Beispiel #1
 * refclock_process - process a sample from the clock
 * refclock_process_f - refclock_process with other than time1 fudge
 * This routine converts the timecode in the form days, hours, minutes,
 * seconds and milliseconds/microseconds to internal timestamp format,
 * then constructs a new entry in the median filter circular buffer.
 * Return success (1) if the data are correct and consistent with the
 * converntional calendar.
 * Important for PPS users: Normally, the pp->lastrec is set to the
 * system time when the on-time character is received and the pp->year,
 * ..., pp->second decoded and the seconds fraction pp->nsec in
 * nanoseconds). When a PPS offset is available, pp->nsec is forced to
 * zero and the fraction for pp->lastrec is set to the PPS offset.
	struct refclockproc *pp,	/* refclock structure pointer */
	double fudge
	l_fp offset, ltemp;

	 * Compute the timecode timestamp from the days, hours, minutes,
	 * seconds and milliseconds/microseconds of the timecode. Use
	 * clocktime() for the aggregate seconds and the msec/usec for
	 * the fraction, when present. Note that this code relies on the
	 * filesystem time for the years and does not use the years of
	 * the timecode.
	if (!clocktime(pp->day, pp->hour, pp->minute, pp->second, GMT,
		pp->lastrec.l_ui, &pp->yearstart, &offset.l_ui))
		return (0);

	offset.l_uf = 0;
	DTOLFP(pp->nsec / 1e9, &ltemp);
	L_ADD(&offset, &ltemp);
	refclock_process_offset(pp, offset, pp->lastrec, fudge);
	return (1);
Beispiel #2
l_fp_add(const l_fp first, const l_fp second)
	l_fp temp = first;
	L_ADD(&temp, &second);

	return temp;
Beispiel #3
void Pred_lt_6 (
    INT16 exc[],     /* in/out: excitation buffer */
    INT16 T0,        /* input : integer pitch lag */
    INT16 frac,      /* input : fraction of lag   */
    INT16 L_subfr    /* input : subframe size     */
    INT16 i, j, k;
    INT16 *x0, *x1, *x2;
    const INT16 *c1, *c2;
    //INT32 s;
    register INT32 s_hi=0;
    register UINT32 s_lo=0;


    x0 = &exc[-T0];
	frac = NEGATE(frac);

    if (frac < 0)
        frac = ADD(frac, UP_SAMP);
    for (j = 0; j < L_subfr; j++)
        x1 = x0++;
        x2 = x0;
        c1 = &inter_6[frac];
		c2 = &inter_6[SUB (UP_SAMP, frac)];

        s_lo = 0;
        for (i = 0, k = 0; i < L_INTERPOL; i++, k += UP_SAMP)
			//s = L_MAC(s, x1[-i], c1[k]);
            VPP_MLA16(s_hi, s_lo, x1[-i], c1[k]);
			//s = L_MAC(s, x2[i], c2[k]);
			VPP_MLA16(s_hi, s_lo, x2[i], c2[k]);

        //exc[j] = round(s);
		//exc[j] = ROUND(VPP_SCALE64_TO_16(s_hi, s_lo));
		exc[j] = L_SHR_D(L_ADD((INT32)s_lo,0x4000),15);

Beispiel #4
 * chu_audio_receive - receive data from the audio device
static void
	struct recvbuf *rbufp	/* receive buffer structure pointer */
	struct chuunit *up;
	struct refclockproc *pp;
	struct peer *peer;

	double	sample;		/* codec sample */
	u_char	*dpt;		/* buffer pointer */
	int	bufcnt;		/* buffer counter */
	l_fp	ltemp;		/* l_fp temp */

	peer = rbufp->recv_peer;
	pp = peer->procptr;
	up = pp->unitptr;

	 * Main loop - read until there ain't no more. Note codec
	 * samples are bit-inverted.
	DTOLFP((double)rbufp->recv_length / SECOND, &ltemp);
	L_SUB(&rbufp->recv_time, &ltemp);
	up->timestamp = rbufp->recv_time;
	dpt = rbufp->recv_buffer;
	for (bufcnt = 0; bufcnt < rbufp->recv_length; bufcnt++) {
		sample = up->comp[~*dpt++ & 0xff];

		 * Clip noise spikes greater than MAXAMP. If no clips,
		 * increase the gain a tad; if the clips are too high, 
		 * decrease a tad.
		if (sample > MAXAMP) {
			sample = MAXAMP;
		} else if (sample < -MAXAMP) {
			sample = -MAXAMP;
		chu_rf(peer, sample);
		L_ADD(&up->timestamp, &up->tick);

		 * Once each second ride gain.
		up->seccnt = (up->seccnt + 1) % SECOND;
		if (up->seccnt == 0) {

	 * Set the input port and monitor gain for the next buffer.
	if (pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG2)
		up->port = 2;
		up->port = 1;
	if (pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG3)
		up->mongain = MONGAIN;
		up->mongain = 0;
Beispiel #5
 * sendrequest - format and send a request packet
 * Historically, ntpdc has used a fixed-size request packet regardless
 * of the actual payload size.  When authenticating, the timestamp, key
 * ID, and digest have been placed just before the end of the packet.
 * With the introduction in late 2009 of support for authenticated
 * ntpdc requests using larger 20-octet digests (vs. 16 for MD5), we
 * come up four bytes short.
 * To maintain interop while allowing for larger digests, the behavior
 * is unchanged when using 16-octet digests.  For larger digests, the
 * timestamp, key ID, and digest are placed immediately following the
 * request payload, with the overall packet size variable.  ntpd can
 * distinguish 16-octet digests by the overall request size being
 * REQ_LEN_NOMAC + 4 + 16 with the auth bit enabled.  When using a
 * longer digest, that request size should be avoided.
 * With the form used with 20-octet and larger digests, the timestamp,
 * key ID, and digest are located by ntpd relative to the start of the
 * packet, and the size of the digest is then implied by the packet
 * size.
static int
	int implcode,
	int reqcode,
	int auth,
	u_int qitems,
	size_t qsize,
	char *qdata
	struct req_pkt qpkt;
	size_t	datasize;
	size_t	reqsize;
	u_long	key_id;
	l_fp	ts;
	l_fp *	ptstamp;
	int	maclen;
	char *	pass;

	memset(&qpkt, 0, sizeof(qpkt));

	qpkt.rm_vn_mode = RM_VN_MODE(0, 0, 0);
	qpkt.implementation = (u_char)implcode;
	qpkt.request = (u_char)reqcode;

	datasize = qitems * qsize;
	if (datasize && qdata != NULL) {
		memcpy(, qdata, datasize);
		qpkt.err_nitems = ERR_NITEMS(0, qitems);
		qpkt.mbz_itemsize = MBZ_ITEMSIZE(qsize);
	} else {
		qpkt.err_nitems = ERR_NITEMS(0, 0);
		qpkt.mbz_itemsize = MBZ_ITEMSIZE(qsize);  /* allow for optional first item */

	if (!auth || (keyid_entered && info_auth_keyid == 0)) {
		qpkt.auth_seq = AUTH_SEQ(0, 0);
		return sendpkt(&qpkt, req_pkt_size);

