static void test_purge_old_connections_purge_middle(void) { const time_t time_now = 100000; Item *connections = NULL; char time_str[64]; snprintf(time_str, sizeof(time_str), "%ld", time_now - CONNECTION_MAX_AGE_SECONDS); PrependItem(&connections, "", time_str); snprintf(time_str, sizeof(time_str), "%ld", time_now - CONNECTION_MAX_AGE_SECONDS - 1); PrependItem(&connections, "", time_str); snprintf(time_str, sizeof(time_str), "%ld", time_now - CONNECTION_MAX_AGE_SECONDS + 100); PrependItem(&connections, "", time_str); assert_int_equal(ListLen(connections), 3); PurgeOldConnections(&connections, time_now); assert_int_equal(ListLen(connections), 2); assert_true(IsItemIn(connections, "")); assert_false(IsItemIn(connections, "")); assert_true(IsItemIn(connections, "")); DeleteItemList(connections); }
void help_MatchFound(xmlNode *node, xmlNode **MatchNode, List *TopicWords, int *MatchTextPos, int *Nmatches, int *ambiguous, char **HelpPosition, char **HelpTexts) { int abbreviation,i; List *PrevMatchPosition; if ((*Nmatches)==MAX_HELP_HITS) { ppl_error(ERR_INTERNAL, -1, -1, "Cannot parse ppl_help.xml. Need to increase MAX_HELP_HITS."); return; } help_TopicPrint(HelpTexts[*Nmatches], HelpPosition, ListLen(TopicWords)); if (*ambiguous == 0) { if (*MatchNode == NULL) { *MatchTextPos = 0; *MatchNode = node; // This is the first match we've found } else { PrevMatchPosition = StrSplit( HelpTexts[*MatchTextPos] ); abbreviation = 1; // If previous match is an autocomplete shortening of current match, let it stand for (i=0; i<=ListLen(TopicWords); i++) if (StrAutocomplete( (char *)ListGetItem(PrevMatchPosition,i) , HelpPosition[i] , 1)==-1) {abbreviation=0; break;} if (abbreviation!=1) { abbreviation = 1; // If current match is an autocomplete shortening of previous match, the current match wins for (i=0; i<=ListLen(TopicWords); i++) if (StrAutocomplete( HelpPosition[i] , (char *)ListGetItem(PrevMatchPosition,i) , 1)==-1) {abbreviation=0; break;} if (abbreviation==1) { *MatchTextPos = *Nmatches; *MatchNode = node; } else { *ambiguous = 1; // We have multiple ambiguous matches } } } } (*Nmatches)++; return; }
ListNode *getIntersectionNode1(ListNode *headA, ListNode *headB){ if(headA == NULL || headB == NULL) return NULL; int lenA= ListLen(headA); int lenB = ListLen(headB); int count = (lenA > lenB)? (lenA - lenB): (lenB - lenA); ListNode *longHead, *shortHead; if(lenA >= lenB){ longHead = headA; shortHead = headB; }else{ longHead = headB; shortHead = headA; } while(count){ longHead = longHead->next; count--; } while(longHead != NULL){ if(longHead == shortHead){ return longHead; } longHead = longHead->next; shortHead = shortHead->next; } return NULL; };
/* NB: does not escape entries in list ! */ char *ItemList2CSV(const Item *list) { /* After each entry, we need space for either a ',' (before the * next entry) or a final '\0'. */ int len = ItemListSize(list) + ListLen(list); char *s = xmalloc(len); *s = '\0'; /* No point cycle-checking; done while computing len. */ for (const Item *ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { if (ip->name) { strcat(s, ip->name); } if (ip->next) { strcat(s, ","); } } assert(strlen(s) + 1 == len); return s; }
/* Given the argument list, parse it into ArgList format. */ ArgList ParseArgList(VyObj list){ int num = CountParams(list); Param* params = VyMalloc(sizeof(Param) * num); int i; /* Each element of the list is either a parameter or an argument mode setting symbol... * Check if it sets the argument type (?, ~, or ..), and if it doesn't, parse it as a parameter */ VyObj opt_arg_set = CreateSymbol("?"); VyObj rest_arg_set = CreateSymbol(".."); bool opt, rest; opt = rest = false; int param_num = 0; int arg_list_len = ListLen(list); for(i = 0; i < arg_list_len; i++){ VyObj next = ListGet(UNWRAP(list, VyCons), i); if(ObjEq(next, opt_arg_set)){ opt = true; } else if(ObjEq(next, rest_arg_set)){ opt = rest = true; } else { params[param_num] = ParseParam(next, opt, rest); param_num++; } } ArgList args = {num_params: num, params: params}; return args; }
void main() { struct node* head = AddAtTail(); printf("List len = %d\n", ListLen(head)); PrintList(head); DeleteList(head); }
bool ListsCompare(const Item *list1, const Item *list2) { if (ListLen(list1) != ListLen(list2)) { return false; } for (const Item *ptr = list1; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { if (IsItemIn(list2, ptr->name) == false) { return false; } } return true; }
