Beispiel #1
  void LZ4RunReader::decompress()
    // Number of compressed bytes available
    size_t comp_len = comp_.fill();

    // Space available for decompression
    size_t decomp_len = decomp_.size() - decomp_.fill();

    // Attempt the decompression
    size_t n = LZ4F_decompress(lz4_,
                               decomp_.base() + decomp_.hi(), &decomp_len,
                               comp_.base() + comp_.lo(), &comp_len,

    if( LZ4F_isError(n) )
      throw std::runtime_error("Error during LZ4 decompression.");

    // Update ring buffer indicators

Beispiel #2
static SquashStatus
squash_lz4f_decompress_stream (SquashStream* stream, SquashOperation operation) {
  SquashLZ4FStream* s = (SquashLZ4FStream*) stream;

  while (stream->avail_in != 0 && stream->avail_out != 0) {
    size_t dst_len = stream->avail_out;
    size_t src_len = stream->avail_in;
    size_t bytes_read = LZ4F_decompress (s->data.decomp.ctx, stream->next_out, &dst_len, stream->next_in, &src_len, NULL);

    if (LZ4F_isError (bytes_read)) {
      return squash_lz4f_get_status (bytes_read);

    if (src_len != 0) {
      stream->next_in += src_len;
      stream->avail_in -= src_len;

    if (dst_len != 0) {
      stream->next_out += dst_len;
      stream->avail_out -= dst_len;

  return (stream->avail_in == 0) ? SQUASH_OK : SQUASH_PROCESSING;
Beispiel #3
    static std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> getFile(llvm::StringRef file_name) {
        auto compressed_content = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(file_name, -1, false);
        if (!compressed_content)
            return std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>();

        LZ4F_decompressionContext_t context;
        LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&context, LZ4F_VERSION);

        LZ4F_frameInfo_t frame_info;
        memset(&frame_info, 0, sizeof(frame_info));

        const char* start = (*compressed_content)->getBufferStart();
        size_t pos = 0;
        size_t compressed_size = (*compressed_content)->getBufferSize();
        if (compressed_size < 4)
            return std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>();

        int orig_uncompressed_size = *reinterpret_cast<const int*>(start);
        pos += 4;

        size_t remaining = compressed_size - pos;
        LZ4F_getFrameInfo(context, &frame_info, start + pos, &remaining);
        pos += remaining;

        std::vector<char> uncompressed;
        while (pos < compressed_size) {
            unsigned char buff[4096];
            size_t buff_size = sizeof(buff);
            remaining = compressed_size - pos;
            size_t error_code = LZ4F_decompress(context, buff, &buff_size, start + pos, &remaining, NULL);
            if (LZ4F_isError(error_code)) {
                return std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>();
            pos += remaining;
            if (buff_size != 0)
                uncompressed.insert(uncompressed.end(), buff, buff + buff_size);

        if (uncompressed.size() != frame_info.contentSize)
            return std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>();

        if (uncompressed.size() != orig_uncompressed_size)
            return std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>();

        return llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(llvm::StringRef(, uncompressed.size()));
Beispiel #4
static PyObject *py_lz4f_decompress(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywds) {
    const char* source;
    char* dest;
    LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx;
    int src_size;
    PyObject *decomp;
    PyObject *next;
    PyObject *py_dCtx;
    PyObject *result = PyDict_New();
    size_t ssrc_size;
    size_t dest_size;
    size_t err;
    static char *kwlist[] = {"source", "dCtx", "blkSizeID"};
    unsigned int blkID=7;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "s#O|i", kwlist, &source,
                                     &src_size, &py_dCtx, &blkID)) {
        return NULL;

    dest_size = LZ4S_GetBlockSize_FromBlockId(blkID);
    dCtx = (LZ4F_decompressionContext_t)PyCapsule_GetPointer(py_dCtx, NULL);
    ssrc_size = (size_t)src_size;

    dest = (char*)malloc(dest_size);
    err = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, dest, &dest_size, source, &ssrc_size, NULL);
    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(err), "Failed getting frameInfo. (error %i)", (int)err);
    //fprintf(stdout, "Dest_size: %zu  Error Code:%zu \n", dest_size, err);

    decomp = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(dest, dest_size);
    next = PyInt_FromSize_t(err);
    PyDict_SetItemString(result, "decomp", decomp);
    PyDict_SetItemString(result, "next", next);