	if (info_auth_keyid == 0) {
		key_id = getkeyid("Keyid: ");
		if (!key_id) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Invalid key identifier\n");
			return 1;
		info_auth_keyid = key_id;
	if (!authistrusted(info_auth_keyid)) {
		pass = getpass_keytype(info_auth_keytype);
		if ('\0' == pass[0]) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Invalid password\n");
			return 1;
		authusekey(info_auth_keyid, info_auth_keytype,
			   (u_char *)pass);
		authtrust(info_auth_keyid, 1);
	qpkt.auth_seq = AUTH_SEQ(1, 0);
	if (info_auth_hashlen > 16) {
		 * Only ntpd which expects REQ_LEN_NOMAC plus maclen
		 * octets in an authenticated request using a 16 octet
		 * digest (that is, a newer ntpd) will handle digests
		 * larger than 16 octets, so for longer digests, do
		 * not attempt to shorten the requests for downlevel
		 * ntpd compatibility.
		if (REQ_LEN_NOMAC != req_pkt_size)
			return 1;
		reqsize = REQ_LEN_HDR + datasize + sizeof(*ptstamp);
		/* align to 32 bits */
		reqsize = (reqsize + 3) & ~3;
	} else
		reqsize = req_pkt_size;
	ptstamp = (void *)((char *)&qpkt + reqsize);
	L_ADD(&ts, &delay_time);
	HTONL_FP(&ts, ptstamp);
	maclen = authencrypt(info_auth_keyid, (void *)&qpkt, reqsize);
	if (!maclen) {  
		fprintf(stderr, "Key not found\n");
		return 1;
	} else if (maclen != (info_auth_hashlen + sizeof(keyid_t))) {
			"%d octet MAC, %lu expected with %lu octet digest\n",
			maclen, (u_long)(info_auth_hashlen + sizeof(keyid_t)),
		return 1;
	return sendpkt(&qpkt, reqsize + maclen);
Beispiel #6
 * Function:    tsync_poll()
 * Description: Retrieve time from the TSYNC device.
 * Parameters:
 *     IN:  unit - not used.
 *         *peer - pointer to this reference clock's peer structure
 *     Returns: none.
static void tsync_poll(int unit, struct peer *peer)
    char                 device[32];
    struct refclockproc *pp;
    struct calendar      jt;
    TsyncUnit           *up;
    unsigned char        synch;
    double               seconds;
    int                  err;
    int                  err1;
    int                  err2;
    int                  err3;
    int                  i;
    int                  j;
    unsigned int         itAllocationLength;
    unsigned int         itAllocationLength1;
    unsigned int         itAllocationLength2;
    NtpTimeObj           TimeContext;
    BoardObj             hBoard;
    char                 timeRef[TSYNC_REF_LEN + 1];
    char                 ppsRef [TSYNC_REF_LEN + 1];
    TIME_SCALE           tmscl = TIME_SCALE_UTC;
    LeapSecondObj        leapSec;
    ioctl_trans_di      *it;
    ioctl_trans_di      *it1;
    ioctl_trans_di      *it2;
    l_fp                 offset;
    l_fp                 ltemp;
    ReferenceObj *	 pRefObj;

    /* Construct the device name */
    sprintf(device, "%s%d", DEVICE, (int)peer->refclkunit);

    printf("Polling device number %d...\n", (int)peer->refclkunit);

    /* Open the TSYNC device */
    hBoard.file_descriptor = open(device, O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY, 0777);

    /* If error opening TSYNC device... */
    if (hBoard.file_descriptor < 0)
        msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't open device");

    /* If error while initializing the board... */
    if (ioctl(hBoard.file_descriptor, IOCTL_TPRO_OPEN, &hBoard) < 0)
        msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't initialize device");

    /* Allocate memory for ioctl message */
    itAllocationLength =
        (sizeof(ioctl_trans_di) - DI_PAYLOADS_STARTER_LENGTH) +

    it = (ioctl_trans_di*)alloca(itAllocationLength);
    if (it == NULL) {
        msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't allocate transaction memory - Reference");

    /* Build SS_GetRef ioctl message */
    it->dest             = TSYNC_REF_DEST_ID;
    it->iid              = TSYNC_REF_IID;
    it->inPayloadOffset  = TSYNC_REF_IN_PYLD_OFF;
    it->inLength         = TSYNC_REF_IN_LEN;
    it->outPayloadOffset = TSYNC_REF_OUT_PYLD_OFF;
    it->maxOutLength     = TSYNC_REF_MAX_OUT_LEN;
    it->actualOutLength  = 0;
    it->status           = 0;
    memset(it->payloads, 0, TSYNC_REF_MAX_OUT_LEN);

    /* Read the reference from the TSYNC-PCI device */
    err = ioctl(hBoard.file_descriptor,
                (char *)it);

    /* Allocate memory for ioctl message */
    itAllocationLength1 =
        (sizeof(ioctl_trans_di) - DI_PAYLOADS_STARTER_LENGTH) +

    it1 = (ioctl_trans_di*)alloca(itAllocationLength1);
    if (it1 == NULL) {
        msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't allocate transaction memory - Time Scale");

    /* Build CS_GetTimeScale ioctl message */
    it1->dest             = TSYNC_TMSCL_DEST_ID;
    it1->iid              = TSYNC_TMSCL_IID;
    it1->inPayloadOffset  = TSYNC_TMSCL_IN_PYLD_OFF;
    it1->inLength         = TSYNC_TMSCL_IN_LEN;
    it1->outPayloadOffset = TSYNC_TMSCL_OUT_PYLD_OFF;
    it1->maxOutLength     = TSYNC_TMSCL_MAX_OUT_LEN;
    it1->actualOutLength  = 0;
    it1->status           = 0;
    memset(it1->payloads, 0, TSYNC_TMSCL_MAX_OUT_LEN);

    /* Read the Time Scale info from the TSYNC-PCI device */
    err1 = ioctl(hBoard.file_descriptor,
                 (char *)it1);

    /* Allocate memory for ioctl message */
    itAllocationLength2 =
        (sizeof(ioctl_trans_di) - DI_PAYLOADS_STARTER_LENGTH) +

    it2 = (ioctl_trans_di*)alloca(itAllocationLength2);
    if (it2 == NULL) {
        msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't allocate transaction memory - Leap Second");

    /* Build CS_GetLeapSec ioctl message */
    it2->dest             = TSYNC_LEAP_DEST_ID;
    it2->iid              = TSYNC_LEAP_IID;
    it2->inPayloadOffset  = TSYNC_LEAP_IN_PYLD_OFF;
    it2->inLength         = TSYNC_LEAP_IN_LEN;
    it2->outPayloadOffset = TSYNC_LEAP_OUT_PYLD_OFF;
    it2->maxOutLength     = TSYNC_LEAP_MAX_OUT_LEN;
    it2->actualOutLength  = 0;
    it2->status           = 0;
    memset(it2->payloads, 0, TSYNC_LEAP_MAX_OUT_LEN);

    /* Read the leap seconds info from the TSYNC-PCI device */
    err2 = ioctl(hBoard.file_descriptor,
                 (char *)it2);

    pp = peer->procptr;
    up = (TsyncUnit*)pp->unitptr;

    /* Read the time from the TSYNC-PCI device */
    err3 = ioctl(hBoard.file_descriptor,
                 (char *)&TimeContext);

    /* Close the TSYNC device */

    // Check for errors
    if ((err < 0) ||(err1 < 0) || (err2 < 0) || (err3 < 0) ||
        (it->status != 0) || (it1->status != 0) || (it2->status != 0) ||
        (it->actualOutLength  != TSYNC_REF_OUT_LEN) ||
        (it1->actualOutLength != TSYNC_TMSCL_OUT_LEN) ||
        (it2->actualOutLength != TSYNC_LEAP_OUT_LEN)) {
        refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_FAULT);

    // Extract reference identifiers from ioctl payload
    memset(timeRef, '\0', sizeof(timeRef));
    memset(ppsRef, '\0', sizeof(ppsRef));
    pRefObj = (void *)it->payloads;
    memcpy(timeRef, pRefObj->time, TSYNC_REF_LEN);
    memcpy(ppsRef, pRefObj->pps, TSYNC_REF_LEN);

