Beispiel #1
// FileSystem implementation
InputStream* FileSystem::open_input_stream(const string& filelocator)
    //factory method to create InputStream objects

    DocLocator loc(filelocator);
    switch( loc.get_protocol() )
        case DocLocator::k_file:
            switch( loc.get_inner_protocol() )
                case DocLocator::k_none:
                    return LOMSE_NEW LocalInputStream(filelocator);
                case DocLocator::k_zip:
                    return LOMSE_NEW ZipInputStream(filelocator);
                    LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("Invalid file locator protocol");
                    throw runtime_error("[FileSystem::open_input_stream] Invalid file locator protocol");

            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("Invalid file locator protocol");
            throw runtime_error("[FileSystem::open_input_stream] Invalid file locator protocol");
    return nullptr;    //compiler happy
void CaretPositioner::layout_caret(Caret* pCaret, DocCursor* pCursor,
                                   GraphicModel* pGModel)
    m_pCursor = pCursor;
    if (m_pCursor->is_inside_terminal_node())
        ImoObj* pTopLevel = m_pCursor->get_parent_object();
        GmoBox* pBox = pGModel->get_box_for_imo(pCursor->get_parent_id());
        if (!pBox)
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("No box for cursor pointed object");
            pCaret->set_top_level_box( pBox->get_bounds() );
            InnerLevelCaretPositioner* p = new_positioner(pTopLevel, pGModel);
            p->layout_caret(pCaret, m_pCursor);
        TopLevelCaretPositioner p(pGModel);
        p.layout_caret(pCaret, m_pCursor);
Beispiel #3
void SelectionSet::add_staffobj_to_collection(ImoStaffObj* pSO)
    //add it to staffobjs internal collection
    if (!m_pMasterCollection)
        ImoScore* pScore = pSO->get_score();
        m_pMasterCollection = pScore->get_staffobjs_table();

    //find entry in master collection
    ColStaffObjsIterator it = m_pMasterCollection->find(pSO);
    if (it == m_pMasterCollection->end())
        //(impossible) error! not found!
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("Impossible error: staffobj not found when added to SelectionSet");
    ColStaffObjsEntry* pEntry = *it;

    //add to local collection
    if (!m_pCollection)
        m_pCollection = LOMSE_NEW ColStaffObjs();

                             pEntry->imo_object() );
Beispiel #4
// GmoBoxLink
void GmoBoxLink::notify_event(SpEventInfo pEvent)
    if (pEvent->is_mouse_in_event())
        LOMSE_LOG_DEBUG(Logger::k_events, "set hover true");
    else if (pEvent->is_mouse_out_event())
        LOMSE_LOG_DEBUG(Logger::k_events, "set hover false");
    else if (pEvent->is_on_click_event())
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("is_on_click_event: TODO");
        //TODO: GmoBoxLink::notify_event, on_click_event
//        m_visited = true;
//        m_prevColor = m_visitedColor;
        LOMSE_LOG_DEBUG(Logger::k_events, "event ignored");
void ScoreCaretPositioner::set_caret_y_pos_and_height(URect* pBounds, ImoId id,
                                                      int iStaff)
    URect staffBounds;

    if (id >= 0)
        GmoShape* pShape = get_shape_for_imo(id, iStaff);
        GmoBox* pBox = pShape->get_owner_box();
        while (pBox && !pBox->is_box_system())
            pBox = pBox->get_owner_box();
        if (!pBox)
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("[ScoreCaretPositioner::set_caret_y_pos_and_height] Invalid boxes structure");
            throw runtime_error("[ScoreCaretPositioner::set_caret_y_pos_and_height] Invalid boxes structure");
        m_pBoxSystem = static_cast<GmoBoxSystem*>(pBox);

        int staff = m_spState->staff();
        int instr = m_spState->instrument();
        GmoShapeStaff* pStaff = m_pBoxSystem->get_staff_shape(instr, staff);
        staffBounds = pStaff->get_bounds();
        //score is empty
        staffBounds = *pBounds;

    //set position and size
    pBounds->y = staffBounds.y - tenths_to_logical(10);
    pBounds->height = staffBounds.height + tenths_to_logical(20);
Beispiel #6
TimeUnits get_duration_for_ref_note(int bottomNumber)
    // returns beat duration (in LDP notes duration units)

