rval);
		rstclock(EVNT_SYNC, 0);
	} else {
		 * The offset is less than the step threshold. Calculate
		 * the jitter as the exponentially weighted offset
		 * differences.
		etemp = SQUARE(clock_jitter);
		dtemp = SQUARE(max(fabs(fp_offset - last_offset),
		clock_jitter = SQRT(etemp + (dtemp - etemp) /
		switch (state) {

		 * In NSET state this is the first update received and
		 * the frequency has not been initialized. Adjust the
		 * phase, but do not adjust the frequency until after
		 * the stepout threshold.
		case EVNT_NSET:
			rstclock(EVNT_FREQ, fp_offset);

		 * In FREQ state ignore updates until the stepout
		 * threshold. After that, compute the new frequency, but
		 * do not adjust the frequency until the holdoff counter
		 * decrements to zero.
		case EVNT_FREQ:
			if (mu < clock_minstep)
				return (0);

			clock_frequency = direct_freq(fp_offset);
			/* fall through */

		 * We get here by default in FSET, SPIK and SYNC states.
		 * Here compute the frequency update due to PLL and FLL
		 * contributions. Note, we avoid frequency discipline at
		 * startup until the initial transient has subsided.
			allow_panic = FALSE;
			if (freq_cnt == 0) {

				 * The FLL and PLL frequency gain constants
				 * depend on the time constant and Allan
				 * intercept. The PLL is always used, but
				 * becomes ineffective above the Allan intercept
				 * where the FLL becomes effective.
				if (sys_poll >= allan_xpt)
					clock_frequency += (fp_offset -
					    clock_offset) / max(ULOGTOD(sys_poll),
					    mu) * CLOCK_FLL;

				 * The PLL frequency gain (numerator) depends on
				 * the minimum of the update interval and Allan
				 * intercept. This reduces the PLL gain when the
				 * FLL becomes effective.
				etemp = min(ULOGTOD(allan_xpt), mu);
				dtemp = 4 * CLOCK_PLL * ULOGTOD(sys_poll);
				clock_frequency += fp_offset * etemp / (dtemp *
			rstclock(EVNT_SYNC, fp_offset);
			if (fabs(fp_offset) < CLOCK_FLOOR)
				freq_cnt = 0;

	 * This code segment works when clock adjustments are made using
	 * precision time kernel support and the ntp_adjtime() system
	 * call. This support is available in Solaris 2.6 and later,
	 * Digital Unix 4.0 and later, FreeBSD, Linux and specially
	 * modified kernels for HP-UX 9 and Ultrix 4. In the case of the
	 * DECstation 5000/240 and Alpha AXP, additional kernel
	 * modifications provide a true microsecond clock and nanosecond
	 * clock, respectively.
	 * Important note: The kernel discipline is used only if the
	 * step threshold is less than 0.5 s, as anything higher can
	 * lead to overflow problems. This might occur if some misguided
	 * lad set the step threshold to something ridiculous.
	if (pll_control && kern_enable && freq_cnt == 0) {

		 * We initialize the structure for the ntp_adjtime()
		 * system call. We have to convert everything to
		 * microseconds or nanoseconds first. Do not update the
		 * system variables if the ext_enable flag is set. In
		 * this case, the external clock driver will update the
		 * variables, which will be read later by the local
		 * clock driver. Afterwards, remember the time and
		 * frequency offsets for jitter and stability values and
		 * to update the frequency file.
		if (ext_enable) {
			ntv.modes = MOD_STATUS;
		} else {
#ifdef STA_NANO
			ntv.modes = MOD_BITS | MOD_NANO;
#else /* STA_NANO */
			ntv.modes = MOD_BITS;
#endif /* STA_NANO */
			if (clock_offset < 0)
				dtemp = -.5;
				dtemp = .5;
#ifdef STA_NANO
			ntv.offset = (int32)(clock_offset * 1e9 +
			ntv.constant = sys_poll;
#else /* STA_NANO */
			ntv.offset = (int32)(clock_offset * 1e6 +
			ntv.constant = sys_poll - 4;
#endif /* STA_NANO */
			if (ntv.constant < 0)
				ntv.constant = 0;

			ntv.esterror = (u_int32)(clock_jitter * 1e6);
			ntv.maxerror = (u_int32)((sys_rootdelay / 2 +
			    sys_rootdisp) * 1e6);
			ntv.status = STA_PLL;

			 * Enable/disable the PPS if requested.
			if (hardpps_enable) {
				ntv.status |= (STA_PPSTIME | STA_PPSFREQ);
				if (!(pll_status & STA_PPSTIME))
					sync_status("PPS enabled",
			} else {
				ntv.status &= ~(STA_PPSTIME | STA_PPSFREQ);
				if (pll_status & STA_PPSTIME)
					sync_status("PPS disabled",
			if (sys_leap == LEAP_ADDSECOND)
				ntv.status |= STA_INS;
			else if (sys_leap == LEAP_DELSECOND)
				ntv.status |= STA_DEL;