static void CheckParseReal(char *lval, char *s, const char *range) { Item *split; double max = (double) CF_LOWINIT, min = (double) CF_HIGHINIT, val; int n; char output[CF_BUFSIZE]; CfDebug("\nCheckParseReal(%s => %s/%s)\n", lval, s, range); if (s == NULL) { return; } if (strcmp(s, "inf") == 0) { ReportError("keyword \"inf\" has an integer value, cannot be used as real"); return; } if (IsCf3VarString(s)) { CfDebug("Validation: Unable to verify syntax of real %s due to variable expansion at this stage\n", s); return; } /* Numeric types are registered by range separated by comma str "min,max" */ split = SplitString(range, ','); if ((n = ListLen(split)) != 2) { FatalError("INTERN:format specifier for real rvalues is not ok for lval %s - %d items", lval, n); } sscanf(split->name, "%lf", &min); sscanf(split->next->name, "%lf", &max); DeleteItemList(split); if (min == CF_HIGHINIT || max == CF_LOWINIT) { FatalError("INTERN:could not parse format specifier for int rvalues for lval %s", lval); } val = Str2Double(s); if (val > max || val < min) { snprintf(output, CF_BUFSIZE, "Real item on rhs of lval \'%s\' give as {%s => %.3lf} is out of bounds (should be in [%s])", lval, s, val, range); ReportError(output); } CfDebug("CheckParseReal - syntax verified\n\n"); }
static void test_list_len(void) { Item *list = NULL; PrependItem(&list, "one", "classes"); PrependItem(&list, "two", NULL); PrependItem(&list, "three", NULL); assert_int_equal(ListLen(list), 3); DeleteItemList(list); }
static SyntaxTypeMatch CheckParseInt(const char *lval, const char *s, const char *range) { Item *split; int n; long max = CF_LOWINIT, min = CF_HIGHINIT, val; /* Numeric types are registered by range separated by comma str "min,max" */ CfDebug("\nCheckParseInt(%s => %s/%s)\n", lval, s, range); split = SplitString(range, ','); if ((n = ListLen(split)) != 2) { ProgrammingError("INTERN: format specifier for int rvalues is not ok for lval %s - got %d items", lval, n); } sscanf(split->name, "%ld", &min); if (strcmp(split->next->name, "inf") == 0) { max = CF_INFINITY; } else { sscanf(split->next->name, "%ld", &max); } DeleteItemList(split); if (min == CF_HIGHINIT || max == CF_LOWINIT) { ProgrammingError("INTERN: could not parse format specifier for int rvalues for lval %s", lval); } if (IsCf3VarString(s)) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_UNEXPANDED; } val = IntFromString(s); if (val == CF_NOINT) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_INT_PARSE; } if (val > max || val < min) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_INT_OUT_OF_RANGE; } CfDebug("CheckParseInt - syntax verified\n\n"); return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_OK; }
bool ListsCompare(const Item *list1, const Item *list2) { if (ListLen(list1) != ListLen(list2)) { return false; } const Item *ptr = list1; CYCLE_DECLARE(ptr, slow, toggle); while (ptr != NULL) { if (IsItemIn(list2, ptr->name) == false) { return false; } ptr = ptr->next; CYCLE_CHECK(ptr, slow, toggle); } return true; }
void help_explore(xmlNode *node, xmlNode **MatchNode, List *TopicWords, int *MatchTextPos, int *Nmatches, int *ambiguous, char **HelpPosition, char **HelpTexts, int depth) { xmlNode *cur_node = NULL; int match,i; if (depth>ListLen(TopicWords)) return; if (depth==MAX_HELP_DEPTH) { ppl_error(ERR_INTERNAL, -1, -1, "Cannot parse ppl_help.xml. Need to increase MAX_HELP_DEPTH."); return; } for (cur_node = node; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) // Loop over siblings { match=1; if (cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { sprintf(HelpPosition[depth], "%s", cur_node->name); // Converted signedness of chars for (i=1;i<=depth;i++) if (StrAutocomplete( (char *)ListGetItem(TopicWords,i-1) , HelpPosition[i], 1)==-1) {match=0; break;} if ((match==1) && (depth==ListLen(TopicWords))) help_MatchFound(cur_node,MatchNode,TopicWords,MatchTextPos,Nmatches,ambiguous,HelpPosition,HelpTexts); } if (match==1) help_explore(cur_node->children,MatchNode,TopicWords,MatchTextPos,Nmatches,ambiguous,HelpPosition,HelpTexts,depth+1); } return; }
static PyObject *pattern_get_class(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int ok=true; int int1; PyObject *result = NULL; PyObject *O,*l1,*l2; CChamp *I; ListPat *pat; ListAtom *at; ListBond *bd; int a,b; int n_atom,n_bond; ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"Oi",&O,&int1); ok = PyCObject_Check(O); if(ok) { I = PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(O); pat = I->Pat+int1; n_atom = ListLen(I->Atom,pat->atom); at = I->Atom + pat->atom; l1 = PyList_New(n_atom); for(a=0;a<n_atom;a++) { PyList_SetItem(l1,a,PyInt_FromLong(at->class)); at = I->Atom + at->link; } n_bond = ListLen(I->Bond,pat->bond); l2 = PyList_New(n_bond); bd = I->Bond + pat->bond; for(b=0;b<n_bond;b++) { PyList_SetItem(l2,b,PyInt_FromLong(bd->class)); bd = I->Bond + bd->link; } result = PyList_New(2); PyList_SetItem(result,0,l1); PyList_SetItem(result,1,l2); } return(RetObj(ok,result)); }