    switch(bottomNumber) {
        case 1:
            return pow(2.0, (10 - k_whole));
        case 2:
            return pow(2.0, (10 - k_half));
        case 4:
            return pow(2.0, (10 - k_quarter));
        case 8:
            return pow(2.0, (10 - k_eighth));
        case 16:
            return pow(2.0, (10 - k_16th));
        case 32:
            return pow(2.0, (10 - k_32nd));
        case 64:
            return pow(2.0, (10 - k_64th));
            string msg = str( boost::format(
                                "[get_duration_for_ref_note] Invalid bottom number %d")
                                % bottomNumber );
            throw runtime_error(msg);
int MetronomeMarkEngraver::select_glyph(int noteType)
    switch (noteType)
        case k_whole:
            return k_glyph_small_whole_note;
        case k_half:
            return k_glyph_small_half_note;
        case k_quarter:
            return k_glyph_small_quarter_note;
        case k_eighth:
            return k_glyph_small_eighth_note;
        case k_16th:
            return k_glyph_small_16th_note;
        case k_32nd:
            return k_glyph_small_32nd_note;
        case k_64th:
            return k_glyph_small_64th_note;
        case k_128th:
            return k_glyph_small_128th_note;
        case k_256th:
            return k_glyph_small_256th_note;
            string msg = str( boost::format(
                            "[MetronomeMarkEngraver::select_glyph] invalid note type %d")
                            % noteType );
            throw runtime_error(msg);
Beispiel #8
wxImage ArtProvider::get_image(const wxArtID& id, const wxArtClient& client,
                               const wxSize& size)
    wxFileName oFilename = get_filepath(id, client, size);
    //LOMSE_LOG_INFO(str(boost::format("Art: Filepath='%s'")
    //               % oFilename.GetFullPath().wx_str() ));

    if (oFilename.GetFullPath() == "null")
        wxBitmap oBitmap(null_xpm);
        return oBitmap.ConvertToImage();

    wxImage image;
    if (image.LoadFile(oFilename.GetFullPath(), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG))
        return image;
        // if file not found we need to return something. Otherwise, for tool bars
        // and other objects a crash will be produced
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(str(boost::format("File %s not found. Error icon returned")
                        % oFilename.GetFullPath().wx_str() ));
        wxBitmap oBitmap(error_16_xpm);
        return oBitmap.ConvertToImage();
GmoShape* MetronomeMarkEngraver::create_shape(ImoMetronomeMark* pImo, UPoint uPos,
                                              Color color)
    ImoStyle* pStyle = m_pMeter->get_metronome_style_info();
    m_fontSize = pStyle->font_size() * 1.5f;
    m_pCreatorImo = pImo;
    m_uPos = uPos;
    m_uPos.y -= m_pMeter->tenths_to_logical(20.0f, m_iInstr, m_iStaff);
    m_color = color;

    int markType = pImo->get_mark_type();
        case ImoMetronomeMark::k_note_value:
            return create_shape_note_value();
        case ImoMetronomeMark::k_note_note:
            return create_shape_note_note();
        case ImoMetronomeMark::k_value:
            return create_shape_mm_value();
            string msg = str( boost::format(
                            "[MetronomeMarkEngraver::create_shape] invalid mark type %d")
                            % markType );
            throw runtime_error(msg);
Beispiel #10
// LocalInputStream implementation
LocalInputStream::LocalInputStream(const std::string& filelocator)
    : InputStream()
    , m_file(filelocator.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary)
        stringstream s;
        s << "[LocalInputStream::LocalInputStream] File not found: \""
          << filelocator << "\"";
        throw runtime_error(s.str());
Beispiel #11
void ChordEngraver::set_end_staffobj(ImoRelObj* UNUSED(pRO), ImoStaffObj* pSO,
                                     GmoShape* pStaffObjShape, int UNUSED(iInstr),
                                     int UNUSED(iStaff), int UNUSED(iSystem),
                                     int UNUSED(iCol), LUnits UNUSED(xRight),
                                     LUnits UNUSED(xLeft), LUnits UNUSED(yTop))
    add_note(pSO, pStaffObjShape);
    if (m_numNotesMissing != 0)
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("[ChordEngraver::set_end_staffobj] Num added notes doesn't match exzpected notes in chord");
        throw runtime_error("[ChordEngraver::set_end_staffobj] Num added notes doesn't match exzpected notes in chord");
Beispiel #12
string DiatonicPitch::get_ldp_name()
    // Returns the LDP note name (without accidentals). For example,
    // pitch 29 will return "c4".

    if (is_valid())
        return m_sNoteName[step()] + m_sOctave[octave()];
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("Operation on non-valid DiatonicPitch %d", m_dp);
        return "*";
        //throw runtime_error("Operation on non-valid DiatonicPitch");
EScaleType ScalesConstrains::GetRandomScaleType()
    int nWatchDog = 0;
    int nType = RandomGenerator::random_number(0, est_Max-1);
    while (!IsScaleValid((EScaleType)nType)) {
        nType = RandomGenerator::random_number(0, est_Max-1);
        if (nWatchDog++ == 1000)
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("Program error: Loop detected");
            return (EScaleType)0;
    return (EScaleType)nType;
Beispiel #14
void Paths::create_folders()
	//create temp folder if it does not exist. Otherwise the program will
    //fail when the user tries to open an eMusicBook
    if (!::wxDirExists(m_sTemp))
		//bypass for bug in unicode build (GTK) for wxMkdir
		wxFileName oFN(m_sTemp);
        if (!::wxDirExists(m_sTemp))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , oFN.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));