    // Extract the Clock Service Time Scale and convert to correct byte order
    memcpy(&tmscl, ((TIME_SCALE*)(it1->payloads)), sizeof(tmscl));
    tmscl = ntohl(tmscl);

    // Extract leap second info from ioctl payload and perform byte swapping
    for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(leapSec) / 4); i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            ((unsigned char*)&leapSec)[(i * 4) + j] =
                    ((unsigned char*)(it2->payloads))[(i * 4) + (3 - j)];

    // Determine time reference ID from reference name
    for (i = 0; RefIdLookupTbl[i].pRef != NULL; i++)
       // Search RefID table
       if (strstr(timeRef, RefIdLookupTbl[i].pRef) != NULL)
          // Found the matching string

    // Determine pps reference ID from reference name
    for (j = 0; RefIdLookupTbl[j].pRef != NULL; j++)
       // Search RefID table
       if (strstr(ppsRef, RefIdLookupTbl[j].pRef) != NULL)
          // Found the matching string

    // Determine synchronization state from flags
    synch = (TimeContext.timeObj.flags == 0x4) ? 1 : 0;

    // Pull seconds information from time object
    seconds = (double) (TimeContext.timeObj.secsDouble);
    seconds /= (double) 1000000.0;

    ** Convert the number of microseconds to double and then place in the
    ** peer's last received long floating point format.
    DTOLFP(((double) / 1000000.0), &pp->lastrec);

    ** The specTimeStamp is the number of seconds since 1/1/1970, while the
    ** peer's lastrec time should be compatible with NTP which is seconds since
    ** 1/1/1900.  So Add the number of seconds between 1900 and 1970 to the
    ** specTimeStamp and place in the peer's lastrec long floating point struct.
    pp->lastrec.Ul_i.Xl_ui += (unsigned int) +


    **  set the reference clock object
    sprintf(pp->a_lastcode, "%03d %02d:%02d:%02.6f",
            TimeContext.timeObj.days, TimeContext.timeObj.hours,
            TimeContext.timeObj.minutes, seconds);

    pp->lencode = strlen (pp->a_lastcode);
    pp->day     = TimeContext.timeObj.days;
    pp->hour    = TimeContext.timeObj.hours;
    pp->minute  = TimeContext.timeObj.minutes;
    pp->second  = (int) seconds;
    seconds     = (seconds - (double) (pp->second / 1.0)) * 1000000000;
    pp->nsec    = (long) seconds;

    **  calculate year start
    jt.year       = TimeContext.timeObj.year;
    jt.yearday    = 1;
    jt.monthday   = 1;
    jt.month      = 1;
    jt.hour       = 0;
    jt.minute     = 0;
    jt.second     = 0;
    pp->yearstart = caltontp(&jt);

    // Calculate and report reference clock offset
    offset.l_ui = (long)(((pp->day - 1) * 24) + pp->hour + GMT);
    offset.l_ui = (offset.l_ui * 60) + (long)pp->minute;
    offset.l_ui = (offset.l_ui * 60) + (long)pp->second;
    offset.l_ui = offset.l_ui + (long)pp->yearstart;
    offset.l_uf = 0;
    DTOLFP(pp->nsec / 1e9, &ltemp);
    L_ADD(&offset, &ltemp);
    refclock_process_offset(pp, offset, pp->lastrec,

    // KTS in sync
    if (synch) {
        // Subtract leap second info by one second to determine effective day
        ApplyTimeOffset(&(leapSec.utcDate), -1);

        // If there is a leap second today and the KTS is using a time scale
        // which handles leap seconds then
        if ((tmscl != TIME_SCALE_GPS) && (tmscl != TIME_SCALE_TAI) &&
            (leapSec.utcDate.year == (unsigned int)TimeContext.timeObj.year) &&
            (leapSec.utcDate.doy  == (unsigned int)TimeContext.timeObj.days))
            // If adding a second
            if (leapSec.offset == 1)
                pp->leap = LEAP_ADDSECOND;
            // Else if removing a second
            else if (leapSec.offset == -1)
                pp->leap = LEAP_DELSECOND;
            // Else report no leap second pending (no handling of offsets
            // other than +1 or -1)
                pp->leap = LEAP_NOWARNING;
        // Else report no leap second pending
            pp->leap = LEAP_NOWARNING;

        peer->leap = pp->leap;
        refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_NOMINAL);

        // If reference name reported, then not in holdover
        if ((RefIdLookupTbl[i].pRef != NULL) &&
            (RefIdLookupTbl[j].pRef != NULL))
            // Determine if KTS being synchronized by host (identified as
            // "LOCL")
            if ((strcmp(RefIdLookupTbl[i].pRefId, TSYNC_REF_LOCAL) == 0) ||
                (strcmp(RefIdLookupTbl[j].pRefId, TSYNC_REF_LOCAL) == 0))
                // Clear prefer flag
                peer->flags &= ~FLAG_PREFER;

                // Set reference clock stratum level as unusable
                pp->stratum   = STRATUM_UNSPEC;
                peer->stratum = pp->stratum;

                // If a valid peer is available
                if ((sys_peer != NULL) && (sys_peer != peer))
                    // Store reference peer stratum level and ID
                    up->refStratum = sys_peer->stratum;
                    up->refId      = addr2refid(&sys_peer->srcadr);
                // Restore prefer flag
                peer->flags |= up->refPrefer;

                // Store reference stratum as local clock
                up->refStratum = TSYNC_LCL_STRATUM;
                strncpy((char *)&up->refId, RefIdLookupTbl[j].pRefId,

                // Set reference clock stratum level as local clock
                pp->stratum   = TSYNC_LCL_STRATUM;
                peer->stratum = pp->stratum;

            // Update reference name
            strncpy((char *)&pp->refid, RefIdLookupTbl[j].pRefId,
            peer->refid = pp->refid;
        // Else in holdover
            // Restore prefer flag
            peer->flags |= up->refPrefer;

            // Update reference ID to saved ID
            pp->refid   = up->refId;
            peer->refid = pp->refid;

            // Update stratum level to saved stratum level
            pp->stratum   = up->refStratum;
            peer->stratum = pp->stratum;
    // Else KTS not in sync
    else {
        // Place local identifier in peer RefID
        strncpy((char *)&pp->refid, TSYNC_REF_LOCAL, TSYNC_REF_LEN);
        peer->refid = pp->refid;

        // Report not in sync
        pp->leap   = LEAP_NOTINSYNC;
        peer->leap = pp->leap;

    if (pp->coderecv == pp->codeproc) {
        refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_TIMEOUT);

    record_clock_stats(&peer->srcadr, pp->a_lastcode);

    /* Increment the number of times the reference has been polled */

} /* End - tsync_poll() */
Beispiel #7
	double step
	time_t pivot; /* for ntp era unfolding */
	struct timeval timetv, tvlast, tvdiff;
	struct timespec timets;
	struct calendar jd;
	l_fp fp_ofs, fp_sys; /* offset and target system time in FP */

	 * Get pivot time for NTP era unfolding. Since we don't step
	 * very often, we can afford to do the whole calculation from
	 * scratch. And we're not in the time-critical path yet.
	 * This code makes sure the resulting time stamp for the new
	 * system time is in the 2^32 seconds starting at 1970-01-01,
	 * 00:00:00 UTC.
	pivot = 0x80000000;
	 * Add the compile time minus 10 years to get a possible target
	 * area of (compile time - 10 years) to (compile time + 126
	 * years).  This should be sufficient for a given binary of
	 * NTPD.
	if (ntpcal_get_build_date(&jd)) {
		jd.year -= 10;
		pivot += ntpcal_date_to_time(&jd);
	} else {
			"step-systime: assume 1970-01-01 as build date");
	/* This makes sure the resulting time stamp is on or after
	 * 1969-12-31/23:59:59 UTC and gives us additional two years,
	 * from the change of NTP era in 2036 to the UNIX rollover in
	 * 2038. (Minus one second, but that won't hurt.) We *really*
	 * need a longer 'time_t' after that!  Or a different baseline,
	 * but that would cause other serious trouble, too.
	pivot = 0x7FFFFFFF;

