 * Helper for ApplyNewSettings when the engine is running. Applies the changes needed for the runtime system.
 * We can assume the game is running if this code is called.
void FSystemSettings::ApplySettingsAtRuntime(const FSystemSettingsData& NewSettings, bool bWriteToIni)
	// Some of these settings are shared between threads, so we
	// must flush the rendering thread before changing anything.

	// Track settings we might have to put back
	FExposedTextureLODSettings InMemoryTextureLODSettings = TextureLODSettings;

	// Read settings from .ini.  This is necessary because settings which need to wait for a restart
	// will be on disk but may not be in memory.  Therefore, we read from disk before capturing old
	// values to revert to.

	// see what settings are actually changing.
	// Ugly casts because system settings is multi-inherited from all the consituent classes for backwards compatibility

	// Texture Detail
	bool bTextureDetailChanged = (const FSystemSettingsDataTextureDetail&)(*this) != (const FSystemSettingsDataTextureDetail&)NewSettings;

	// Make a copy of the existing settings so we can compare for changes
	FSystemSettingsData OldData = *this;

	// Set new settings. Would look prettier if we didn't derive from the Data class...
	(FSystemSettingsData&)(*this) = NewSettings;

	// apply any runtime changes that need to be made
	bool bUpdateTextureStreamingSucceeded = false;
	if (bTextureDetailChanged)
		bUpdateTextureStreamingSucceeded = UTexture::ForceUpdateTextureStreaming();

	// If requested, save the settings to ini.
	if ( bWriteToIni )

	// If texture detail settings couldn't be applied because we're loading seekfree,
	// revert the new settings to their previous in-memory values.
	if ( bTextureDetailChanged && !bUpdateTextureStreamingSucceeded )
		TextureLODSettings = InMemoryTextureLODSettings;
/** Initializes and instance with the values from the given IniSection in the engine ini */
void FSystemSettingsData::LoadFromIni( const TCHAR* IniSection, const FString& IniFilename, bool bAllowMissingValues, bool* FoundValues )
	// first, look for a parent section to base off of
	FString BasedOnSection;
	if (GConfig->GetString(IniSection, TEXT("BasedOn"), BasedOnSection, IniFilename))
		// recurse with the BasedOn section if it existed, always allowing for missing values
		LoadFromIni(*BasedOnSection, IniFilename, true, FoundValues);

	// Read all console variables from .ini
		GConfig->ForEachEntry(FKeyValueSink::CreateStatic(&FSetCVarFromIni::OnEntry), IniSection, IniFilename);


	// Read the texture group LOD settings.
	TextureLODSettings.Initialize( IniFilename, IniSection );
/** Initializes and instance with the values from the given IniSection in the engine ini */
void FSystemSettingsData::LoadFromIni( const TCHAR* IniSection, const FString& IniFilename, bool bAllowMissingValues, bool* FoundValues )
	// first, look for a parent section to base off of
	FString BasedOnSection;
	if (GConfig->GetString(IniSection, TEXT("BasedOn"), BasedOnSection, IniFilename))
		// recurse with the BasedOn section if it existed, always allowing for missing values
		LoadFromIni(*BasedOnSection, IniFilename, true, FoundValues);

	// Read all console variables from .ini
		FSetCVarFromIni Delegate(IniFilename);
		FKeyValueSink Visitor;

		Visitor.BindRaw(&Delegate, &FSetCVarFromIni::OnEntry);

		GConfig->ForEachEntry(Visitor, IniSection, IniFilename);

 * Initializes system settings and included texture LOD settings.
 * @param bSetupForEditor	Whether to initialize settings for Editor
void FSystemSettings::Initialize( bool bSetupForEditor )


	// Load the settings that will be the default for every other compat level, and the editor, and the other split screen levels.
	FSystemSettingsData DefaultSettings;
	DefaultSettings.LoadFromIni(GetSectionName(false), GEngineIni, false);

	bIsEditor = bSetupForEditor;

	(FSystemSettingsData&)(*this) = DefaultSettings;


	IConsoleManager::Get().RegisterConsoleVariableSink_Handle(FConsoleCommandDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FSystemSettings::CVarSink));

	// initialize a critical texture streaming value used by texture loading, etc
	int32 MinTextureResidentMipCount = 7;
	GConfig->GetInt(TEXT("TextureStreaming"), TEXT("MinTextureResidentMipCount"), MinTextureResidentMipCount, GEngineIni);
void FSteamVRHMD::Startup()
	// load the OpenVR library
	if (!LoadOpenVRModule())

	// grab a pointer to the renderer module for displaying our mirror window
	static const FName RendererModuleName("Renderer");
	RendererModule = FModuleManager::GetModulePtr<IRendererModule>(RendererModuleName);

	vr::HmdError HmdErr = vr::HmdError_None;
	//VRSystem = vr::VR_Init(&HmdErr);
	VRSystem = (*VRInitFn)(&HmdErr);

	// make sure that the version of the HMD we're compiled against is correct
	if ((VRSystem != nullptr) && (HmdErr == vr::HmdError_None))
		//VRSystem = (vr::IVRSystem*)vr::VR_GetGenericInterface(vr::IVRSystem_Version, &HmdErr);	//@todo steamvr: verify init error handling
		VRSystem = (vr::IVRSystem*)(*VRGetGenericInterfaceFn)(vr::IVRSystem_Version, &HmdErr);