    //create folders if they don't exist
    if (!::wxDirExists(m_sLogs))
		wxFileName oFN(m_sLogs);
        if (!::wxDirExists(m_sLogs))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , oFN.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));
    if (!::wxDirExists(m_sConfig))
		wxFileName oFN(m_sConfig);
        if (!::wxDirExists(m_sConfig))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , oFN.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));

Beispiel #15
Image::Image(const Image& img)
    m_bmpSize = img.m_bmpSize;
    m_imgSize = img.m_imgSize;
    m_format = img.m_format;
    m_error = "";

    int bmpsize = m_bmpSize.width * m_bmpSize.height * get_bits_per_pixel()/8;
    if ((m_bmap = (unsigned char*)malloc(bmpsize)) == NULL)
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("[Image copy constructor]: not enough memory for image buffer");
        throw runtime_error("[Image copy constructor]: not enough memory for image buffer");
    memcpy(m_bmap, img.m_bmap, bmpsize);
URect ScoreCaretPositioner::get_bounds_for_imo(ImoId id, int iStaff)
    GmoShape* pShape = get_shape_for_imo(id, iStaff);
    if (!pShape)
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("[ScoreCaretPositioner::get_bounds_for_imo] No shape for requested object!");
        return URect(0,0,0,0);

    GmoBoxSliceInstr* pBSI = static_cast<GmoBoxSliceInstr*>( pShape->get_owner_box() );
    GmoBoxSlice* pBS = static_cast<GmoBoxSlice*>( pBSI->get_parent_box() );
    m_pBoxSystem = static_cast<GmoBoxSystem*>( pBS->get_parent_box() );

    return pShape->get_bounds();
Beispiel #17
EKeySignature get_relative_major_key(EKeySignature nMinorKey)
    switch(nMinorKey) {
        case k_key_a:
            return k_key_C;
        case k_key_e:
            return k_key_G;
        case k_key_b:
            return k_key_D;
        case k_key_fs:
            return k_key_A;
        case k_key_cs:
            return k_key_E;
        case k_key_gs:
            return k_key_B;
        case k_key_ds:
            return k_key_Fs;
        case k_key_as:
            return k_key_Cs;
        case k_key_d:
            return k_key_F;
        case k_key_g:
            return k_key_Bf;
        case k_key_c:
            return k_key_Ef;
        case k_key_f:
            return k_key_Af;
        case k_key_bf:
            return k_key_Df;
        case k_key_ef:
            return k_key_Gf;
        case k_key_af:
            return k_key_Cf;
            string msg = str( boost::format(
                                "[get_relative_major_key] Invalid key signature %d")
                                % nMinorKey );
            //throw runtime_error(msg);
            return k_key_c;

Beispiel #18
EKeySignature get_relative_minor_key(EKeySignature nMajorKey)
    switch(nMajorKey) {
        case k_key_C:
            return k_key_a;
        case k_key_G:
            return k_key_e;
        case k_key_D:
            return k_key_b;
        case k_key_A:
            return k_key_fs;
        case k_key_E:
            return k_key_cs;
        case k_key_B:
            return k_key_gs;
        case k_key_Fs:
            return k_key_ds;
        case k_key_Cs:
            return k_key_as;
        case k_key_F:
            return k_key_d;
        case k_key_Bf:
            return k_key_g;
        case k_key_Ef:
            return k_key_c;
        case k_key_Af:
            return k_key_f;
        case k_key_Df:
            return k_key_bf;
        case k_key_Gf:
            return k_key_ef;
        case k_key_Cf:
            return k_key_af;
            string msg = str( boost::format(
                                "[get_relative_minor_key] Invalid key signature %d")
                                % nMajorKey );
            throw runtime_error(msg);

Beispiel #19
FPitch::FPitch(const string& note)
    // 'note' must be a note name in ldp format: a letter followed by a number
    // (i.e.: "c4" ) optionally precedeed by accidentals (i.e.: "++c4")
    // It is assumed that 'note' is trimmed (no spaces before or after data)
    // and lower case.

    int step, octave;
    EAccidentals accidentals;
    if (LdpAnalyser::ldp_pitch_to_components(note, &step, &octave, &accidentals))
        create(k_step_C, k_octave_4, 0);        //error
        int acc = accidentals_to_number(accidentals);
        create(step, octave, acc);
Beispiel #20
    : m_error("")
    //Build default img: grey square 24x24 px

    m_bmpSize = VSize(24, 24);
    //TODO: get display reolution from lomse initialization. Here it is assumed 96 ppi
    m_imgSize = USize(24.0 * 2540.0f / 96.0f, 24.0 * 2540.0f / 96.0f);
    m_format = k_pix_format_rgba32;