		 * Pass the stuff to the kernel. If it squeals, turn off
		 * the pps. In any case, fetch the kernel offset,
		 * frequency and jitter.
		ntp_adj_ret = ntp_adjtime(&ntv);
		 * A squeal is a return status < 0, or a state change.
		if ((0 > ntp_adj_ret) || (ntp_adj_ret != kernel_status)) {
			kernel_status = ntp_adj_ret;
			ntp_adjtime_error_handler(__func__, &ntv, ntp_adj_ret, errno, hardpps_enable, 0, __LINE__ - 1);
		pll_status = ntv.status;
#ifdef STA_NANO
		clock_offset = ntv.offset / 1e9;
#else /* STA_NANO */
		clock_offset = ntv.offset / 1e6;
#endif /* STA_NANO */
		clock_frequency = FREQTOD(ntv.freq);

		 * If the kernel PPS is lit, monitor its performance.
		if (ntv.status & STA_PPSTIME) {
#ifdef STA_NANO
			clock_jitter = ntv.jitter / 1e9;
#else /* STA_NANO */
			clock_jitter = ntv.jitter / 1e6;
#endif /* STA_NANO */

#if defined(STA_NANO) && NTP_API == 4
		 * If the TAI changes, update the kernel TAI.
		if (loop_tai != sys_tai) {
			loop_tai = sys_tai;
			ntv.modes = MOD_TAI;
			ntv.constant = sys_tai;
			if ((ntp_adj_ret = ntp_adjtime(&ntv)) != 0) {
			    ntp_adjtime_error_handler(__func__, &ntv, ntp_adj_ret, errno, 0, 1, __LINE__ - 1);
#endif /* STA_NANO */
#endif /* KERNEL_PLL */

	 * Clamp the frequency within the tolerance range and calculate
	 * the frequency difference since the last update.
	if (fabs(clock_frequency) > NTP_MAXFREQ)
		    "frequency error %.0f PPM exceeds tolerance %.0f PPM",
		    clock_frequency * 1e6, NTP_MAXFREQ * 1e6);
	dtemp = SQUARE(clock_frequency - drift_comp);
	if (clock_frequency > NTP_MAXFREQ)
		drift_comp = NTP_MAXFREQ;
	else if (clock_frequency < -NTP_MAXFREQ)
		drift_comp = -NTP_MAXFREQ;
		drift_comp = clock_frequency;

	 * Calculate the wander as the exponentially weighted RMS
	 * frequency differences. Record the change for the frequency
	 * file update.
	etemp = SQUARE(clock_stability);
	clock_stability = SQRT(etemp + (dtemp - etemp) / CLOCK_AVG);

	 * Here we adjust the time constant by comparing the current
	 * offset with the clock jitter. If the offset is less than the
	 * clock jitter times a constant, then the averaging interval is
	 * increased, otherwise it is decreased. A bit of hysteresis
	 * helps calm the dance. Works best using burst mode. Don't
	 * fiddle with the poll during the startup clamp period.
	if (freq_cnt > 0) {
		tc_counter = 0;
	} else if (fabs(clock_offset) < CLOCK_PGATE * clock_jitter) {
		tc_counter += sys_poll;
		if (tc_counter > CLOCK_LIMIT) {
			tc_counter = CLOCK_LIMIT;
			if (sys_poll < peer->maxpoll) {
				tc_counter = 0;
	} else {
		tc_counter -= sys_poll << 1;
		if (tc_counter < -CLOCK_LIMIT) {
			tc_counter = -CLOCK_LIMIT;
			if (sys_poll > peer->minpoll) {
				tc_counter = 0;

	 * If the time constant has changed, update the poll variables.
	if (osys_poll != sys_poll)
		poll_update(peer, sys_poll);

	 * Yibbidy, yibbbidy, yibbidy; that'h all folks.
	record_loop_stats(clock_offset, drift_comp, clock_jitter,
	    clock_stability, sys_poll);
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug)
		    "local_clock: offset %.9f jit %.9f freq %.3f stab %.3f poll %d\n",
		    clock_offset, clock_jitter, drift_comp * 1e6,
		    clock_stability * 1e6, sys_poll);
#endif /* DEBUG */
	return (rval);
#endif /* LOCKCLOCK */

 * adj_host_clock - Called once every second to update the local clock.
 * LOCKCLOCK: The only thing this routine does is increment the
 * sys_rootdisp variable.
	double	offset_adj;
	double	freq_adj;

