int Redirect_List(const char* path, void* buffer, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info* file_info) { const char* userPath = UserDir(); List* L; if(userPath == NULL) { L = ListFiles(rootDir, path); } else { List* lists[3]; lists[0] = ListFiles(userPath, path); lists[1] = ListFiles(rootDir, path); lists[2] = NULL; free((void*)userPath); L = join_lists(lists); } for (int i=0; i<L->length; i++) { struct stat st; memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st)); if(stat(L->str[i], &st) == -1) { List_free(L); return -errno; } const char* name = last_term(L->str[i]); int result = filler(buffer, name, &st, 0); free((void*)name); if(result != 0) break; } List_free(L); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) {ListFiles(".");} else {ListFiles(argv[1]);} return(0); }
void simulationOERRW::fusionPack(double d,int64 end) { out << "\n\n\n***** PACK FUSION *****\n\n"; std::string outf1,outf2; std::string filename = "pack_OERRW-d" + doubletostring_nice(d) + "-R" + tostring(end); { std::vector<std::string> listf; bool r = ListFiles(".\\",filename + ".no*.trace.extab",listf,false,true,false); if ((!r)||(listf.size() < 2)) { out << "Pas de fichiers multiple trouvés (" << filename << ".no*.trace.extab)\n"; return; } else { out << "reading " << listf[0] << "\n"; ExTab me(listf[0]) ; for(int i=1; i<(int)listf.size(); i++) { out << "reading " << listf[i] << "\n"; ExTab mp(listf[i]); me+=mp; } me /= ((double)listf.size()); outf1 = filename + ".average" + tostring(listf.size()) + ".trace.extab"; me.Save(outf1); out << "\n" << listf.size() << " files founds.\n\n"; } out << "file saved for the average time of increase of range\n -> " << outf1 << "\n\n"; } { std::vector<std::string> listf; bool r = ListFiles(".\\",filename + ".no*.return.extab",listf,false,true,false); if ((!r)||(listf.size() < 2)) { out << "Pas de fichiers multiple trouvés (" << filename << ".no*.return.extab)\n"; return; } else { out << "reading " << listf[0] << "\n"; ExTab me(listf[0]) ; for(int i=1; i<(int)listf.size(); i++) { out << "reading " << listf[i] << "\n"; ExTab mp(listf[i]); me+=mp; } me /= ((double)listf.size()); outf2 = filename + ".average" + tostring(listf.size()) + ".return.extab"; me.Save(outf2); out << "\n" << listf.size() << " files founds.\n\n"; } out << "file saved for the average number of returns w.r.t. the range\n -> " << outf2 << "\n\n"; } out << "\n***** PACK FUSION COMPLETED *****\n\n"; return; }
void SkydriveService::ListFilesFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) { reply->deleteLater(); QJson::Parser parser; QVariantMap response = parser.parse(reply).toMap(); QVariantList files = response["data"].toList(); for (const QVariant& f : files) { QVariantMap file = f.toMap(); if (file["type"].toString() == "folder") { ListFiles(file["id"].toString()); } else { QString mime_type = GuessMimeTypeForFile(file["name"].toString()); QUrl url; url.setScheme("skydrive"); url.setPath(file["id"].toString()); Song song; song.set_url(url); song.set_ctime(file["created_time"].toDateTime().toTime_t()); song.set_mtime(file["updated_time"].toDateTime().toTime_t()); song.set_comment(file["description"].toString()); song.set_filesize(file["size"].toInt()); song.set_title(file["name"].toString()); QUrl download_url = file["source"].toUrl(); // HTTPS appears to be broken somehow between Qt & Skydrive downloads. // Fortunately, just changing the scheme to HTTP works. download_url.setScheme("http"); MaybeAddFileToDatabase(song, mime_type, download_url, QString::null); } } }
void simulationOERRW::packSimulation(double delta,int64 end) { out << "\n\n\n***** PACK SIMULATION *****\n\n"; std::string filename = "pack_OERRW-d" + doubletostring_nice(delta) + "-R" + tostring(end) + ".no"; int64 N = 1; std::vector<std::string> listf; bool r = ListFiles(".\\",filename + "*.trace.extab",listf,false,true,false); if ((r)&&(listf.size()!=0)) { N+= (int64)listf.size(); out << "- " << listf.size() << " previous simulation found. Continuing from there.\n\n"; } else { out << "New pack of simulation, starting from scratch.\n\n"; } while(1) { out << "Simulation No " << N << "\nin progress"; simpleOERRW w(delta,100000,100000); int64 inc = end/50; int64 todo = end; while(todo >= inc) { w.makeWalk(inc); out << "."; todo -= inc; } if (todo != 0) { w.makeWalk(todo); out << "."; } w.getRangeTab()->Save(filename + tostring(N) + ".trace.extab"); w.getReturnTab()->Save(filename + tostring(N) + ".return.extab"); out << "ok!\n\n" << << "\n\n"; N++; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TCHAR path[MAXPATH]; BOOL bRecursive = FALSE, bAll = FALSE; int i; if(argc < 2 || argc > 4) { printf("\nUsage: %s <directory name>" "\n\t-R -recursive\n\t-a all atributes\n", argv[0]); return (-1); } /* Parse input line */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++){ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0) { bAll = TRUE; continue; } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-R") == 0) { bRecursive = TRUE; continue; } /* save path */ strcpy_s(path, MAXPATH, argv[i]); } ListFiles(path, bRecursive, bAll); return 0; }