    //allocate a buffer for the bitmap
    int bmpsize = 24 * 24 * 4;   //24px width, 24px height, 4bytes per pixel (RGBA)
    if ((m_bmap = (unsigned char*)malloc(bmpsize)) == NULL)
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("[Image constructor]: not enough memory for image buffer");
        throw runtime_error("[Image constructor]: not enough memory for image buffer");

    unsigned char no_image = 0x77;
    memset(m_bmap, no_image, bmpsize);
Beispiel #21
int get_beat_position(TimeUnits timePos, ImoTimeSignature* pTS)
    // Some times it is necessary to know the type of beat (strong, medium, weak,
    // off-beat) at which a note or rest is positioned.
    // This function receives the time for a note/rest and the current time signature
    // and returns the type of beat: either an integer positive value 0..n, meaning
    // 'on-beat', where n is the beat number, or -1 meaning 'off-beat'

    int beatType = pTS->get_bottom_number();

    // coumpute beat duration
    int beatDuration;
    switch (beatType)
        case 1: beatDuration = int( to_duration(k_whole, 0) ); break;
        case 2: beatDuration = int( to_duration(k_half, 0) ); break;
        case 4: beatDuration = int( to_duration(k_quarter, 0) ); break;
        case 8: beatDuration = 3 * int( to_duration(k_eighth, 0) ); break;
        case 16: beatDuration = int( to_duration(k_eighth, 0) ); break;
            string msg = str( boost::format("[get_beat_position] BeatType %d unknown.")
                              % beatType );
            throw runtime_error(msg);

    // compute relative position of this note/rest with reference to the beat
    int beatNum = int(timePos) / beatDuration;               //number of beat
    TimeUnits beatShift = fabs(timePos - TimeUnits(beatDuration * beatNum));

    if (beatShift < 1.0)
        return beatNum;
        // off-beat
        return k_off_beat;

Beispiel #22
Image& Image::operator=(const Image &img)
    if (this != &img)
        if (m_bmap)

        m_bmpSize = img.m_bmpSize;
        m_imgSize = img.m_imgSize;
        m_format = img.m_format;
        m_error = "";

        int bmpsize = m_bmpSize.width * m_bmpSize.height * get_bits_per_pixel()/8;
        if ((m_bmap = (unsigned char*)malloc(bmpsize)) == NULL)
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("[Image::operator=]: not enough memory for image buffer");
            throw runtime_error("[Image::operator=]: not enough memory for image buffer");
        memcpy(m_bmap, img.m_bmap, bmpsize);
    return *this;
void ScoreCaretPositioner::layout_caret(Caret* pCaret, DocCursor* pCursor)
    //save cursor and related data
    m_pDocCursor = pCursor;
    m_pScoreCursor = static_cast<ScoreCursor*>(pCursor->get_inner_cursor());
    m_pDoc = pCursor->get_document();
    m_pBoxSystem = NULL;

    //get score cursor state
    DocCursorState state = m_pDocCursor->get_state();
    m_spState = SpScoreCursorState( static_pointer_cast<ScoreCursorState>(
                                        state.get_delegate_state() ));

    //get score
    ImoId id = state.get_parent_level_id();
    m_pScore = static_cast<ImoScore*>( m_pDoc->get_pointer_to_imo(id) );

    //create score meter
    m_pMeter = LOMSE_NEW ScoreMeter(m_pScore);

    if (m_pScoreCursor->is_pointing_object())

    else if (m_pScoreCursor->is_at_empty_place())

    else if (m_pScoreCursor->is_at_end_of_empty_score())

    else if (m_pScoreCursor->is_at_end_of_staff())

        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("[ScoreCaretPositioner::layout_caret] Score cursor is incoherent!");
Beispiel #24
bool Image::has_alpha()
        case k_pix_format_undefined:    // By default. No conversions are applied
//        case k_pix_format_gray8:        // Simple 256 level grayscale
        case k_pix_format_gray16:       // Simple 65535 level grayscale
        case k_pix_format_rgb555:       // 15 bit rgb. Depends on the byte ordering!
        case k_pix_format_rgb565:       // 16 bit rgb. Depends on the byte ordering!
        case k_pix_format_rgbAAA:       // 30 bit rgb. Depends on the byte ordering!
        case k_pix_format_rgbBBA:       // 32 bit rgb. Depends on the byte ordering!
        case k_pix_format_bgrAAA:       // 30 bit bgr. Depends on the byte ordering!
        case k_pix_format_bgrABB:       // 32 bit bgr. Depends on the byte ordering!
        case k_pix_format_rgb24:        // R-G-B, one byte per color component
        case k_pix_format_bgr24:        // B-G-R, native win32 BMP format.
        case k_pix_format_rgb48:        // R-G-B, 16 bits per color component
        case k_pix_format_bgr48:        // B-G-R, native win32 BMP format.
            return false;

        case k_pix_format_rgba32:       // R-G-B-A, one byte per color component
        case k_pix_format_argb32:       // A-R-G-B, native MAC format
        case k_pix_format_abgr32:       // A-B-G-R, one byte per color component
        case k_pix_format_bgra32:       // B-G-R-A, native win32 BMP format
        case k_pix_format_rgba64:       // R-G-B-A, 16 bits byte per color component
        case k_pix_format_argb64:       // A-R-G-B, native MAC format
        case k_pix_format_abgr64:       // A-B-G-R, one byte per color component
        case k_pix_format_bgra64:       // B-G-R-A, native win32 BMP format
            return true;
            stringstream s;
            s << "[Image::has_alpha] unsupported pixel format " << m_format;
            throw runtime_error(s.str());
    return false;       //compiler happy
Beispiel #25
DiatonicPitch get_diatonic_pitch_for_first_line(EClef nClef)
    // Returns the diatonic pitch for first line, when using received clef.