	 * Update the dispersion since the last update. In contrast to
	 * NTPv3, NTPv4 does not declare unsynchronized after one day,
	 * since the dispersion check serves this function. Also,
	 * since the poll interval can exceed one day, the old test
	 * would be counterproductive. During the startup clamp period, the
	 * time constant is clamped at 2.
	sys_rootdisp += clock_phi;
	if (!ntp_enable || mode_ntpdate)
	 * Determine the phase adjustment. The gain factor (denominator)
	 * increases with poll interval, so is dominated by the FLL
	 * above the Allan intercept. Note the reduced time constant at
	 * startup.
	if (state != EVNT_SYNC) {
		offset_adj = 0.;
	} else if (freq_cnt > 0) {
		offset_adj = clock_offset / (CLOCK_PLL * ULOGTOD(1));
	} else if (pll_control && kern_enable) {
		offset_adj = 0.;
#endif /* KERNEL_PLL */
	} else {
		offset_adj = clock_offset / (CLOCK_PLL * ULOGTOD(sys_poll));

	 * If the kernel discipline is enabled the frequency correction
	 * drift_comp has already been engaged via ntp_adjtime() in
	 * set_freq().  Otherwise it is a component of the adj_systime()
	 * offset.
	if (pll_control && kern_enable)
		freq_adj = 0.;
#endif /* KERNEL_PLL */
		freq_adj = drift_comp;

	/* Bound absolute value of total adjustment to NTP_MAXFREQ. */
	if (offset_adj + freq_adj > NTP_MAXFREQ)
		offset_adj = NTP_MAXFREQ - freq_adj;
	else if (offset_adj + freq_adj < -NTP_MAXFREQ)
		offset_adj = -NTP_MAXFREQ - freq_adj;

	clock_offset -= offset_adj;
	 * Windows port adj_systime() must be called each second,
	 * even if the argument is zero, to ease emulation of
	 * adjtime() using Windows' slew API which controls the rate
	 * but does not automatically stop slewing when an offset
	 * has decayed to zero.
	adj_systime(offset_adj + freq_adj);
#endif /* LOCKCLOCK */
Beispiel #7
	struct pkt *rpkt,
	int rpktl,
	struct timeval *tv_dst,
	double *offset,
	double *precision,
	double *synch_distance
	l_fp p_rec, p_xmt, p_ref, p_org, tmp, dst;
	u_fp p_rdly, p_rdsp;
	double t21, t34, delta;

	/* Convert timestamps from network to host byte order */
	p_rdly = NTOHS_FP(rpkt->rootdelay);
	p_rdsp = NTOHS_FP(rpkt->rootdisp);
	NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->reftime, &p_ref);
	NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->org, &p_org);
	NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->rec, &p_rec);
	NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->xmt, &p_xmt);

	*precision = LOGTOD(rpkt->precision);

	TRACE(3, ("offset_calculation: LOGTOD(rpkt->precision): %f\n", *precision));

	/* Compute offset etc. */
	tmp = p_rec;
	L_SUB(&tmp, &p_org);
	LFPTOD(&tmp, t21);
	TVTOTS(tv_dst, &dst);
	dst.l_ui += JAN_1970;
	tmp = p_xmt;
	L_SUB(&tmp, &dst);
	LFPTOD(&tmp, t34);
	*offset = (t21 + t34) / 2.;
	delta = t21 - t34;

	// synch_distance is:
	// (peer->delay + peer->rootdelay) / 2 + peer->disp
	// + peer->rootdisp + clock_phi * (current_time - peer->update)
	// + peer->jitter;
	// and peer->delay = fabs(peer->offset - p_offset) * 2;
	// and peer->offset needs history, so we're left with
	// p_offset = (t21 + t34) / 2.;
	// peer->disp = 0; (we have no history to augment this)
	// clock_phi = 15e-6; 
	// peer->jitter = LOGTOD(sys_precision); (we have no history to augment this)
	// and ntp_proto.c:set_sys_tick_precision() should get us sys_precision.
	// so our answer seems to be:
	// (fabs(t21 + t34) + peer->rootdelay) / 3.
	// + 0 (peer->disp)
	// + peer->rootdisp
	// + 15e-6 (clock_phi)
	// + LOGTOD(sys_precision)

