Beispiel #1
void Assign(HashTable * h, int key, int val){
    int i = key % h->m;
    Elem * x = ListSearch(h->l+i, key);
    if (x == NULL){
        if(val) Insert(h->l+i, key, val);
        if(val == 0) Delete(h->l+i, x);
        else x->val = val;
int Lookup(struct elem ** table, int k, int m)
	int i = k % m;
	struct elem * result = ListSearch(table[i], k);
	if(result == NULL)
		return 0;
		return result->v;
Beispiel #3
TestListSearch(List *list)
    ListDeleteAll(list); // Already tested
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
        ListAppend(list, numbers[i]);
    for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (ListItorNull(ListSearch(list, numbers[i])) ||
                ListValue(ListSearch(list, numbers[i])) != numbers[i]) {
            sprintf(error, "Cannot find existing element [%d]", i);
            return false;
    if (!ListItorNull(ListSearch(list, TestMaxValue + 1))) {
        sprintf(error, "Found nonexisting element - bigger than max");
        return false;
    if (!ListItorNull(ListSearch(list, TestMinValue - 1))) {
        sprintf(error, "Found nonexisting element - smaller than min");
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #4
list_t* ListAdd(list_t* list, void* g, compareFunc funct) {
    list_t* node;
    list_t* nodeToBeAfterNew;

    node = (list_t*) malloc(sizeof(list_t));
    if ( !node ) {
        /* FIXME: No more memory -- do something? */
        return NULL;

    nodeToBeAfterNew = ListSearch(list, g, funct);
    node->data = g;
    node->next = nodeToBeAfterNew;
    nodeToBeAfterNew->prev->next = node;
    node->prev = nodeToBeAfterNew->prev;
    nodeToBeAfterNew->prev = node;

    return node;

Beispiel #5
SceneObjectT *GetObject(SceneT *self, const StrT name) {
    return ListSearch(self->objects, (CompareFuncT)CompareName, name);
Beispiel #6
MatrixStack3D *GetObjectTranslation(SceneT *self, const StrT name) {
    SceneObjectT *object = ListSearch(self->objects, (CompareFuncT)CompareName, name);

    return object ? object->ms : NULL;
Beispiel #7
void main (void)
	uMCONFIG M;	// Configuration structure
	int index;	// Loop variable
	LARGE_INTEGER C1, C2, D;// Profiling variables
	double seconds, Freq;	// Profiler output variables
	int * A [9000];	// Memory to allocate
	int const N = sizeof A / sizeof(int);	// Count of elements in array
	hLIST List;	// Linked list
	FILE * fp;	// Output file
	int Int = 4, * Item;// Integer data used to test list

	/* Initialize timer */
	QueryPerformanceFrequency (&D);
	Freq = 1.0 / (double)D.QuadPart;

	/* Initialize memory; allocate just enough for maximum allocation */
	M.PoolSize = N * (sizeof(int) + 0x14);
	MemInit (&M);

	fp = fopen ("Log.txt","wt");

	fprintf (fp, "%d ints:\n", N);

	/* Test speed of MemAlloc */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	for (index = 0; index < N; ++index)	A [index] = (int *) MemAlloc (sizeof(int), 0);
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With MemAlloc: %f seconds, %.8f p/int\n", seconds, seconds / N);

	/* Test speed of MemFree */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	for (index = 0; index < N; ++index)	MemFree (A [index]);
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With MemFree:  %f seconds, %.8f p/int\n", seconds, seconds / N);

	/* Test speed of malloc */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	for (index = 0; index < N; ++index)	A [index] = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int));
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With malloc:   %f seconds, %.8f p/int\n", seconds, seconds / N);

	/* Test speed of free */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	for (index = 0; index < N; ++index)	free (A [index]);
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With free:     %f seconds, %.8f p/int\n", seconds, seconds / N);

	/* Test speed of ListCreate */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	List = ListCreate (5, sizeof(int), L_DYNAMIC);
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With ListCreate:  %f seconds\n", seconds);

	fprintf (fp, "500 items:\n");

	/* Test speed of ListToFront */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	for (index = 0; index < 500; ++index) ListToFront (List, &index);
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With ListToFront:  %f seconds, %.8f p/int\n", seconds, seconds / 500);

	for (index = 0; index < 500; ++index) I [index] = 0;

	/* Test speed of ListExecute */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	Int = 9;	ListExecute (List, PrintMult, &Int);
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	for (index = 0; index < 500; ++index)
		if (index % 5 == 0) printf ("\n");

		printf ("%dx%d:%d\t", index, Int, I [index]);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With ListExecute:  %f seconds, %.8f p/int\n", seconds, seconds / 500);

	/* Test speed of ListSearch */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	Int = 205;	Item = ListSearch (List, Equal, &Int);
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	printf ("Datum found: %d\n", *(int*) Item);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With ListSearch:   %f seconds, %.8f p/int\n", seconds, seconds / 500);

	/* Test speed of ListDestroy */
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C1);
	ListDestroy (List);
	QueryPerformanceCounter (&C2);

	seconds = (double)(C2.QuadPart - C1.QuadPart) * Freq;
	fprintf (fp, "With ListDestroy:  %f seconds, %.8f p/int\n", seconds, seconds / 500);

	fclose (fp);

	/* Terminate memory; output results to file */
	MemTerm ("Mem.txt");
Bool HashSearch(HashMap *hash, ThreadGlobals* tg, int key, Data* data) {
	int bucket = HASH(key, hash->logLen);
	_assert(bucket>=0 && bucket<hash->len);
	return ListSearch(&hash->array[bucket], tg, key, data);
Beispiel #9
int At(HashTable * h, int key){
    int i = key % h->m;
    Elem * x = ListSearch(h->l+i, key);
    return x == NULL ? 0 : x->val;