int GetDir(char *Wild) { struct ffblk fblock; int letzter; /* int k; */ Dateien=0; Datai=Da; strcpy(WildCard,Wild); letzter=findfirst("*.*",&fblock,16); while (!letzter || Dateien>=500) { if (fblock.ff_attrib==16) { if (fblock.ff_name[0]==46 && strlen(fblock.ff_name)==1) { ; } else { strcpy(Datai->FileName,fblock.ff_name); Datai->Date=0; Dateien++; Datai++; } } letzter=findnext(&fblock); } letzter=findfirst(Wild,&fblock,0); while (!letzter || Dateien>=500) { strcpy(Datai->FileName,fblock.ff_name); Datai->Date=(long)fblock.ff_fdate*100000; Datai->Date+=(long)fblock.ff_ftime; Dateien++; Datai++; letzter=findnext(&fblock); } Datai=Da; CWeg(); if (Dateien==0) return -1; qsort(Datai,Dateien,sizeof(Datdings),SortIt); ListFiles(); return 0; }
//Reload bool Profiles::Reload () { Err fErr (m_Err, L"Reload"); if (m_sDirectory.empty ()) { return fErr.Set (L"Profilesystem is not initialized"); } std::vector<wstring> lsFiles; if (!ListFiles (m_sDirectory, &lsFiles)) { return fErr.Set (L"Could not list the profiles"); } m_lProfiles.clear (); for (unsigned int i = 0; i != lsFiles.size (); i++) { if (!AddProfile ( (i))) { return false; } } return true; }//Reload
// SD Card List Files Command void cmd_ls(char *param) { INT8U i = 0; INT8U retorno = 0; INT8U name1[(CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE/2)]; //vetor para a leitura dos nomes dos arquivos (void)*param; for(i=0;i<(CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE/2);i++) { // Limpa o buffer de entradas name1[i] = 0; } retorno = API_COMMAND_OK; if(retorno==API_COMMAND_OK) { (void)ListFiles(name1); } else { printSer(USE_USB, (CHAR8*)SD_API_FILE_INVALID); } for(i=0;i<CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE;i++) { // Limpa o buffer de entradas entradas[i] = 0; } }
void Dlg_GameLibrary::ReloadGameListData() { ClearTitles(); TCHAR sROMDir[1024]; GetDlgItemText(m_hDialogBox, IDC_RA_ROMDIR, sROMDir, 1024); mtx.lock(); while (FilesToScan.size() > 0) FilesToScan.pop_front(); mtx.unlock(); bool bOK = ListFiles(Narrow(sROMDir), "*.bin", FilesToScan); bOK |= ListFiles(Narrow(sROMDir), "*.gen", FilesToScan); if (bOK) { std::thread scanner(&Dlg_GameLibrary::ThreadedScanProc); scanner.detach(); } }
//InitMenuGame bool Menu::InitMenuGame () { Err fErr (m_Err, L"InitMenuGame"); wstring sLevelDir, sMenuGame, sLevel, sPlay, sCurLevel; if (!m_pLanguage->Get (L"GameTitle", &sMenuGame) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"GameLevel", &sLevel) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"GamePlay", &sPlay) || !m_pConfig->Get (sCONF_LEVELFILE, &sCurLevel)) { return false; } std::vector<wstring> lsLevels; if (!ListFiles (m_sLevelDir, &lsLevels)) { return fErr.Set (L"Could not list levels"); } if (lsLevels.size () == 0) { return fErr.Set (L"There are no levels omg"); } int nCurLevel = -1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i != lsLevels.size (); i++) { if ( (i) == sCurLevel) { nCurLevel = i; } if (!FilterExtension ( (i), & (i))) { return fErr.Set (L"Could not extract the level name"); } } if (nCurLevel == -1) { fErr.Set (L"The preset level file does not exists"); nCurLevel = 0; } if (!m_ScreenGame.Init (&m_Err, m_pProfiles, m_pWindow, sMenuGame) || !m_ScreenGame.AddList (sLevel, Vector2f (100, 150), lsLevels, nCurLevel, eGameListLevels) || !m_ScreenGame.AddButton (sPlay, Vector2f (700, 540), eGameButtonPlay) || !m_ScreenGame.AddButton (m_sAbort, Vector2f (700, 600), eGameButtonAbort)) { return false; } return true; }//InitMenuGame
//新版的配置文件? void ALMRunConfig::ConfigCommand() { if (!conf) return; wxString name; wxString key; wxString cmd; wxString desc; wxString cmds; long cmdId; long index = 0; //命令 conf->SetPath("/cmds"); for(bool test = conf->GetFirstGroup(cmds,index); test ; conf->SetPath("../"),test = conf->GetNextGroup(cmds,index)) { if (!cmds.IsNumber()) continue; conf->SetPath(cmds); cmd = conf->Read("cmd"); if (cmd.empty() && key.empty()) continue; name = conf->Read("name"); key = conf->Read("key"); desc = conf->Read("desc"); cmds.ToLong(&cmdId,10); //if (cmdId < 1000 && cmdId > lastId) // lastId = cmdId + 1; this->AddCmd(cmd,name,key,desc,cmdId); } //自动扫描目录配置 conf->SetPath("/dirs"); //读取默认参数 def_dir_cfg.sub = conf->ReadLong("sub",0); def_dir_cfg.include = conf->Read("include"); def_dir_cfg.exclude = conf->Read("exclude"); wxArrayString paths; for(bool test = conf->GetFirstGroup(cmds,index); test ; conf->SetPath("../"),test = conf->GetNextGroup(cmds,index)) { wxArrayString files; conf->SetPath(cmds); paths = wxSplit(conf->Read("path"),'|'); if (paths.empty()) continue; for(int i=paths.size()-1;i>=0;--i) ListFiles(paths[i],&files, conf->Read("include",def_dir_cfg.include) , conf->Read("exclude",def_dir_cfg.exclude) , conf->ReadLong("sub",def_dir_cfg.sub)); g_commands->AddFiles(files); } conf->SetPath("/Config"); }