	/* get the complete jump distance as l_fp */
	DTOLFP(sys_residual, &fp_sys);
	DTOLFP(step,         &fp_ofs);
	L_ADD(&fp_ofs, &fp_sys);

	/* ---> time-critical path starts ---> */

	/* get the current time as l_fp (without fuzz) and as struct timeval */
	fp_sys = tspec_stamp_to_lfp(timets);
	tvlast.tv_sec = timets.tv_sec;
	tvlast.tv_usec = (timets.tv_nsec + 500) / 1000;

	/* get the target time as l_fp */
	L_ADD(&fp_sys, &fp_ofs);

	/* unfold the new system time */
	timetv = lfp_stamp_to_tval(fp_sys, &pivot);

	/* now set new system time */
	if (ntp_set_tod(&timetv, NULL) != 0) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "step-systime: %m");
		return FALSE;

	/* <--- time-critical path ended with 'ntp_set_tod()' <--- */

	sys_residual = 0;
	lamport_violated = (step < 0);
	if (step_callback)

	 * CHECKME: is this correct when called by ntpdate?????

	 * FreeBSD, for example, has:
	 * struct utmp {
	 *	   char    ut_line[UT_LINESIZE];
	 *	   char    ut_name[UT_NAMESIZE];
	 *	   char    ut_host[UT_HOSTSIZE];
	 *	   long    ut_time;
	 * };
	 * and appends line="|", name="date", host="", time for the OLD
	 * and appends line="{", name="date", host="", time for the NEW
	 * to _PATH_WTMP .
	 * Some OSes have utmp, some have utmpx.

	 * Write old and new time entries in utmp and wtmp if step
	 * adjustment is greater than one second.
	 * This might become even Uglier...
	tvdiff = abs_tval(sub_tval(timetv, tvlast));
	if (tvdiff.tv_sec > 0) {
#ifdef HAVE_UTMP_H
		struct utmp ut;
		struct utmpx utx;

#ifdef HAVE_UTMP_H

		/* UTMP */

#  ifndef _PATH_UTMP
#  endif
		ut.ut_type = OLD_TIME;
		strlcpy(ut.ut_line, OTIME_MSG, sizeof(ut.ut_line));
		ut.ut_time = tvlast.tv_sec;
		ut.ut_type = NEW_TIME;
		strlcpy(ut.ut_line, NTIME_MSG, sizeof(ut.ut_line));
		ut.ut_time = timetv.tv_sec;
# else /* not HAVE_PUTUTLINE */
# endif /* not HAVE_PUTUTLINE */
#endif /* UPDATE_UTMP */

		/* UTMPX */

		utx.ut_type = OLD_TIME;
		strlcpy(utx.ut_line, OTIME_MSG, sizeof(utx.ut_line));
		utx.ut_tv = tvlast;
		utx.ut_type = NEW_TIME;
		strlcpy(utx.ut_line, NTIME_MSG, sizeof(utx.ut_line));
		utx.ut_tv = timetv;
# else /* not HAVE_PUTUTXLINE */
# endif /* not HAVE_PUTUTXLINE */
#endif /* UPDATE_UTMPX */

		/* WTMP */

#  ifndef _PATH_WTMP
#  endif
		ut.ut_type = OLD_TIME;
		strlcpy(ut.ut_line, OTIME_MSG, sizeof(ut.ut_line));
		ut.ut_time = tvlast.tv_sec;
		ut.ut_type = NEW_TIME;
		strlcpy(ut.ut_line, NTIME_MSG, sizeof(ut.ut_line));
		ut.ut_time = timetv.tv_sec;
# else /* not HAVE_PUTUTLINE */
# endif /* not HAVE_PUTUTLINE */
#endif /* UPDATE_WTMP */

		/* WTMPX */

		utx.ut_type = OLD_TIME;
		utx.ut_tv = tvlast;
		strlcpy(utx.ut_line, OTIME_MSG, sizeof(utx.ut_line));
		updwtmpx(WTMPX_FILE, &utx);
#  else /* not HAVE_UPDWTMPX */
#  endif /* not HAVE_UPDWTMPX */
# else /* not HAVE_PUTUTXLINE */
# endif /* not HAVE_PUTUTXLINE */
		utx.ut_type = NEW_TIME;
		utx.ut_tv = timetv;
		strlcpy(utx.ut_line, NTIME_MSG, sizeof(utx.ut_line));
		updwtmpx(WTMPX_FILE, &utx);
#  else /* not HAVE_UPDWTMPX */
#  endif /* not HAVE_UPDWTMPX */
# else /* not HAVE_PUTUTXLINE */
# endif /* not HAVE_PUTUTXLINE */
#endif /* UPDATE_WTMPX */

	return TRUE;
Beispiel #8
 * get_systime - return system time in NTP timestamp format.
	l_fp *now		/* system time */
	static struct timespec	ts_prev;	/* prior os time */
	static l_fp		lfp_prev;	/* prior result */
	static double		dfuzz_prev;	/* prior fuzz */
	struct timespec ts;	/* seconds and nanoseconds */
	struct timespec ts_min;	/* earliest permissible */
	struct timespec ts_lam;	/* lamport fictional increment */
	struct timespec ts_prev_log;	/* for msyslog only */
	double	dfuzz;
	double	ddelta;
	l_fp	result;
	l_fp	lfpfuzz;
	l_fp	lfpdelta;


	 * After default_get_precision() has set a nonzero sys_fuzz,
	 * ensure every reading of the OS clock advances by at least
	 * sys_fuzz over the prior reading, thereby assuring each
	 * fuzzed result is strictly later than the prior.  Limit the
	 * necessary fiction to 1 second.
	if (!USING_SIGIO()) {
		ts_min = add_tspec_ns(ts_prev, sys_fuzz_nsec);
		if (cmp_tspec(ts, ts_min) < 0) {
			ts_lam = sub_tspec(ts_min, ts);
			if (ts_lam.tv_sec > 0 && !lamport_violated) {
					"get_systime Lamport advance exceeds one second (%.9f)",
					ts_lam.tv_sec +
					    1e-9 * ts_lam.tv_nsec);
			if (!lamport_violated)
				ts = ts_min;
		ts_prev_log = ts_prev;
		ts_prev = ts;
	} else {
		 * Quiet "ts_prev_log.tv_sec may be used uninitialized"
		 * warning from x86 gcc 4.5.2.