    return result;
    return Py_None;
Beispiel #5
static ssize_t lz4_mrecvv(struct msock_vfs *mvfs,
      const struct iovec *iov, size_t iovlen, int64_t deadline) {
    struct lz4_sock *obj = dsock_cont(mvfs, struct lz4_sock, mvfs);
    /* Adjust the buffer size as needed. */
    size_t len = iov_size(iov, iovlen);
    size_t maxlen = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(len, NULL);
    if(obj->inlen < maxlen) {
        uint8_t *newbuf = realloc(obj->inbuf, maxlen);
        if(dsock_slow(!newbuf)) {errno = ENOMEM; return -1;}
        obj->inbuf = newbuf;
        obj->inlen = maxlen;
    /* Get the compressed message. */
    ssize_t sz = mrecv(obj->s, obj->inbuf, obj->inlen, deadline);
    if(dsock_slow(sz < 0)) return -1;
    /* Extract size of the uncompressed message from LZ4 frame header. */
    LZ4F_frameInfo_t info;
    size_t infolen = sz;
    size_t ec = LZ4F_getFrameInfo(obj->dctx, &info, obj->inbuf, &infolen);
    if(dsock_slow(LZ4F_isError(ec))) {errno = EPROTO; return -1;}
    /* Size is a required field. */
    if(dsock_slow(info.contentSize == 0)) {errno = EPROTO; return -1;}
    /* Decompressed message would exceed the buffer size. */
    if(dsock_slow(info.contentSize > len)) {errno = EMSGSIZE; return -1;}
    /* Decompress. */
    /* TODO: Avoid the extra allocations and copies. */
    uint8_t *buf = malloc(len);
    if(dsock_slow(!buf)) {errno = ENOMEM; return -1;}
    size_t dstlen = len;
    size_t srclen = sz - infolen;
    ec = LZ4F_decompress(obj->dctx, buf, &dstlen,
        obj->inbuf + infolen, &srclen, NULL);
    if(dsock_slow(LZ4F_isError(ec))) {errno = EPROTO; return -1;}
    if(dsock_slow(ec != 0)) {errno = EPROTO; return -1;}
    dsock_assert(srclen == sz - infolen);
    iov_copyallto(iov, iovlen, buf);
    return dstlen;
Beispiel #6
do_lzDecompress (SEXP FROM)
  LZ4F_decompressionContext_t ctx;

  LZ4F_frameInfo_t info;
  char *from;
  char *ans;
  void *src;
  size_t m, n, output_size, input_size = xlength(FROM);
  size_t ibuf, obuf, icum, ocum;
  if(TYPEOF(FROM) != RAWSXP) error("'from' must be raw or character");
  from = (char *)RAW(FROM);

/* An implementation following the standard API would do this:
 *   LZ4F_errorCode_t err = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&ctx, LZ4F_VERSION);
 *   if (LZ4F_isError (err)) error("could not create LZ4 decompression context");
 *   ...
 *   LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(ctx);
 * The problem with that approach is that LZ4F_createDecompressionContext
 * allocates memory with calloc internally. Later, if R's allocVector fails,
 * for example, or if R interrupts this function somewhere in '...' then
 * those internal allocations in LZ4F_createDecompressionContext leak--that is
 * they aren't ever de-allocated.
 * We explicitly allocat the LZ4F_decompressionContext_t pointer using a
 * replica of the internal LZ4F_dctx_t structure defined near the top of this
 * file, see the note and corresponding warning! We allocate on the heap (via
 * R_alloc) here instead of a seemingly simpler stack allocation because LZ4
 * indicates that the address needs to be aligned to 8-byte boundaries which is
 * provided by R_alloc, see:
  LZ4F_dctx_t *dctxPtr = (LZ4F_dctx_t *)R_alloc(1, sizeof(LZ4F_dctx_t));
  memset(dctxPtr, 0, sizeof(LZ4F_dctx_t));
  dctxPtr->version = LZ4F_VERSION;
  ctx = (LZ4F_decompressionContext_t)dctxPtr;
  m   = input_size;
  n   = LZ4F_getFrameInfo(ctx, &info, (void *)from, &input_size);
  if (LZ4F_isError (n)) error("LZ4F_getFrameInfo");
  src = from + input_size; // lz4 frame header offset
  output_size = (size_t) info.contentSize; 
  ANS = allocVector(RAWSXP, output_size);
  ans = (char *)RAW(ANS);

  input_size = m - input_size;
  icum = 0;
  ibuf = lzframe_chunksize;
  if(ibuf > input_size) ibuf = input_size;
  ocum = 0;
  obuf = output_size;

    n = LZ4F_decompress(ctx, ans, &obuf, src, &ibuf, NULL); 
    if (LZ4F_isError (n)) error("LZ4F_decompress");
    icum = icum + ibuf;
    ocum = ocum + obuf;
    if(icum >= input_size) break;
    ans = ans + obuf;
    src = src + ibuf;
    ibuf = lzframe_chunksize;
    if(ibuf > (input_size - icum)) ibuf = input_size - icum;
    obuf = output_size - ocum;