        case k_clef_G2:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_E, k_octave_4);
        case k_clef_F4:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_G, k_octave_2);
        case k_clef_F3:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_B, k_octave_2);
        case k_clef_C1:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_C, k_octave_4);
        case k_clef_C2:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_A, k_octave_3);
        case k_clef_C3:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_F, k_octave_3);
        case k_clef_C4:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_D, k_octave_3);
        case k_clef_C5:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_B, k_octave_2);
        case k_clef_F5:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_E, k_octave_2);
        case k_clef_G1:           return DiatonicPitch(k_step_G, k_octave_4);
        case k_clef_8_G2:         return DiatonicPitch(k_step_E, k_octave_5);  //8 above
        case k_clef_G2_8:         return DiatonicPitch(k_step_E, k_octave_3);  //8 below
        case k_clef_8_F4:         return DiatonicPitch(k_step_G, k_octave_3);  //8 above
        case k_clef_F4_8:         return DiatonicPitch(k_step_G, k_octave_1);  //8 below
        case k_clef_15_G2:        return DiatonicPitch(k_step_E, k_octave_6);  //15 above
        case k_clef_G2_15:        return DiatonicPitch(k_step_E, k_octave_2);  //15 below
        case k_clef_15_F4:        return DiatonicPitch(k_step_G, k_octave_4);  //15 above
        case k_clef_F4_15:        return DiatonicPitch(k_step_G, k_octave_0);  //15 below
        case k_clef_undefined:
        case k_clef_percussion:   return NO_DPITCH;
            string msg = str( boost::format(
                                "[get_diatonic_pitch_for_first_line] Invalid clef %d")
                                % nClef );
            throw runtime_error(msg);
    return NO_DPITCH;
Beispiel #26
int MidiPitch::step(EKeySignature nKey)
    int remainder = m_pitch % 12;      //remainder goes from 0 (Do) to 11 (Si)
    switch (nKey)
        case k_key_C:
        case k_key_a:
            //               scale: C D E F G A B   semitones E B
            //                      T T S T T T S
            //               C C+ D D+ E  F F+ G G+ A A+ B
            int steps[12] = {0,0, 1,1, 2, 3,3, 4,4, 5,5, 6};
            return steps[remainder];

        //sharps ---------------------------------------
        case k_key_G:
        case k_key_e:
            //               scale: G A B C D E F+   semitones B F+
            //                      T T S T T T S
            //               C C+ D D+ E E+ F  G G+ A A+ B
            int steps[12] = {0,0, 1,1, 2,2, 3, 4,4, 5,5, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_D:
        case k_key_b:
            //               scale: D E F+ G A B C+   semitones F+ C+
            //                      T T S  T T T S
            //               B+ C+ D D+ E E+ F  G G+ A A+ B
            int steps[12] = {6, 0, 1,1, 2,2, 3, 4,4, 5,5, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_A:
        case k_key_fs:
            //               scale: A B C+ D E F+ G+   semitones C+, G+
            //                      T T S  T T T  S
            //               B+ C+ D D+ E E+ F+ Fx G+ A A+ B
            int steps[12] = {6, 0, 1,1, 2,2, 3, 3, 4, 5,5, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_E:
        case k_key_cs:
            //               scale: E F+ G+ A B C+ D+   semitones G+, D+
            //                      T T  S  T T T  S
            //               B+ C+ Cx D+ E E+ F+ Fx G+ A A+ B
            int steps[12] = {6, 0, 0, 1, 2,2, 3, 3, 4, 5,5, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_B:
        case k_key_gs:
            //               scale: B C+ D+ E F+ G+ A+   semitones D+ A+
            //                      T T  S  T T  T  S
            //               B+ C+ Cx D+ E E+ F+ Fx G+ Gx A+ B
            int steps[12] = {6, 0, 0, 1, 2,2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_Fs:
        case k_key_ds:
            //               scale: F+ G+ A+ B C+ D+ E+   semitones A+ E+
            //                      T  T  S  T T  T  S
            //               B+ C+ Cx D+ Dx E+ F+ Fx G+ Gx A+ B
            int steps[12] = {6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_Cs:
        case k_key_as:
            //               scale: C+ D+ E+ F+ G+ A+ B+   semitones E+ B+
            //                      T  T  S  T  T  T  S
            //               B+ C+ Cx D+ Dx E+ F+ Fx G+ Gx A+ Ax
            int steps[12] = {6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5};
            return steps[remainder];

