Beispiel #1
void MConHandle::Close()
	// Если установлен указатель на хэндл буфера - закрывать не будем
	if (mpp_OutBuffer && *mpp_OutBuffer && (*mpp_OutBuffer != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))

	if (mh_Handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		if (mn_StdMode)
			LogHandle(Event::e_CloseHandleStd, mh_Handle);
			HANDLE h = mh_Handle;
			LogHandle(Event::e_CloseHandleStd, h);
			mb_OpenFailed = FALSE;
void Test_configure_stdout() {
  ResourceMark rm;
  LogHandle(logging) log;
  LogOutput* stdoutput = LogOutput::Stdout;

  // Save current stdout config and clear it
  char* saved_config = os::strdup_check_oom(stdoutput->config_string());
  LogConfiguration::parse_log_arguments("stdout", "all=off", NULL, NULL, log.error_stream());

  // Enable 'logging=info', verifying it has been set
  LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(logging));
  assert_str_eq("logging=info,", stdoutput->config_string());
  assert(log_is_enabled(Info, logging), "logging was not properly enabled");

  // Enable 'gc=debug' (no wildcard), verifying no other tags are enabled
  LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Debug, true, LOG_TAGS(gc));
  // No '+' character means only single tags are enabled, and no combinations
  assert_char_not_in('+', stdoutput->config_string());
  assert(log_is_enabled(Debug, gc), "logging was not properly enabled");

  // Enable 'gc*=trace' (with wildcard), verifying at least one tag combination is enabled (gc+...)
  LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Trace, false, LOG_TAGS(gc));
  assert_char_in('+', stdoutput->config_string());
  assert(log_is_enabled(Trace, gc), "logging was not properly enabled");

  // Disable 'gc*' and 'logging', verifying all logging is properly disabled
  LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Off, false, LOG_TAGS(gc));
  LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Off, true, LOG_TAGS(logging));
  assert_str_eq("all=off", stdoutput->config_string());

  // Restore saved configuration
  LogConfiguration::parse_log_arguments("stdout", saved_config, NULL, NULL, log.error_stream());
void Test_log_length() {

  // Write long message to output file
  ResourceMark rm;
  LogHandle(logging) log;
  bool success = LogConfiguration::parse_log_arguments("loglengthoutput.txt", "logging=trace",
    NULL, NULL, log.error_stream());
  assert(success, "test unable to configure logging");
  LogConfiguration::parse_log_arguments("loglengthoutput.txt", "all=off",
    NULL, NULL, log.error_stream());

  // Look for end of message in output file
  FILE* fp = fopen("loglengthoutput.txt", "r");
  assert(fp, "File read error");
  char output[600];
  if (fgets(output, 600, fp) != NULL) {
    assert(strstr(output, "37:1234567890-"), "logging print size error");
Beispiel #4
void CWsWindow::StatusDump(TDes &aBuf)
	if (!IsVisible())
void G1StringDedupTable::print_statistics() {
  LogHandle(gc, stringdedup) log;
  log.debug("   [Table]");
  log.debug("      [Memory Usage: " G1_STRDEDUP_BYTES_FORMAT_NS "]",
            G1_STRDEDUP_BYTES_PARAM(_table->_size * sizeof(G1StringDedupEntry*) + (_table->_entries + _entry_cache->size()) * sizeof(G1StringDedupEntry)));
  log.debug("      [Size: " SIZE_FORMAT ", Min: " SIZE_FORMAT ", Max: " SIZE_FORMAT "]", _table->_size, _min_size, _max_size);
  log.debug("      [Entries: " UINTX_FORMAT ", Load: " G1_STRDEDUP_PERCENT_FORMAT_NS ", Cached: " UINTX_FORMAT ", Added: " UINTX_FORMAT ", Removed: " UINTX_FORMAT "]",
            _table->_entries, (double)_table->_entries / (double)_table->_size * 100.0, _entry_cache->size(), _entries_added, _entries_removed);
  log.debug("      [Resize Count: " UINTX_FORMAT ", Shrink Threshold: " UINTX_FORMAT "(" G1_STRDEDUP_PERCENT_FORMAT_NS "), Grow Threshold: " UINTX_FORMAT "(" G1_STRDEDUP_PERCENT_FORMAT_NS ")]",
            _resize_count, _table->_shrink_threshold, _shrink_load_factor * 100.0, _table->_grow_threshold, _grow_load_factor * 100.0);
  log.debug("      [Rehash Count: " UINTX_FORMAT ", Rehash Threshold: " UINTX_FORMAT ", Hash Seed: 0x%x]", _rehash_count, _rehash_threshold, _table->_hash_seed);
  log.debug("      [Age Threshold: " UINTX_FORMAT "]", StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold);
Beispiel #6
void VM_Operation::evaluate() {
  ResourceMark rm;
  outputStream* debugstream;
  bool enabled = log_is_enabled(Debug, vmoperation);
  if (enabled) {
    debugstream = LogHandle(vmoperation)::debug_stream();
    debugstream->print("begin ");
  if (enabled) {
    debugstream->print("end ");
Beispiel #7
MConHandle::operator const HANDLE()
	if (mpp_OutBuffer && *mpp_OutBuffer && (*mpp_OutBuffer != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
		LogHandle(Event::e_GetHandlePtr, *mpp_OutBuffer);
		return *mpp_OutBuffer;