bool CResourceManager::RemoveDirectory(const std::string& directory) { if (PHYSFS_isInit()) { std::string path = CleanPath(directory); for (auto file : ListFiles(path)) { if (PHYSFS_delete((path + "/" + file).c_str()) == 0) return false; } return PHYSFS_delete(path.c_str()) != 0; } return false; }
void SkydriveService::FetchUserInfoFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) { reply->deleteLater(); QJson::Parser parser; QVariantMap response = parser.parse(reply).toMap(); QString name = response["name"].toString(); if (!name.isEmpty()) { QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); s.setValue("name", name); } emit Connected(); ListFiles("me/skydrive"); }
void Test9() { //GrowStringList t; //t.add("Red"); t.add("Green"); t.add("Blue"); t.add("Yellow"); //for(int i = 0; i < t.len; i++) // printf("Color %i: %s\n", i, t.get(i)); LoadBCP("data.bcp"); GrowStringList *t = ListFiles("Warrior Kings Game Set\\Sounds\\narration"); //""); //"Interface\\Icons\\Special Icons\\"); for(int i = 0; i < t->len; i++) printf("%04i: %s\n", i, t->getdp(i)); int x = ListDlgBox(t); if(x != -1) printf("Selected: %i (%s)\n", x, t->getdp(x)); delete t; }
void VerifySimulations(char *assertionFile) { double ** values; char ** header; char file[LineSize] = "\0"; char line[LineSize] = "\0"; FILE *assertFile = NULL; FILE *simFiles = NULL; int i; int numberOfAssertions; FILE *generalLogFile = NULL; int totalAssertions = 0; int totalRight = 0; int totalWrong = 0; int perFileRight = 0; int perFileWrong = 0; remove(GeneralAssertsLog); remove(FaultsLog); ListFiles(); numberOfAssertions = GetNumberOfAssertions(assertionFile); FILE *temporaryAssertionsLogs[numberOfAssertions]; AssertionValues assertions[numberOfAssertions]; for (i = 0; i < numberOfAssertions; i++) { assertions[i] = (AssertionValues) { .assertion = { "\0" }, .nodeName = { "\0" }, .xMinVal = 0.0, .xMaxVal = 0.0, .xIsRange = 0, .yMinVal = 0.0, .yMaxVal = 0.0, .yIsRange = 0 }; }
void InterpretCommand(MenuInstanceData * pMenuData, const char *pszScript) { char szCmd[31], szParam1[51], szParam2[51]; char szTempScript[ 255 ]; memset(szTempScript, 0, sizeof(szTempScript)); strncpy(szTempScript, pszScript, 250); if (pszScript[0] == 0) { return; } char* pszScriptPointer = szTempScript; while (pszScriptPointer && !hangup) { pszScriptPointer = MenuParseLine(pszScriptPointer, szCmd, szParam1, szParam2); if (szCmd[0] == 0) { // || !pszScriptPointer || !*pszScriptPointer break; } // ------------------------- // Run a new menu instance int nCmdID = GetMenuIndex(szCmd); switch (nCmdID) { case 0: { // "MENU" // Spawn a new menu MenuInstanceData *pNewMenuData = static_cast<MenuInstanceData *>(malloc(sizeof(MenuInstanceData))); memset(pNewMenuData, 0, sizeof(MenuInstanceData)); pNewMenuData->nFinished = 0; pNewMenuData->nReload = 0; Menus(pNewMenuData, pMenuData->szPath, szParam1); free(pNewMenuData); } break; case 1: { // ------------------------- // Exit out of this instance // of the menu // ------------------------- // "ReturnFromMenu" InterpretCommand(pMenuData, pMenuData->header.szExitScript); pMenuData->nFinished = 1; } break; case 2: { // "EditMenuSet" EditMenus(); // flag if we are editing this menu pMenuData->nFinished = 1; pMenuData->nReload = 1; } break; case 3: { // "DLFreeFile" align(szParam2); MenuDownload(szParam1, szParam2, true, true); } break; case 4: { // "DLFile" align(szParam2); MenuDownload(szParam1, szParam2, false, true); } break; case 5: { // "RunDoor" MenuRunDoorName(szParam1, false); } break; case 6: { // "RunDoorFree" MenuRunDoorName(szParam1, true); } break; case 7: { // "RunDoorNumber" int nTemp = atoi(szParam1); MenuRunDoorNumber(nTemp, false); } break; case 8: { // "RunDoorNumberFree" int nTemp = atoi(szParam1); MenuRunDoorNumber(nTemp, true); } break; case 9: { // "PrintFile" printfile(szParam1, true); } break; case 10: { // "PrintFileNA" printfile(szParam1, false); } break; case 11: { // "SetSubNumber" SetSubNumber(szParam1); } break; case 12: { // "SetDirNumber" SetDirNumber(szParam1); } break; case 13: { // "SetMsgConf" SetMsgConf(szParam1[0]); } break; case 14: { // "SetDirConf" SetDirConf(szParam1[0]); } break; case 15: { // "EnableConf" EnableConf(); } break; case 16: { // "DisableConf" DisableConf(); } break; case 17: { // "Pause" pausescr(); } break; case 