int *IListVal(descriptor d) /*: make int[] array from list */ { int *a; int n = ListLen(d); descriptor slot[n]; int i; cpslots(&d,&slot[0],1,n+1); a = (int *) calloc(n, sizeof(int)); if (!a) return NULL; for (i=0; i<n; i++) a[i] = IntegerVal(slot[i]); return &a[0]; }
double *RListVal(descriptor d) /*: make double[] array from list */ { double *a; int n = ListLen(d); descriptor slot[n]; int i; cpslots(&d,&slot[0],1,n+1); a = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); if (!a) return NULL; for (i=0; i<n; i++) a[i] = RealVal(slot[i]); return &a[0]; }
struct BU_Unit *BU_DuplicateUnit(struct BU_Struct *str, struct BU_Unit *unit, int skip, struct BU_Unit *linkedFrom) { struct BU_Unit *dup; int i; char name[NODE_NAME_LENGTH]; if(str==0||unit==0) { return NULL; } sprintf(name,"%c",'a'+ListLen(&str->Units)); dup=(struct BU_Unit *)ME_CreateNode(&UnitMethod, &(str->Units), name); if(!dup) { return NULL; } dup->Error=unit->Error; dup->HError=unit->HError; dup->CError=unit->CError; /* dup->CHError=unit->CHError; dup->HHError=unit->HHError; */ dup->Residue=unit->Residue; dup->Position=unit->Position; dup->Shifts.Type=unit->Shifts.Type; if(skip>=0) { dup->Subst[skip]=linkedFrom; } for(i=TY_MAX_BONDS-1;i>=0;i--) { if(i!=skip && i!=BU_ANOMER_POS(unit)) { dup->Subst[i]=unit->Subst[i]; if(dup->Subst[i]) { dup->Subst[i]=BU_DuplicateUnit(str,unit->Subst[i],-1,0); dup->Subst[i]->Position=i; dup->Subst[i]->Subst[BU_ANOMER_POS(dup->Subst[i])]=dup; } } } return dup; }
static SyntaxTypeMatch CheckParseReal(const char *lval, const char *s, const char *range) { Item *split; double max = (double) CF_LOWINIT, min = (double) CF_HIGHINIT, val; int n; CfDebug("\nCheckParseReal(%s => %s/%s)\n", lval, s, range); if (strcmp(s, "inf") == 0) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_REAL_INF; } if (IsCf3VarString(s)) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_UNEXPANDED; } /* Numeric types are registered by range separated by comma str "min,max" */ split = SplitString(range, ','); if ((n = ListLen(split)) != 2) { ProgrammingError("Format specifier for real rvalues is not ok for lval %s - %d items", lval, n); } sscanf(split->name, "%lf", &min); sscanf(split->next->name, "%lf", &max); DeleteItemList(split); if (min == CF_HIGHINIT || max == CF_LOWINIT) { ProgrammingError("Could not parse format specifier for int rvalues for lval %s", lval); } if (!DoubleFromString(s, &val)) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_REAL_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if (val > max || val < min) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_REAL_OUT_OF_RANGE; } return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_OK; }
static PyObject *pattern_get_codes(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int ok=true; int int1,ai,bi; PyObject *result = NULL; PyObject *O,*l1,*l2; CChamp *I; ListPat *pat; ListAtom *at; ListBond *bd; int a,b; int n_atom,n_bond; char code[255],atom[10]; ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"Oi",&O,&int1); ok = PyCObject_Check(O); if(ok) { I = PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(O); pat = I->Pat+int1; n_atom = ListLen(I->Atom,pat->atom); ai = pat->atom; l1 = PyList_New(n_atom); for(a=0;a<n_atom;a++) { at = I->Atom + ai; if(at->class&cH_Aliphatic) code[0]='A'; else if(at->class&cH_Aromatic) code[0]='R'; else code[0]='P'; if(at->cycle&(cH_Ring3|cH_Ring4|cH_Ring5|cH_Ring6|cH_Ring7)) code[1]='C'; else code[1]='X'; code[2]=0; ChampAtomToString(I,ai,atom); if(atom[0]>96) atom[0]-=32; strcat(code,atom); PyList_SetItem(l1,a,PyString_FromString(code)); ai = at->link; }
static void CheckParseIntRange(char *lval, char *s, const char *range) { Item *split, *ip, *rangep; int n; long max = CF_LOWINIT, min = CF_HIGHINIT, val; char output[CF_BUFSIZE]; if (s == NULL) { return; } /* Numeric types are registered by range separated by comma str "min,max" */ CfDebug("\nCheckParseIntRange(%s => %s/%s)\n", lval, s, range); if (*s == '[' || *s == '(') { ReportError("Range specification should not be enclosed in brackets - just \"a,b\""); return; } split = SplitString(range, ','); if ((n = ListLen(split)) != 2) { FatalError("INTERN:format specifier %s for irange rvalues is not ok for lval %s - got %d items", range, lval, n); } sscanf(split->name, "%ld", &min); if (strcmp(split->next->name, "inf") == 0) { max = CF_INFINITY; } else { sscanf(split->next->name, "%ld", &max); } DeleteItemList(split); if (min == CF_HIGHINIT || max == CF_LOWINIT) { FatalError("INTERN: could not parse irange format specifier for int rvalues for lval %s", lval); } if (IsCf3VarString(s)) { CfDebug("Validation: Unable to verify syntax of int \'%s\' due to variable expansion at this stage\n", s); return; } rangep = SplitString(s, ','); if ((n = ListLen(rangep)) != 2) { snprintf(output, CF_BUFSIZE, "Int range format specifier for lval %s should be of form \"a,b\" but got %d items", lval, n); ReportError(output); DeleteItemList(rangep); return; } for (ip = rangep; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { val = Str2Int(ip->name); if (val > max || val < min) { snprintf(output, CF_BUFSIZE, "Int range item on rhs of lval \'%s\' given as {%s => %ld} is out of bounds (should be in [%s])", lval, s, val, range); ReportError(output); DeleteItemList(rangep); return; } } DeleteItemList(rangep); CfDebug("CheckParseIntRange - syntax verified\n\n"); }
static void ArmClasses(Averages av, char *timekey) { double sigma; Item *ip,*classlist = NULL; int i, j, k; char buff[CF_BUFSIZE], ldt_buff[CF_BUFSIZE], name[CF_MAXVARSIZE]; static int anomaly[CF_OBSERVABLES][LDT_BUFSIZE]; extern Item *ALL_INCOMING; extern Item *MON_UDP4, *MON_UDP6, *MON_TCP4, *MON_TCP6; for (i = 0; i < CF_OBSERVABLES; i++) { char desc[CF_BUFSIZE]; GetObservable(i, name, desc); sigma = SetClasses(name, CF_THIS[i], av.Q[i].expect, av.Q[i].var, LOCALAV.Q[i].expect, LOCALAV.Q[i].var, &classlist, timekey); SetVariable(name, CF_THIS[i], av.Q[i].expect, sigma, &classlist); /* LDT */ ldt_buff[0] = '\0'; anomaly[i][LDT_POS] = false; if (!LDT_FULL) { anomaly[i][LDT_POS] = false; } if (LDT_FULL && (CHI[i] > CHI_LIMIT[i])) { anomaly[i][LDT_POS] = true; /* Remember the last anomaly value */ Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "LDT(%d) in %s chi = %.2f thresh %.2f ", LDT_POS, name, CHI[i], CHI_LIMIT[i]); /* Last printed element is now */ for (j = LDT_POS + 1, k = 0; k < LDT_BUFSIZE; j++, k++) { if (j == LDT_BUFSIZE) /* Wrap */ { j = 0; } if (anomaly[i][j]) { snprintf(buff, CF_BUFSIZE, " *%.2f*", LDT_BUF[i][j]); } else { snprintf(buff, CF_BUFSIZE, " %.2f", LDT_BUF[i][j]); } strcat(ldt_buff, buff); } if (CF_THIS[i] > av.Q[i].expect) { snprintf(buff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s_high_ldt", name); } else { snprintf(buff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s_high_ldt", name); } AppendItem(&classlist, buff, "2"); EvalContextHeapPersistentSave(buff, "measurements", CF_PERSISTENCE, CONTEXT_STATE_POLICY_PRESERVE); } else { for (j = LDT_POS + 1, k = 0; k < LDT_BUFSIZE; j++, k++) { if (j == LDT_BUFSIZE) /* Wrap */ { j = 0; } if (anomaly[i][j]) { snprintf(buff, CF_BUFSIZE, " *%.2f*", LDT_BUF[i][j]); } else { snprintf(buff, CF_BUFSIZE, " %.2f", LDT_BUF[i][j]); } strcat(ldt_buff, buff); } } } SetMeasurementPromises(&classlist); // Report on the open ports, in various ways AddOpenPortsClasses("listening_ports", ALL_INCOMING, &classlist); AddOpenPortsClasses("listening_udp6_ports", MON_UDP6, &classlist); AddOpenPortsClasses("listening_udp4_ports", MON_UDP4, &classlist); AddOpenPortsClasses("listening_tcp6_ports", MON_TCP6, &classlist); AddOpenPortsClasses("listening_tcp4_ports", MON_TCP4, &classlist); // Port addresses if (ListLen(MON_TCP6) + ListLen(MON_TCP4) > 512) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Disabling address information of TCP ports in LISTEN state: more than 512 listening ports are detected"); } else { for (ip = MON_TCP6; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { snprintf(buff,CF_BUFSIZE,"tcp6_port_addr[%s]=%s",ip->name,ip->classes); AppendItem(&classlist,buff,NULL); } for (ip = MON_TCP4; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { snprintf(buff,CF_BUFSIZE,"tcp4_port_addr[%s]=%s",ip->name,ip->classes); AppendItem(&classlist,buff,NULL); } } for (ip = MON_UDP6; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { snprintf(buff,CF_BUFSIZE,"udp6_port_addr[%s]=%s",ip->name,ip->classes); AppendItem(&classlist,buff,NULL); } for (ip = MON_UDP4; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { snprintf(buff,CF_BUFSIZE,"udp4_port_addr[%s]=%s",ip->name,ip->classes); AppendItem(&classlist,buff,NULL); } PublishEnvironment(classlist); DeleteItemList(classlist); }