	if (mh_Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		if (mn_StdMode)
			mh_Handle = GetStdHandle(mn_StdMode);
			LogHandle(Event::e_CreateHandleStd, mh_Handle);
			// Чтобы случайно не открыть хэндл несколько раз в разных потоках
			MSectionLock CS; CS.Lock(&mcs_Handle, TRUE);

			// Во время ожидания хэндл мог быт открыт в другом потоке
			if (mh_Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

				if (mh_Handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
					mb_OpenFailed = FALSE;
					mn_LastError = GetLastError();

					if (!mb_OpenFailed)
						mb_OpenFailed = TRUE; // чтобы ошибка вываливалась только один раз!
						char szErrMsg[512], szNameA[10], szSelfFull[MAX_PATH];
						const char *pszSelf;
						char *pszDot;

						if (!GetModuleFileNameA(0,szSelfFull,MAX_PATH))
							pszSelf = "???";
							pszSelf = strrchr(szSelfFull, '\\');
							if (pszSelf) pszSelf++; else pszSelf = szSelfFull;

							pszDot = strrchr((char*)pszSelf, '.');

							if (pszDot) *pszDot = 0;

						WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, 0, ms_Name, -1, szNameA, sizeof(szNameA), 0,0);
						_wsprintfA(szErrMsg, SKIPLEN(countof(szErrMsg)) "%s: CreateFile(%s) failed, ErrCode=0x%08X\n", pszSelf, szNameA, mn_LastError);
						HANDLE h = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

						if (h && h!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
							DWORD dwWritten = 0;
							WriteFile(h, szErrMsg, lstrlenA(szErrMsg), &dwWritten, 0);

				LogHandle(Event::e_CreateHandle, mh_Handle);

	LogHandle(Event::e_GetHandle, mh_Handle);
	return mh_Handle;
Beispiel #8
// Roll all threads forward to a safepoint and suspend them all
void SafepointSynchronize::begin() {

  Thread* myThread = Thread::current();
  assert(myThread->is_VM_thread(), "Only VM thread may execute a safepoint");

  if (PrintSafepointStatistics || PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout > 0) {
    _safepoint_begin_time = os::javaTimeNanos();
    _ts_of_current_safepoint = tty->time_stamp().seconds();

  if (UseConcMarkSweepGC) {
    // In the future we should investigate whether CMS can use the
    // more-general mechanism below.  DLD (01/05).
  } else if (UseG1GC) {

  // By getting the Threads_lock, we assure that no threads are about to start or
  // exit. It is released again in SafepointSynchronize::end().

  assert( _state == _not_synchronized, "trying to safepoint synchronize with wrong state");

  int nof_threads = Threads::number_of_threads();

  log_debug(safepoint)("Safepoint synchronization initiated. (%d)", nof_threads);


  MutexLocker mu(Safepoint_lock);

  // Reset the count of active JNI critical threads
  _current_jni_active_count = 0;

  // Set number of threads to wait for, before we initiate the callbacks
  _waiting_to_block = nof_threads;
  TryingToBlock     = 0 ;
  int still_running = nof_threads;

  // Save the starting time, so that it can be compared to see if this has taken
  // too long to complete.
  jlong safepoint_limit_time = 0;
  timeout_error_printed = false;

  // PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout can be specified separately. When
  // specified, PrintSafepointStatistics will be set to true in
  // deferred_initialize_stat method. The initialization has to be done
  // early enough to avoid any races. See bug 6880029 for details.
  if (PrintSafepointStatistics || PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout > 0) {

