Beispiel #1
Ptr<CodegenConfig> CodegenConfig::LoadConfig(Ptr<GuiResource> resource)
	Ptr<CodegenConfig> config = new CodegenConfig;
	config->resource = resource;

	if (auto folder = resource->GetFolderByPath(L"GacGenConfig/Cpp/"))
		auto out = MakePtr<CodegenConfig::CppOutput>();
		if (!LoadConfigString(folder, L"Output", out->output)) return nullptr;
		if (!LoadConfigString(folder, L"Include", out->include)) return nullptr;
		if (!LoadConfigString(folder, L"Name", out->name)) return nullptr;
		if (!LoadConfigString(folder, L"Prefix", out->prefix)) return nullptr;

		config->cppOutput = out;

	if (auto folder = resource->GetFolderByPath(L"GacGenConfig/Res/"))
		auto out = MakePtr<CodegenConfig::ResOutput>();
		if (!LoadConfigString(folder, L"Output", out->output)) return nullptr;
		LoadConfigString(folder, L"PrecompiledOutput", out->precompiledOutput, true);
		LoadConfigString(folder, L"PrecompiledBinary", out->precompiledBinary, true);
		LoadConfigString(folder, L"PrecompiledCompressed", out->precompiledCompressed, true);

		config->resOutput = out;

	return config;
Beispiel #2
void __stdcall DrawDialogHook(BW::bitmap *pSurface, BW::bounds *pBounds)
  if ( BW::pOldDrawDialogProc && !hideHUD )
    BW::pOldDrawDialogProc(pSurface, pBounds);

  if ( *BW::BWDATA_gwGameMode == BW::GAME_GLUES )

  BW::dialog *timeout = BW::FindDialogGlobal("TimeOut");
  if ( timeout )
    BW::dialog *dropbtn = timeout->findIndex(2);
    if ( !dropbtn->isDisabled() )

  // NOSOUND config option
  if ( !nosound )
    nosound = true;
    if ( LoadConfigString("starcraft", "sound", "ON") == "OFF" )

  // WMODE config option
  if ( switchToWMode && ghMainWnd )
    switchToWMode = false;
    SetWMode(windowRect.right, windowRect.bottom, true);

  //click the menu dialog that pops up when you win/lose a game
  BW::dialog *endDialog = BW::FindDialogGlobal("LMission");
  if ( !endDialog )
    endDialog = BW::FindDialogGlobal("WMission");
  if ( endDialog )
Beispiel #3
void InitPrimaryConfig()
  static bool isPrimaryConfigInitialized = false;
  // Return if already initialized
  if ( isPrimaryConfigInitialized )
  isPrimaryConfigInitialized = true;

  // ------------------------- GENERAL/GLOBAL CONFIG OPTIONS ----------------------------------
  // Get screenshot format
  screenshotFmt = LoadConfigString("starcraft", "screenshots", "gif");
  if ( !screenshotFmt.empty() )
    screenshotFmt.insert(0, ".");

  // Check if warning dialogs should be shown
  showWarn = LoadConfigStringUCase("config", "show_warnings", "YES") == "YES";

  // Check if shared memory should be enabled
  serverEnabled = LoadConfigStringUCase("config", "shared_memory", "ON") == "ON";

  // Get process count
  gdwProcNum = getProcessCount("StarCraft.exe");

  // ------------------------- WMODE CONFIG OPTIONS ----------------------------------
  // Load windowed mode position and fullscreen setting
  windowRect.left   = LoadConfigInt("window", "left");    = LoadConfigInt("window", "top");
  windowRect.right  = LoadConfigInt("window", "width");
  windowRect.bottom = LoadConfigInt("window", "height");
  switchToWMode     = LoadConfigStringUCase("window", "windowed", "OFF") == "ON";

  // Limit minimum w-mode size
  if ( windowRect.right < WMODE_MIN_WIDTH )
    windowRect.right = WMODE_MIN_WIDTH;
  if ( windowRect.bottom < WMODE_MIN_HEIGHT )
    windowRect.bottom = WMODE_MIN_HEIGHT;

Beispiel #4
// this version uppercase result string after loading, should be used for the most of enum-like strings
std::string LoadConfigStringUCase (const char *pszKey, const char *pszItem, const char *pszDefault)
  return Util::to_upper_copy(LoadConfigString(pszKey, pszItem, pszDefault));
Beispiel #5
//------------------------------------------------- DLL MAIN -------------------------------------------------
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID)
  switch (ul_reason_for_call)
#ifdef _DEBUG
        // Retrieve the initial configuration stuff if not already

        // Get revision/build automatically
        char szDllPath[MAX_PATH];

        DWORD dwDesiredRevision = 0;
        std::string aicfg = LoadConfigString("ai", BUILD_DEBUG ? "ai_dbg" : "ai", "_NULL");
        strncpy(szDllPath, aicfg.c_str(), MAX_PATH);

        if ( aicfg == "_NULL" )
            BWAPIError("Could not find %s under ai in \"%s\" for revision identification.", BUILD_DEBUG ? "ai_dbg" : "ai", szConfigPath);
          DWORD dwDesiredBuild    = 0; // 0 = undefined, 1 = release, 2 = debug

          // Tokenize and retrieve correct path for the instance number
          char *pszDll = strtok(szDllPath, ",");
          for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gdwProcNum-1; ++i )
            char *pszNext = strtok(NULL, ",");
            if ( !pszNext )
            pszDll = pszNext;
          // Retrieve revision info if it exists
          char *pszLoadRevCheck = strchr(pszDll, ':');
          if ( pszLoadRevCheck )
            pszLoadRevCheck[0] = 0;
            sscanf(pszLoadRevCheck, "%u", &dwDesiredRevision);

