Beispiel #1
void LatLonToUtmWGS84 (int& utmXZone, char& utmYZone,
	double& easting, double& northing, double lat, double lon)
	LatLonToUtm (6378137.0, 1 / 298.257223563, utmXZone, utmYZone,
		easting, northing, lat, lon);
Beispiel #2
// Purpose:
//  This function converts the specified lat/lon coordinate to a UTM
//  coordinate in the WGS84 datum.  (See the comment block for the
//  LatLonToUtm() member function.)
void LatLonToUtmWGS84(struct utmPosition &utm, double lat, double lon) {
    LatLonToUtm(6378137.0, 1 / 298.257223563, utm.zoneX, utm.zoneY,
            utm.easting, utm.northing, lat, lon);