int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); SetNamePgm("test_cmchash"); hash_table_t *ht = NULL; hash_parameter_t hparam; hash_buffer_t buffval; hash_buffer_t buffkey; hash_buffer_t buffval2; hash_buffer_t buffkey2; hash_stat_t statistiques; int i; int val; int rc; int res; struct Temps debut, fin; char tmpstr[10]; char tmpstr2[10]; char tmpstr3[10]; char strtab[MAXTEST][10]; int critere_recherche = 0; int random_val = 0; hparam.index_size = PRIME; hparam.alphabet_length = 10; hparam.nb_node_prealloc = NB_PREALLOC; hparam.hash_func_key = simple_hash_func; hparam.hash_func_rbt = rbt_hash_func; hparam.compare_key = compare_string_buffer; hparam.key_to_str = display_buff; hparam.val_to_str = display_buff; BuddyInit(NULL); /* Init de la table */ if((ht = HashTable_Init(hparam)) == NULL) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Bad init"); exit(1); } MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); LogTest("Created the table"); for(i = 0; i < MAXTEST; i++) { sprintf(strtab[i], "%d", i); buffkey.len = strlen(strtab[i]); buffkey.pdata = strtab[i]; buffval.len = strlen(strtab[i]); buffval.pdata = strtab[i]; rc = HashTable_Set(ht, &buffkey, &buffval); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE,"Added %s , %d , return = %d", strtab[i], i, rc); } MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Time to insert %d entries: %s", MAXTEST, ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE, "-----------------------------------------"); HashTable_Log(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE,ht); LogTest("========================================="); /* Premier test simple: verif de la coherence des valeurs lues */ critere_recherche = CRITERE; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); rc = HashTable_Get(ht, &buffkey, &buffval); MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Recovery of %d th key ->%d", critere_recherche, rc); LogTest("Time to recover = %s", ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); if(rc != HASHTABLE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Test FAILED: The key is not found"); exit(1); } sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); rc = HashTable_Get(ht, &buffkey, &buffval); MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Recovery of %d th key (test 2) -> %s", critere_recherche, rc); LogTest("Time to recover = %s", ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); if(rc != HASHTABLE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Test FAILED: The key is not found (test 2)"); exit(1); } LogTest("----> retrieved value = len %d ; val = %s", buffval.len, buffval.pdata); val = atoi(buffval.pdata); if(val != critere_recherche) { LogTest("Test FAILED: the reading is incorrect"); exit(1); } LogTest("Now, I try to retrieve %d entries (taken at random, almost)", MAXGET); MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); for(i = 0; i < MAXGET; i++) { random_val = random() % MAXTEST; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", random_val); buffkey2.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey2.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Get(ht, &buffkey2, &buffval2); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE,"\tPlaying key = %s --> %s", buffkey2.pdata, buffval2.pdata); if(rc != HASHTABLE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Error reading %d = %d", i, rc); LogTest("Test FAILED: the reading is incorrect"); exit(1); } } MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Time to read %d elements = %s", MAXGET, ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Del(ht, &buffkey, NULL, NULL); LogTest("Deleting the key %d --> %d", critere_recherche, rc); if(rc != HASHTABLE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Test FAILED: delete incorrect"); exit(1); } LogTest("========================================="); sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Del(ht, &buffkey, NULL, NULL); LogTest("Deleting the key %d (2nd try) --> %d", critere_recherche, rc); if(rc != HASHTABLE_ERROR_NO_SUCH_KEY) { printf("Test FAILED: delete incorrect"); exit(1); } LogTest("========================================="); sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Get(ht, &buffkey, &buffval); LogTest ("Recovery of the %d key (erased) (must return HASH_ERROR_NO_SUCH_KEY) = %d --> %d", critere_recherche, HASHTABLE_ERROR_NO_SUCH_KEY, rc); if(rc != HASHTABLE_ERROR_NO_SUCH_KEY) { LogTest("Test FAILED: the reading is incorrect"); exit(1); } LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); LogTest ("Destruction of %d items, taken at random (well if you want ... I use srandom)", MAXDESTROY); srandom(getpid()); random_val = random() % MAXTEST; MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); for(i = 0; i < MAXDESTROY; i++) { /* it used to be that the random values were chosen with repeated calls to random(), but if the same key comes up twice, that causes a fail. This way we start with a random value and just linearly delete from it */ random_val = (random_val + 1) % MAXTEST; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", random_val); LogTest("\t Delete %d", random_val); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Del(ht, &buffkey, NULL, NULL); if(rc != HASHTABLE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Error on delete %d = %d", i, rc); LogTest("Test FAILED: delete incorrect"); exit(1); } } MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Time to delete %d elements = %s", MAXDESTROY, ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Now, I try to retrieve %d entries (if necessary destroyed)", MAXGET); MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); for(i = 0; i < MAXGET; i++) { random_val = random() % MAXTEST; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", random_val); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Get(ht, &buffkey, &buffval); } MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Tie to read %d elements = %s", MAXGET, ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Writing a duplicate key "); sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", CRITERE_2); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Test_And_Set(ht, &buffkey, &buffval, HASHTABLE_SET_HOW_SET_NO_OVERWRITE); LogTest("The value should be HASHTABLE_ERROR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS = %d --> %d", HASHTABLE_ERROR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS, rc); if(rc != HASHTABLE_ERROR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS) { LogTest("Test FAILED: duplicate key"); exit(1); } LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); HashTable_Log(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE,ht); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE,"-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Displaying table statistics "); HashTable_GetStats(ht, &statistiques); LogTest(" Number of entries = %d", statistiques.dynamic.nb_entries); LogTest(" Successful operations : Set = %d, Get = %d, Del = %d, Test = %d", statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_set, statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_get, statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_del, statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_test); LogTest(" Failed operations : Set = %d, Get = %d, Del = %d, Test = %d", statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_set, statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_get, statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_del, statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_test); LogTest(" Operations 'NotFound': Set = %d, Get = %d, Del = %d, Test = %d", statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_set, statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_get, statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_del, statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_test); LogTest (" Calculated statistics: min_rbt_node = %d, max_rbt_node = %d, average_rbt_node = %d", statistiques.computed.min_rbt_num_node, statistiques.computed.max_rbt_num_node, statistiques.computed.average_rbt_num_node); /* Test sur la pertinence des valeurs de statistiques */ if(statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_set != MAXTEST) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Incorrect statistics: ok.nb_set "); exit(1); } if(statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_get + statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_get != 2 * MAXGET + 3) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Incorrect statistics: *.nb_get "); exit(1); } if(statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_del != MAXDESTROY + 1 || statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_del != 1) { LogTest("Test ECHOUE : statistiques incorrectes: *.nb_del "); exit(1); } if(statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_test != 1) { LogTest("Test ECHOUE : statistiques incorrectes: err.nb_test "); exit(1); } /* Tous les tests sont ok */ BuddyDumpMem(stdout); LogTest("\n-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test succeeded: all tests pass successfully"); exit(0); }
int asyncmeta_back_bind( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { a_metainfo_t *mi = ( a_metainfo_t * )op->o_bd->be_private; a_metaconn_t *mc = NULL; int rc = LDAP_OTHER, i, gotit = 0, isroot = 0; SlapReply *candidates; candidates = op->o_tmpcalloc(mi->mi_ntargets, sizeof(SlapReply),op->o_tmpmemctx); rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "%s asyncmeta_back_bind: dn=\"%s\".\n", op->o_log_prefix, op->o_req_dn.bv_val, 0 ); /* the test on the bind method should be superfluous */ switch ( be_rootdn_bind( op, rs ) ) { case LDAP_SUCCESS: if ( META_BACK_DEFER_ROOTDN_BIND( mi ) ) { /* frontend will return success */ return rs->sr_err; } isroot = 1; /* fallthru */ case SLAP_CB_CONTINUE: break; default: /* be_rootdn_bind() sent result */ return rs->sr_err; } /* we need asyncmeta_getconn() not send result even on error, * because we want to intercept the error and make it * invalidCredentials */ mc = asyncmeta_getconn( op, rs, candidates, NULL, LDAP_BACK_BIND_DONTSEND, 1 ); if ( !mc ) { if ( LogTest( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY ) ) { char buf[ SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN ]; snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "asyncmeta_back_bind: no target " "for dn \"%s\" (%d%s%s).", op->o_req_dn.bv_val, rs->sr_err, rs->sr_text ? ". " : "", rs->sr_text ? rs->sr_text : "" ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s %s\n", op->o_log_prefix, buf, 0 ); } /* FIXME: there might be cases where we don't want * to map the error onto invalidCredentials */ switch ( rs->sr_err ) { case LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT: case LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM: rs->sr_err = LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS; rs->sr_text = NULL; break; } send_ldap_result( op, rs ); return rs->sr_err; } /* * Each target is scanned ... */ mc->mc_authz_target = META_BOUND_NONE; for ( i = 0; i < mi->mi_ntargets; i++ ) { a_metatarget_t *mt = mi->mi_targets[ i ]; int lerr; /* * Skip non-candidates */ if ( !META_IS_CANDIDATE( &candidates[ i ] ) ) { continue; } if ( gotit == 0 ) { /* set rc to LDAP_SUCCESS only if at least * one candidate has been tried */ rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; gotit = 1; } else if ( !isroot ) { /* * A bind operation is expected to have * ONE CANDIDATE ONLY! */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "### %s asyncmeta_back_bind: more than one" " candidate selected...\n", op->o_log_prefix, 0, 0 ); } if ( isroot ) { if ( mt->mt_idassert_authmethod == LDAP_AUTH_NONE || BER_BVISNULL( &mt->mt_idassert_authcDN ) ) { a_metasingleconn_t *msc = &mc->mc_conns[ i ]; if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &msc->msc_bound_ndn ) ) { ch_free( msc->msc_bound_ndn.bv_val ); BER_BVZERO( &msc->msc_bound_ndn ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &msc->msc_cred ) ) { /* destroy sensitive data */ memset( msc->msc_cred.bv_val, 0, msc->msc_cred.bv_len ); ch_free( msc->msc_cred.bv_val ); BER_BVZERO( &msc->msc_cred ); } continue; } (void)asyncmeta_proxy_authz_bind( mc, i, op, rs, LDAP_BACK_DONTSEND, 1 ); lerr = rs->sr_err; } else { lerr = asyncmeta_single_bind( op, rs, mc, i ); } if ( lerr != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { rc = rs->sr_err = lerr; /* FIXME: in some cases (e.g. unavailable) * do not assume it's not candidate; rather * mark this as an error to be eventually * reported to client */ META_CANDIDATE_CLEAR( &candidates[ i ] ); break; } } if ( mc != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; i < mi->mi_ntargets; i++ ) { a_metasingleconn_t *msc = &mc->mc_conns[ i ]; if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &msc->msc_bound_ndn ) ) { ch_free( msc->msc_bound_ndn.bv_val ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &msc->msc_cred ) ) { /* destroy sensitive data */ memset( msc->msc_cred.bv_val, 0, msc->msc_cred.bv_len ); ch_free( msc->msc_cred.bv_val ); } } asyncmeta_back_conn_free( mc ); } /* * rc is LDAP_SUCCESS if at least one bind succeeded, * err is the last error that occurred during a bind; * if at least (and at most?) one bind succeeds, fine. */ if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* * deal with bind failure ... */ /* * no target was found within the naming context, * so bind must fail with invalid credentials */ if ( rs->sr_err == LDAP_SUCCESS && gotit == 0 ) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS; } else { rs->sr_err = slap_map_api2result( rs ); } send_ldap_result( op, rs ); return rs->sr_err; } return LDAP_SUCCESS; }
/* * FIXME: error return must be handled in a cleaner way ... */ int asyncmeta_back_op_result( a_metaconn_t *mc, Operation *op, SlapReply *rs, int candidate, ber_int_t msgid, time_t timeout, ldap_back_send_t sendok ) { a_metainfo_t *mi = mc->mc_info; const char *save_text = rs->sr_text, *save_matched = rs->sr_matched; BerVarray save_ref = rs->sr_ref; LDAPControl **save_ctrls = rs->sr_ctrls; void *matched_ctx = NULL; char *matched = NULL; char *text = NULL; char **refs = NULL; LDAPControl **ctrls = NULL; assert( mc != NULL ); rs->sr_text = NULL; rs->sr_matched = NULL; rs->sr_ref = NULL; rs->sr_ctrls = NULL; if ( candidate != META_TARGET_NONE ) { a_metatarget_t *mt = mi->mi_targets[ candidate ]; a_metasingleconn_t *msc = &mc->mc_conns[ candidate ]; if ( LDAP_ERR_OK( rs->sr_err ) ) { int rc; struct timeval tv; LDAPMessage *res = NULL; time_t stoptime = (time_t)(-1); int timeout_err = op->o_protocol >= LDAP_VERSION3 ? LDAP_ADMINLIMIT_EXCEEDED : LDAP_OTHER; const char *timeout_text = "Operation timed out"; /* if timeout is not specified, compute and use * the one specific to the ongoing operation */ if ( timeout == (time_t)(-1) ) { slap_op_t opidx = slap_req2op( op->o_tag ); if ( opidx == SLAP_OP_SEARCH ) { if ( op->ors_tlimit <= 0 ) { timeout = 0; } else { timeout = op->ors_tlimit; timeout_err = LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED; timeout_text = NULL; } } else { timeout = mt->mt_timeout[ opidx ]; } } /* better than nothing :) */ if ( timeout == 0 ) { if ( mi->mi_idle_timeout ) { timeout = mi->mi_idle_timeout; } } if ( timeout ) { stoptime = op->o_time + timeout; } LDAP_BACK_TV_SET( &tv ); retry:; rc = ldap_result( msc->msc_ld, msgid, LDAP_MSG_ALL, &tv, &res ); switch ( rc ) { case 0: if ( timeout && slap_get_time() > stoptime ) { (void)asyncmeta_back_cancel( mc, op, msgid, candidate ); rs->sr_err = timeout_err; rs->sr_text = timeout_text; break; } LDAP_BACK_TV_SET( &tv ); ldap_pvt_thread_yield(); goto