  return ANS;
Beispiel #7
int fuzzerTests(U32 seed, unsigned nbTests, unsigned startTest, double compressibility, U32 duration)
    unsigned testResult = 0;
    unsigned testNb = 0;
    void* srcBuffer = NULL;
    void* compressedBuffer = NULL;
    void* decodedBuffer = NULL;
    U32 coreRand = seed;
    LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx = NULL;
    LZ4F_compressionContext_t cCtx = NULL;
    size_t result;
    const U32 startTime = FUZ_GetMilliStart();
    XXH64_state_t xxh64;
#   define CHECK(cond, ...) if (cond) { DISPLAY("Error => "); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
                            DISPLAY(" (seed %u, test nb %u)  \n", seed, testNb); goto _output_error; }

    // backup all allocated addresses, from which we will later select buffers
    const size_t max_buf_size = 131 KB;
    size_t num_buf_size_distribution_deviations = 0;

    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_in_buf_potential [2*MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_out_buf_potential[2*MAX_SG_BUFFERS];

    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_cin [MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_cout[MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_in_t  sg_din [MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    LZ4SG_out_t sg_dout[MAX_SG_BUFFERS];
    size_t sg_cin_len, sg_cout_len, sg_din_len, sg_dout_len;
    const size_t maxDstSize = LZ4_SG_compressBound(srcDataLength, NELEMS(sg_cin), NELEMS(sg_cout));

    unsigned int i;
    for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(sg_in_buf_potential); i++) {
        sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_base = malloc(max_buf_size);
        sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_len  = max_buf_size;
        sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_base = malloc(max_buf_size);
        sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_len  = max_buf_size;

    /* Init */
    duration *= 1000;

    /* Create buffers */
    result = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION);
    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Allocation failed (error %i)", (int)result);
    result = LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&cCtx, LZ4F_VERSION);
    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Allocation failed (error %i)", (int)result);
    srcBuffer = malloc(srcDataLength);
    CHECK(srcBuffer==NULL, "srcBuffer Allocation failed");
    const size_t compressedBufferLength = maxDstSize;
    compressedBuffer = malloc(compressedBufferLength);
    CHECK(compressedBuffer==NULL, "compressedBuffer Allocation failed");
    decodedBuffer = calloc(1, srcDataLength);   /* calloc avoids decodedBuffer being considered "garbage" by scan-build */
    CHECK(decodedBuffer==NULL, "decodedBuffer Allocation failed");
    FUZ_fillCompressibleNoiseBuffer(srcBuffer, srcDataLength, compressibility, &coreRand);

    /* jump to requested testNb */
    for (testNb =0; (testNb < startTest); testNb++) (void)FUZ_rand(&coreRand);   // sync randomizer

    /* main fuzzer test loop */
    for ( ; (testNb < nbTests) || (duration > FUZ_GetMilliSpan(startTime)) ; testNb++)
        U32 randState = coreRand ^ prime1;
        (void)FUZ_rand(&coreRand);   /* update seed */


        DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%5u   ", testNb);

        const size_t max_src_buf_size = (4 MB > srcDataLength) ? srcDataLength : 4 MB;
        unsigned nbBits = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (FUZ_highbit(max_src_buf_size-1) - 1)) + 1;
        const size_t min_src_size = 20;
        const size_t min_first_dest_buf_size = 21;
        const size_t min_src_buf_size = 1;
        const size_t min_dst_buf_size = 10;
        size_t srcSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBits)-1)) + min_src_size;
        size_t srcStart = FUZ_rand(&randState) % (srcDataLength - srcSize);
        size_t cSize;
        size_t dstSize;
        size_t dstSizeBound;
        U64 crcOrig, crcDecoded;

        unsigned int test_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);
        //TODO: enable lz4f_compress_compatibility_test with LZ4_SG_decompress
        int lz4f_compress_compatibility_test = 0;//(test_selection % 4) == 0;

        if (!lz4f_compress_compatibility_test)
            // SGL compress
            unsigned int buffer_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);

            if ((buffer_selection & 0xF) == 1)
                // SG compress single source and single target buffers
                sg_cin[0].sg_base = (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart;
                sg_cin[0].sg_len  = srcSize;
                sg_cin_len = 1;
                sg_cout[0].sg_base = compressedBuffer;
                sg_cout[0].sg_len  = compressedBufferLength;
                sg_cout_len = 1;
                dstSizeBound = dstSize = compressedBufferLength;
                // SG compress random number and size source and target buffers
                sg_cin_len  = 1 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) % MAX_SG_BUFFERS);
                sg_cout_len = 1 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) % MAX_SG_BUFFERS);