        //flats -------------------------------------------
        case k_key_F:
        case k_key_d:
            //               scale: F G A B- C D E   semitones A E
            //                      T T S T  T T S
            //               C C+ D D+ E  F F+ G G+ A  B- B
            int steps[12] = {0,0, 1,1, 2, 3,3, 4,4, 5, 6, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_Bf:
        case k_key_g:
            //               scale: B- C D E- F G A  semitones D A
            //                      T  T S T  T T S
            //               C C+ D  E- E  F F+ G G+ A  B- B
            int steps[12] = {0,0, 1, 2, 2, 3,3, 4,4, 5, 6, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_Ef:
        case k_key_c:
            //               scale: E- F G A- B- C D  semitones G D
            //                      T  T S T  T  T S
            //               C C+ D  E- E  F F+  G  A- A  B- B
            int steps[12] = {0,0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_Af:
        case k_key_f:
            //               scale: A- B- C  D- E- F G  semitones C G
            //                      T  T  S  T  T  T S
            //               C  D- D  E- E  F F+ G  A- A  B- B
            int steps[12] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3,3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_Df:
        case k_key_bf:
            //               scale: D- E- F G- A- B- C   semitones F C
            //                      T  T  S T  T  T  S
            //               C  D- D  E- E  F  G- G  A- A  B- B
            int steps[12] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_Gf:
        case k_key_ef:
            //               scale: G- A- B- C- D- E- F   semitones B- F
            //                      T  T  S  T  T  T  S
            //               C  D- D  E- E  F  G- G  A- A  B- C-
            int steps[12] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 0};
            return steps[remainder];
        case k_key_Cf:
        case k_key_af:
            //               scale: C- D- E- F- G- A- B-   semitones E- B-
            //                      T  T  S  T  T  T  S
            //               C  D- D  E- F- F  G- G  A- A  B- C-
            int steps[12] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 0};
            return steps[remainder];

            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("Invalid key signature %d. C major assumed.", nKey);
            int steps[12] = {0,0,1,1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6};
            return steps[remainder];
Beispiel #27
// Paths implementation
Paths::Paths(wxString sBinPath, ApplicationScope& appScope)
    : m_appScope(appScope)
    //Receives the full path to the LenMus executable folder (/bin) and
    //extracts the root path
    m_sBin = sBinPath;

        #if (LENMUS_PLATFORM_WIN32 == 1)
            //Ignore drive letter in Windows
            wxFileName drive;
            m_root.SetVolume( drive.GetVolume() );


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //      Linux                       Windows                 Windows (Debug)
    //    Default <prefix> = /usr/local
    // 0. The lenmus program
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //      <prefix>                    lenmus                  lm\temp\lenmus
    //          + /bin                      + \bin                  + \z_bin
    // 1. Shared non-modificable files (INSTALL_ROOT):
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //      <prefix>/share/lenmus       lenmus                  lm\projects\lenmus\trunk
    //          + /xrc                      + \xrc
    //          + /res                      + \res
    //          + /locale                   + \locale
    //          + /books                    + \books
    //          + /templates                + \templates
    //          + /test-scores              + \test-scores
    //          + /samples
    // 2. Logs & temporal files (ROOT_G2)
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //      ~/.config/lenmus/           lenmus                  lm\temp\lenmus
    //          + /logs                      + \logs
    //          + /temp                      + \temp
    // 3. Configuration files (user dependent):
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //      ~/.config/lenmus/5.0/       lenmus\bin              lm\temp\lenmus
    // 4. User data: scores, samples, etc.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //      ~/lenmus                    lenmus                  lm\projects\lenmus\trunk
    //          + /scores                   + \scores           (INSTALL_ROOT)
    //          + /5.0/samples              + \5.0\samples

	wxFileName path;
    wxString sVersion = m_appScope.get_version_string();

    //Debug version or Release version for tests.
    //Use source tree
    wxFileName oInstallHome = m_root;
    wxFileName oLogsHome = m_root;
    wxFileName oConfigHome = m_root;
    wxFileName oDataHome = m_root;

#elif (LENMUS_PLATFORM_WIN32 == 1)
    //Windows Release version, to install
    //Use install root. Binaries in /bin folder
    //Configuration files in /bin, All others in install root

    wxFileName oInstallHome = m_root;
    wxFileName oLogsHome = m_root;
    wxFileName oConfigHome = m_root;
    wxFileName oDataHome = m_root;

    //Linux Release version, to install
    //Use install root. Binaries in /bin folder
    //Configuration and user dependent files in /home

    //get user home folder
    char* homedir = getenv("HOME");
    if (homedir == NULL)
        struct passwd* pw = getpwuid(getuid());
        homedir = pw->pw_dir;
    string sHomedir(homedir);
    wxString sHome = to_wx_string(sHomedir);