18: { // "ConfigUserMenuSet" ConfigUserMenuSet(); pMenuData->nFinished = 1; pMenuData->nReload = 1; } break; case 19: { // "DisplayHelp" if (GetSession()->GetCurrentUser()->IsExpert()) { AMDisplayHelp(pMenuData); } } break; case 20: { // "SelectSub" ChangeSubNumber(); } break; case 21: { // "SelectDir" ChangeDirNumber(); } break; case 22: { // "SubList" SubList(); } break; case 23: { // "UpSubConf" UpSubConf(); } break; case 24: { // "DownSubConf" DownSubConf(); } break; case 25: { // "UpSub" UpSub(); } break; case 26: { // "DownSub" DownSub(); } break; case 27: { // "ValidateUser" ValidateUser(); } break; case 28: { // "Doors" Chains(); } break; case 29: { // "TimeBank" TimeBank(); } break; case 30: { // "AutoMessage" AutoMessage(); } break; case 31: { // "BBSList" BBSList(); } break; case 32: { // "RequestChat" RequestChat(); } break; case 33: { // "Defaults" Defaults(pMenuData); } break; case 34: { // "SendEMail" SendEMail(); } break; case 35: { // "Feedback" FeedBack(); } break; case 36: { // "Bulletins" Bulletins(); } break; case 37: { // "HopSub" HopSub(); } break; case 38: { // "SystemInfo" SystemInfo(); } break; case 39: { // "JumpSubConf" JumpSubConf(); } break; case 40: { // "KillEMail" KillEMail(); } break; case 41: { // "LastCallers" LastCallers(); } break; case 42: { // "ReadEMail" ReadEMail(); } break; case 43: { // "NewMessageScan" NewMessageScan(); } break; case 44: { // "Goodbye" GoodBye(); } break; case 45: { // "PostMessage" WWIV_PostMessage(); } break; case 46: { // "NewMsgScanCurSub" ScanSub(); } break; case 47: { // "RemovePost" RemovePost(); } break; case 48: { // "TitleScan" TitleScan(); } break; case 49: { // "ListUsers" ListUsers(); } break; case 50: { // "Vote" Vote(); } break; case 51: { // "ToggleExpert" ToggleExpert(); } break; case 52: { // "YourInfo" YourInfo(); } break; case 53: { // "ExpressScan" ExpressScan(); } break; case 54: { // "WWIVVer" WWIVVersion(); } break; case 55: { // "InstanceEdit" InstanceEdit(); } break; case 56: { // "ConferenceEdit" JumpEdit(); } break; case 57: { // "SubEdit" BoardEdit(); } break; case 58: { // "ChainEdit" ChainEdit(); } break; case 59: { // "ToggleAvailable" ToggleChat(); } break; case 60: { // "ChangeUser" ChangeUser(); } break; case 61: { // "CLOUT" CallOut(); } break; case 62: { // "Debug" Debug(); } break; case 63: { // "DirEdit" DirEdit(); } break; case 65: { // "Edit" EditText(); } break; case 66: { // "BulletinEdit" EditBulletins(); } break; case 67: { // "LoadText" // LoadText and LoadTextFile are the same, so they are now merged. LoadTextFile(); } break; case 68: { // "ReadAllMail" ReadAllMail(); } break; case 69: { // "Reboot" RebootComputer(); } break; case 70: { // "ReloadMenus" ReloadMenus(); } break; case 71: { // "ResetUserIndex" ResetFiles(); } break; case 72: { // "ResetQScan" ResetQscan(); } break; case 73: { // "MemStat" MemoryStatus(); } break; case 74: { // "PackMsgs" PackMessages(); } break; case 75: { // "VoteEdit" InitVotes(); } break; case 76: { // "Log" ReadLog(); } break; case 77: { // "NetLog" ReadNetLog(); } break; case 78: { // "Pending" PrintPending(); } break; case 79: { // "Status" PrintStatus(); } break; case 80: { // "TextEdit" TextEdit(); } break; case 81: { // "UserEdit" UserEdit(); } break; case 82: { // "VotePrint" VotePrint(); } break; case 83: { // "YLog" YesturdaysLog(); } break; case 84: { // "ZLog" ZLog(); } break; case 85: { // "ViewNetDataLog" ViewNetDataLog(); } break; case 86: { // "UploadPost" UploadPost(); } break; case 87: { // "ClearScreen" GetSession()->bout.ClearScreen(); } break; case 88: { // "NetListing" NetListing(); } break; case 89: { // "WHO" WhoIsOnline(); } break; case 90: { // /A "NewMsgsAllConfs" NewMsgsAllConfs(); } break; case 91: { // /E "MultiEMail" MultiEmail(); } break; case 92: { // "NewMsgScanFromHere" NewMsgScanFromHere(); } break; case 93: { // "ValidatePosts" ValidateScan(); } break; case 94: { // "ChatRoom" ChatRoom(); } break; case 95: { // "DownloadPosts" DownloadPosts(); } break; case 96: { // "DownloadFileList" DownloadFileList(); } break; case 97: { // "ClearQScan" ClearQScan(); } break; case 98: { // "FastGoodBye" FastGoodBye(); } break; case 99: { // "NewFilesAllConfs" NewFilesAllConfs(); } break; case 100: { // "ReadIDZ" ReadIDZ(); } break; case 101: { // "UploadAllDirs" UploadAllDirs(); } break; case 102: { // "UploadCurDir" UploadCurDir(); } break; case 103: { // "RenameFiles" RenameFiles(); } break; case 104: { // "MoveFiles" MoveFiles(); } break; case 105: { // "SortDirs" SortDirs(); } break; case 106: { // "ReverseSortDirs" ReverseSort(); } break; case 107: { // "AllowEdit" AllowEdit(); } break; case 109: { // "UploadFilesBBS" UploadFilesBBS(); } break; case 110: { // "DirList" DirList(); } break; case 