                // single source buffer
                if (1 == sg_cin_len) {
                    sg_cin[0].sg_base = (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart;
                    sg_cin[0].sg_len  = srcSize;

                    DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: single source buf size %i\n", (int)srcSize);
                else {
                    // multiple source buffers
                    if (srcSize > sg_cin_len*max_buf_size/2) {
                        srcSize = sg_cin_len*max_buf_size/2;
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: source buffer total size deviation %i\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

                    size_t exact_src_size = 0;
                    unsigned int buf_size_mean = srcSize / sg_cin_len;
                    for (i = 0; i < sg_cin_len; i++) {
                        size_t buf_size = rnd_exponential(buf_size_mean, min_src_buf_size, max_buf_size);
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: source buf %i size %i\n", i, (int)buf_size);

                        if (srcStart+exact_src_size+buf_size > srcDataLength) {
                            buf_size = srcDataLength-(srcStart+exact_src_size);
                        sg_cin[i].sg_base = sg_in_buf_potential[i*2+1].sg_base;
                        sg_cin[i].sg_len  = buf_size;
                        memcpy((void *)sg_cin[i].sg_base, (BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart+exact_src_size, buf_size);
                        exact_src_size += buf_size;
                        if (srcStart+exact_src_size == srcDataLength) {
                            sg_cin_len = i+1;
                            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: final source buffer size deviation %i (buffers number limited to %i)\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations, (int)sg_cin_len);
                    srcSize = exact_src_size;

                // we can now derive the required limit for output
                dstSizeBound = LZ4_SG_compressBound(srcSize, sg_cin_len, sg_cout_len);

                // single target buffer
                if (1 == sg_cout_len) {
                    sg_cout[0].sg_base = compressedBuffer;
                    sg_cout[0].sg_len  = compressedBufferLength;
                else {
                    // multiple target buffers
                    int finalBufferTruncated = 0;
                    dstSize = 0;
                    unsigned int buf_size_mean = dstSizeBound / sg_cout_len;
                    for (i = 0; i < sg_cout_len; i++) {
                        const size_t min_buf_size = (i == 0) ? min_first_dest_buf_size : min_dst_buf_size;
                        size_t buf_size = rnd_exponential(buf_size_mean, min_buf_size, max_buf_size);
                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: target buf %i size %i\n", (int)i, (int)buf_size);

                        if (dstSize+buf_size > dstSizeBound) {
                            buf_size = dstSizeBound-dstSize;
                            finalBufferTruncated = 1;
                        dstSize += buf_size;

                        sg_cout[i].sg_base = sg_out_buf_potential[i*2+1].sg_base;
                        sg_cout[i].sg_len  = buf_size;
                        if (finalBufferTruncated) {

                            if (buf_size < min_buf_size) {
                                // merge truncated with previous?
                                if (i > 0) {
                                    sg_cout[i-1].sg_len += buf_size;
                                    if (sg_cout[i-1].sg_len > max_buf_size) {
                                        // skip, too much hassle
                                        DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: unable to truncate final target buffer size (deviations %i), skipping\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);
                                        sg_cout_len = 0; break;
                                else {
                                    // can this happen?
                                    DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: unable to truncate first and final target buffer size (deviations %i), skipping\n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);
                                    sg_cout_len = 0; break;
                                sg_cout_len = i;
                            else {
                                sg_cout_len = i+1;
                            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: final target buffer size truncated (%i), buffers number limited to %i, final's size is now %i (deviations %i)\n",
                                    (int)buf_size, (int)sg_cout_len, (int)sg_cout[sg_cout_len-1].sg_len, (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

                    // skip/abort condition
                    if (0 == sg_cout_len) continue;

                if ((buffer_selection & 0xF) == 0) {
                    //TODO: select a random input and output buffer and split it in two,
                    // feeding consecutive addresses as consecutive entries in SGL


            crcOrig = XXH64((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, srcSize, 1);

            size_t sourceSizeOut = srcSize;
            result = LZ4_SG_compress(&sg_cin[0], sg_cin_len, &sg_cout[0], sg_cout_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxDstSize, DEFAULT_ACCEL);
            if (((result == 0) || (sourceSizeOut != srcSize)) && (dstSize < dstSizeBound)) {
                // forgive compression failure when output total size is lower than bound
                DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "NOTE: dstSize %i < %i dstSizeBound, compression attempt failed, not totally unexpected (deviations %i), skipping\n",
                        (int)dstSize, (int)dstSizeBound, (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

            CHECK(result <= 0, "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            CHECK(sourceSizeOut != srcSize, "Compression stopped at %i out of %i", (int)sourceSizeOut, (int)srcSize);
            cSize = result;
            // LZ4F compression - use it in order to verify SGL decompress compatibility with it
            DISPLAYUPDATE(4, "INFO: LZ4F compression\n");

