int initNetworkDHCP(){ int retval; if (NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_ETHER, 0, 0)) { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Registering ethernet failed.")); retval = 1; } else if (NutDhcpIfConfig(DEV_ETHER_NAME, NULL, 0)) { uint8_t initial_mac[6] = MY_MAC; if (NutDhcpIfConfig(DEV_ETHER_NAME, initial_mac, 0)) { u_long initial_ip_addr = inet_addr(MY_IP); u_long initial_ip_mask = inet_addr(MY_MASK); NutNetIfConfig(DEV_ETHER_NAME, initial_mac, initial_ip_addr, initial_ip_mask); retval = 2; } } if (NutRegisterDiscovery(INADDR_BROADCAST, 0, DISF_INITAL_ANN)) { //printf("Discover Service failed"); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Discover Service failed")); retval = 3; } else { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Ethernet Startup Message: OK")); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("IP = [%d],[%d],[%d],[%d]")); default_handler = NutRegisterDiscoveryCallback(MyHandler); retval = 4; } return retval; }
//Haal tijd op via ntp tm getNTPTime(){ time_t ntp_time = 0; tm *ntp_datetime; uint32_t timeserver = 0; _timezone = -1 * 60 * 60; //GMT+1 LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Retrieving time from")); timeserver = inet_addr(""); int i; for (i = 0;i < 20; i++) { if (NutSNTPGetTime(×erver, &ntp_time) == 0) { break; } else { NutSleep(1000); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Fout bij ophalen ntp tijd, pogingen over:%d"),(20-i)); } } ntp_datetime = localtime(&ntp_time); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("NTP time is: %02d:%02d:%02d\n"), ntp_datetime->tm_hour, ntp_datetime->tm_min, ntp_datetime->tm_sec); //printf("NTP time is: %02d:%02d:%02d\n", ntp_datetime->tm_hour, ntp_datetime->tm_min, ntp_datetime->tm_sec); tm gmt; gmt.tm_hour = ntp_datetime->tm_hour; gmt.tm_min = ntp_datetime->tm_min; gmt.tm_sec = ntp_datetime->tm_sec; gmt.tm_mday = ntp_datetime->tm_mday; gmt.tm_mon = ntp_datetime->tm_mon; gmt.tm_year = ntp_datetime->tm_year; return gmt; }
void clientSend(TCPSOCKET *sock, char* buffer, int len){ if (NutTcpSend(sock, buffer, len) != len) { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Fout bij zenden client data")); } else{ LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Geen Fout bij zenden client data?")); } }
int main(void) { tm gmt; WatchDogDisable(); NutDelay(100); SysInitIO(); SPIinit(); LedInit(); LcdLowLevelInit(); Uart0DriverInit(); Uart0DriverStart(); LogInit(); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")); CardInit(); X12Init(); if (X12RtcGetClock(&gmt) == 0) { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("RTC time [%02d:%02d:%02d]\n"), gmt.tm_hour, gmt.tm_min, gmt.tm_sec ); } if (At45dbInit() == AT45DB041B) { } RcInit(); KbInit(); SysControlMainBeat(ON); // enable 4.4 msecs hartbeat interrupt NutThreadSetPriority(1); NutTimerInit(); sei(); printf("\nreading EEPROM\n"); NutSleep(1000); readEEPROM(); printf("UTC: %d\n",IMCconfig.UTC); NutSleep(1000); IMCconfig.UTC++; printf("na ophoging UTC: %d\n",IMCconfig.UTC); saveEEPROM(); NutSleep(1000); readEEPROM(); printf("na saving en reading UTC: %d\n",IMCconfig.UTC); printf("\nResetting EEPROM\n"); NutSleep(1000); resetEEPROM(); NutSleep(1000); readEEPROM(); for (;;) { } return(0); // never reached, but 'main()' returns a non-void, so..... }
int main(void) { tm gmt; WatchDogDisable(); NutDelay(100); SysInitIO(); SPIinit(); LedInit(); LcdLowLevelInit(); Uart0DriverInit(); Uart0DriverStart(); LogInit(); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")); CardInit(); X12Init(); if (X12RtcGetClock(&gmt) == 0) { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("RTC time [%02d:%02d:%02d]\n"), gmt.tm_hour, gmt.tm_min, gmt.tm_sec ); } if (At45dbInit() == AT45DB041B) { } RcInit(); KbInit(); SysControlMainBeat(ON); // enable 4.4 msecs hartbeat interrupt initMenu(); sei(); NutTimerInit(); NutThreadSetPriority(1); int keyvalue = KbGetKey(); int old; LcdBackLight(LCD_BACKLIGHT_ON); if(NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_ETHER, 0x8300, 5))printf("Error: No LAN device\n"); else printf("Lan device initialized\n"); for (;;) { keyvalue = KbGetKey(); if(old != keyvalue){ stateMenu(keyvalue); old = keyvalue; } NutSleep(100); WatchDogRestart(); } return(0); // never reached, but 'main()' returns a non-void, so..... }