	/* convert from timespec to l_fp fixed-point */
	result = tspec_stamp_to_lfp(ts);

	 * Add in the fuzz.
	dfuzz = ntp_random() * 2. / FRAC * sys_fuzz;
	DTOLFP(dfuzz, &lfpfuzz);
	L_ADD(&result, &lfpfuzz);

	 * Ensure result is strictly greater than prior result (ignoring
	 * sys_residual's effect for now) once sys_fuzz has been
	 * determined.
	if (!USING_SIGIO()) {
		if (!L_ISZERO(&lfp_prev) && !lamport_violated) {
			if (!L_ISGTU(&result, &lfp_prev) &&
			    sys_fuzz > 0.) {
				msyslog(LOG_ERR, "ts_prev %s ts_min %s",
				msyslog(LOG_ERR, "ts %s", tspectoa(ts));
				msyslog(LOG_ERR, "sys_fuzz %ld nsec, prior fuzz %.9f",
					sys_fuzz_nsec, dfuzz_prev);
				msyslog(LOG_ERR, "this fuzz %.9f",
				lfpdelta = lfp_prev;
				L_SUB(&lfpdelta, &result);
				LFPTOD(&lfpdelta, ddelta);
					"prev get_systime 0x%x.%08x is %.9f later than 0x%x.%08x",
					lfp_prev.l_ui, lfp_prev.l_uf,
					ddelta, result.l_ui, result.l_uf);
		lfp_prev = result;
		dfuzz_prev = dfuzz;
		if (lamport_violated) 
			lamport_violated = FALSE;
	*now = result;
Beispiel #9
 * vme_poll - called by the transmit procedure
static void
	int unit,
	struct peer *peer
	struct vmedate *tptr; 
	struct vmeunit *vme;
	l_fp tstmp;
	time_t tloc;
	struct tm *tadr;
	long ltemp;

	if (unit >= MAXUNITS) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "vme_poll: unit %d invalid", unit);
	if (!unitinuse[unit]) {
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "vme_poll: unit %d not in use", unit);
	vme = vmeunits[unit];        /* Here is the structure */

	tptr = &vme->vmedata; 
	if ((tptr = get_gpsvme_time()) == NULL ) {
		vme_report_event(vme, CEVNT_BADREPLY);

	vme->lasttime = current_time;

	 * Get VME time and convert to timestamp format. 
	 * The year must come from the system clock.
	  tadr = gmtime(&tloc);
	  tptr->year = (unsigned short)(tadr->tm_year + 1900);

		"%3.3d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%.6d %1d\0",
		tptr->doy, tptr->hr, tptr->mn,
		tptr->sec, tptr->frac, tptr->status);

	record_clock_stats(&(vme->peer->srcadr), vme->lastcode);
	vme->lencode = (u_short) strlen(vme->lastcode);

	vme->day =  tptr->doy;
	vme->hour =   tptr->hr;
	vme->minute =  tptr->mn;
	vme->second =  tptr->sec;
	vme->nsec =   tptr->frac * 1000;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug)
	    printf("vme: %3d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld %1x\n",
		   vme->day, vme->hour, vme->minute, vme->second,
		   vme->nsec, tptr->status);
	if (tptr->status ) {       /*  Status 0 is locked to ref., 1 is not */
		vme_report_event(vme, CEVNT_BADREPLY);

	 * Now, compute the reference time value. Use the heavy
	 * machinery for the seconds and the millisecond field for the
	 * fraction when present. If an error in conversion to internal
	 * format is found, the program declares bad data and exits.
	 * Note that this code does not yet know how to do the years and
	 * relies on the clock-calendar chip for sanity.
	if (!clocktime(vme->day, vme->hour, vme->minute,
		       vme->second, GMT, vme->lastrec.l_ui,
		       &vme->yearstart, &vme->lastref.l_ui)) {
		vme_report_event(vme, CEVNT_BADTIME);
		msyslog(LOG_ERR, "refclock_gpsvme: bad data!!");
	vme->lastref.l_uf = 0;
	DTOLFP(vme->nsec / 1e9, &ltemp);
	L_ADD(&vme->lastrec, &ltemp);
	tstmp = vme->lastref;

	L_SUB(&tstmp, &vme->lastrec);

	L_ADD(&tstmp, &(fudgefactor[vme->unit]));
	vme->lastref = vme->lastrec;
Beispiel #10
** Function:            LsptoA()
** Description:     Converts LSP frequencies to LPC coefficients
**          for a subframe.  Sum and difference
**          polynomials are computed from the LSP
**          frequencies (which are the roots of these
**          polynomials).  The LPC coefficients are then
**          computed by adding the sum and difference
**          polynomials.
** Links to text:   Sections 2.7, 3.3
** Arguments:       
**  Word16 Lsp[]        LSP frequencies (10 words)
** Outputs:
**  Word16 Lsp[]        LPC coefficients (10 words)
** Return value:        None
void  LsptoA( Word16 *Lsp )
    int   i,j   ;

    Word32   Acc0,Acc1   ;
    Word16   Tmp ;

    Word32   P[LpcOrder/2+1] ;
    Word32   Q[LpcOrder/2+1] ;

  * Compute the cosines of the LSP frequencies by table lookup and
  * linear interpolation
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {

  * Do the table lookup using bits [15:7] of the LSP frequency
        j = (int) shr( Lsp[i], (Word16) 7 ) ;
        Acc0 = L_deposit_h( CosineTable[j] ) ;

  * Do the linear interpolations using bits [6:0] of the LSP
  * frequency
        Tmp = sub(CosineTable[j+1], CosineTable[j] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tmp, add( shl( (Word16)(Lsp[i] & 0x007f) ,
                                (Word16)8 ), (Word16) 0x0080 ) ) ;
        Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, (Word16) 1 ) ;
        Lsp[i] = negate( round( Acc0 ) ) ;

  * Compute the sum and difference polynomials with the real roots
  * removed.  These are computed by polynomial multiplication as
  * follows.  Let the sum polynomial be P(z).  Define the elementary
  * polynomials P_i(z) = 1 - 2cos(w_i) z^{-1} + z^{-2}, for 1<=i<=
  * 5, where {w_i} are the LSP frequencies corresponding to the sum
  * polynomial.  Then P(z) = P_1(z)P_2(z)...P_5(z).  Similarly
  * the difference polynomial Q(z) = Q_1(z)Q_2(z)...Q_5(z).

  * Initialize the arrays with the coefficients of the product
  * P_1(z)P_2(z) and Q_1(z)Q_2(z).  Scale by 1/8.
    P[0] = (Word32) 0x10000000L ;
    P[1] = L_mult( Lsp[0], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
    P[1] = L_mac( P[1], Lsp[2], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
    P[2] = L_mult( Lsp[0], Lsp[2] ) ;
    P[2] = L_shr( P[2], (Word16) 1 ) ;
    P[2] = L_add( P[2], (Word32) 0x20000000L ) ;

    Q[0] = (Word32) 0x10000000L ;
    Q[1] = L_mult( Lsp[1], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
    Q[1] = L_mac( Q[1], Lsp[3], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
    Q[2] = L_mult( Lsp[1], Lsp[3] ) ;
    Q[2] = L_shr( Q[2], (Word16) 1 ) ;
    Q[2] = L_add( Q[2], (Word32) 0x20000000L ) ;

  * Compute the intermediate polynomials P_1(z)P_2(z)...P_i(z) and
  * Q_1(z)Q_2(z)...Q_i(z), for i = 2, 3, 4.  Each intermediate
  * polynomial is symmetric, so only the coefficients up to i+1 need
  * by computed.  Scale by 1/2 each iteration for a total of 1/8.
    for ( i = 2 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {

        /* Compute coefficient (i+1) */
        Acc0 = P[i] ;
        Acc0 = L_mls( Acc0, Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
 //       Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[i-1] ) ;
		L_ADD(Acc0, P[i-1], Acc0);
        P[i+1] = Acc0 ;

        Acc1 = Q[i] ;
        Acc1 = L_mls( Acc1, Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
//        Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[i-1] ) ;
		L_ADD(Acc1, Q[i-1], Acc1);
        Q[i+1] = Acc1 ;

        /* Compute coefficients i, i-1, ..., 2 */
        for ( j = i ; j >= 2 ; j -- ) {
            Acc0 = P[j-1] ;
            Acc0 = L_mls( Acc0, Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
            Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, L_shr(P[j], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
            Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, L_shr(P[j-2], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
            P[j] = Acc0 ;

            Acc1 = Q[j-1] ;
            Acc1 = L_mls( Acc1, Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
            Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, L_shr(Q[j], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
            Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, L_shr(Q[j-2], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
            Q[j] = Acc1 ;

        /* Compute coefficients 1, 0 */
        P[0] = L_shr( P[0], (Word16) 1 ) ;
        Q[0] = L_shr( Q[0], (Word16) 1 ) ;