static SyntaxTypeMatch CheckParseRealRange(const char *lval, const char *s, const char *range) { Item *split, *rangep, *ip; double max = (double) CF_LOWINIT, min = (double) CF_HIGHINIT, val; int n; if (*s == '[' || *s == '(') { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_RANGE_BRACKETED; } if (strcmp(s, "inf") == 0) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_REAL_INF; } if (IsCf3VarString(s)) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_UNEXPANDED; } /* Numeric types are registered by range separated by comma str "min,max" */ split = SplitString(range, ','); if ((n = ListLen(split)) != 2) { ProgrammingError("Format specifier for real rvalues is not ok for lval %s - %d items", lval, n); } sscanf(split->name, "%lf", &min); sscanf(split->next->name, "%lf", &max); DeleteItemList(split); if (min == CF_HIGHINIT || max == CF_LOWINIT) { ProgrammingError("Could not parse format specifier for int rvalues for lval %s", lval); } rangep = SplitString(s, ','); if ((n = ListLen(rangep)) != 2) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_RANGE_MULTIPLE_ITEMS; } for (ip = rangep; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { if (!DoubleFromString(ip->name, &val)) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_REAL_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if (val > max || val < min) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_REAL_OUT_OF_RANGE; } } DeleteItemList(rangep); return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_OK; }
static SyntaxTypeMatch CheckParseIntRange(const char *lval, const char *s, const char *range) { Item *split, *ip, *rangep; int n; long long max = CF_LOWINIT, min = CF_HIGHINIT; // Numeric types are registered by range separated by comma str "min,max" if (*s == '[' || *s == '(') { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_RANGE_BRACKETED; } split = SplitString(range, ','); if ((n = ListLen(split)) != 2) { ProgrammingError("Format specifier %s for irange rvalues is not ok for lval %s - got %d items", range, lval, n); } sscanf(split->name, "%lld", &min); if (strcmp(split->next->name, "inf") == 0) { max = CF_INFINITY; } else { sscanf(split->next->name, "%lld", &max); } DeleteItemList(split); if (min == CF_HIGHINIT || max == CF_LOWINIT) { ProgrammingError("Could not parse irange format specifier for int rvalues for lval %s", lval); } if (IsCf3VarString(s)) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_UNEXPANDED; } rangep = SplitString(s, ','); if ((n = ListLen(rangep)) != 2) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_RANGE_MULTIPLE_ITEMS; } for (ip = rangep; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { long val = IntFromString(ip->name); if (val > max || val < min) { return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_ERROR_INT_OUT_OF_RANGE; } } DeleteItemList(rangep); return SYNTAX_TYPE_MATCH_OK; }
int Ardb::GetValueByPattern(Context& ctx, const Slice& pattern, Data& subst, Data& value, ValueObjectMap* meta_cache) { const char *p, *f; const char* spat; /* If the pattern is "#" return the substitution object itself in order * to implement the "SORT ... GET #" feature. */ spat =; if (spat[0] == '#' && spat[1] == '\0') { value = subst; return 0; } /* If we can't find '*' in the pattern we return NULL as to GET a * fixed key does not make sense. */ p = strchr(spat, '*'); if (!p) { return -1; } std::string vstr; subst.GetDecodeString(vstr); f = strstr(spat, "->"); if (NULL != f && (uint32) (f - spat) == (pattern.size() - 2)) { f = NULL; } std::string keystr(, pattern.size()); string_replace(keystr, "*", vstr); if (f == NULL) { /* * keystr = "len(...)" */ if (keystr.find("len(") == 0 && keystr.rfind(")") == keystr.size() - 1) { keystr = keystr.substr(4, keystr.size() - 5); KeyType keytype = KEY_END; GetType(ctx, keystr, keytype); switch (keytype) { case SET_META: { SetLen(ctx, keystr); break; } case LIST_META: { ListLen(ctx, keystr); break; } case ZSET_META: { ZSetLen(ctx, keystr); break; } default: { return -1; } } value.SetInt64(ctx.reply.integer); value.ToString(); return 0; } ValueObject vv; int ret = StringGet(ctx, keystr, vv); if (0 == ret) { value = vv.meta.str_value; //value.ToString(); } return ret; } else { size_t pos = keystr.find("->"); std::string field = keystr.substr(pos + 2); keystr = keystr.substr(0, pos); int ret = 0; if (NULL == meta_cache) { ret = HashGet(ctx, keystr, field, value); } else { ValueObjectMap::iterator fit = meta_cache->find(keystr); if (fit == meta_cache->end()) { ValueObject meta; GetMetaValue(ctx, keystr, HASH_META, meta); fit = meta_cache->insert(ValueObjectMap::value_type(keystr, meta)).first; } Data ff; ff.SetString(field, true); ret = HashGet(ctx, fit->second, ff, value); } //value.ToString(); return ret; } }