    //1. Shared non-modificable files: LENMUS_INSTALL_ROOT (<prefix>/share/lenmus)
    wxFileName oInstallHome;
    oInstallHome.AssignDir( LENMUS_INSTALL_ROOT );

    //2. Logs & temporal files: ~/.config/lenmus/
    wxFileName oLogsHome;
    oLogsHome.AssignDir( sHome );
    if (!::wxDirExists( oLogsHome.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( oLogsHome.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , oLogsHome.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));
    if (!::wxDirExists( oLogsHome.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( oLogsHome.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , oLogsHome.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));

    //3. Configuration files: ~/.config/lenmus/5.x/
    wxFileName oConfigHome;
    oConfigHome.AssignDir( sHome );
    if (!::wxDirExists( oConfigHome.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( oConfigHome.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , oConfigHome.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));

    //4. User data: ~/lenmus/
    wxFileName oDataHome;
    oDataHome.AssignDir( sHome );
    if (!::wxDirExists( oDataHome.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( oDataHome.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , oDataHome.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));

    // Group 1. Software and essentials

    path = oInstallHome;
    m_sXrc = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    path = oInstallHome;
    m_sImages = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    path = oInstallHome;
    m_sCursors = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    path = oInstallHome;
    m_sSounds = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    path = oInstallHome;
    m_sLocaleRoot = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    path = oInstallHome;
    m_sTemplates = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    path = oInstallHome;
    m_sTestScores = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    path = oInstallHome;
    m_sFonts = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    // Group 2. Logs and temporal files

    path = oLogsHome;
    m_sTemp = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
    if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , path.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));

    path = oLogsHome;
    m_sLogs = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
    if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , path.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));

    // Group 3. Configuration files, user dependent

    path = oConfigHome;
    m_sConfig = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);

    // Group 4. User scores and samples

    path = oDataHome;
//TODO: Else code fails: no permision to create folders if they do not exist
#if 1
    m_sScores = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
    m_sSamples = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
    m_sScores = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
    if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , path.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));
    if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , path.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));
    m_sSamples = path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
    if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
        if (!::wxDirExists( path.GetFullPath() ))
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR(to_std_string( wxString::Format("Failed to create '%s'."
                            , path.GetFullPath().wx_str() )));
Beispiel #28
bool MidiPitch::is_natural_note_for(EKeySignature nKey)
    // Returns true if the Midi note is natural for the key signature scale

    //Prepare string with "1" in natural tones of the scale
    string sScale;
    switch (nKey)
        case k_key_C:
        case k_key_a:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "101011010101";   break;

        //sharps ---------------------------------------
        case k_key_G:
        case k_key_e:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "101010110101";   break;
        case k_key_D:
        case k_key_b:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "011010110101";   break;
        case k_key_A:
        case k_key_fs:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "011010101101";   break;
        case k_key_E:
        case k_key_cs:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "010110101101";   break;
        case k_key_B:
        case k_key_gs:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "010110101011";   break;
        case k_key_Fs:
        case k_key_ds:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "010101101011";   break;
        case k_key_Cs:
        case k_key_as:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "110101101010";   break;

        //flats -------------------------------------------
        case k_key_F:
        case k_key_d:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "101011010110";   break;
        case k_key_Bf:
        case k_key_g:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "101101010110";   break;
        case k_key_Ef:
        case k_key_c:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "101101011010";   break;
        case k_key_Af:
        case k_key_f:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "110101011010";   break;
        case k_key_Df:
        case k_key_bf:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "110101101010";   break;
        case k_key_Gf:
        case k_key_ef:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "010101101011";   break;
        case k_key_Cf:
        case k_key_af:
            //        C D EF G A B
            sScale = "010110101011";   break;
            LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("[MidiPitch::is_natural_note_for]. Invalid key signature");
            throw runtime_error("[MidiPitch::is_natural_note_for]. Invalid key signature");

    int nRemainder = m_pitch % 12;      //nRemainder goes from 0 (Do) to 11 (Si)
    return (sScale.substr(nRemainder, 1) == "1");

Beispiel #29
int key_signature_to_num_fifths(int keyType)
    // Retunrs the number of fifths that corresponds to the encoded key signature

    int nFifths = 0;        //num accidentals to return (0..7)
        case k_key_C:
        case k_key_a:
            nFifths = 0;

        //Sharps ---------------------------------------
        case k_key_G:
        case k_key_e:
            nFifths = 1;
        case k_key_D:
        case k_key_b:
            nFifths = 2;
        case k_key_A:
        case k_key_fs:
            nFifths = 3;
        case k_key_E:
        case k_key_cs:
            nFifths = 4;
        case k_key_B:
        case k_key_gs:
            nFifths = 5;
        case k_key_Fs:
        case k_key_ds:
            nFifths = 6;
        case k_key_Cs:
        case k_key_as:
            nFifths = 7;