        Acc0 = L_deposit_h( Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_shr( Acc0, (Word16) i ) ;
        Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[1] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_shr( Acc0, (Word16) 1 ) ;
        P[1] = Acc0 ;

        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) i ) ;
        Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[1] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 1 ) ;
        Q[1] = Acc1 ;

  * Convert the sum and difference polynomials to LPC coefficients
  * The LPC polynomial is the sum of the sum and difference
  * polynomials with the real zeros factored in: A(z) = 1/2 {P(z) (1
  * + z^{-1}) + Q(z) (1 - z^{-1})}.  The LPC coefficients are scaled
  * here by 16; the overall scale factor for the LPC coefficients
  * returned by this function is therefore 1/4.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {
        Acc0 = P[i] ;
        Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[i+1] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Q[i] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Q[i+1] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, (Word16) 3 ) ;
        Lsp[i] = negate( round( Acc0 ) ) ;

        Acc1 = P[i] ;
        Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, P[i+1] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_sub( Acc1, Q[i+1] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shl( Acc1, (Word16) 3 ) ;
        Lsp[LpcOrder-1-i] = negate( round( Acc1 ) ) ;

Beispiel #11
** Function:            AtoLsp()
** Description:     Transforms 10 LPC coefficients to the 10
**          corresponding LSP frequencies for a subframe.
**          This transformation is done once per frame,
**          for subframe 3 only.  The transform algorithm
**          generates sum and difference polynomials from
**          the LPC coefficients.  It then evaluates the
**          sum and difference polynomials at uniform
**          intervals of pi/256 along the unit circle.
**          Intervals where a sign change occurs are
**          interpolated to find the zeros of the
**          polynomials, which are the LSP frequencies.
** Links to text:   Section 2.5
** Arguments:       
**  Word16 *LspVect     Empty Buffer
**  Word16 Lpc[]        Unquantized LPC coefficients (10 words)
**  Word16 PrevLsp[]    LSP frequencies from the previous frame (10 words)
** Outputs:
**  Word16 LspVect[]    LSP frequencies for the current frame (10 words)
** Return value:        None
void AtoLsp( Word16 *LspVect, Word16 *Lpc, Word16 *PrevLsp )

    int   i,j,k ;

    Word32   Lpq[LpcOrder+2] ;
    Word16   Spq[LpcOrder+2] ;

    Word16   Exp   ;
    Word16   LspCnt ;

    Word32   PrevVal,CurrVal   ;
    Word32   Acc0,Acc1   ;

  * Perform a bandwidth expansion on the LPC coefficients.  This
  * scales the poles of the LPC synthesis filter by a factor of
  * 0.994.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ )
        LspVect[i] = mult_r( Lpc[i], BandExpTable[i] ) ;

  * Compute the sum and difference polynomials with the roots at z =
  * -1 (sum) or z = +1 (difference) removed.  Let these polynomials
  * be P(z) and Q(z) respectively, and let their coefficients be
  * {p_i} amd {q_i}.  The coefficients are stored in the array Lpq[]
  * as follows: p_0, q_0, p_1, q_1, ..., p_5, q_5.  There is no need
  * to store the other coefficients because of symmetry.

  * Set p_0 = q_0 = 1.  The LPC coefficients are already scaled by
  *  1/4.  P(z) and Q(z) are scaled by an additional scaling factor of
  *  1/16, for an overall factor of 1/64 = 0x02000000L.

    Lpq[0] = Lpq[1] = (Word32) 0x02000000L ;

  * This loop computes the coefficients of P(z) and Q(z).  The long
  * division (to remove the real zeros) is done recursively.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {

        /* P(z) */
        Acc0 = L_negate( Lpq[2*i+0] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
        Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[LpcOrder-1-i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
        Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
        Lpq[2*i+2] = Acc0 ;

        /* Q(z) */
        Acc0 = Lpq[2*i+1] ;
        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;

        Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( LspVect[LpcOrder-1-i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 4 ) ;
 //       Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
		L_ADD(Acc0, Acc1, Acc0);
        Lpq[2*i+3] = Acc0 ;

  * Divide p_5 and q_5 by 2 for proper weighting during polynomial
  * evaluation.
    Lpq[LpcOrder+0] = L_shr( Lpq[LpcOrder+0], (Word16) 1 ) ;
    Lpq[LpcOrder+1] = L_shr( Lpq[LpcOrder+1], (Word16) 1 ) ;

  * Normalize the polynomial coefficients and convert to shorts

    /* Find the maximum */
    Acc1 = L_abs( Lpq[0] ) ;
    for ( i = 1 ; i < LpcOrder+2 ; i ++ ) {
        Acc0 = L_abs( Lpq[i] ) ;
        if ( Acc0 > Acc1 )
            Acc1 = Acc0 ;

    /* Compute the normalization factor */
    Exp = norm_l( Acc1 ) ;

    /* Normalize and convert to shorts */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder+2 ; i ++ ) {
        Acc0 = L_shl( Lpq[i], Exp ) ;
        Spq[i] = round( Acc0 ) ;

  * Initialize the search loop

  * The variable k is a flag that indicates which polynomial (sum or
  * difference) the algorithm is currently evaluating.  Start with
  * the sum.
    k = 0 ;

    /* Evaluate the sum polynomial at frequency zero */
    PrevVal = (Word32) 0 ;
    for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
        PrevVal = L_mac( PrevVal, Spq[2*j], CosineTable[0] ) ;

  * Search loop.  Evaluate P(z) and Q(z) at uniform intervals of
  * pi/256 along the unit circle.  Check for zero crossings.  The
  * zeros of P(w) and Q(w) alternate, so only one of them need by
  * evaluated at any given step.
    LspCnt = (Word16) 0 ;
    for ( i = 1 ; i < CosineTableSize/2 ; i ++ ) {

        /* Evaluate the selected polynomial */
        CurrVal = (Word32) 0 ;
        for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
            CurrVal = L_mac( CurrVal, Spq[LpcOrder-2*j+k],
                                    CosineTable[i*j%CosineTableSize] ) ;

        /* Check for a sign change, indicating a zero crossing */
        if ( (CurrVal ^ PrevVal) < (Word32) 0 ) {

  * Interpolate to find the bottom 7 bits of the
  * zero-crossing frequency
            Acc0 = L_abs( CurrVal ) ;
            Acc1 = L_abs( PrevVal ) ;
 //           Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Acc1 ) ;
			L_ADD(Acc0, Acc1, Acc0);

            /* Normalize the sum */
            Exp = norm_l( Acc0 ) ;
            Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, Exp ) ;
            Acc1 = L_shl( Acc1, Exp ) ;

            Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 8 ) ;

            LspVect[LspCnt] = div_l( Acc1, extract_h( Acc0 ) ) ;

  * Add the upper part of the zero-crossing frequency,
  * i.e. bits 7-15
            Exp = shl( (Word16) (i-1), (Word16) 7 ) ;
            LspVect[LspCnt] = add( LspVect[LspCnt], Exp ) ;
            LspCnt ++ ;

            /* Check if all zeros have been found */
            if ( LspCnt == (Word16) LpcOrder )
                break ;

  * Switch the pointer between sum and difference polynomials
            k ^= 1 ;

  * Evaluate the new polynomial at the current frequency
            CurrVal = (Word32) 0 ;
            for ( j = 0 ; j <= LpcOrder/2 ; j ++ )
                CurrVal = L_mac( CurrVal, Spq[LpcOrder-2*j+k],
                                    CosineTable[i*j%CosineTableSize] ) ;

        /* Update the previous value */
        PrevVal = CurrVal ;