static bool GetLMSensors(double *cf_this) { FILE *pp; Item *ip, *list = NULL; double temp = 0; char name[CF_BUFSIZE]; int count; cf_this[ob_temp0] = 0.0; cf_this[ob_temp1] = 0.0; cf_this[ob_temp2] = 0.0; cf_this[ob_temp3] = 0.0; if ((pp = cf_popen("/usr/bin/sensors", "r", true)) == NULL) { LMSENSORS = false; /* Broken */ return false; } { size_t vbuff_size = CF_BUFSIZE; char *vbuff = xmalloc(vbuff_size); ssize_t res = CfReadLine(&vbuff, &vbuff_size, pp); if (res <= 0) { /* FIXME: do we need to log anything here? */ cf_pclose(pp); free(vbuff); return false; } for (;;) { ssize_t res = CfReadLine(&vbuff, &vbuff_size, pp); if (res == -1) { if (!feof(pp)) { /* FIXME: Do we need to log anything here? */ cf_pclose(pp); free(vbuff); return false; } else { break; } } if (strstr(vbuff, "Temp") || strstr(vbuff, "temp")) { PrependItem(&list, vbuff, NULL); } } cf_pclose(pp); free(vbuff); } if (ListLen(list) > 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "LM Sensors seemed to return ok data"); } else { return false; } /* lmsensor names are hopelessly inconsistent - so try a few things */ for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) { snprintf(name, 16, "CPU%d Temp:", count); if (strncmp(ip->name, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); switch (count) { case 0: cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp; break; case 1: cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp; break; case 2: cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp; break; case 3: cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp; break; } Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Set temp%d to %lf from what looks like cpu temperature", count, temp); } } } if (cf_this[ob_temp0] != 0) { /* We got something plausible */ return true; } /* Alternative name Core x: */ for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) { snprintf(name, 16, "Core %d:", count); if (strncmp(ip->name, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); switch (count) { case 0: cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp; break; case 1: cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp; break; case 2: cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp; break; case 3: cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp; break; } Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Set temp%d to %lf from what looks like core temperatures", count, temp); } } } if (cf_this[ob_temp0] != 0) { /* We got something plausible */ return true; } for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { if (strncmp(ip->name, "CPU Temp:", strlen("CPU Temp:")) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Setting temp0 to CPU Temp"); cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp; } if (strncmp(ip->name, "M/B Temp:", strlen("M/B Temp:")) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Setting temp0 to M/B Temp"); cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp; } if (strncmp(ip->name, "Sys Temp:", strlen("Sys Temp:")) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Setting temp0 to Sys Temp"); cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp; } if (strncmp(ip->name, "AUX Temp:", strlen("AUX Temp:")) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Setting temp0 to AUX Temp"); cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp; } } if (cf_this[ob_temp0] != 0) { /* We got something plausible */ return true; } /* Alternative name Core x: */ for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) { snprintf(name, 16, "temp%d:", count); if (strncmp(ip->name, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); switch (count) { case 0: cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp; break; case 1: cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp; break; case 2: cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp; break; case 3: cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp; break; } Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Set temp%d to %lf", count, temp); } } } /* Give up? */ DeleteItemList(list); return true; }
int Ardb::LLen(Context& ctx, RedisCommandFrame& cmd) { ListLen(ctx, cmd.GetArguments()[0]); return 0; }
else code[0]='P'; if(at->cycle&(cH_Ring3|cH_Ring4|cH_Ring5|cH_Ring6|cH_Ring7)) code[1]='C'; else code[1]='X'; code[2]=0; ChampAtomToString(I,ai,atom); if(atom[0]>96) atom[0]-=32; strcat(code,atom); PyList_SetItem(l1,a,PyString_FromString(code)); ai = at->link; } n_bond = ListLen(I->Bond,pat->bond); l2 = PyList_New(n_bond); bi = pat->bond; for(b=0;b<n_bond;b++) { bd = I->Bond + bi; if(bd->class&cH_Aliphatic) code[0]='A'; else if(bd->class&cH_Aromatic) code[0]='R'; else code[0]='P'; if(bd->cycle&(cH_Ring3|cH_Ring4|cH_Ring5|cH_Ring6|cH_Ring7)) code[1]='C'; else code[1]='X';