111: { // "UpDirConf" UpDirConf(); } break; case 112: { // "UpDir" UpDir(); } break; case 113: { // "DownDirConf" DownDirConf(); } break; case 114: { // "DownDir" DownDir(); } break; case 115: { // "ListUsersDL" ListUsersDL(); } break; case 116: { // "PrintDSZLog" PrintDSZLog(); } break; case 117: { // "PrintDevices" PrintDevices(); } break; case 118: { // "ViewArchive" ViewArchive(); } break; case 119: { // "BatchMenu" BatchMenu(); } break; case 120: { // "Download" Download(); } break; case 121: { // "TempExtract" TempExtract(); } break; case 122: { // "FindDescription" FindDescription(); } break; case 123: { // "ArchiveMenu" TemporaryStuff(); } break; case 124: { // "HopDir" HopDir(); } break; case 125: { // "JumpDirConf" JumpDirConf(); } break; case 126: { // "ListFiles" ListFiles(); } break; case 127: { // "NewFileScan" NewFileScan(); } break; case 128: { // "SetNewFileScanDate" SetNewFileScanDate(); } break; case 129: { // "RemoveFiles" RemoveFiles(); } break; case 130: { // "SearchAllFiles" SearchAllFiles(); } break; case 131: { // "XferDefaults" XferDefaults(); } break; case 132: { // "Upload" Upload(); } break; case 133: { // "YourInfoDL" YourInfoDL(); } break; case 134: { // "UploadToSysop" UploadToSysop(); } break; case 135: { // "ReadAutoMessage" ReadAutoMessage(); } break; case 136: { // "SetNewScanMsg" SetNewScanMsg(); } break; case 137: { // "ReadMessages" ReadMessages(); } break; /* case 138: { // "RUN" ExecuteBasic(szParam1); } break; */ case 139: { // "EventEdit" EventEdit(); } break; case 140: { // "LoadTextFile" LoadTextFile(); } break; case 141: { // "GuestApply" GuestApply(); } break; case 142: { // "ConfigFileList" ConfigFileList(); } break; case 143: { // "ListAllColors" ListAllColors(); } break; #ifdef QUESTIONS case 144: { // "EditQuestions" EditQuestions(); } break; case 145: { // "Questions" Questions(); } break; #endif case 146: { // "RemoveNotThere" RemoveNotThere(); } break; case 147: { // "AttachFile" AttachFile(); } break; case 148: { // "InternetEmail" InternetEmail(); } break; case 149: { // "UnQScan" UnQScan(); } break; // ppMenuStringsIndex[150] thru ppMenuStringsIndex[153] not used..... case 154: { // "Packers" Packers(); } break; case 155: { // Color_Config color_config(); } break; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // ppMenuStringsIndex[156] and [157] are reserved for SDS Systems and systems // that distribute modifications. DO NOT reuse these strings for // other menu options. //------------------------------------------------------------------ // case 156: // { // ModAccess // ModsAccess(); // } break; // case 157: // { // SDSAccess // SDSAccess(); // } break; //------------------------------------------------------------------ case 158: { // InitVotes InitVotes(); } break; case 161: { // TurnMCIOn TurnMCIOn(); } break; case 162: { // TurnMCIOff TurnMCIOff(); } break; default: { MenuSysopLog("The following command was not recognized"); MenuSysopLog(szCmd); } break; } } }
int kmain(UInt32 initial_stack, MultibootHeader* mboot, UInt32 mboot_magic) { initial_esp = initial_stack; CLI_Init(); Cls(); UInt32 initrd_end = *(UInt32*)(mboot->mods_addr+4); placement_address = (Pointer) initrd_end; // Set up our new stack here. //UInt32 stack = (UInt32) kmalloc_a(8192, TRUE); MultibootHeader* mboot_hdr = mboot; //kmalloc(sizeof(MultibootHeader)); //memcpy(mboot_hdr, mboot, sizeof(MultibootHeader)); kprintf("Starting init...\n"); //new_start(stack, mboot_hdr); GDT_Init(); IDT_Init(); ISR_Init(); asm volatile("sti"); kprintf("Basics\t\t\t[OK]\n"); PIT_Init(PIT_MSTIME); kprintf("PIT\t\t\t[OK]\n"); init_kheap(); InitPaging((mboot_hdr->mem_lower+mboot_hdr->mem_upper)&~3); InitKernelHeap(); kprintf("Heap\t\t\t[OK]\n"); VFS_Init(); DevFS_Init(); kprintf("VFS\t\t\t[OK]\n"); DriversInit(); kprintf("Drivers\t\t\t[OK]\n"); Screen_Init(); FloppyInit(); checkAllBuses(); DumpPCIDeviceData(); kprintf("PCI\t\t\t[OK]\n"); /*kprintf("Keyboard Init... "); KB_Init(0); kprintf("[ok]\n");*/ FAT12_Init(FAT12_GetContext(FloppyGetDevice()), "/", "sys"); InitTasking(); KernelSymbolsLoad(); //Cls(); kprintf("kOS v0.6.13\n"); VFS_Node* rd = GetNodeFromFile(GetFileFromPath("/sys")); kprintf("rd = %x\n", rd); ArrayList* list = ListFiles(rd); ALIterator* itr = ALGetItr(list); while(ALItrHasNext(itr)) { VFS_Node* node = ALItrNext(itr); kprintf("file: %s\n", node->name); } ALFreeItr(itr); ALFreeList(list); //kprintf("kprintf symbol = %x\n", getKernelSymbol("kprintf")); File* initScript = GetFileFromPath("/sys/init.script"); FileSeek(0, initScript); // Due to these being global objects, we have to do such ugly things as this. #ifdef INIT_DEBUG kprintf("initScript=%x\n", initScript); #endif char* lineBuf = kalloc(256); int doBreak = 