retry; case -1: ldap_get_option( msc->msc_ld, LDAP_OPT_RESULT_CODE, &rs->sr_err ); break; /* otherwise get the result; if it is not * LDAP_SUCCESS, record it in the reply * structure (this includes * LDAP_COMPARE_{TRUE|FALSE}) */ default: /* only touch when activity actually took place... */ if ( mi->mi_idle_timeout != 0 && msc->msc_time < op->o_time ) { msc->msc_time = op->o_time; } rc = ldap_parse_result( msc->msc_ld, res, &rs->sr_err, &matched, &text, &refs, &ctrls, 1 ); res = NULL; if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { rs->sr_text = text; } else { rs->sr_err = rc; } rs->sr_err = slap_map_api2result( rs ); /* RFC 4511: referrals can only appear * if result code is LDAP_REFERRAL */ if ( refs != NULL && refs[ 0 ] != NULL && refs[ 0 ][ 0 ] != '\0' ) { if ( rs->sr_err != LDAP_REFERRAL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s asyncmeta_back_op_result[%d]: " "got referrals with err=%d\n", op->o_log_prefix, candidate, rs->sr_err ); } else { int i; for ( i = 0; refs[ i ] != NULL; i++ ) /* count */ ; rs->sr_ref = op->o_tmpalloc( sizeof( struct berval ) * ( i + 1 ), op->o_tmpmemctx ); for ( i = 0; refs[ i ] != NULL; i++ ) { ber_str2bv( refs[ i ], 0, 0, &rs->sr_ref[ i ] ); } BER_BVZERO( &rs->sr_ref[ i ] ); } } else if ( rs->sr_err == LDAP_REFERRAL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s asyncmeta_back_op_result[%d]: " "got err=%d with null " "or empty referrals\n", op->o_log_prefix, candidate, rs->sr_err ); rs->sr_err = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; } if ( ctrls != NULL ) { rs->sr_ctrls = ctrls; } } assert( res == NULL ); } /* if the error in the reply structure is not * LDAP_SUCCESS, try to map it from client * to server error */ if ( !LDAP_ERR_OK( rs->sr_err ) ) { rs->sr_err = slap_map_api2result( rs ); /* internal ops ( op->o_conn == NULL ) * must not reply to client */ if ( op->o_conn && !op->o_do_not_cache && matched ) { /* record the (massaged) matched * DN into the reply structure */ rs->sr_matched = matched; } } if ( META_BACK_TGT_QUARANTINE( mt ) ) { asyncmeta_quarantine( op, mi, rs, candidate ); } } else { int i, err = rs->sr_err; for ( i = 0; i < mi->mi_ntargets; i++ ) { a_metasingleconn_t *msc = &mc->mc_conns[ i ]; char *xtext = NULL; char *xmatched = NULL; if ( msc->msc_ld == NULL ) { continue; } rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; ldap_get_option( msc->msc_ld, LDAP_OPT_RESULT_CODE, &rs->sr_err ); if ( rs->sr_err != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* * better check the type of error. In some cases * (search ?) it might be better to return a * success if at least one of the targets gave * positive result ... */ ldap_get_option( msc->msc_ld, LDAP_OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE, &xtext ); if ( xtext != NULL && xtext [ 0 ] == '\0' ) { ldap_memfree( xtext ); xtext = NULL; } ldap_get_option( msc->msc_ld, LDAP_OPT_MATCHED_DN, &xmatched ); if ( xmatched != NULL && xmatched[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { ldap_memfree( xmatched ); xmatched = NULL; } rs->sr_err = slap_map_api2result( rs ); if ( LogTest( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY ) ) { char buf[ SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN ]; snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "asyncmeta_back_op_result[%d] " "err=%d text=\"%s\" matched=\"%s\"", i, rs->sr_err, ( xtext ? xtext : "" ), ( xmatched ? xmatched : "" ) ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s %s.\n", op->o_log_prefix, buf, 0 ); } /* * FIXME: need to rewrite "match" (need rwinfo) */ switch ( rs->sr_err ) { default: err = rs->sr_err; if ( xtext != NULL ) { if ( text ) { ldap_memfree( text ); } text = xtext; xtext = NULL; } if ( xmatched != NULL ) { if ( matched ) { ldap_memfree( matched ); } matched = xmatched; xmatched = NULL; } break; } if ( xtext ) { ldap_memfree( xtext ); } if ( xmatched ) { ldap_memfree( xmatched ); } } if ( META_BACK_TGT_QUARANTINE( mi->mi_targets[ i ] ) ) { asyncmeta_quarantine( op, mi, rs, i ); } } if ( err != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { rs->sr_err = err; } } if ( matched != NULL ) { struct berval dn, pdn; ber_str2bv( matched, 0, 0, &dn ); if ( dnPretty( NULL, &dn, &pdn, op->o_tmpmemctx ) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { ldap_memfree( matched ); matched_ctx = op->o_tmpmemctx; matched = pdn.bv_val; } rs->sr_matched = matched; } if ( rs->sr_err == LDAP_UNAVAILABLE ) { if ( !( sendok & LDAP_BACK_RETRYING ) ) { if ( op->o_conn && ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) ) { if ( rs->sr_text == NULL ) rs->sr_text = "Proxy operation retry failed"; send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } } } else if ( op->o_conn && ( ( ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDOK ) && LDAP_ERR_OK( rs->sr_err ) ) || ( ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) && !LDAP_ERR_OK( rs->sr_err ) ) ) ) { send_ldap_result( op, rs ); } if ( matched ) { op->o_tmpfree( (char *)rs->sr_matched, matched_ctx ); } if ( text ) { ldap_memfree( text ); } if ( rs->sr_ref ) { op->o_tmpfree( rs->sr_ref, op->o_tmpmemctx ); rs->sr_ref = NULL; } if ( refs ) { ber_memvfree( (void **)refs ); } if ( ctrls ) { assert( rs->sr_ctrls != NULL ); ldap_controls_free( ctrls ); } rs->sr_text = save_text; rs->sr_matched = save_matched; rs->sr_ref = save_ref; rs->sr_ctrls = save_ctrls; return( LDAP_ERR_OK( rs->sr_err ) ? LDAP_SUCCESS : rs->sr_err ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc, i; ns_testset_t *p_test; char path[FSAL_MAX_PATH_LEN]; unsigned int gen = 0; unsigned int dev = DEV; /* Init logging */ SetNamePgm("test_ns"); SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); SetNameFunction("main"); InitLogging(); /* namespace init */ rc = NamespaceInit(ROOT_INODE, DEV, &gen); if(rc) { LogTest("NamespaceInit rc=%d\n", rc); exit(1); } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* creation des entrees */ for(p_test = testset; p_test->name != NULL; p_test++) { rc = NamespaceAdd(p_test->parent_inode, DEV, gen, p_test->name, p_test->entry_inode, DEV, &gen); LogTest("NamespaceAdd(%lu,%s->%lu) = %d\n", p_test->parent_inode, p_test->name, p_test->entry_inode, rc); if(rc) exit(1); /* This is an error */ } /* tentative de recreation */ for(p_test = testset; p_test->name != NULL; p_test++) { rc = NamespaceAdd(p_test->parent_inode, DEV, gen, p_test->name, p_test->entry_inode, DEV, &gen); LogTest("Redundant NamespaceAdd(%lu,%s->%lu) = %d\n", p_test->parent_inode, p_test->name, p_test->entry_inode, rc); if(rc) exit(1); /* This is an error */ } /* recolte du chemin complet de root */ rc = NamespacePath(ROOT_INODE, DEV, gen, path); if(rc) { LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) rc=%d\n", ROOT_INODE, rc); exit(1); } else LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) => \"%s\"\n", ROOT_INODE, path); /* recolte du chemin complet des entrees */ for(p_test = testset; p_test->name != NULL; p_test++) { rc = NamespacePath(p_test->entry_inode, DEV, gen, path); if(rc) { LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) rc=%d\n", p_test->entry_inode, rc); exit(1); } else LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) => \"%s\"\n", p_test->entry_inode, path); } /* on efface les entrees en ordre inverse */ for(p_test--; p_test >= testset; p_test--) { rc = NamespaceRemove(p_test->parent_inode, DEV, gen, p_test->name); LogTest("NamespaceRemove(%lu,%s) = %d\n", p_test->parent_inode, p_test->name, rc); } /* on essaye d'obtenir leur nom */ for(p_test = testset; p_test->name != NULL; p_test++) { rc = NamespacePath(p_test->entry_inode, DEV, gen, path); if(rc == 0) { LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) => \"%s\"\n", p_test->entry_inode, path); exit(1); } else if(rc != ENOENT) { LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) rc=%d\n", p_test->entry_inode, rc); exit(1); } else LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) rc=%d (ENOENT)\n", p_test->entry_inode, rc); } } /* now create/remove a hardlink to a file N times */ rc = NamespaceAdd(ROOT_INODE, DEV, gen, "dir", ROOT_INODE + 1, DEV, &gen); if(rc) { LogTest("NamespaceAdd error %d line %d\n", rc, __LINE__ - 1); exit(1); } rc = NamespaceAdd(ROOT_INODE + 1, DEV, gen, "subdir", ROOT_INODE + 2, DEV, &gen); if(rc) { LogTest("NamespaceAdd error %d line %d\n", rc, __LINE__ - 1); exit(1); } rc = NamespaceAdd(ROOT_INODE + 2, DEV, gen, "entry", ROOT_INODE + 3, DEV, &gen); if(rc) { LogTest("NamespaceAdd error %d line %d\n", rc, __LINE__ - 1); exit(1); } /* create hardlinks and lookup */ for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { char name[FSAL_MAX_NAME_LEN]; sprintf(name, "entry.hl%d", i); rc = NamespaceAdd(ROOT_INODE + 2, DEV, gen, name, ROOT_INODE + 3, DEV, &gen); LogTest("NamespaceAdd(%lu,%s->%lu) = %d\n", ROOT_INODE + 2, name, ROOT_INODE + 3, rc); if(rc) exit(1); rc = NamespacePath(ROOT_INODE + 3, DEV, gen, path); if(rc) { LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) rc=%d\n", ROOT_INODE + 3, rc); exit(1); } else LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) => \"%s\"\n", ROOT_INODE + 3, path); } /* delete hardlinks and lookup */ for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { char name[FSAL_MAX_NAME_LEN]; sprintf(name, "entry.hl%d", i); rc = NamespaceRemove(ROOT_INODE + 2, DEV, gen, name); LogTest("NamespaceRemove(%lu,%s) = %d\n", ROOT_INODE + 2, name, rc); if(rc) exit(1); rc = NamespacePath(ROOT_INODE + 3, DEV, gen, path); if(rc) { LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) rc=%d\n", ROOT_INODE + 3, rc); exit(1); } else LogTest("NamespacePath(%lu) => \"%s\"\n", ROOT_INODE + 3, path); } return 0; }
meta_search_candidate_t asyncmeta_dobind_init_with_retry(Operation *op, SlapReply *rs, bm_context_t *bc, a_metaconn_t *mc, int candidate) { int rc, retries = 1; a_metasingleconn_t *msc = &mc->mc_conns[candidate]; a_metainfo_t *mi = mc->mc_info; a_metatarget_t *mt = mi->mi_targets[ candidate ]; SlapReply *candidates = bc->candidates; retry_dobind: rc = asyncmeta_dobind_init(op, rs, bc, mc, candidate); if (rs->sr_err != LDAP_UNAVAILABLE) { return rc; } else if (retries <= 0) { ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &mc->mc_om_mutex ); if (mc->mc_active < 1) { asyncmeta_clear_one_msc(NULL, mc, candidate); } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &mc->mc_om_mutex ); return rc; } /* need to retry */ retries--; if ( LogTest( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY ) ) { char buf[ SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN ]; /* this lock is required; however, * it's invoked only when logging is on */ ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &mt->mt_uri_mutex ); snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "retrying URI=\"%s\" DN=\"%s\"", mt->mt_uri, BER_BVISNULL( &msc->msc_bound_ndn ) ? "" : msc->msc_bound_ndn.bv_val ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &mt->mt_uri_mutex ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s asyncmeta_search_dobind_init_with_retry[%d]: %s.