static bool GetLMSensors(double *cf_this) { FILE *pp; Item *ip, *list = NULL; double temp = 0; char name[CF_BUFSIZE]; int count; char vbuff[CF_BUFSIZE]; cf_this[ob_temp0] = 0.0; cf_this[ob_temp1] = 0.0; cf_this[ob_temp2] = 0.0; cf_this[ob_temp3] = 0.0; if ((pp = cf_popen("/usr/bin/sensors", "r")) == NULL) { LMSENSORS = false; /* Broken */ return false; } CfReadLine(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, pp); while (!feof(pp)) { CfReadLine(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, pp); if (strstr(vbuff, "Temp") || strstr(vbuff, "temp")) { PrependItem(&list, vbuff, NULL); } } cf_pclose(pp); if (ListLen(list) > 0) { CfDebug("LM Sensors seemed to return ok data\n"); } else { return false; } /* lmsensor names are hopelessly inconsistent - so try a few things */ for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) { snprintf(name, 16, "CPU%d Temp:", count); if (strncmp(ip->name, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); switch (count) { case 0: cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp; break; case 1: cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp; break; case 2: cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp; break; case 3: cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp; break; } CfDebug("Set temp%d to %lf from what looks like cpu temperature\n", count, temp); } } } if (cf_this[ob_temp0] != 0) { /* We got something plausible */ return true; } /* Alternative name Core x: */ for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) { snprintf(name, 16, "Core %d:", count); if (strncmp(ip->name, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); switch (count) { case 0: cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp; break; case 1: cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp; break; case 2: cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp; break; case 3: cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp; break; } CfDebug("Set temp%d to %lf from what looks like core temperatures\n", count, temp); } } } if (cf_this[ob_temp0] != 0) { /* We got something plausible */ return true; } for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { if (strncmp(ip->name, "CPU Temp:", strlen("CPU Temp:")) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); CfDebug("Setting temp0 to CPU Temp\n"); cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp; } if (strncmp(ip->name, "M/B Temp:", strlen("M/B Temp:")) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); CfDebug("Setting temp0 to M/B Temp\n"); cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp; } if (strncmp(ip->name, "Sys Temp:", strlen("Sys Temp:")) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); CfDebug("Setting temp0 to Sys Temp\n"); cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp; } if (strncmp(ip->name, "AUX Temp:", strlen("AUX Temp:")) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); CfDebug("Setting temp0 to AUX Temp\n"); cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp; } } if (cf_this[ob_temp0] != 0) { /* We got something plausible */ return true; } /* Alternative name Core x: */ for (ip = list; ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) { for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) { snprintf(name, 16, "temp%d:", count); if (strncmp(ip->name, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { sscanf(ip->name, "%*[^:]: %lf", &temp); switch (count) { case 0: cf_this[ob_temp0] = temp; break; case 1: cf_this[ob_temp1] = temp; break; case 2: cf_this[ob_temp2] = temp; break; case 3: cf_this[ob_temp3] = temp; break; } CfDebug("Set temp%d to %lf\n", count, temp); } } } /* Give up? */ DeleteItemList(list); return true; }
/* This function copies the structural information of sim to exp. It does not copy chemical shifts etc. */ int BU_CopyStructure(struct BU_Struct *exp, struct BU_Struct *sim) { int i, pos, identical=1; struct BU_Unit *unit, *eunit; /* check that original does exist */ if (sim->Units.Head.Succ==&sim->Units.Tail) Error(PA_ERR_FAIL, "'Simulated' spectrum has no structure"); if(ListLen(&sim->Units)==ListLen(&exp->Units)) { for(unit=(struct BU_Unit *)sim->Units.Head.Succ, eunit=(struct BU_Unit *)exp->Units.Head.Succ; unit->Node.Succ!=NULL && eunit->Node.Succ!=NULL; unit=(struct BU_Unit *)unit->Node.Succ, eunit=(struct BU_Unit *)eunit->Node.Succ) { /* Check that the residues are the same and that they bind to the same position in the next residue. */ if(unit->Residue!=eunit->Residue || unit->Position!=eunit->Position) { identical=0; break; } /* Check the bonds */ for(i=0;i<TY_MAX_BONDS;i++) { if(unit->Subst[i]!=0 && eunit->Subst[i]!=0) { /* Just compare the names of the substituents since they are just copies (if they are the same) - they are not identical */ if(strcmp(unit->Subst[i]->Node.Name,eunit->Subst[i]->Node.Name)!