/*! * \brief Find a descriptor for a piece of text. * * A LookUp Table (LUT) is searched for matching text. * The row in which the match was found is returned. * If no match was found, the descriptor of the last entry * is returned. As a result, the table should always contain * at least one entry. And that last one should be the * default/empty or error value, depending on your needs. * * \note The compare used is not case sensitive. * \note If byLen is 0, only the first part of pcText * needs to match. * E.g. "foo" in the LUT will match "foo", * E.g. "foo" in the LUT will match "foobar" * By passing the length of pcText (not including the * \0 character), will force an exact match. * E.g. "foo" in the LUT will match "foo", * E.g. "foo" in the LUT will not match "foobar", * * \param tLookupTable [in] The lookup table. * \param pcText [in] The text to find the value for * this does not need to be 0 terminated. * \param byLen [in] See notes above. * * \return The descriptor of the row that matched. * Or the descriptor of the last row if no match. */ void *LutSearch(CONST tLut tLookupTable[], CONST char *pcText, unsigned char byLen) { unsigned char byRow = 0; for (byRow = 0; byRow < (unsigned char)(-1); byRow++) { unsigned char byTagLen = 0; if (tLookupTable[byRow].pszTag == NULL) { break; } byTagLen = strlen_P(tLookupTable[byRow].pszTag); if ((byLen != 0) && (byTagLen != byLen)) { continue; /* not the same size; keep looking */ } /* case-insensitive compare */ if (strncasecmp_P(pcText, tLookupTable[byRow].pszTag, byTagLen) == 0) { break; } } #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG LogMsg_P(LOG_DEBUG, PSTR("Match %d"), byRow); #endif /* #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG */ return (tLookupTable[byRow].pDesc); }
THREAD(Uart0KeyEvents, arg) { //LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("UART-Thread Start")); NutThreadSetPriority(200); // low prio for (;;) { char *result = ""; char rst[] = "reset\n"; if (stream==NULL) { //LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Stream is NULL!")); NutSleep(2000); //Mhe continue; } result = fgets(result, 16, stream); short _reset_received = strcmp(rst, result); if (_reset_received == 0){ LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR(">>>>>> RESET COMMAND RECEIVED")); //RESET SIR! WatchDogStart(0); } } }
int clientReceive(TCPSOCKET *sock, char *buffer, int len){ int got; got = NutTcpReceive(sock, buffer, len); if (got <= 0) { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Fout bij ontvangen client data")); } return got; }
THREAD(T1, arg) { for (;;) { //NutSleep(1000); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("T1")); printf("Yello"); NutDelay(100); } }
/*! * \brief Allocate memory. * * \param unSize [in] Amount of memory to allocate. * * \return pointer to the allocated memory. * NULL if there is no memory left or you requested 0 size. */ void *MyMalloc(unsigned int unSize) { void *pResult = NULL; if ((unSize != 0) && ((pResult = NutHeapAlloc(unSize)) == NULL)) { LogMsg_P(LOG_ERR, PSTR("No memory [%u]"), unSize); } return (pResult); }