// alternative
//            size_t dstMaxSize = LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, prefsPtr);
//            DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressFrame srcSize %zu dstMaxSize %zu\n",
//                    srcSize, dstMaxSize);
//            cSize = LZ4F_compressFrame(compressedBuffer, dstMaxSize, (char*)srcBuffer + srcStart, srcSize, prefsPtr);
//            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(cSize), "LZ4F_compressFrame failed : error %i (%s)", (int)cSize, LZ4F_getErrorName(cSize));

            crcOrig = XXH64((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, srcSize, 1);

            unsigned BSId   = 4 + (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3);
            unsigned BMId   = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
            unsigned CCflag = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
            unsigned autoflush = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & 7) == 2;
            U64 frameContentSize = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 1) ? srcSize : 0;
            LZ4F_preferences_t prefs;
            LZ4F_compressOptions_t cOptions;

            LZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr = &prefs;
            memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs));
            memset(&cOptions, 0, sizeof(cOptions));
            prefs.frameInfo.blockMode = (LZ4F_blockMode_t)BMId;
            prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = (LZ4F_blockSizeID_t)BSId;
            prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = (LZ4F_contentChecksum_t)CCflag;
            prefs.frameInfo.contentSize = frameContentSize;
            prefs.autoFlush = autoflush;
            prefs.compressionLevel = FUZ_rand(&randState) % 5;
            if ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 0xF) == 1) prefsPtr = NULL;

            const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)srcBuffer + srcStart;
            const BYTE* const iend = ip + srcSize;
            BYTE* op = (BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
            BYTE* const oend = op + LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcDataLength, NULL);
            unsigned maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)srcSize);
            result = LZ4F_compressBegin(cCtx, op, oend-op, prefsPtr);
            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression header failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            op += result;
            while (ip < iend)
                unsigned nbBitsSeg = FUZ_rand(&randState) % maxBits;
                size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsSeg)-1)) + 1;
                size_t oSize = LZ4F_compressBound(iSize, prefsPtr);
                unsigned forceFlush = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3) == 1);
                if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip;
                cOptions.stableSrc = ((FUZ_rand(&randState) & 3) == 1);

                DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "compressUpdate ip %d iSize %zu oSize %zu forceFlush %d\n",
                        (int)(ip-((const BYTE*)srcBuffer + srcStart)), iSize, oSize, forceFlush);
                result = LZ4F_compressUpdate(cCtx, op, oSize, ip, iSize, &cOptions);
                CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
                op += result;
                ip += iSize;

                if (forceFlush)
                    result = LZ4F_flush(cCtx, op, oend-op, &cOptions);
                    CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
                    op += result;
            result = LZ4F_compressEnd(cCtx, op, oend-op, &cOptions);
            CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Compression completion failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            op += result;
            cSize = op-(BYTE*)compressedBuffer;

        test_selection = FUZ_rand(&randState);

        if (lz4f_compress_compatibility_test || ((test_selection % 2) == 0))
            //TODO: SGL decompress with random buffer sizes

            // SGL decompress with same buffer sizes used for compression
            // prepare din with cout's data
            sg_din_len  = sg_cout_len;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_din_len; i++) {
                sg_din[i].sg_len  = sg_cout[i].sg_len;
                if (sg_cout[i].sg_len <= max_buf_size) {
                    // enough room to copy - do it
                    sg_din[i].sg_base = sg_in_buf_potential[i*2+0].sg_base;
                    if (sg_din[i].sg_base != sg_cout[i].sg_base) {
                        memcpy((void *)sg_din[i].sg_base, sg_cout[i].sg_base, sg_cout[i].sg_len);
                else {
                    // this is probably single output buffer - skip copy, use directly
                    sg_din[i].sg_base = sg_cout[i].sg_base;
            // prepare dout to receive decompressed data
            sg_dout_len = sg_cin_len;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_dout_len; i++) {
                sg_dout[i].sg_len  = sg_cin[i].sg_len;
                if (sg_cin[i].sg_len <= max_buf_size) {
                    // enough room to decompress into independent buffer
                    sg_dout[i].sg_base = sg_out_buf_potential[i*2+0].sg_base;
                else {
                    // this is probably single input buffer, use an external output buffer
                    sg_dout[i].sg_base = decodedBuffer;

            size_t sourceSizeOut = cSize;
            size_t maxOutputSize = srcSize;
            int decomp_result = LZ4_SG_decompress(&sg_din[0], sg_din_len, &sg_dout[0], sg_dout_len, &sourceSizeOut, maxOutputSize);
            CHECK(decomp_result <= 0, "SG decompression failed (error %i)", (int)decomp_result);
            CHECK(decomp_result != (int)srcSize, "SG decompression stopped at  %i", (int)decomp_result);