0; while(!doBreak) { if(fgetline(initScript, lineBuf, 256, '\n')==-1) { if(strlen(lineBuf) > 0) { doBreak = 1; } else { break; // We've processed everything that needs to be processed. } } // Now parse it. char* tok = strtok(lineBuf, " "); kprintf("%s, %x\n", tok,tok); if(!strcmp(tok, "load_driver")) { #ifdef INIT_DEBUG kprintf("load_driver "); #endif tok = strtok(NULL, " "); // Load the driver specified. File* drv = GetFileFromPath(tok); if(drv != NULL) { int drvLength = FileSeek(SEEK_EOF, drv); FileSeek(0, drv); void* drvBuf = kalloc(drvLength); #ifdef INIT_DEBUG kprintf("%s\n", GetNodeFromFile(drv)->name); #endif ReadFile(drvBuf, drvLength, drv); ELF* elf = LoadKernelDriver(drvBuf); #ifdef INIT_DEBUG kprintf("elf->start=%x\n", elf->start); #endif if(elf->error == 0) { void (*driverInit)() = (void (*)()) elf->start; driverInit(); } kfree(drvBuf); drvBuf = NULL; CloseFile(drv); } } } CloseFile(initScript); kfree(lineBuf); kprintf("Kernel init done...\n"); File* elf = GetFileFromPath("/sys/helloworld"); FileSeek(SEEK_EOF, elf); int length = FileTell(elf); FileSeek(0, elf); UInt8* elfBuf = kalloc(length); ReadFile(elfBuf, length, elf); ELF* elfExe = Parse_ELF(elfBuf); CreateTaskFromELF(elfExe); // Kernel main logic loop while(1) { asm volatile("hlt"); } return 0; }
//InitMenuSettings bool Menu::InitMenuSettings () { Err fErr (m_Err, L"InitMenuSettings"); wstring sMenuSettings, sFullscreen, sVerticalSync, sFramelimit, sOk, sLanguage, sResolution, sColorDepth, sMouseSensitivity, sAntialiasing, sAccept, sHelp; bool bFullscreen, bVerticalSync, bHelp; int nFramelimit, nMouseSensitivity, nAntialiasing; if (!m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsTitle", &sMenuSettings) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsResolution", &sResolution) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsColorDepth", &sColorDepth) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsFullscreen", &sFullscreen) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsAntialiasing", &sAntialiasing) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsVerticalSync", &sVerticalSync) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsFrameLimit", &sFramelimit) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsLanguage", &sLanguage) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsHelp", &sHelp) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsMouseSensitivity", &sMouseSensitivity) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsOk", &sOk) || !m_pLanguage->Get (L"SettingsAccept", &sAccept) || !m_pConfig->GetBool (sCONF_FULLSCREEN, &bFullscreen) || !m_pConfig->GetBool (s_sVerticalSync, &bVerticalSync) || !m_pConfig->GetBool (sCONF_HELP, &bHelp) || !m_pConfig->GetNum (s_sFramelimit, &nFramelimit) || !m_pConfig->GetNum (s_sMouseSensitivity, &nMouseSensitivity) || !m_pConfig->GetNum (s_sAntialiasing, &nAntialiasing)) { return false; } std::vector<wstring> lsLanguages; if (!ListFiles (m_sLanguageDir, &lsLanguages)) { return fErr.Set (L"Could not list the language files"); } unsigned int nLanguageId = 0; for (; nLanguageId != lsLanguages.size (); nLanguageId++) { if ( (nLanguageId) == m_pLanguage->GetFileName ()) { break; } } std::vector<wstring> lsResolutions, lsDepths; unsigned int nOldColorDepth = 0, nCurResId = 0, nCurDepthId = 0, nCurDepth = 0; bool bNextDepth = false; wstring sCurResolution; if (!m_pConfig->Get (s_sResolution, &sCurResolution) || !m_pConfig->GetNum (s_sColorDepth, &nCurDepth)) { return false; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i != sf::VideoMode::GetModesCount (); i++) { sf::VideoMode Mode = sf::VideoMode::GetMode (i); if (Mode.BitsPerPixel != nOldColorDepth) { if (nOldColorDepth != 0) { bNextDepth = true; } nOldColorDepth = Mode.BitsPerPixel; if (nCurDepth == nOldColorDepth) { nCurDepthId = lsDepths.size (); } lsDepths.push_back (NumToStr (nOldColorDepth)); } //Because all resolutions are mutliply saved for every color depth if (bNextDepth) { continue; } wstring sEntry (NumToStr (Mode.Width) + s_sResDelim + NumToStr (Mode.Height)); if (sEntry == sCurResolution) { nCurResId = lsResolutions.size (); } lsResolutions.push_back (sEntry); } if (!m_ScreenSettings.Init (&m_Err, m_pProfiles, m_pWindow, sMenuSettings) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddList (sResolution, Vector2f (50, 150), lsResolutions, nCurResId, eSettingsListResolution) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddList (sColorDepth, Vector2f (500, 150), lsDepths, nCurDepthId, eSettingsListColorDepth) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddCheckbox (sFullscreen, Vector2f (50, 250), eSettingsCheckFullscreen, bFullscreen) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddEditbox (sAntialiasing, Vector2f (500, 250), 50, eSettingsEditAntialiasing, NumToStr (nAntialiasing)) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddCheckbox (sVerticalSync, Vector2f (50, 350), eSettingsCheckVerticalSync, bVerticalSync) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddEditbox (sFramelimit, Vector2f (600, 350), 100, eSettingsEditFramelimit, NumToStr (nFramelimit)) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddList (sLanguage, Vector2f (50, 450), lsLanguages, nLanguageId, eSettingsListLanguage) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddCheckbox (sHelp, Vector2f (400, 450), eSettingsCheckHelp, bHelp) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddEditbox (sMouseSensitivity, Vector2f (50, 550), 150, eSettingsEditMouseSensitivity, NumToStr (nMouseSensitivity)) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddButton (sOk, Vector2f (300, 650), eSettingsButtonOk) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddButton (m_sAbort, Vector2f (525, 650), eSettingsButtonAbort) || !m_ScreenSettings.AddButton (sAccept, Vector2f (750, 650), eSettingsButtonAccept)) { return false; } return true; }//InitMenuSettings
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Event Handlers *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SerialConfigurator::KeyEvtHdl( wxKeyEvent& event ) { if (event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL ) { switch (event.GetKeyCode()) { case '/': { wxString temp; //temp.Printf(wxT("%d"), event.GetKeyCode()); temp.Printf(wxT("Selection: %d\nCount: %d"), m_filesList->GetSelection(), m_filesList->GetCount()); wxMessageBox( temp, _T("DEBUG"), wxOK); } break; case 'J': { int selection = m_filesList->GetSelection(); if (wxNOT_FOUND == selection) selection = -1; if (selection < (int) m_filesList->GetCount()) { selection++; m_filesList->SetSelection(selection); m_Text->SaveFile(); m_Text->LoadFile(files[selection]); } } break; case 'K': { int selection = m_filesList->GetSelection(); if (wxNOT_FOUND == selection) selection = m_filesList->GetCount(); if (selection > 0) { selection--; m_filesList->SetSelection(selection); m_Text->SaveFile(); m_Text->LoadFile(files[selection]); } } break; case 'O': { wxDirDialog tmpDialog(this, wxT("Select a folder"), wxFileName::FileName(files[0]).GetPath()); if ( wxID_OK == tmpDialog.ShowModal()) { m_workingDirPicker->SetPath(tmpDialog.GetPath()); ListFiles(); } } break; case 'I': m_Text->SetFocus(); break; default: event.Skip(); break; } } else { switch (event.GetKeyCode()) { case WXK_ESCAPE: this->Close(false); break; default: event.Skip(); break; } } }
void SerialConfigurator::ListFilesEvtHdl( wxFileDirPickerEvent& event ) { ListFiles(); event.Skip(); }
void T29_UpdateFiles() { if(t29curfiles) delete t29curfiles; t29curfiles = ListFiles(t29curdir, 0); }
void CheckDependencies(const po::variables_map& variables, int& retcode) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; retcode = 1; auto inputs = variables["input"].as<std::vector<std::wstring>>(); bool verbose = variables["verbose"].as<bool>(); bool json = variables["json"].as<bool>(); bool batchDlls = variables["batch-dlls"].as<bool>(); auto peExtensions = variables["pe-extensions"].as<std::wstring>(); bool useSystemPath = variables["use-system-path"].as<bool>(); if (inputs.size() == 0) { std::wcerr << L"Need input."; return; } auto out = OpenOutput<char>(variables); if (!out) return; if (useSystemPath) LoadSystemPath(); retcode = 0; PrintedSet pathCache; if (!batchDlls) { PEBinaryMap cache; auto pe = CollectDependencies(inputs[0], cache); if (pe && !pe->resolved) retcode = 2; if (json) *out << PrintDependencyTreeJson(pe, cache, !verbose); else PrintDependencyTree(*out, pe, pathCache, !verbose); } else { std::vector<std::wstring> extensions; if (!peExtensions.empty()) boost::split(extensions, boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(peExtensions), boost::is_any_of(L";")); auto isNonExecutablePE = [&extensions](const boost::filesystem::path& path) { auto ext = path.extension().wstring(); boost::algorithm::to_lower(ext); boost::algorithm::trim_left_if(ext, boost::is_any_of(L".")); if (ext == L"exe") return false; return extensions.size() == 0 || std::find(extensions.begin(), extensions.end(), ext) != extensions.end(); }; // all PE files that are not executables std::list<fs::path> files; for (auto& input : inputs) files.splice(files.end(), ListFiles(input, isNonExecutablePE)); // process them all over one cache PEBinaryMap peCache; std::list<PEBinaryPtr> peBinaries; for (auto& file : files) peBinaries.push_back(CollectDependencies(file, peCache)); if (json) *out << PrintDependencyTreeJson(PEBinaryPtr(), peCache, !verbose); for (auto& pe : peBinaries) { if (!pe) continue; if (!pe->resolved) retcode = 2; if (!json) PrintDependencyTree(*out, pe, pathCache, !verbose); } } }