  // Begin the process of bringing the system to a safepoint.
  // Java threads can be in several different states and are
  // stopped by different mechanisms:
  //  1. Running interpreted
  //     The interpreter dispatch table is changed to force it to
  //     check for a safepoint condition between bytecodes.
  //  2. Running in native code
  //     When returning from the native code, a Java thread must check
  //     the safepoint _state to see if we must block.  If the
  //     VM thread sees a Java thread in native, it does
  //     not wait for this thread to block.  The order of the memory
  //     writes and reads of both the safepoint state and the Java
  //     threads state is critical.  In order to guarantee that the
  //     memory writes are serialized with respect to each other,
  //     the VM thread issues a memory barrier instruction
  //     (on MP systems).  In order to avoid the overhead of issuing
  //     a memory barrier for each Java thread making native calls, each Java
  //     thread performs a write to a single memory page after changing
  //     the thread state.  The VM thread performs a sequence of
  //     mprotect OS calls which forces all previous writes from all
  //     Java threads to be serialized.  This is done in the
  //     os::serialize_thread_states() call.  This has proven to be
  //     much more efficient than executing a membar instruction
  //     on every call to native code.
  //  3. Running compiled Code
  //     Compiled code reads a global (Safepoint Polling) page that
  //     is set to fault if we are trying to get to a safepoint.
  //  4. Blocked
  //     A thread which is blocked will not be allowed to return from the
  //     block condition until the safepoint operation is complete.
  //  5. In VM or Transitioning between states
  //     If a Java thread is currently running in the VM or transitioning
  //     between states, the safepointing code will wait for the thread to
  //     block itself when it attempts transitions to a new state.
  _state            = _synchronizing;

  // Flush all thread states to memory
  if (!UseMembar) {

  // Make interpreter safepoint aware

  if (DeferPollingPageLoopCount < 0) {
    // Make polling safepoint aware
    guarantee (PageArmed == 0, "invariant") ;
    PageArmed = 1 ;

  // Consider using active_processor_count() ... but that call is expensive.
  int ncpus = os::processor_count() ;

#ifdef ASSERT
  for (JavaThread *cur = Threads::first(); cur != NULL; cur = cur->next()) {
    assert(cur->safepoint_state()->is_running(), "Illegal initial state");
    // Clear the visited flag to ensure that the critical counts are collected properly.
#endif // ASSERT

  if (SafepointTimeout)
    safepoint_limit_time = os::javaTimeNanos() + (jlong)SafepointTimeoutDelay * MICROUNITS;

  // Iterate through all threads until it have been determined how to stop them all at a safepoint
  unsigned int iterations = 0;
  int steps = 0 ;
  while(still_running > 0) {
    for (JavaThread *cur = Threads::first(); cur != NULL; cur = cur->next()) {
      assert(!cur->is_ConcurrentGC_thread(), "A concurrent GC thread is unexpectly being suspended");
      ThreadSafepointState *cur_state = cur->safepoint_state();
      if (cur_state->is_running()) {
        if (!cur_state->is_running()) {
           // consider adjusting steps downward:
           //   steps = 0
           //   steps -= NNN
           //   steps >>= 1
           //   steps = MIN(steps, 2000-100)
           //   if (iterations != 0) steps -= NNN
        if (log_is_enabled(Trace, safepoint)) {
          ResourceMark rm;

    if (PrintSafepointStatistics && iterations == 0) {
      begin_statistics(nof_threads, still_running);

    if (still_running > 0) {
      // Check for if it takes to long
      if (SafepointTimeout && safepoint_limit_time < os::javaTimeNanos()) {