	INSIST( FPTOD(p_rdly) >= 0. );
#if 1
	*synch_distance = (fabs(t21 + t34) + FPTOD(p_rdly)) / 3.
		+ 0.
		+ FPTOD(p_rdsp)
		+ 15e-6
		+ 0.	/* LOGTOD(sys_precision) when we can get it */
	INSIST( *synch_distance >= 0. );
	*synch_distance = (FPTOD(p_rdly) + FPTOD(p_rdsp))/2.0;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug > 3) {
		printf("sntp rootdelay: %f\n", FPTOD(p_rdly));
		printf("sntp rootdisp: %f\n", FPTOD(p_rdsp));
		printf("sntp syncdist: %f\n", *synch_distance);

		pkt_output(rpkt, rpktl, stdout);

		printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->reftime:\n");
		l_fp_output(&p_ref, stdout);
		printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->org:\n");
		l_fp_output(&p_org, stdout);
		printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->rec:\n");
		l_fp_output(&p_rec, stdout);
		printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->xmt:\n");
		l_fp_output(&p_xmt, stdout);

	TRACE(3, ("sntp offset_calculation:\trec - org t21: %.6f\n"
		  "\txmt - dst t34: %.6f\tdelta: %.6f\toffset: %.6f\n",
		  t21, t34, delta, *offset));

Beispiel #8
static void decode_msg(void *base, size_t len, struct timeval *tv,
		struct timespec *mrx_time)
	struct ntp_msg *msg = base;
	double m_delta, org, rec, xmt, dst;
	double delay, offset;
	static guint transmit_delay;

	if (len < sizeof(*msg)) {
		connman_error("Invalid response from time server");

	if (!tv) {
		connman_error("Invalid packet timestamp from time server");

	DBG("flags      : 0x%02x", msg->flags);
	DBG("stratum    : %u", msg->stratum);
	DBG("poll       : %f seconds (%d)",
				LOGTOD(msg->poll), msg->poll);
	DBG("precision  : %f seconds (%d)",
				LOGTOD(msg->precision), msg->precision);
	DBG("root delay : %u seconds (fraction %u)",
			msg->rootdelay.seconds, msg->rootdelay.fraction);
	DBG("root disp. : %u seconds (fraction %u)",
			msg->rootdisp.seconds, msg->rootdisp.fraction);
	DBG("reference  : 0x%04x", msg->refid);

	transmit_delay = LOGTOD(msg->poll);

		DBG("ignoring unsynchronized peer");

	if (NTP_FLAGS_VN_DECODE(msg->flags) != NTP_FLAG_VN_VER4) {
		if (NTP_FLAGS_VN_DECODE(msg->flags) == NTP_FLAG_VN_VER3) {
			DBG("requested version %d, accepting version %d",
		} else {
			DBG("unsupported version %d", NTP_FLAGS_VN_DECODE(msg->flags));

		DBG("unsupported mode %d", NTP_FLAGS_MD_DECODE(msg->flags));

	m_delta = mrx_time->tv_sec - mtx_time.tv_sec +
		1.0e-9 * (mrx_time->tv_nsec - mtx_time.tv_nsec);

	org = tv->tv_sec + (1.0e-6 * tv->tv_usec) - m_delta + OFFSET_1900_1970;
	rec = ntohl(msg->rectime.seconds) +
			((double) ntohl(msg->rectime.fraction) / UINT_MAX);
	xmt = ntohl(msg->xmttime.seconds) +
			((double) ntohl(msg->xmttime.fraction) / UINT_MAX);
	dst = tv->tv_sec + (1.0e-6 * tv->tv_usec) + OFFSET_1900_1970;

	DBG("org=%f rec=%f xmt=%f dst=%f", org, rec, xmt, dst);

	offset = ((rec - org) + (xmt - dst)) / 2;
	delay = (dst - org) - (xmt - rec);

	DBG("offset=%f delay=%f", offset, delay);

	/* Remove the timeout, as timeserver has responded */


	 * Now poll the server every transmit_delay seconds
	 * for time correction.
	if (poll_id > 0)

	DBG("Timeserver %s, next sync in %d seconds", timeserver, transmit_delay);

	poll_id = g_timeout_add_seconds(transmit_delay, next_poll, NULL);

	connman_info("ntp: time slew %+.6f s", offset);

	if (offset < STEPTIME_MIN_OFFSET && offset > -STEPTIME_MIN_OFFSET) {
		struct timeval adj;

		adj.tv_sec = (long) offset;
		adj.tv_usec = (offset - adj.tv_sec) * 1000000;

		DBG("adjusting time");

		if (adjtime(&adj, &adj) < 0) {
			connman_error("Failed to adjust time");

		DBG("%lu seconds, %lu msecs", adj.tv_sec, adj.tv_usec);
	} else {
		struct timeval cur;
		double dtime;

		gettimeofday(&cur, NULL);
		dtime = offset + cur.tv_sec + 1.0e-6 * cur.tv_usec;
		cur.tv_sec = (long) dtime;
		cur.tv_usec = (dtime - cur.tv_sec) * 1000000;