        //Flats -------------------------------------------
        case k_key_F:
        case k_key_d:
            nFifths = -1;
        case k_key_Bf:
        case k_key_g:
            nFifths = -2;
        case k_key_Ef:
        case k_key_c:
            nFifths = -3;
        case k_key_Af:
        case k_key_f:
            nFifths = -4;
        case k_key_Df:
        case k_key_bf:
            nFifths = -5;
        case k_key_Gf:
        case k_key_ef:
            nFifths = -6;
        case k_key_Cf:
        case k_key_af:
            nFifths = -7;
            string msg = str( boost::format(
                                "[key_signature_to_num_fifths] Invalid key signature %d")
                                % keyType );
            throw runtime_error(msg);
    return nFifths;
int ArticulationEngraver::find_glyph()
    int type = m_pArticulation->get_articulation_type();
    switch( type )

        case k_articulation_accent:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_accent_above : k_glyph_accent_below);
        case k_articulation_marccato:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_marcato_above : k_glyph_marcato_below);
        case k_articulation_staccato:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_staccato_above : k_glyph_staccato_below);
        case k_articulation_tenuto:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_tenuto_above : k_glyph_tenuto_below);
        case k_articulation_mezzo_staccato:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_tenuto_staccato_above : k_glyph_tenuto_staccato_below);
        case k_articulation_staccatissimo:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_staccatissimo_above : k_glyph_staccatissimo_below);

        case k_articulation_legato_duro:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_marcato_tenuto_above : k_glyph_marcato_tenuto_below);
        case k_articulation_marccato_legato:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_tenuto_accent_above : k_glyph_tenuto_accent_below);
        case k_articulation_marccato_staccato:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_accent_staccato_above : k_glyph_accent_staccato_below);
        case k_articulation_staccato_duro:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_marcato_staccato_above : k_glyph_marcato_staccato_below);

        //TODO: No glyphs for these
        case k_articulation_marccato_staccatissimo:
            // symbol > with black triangle under it
        case k_articulation_mezzo_staccatissimo:
            // symbol - with black triangle under it
        case k_articulation_staccatissimo_duro:
            // symbol ^ with black triangle under it
            stringstream s;
            s << "Incomplete code: No glyph for articulation " << type
              << " in ArticulationEngraver." << endl;
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_accent_above : k_glyph_accent_below);

        //TODO: There are more glyphs for articulations:
//            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_staccatissimo_wedge_above : k_glyph_staccatissimo_wedge_below);
//            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_staccatissimo_stroke_above : k_glyph_staccatissimo_stroke_below);
//            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_stress_above : k_glyph_stress_below);
//            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_unstress_above : k_glyph_unstress_below);
//            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_laissez_vibrer_above : k_glyph_laissez_vibrer_below);

        //jazz pitch articulations
        case k_articulation_scoop:
            return k_glyph_brass_scoop;
        case k_articulation_plop:
            return k_glyph_brass_plop;
        case k_articulation_doit:
            return k_glyph_brass_doit_medium;
        case k_articulation_falloff:
            return k_glyph_brass_fall_lip_medium;

        //breath marks
        case k_articulation_breath_mark:
            switch (static_cast<ImoArticulationSymbol*>(m_pArticulation)->get_symbol())
                case ImoArticulationSymbol::k_breath_tick:
                    return k_glyph_breath_mark_tick;
                case ImoArticulationSymbol::k_breath_comma:
                    return k_glyph_breath_mark_comma;
                case ImoArticulationSymbol::k_breath_v:
                    return k_glyph_breath_mark_v;
                case ImoArticulationSymbol::k_breath_salzedo:
                    return k_glyph_breath_mark_salzedo;
                    return k_glyph_breath_mark_comma;

        case k_articulation_caesura:
            switch (static_cast<ImoArticulationSymbol*>(m_pArticulation)->get_symbol())
                case ImoArticulationSymbol::k_caesura_normal:
                    return k_glyph_caesura;
                case ImoArticulationSymbol::k_caesura_thick:
                    return k_glyph_caesura_thick;
                case ImoArticulationSymbol::k_caesura_short:
                    return k_glyph_caesura_short;
                case ImoArticulationSymbol::k_caesura_curved:
                    return k_glyph_caesura_curved;
                    return k_glyph_caesura;

        //stress accents
        case k_articulation_stress:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_stress_above : k_glyph_stress_below);
        case k_articulation_unstress:
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_unstress_above : k_glyph_unstress_below);

        //other in MusicXML
        case k_articulation_spiccato:
            //The dot is an alternate sign for spiccato
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_staccato_above : k_glyph_staccato_below);

        //unexpected types: code maintenance problem
            stringstream s;
            s << "Code incoherence: articulation " << type
              << " not expected in ArticulationEngraver." << endl;
            return (m_fAbove ? k_glyph_accent_above : k_glyph_accent_below);