      // Spin to avoid context switching.
      // There's a tension between allowing the mutators to run (and rendezvous)
      // vs spinning.  As the VM thread spins, wasting cycles, it consumes CPU that
      // a mutator might otherwise use profitably to reach a safepoint.  Excessive
      // spinning by the VM thread on a saturated system can increase rendezvous latency.
      // Blocking or yielding incur their own penalties in the form of context switching
      // and the resultant loss of $ residency.
      // Further complicating matters is that yield() does not work as naively expected
      // on many platforms -- yield() does not guarantee that any other ready threads
      // will run.   As such we revert to naked_short_sleep() after some number of iterations.
      // nakes_short_sleep() is implemented as a short unconditional sleep.
      // Typical operating systems round a "short" sleep period up to 10 msecs, so sleeping
      // can actually increase the time it takes the VM thread to detect that a system-wide
      // stop-the-world safepoint has been reached.  In a pathological scenario such as that
      // described in CR6415670 the VMthread may sleep just before the mutator(s) become safe.
      // In that case the mutators will be stalled waiting for the safepoint to complete and the
      // the VMthread will be sleeping, waiting for the mutators to rendezvous.  The VMthread
      // will eventually wake up and detect that all mutators are safe, at which point
      // we'll again make progress.
      // Beware too that that the VMThread typically runs at elevated priority.
      // Its default priority is higher than the default mutator priority.
      // Obviously, this complicates spinning.
      // Note too that on Windows XP SwitchThreadTo() has quite different behavior than Sleep(0).
      // Sleep(0) will _not yield to lower priority threads, while SwitchThreadTo() will.
      // See the comments in synchronizer.cpp for additional remarks on spinning.
      // In the future we might:
      // 1. Modify the safepoint scheme to avoid potentially unbounded spinning.
      //    This is tricky as the path used by a thread exiting the JVM (say on
      //    on JNI call-out) simply stores into its state field.  The burden
      //    is placed on the VM thread, which must poll (spin).
      // 2. Find something useful to do while spinning.  If the safepoint is GC-related
      //    we might aggressively scan the stacks of threads that are already safe.
      // 3. Use Solaris schedctl to examine the state of the still-running mutators.
      //    If all the mutators are ONPROC there's no reason to sleep or yield.
      // 4. YieldTo() any still-running mutators that are ready but OFFPROC.
      // 5. Check system saturation.  If the system is not fully saturated then
      //    simply spin and avoid sleep/yield.
      // 6. As still-running mutators rendezvous they could unpark the sleeping
      //    VMthread.  This works well for still-running mutators that become
      //    safe.  The VMthread must still poll for mutators that call-out.
      // 7. Drive the policy on time-since-begin instead of iterations.
      // 8. Consider making the spin duration a function of the # of CPUs:
      //    Spin = (((ncpus-1) * M) + K) + F(still_running)
      //    Alternately, instead of counting iterations of the outer loop
      //    we could count the # of threads visited in the inner loop, above.
      // 9. On windows consider using the return value from SwitchThreadTo()
      //    to drive subsequent spin/SwitchThreadTo()/Sleep(N) decisions.

      if (int(iterations) == DeferPollingPageLoopCount) {
         guarantee (PageArmed == 0, "invariant") ;
         PageArmed = 1 ;

      // Instead of (ncpus > 1) consider either (still_running < (ncpus + EPSILON)) or
      // ((still_running + _waiting_to_block - TryingToBlock)) < ncpus)
      ++steps ;
      if (ncpus > 1 && steps < SafepointSpinBeforeYield) {
        SpinPause() ;     // MP-Polite spin
      } else
      if (steps < DeferThrSuspendLoopCount) {
        os::naked_yield() ;
      } else {

      iterations ++ ;
    assert(iterations < (uint)max_jint, "We have been iterating in the safepoint loop too long");
  assert(still_running == 0, "sanity check");

  if (PrintSafepointStatistics) {

  // wait until all threads are stopped
  while (_waiting_to_block > 0) {
    log_debug(safepoint)("Waiting for %d thread(s) to block", _waiting_to_block);
    if (!SafepointTimeout || timeout_error_printed) {
      Safepoint_lock->wait(true);  // true, means with no safepoint checks
    } else {
      // Compute remaining time
      jlong remaining_time = safepoint_limit_time - os::javaTimeNanos();

      // If there is no remaining time, then there is an error
      if (remaining_time < 0 || Safepoint_lock->wait(true, remaining_time / MICROUNITS)) {
  assert(_waiting_to_block == 0, "sanity check");

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (SafepointTimeout) {
    jlong current_time = os::javaTimeNanos();
    if (safepoint_limit_time < current_time) {
      tty->print_cr("# SafepointSynchronize: Finished after "
                    INT64_FORMAT_W(6) " ms",
                    ((current_time - safepoint_limit_time) / MICROUNITS +

  assert((_safepoint_counter & 0x1) == 0, "must be even");
  assert(Threads_lock->owned_by_self(), "must hold Threads_lock");
  _safepoint_counter ++;

  // Record state
  _state = _synchronized;


#ifdef ASSERT
  for (JavaThread *cur = Threads::first(); cur != NULL; cur = cur->next()) {
    // make sure all the threads were visited
    assert(cur->was_visited_for_critical_count(), "missed a thread");
#endif // ASSERT

  // Update the count of active JNI critical regions

  if (log_is_enabled(Debug, safepoint)) {
    VM_Operation *op = VMThread::vm_operation();
    log_debug(safepoint)("Entering safepoint region: %s",
                         (op != NULL) ? op->name() : "no vm operation");

  if (PrintSafepointStatistics) {

  // Call stuff that needs to be run when a safepoint is just about to be completed

  if (PrintSafepointStatistics) {
    // Record how much time spend on the above cleanup tasks