=0) { identical=0; break; } } else if((unit->Subst[i]==0 && eunit->Subst[i]!=0) || (unit->Subst[i]!=0 && eunit->Subst[i]==0)) { identical=0; break; } } } } else { identical=0; } if(identical==1) { return(PA_ERR_OK); } /* clear experimental structure */ FreeList(&exp->Units); for(i=0;i<3;i++) { exp->JHH[i]=sim->JHH[i]; exp->JCH[i]=sim->JCH[i]; } for (unit=(struct BU_Unit *)sim->Units.Head.Succ; unit->Node.Succ!=NULL; unit=(struct BU_Unit *)unit->Node.Succ) { eunit=ME_CreateNode(&UnitMethod, &(exp->Units), unit->Node.Name); if (eunit==NULL) Error(PA_ERR_FATAL, "Out of memory"); eunit->Residue = unit->Residue; eunit->Shifts.Type = unit->Shifts.Type; for(i=0;i<TY_MAX_CARBON;i++) { eunit->Shifts.C[i]=BU_VOID_SHIFT; eunit->Shifts.H[i][0]=BU_VOID_SHIFT; eunit->Shifts.H[i][1]=BU_VOID_SHIFT; } eunit->CcpnUnitNr = unit->CcpnUnitNr; } /* copy linking info */ for (unit=(struct BU_Unit*)sim->Units.Head.Succ; unit->Node.Succ!=NULL; unit=(struct BU_Unit *)unit->Node.Succ) { eunit=(struct BU_Unit *)FindNode(&(exp->Units.Head), unit->Node.Name); eunit->Position=unit->Position; /* copy position info */ for (pos=0; pos<TY_MAX_HEAVY; pos++) /* copy every 'substituent' */ { if (unit->Subst[pos]==NULL) continue; eunit->Subst[pos]=(struct BU_Unit*) FindNode(&(exp->Units.Head),unit->Subst[pos]->Node.Name); } } return(PA_ERR_OK); }
void PromiseMethod(struct Method *ptr) { struct Item *ip; int i,amserver; amserver = (IsItemIn(ptr->servers,IPString2Hostname(VFQNAME)) || IsItemIn(ptr->servers,IPString2UQHostname(VUQNAME)) || IsItemIn(ptr->servers,VIPADDRESS)); if (amserver) { printf("Promises to provide and execute method %s if context [%s]\n",ptr->name,ptr->classes); } else { printf("Promise to use voluntary service %s provided by server list if context [%s]\n",ptr->name,ptr->classes); i = 1; for (ip = ptr->send_args; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { printf(" Provide argument %d: %s\n",i++,ip->name); } printf(" %s\n",ChecksumPrint('m',ptr->digest)); i = 1; for (ip = ptr->send_classes; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { printf(" Provide class %d: %s\n",i++,ip->name); } i = 1; for (ip = ptr->servers; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { printf(" Encrypt for service provider %d: %s\n",i++,ip->name); } i = 1; if (ListLen(ptr->servers) > 1) { for (ip = ptr->return_vars; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { printf(" Return value %d: $(%s_X.%s) - X = 1,2,..\n",i++,ptr->name,ip->name); } i = 1; for (ip = ptr->return_classes; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { printf(" Will accept return class %d: %s_X_%s\n",i++,ptr->name,ip->name); } } else { for (ip = ptr->return_vars; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { printf(" Will accept return value %d: $(%s.%s)\n",i++,ptr->name,ip->name); } i = 1; for (ip = ptr->return_classes; ip != NULL; ip=ip->next) { printf(" Will accept return class %d: %s_%s\n",i++,ptr->name,ip->name); } } } printf(" IfElapsed=%d, ExpireAfter=%d\n",ptr->ifelapsed,ptr->expireafter); printf(" Using executable file: %s\n",ptr->file); printf(" Running with Uid=%d,Gid=%d\n",ptr->uid,ptr->gid); printf(" Running in chdir=%s, chroot=%s\n",ptr->chdir,ptr->chroot); printf(" Rule from %s at/before line %d\n",ptr->audit->filename,ptr->lineno); }
static void CheckParseInt(char *lval, char *s, const char *range) { Item *split; int n; long max = CF_LOWINIT, min = CF_HIGHINIT, val; char output[CF_BUFSIZE]; /* Numeric types are registered by range separated by comma str "min,max" */ CfDebug("\nCheckParseInt(%s => %s/%s)\n", lval, s, range); if (s == NULL) { return; } split = SplitString(range, ','); if ((n = ListLen(split)) != 2) { FatalError("INTERN: format specifier for int rvalues is not ok for lval %s - got %d items", lval, n); } sscanf(split->name, "%ld", &min); if (strcmp(split->next->name, "inf") == 0) { max = CF_INFINITY; } else { sscanf(split->next->name, "%ld", &max); } DeleteItemList(split); if (min == CF_HIGHINIT || max == CF_LOWINIT) { FatalError("INTERN: could not parse format specifier for int rvalues for lval %s", lval); } if (IsCf3VarString(s)) { CfDebug("Validation: Unable to verify syntax of int \'%s\' due to variable expansion at this stage\n", s); return; } val = Str2Int(s); if (val == CF_NOINT) { snprintf(output, CF_BUFSIZE, "Int item on rhs of lval \'%s\' given as \'%s\' could not be parsed", lval, s); ReportError(output); return; } if (val > max || val < min) { snprintf(output, CF_BUFSIZE, "Int item on rhs of lval \'%s\' given as {%s => %ld} is out of bounds (should be in [%s])", lval, s, val, range); ReportError(output); return; } CfDebug("CheckParseInt - syntax verified\n\n"); }