Beispiel #1
void TextureDescriptor::ConvertToCurrentVersion(int8 version, int32 signature, DAVA::File *file)
//    Logger::Info("[TextureDescriptor::ConvertToCurrentVersion] (%s) from version %d", pathname.c_str(), version);

    if(version == 2)
        LoadVersion2(signature, file);
    else if(version == 3)
        LoadVersion3(signature, file);
    else if(version == 4)
        LoadVersion4(signature, file);
    else if(version == 5)
        LoadVersion5(signature, file);
    else if(version == 6)
        LoadVersion6(signature, file);
Beispiel #2
bool CLevel::LoadFromFile()
    bool ErrorOccurred = false;    

    // Open the existing level file for reading
    ifstream in; m_Filename_full.c_str(), ios_base::in );

    // If it failed
    if (!in.is_open())
        theLog.WriteLine ("Options         => Loading level file %s failed.", m_Filename_full.c_str() );
        // Stop loading levels
        return false;

    // This is the first line for the level files beginning with version 2 (therefore "V2plus")
    string headerV2plus( "; Bombermaaan level file version=" );

    string s;
    getline( in, s );
    int LevelVersion;

    // When header string is found at the beginning of the string, find() returns 0 (offset 0)
    if ( s.find( headerV2plus ) == 0 ) {
        // We can look for the level version now
        LevelVersion = atoi( s.substr( headerV2plus.length() ).c_str() );
        LevelVersion = 1;
    switch ( LevelVersion ) {

        case 1:
            if (!LoadVersion1( in ) ) {
                ErrorOccurred = true;

        case 2:
            if (!LoadVersion2( m_Filename_full ) ) {
                ErrorOccurred = true;

            theLog.WriteLine ("Options         => !!! Unsupported version of level file %s.", m_Filename_short.c_str());
            ErrorOccurred = true;


	// Close the level file
    // Validate this level if no error occurred so far
    if (!ErrorOccurred)
        ErrorOccurred = !Validate();

    // If there wasn't any problem
    if (!ErrorOccurred)
        theLog.WriteLine ("Options         => Level file %s was successfully loaded (version %d).", m_Filename_short.c_str(), LevelVersion);
    // If there was a problem
        theLog.WriteLine ("Options         => !!! Could not load level file %s (version %d).", m_Filename_short.c_str(), LevelVersion);

    // If we had to stop then there is a problem.
    if (ErrorOccurred)
        return false;

    // Everything went right
    return true;