          // Remove spaces
          while ( isspace(pszDll[0]) )

          // Open File
          HANDLE hFile = NULL;
          if ( !SFileOpenFileEx(NULL, pszDll, SFILE_FROM_ABSOLUTE, &hFile) || !hFile)
              BWAPIError("Could not load module \"%s\" for revision identification.", pszDll);
            // Obtain file size
            DWORD dwFileSize = SFileGetFileSize(hFile, 0);

            // Allocate memory
            char *pbBuffer = (char*)SMAlloc(dwFileSize);
            if ( !pbBuffer )
                BWAPIError("Unable to allocate enough memory for module \"%s\" for revision identification.", pszDll);
              // Read file
              DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
              SFileReadFile(hFile, pbBuffer, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, 0);
              for ( u32 i = 0; i < dwBytesRead && (dwDesiredRevision == 0 || dwDesiredBuild == 0); ++i )
                if ( dwDesiredRevision == 0 && memcmp(&pbBuffer[i], "XBWAPIXREVISIONXSTAMPX", 22) == 0 )
                  i += 22;
                  sscanf(&pbBuffer[i], "%u", &dwDesiredRevision);
                  i += 5;
                }  // if REVISION
                if ( memcmp(&pbBuffer[i], "XBWAPIXBUILDXSTAMPX", 19) == 0 )
                  i += 19;
                  if ( strcmp(&pbBuffer[i], "DEBUG") == 0 )
                    dwDesiredBuild = 2;
                    i += 6;
                  else if ( strcmp(&pbBuffer[i], "RELEASE") == 0 )
                    dwDesiredBuild = 1;
                    i += 8;
                } // if BUILD
              } // for (iterate file)
              // Free memory and close file
            } // buffer was allocated
          } // file was opened

          /* Do revision checking */
          if ( dwDesiredRevision > 0 && dwDesiredRevision != SVN_REV )
            // revision that ai_dll_# for multiple instances was introduced
            if ( gdwProcNum && dwDesiredRevision < 2753 && showWarn )
              char err[512];
              sprintf(err, "Revision %u is not compatible with multiple instances.\nExpecting revision 2753 (BWAPI Beta 3.1) or greater. If you proceed, the older revision of BWAPI will attempt to load its module from ai_dll instead of the multi-instance specification. Do you want to continue anyway?", dwDesiredRevision);
              BWAPIError("%s", err);
              if ( MessageBox(NULL, err, "Error", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON1 | MB_TASKMODAL) == IDNO )
                return TRUE;
            } // revision is old

            if ( dwDesiredBuild == 0 )
              dwDesiredBuild = BUILD_DEBUG + 1;
            char szRevModule[MAX_PATH];
            sprintf_s(szRevModule, MAX_PATH, "%sbwapi-data\\revisions\\%u%s.dll", szInstallPath, dwDesiredRevision, dwDesiredBuild == 2 ? "d" : "");
            HMODULE hLib = LoadLibrary(szRevModule);
            if ( hLib )
              if ( showWarn )
                char msg[MAX_PATH+32];
                char szLoadedName[MAX_PATH];
                GetModuleFileName(hLib, szLoadedName, MAX_PATH);
                sprintf_s(msg, MAX_PATH+32, "Loaded \"%s\" instead.", szLoadedName);
                MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Success", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFO);
              return TRUE;

            if ( showWarn )
              char err[512];
              sprintf(err, "Couldn't find revision module \"%s\" of which the AI DLL was compiled for. Do you want to try using the current revision instead?", szRevModule);
              BWAPIError("%s", err);
              if ( MessageBox(NULL, err, "Error", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON1 | MB_TASKMODAL) == IDNO )
                return TRUE;
          } // specified rev is not this one
          else if ( dwDesiredBuild && BUILD_DEBUG + 1 != dwDesiredBuild )
            char envBuffer[MAX_PATH];
            if ( !GetEnvironmentVariable("ChaosDir", envBuffer, MAX_PATH) )
              if ( !GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, envBuffer) && showWarn )
                BWAPIError("Could not find ChaosDir or current directory for build identification.");

            SStrNCat(envBuffer, "\\BWAPI", MAX_PATH);
            if ( dwDesiredBuild == 2 )
              SStrNCat(envBuffer, "d", MAX_PATH);
            SStrNCat(envBuffer, ".dll", MAX_PATH);

            HMODULE hLib = LoadLibrary(envBuffer);
            if ( hLib )
              if ( showWarn )
                char msg[MAX_PATH+32];
                sprintf_s(msg, MAX_PATH+32, "Loaded \"%s\" instead.", envBuffer);
                MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Success", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFO);
              return TRUE;

            if ( showWarn )
              char err[512];
              sprintf(err, "Couldn't find build module \"%s\" of which the AI DLL was compiled for. Do you want to try using the current build instead?", envBuffer);
              BWAPIError("%s", err);
              if ( MessageBox(NULL, err, "Error", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_DEFBUTTON1 | MB_TASKMODAL) == IDNO )
                return TRUE;
            return TRUE;
        } // module str was found

        // Do version checking

        // Load the auto-menu config

        // Apply all hacks and patches to the game

        // Initialize BWAPI

        // Create our thread that persistently applies hacks
        CreateThread(NULL, 0, &PersistentPatch, NULL, 0, NULL);

        return TRUE;
  return TRUE;