		DBG("setting time");

		if (settimeofday(&cur, NULL) < 0) {
			connman_error("Failed to set time");

		DBG("%lu seconds, %lu msecs", cur.tv_sec, cur.tv_usec);
Beispiel #9
	DBG("root disp. : %u seconds (fraction %u)",
			msg->rootdisp.seconds, msg->rootdisp.fraction);
	DBG("reference  : 0x%04x", msg->refid);

	if (!msg->stratum) {
		/* RFC 4330 ch 8 Kiss-of-Death packet */
		uint32_t code = ntohl(msg->refid);

		connman_info("Skipping server %s KoD code %c%c%c%c",
			nd->timeserver, code >> 24, code >> 16 & 0xff,
			code >> 8 & 0xff, code & 0xff);
		nd->cb(false, nd->user_data);

	transmit_delay = LOGTOD(msg->poll);

		DBG("ignoring unsynchronized peer");
		nd->cb(false, nd->user_data);

	if (NTP_FLAGS_VN_DECODE(msg->flags) != NTP_FLAG_VN_VER4) {
		if (NTP_FLAGS_VN_DECODE(msg->flags) == NTP_FLAG_VN_VER3) {
			DBG("requested version %d, accepting version %d",
		} else {
			DBG("unsupported version %d", NTP_FLAGS_VN_DECODE(msg->flags));
			nd->cb(false, nd->user_data);
Beispiel #10
 * local_clock - the NTP logical clock loop filter.
 * Return codes:
 * -1	update ignored: exceeds panic threshold
 * 0	update ignored: popcorn or exceeds step threshold
 * 1	clock was slewed
 * 2	clock was stepped
 * LOCKCLOCK: The only thing this routine does is set the
 * sys_rootdispersion variable equal to the peer dispersion.
	struct	peer *peer,	/* synch source peer structure */
	double	fp_offset	/* clock offset (s) */
	int	rval;		/* return code */
	u_long	mu;		/* interval since last update (s) */
	double	flladj;		/* FLL frequency adjustment (ppm) */
	double	plladj;		/* PLL frequency adjustment (ppm) */
	double	clock_frequency; /* clock frequency adjustment (ppm) */
	double	dtemp, etemp;	/* double temps */
#ifdef OPENSSL
	u_int32 *tpt;
	int	i;
	u_int	len;
	long	togo;
#endif /* OPENSSL */

	 * If the loop is opened or the NIST LOCKCLOCK is in use,
	 * monitor and record the offsets anyway in order to determine
	 * the open-loop response and then go home.
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug)
		    "local_clock: assocID %d offset %.9f freq %.3f state %d\n",
		    peer->associd, fp_offset, drift_comp * 1e6, state);
	return (0);

#else /* LOCKCLOCK */
	if (!ntp_enable) {
		record_loop_stats(fp_offset, drift_comp, clock_jitter,
		    clock_stability, sys_poll);
		return (0);

	 * If the clock is way off, panic is declared. The clock_panic
	 * defaults to 1000 s; if set to zero, the panic will never
	 * occur. The allow_panic defaults to FALSE, so the first panic
	 * will exit. It can be set TRUE by a command line option, in
	 * which case the clock will be set anyway and time marches on.
	 * But, allow_panic will be set FALSE when the update is less
	 * than the step threshold; so, subsequent panics will exit.
	if (fabs(fp_offset) > clock_panic && clock_panic > 0 &&
	    !allow_panic) {
		    "time correction of %.0f seconds exceeds sanity limit (%.0f); set clock manually to the correct UTC time.",
		    fp_offset, clock_panic);
		return (-1);

	 * If simulating ntpdate, set the clock directly, rather than
	 * using the discipline. The clock_max defines the step
	 * threshold, above which the clock will be stepped instead of
	 * slewed. The value defaults to 128 ms, but can be set to even
	 * unreasonable values. If set to zero, the clock will never be
	 * stepped. Note that a slew will persist beyond the life of
	 * this program.
	 * Note that if ntpdate is active, the terminal does not detach,
	 * so the termination comments print directly to the console.
	if (mode_ntpdate) {
		if (fabs(fp_offset) > clock_max && clock_max > 0) {
			msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "time reset %+.6f s",
			printf("ntpd: time set %+.6fs\n", fp_offset);
		} else {
			msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "time slew %+.6f s",
			printf("ntpd: time slew %+.6fs\n", fp_offset);
		record_loop_stats(fp_offset, drift_comp, clock_jitter,
		    clock_stability, sys_poll);
		exit (0);