static void PlayerCtrlTask(void *pvParameters){ //portTickType ulLastTime; //char itemCount = 0; unsigned char soundCtrl = 0; //Start Player Ctrl usStopPlayerCtrl = 0; //List files in root ListFiles(); sFilePath=getCurrentFile(); //DisplayMenu(0x03); // // Loop forever. // vTaskSuspendScheduler(); ShowStartup(); xTaskResumeScheduler(); xTaskDelay(5000); while(1){ //get event from button if( xQueueReceive(xPlayerCtrlQueue, (unsigned char*)&usEventCode,100)==pdPASS) { //Events from USB if(usEventCode == STOP_PLAYER) { PlayState=PAUSE_STATE; usStopPlayerCtrl = 1;//*Stop Player Ctrl soundCtrl = STOP;//*Stop Sound Player giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,portMAX_DELAY); } else if (usEventCode == START_PLAYER) { usStopPlayerCtrl = 0;//*Start Player Ctrl Root = MENU; ChooseItem = NOWPLAY; DisplayMenu(0x03); } //USB not pluged in if(usStopPlayerCtrl == 0) { //Play sound Button when button pressed if(usEventCode < 10 && SoundButton) { soundCtrl = PLAY_BTN_SND; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100); } //Events from Sound Player if(usEventCode==PLAY_DONE) { /**Play Mode: Normal*/ //TODO Play next song if(PlayMode == 0){//normal sFilePath = nextFile(); if(ucFileIndex!=0) { soundCtrl = START; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100);; } }else if(PlayMode == 1)//Single { ; }else if(PlayMode ==2)//repeate { soundCtrl = START; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100);; }else if(PlayMode==3)//loop { sFilePath = nextFile(); soundCtrl = START; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100);; } // if(ChooseItem == NOWPLAY) { NowPlay(STATE_UPDATE); NowPlay(SELECTED_UPDATE); } } //Events form user buttons if(Root == ITEM) { if(ChooseItem == NOWPLAY){ if(usEventCode == L_CENTER) { Root = MENU;//*back ROOT DisplayMenu(0x03); }else if(usEventCode == S_CENTER) { soundCtrl=PAUSE_PLAY; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100); NowPlay(STATE_UPDATE); }else if(usEventCode == S_RIGHT) { soundCtrl = VLM_UP; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100); NowPlay(VOLUME_UPDATE); } else if(usEventCode == S_LEFT) { soundCtrl = VLM_DOWN; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100); NowPlay(VOLUME_UPDATE); } else if(usEventCode == S_UP) { //Play next song sFilePath = preFile(); NowPlay(SELECTED_UPDATE); soundCtrl = START; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100); } else if(usEventCode == S_DOWN) { //Play previous song sFilePath = nextFile(); NowPlay(SELECTED_UPDATE); soundCtrl = START; giveSoundCtrlEvent((unsigned char*)&soundCtrl,100); } } else if(ChooseItem == BROWSE) { if(usEventCode == L_CENTER) { //back ROOT/parent's Dir vTaskSuspendScheduler(); if(BackParentDir()) { Root = MENU; DisplayMenu(0x03); } else Browse(BROWSE_UPDATE); xTaskResumeScheduler(); } else if(usEventCode == S_CENTER) { //open dir if it's dir, else file and play; vTaskSuspendScheduler(); ListFiles(); xTaskResumeScheduler(); ChooseItem = NOWPLAY; NowPlay(0x1f); } else if(usEventCode == S_UP){ PreItem(); Browse(BROWSE_UPDATE); }else if(usEventCode == S_DOWN){ NextItem(); Browse(BROWSE_UPDATE); }else if(usEventCode == L_DOWN || usEventCode == L_UP){ vTaskSuspendScheduler(); OpenChooseDir(); xTaskResumeScheduler(); Browse(BROWSE_UPDATE); } }else if(ChooseItem == SETTINGS){ if(usEventCode == L_CENTER){ Root = MENU;//*back MENU DisplayMenu(0x03); }else if(usEventCode == S_CENTER) { if(Selected == PLAY_MODE) { PlayMode++; if(PlayMode >3) PlayMode =0; }else if(Selected == BUTTON_SOUND) { SoundButton++; if(SoundButton>1) SoundButton =0; } Settings(SETTING_MODE); } else if(usEventCode == S_UP) { Selected++; if(Selected > 1) Selected=0; Settings(SETTING_MODE); }else if(usEventCode == S_DOWN) { Selected--; if(Selected > 1) Selected=1; Settings(SETTING_MODE); } }else if(ChooseItem == INFO){ if(usEventCode == L_CENTER){ Root = MENU;//*back MENU DisplayMenu(0x03); } } } else if(Root == MENU){ if(usEventCode == S_CENTER){ Root = ITEM;//enter choose item; if(ChooseItem==NOWPLAY) { NowPlay(0x1f); } else if(ChooseItem==BROWSE) { vTaskSuspendScheduler(); ListDirItems(); xTaskResumeScheduler(); Browse(0x3); } else if(ChooseItem==SETTINGS) { Settings(0x03); } else if(ChooseItem==INFO) { Info(0x03); } }else if(usEventCode == S_UP){ ChooseItem--;//previous item if(ChooseItem > INFO) ChooseItem = INFO; DisplayMenu(MENU_SELECT_UPDATE); }else if(usEventCode == S_DOWN){ ChooseItem++;//next item if(ChooseItem > INFO) ChooseItem = NOWPLAY; DisplayMenu(MENU_SELECT_UPDATE); } } }else{ //USB mass storage USBTransfer(); } } if(Root == ITEM) { if(ChooseItem == NOWPLAY){ //Update time playing if(clock) { NowPlay(TIME_UPDATE); clock=0; } } } } }