/*! * \brief Allocate new memory if needed. * * Checks if a memory block is large enough to hold additional data. * If it is not, the buffer is reallocated so it can hold the additional data. * * \param ppcBuf [in,out] Address of a pointer to a memory block. * \param punBufSize [in,out] The currently allocated size, [out] the new blocksize * \param unBufInUse [in] Currently in use. * \param unSizeNeeded [in] Size of the data to add. * * \return 0 when the buffer is large enough to add the data. * -1 if no new memory could be allocated. */ int BufferMakeRoom(char **ppcBuf, unsigned int *punBufSize, unsigned int unBufInUse, unsigned int unSizeNeeded) { #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG LogMsg_P(LOG_DEBUG, PSTR("Have %u,Need %u"), (*punBufSize - unBufInUse), unSizeNeeded); #endif /* #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG */ if (unSizeNeeded > (*punBufSize - unBufInUse)) { unsigned int unBlockSize = 256; char *pNewBuf = NULL; if (unBlockSize < unSizeNeeded) { unBlockSize = unSizeNeeded; } pNewBuf = MyMalloc(*punBufSize + unBlockSize); if (pNewBuf == NULL) { return (-1); } else { *punBufSize += unBlockSize; #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG LogMsg_P(LOG_DEBUG, PSTR("MemBlock is %u now"), *punBufSize); #endif /* #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG */ if (*ppcBuf != NULL) { memcpy(pNewBuf, *ppcBuf, unBufInUse); } MyFree(*ppcBuf); *ppcBuf = pNewBuf; } } return (0); }
int x1205ReadByte(unsigned char addr) { int retval = 1; u_char writeBuffer[2]; u_char readBuffer[2]; writeBuffer[0] = 0; writeBuffer[1] = addr; // SC register in x1205 RTC, datasheet page 10 // TwMasterTransact schrijft eerst en leest daarna. Dit is wat we willen. // Schrijf eerst werk register we willen lezen, daarna lees het register if( TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, writeBuffer, 2, readBuffer, 2, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE) != 2 ) { retval = -1; LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("error x1205readByte()")); } else { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("x1205 says: [%02x][%02x]"), readBuffer[0], readBuffer[1] ); } return retval; }
/* ******************************************************************* */ void x1205Init(void) /* * Initialiseer TWI, gebruik NUT/OS functionaliteit. * see: of * */ { TwInit(0); // 0 betekent dat wij master zijn, alle andere devices op de bus // zijn slaves. // Optioneel: //TwIOCtr(TWI_SETSPEED, &....); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("x1205Init()")); }
static int GetCSD (DRIVE *pDrive) { int i; int nError = MMC_ERROR; BYTE bData[16]; WORD wREAD_BL_LEN; WORD wC_SIZE; WORD wC_SIZE_MULT; WORD wDummy; DWORD dTotalSectors = 0; MMCCommand(MMC_READ_CSD, 0, 0); if (MMCDataToken() != 0xfe) { LogMsg_P(LOG_ERR, PSTR("error during CSD read")); } else { for (i=0; i<16; i++) { bData[i] = SPIgetByte(); } SPIputByte(0xff); /* checksum -> don't care about it for now */ SPIputByte(0xff); /* checksum -> don't care about it for now */ SPIdeselect(); /* * Get the READ_BL_LEN */ wREAD_BL_LEN = (1 << (bData[5] & 0x0F)); /* * Get the C_SIZE */ wC_SIZE = (bData[6] & 0x03); wC_SIZE = wC_SIZE << 10; wDummy = bData[7]; wDummy = wDummy << 2; wC_SIZE |= wDummy; wDummy = (bData[8] & 0xC0); wDummy = wDummy >> 6; wC_SIZE |= wDummy; /* * Get the wC_SIZE_MULT */ wC_SIZE_MULT = (bData[9] & 0x03); wC_SIZE_MULT |= wC_SIZE_MULT << 1; wDummy = (bData[10] & 0x80); wDummy = wDummy >> 7; wC_SIZE_MULT |= wDummy; wC_SIZE_MULT = (1 << (wC_SIZE_MULT+2)); dTotalSectors = wC_SIZE+1; dTotalSectors *= wC_SIZE_MULT; pDrive->dTotalSectors = dTotalSectors; pDrive->wSectorSize = wREAD_BL_LEN; nError = MMC_OK; } return(nError); } /* GetCSD */