  * Check if all 10 zeros were found.  If not, ignore the results of
  * the search and use the previous frame's LSP frequencies instead.
    if ( LspCnt != (Word16) LpcOrder ) {
        for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ )
            LspVect[j] = PrevLsp[j] ;

    return ;
Beispiel #12
** Function:            Lsp_Svq()
** Description:     Performs the search of the VQ tables to find
**          the optimum LSP indices for all three bands.
**          For each band, the search finds the index which 
**          minimizes the weighted squared error between 
**          the table entry and the target.
** Links to text:   Section 2.5
** Arguments:       
**  Word16 Tv[]     VQ target vector (10 words)
**  Word16 Wvect[]      VQ weight vector (10 words)
** Outputs:         None
** Return value:    
**  Word32      Long word packed with the 3 VQ indices.  Band 0
**          corresponds to bits [23:16], band 1 corresponds
**          to bits [15:8], and band 2 corresponds to bits [7:0].
Word32   Lsp_Svq( Word16 *Tv, Word16 *Wvect )
    int   i,j,k ;

    Word32   Rez,Indx    ;
    Word32   Acc0,Acc1   ;

    Word16   Tmp[LpcOrder] ;
    Word16  *LspQntPnt  ;

  * Initialize the return value
    Rez = (Word32) 0 ;

  * Quantize each band separately
    for ( k = 0 ; k < LspQntBands ; k ++ ) {

  * Search over the entire VQ table to find the index that
  * minimizes the error.

        /* Initialize the search */
        Acc1 = (Word32) -1 ;
        Indx = (Word32) 0 ;
        LspQntPnt = BandQntTable[k] ;

        for ( i = 0 ; i < LspCbSize ; i ++ ) {

  * Generate the metric, which is the negative error with the
  * constant component removed.
            for ( j = 0 ; j < BandInfoTable[k][1] ; j ++ )
                Tmp[j] = mult_r( Wvect[BandInfoTable[k][0]+j],
                                                            LspQntPnt[j] ) ;

            Acc0 = (Word32) 0 ;
            for ( j = 0 ; j < BandInfoTable[k][1] ; j ++ )
                Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tv[BandInfoTable[k][0]+j], Tmp[j] ) ;
            Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, (Word16) 1 ) ;
            for ( j = 0 ; j < BandInfoTable[k][1] ; j ++ )
                Acc0 = L_msu( Acc0, LspQntPnt[j], Tmp[j] ) ;

            LspQntPnt += BandInfoTable[k][1] ;

  * Compare the metric to the previous maximum and select the
  * new index
            if ( Acc0 > Acc1 ) {
                Acc1 = Acc0 ;
                Indx = (Word32) i ;

  * Pack the result with the optimum index for this band
        Rez = L_shl( Rez, (Word16) LspCbBits ) ;
 //       Rez = L_add( Rez, Indx ) ;
		L_ADD(Rez, Indx, Rez);

    return Rez ;
Beispiel #13
static int burst_process(mapidflib_function_instance_t *instance,
			MAPI_UNUSED unsigned char* dev_pkt,
			MAPI_UNUSED unsigned char* link_pkt,
			mapid_pkthdr_t* pkt_head) {

	struct burst_inst_struct *internal_data_ptr;
	int cat;

	// count with l_fp
	l_fp pkt_ts_min, pkt_ts_max, pkt_ts_exa, len_ts_min, len_ts_max, len_ts_exa;
	// store final values in ull
	unsigned long long pkt_ts_ull_min, pkt_ts_ull_max, pkt_ts_ull_exa;
	// gap
	unsigned long long gap_len_frac;
	double gap_len_s;
	unsigned long long gap_len_b;

// Debugging {{{
// just ascii art, not code
#ifdef __BURST_DEBUG
l_fp delta, pkt_ts, len_ts, assumed_ts;
double d_i, d_f;
l_fp laglead;
#ifndef __BURST_DEBUG
l_fp len_ts, assumed_ts;
double d_i, d_f;
unsigned long long assumed_ts_ull, len_ts_ull, laglead_ull;
l_fp laglead;
#ifndef __BURST_DEBUG
l_fp len_ts;
double d_i, d_f;
// }}}

	internal_data_ptr = (struct burst_inst_struct *) (instance->internal_data);

	// count min / max ts

	// start with last_pkt_ts
	pkt_ts_max = internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts;
	pkt_ts_min = internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts;
	pkt_ts_exa = internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts;

	// add wlen, iatime, +-
  DTOLFP(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen * internal_data_ptr->B_s + internal_data_ptr->iatime_s - internal_data_ptr->lead_s, len_ts_min);
  DTOLFP(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen * internal_data_ptr->B_s + internal_data_ptr->iatime_s + internal_data_ptr->lag_s, len_ts_max);
  DTOLFP(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen * internal_data_ptr->B_s + internal_data_ptr->iatime_s, len_ts_exa);
  L_ADD(pkt_ts_min, len_ts_min);
  L_ADD(pkt_ts_max, len_ts_max);
  L_ADD(pkt_ts_exa, len_ts_exa);

// Debugging {{{
unsigned long long lastullts;
LFPTOULL(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts, lastullts);
if(pkt_head->ts == lastullts) printf("* OMG, same timestamp as previous. Deja vu or what? Timestamps does not seem to be very reliable.\n");
if(pkt_head->ts < lastullts) printf("* OMG^2, timestamp smaller than previous. Timestamps does not seem to be very reliable.\n");

#ifdef __BURST_DEBUG
printf(">>> [ pkt_head->wlen: %d (B) ]\n", pkt_head->wlen);

ULLTOLFP(pkt_head->ts, delta);
L_SUB(delta, internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts);
LFPTODD(delta, d_i, d_f);
printf("with delt/\\: %012lu.%012lu (ntp) == %010.0f + %.012f (sec)\n", delta.l_ui, delta.l_uf, d_i, d_f);

//////printf("count with me: %u * %023.012f = %023.012f a+ %023.012f = %023.012f ok???\n", internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen, internal_data_ptr->B_s, internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen * internal_data_ptr->B_s, internal_data_ptr->iatime_s, internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen * internal_data_ptr->B_s + internal_data_ptr->iatime_s);
assumed_ts = internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts;
DTOLFP(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen * internal_data_ptr->B_s + internal_data_ptr->iatime_s, len_ts);
L_ADD(assumed_ts, len_ts);
LFPTODD(assumed_ts, d_i, d_f);
printf("assumed_ts=: %012lu.%012lu (ntp) == %010.0f + %.012f (sec)\n", assumed_ts.l_ui, assumed_ts.l_uf, d_i, d_f);

ULLTOLFP(pkt_head->ts, pkt_ts);
LFPTODD(pkt_ts, d_i, d_f);
printf("current_ts=: %012lu.%012lu (ntp) == %010.0f + %.012f (sec) %llu\n", pkt_ts.l_ui, pkt_ts.l_uf, d_i, d_f, pkt_head->ts);
//LFPTODD(pkt_ts_min, d_i, d_f);
//printf("          -: %012lu.%012lu (ntp) == %010.0f + %.012f (sec)\n", pkt_ts_min.l_ui, pkt_ts_min.l_uf, d_i, d_f);
//LFPTODD(pkt_ts_max, d_i, d_f);
//printf("          +: %012lu.%012lu (ntp) == %010.0f + %.012f (sec)\n", pkt_ts_max.l_ui, pkt_ts_max.l_uf, d_i, d_f);

assumed_ts = internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts;
DTOLFP(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen * internal_data_ptr->B_s + internal_data_ptr->iatime_s, len_ts);
L_ADD(assumed_ts, len_ts);
ULLTOLFP(pkt_head->ts, laglead);
L_SUB(laglead, assumed_ts);
LFPTODD(laglead, d_i, d_f);
printf("so lag/lead: %012lu.%012lu (ntp) == %010.0f + %.012f (sec)\n", laglead.l_ui, laglead.l_uf, d_i, d_f);