	 * The huff-n'-puff filter finds the lowest delay in the recent
	 * interval. This is used to correct the offset by one-half the
	 * difference between the sample delay and minimum delay. This
	 * is most effective if the delays are highly assymetric and
	 * clockhopping is avoided and the clock frequency wander is
	 * relatively small.
	 * Note either there is no prefer peer or this update is from
	 * the prefer peer.
	if (sys_huffpuff != NULL && (sys_prefer == NULL || sys_prefer ==
	    peer)) {
		if (peer->delay < sys_huffpuff[sys_huffptr])
			sys_huffpuff[sys_huffptr] = peer->delay;
		if (peer->delay < sys_mindly)
			sys_mindly = peer->delay;
		if (fp_offset > 0)
			dtemp = -(peer->delay - sys_mindly) / 2;
			dtemp = (peer->delay - sys_mindly) / 2;
		fp_offset += dtemp;
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (debug)
		    "local_clock: size %d mindly %.6f huffpuff %.6f\n",
			    sys_hufflen, sys_mindly, dtemp);

	 * Clock state machine transition function. This is where the
	 * action is and defines how the system reacts to large phase
	 * and frequency errors. There are two main regimes: when the
	 * offset exceeds the step threshold and when it does not.
	 * However, if the step threshold is set to zero, a step will
	 * never occur. See the instruction manual for the details how
	 * these actions interact with the command line options.
	 * Note the system poll is set to minpoll only if the clock is
	 * stepped. Note also the kernel is disabled if step is
	 * disabled or greater than 0.5 s. 
	clock_frequency = flladj = plladj = 0;
	mu = peer->epoch - sys_clocktime;
	if (clock_max == 0 || clock_max > 0.5)
		kern_enable = 0;
	rval = 1;
	if (fabs(fp_offset) > clock_max && clock_max > 0) {
		switch (state) {

		 * In S_SYNC state we ignore the first outlyer amd
		 * switch to S_SPIK state.
		case S_SYNC:
			state = S_SPIK;
			return (0);

		 * In S_FREQ state we ignore outlyers and inlyers. At
		 * the first outlyer after the stepout threshold,
		 * compute the apparent frequency correction and step
		 * the phase.
		case S_FREQ:
			if (mu < clock_minstep)
				return (0);

			clock_frequency = (fp_offset - clock_offset) /

			/* fall through to S_SPIK */

		 * In S_SPIK state we ignore succeeding outlyers until
		 * either an inlyer is found or the stepout threshold is
		 * exceeded.
		case S_SPIK:
			if (mu < clock_minstep)
				return (0);

			/* fall through to default */

		 * We get here by default in S_NSET and S_FSET states
		 * and from above in S_FREQ or S_SPIK states.
		 * In S_NSET state an initial frequency correction is
		 * not available, usually because the frequency file has
		 * not yet been written. Since the time is outside the
		 * step threshold, the clock is stepped. The frequency
		 * will be set directly following the stepout interval.
		 * In S_FSET state the initial frequency has been set
		 * from the frequency file. Since the time is outside
		 * the step threshold, the clock is stepped immediately,
		 * rather than after the stepout interval. Guys get
		 * nervous if it takes 17 minutes to set the clock for
		 * the first time.
		 * In S_FREQ and S_SPIK states the stepout threshold has
		 * expired and the phase is still above the step
		 * threshold. Note that a single spike greater than the
		 * step threshold is always suppressed, even at the
		 * longer poll intervals.
			msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "time reset %+.6f s",
			tc_counter = 0;
			sys_poll = NTP_MINPOLL;
			sys_tai = 0;
			clock_jitter = LOGTOD(sys_precision);
			rval = 2;
			if (state == S_NSET) {
				rstclock(S_FREQ, peer->epoch, 0);
				return (rval);
		rstclock(S_SYNC, peer->epoch, 0);
	} else {

		 * The offset is less than the step threshold. Calculate
		 * the jitter as the exponentially weighted offset
		 * differences.
		etemp = SQUARE(clock_jitter);
		dtemp = SQUARE(max(fabs(fp_offset - last_offset),
		clock_jitter = SQRT(etemp + (dtemp - etemp) /
		switch (state) {

		 * In S_NSET state this is the first update received and
		 * the frequency has not been initialized. Adjust the
		 * phase, but do not adjust the frequency until after
		 * the stepout threshold.
		case S_NSET:
			rstclock(S_FREQ, peer->epoch, fp_offset);

		 * In S_FSET state this is the first update received and
		 * the frequency has been initialized. Adjust the phase,
		 * but do not adjust the frequency until the next
		 * update.
		case S_FSET:
			rstclock(S_SYNC, peer->epoch, fp_offset);

		 * In S_FREQ state ignore updates until the stepout
		 * threshold. After that, correct the phase and
		 * frequency and switch to S_SYNC state.
		case S_FREQ:
			if (mu < clock_minstep)
				return (0);

			clock_frequency = (fp_offset - clock_offset) /
			rstclock(S_SYNC, peer->epoch, fp_offset);