            // verify result checksum
            size_t total_checked = 0;
            XXH64_reset(&xxh64, 1);
            for (i = 0; (i < sg_dout_len) && ((int)total_checked < decomp_result); i++) {
                size_t cur_size = sg_dout[i].sg_len;
                size_t rem = decomp_result - total_checked;
                if (rem < cur_size) cur_size = rem;
                total_checked += cur_size;

                XXH64_update(&xxh64, sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size);
            crcDecoded = XXH64_digest(&xxh64);
            if (crcDecoded != crcOrig) {
                DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "checked %i out of %i (crcDecoded %08x, crcOrig %08x)\n",
                        (int)total_checked, decomp_result, (unsigned)crcDecoded, (unsigned)crcOrig);
                // locate error if any
                total_checked = 0;
                for (i = 0; (i < sg_dout_len) && ((int)total_checked < decomp_result); i++) {
                    size_t cur_size = sg_dout[i].sg_len;
                    size_t rem = decomp_result - total_checked;
                    if (rem < cur_size) cur_size = rem;
                    total_checked += cur_size;

                    U64 crc_in  = XXH64(sg_cin [i].sg_base, cur_size, 1);
                    U64 crc_out = XXH64(sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size, 1);
                    if (crc_in != crc_out) {
                        locateBuffDiff(sg_cin[i].sg_base, sg_dout[i].sg_base, cur_size);
                DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "checked %i out of %i\n",
                        (int)total_checked, decomp_result);
            CHECK(crcDecoded != crcOrig, "Decompression corruption");
            // prepare compressedBuffer from SGL
            size_t total_copied = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < sg_cout_len; i++) {
                size_t buf_size_bytes = cSize - total_copied;
                if (buf_size_bytes == 0) break;
                if (buf_size_bytes > sg_cout[i].sg_len) buf_size_bytes = sg_cout[i].sg_len;
                if (((char *)compressedBuffer)+total_copied != sg_cout[i].sg_base) {
                    memcpy(((char *)compressedBuffer)+total_copied, sg_cout[i].sg_base, buf_size_bytes);
                total_copied += buf_size_bytes;

            LZ4F_decompressOptions_t dOptions;
            memset(&dOptions, 0, sizeof(dOptions));

            const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)compressedBuffer;
            const BYTE* const iend = ip + cSize;
            BYTE* op = (BYTE*)decodedBuffer;
            BYTE* const oend = op + srcDataLength;
            size_t totalOut = 0;
            unsigned maxBits = FUZ_highbit((U32)cSize);
            XXH64_reset(&xxh64, 1);
            if (maxBits < 3) maxBits = 3;
            while (ip < iend)
                unsigned nbBitsI = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (maxBits-1)) + 1;
                unsigned nbBitsO = (FUZ_rand(&randState) % (maxBits)) + 1;
                size_t iSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsI)-1)) + 1;
                size_t oSize = (FUZ_rand(&randState) & ((1<<nbBitsO)-1)) + 2;
                if (iSize > (size_t)(iend-ip)) iSize = iend-ip;
                if (oSize > (size_t)(oend-op)) oSize = oend-op;
                dOptions.stableDst = FUZ_rand(&randState) & 1;
                result = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, &dOptions);
                if (result == (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_contentChecksum_invalid)
                    locateBuffDiff((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, decodedBuffer, srcSize);
                CHECK(LZ4F_isError(result), "Decompression failed (error %i:%s ip %d)",
                        (int)result, LZ4F_getErrorName((LZ4F_errorCode_t)result), (int)(ip-(const BYTE*)compressedBuffer));
                XXH64_update(&xxh64, op, (U32)oSize);
                totalOut += oSize;
                op += oSize;
                ip += iSize;
            CHECK(result != 0, "Frame decompression failed (error %i)", (int)result);
            if (totalOut)   /* otherwise, it's a skippable frame */
                crcDecoded = XXH64_digest(&xxh64);
                if (crcDecoded != crcOrig) locateBuffDiff((BYTE*)srcBuffer+srcStart, decodedBuffer, srcSize);
                CHECK(crcDecoded != crcOrig, "Decompression corruption");

    DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\rAll tests completed   \n");

    for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(sg_in_buf_potential); i++) {
        free((void *)(sg_in_buf_potential [i].sg_base));
        free(         sg_out_buf_potential[i].sg_base);

    if (num_buf_size_distribution_deviations > 0) {
        DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "NOTE: %i buffer size deviations \n", (int)num_buf_size_distribution_deviations);

    if (pause)
        DISPLAY("press enter to finish \n");
    return testResult;

    testResult = 1;
    goto _end;

