void IntegrationPointsSwarm_ClearSwarmMaps( void* integrationPoints ) { IntegrationPointsSwarm* self = (IntegrationPointsSwarm*)integrationPoints; SwarmMap* map = NULL; int ii; for (ii=0; ii<List_GetSize(self->swarmsMappedTo); ii++) { map = *(SwarmMap**)List_GetItem(self->swarmsMappedTo, ii); SwarmMap_Clear(map); } }
void GeneralSwarm_ClearSwarmMaps( void* swarm ) { GeneralSwarm* self = (GeneralSwarm*) swarm; SwarmMap* map = NULL; int ii; for (ii=0; ii<List_GetSize(self->intSwarmMapList); ii++) { map = *(SwarmMap**)List_GetItem(self->intSwarmMapList, ii); SwarmMap_Clear(map); } }
void _GeneralSwarm_Delete( void* swarm ) { GeneralSwarm* self = (GeneralSwarm*)swarm; SwarmMap* map; int ii; self->previousIntSwarmMap=NULL; if(self->intSwarmMapList){ for (ii=0; ii<List_GetSize(self->intSwarmMapList); ii++) { map = *(SwarmMap**)List_GetItem(self->intSwarmMapList, ii); Stg_Class_Delete(map); } } Stg_Class_Delete(self->intSwarmMapList); self->intSwarmMapList = NULL; _Swarm_Delete( self ); }
int Stack_IsEmpty(const Stack *stack) { return (List_GetSize(stack) == 0); }
unsigned GeneralSwarm_IntegrationPointMap( void* _self, void* _intSwarm, unsigned elementId, unsigned intPtCellId ){ GeneralSwarm* self = (GeneralSwarm*)_self; IntegrationPointsSwarm* intSwarm = (IntegrationPointsSwarm*)_intSwarm; Mesh* intMesh = (Mesh*)intSwarm->mesh; SwarmMap* map = NULL; // first, lets check if the int swarm is mirroring a general swarm if (intSwarm->mirroredSwarm == (Swarm*)self) { // ok, it is a mirrored swarm return Swarm_ParticleCellIDtoLocalID( self, CellLayout_MapElementIdToCellId( self->cellLayout, elementId ), intPtCellId ); } else if ( self->previousIntSwarmMap && self->previousIntSwarmMap->swarm==intSwarm ) { /* next check if previous swarmmap */ map = self->previousIntSwarmMap; } else { /* ok, previous is not our guy, check other existing: */ int ii; for (ii=0; ii<List_GetSize(self->intSwarmMapList); ii++) { map = *(SwarmMap**)List_GetItem(self->intSwarmMapList, ii); if ( map->swarm==intSwarm ){ self->previousIntSwarmMap = map; break; } } // if we've gotten to this point, there is no corresponding map.. let's create one */ map = SwarmMap_New( intSwarm ); // add to list List_Append( self->intSwarmMapList, (void*)&map ); self->previousIntSwarmMap = map; // also add to int swarm incase it moves List_Append( intSwarm->swarmsMappedTo, (void*)&map ); } unsigned matPointLocalIndex; if ( SwarmMap_Map(map,elementId,intPtCellId,&matPointLocalIndex) ) { /* ok, map found, return value */ return matPointLocalIndex; } else { /* not found... damn.. lets go ahead and find nearest neighbour */ /* lets check some things */ Journal_Firewall( Stg_Class_IsInstance( self->cellLayout, ElementCellLayout_Type ), NULL, "Error In func %s: %s expects a materialSwarm with cellLayout of type ElementCellLayout.", __func__, self->type ); Journal_Firewall( intSwarm->mesh==(FeMesh*)((ElementCellLayout*)self->cellLayout)->mesh, Journal_Register( Error_Type, (Name)self->type ), "Error - in %s(): Mapper requires both the MaterialSwarm and\n" "the IntegrationSwarm to live on the same mesh.\n" "Here the MaterialSwarm %s lives in the mesh %s\n" "and the IntegrationSwarm %s lives in the mesh %s.", self->name, ((ElementCellLayout*)self->cellLayout)->mesh->name, intSwarm->name, intSwarm->mesh->name ); Cell_Index cell_I = CellLayout_MapElementIdToCellId( intSwarm->cellLayout, elementId ); Cell_Index cell_M = CellLayout_MapElementIdToCellId( self->cellLayout, elementId ); IntegrationPoint* integrationPoint = (IntegrationPoint*)Swarm_ParticleInCellAt( intSwarm, cell_I, intPtCellId ); /* Convert integration point local to global coordinates */ Coord global; FeMesh_CoordLocalToGlobal( intMesh, elementId, integrationPoint->xi, (double*) &global ); /* now lets sweep material points to find our closest friend */ double distance2_min = DBL_MAX; double distance2; Particle_Index particle_M; unsigned cellPartCount = self->cellParticleCountTbl[ cell_M ]; Journal_Firewall( cellPartCount, Journal_Register( Error_Type, (Name)self->type ), "Error - in %s(): There doesn't appear to be any particles\n" "within the current cell (%u).\n", self->name, cell_M ); for ( particle_M = 0; particle_M < cellPartCount; particle_M++ ) { GlobalParticle* materialPoint = (GlobalParticle*)Swarm_ParticleInCellAt( self, cell_M, particle_M ); distance2 = pow( global[0] - materialPoint->coord[0], 2 ) + pow( global[1] - materialPoint->coord[1], 2 ); if( self->dim == 3 ) distance2 += pow( global[2] - materialPoint->coord[2], 2 ); if ( distance2 < distance2_min ){ distance2_min = distance2; matPointLocalIndex = Swarm_ParticleCellIDtoLocalID( self, cell_M, particle_M ); } } /* ok, we've found our nearest friend. record to mapping */ SwarmMap_Insert(map,elementId,intPtCellId,matPointLocalIndex); } return matPointLocalIndex; }