		 * We get here by default in S_SYNC and S_SPIK states.
		 * Here we compute the frequency update due to PLL and
		 * FLL contributions.
			allow_panic = FALSE;

			 * The FLL and PLL frequency gain constants
			 * depend on the poll interval and Allan
			 * intercept. The PLL is always used, but
			 * becomes ineffective above the Allan
			 * intercept. The FLL is not used below one-half
			 * the Allan intercept. Above that the loop gain
			 * increases in steps to 1 / CLOCK_AVG. 
			if (ULOGTOD(sys_poll) > allan_xpt / 2) {
				dtemp = CLOCK_FLL - sys_poll;
				flladj = (fp_offset - clock_offset) /
				    (max(mu, allan_xpt) * dtemp);

			 * For the PLL the integration interval
			 * (numerator) is the minimum of the update
			 * interval and poll interval. This allows
			 * oversampling, but not undersampling.
			etemp = min(mu, (u_long)ULOGTOD(sys_poll));
			dtemp = 4 * CLOCK_PLL * ULOGTOD(sys_poll);
			plladj = fp_offset * etemp / (dtemp * dtemp);
			rstclock(S_SYNC, peer->epoch, fp_offset);

#ifdef OPENSSL
	 * Scan the loopsecond table to determine the TAI offset. If
	 * there is a scheduled leap in future, set the leap warning,
	 * but only if less than 30 days before the leap.
	tpt = (u_int32 *)tai_leap.ptr;
	len = ntohl(tai_leap.vallen) / sizeof(u_int32);
	if (tpt != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			togo = (long)ntohl(tpt[i]) -
			if (togo > 0) {
				if (togo < CLOCK_JUNE)
					leap_next |= LEAP_ADDSECOND;
#if defined(STA_NANO) && NTP_API == 4
		if (pll_control && kern_enable && sys_tai == 0) {
			memset(&ntv, 0, sizeof(ntv));
			ntv.modes = MOD_TAI;
			ntv.constant = i + TAI_1972 - 1;
#endif /* STA_NANO */
		sys_tai = i + TAI_1972 - 1;
#endif /* OPENSSL */
	 * This code segment works when clock adjustments are made using
	 * precision time kernel support and the ntp_adjtime() system
	 * call. This support is available in Solaris 2.6 and later,
	 * Digital Unix 4.0 and later, FreeBSD, Linux and specially
	 * modified kernels for HP-UX 9 and Ultrix 4. In the case of the
	 * DECstation 5000/240 and Alpha AXP, additional kernel
	 * modifications provide a true microsecond clock and nanosecond
	 * clock, respectively.
	 * Important note: The kernel discipline is used only if the
	 * step threshold is less than 0.5 s, as anything higher can
	 * lead to overflow problems. This might occur if some misguided
	 * lad set the step threshold to something ridiculous.
	if (pll_control && kern_enable) {

		 * We initialize the structure for the ntp_adjtime()
		 * system call. We have to convert everything to
		 * microseconds or nanoseconds first. Do not update the
		 * system variables if the ext_enable flag is set. In
		 * this case, the external clock driver will update the
		 * variables, which will be read later by the local
		 * clock driver. Afterwards, remember the time and
		 * frequency offsets for jitter and stability values and
		 * to update the frequency file.
		memset(&ntv,  0, sizeof(ntv));
		if (ext_enable) {
			ntv.modes = MOD_STATUS;
		} else {
			struct tm *tm = NULL;
			time_t tstamp;

#ifdef STA_NANO
			ntv.modes = MOD_BITS | MOD_NANO;
#else /* STA_NANO */
			ntv.modes = MOD_BITS;
#endif /* STA_NANO */
			if (clock_offset < 0)
				dtemp = -.5;
				dtemp = .5;
#ifdef STA_NANO
			ntv.offset = (int32)(clock_offset * 1e9 +
			ntv.constant = sys_poll;
#else /* STA_NANO */
			ntv.offset = (int32)(clock_offset * 1e6 +
			ntv.constant = sys_poll - 4;
#endif /* STA_NANO */

			 * The frequency is set directly only if
			 * clock_frequency is nonzero coming out of FREQ
			 * state.
			if (clock_frequency != 0) {
				ntv.modes |= MOD_FREQUENCY;
				ntv.freq = (int32)((clock_frequency +
				    drift_comp) * 65536e6);
			ntv.esterror = (u_int32)(clock_jitter * 1e6);
			ntv.maxerror = (u_int32)((sys_rootdelay / 2 +
			    sys_rootdispersion) * 1e6);
			ntv.status = STA_PLL;