	// attach to the compositor
	if ((VRSystem != nullptr) && (HmdErr == vr::HmdError_None))
		//VRCompositor = (vr::IVRCompositor*)vr::VR_GetGenericInterface(vr::IVRCompositor_Version, &HmdErr);
		VRCompositor = (vr::IVRCompositor*)(*VRGetGenericInterfaceFn)(vr::IVRCompositor_Version, &HmdErr);

		if ((VRCompositor != nullptr) && (HmdErr == vr::HmdError_None))
			// determine our compositor type
			vr::Compositor_DeviceType CompositorDeviceType = vr::Compositor_DeviceType_None;
			if (IsPCPlatform(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform) && !IsOpenGLPlatform(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform))
				CompositorDeviceType = vr::Compositor_DeviceType_D3D11;
			else if (IsOpenGLPlatform(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform))
				check(0);	//@todo steamvr: use old path for mac and linux until support is added
				CompositorDeviceType = vr::Compositor_DeviceType_OpenGL;

	if ((VRSystem != nullptr) && (HmdErr == vr::HmdError_None))
		// grab info about the attached display
		char Buf[128];
		FString DriverId;
		vr::TrackedPropertyError Error;

		VRSystem->GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty(vr::k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd, vr::Prop_TrackingSystemName_String, Buf, sizeof(Buf), &Error);
		if (Error == vr::TrackedProp_Success)
			DriverId = FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(Buf));

		VRSystem->GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty(vr::k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd, vr::Prop_SerialNumber_String, Buf, sizeof(Buf), &Error);
		if (Error == vr::TrackedProp_Success)
			DisplayId = FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(Buf));

		// determine our ideal screen percentage
		uint32 RecommendedWidth, RecommendedHeight;
		VRSystem->GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize(&RecommendedWidth, &RecommendedHeight);
		RecommendedWidth *= 2;

		int32 ScreenX, ScreenY;
		uint32 ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight;
		VRSystem->GetWindowBounds(&ScreenX, &ScreenY, &ScreenWidth, &ScreenHeight);

		float WidthPercentage = ((float)RecommendedWidth / (float)ScreenWidth) * 100.0f;
		float HeightPercentage = ((float)RecommendedHeight / (float)ScreenHeight) * 100.0f;

		float ScreenPercentage = FMath::Max(WidthPercentage, HeightPercentage);

		//@todo steamvr: move out of here
		static IConsoleVariable* CScrPercVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("r.ScreenPercentage"));

		if (FMath::RoundToInt(CScrPercVar->GetFloat()) != FMath::RoundToInt(ScreenPercentage))

		// disable vsync
		static IConsoleVariable* CVSyncVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("r.VSync"));

		// enforce finishcurrentframe
		static IConsoleVariable* CFCFVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("r.finishcurrentframe"));

		// Grab the chaperone
		vr::HmdError ChaperoneErr = vr::HmdError_None;
		//VRChaperone = (vr::IVRChaperone*)vr::VR_GetGenericInterface(vr::IVRChaperone_Version, &ChaperoneErr);
		VRChaperone = (vr::IVRChaperone*)(*VRGetGenericInterfaceFn)(vr::IVRChaperone_Version, &ChaperoneErr);
		if ((VRChaperone != nullptr) && (ChaperoneErr == vr::HmdError_None))
			ChaperoneBounds = FChaperoneBounds(VRChaperone);
			UE_LOG(LogHMD, Warning, TEXT("Failed to initialize Chaperone.  Error: %d"), (int32)ChaperoneErr);

		// Initialize our controller to device index
		for (int32 UnrealControllerIndex = 0; UnrealControllerIndex < MAX_STEAMVR_CONTROLLER_PAIRS; ++UnrealControllerIndex )
			for( int32 HandIndex = 0; HandIndex < 2; ++HandIndex )
				UnrealControllerIdAndHandToDeviceIdMap[ UnrealControllerIndex ][ HandIndex ] = INDEX_NONE;

		if (IsPCPlatform(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform) && !IsOpenGLPlatform(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform))
			pD3D11Bridge = new D3D11Bridge(this);


		UE_LOG(LogHMD, Log, TEXT("SteamVR initialized.  Driver: %s  Display: %s"), *DriverId, *DisplayId);
		UE_LOG(LogHMD, Log, TEXT("SteamVR failed to initialize.  Err: %d"), (int32)HmdErr);

		VRSystem = nullptr;

	// share the IVRSystem interface out to the SteamVRController via the module layer
Beispiel #6
SMOnlineRoom::SMOnlineRoom(const MString &name, const MString &description, bool allowgamerooms)
    : m_roomType(ROOMChat), m_allowgamerooms(allowgamerooms), m_state(RS_OPEN), m_maxPlayers(16),
      m_title(name), m_description(description)
bool FSystemSettings::HandleResetCommand( const TCHAR* Cmd , FOutputDevice& Ar )
	// Reset values to defaults from ini.
	return true;