int main(void) { //audioInit(); //setVolume(254); WatchDogDisable(); //disable watchdog NutDelay(100); //wait for it to disable SysInitIO(); //initialise input and output SPIinit(); //initialise SPI-registers (speed, mode) LedInit(); //initialise led initLCD(); //initialise lcd Uart0DriverInit(); //initialise Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter Uart0DriverStart(); //start Uart printf("\n\n\n\nHardware initialization done\n\n"); LogInit(); //initialise ability to log CardInit(); //initialise cardreader printf("\n----------------------------------------------START OF PROGRAM------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if (NutSegBufInit(8192) == 0) { puts("NutSegBufInit: Fatal error"); } /* * Initialize the MP3 decoder hardware. */ if (VsPlayerInit() || VsPlayerReset(0)) { puts("VsPlayer: Fatal error"); } if(X12Init() == -1){ printf("error initializing RTC"); //initialise X12RTC } tm gmt; if (X12RtcGetClock(&gmt) == 0) { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("local storage time [%02d:%02d:%02d] (in RTC)\n"), gmt.tm_hour, gmt.tm_min, gmt.tm_sec); } if (At45dbInit() == AT45DB041B) { // ...... } RcInit(); //Initialise the Remote Control module KbInit(); //Initialise keyboard initMenu(); //Initialise menu NutThreadCreate("Bh", ButtonHandlerThread, NULL, 512); //create thread to handle button presses printf("\nInitialization done.\n"); initAlarms(); SysControlMainBeat(ON); //enable 4.4 msecs heartbeat interrupt printf("Heartbeat on.\n"); NutThreadSetPriority(1); //Increase our priority so we can feed the watchdog. sei(); //enable global interrupts NutThreadCreate("Bg", TimeSyncThread, NULL, 512); NutThreadCreate("Bq", RefreshSceenThread, NULL, 512); NutThreadCreate("Bl", AlarmCheckerThread, NULL, 512); printf("\nEntering main loop.\n"); LcdBackLight(LCD_BACKLIGHT_ON); for(;;){ NutSleep(100); WatchDogRestart(); //restart watchdog } return(0); }
int main(void) { WatchDogDisable(); NutDelay(100); SysInitIO(); SPIinit(); LedInit(); LcdLowLevelInit(); LcdBackLight(1); PrintStr("Starting System"); Uart0DriverInit(); Uart0DriverStart(); LogInit(); CardInit(); char custom[48] = ALL; LoadCustomChars(custom, 6); X12Init(); if (X12RtcGetClock(&gmt) == 0) { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("RTC time [%02d:%02d:%02d]"), gmt.tm_hour, gmt.tm_min, gmt.tm_sec ); } if (At45dbInit()==AT45DB041B) { // ...... } RcInit(); KbInit(); SysControlMainBeat(ON); // enable 4.4 msecs hartbeat interrupt ClearLcdScreen(); //Nieuwe threads aanmaken NutThreadCreate("t01", Thread1, NULL, 512); NutThreadCreate("time", TimeUpdater, NULL, 512); //Start netwerk int i = initNetworkDHCP(); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Ethernet Startup Message: [%d]"),i); //Haal Internet tijd op pgmt = getNTPTime(); X12RtcSetClock(&pgmt); //LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("New RTC time [%02d:%02d:%02d]"), gmt.tm_hour, gmt.tm_min, gmt.tm_sec ); /* * Increase our priority so we can feed the watchdog. */ NutThreadSetPriority(1); /* Enable global interrupts */ sei(); /******************NETWERK**TEST*****************************************************/ //Maak nieuwe socket TCPSOCKET *sock; sock = NutTcpCreateSocket(); //Connect met LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Connecting client")); clientConnect(sock); //Zend http req clientSend(sock,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); //Ontvang response in buffer --> grotere buffer (1500)= crash-->heapsize??(8k ram) char rcvbuffer [500]; int rec; rec = clientReceive(sock,rcvbuffer,sizeof(rcvbuffer)); LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("received [%d]"),rec); //0 terminate buffer(string) //rcvbuffer[499] = 0; //Print buffer(http response enz) LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("received [%s]"),rcvbuffer); //Sluit connectie clientClose(sock); /***********************************************************************************/ //Main gui besturing?? for (;;) { NutSleep(100); WatchDogRestart(); } return(0); }
void clientConnect(TCPSOCKET *sock){ //sock = NutTcpCreateSocket(); if (NutTcpConnect(sock, inet_addr(""), 80)) { LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("Fout bij connecten socket")); } }