    // unreachable
    return -1;
#undef CHECK
Beispiel #8
static int verify_basic_LZ4F_decompression(const void* compressedBuffer, int cSize, U64 crcOrig, void* decodedBuffer, const size_t decodedBufferSize)
    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%s (cSize %i, crcOrig %08x, decodedBufferSize %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, cSize, (unsigned int)crcOrig, (int)decodedBufferSize);
    LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx = NULL;
    U64 crcDest;
    size_t compressedBufferSize = cSize;
    BYTE* op = (BYTE*) decodedBuffer;
    BYTE* const oend = (BYTE*) decodedBuffer + decodedBufferSize;
    const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) compressedBuffer;
    const BYTE* const iend = (const BYTE*) compressedBuffer + cSize;
    LZ4F_errorCode_t errorCode = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&dCtx, LZ4F_VERSION);
    UT_VERIFY(!LZ4F_isError(errorCode), return __LINE__);

    memset(decodedBuffer, 0, decodedBufferSize);

    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Single Block : \n");
    size_t destSize = decodedBufferSize;
    errorCode = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, decodedBuffer, &destSize, compressedBuffer, &compressedBufferSize, NULL);
    UT_VERIFY(!LZ4F_isError(errorCode), return __LINE__);

    crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 1);
    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %i bytes (%08x)\n", (int )decodedBufferSize, (unsigned int)crcDest);
    UT_VERIFY(crcDest == crcOrig, return __LINE__);

    memset(decodedBuffer, 0, decodedBufferSize);

    DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Reusing decompression context \n");
        size_t iSize = compressedBufferSize - 4;
        const BYTE* cBuff = (const BYTE*) compressedBuffer;
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Missing last 4 bytes : ");
        destSize = decodedBufferSize;
        errorCode = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, decodedBuffer, &destSize, cBuff, &iSize, NULL);
        UT_VERIFY(!LZ4F_isError(errorCode), return __LINE__);
        UT_VERIFY(errorCode, return __LINE__);
        crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, destSize, 1);
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "crcDest (%08x)\n", (unsigned int)crcDest);

        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "indeed, request %u bytes \n", (unsigned )errorCode);
        cBuff += iSize;
        iSize = errorCode;
        errorCode = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, decodedBuffer, &destSize, cBuff, &iSize, NULL);
        UT_VERIFY(errorCode == 0, return __LINE__);

        crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 1);
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "crcDest (%08x)\n", (unsigned int)crcDest);
        UT_VERIFY(crcDest == crcOrig, return __LINE__);
        size_t oSize = 0;
        size_t iSize = 0;
        LZ4F_frameInfo_t fi;
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Start by feeding 0 bytes, to get next input size : ");
        errorCode = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, NULL, &oSize, ip, &iSize, NULL);
        UT_VERIFY(!LZ4F_isError(errorCode), return __LINE__);

        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " %u  \n", (unsigned )errorCode);
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "get FrameInfo on null input : ");
        errorCode = LZ4F_getFrameInfo(dCtx, &fi, ip, &iSize);
        UT_VERIFY(errorCode == (size_t) -LZ4F_ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete, return __LINE__);

        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " correctly failed : %s \n", LZ4F_getErrorName(errorCode));
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "get FrameInfo on not enough input : ");
        iSize = 6;
        errorCode = LZ4F_getFrameInfo(dCtx, &fi, ip, &iSize);
        UT_VERIFY(errorCode == (size_t) -LZ4F_ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete, return __LINE__);

        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " correctly failed : %s \n", LZ4F_getErrorName(errorCode));
        ip += iSize;
        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "get FrameInfo on enough input : ");
        iSize = 15 - iSize;
        errorCode = LZ4F_getFrameInfo(dCtx, &fi, ip, &iSize);
        UT_VERIFY(!LZ4F_isError(errorCode), return __LINE__);

        DISPLAYLEVEL(3, " correctly decoded \n");
        ip += iSize;
    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Byte after byte : \n");
    while (ip < iend) {
        size_t oSize = oend - op;
        size_t iSize = 1;
        errorCode = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, op, &oSize, ip, &iSize, NULL);
        UT_VERIFY(!LZ4F_isError(errorCode), return __LINE__);

        op += oSize;
        ip += iSize;
    crcDest = XXH64(decodedBuffer, decodedBufferSize, 1);
    UT_VERIFY(crcDest == crcOrig, return __LINE__);

    DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Regenerated %u/%u bytes \n", (unsigned )(op - (BYTE* )decodedBuffer), (unsigned )decodedBufferSize);
    errorCode = LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(dCtx);
    UT_VERIFY(!LZ4F_isError(errorCode), return __LINE__);

    dCtx = NULL;
    return 0;
Beispiel #9
void Message::uncompress() {
	if (!isCompressed())

	std::string errorStr = "Unsupported compression";
	size_t actualSize;
	std::string comprType;

	std::string comprIdent = _meta["um.compressed"];
	size_t colon = comprIdent.find_first_of(':');
	if (colon == std::string::npos) {
		errorStr = "No colon found in um.compressed meta field";

	actualSize = strTo<size_t>(comprIdent.substr(0, colon));
	comprType = comprIdent.substr(colon + 1);

	_meta["um.compressRatio"] = toStr((double)_size / (double)actualSize);
//    std::cout << _size << " vs " << actualSize << std::endl;

	if (false) {}
	else if (comprType == "miniz") {
		int cmp_status;
		uint8_t *pUncmp;

		pUncmp = (mz_uint8 *)malloc((size_t)actualSize);
		cmp_status = mz_uncompress(pUncmp, (mz_ulong*)&actualSize, (const unsigned char *)_data.get(), _size);

		if (cmp_status != MZ_OK) {
			errorStr = mz_error(cmp_status);

		_size = actualSize;
		_data = SharedPtr<char>((char*)pUncmp);
	else if (comprType == "fastlz") {
		void* uncompressed = malloc((size_t)actualSize);

		// returns the size of the decompressed block.
		actualSize = fastlz_decompress(_data.get(), _size, uncompressed, actualSize);

		// If error occurs, e.g. the compressed data is corrupted or the output buffer is not large enough, then 0
		if (actualSize == 0) {
			errorStr = "fastlz_decompress returned 0";

		_size = actualSize;
		_data = SharedPtr<char>((char*)uncompressed);

	else if (comprType == "lz4") {
#ifdef LZ4_FRAME
		LZ4F_errorCode_t n;
		LZ4F_decompressionContext_t ctx;

		void* uncompressed = malloc((size_t)actualSize);

		n = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&ctx, LZ4F_VERSION);
		if (LZ4F_isError(n)) {
			errorStr = LZ4F_getErrorName(n);

		n = LZ4F_decompress(ctx, uncompressed, &actualSize, _data.get(), &_size, NULL);
		if (LZ4F_isError(n)) {
			errorStr = LZ4F_getErrorName(n);

		_size = actualSize;
		_data = SharedPtr<char>((char*)uncompressed);

		char* uncompressed = (char*)malloc((size_t)actualSize);
		int n = LZ4_decompress_fast(_data.get(), uncompressed, actualSize);
		if (n < 0) {
			errorStr = "Decompression failed";

		_size = actualSize;
		_data = SharedPtr<char>((char*)uncompressed);


	UM_LOG_WARN("Could not decompress message: %s", errorStr.c_str());

Beispiel #10
static int
decompress_fd_lz4(int fdi, int fdo)
#ifdef HAVE_LZ4
    enum { LZ4_DEC_BUF_SIZE = 64*1024u };

    LZ4F_decompressionContext_t ctx = NULL;
    LZ4F_errorCode_t c;
    char *buf = NULL;
    char *src = NULL;
    int r = 0;
    struct stat fdist;

    c = LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(&ctx, LZ4F_VERSION);
    if (LZ4F_isError(c))
        log_debug("Failed to initialized LZ4: %s", LZ4F_getErrorName(c));
        r = -ENOMEM;
        goto cleanup;

    buf = malloc(LZ4_DEC_BUF_SIZE);
    if (!buf)
        r = -errno;
        goto cleanup;

    if (fstat(fdi, &fdist) < 0)
        r = -errno;
        log_debug("Failed to stat the input fd");
        goto cleanup;

    src = mmap(NULL, fdist.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fdi, 0);
    if (!src)
        r = -errno;
        log_debug("Failed to mmap the input fd");
        goto cleanup;

    off_t total_in = 0;
    while (fdist.st_size != total_in)
        size_t used = fdist.st_size - total_in;
        size_t produced = LZ4_DEC_BUF_SIZE;

        c = LZ4F_decompress(ctx, buf, &produced, src + total_in, &used, NULL);
        if (LZ4F_isError(c))
            log_debug("Failed to decode LZ4 block: %s", LZ4F_getErrorName(c));
            r = -EBADMSG;
            goto cleanup;

        r = safe_write(fdo, buf, produced);
        if (r < 0)
            log_debug("Failed to write decoded block");
            goto cleanup;

        total_in += used;
    r = 0;

    if (ctx != NULL)

    if (buf != NULL)

    if (src != NULL)
        munmap(src, fdist.st_size);

    return r;
#else /*HAVE_LZ4*/
    const char *cmd[] = { "lz4", "-cd", "-", NULL};
    return decompress_using_fork_execvp(cmd, fdi, fdo);
#endif /*HAVE_LZ4*/