LFPTOULL(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts, assumed_ts_ull);
DTOLFP(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen * internal_data_ptr->B_s + internal_data_ptr->iatime_s, len_ts);
LFPTOULL(len_ts, len_ts_ull);
assumed_ts_ull += len_ts_ull;

laglead_ull = pkt_head->ts - assumed_ts_ull;
if(pkt_head->ts >= assumed_ts_ull) { // lag
	if(laglead_ull > internal_data_ptr->lagmax) { // update
		if(internal_data_ptr->initialized == 0) { // first time
			internal_data_ptr->initialized = 1; // initialize
		else { // update
			internal_data_ptr->lagmax = laglead_ull;
ULLTOLFP(laglead_ull, laglead);
LFPTODD(laglead, d_i, d_f);
printf("lagmax     : %012lu.%012lu (ntp) == %010.0f + %.012f (sec)\n", laglead.l_ui, laglead.l_uf, d_i, d_f);
else { // lead
	if(laglead_ull < internal_data_ptr->leadmax) { // update
		if(internal_data_ptr->initialized == 0) { // first time
			internal_data_ptr->initialized = 1; // initialize
		else {
			internal_data_ptr->leadmax = laglead_ull;
ULLTOLFP(laglead_ull, laglead);
LFPTODD(laglead, d_i, d_f);
printf("leadmax    : %012lu.%012lu (ntp) == %010.0f + %.012f (sec)\n", laglead.l_ui, laglead.l_uf, d_i, d_f);
// }}}

	// resolve bursts

	LFPTOULL(pkt_ts_min, pkt_ts_ull_min);
	LFPTOULL(pkt_ts_max, pkt_ts_ull_max);
	LFPTOULL(pkt_ts_exa, pkt_ts_ull_exa);

	// not burst
	if(pkt_head->ts < pkt_ts_ull_min || pkt_head->ts > pkt_ts_ull_max) {

		// count measurement into results
		if(internal_data_ptr->burst_bytes < (unsigned long) internal_data_ptr->min) {

// Debugging {{{
printf("process: I am sed :-( I wish I have [0.x] to save this burst into.\n");
// }}}

			cat = 0;
		else cat = ((internal_data_ptr->burst_bytes - internal_data_ptr->min) / internal_data_ptr->step) + 1; // +1: category 0 is reserved for <0, min>

		if(cat > internal_data_ptr->cats) {

// Debugging {{{
printf("process: I am sed :-( I wish I have [%d] to save this burst into.\n", cat);
// }}}

			cat = internal_data_ptr->cats;

		((burst_category_t *)instance->[cat].bytes   += internal_data_ptr->burst_bytes;
		((burst_category_t *)instance->[cat].packets += internal_data_ptr->burst_packets;
		if(internal_data_ptr->burst_bytes > 0) // not the very first packet
		((burst_category_t *)instance->[cat].bursts++;

// Debugging {{{
printf("process: save [%d / %d] += %lu B (= %lu B), += %lu pkts (= %lu pkts), +1 burst (= %lu bursts)\n", cat, internal_data_ptr->cats, internal_data_ptr->burst_bytes, ((burst_category_t *)instance->[cat].bytes, internal_data_ptr->burst_packets, ((burst_category_t *)instance->[cat].packets, ((burst_category_t *)instance->[cat].bursts);
// }}}
		// and start new measurement
		internal_data_ptr->burst_bytes = 0;   // reset collectors
		internal_data_ptr->burst_packets = 0;

		// NEW: store inter-burst gap size too

		if(internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen) { // if not first packet

			if(pkt_head->ts > pkt_ts_ull_exa) {
				gap_len_frac = pkt_head->ts - pkt_ts_ull_exa;
				ULLTOD(gap_len_frac, gap_len_s);
				gap_len_b = (unsigned long long) (gap_len_s / internal_data_ptr->B_s);
			else gap_len_b = 0;

			if(gap_len_b < (unsigned) internal_data_ptr->min) {
				cat = 0;
			} else cat = ((gap_len_b - internal_data_ptr->min) / internal_data_ptr->step) + 1; // +1: category 0 is reserved for <0, min>

			if(cat > internal_data_ptr->cats) {
				cat = internal_data_ptr->cats;

			((burst_category_t *)instance->[cat].gap_bytes += gap_len_b;
			if(internal_data_ptr->burst_bytes > 0) // not the very first packet
			((burst_category_t *)instance->[cat].gaps++;

	else { // if one bursts, show goes on

// Debugging {{{
printf("process: collect [x] (BURST detected)\n");
// }}}


	// count current into collector
	internal_data_ptr->burst_bytes += (unsigned long) pkt_head->wlen;

	// save pktinfo for next generation
	ULLTOLFP(pkt_head->ts, internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_ts);
	internal_data_ptr->last_pkt_wlen = pkt_head->wlen;

	return 1;
Beispiel #14
LFP& LFP::operator+=(const LFP & rhs)
	L_ADD(&_v, &rhs._v);
	return *this;
Beispiel #15
void Syn_filt (
    INT16 a[],     /* (i)     : a[m+1] prediction coefficients   (m=10)  */
    INT16 x[],     /* (i)     : input signal                             */
    INT16 y[],     /* (o)     : output signal                            */
    INT16 lg,      /* (i)     : size of filtering                        */
    INT16 mem[],   /* (i/o)   : memory associated with this filtering.   */
    INT16 update   /* (i)     : 0=no update, 1=update of memory.         */
    INT16 i;
    INT16* p_x = x;
    //INT32 s;
    INT16 tmp[80]={0};   /* This is usually done by memory allocation (lg+m) */
    INT16 *yy;

    register INT32 s_hi=0;
    register UINT32 s_lo=0;


    /* Copy mem[] to yy[] */

    yy = tmp;

    /*for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        *yy++ = mem[i];
    *yy++ = mem[0];
    *yy++ = mem[1];
    *yy++ = mem[2];
    *yy++ = mem[3];
    *yy++ = mem[4];
    *yy++ = mem[5];
    *yy++ = mem[6];
    *yy++ = mem[7];
    *yy++ = mem[8];
    *yy++ = mem[9];

    /* Do the filtering. */

    for (i = 0; i < lg; i++)
        //s = L_mult (x[i], a[0]);
		//s = L_MULT(x[i], a[0]);
		p_a = &a[0];
		VPP_MLX16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_x++), (*p_a++));

        //for (j = 1; j <= m; j++)
       // {
            //s = L_msu (s, a[j], yy[-j]);
			//s = L_MSU (s, a[j], yy[-j]);

        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-1]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-2]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-3]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-4]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-5]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-6]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-7]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-8]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a++), -yy[-9]);
        VPP_MLA16(s_hi,s_lo,(*p_a), -yy[-10]);
       // }
        //s = L_shl (s, 3);
        //s = VPP_SCALE64_TO_16(s_hi,s_lo);
        //s = L_SHL_SAT(s, 3);
		//*yy++ = ROUND(s);
		*yy++ = (INT16)(L_SHR_D(L_ADD((INT32)s_lo,0x800),12));

    for (i = 0; i < lg; i++)
        y[i] = tmp[i + m];

    /* Update of memory if update==1 */

    if (update != 0)
       // for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
       // {
        mem[0] = y[lg - m ];
        mem[1] = y[lg - m + 1];
        mem[2] = y[lg - m + 2];
        mem[3] = y[lg - m + 3];
        mem[4] = y[lg - m + 4];
        mem[5] = y[lg - m + 5];
        mem[6] = y[lg - m + 6];
        mem[7] = y[lg - m + 7];
        mem[8] = y[lg - m + 8];
        mem[9] = y[lg - m + 9];

       // }