			 * Set the leap bits in the status word, but
			 * only on the last day of June or December.
			tstamp = peer->rec.l_ui - JAN_1970;
			tm = gmtime(&tstamp);
			if (tm != NULL) {
				if ((tm->tm_mon + 1 == 6 &&
				    tm->tm_mday == 30) || (tm->tm_mon +
				    1 == 12 && tm->tm_mday == 31)) {
					if (leap_next & LEAP_ADDSECOND)
						ntv.status |= STA_INS;
					else if (leap_next &
						ntv.status |= STA_DEL;

			 * If the PPS signal is up and enabled, light
			 * the frequency bit. If the PPS driver is
			 * working, light the phase bit as well. If not,
			 * douse the lights, since somebody else may
			 * have left the switch on.
			if (pps_enable && pll_status & STA_PPSSIGNAL) {
				ntv.status |= STA_PPSFREQ;
				if (pps_stratum < STRATUM_UNSPEC)
					ntv.status |= STA_PPSTIME;
			} else {
				ntv.status &= ~(STA_PPSFREQ |

		 * Pass the stuff to the kernel. If it squeals, turn off
		 * the pig. In any case, fetch the kernel offset and
		 * frequency and pretend we did it here.
		if (ntp_adjtime(&ntv) == TIME_ERROR) {
			    "kernel time sync error %04x", ntv.status);
			ntv.status &= ~(STA_PPSFREQ | STA_PPSTIME);
		pll_status = ntv.status;
#ifdef STA_NANO
		clock_offset = ntv.offset / 1e9;
#else /* STA_NANO */
		clock_offset = ntv.offset / 1e6;
#endif /* STA_NANO */
		clock_frequency = ntv.freq / 65536e6;
		flladj = plladj = 0;

		 * If the kernel PPS is lit, monitor its performance.
		if (ntv.status & STA_PPSTIME) {
			pps_control = current_time;
#ifdef STA_NANO
			clock_jitter = ntv.jitter / 1e9;
#else /* STA_NANO */
			clock_jitter = ntv.jitter / 1e6;
#endif /* STA_NANO */
	} else {
#endif /* KERNEL_PLL */
		 * We get here if the kernel discipline is not enabled.
		 * Adjust the clock frequency as the sum of the directly
		 * computed frequency (if measured) and the PLL and FLL
		 * increments.
		clock_frequency = drift_comp + clock_frequency +
		    flladj + plladj;
#endif /* KERNEL_PLL */

	 * Clamp the frequency within the tolerance range and calculate
	 * the frequency change since the last update.
	if (fabs(clock_frequency) > NTP_MAXFREQ)
		    "frequency error %.0f PPM exceeds tolerance %.0f PPM",
		    clock_frequency * 1e6, NTP_MAXFREQ * 1e6);
	dtemp = SQUARE(clock_frequency - drift_comp);
	if (clock_frequency > NTP_MAXFREQ)
		drift_comp = NTP_MAXFREQ;
	else if (clock_frequency < -NTP_MAXFREQ)
		drift_comp = -NTP_MAXFREQ;
		drift_comp = clock_frequency;

	 * Calculate the wander as the exponentially weighted frequency
	 * differences.
	etemp = SQUARE(clock_stability);
	clock_stability = SQRT(etemp + (dtemp - etemp) / CLOCK_AVG);

	 * Here we adjust the poll interval by comparing the current
	 * offset with the clock jitter. If the offset is less than the
	 * clock jitter times a constant, then the averaging interval is
	 * increased, otherwise it is decreased. A bit of hysteresis
	 * helps calm the dance. Works best using burst mode.
	if (fabs(clock_offset) < CLOCK_PGATE * clock_jitter) {
		tc_counter += sys_poll;
		if (tc_counter > CLOCK_LIMIT) {
			tc_counter = CLOCK_LIMIT;
			if (sys_poll < peer->maxpoll) {
				tc_counter = 0;
	} else {
		tc_counter -= sys_poll << 1;
		if (tc_counter < -CLOCK_LIMIT) {
			tc_counter = -CLOCK_LIMIT;
			if (sys_poll > peer->minpoll) {
				tc_counter = 0;

	 * Yibbidy, yibbbidy, yibbidy; that'h all folks.
	record_loop_stats(clock_offset, drift_comp, clock_jitter,
	    clock_stability, sys_poll);
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug)
		    "local_clock: mu %lu jitr %.6f freq %.3f stab %.6f poll %d count %d\n",
		    mu, clock_jitter, drift_comp * 1e6,
		    clock_stability * 1e6, sys_poll, tc_counter);
#endif /* DEBUG */
	return (rval);
#endif /* LOCKCLOCK */