\n", op->o_log_prefix, candidate, buf ); } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &mc->mc_om_mutex ); if (mc->mc_active < 1) { asyncmeta_clear_one_msc(NULL, mc, candidate); } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &mc->mc_om_mutex ); ( void )rewrite_session_delete( mt->mt_rwmap.rwm_rw, op->o_conn ); rc = asyncmeta_init_one_conn( op, rs, mc, candidate, LDAP_BACK_CONN_ISPRIV( mc ), LDAP_BACK_DONTSEND, 0 ); if (rs->sr_err != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &mc->mc_om_mutex ); if (mc->mc_active < 1) { asyncmeta_clear_one_msc(NULL, mc, candidate); } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &mc->mc_om_mutex ); return META_SEARCH_ERR; } goto retry_dobind; return rc; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); SetNamePgm("test_configurable_lru"); char buf[LENBUF]; int ok = 1; int hrc = 0; int rc = 0; int expected_rc; char c; char *p; int key; LRU_status_t status = 0; LRU_list_t *plru; LRU_parameter_t param; param.nb_entry_prealloc = PREALLOC; param.entry_to_str = print_entry; param.clean_entry = clean_entry; = "Test"; BuddyInit(NULL); if((plru = LRU_Init(param, &status)) == NULL) { LogTest("Test ECHOUE : Mauvaise init"); exit(1); } /* * * La syntaxe d'un test est * 'i key rc' : invalide l'entree avec la clef key * 'n key rc' : cree une nouvelle entree avec la clef key * 'g key rc' : passage du garbage collector (key ne sert a rien) * 'p key rc' : imprime le LRU (key et rc ne servent a rien). * * Une ligne qui debute par '#' est un commentaire * Une ligne qui debute par un espace ou un tab est une ligne vide [meme si il y a des trucs derriere.. :-( ] * Une ligne vide (juste un CR) est une ligne vide (cette citation a recu le Premier Prix lors du Festival International * de la Tautologie de Langue Francaise (FITLF), a Poully le Marais, en Aout 2004) * */ LogTest("============ Debut de l'interactif ================="); while(ok) { /* Code interactif, pompe sur le test rbt de Jacques */ fputs("> ", stdout); if((p = fgets(buf, LENBUF, stdin)) == NULL) { LogTest("fin des commandes"); ok = 0; continue; } if((p = strchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; rc = sscanf(buf, "%c %d %d", &c, &key, &expected_rc); if(c == '#') { /* # indique un commentaire */ continue; } else if(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || rc == -1) { /* Cas d'une ligne vide */ if(rc > 1) LogTest("Erreur de syntaxe : mettre un diese au debut d'un commentaire"); continue; } else { if(rc != 3) { LogTest("Erreur de syntaxe : sscanf retourne %d au lieu de 3", rc); continue; } LogTest("---> %c %d %d", c, key, expected_rc); } switch (c) { case 'i': /* set overwrite */ LogTest("invalidate %d --> %d ?", key, expected_rc); hrc = do_invalidate(plru, key); if(hrc != expected_rc) LogTest(">>>> ERREUR: invalidate %d : %d != %d (expected)", key, hrc, expected_rc); else LogTest(">>>> OK invalidate %d", key); break; case 'n': /* test */ LogTest("new %d --> %d ?", key, expected_rc); hrc = do_new(plru, key); if(hrc != expected_rc) LogTest(">>>> ERREUR: new %d : %d != %d (expected)", key, hrc, expected_rc); else LogTest(">>>> OK new %d", key); break; case 'g': /* set no overwrite */ LogTest("gc %d --> %d ?", key, expected_rc); hrc = do_gc(plru); if(hrc != expected_rc) LogTest(">>>> ERREUR: gc %d: %d != %d (expected)", key, hrc, expected_rc); else LogTest(">>>> OK new %d", key); break; case 'p': /* Print */ LRU_Print(plru); break; default: /* syntaxe error */ LogTest("ordre '%c' non-reconnu", c); break; } } LogTest("===================================================="); LogTest("Test reussi : tous les tests sont passes avec succes"); exit(0); return; } /* main */
void Test2() { char tempstr[2048]; int n1, n2; /* * Set up for tests that will verify what was actually produced by log messages. * This is used to test log levels and to test the log_vnsprintf function. */ SetComponentLogBuffer(COMPONENT_MAIN, tempstr); SetComponentLogBuffer(COMPONENT_INIT, tempstr); SetComponentLogLevel(COMPONENT_MAIN, NIV_EVENT); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test string/char formats"); TestFormat("none"); TestFormat("String: %s", "str"); TestFormat("String: %12s", "str"); TestFormat("String: %-12s", "str"); TestFormat("String: %12s", "too long string"); TestFormat("String: %-12s", "too long string"); TestFormat("%c", (char) 65); // Not tested lc, ls, C, S LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test integer formats"); TestFormat("Integer: %d %d %i %i %u %s", 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, "extra"); TestFormat("Octal and Hex: 0%o 0x%x 0x%X %s", 0123, 0xabcdef, 0xABCDEF, "extra"); TestFormat("Field Length: %3d %s", 1, "extra"); TestFormat("Variable Field Length: %*d %s", 5, 123, "extra"); TestFormat("Alignment flags: %+d %+d %-5d %-5d %05d %05d % d % d %s", 2, -2, 333, -333, 444, -444, 5, -5, "extra"); // TestFormat("Two Flags: %-05d %-05d %0-5d %0-5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); // TestFormat("Two Flags: %+ d %+ d % +d % +d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: %-+5d %-+5d %+-5d %+-5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: %- 5d %- 5d % -5d % -5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: %+05d %+05d %0+5d %0+5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: % 05d % 05d %0 5d %0 5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Use of # Flag: %#x %#3x %#05x %#-5x %-#5x %0#5x", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); // TestFormat("Many Flags: %#-0 +#-0 +#-0 +5d", 4); TestFormat("Special Flags (may not be supported) %'d %Id %s", 12345, 67, "extra"); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test floating point formats"); TestFormat("%e %E %e %E %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%f %F %f %F %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%g %G %g %G %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%a %A %a %A %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%Le %LE %Le %LE %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%Lf %LF %Lf %LF %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%Lg %LG %Lg %LG %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%La %LA %La %LA %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%lle %llE %lle %llE %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%llf %llF %llf %llf %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%llg %llG %llg %llG %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%lla %llA %lla %llA %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("Field Length: %8f %8.2f %8f %8.2f %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E3, "extra"); TestFormat("Field Length: %08f %08.2f %08f %08.2f %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E3, "extra"); TestFormat("Field Length: %-8f %-8.2f %-8f %-8.2f %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E3, "extra"); TestFormat("Variable Field Length: %*.*f %*.2f %6.*f %s", 6, 2, 1.1, 6, 2.2, 2, 3.3, "extra"); TestFormat("Negative: %e %E %e %E %s ", -1.1, -1.1, -1.1E10, -1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("With '+' flag: %+e %+E %+e %+E %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("With ' ' flag: % e % E % e % E %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("With '#' flag: %#8.0e %8.0e %s", 1.0, 1.0, "extra"); TestFormat("With '#' flag: %#g %g %#5g %#5g %5g %s", 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0, 2.0, "extra"); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test some special formats"); TestFormat("pointer: %p %s", &n1, "extra"); #if 0 // we can't support %n due to security considerations TestFormat("count: 12345678%n %s", &n1, "extra"); snprintf(tempstr, 2048, "count: 12345678%n %s", &n1, "extra"); log_snprintf(tempstr, 2048, "count: 12345678%n %s", &n2, "extra"); if (n1 != n2) { LogTest("FAILURE: 12345678%%n produced %d expected %d", n2, n1); exit(1); } LogTest("SUCCESS: 12345678%%n produced %d", n2); #endif errno = EIO; TestFormat("strerror: %m %64m %s", "extra"); TestFormat("percent char: %% %s", "extra"); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test integer size qualifier tags"); TestFormat("%hhd %s", (char) 1, "extra"); TestFormat("%hd %s", (short) 500, "extra"); TestFormat("%lld %s", (long long) 12345678, "extra"); TestFormat("%Ld %s", (long long) 12345678, "extra"); TestFormat("%ld %s", (long) 12345, "extra"); TestFormat("%qd %s", (long long) 12345678, "extra"); TestFormat("%jd %s", (long long) 1, "extra"); TestFormat("%td %s", (char *) &n1 - (char *) &n2, "extra"); TestFormat("%zd %s", sizeof(int), "extra"); /* * Ganesha can't properly support the $ parameter index tag, so don't bother testing, even if it does work * when the indices are in ascending order. TestFormat("%1$08x", 6); TestFormat("%3$llx %2$d %1d", 1, 2, (long long)0x12345678); */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc >= 2) { /* TEST 1 Standard */ if(!strcmp(argv[1], "STD")) { char *str = "No extra string provided"; char *file = NULL; if (argc >= 3) str = argv[2]; if (argc >= 4) file = argv[3]; SetNamePgm("test_liblog"); SetNameHost("localhost"); SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); InitLogging(); AddFamilyError(ERR_POSIX, "POSIX Errors", tab_systeme_status); LogTest("AddFamilyError = %d", AddFamilyError(ERR_DUMMY, "Family Dummy", tab_test_err)); LogTest("The family which was added is %s", ReturnNameFamilyError(ERR_DUMMY)); run_Tests(TRUE, "monothread", str, file); } /* TEST 1 multithread */ else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "MT")) { /* multithread test */ pthread_attr_t th_attr[NB_THREADS]; pthread_t threads[NB_THREADS]; int th_index, i; void *result; SetNamePgm("test_liblog"); SetNameHost("localhost"); SetDefaultLogging("STDOUT"); InitLogging(); AddFamilyError(ERR_POSIX, "POSIX Errors", tab_systeme_status); LogTest("AddFamilyError = %d", AddFamilyError(ERR_DUMMY, "Family Dummy", tab_test_err)); LogTest("The family which was added is %s", ReturnNameFamilyError(ERR_DUMMY)); /* creation of attributes */ for(th_index = 0; th_index < NB_THREADS; th_index++) { pthread_attr_init(&th_attr[th_index]); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&th_attr[th_index], PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); } /* creation of threads with their names */ for(i = 0; i < NB_THREADS; i++) { int rc; char *thread_name = malloc(256); snprintf(thread_name, 256, "thread %3d", i); rc = pthread_create(&(threads[i]), &th_attr[i], run_MT_Tests, (void *)thread_name); } /* waiting for threads termination */ for(i = 0; i < NB_THREADS; i++) { pthread_join(threads[i], &result); if(result) return 1; } return 0; } /* unknown test */ else { fprintf(stderr, "%s", usage); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s", usage); exit(1); } return 0; }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char localmachine[256]; cache_inode_client_t client; LRU_parameter_t lru_param; LRU_status_t lru_status; cache_inode_fsal_data_t fsdata; fsal_status_t status; fsal_parameter_t init_param; fsal_name_t name; fsal_path_t path; fsal_attrib_mask_t mask; fsal_path_t pathroot; fsal_attrib_list_t attribs; fsal_handle_t root_handle; cache_inode_endofdir_t eod_met; cache_inode_dir_entry_t dirent_array[100]; cache_inode_dir_entry_t dirent_array_loop[5]; unsigned int nbfound; unsigned int begin_cookie = 0; hash_buffer_t key, value; uid_t uid; fsal_cred_t cred; cache_inode_status_t cache_status; cache_inode_parameter_t cache_param; cache_inode_client_parameter_t cache_client_param; hash_table_t *ht = NULL; fsal_attrib_list_t attrlookup; cache_entry_t *cache_entry_root = NULL; cache_entry_t *cache_entry_lookup = NULL; cache_entry_t *cache_entry_lookup2 = NULL; cache_entry_t *cache_entry_lookup3 = NULL; cache_entry_t *cache_entry_lookup4 = NULL; cache_entry_t *cache_entry_dircont = NULL; cache_inode_gc_policy_t gcpol; char *configfile = argv[1]; int i = 0; int rc = 0; /* Init the Buddy System allocation */ if((rc = BuddyInit(NULL)) != BUDDY_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Error initializing memory allocator"); exit(1); } /* init debug */ SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); SetNamePgm("test_cache_inode"); SetNameFunction("main"); InitLogging(); #if defined( _USE_GHOSTFS ) if(argc != 2) { LogTest("Please set the configuration file as parameter"); exit(1); } #endif /* Obtention du nom de la machine */ if(gethostname(localmachine, sizeof(localmachine)) != 0) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_SYS, ERR_GETHOSTNAME, errno); exit(1); } else SetNameHost(localmachine); AddFamilyError(ERR_FSAL, "FSAL related Errors", tab_errstatus_FSAL); AddFamilyError(ERR_CACHE_INODE, "FSAL related Errors", tab_errstatus_cache_inode); /* creating log */ LogTest( "Starting the test"); LogTest( "-----------------"); #if defined( _USE_GHOSTFS ) if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_str2path(configfile, strlen(configfile) + 1, &(init_param.fs_specific_info. definition_file)))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); } #elif defined( _USE_HPSS ) FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, Flags); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, DebugValue); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, TransferType); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, NumRetries); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, BusyDelay); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, BusyRetries); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, TotalDelay); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, GKTotalDelay); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, LimitedRetries); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, MaxConnections); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, ReuseDataConnections); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, UsePortRange); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, RetryStageInp); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, DMAPWriteUpdates); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, ServerName); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, DescName); init_param.fs_specific_info.behaviors.PrincipalName = FSAL_INIT_FORCE_VALUE; strncpy(init_param.fs_specific_info.hpss_config.PrincipalName, HPSS_SSM, HPSS_MAX_PRINCIPAL_NAME); init_param.fs_specific_info.behaviors.KeytabPath = FSAL_INIT_FORCE_VALUE; strncpy(init_param.fs_specific_info.hpss_config.KeytabPath, HPSS_KEYTAB, HPSS_MAX_PATH_NAME); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, DebugPath); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, HostName); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_specific_info, RegistrySiteName); #endif /* 2-common info (default) */ FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxfilesize); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxlink); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxnamelen); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxpathlen); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, no_trunc); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, chown_restricted); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, case_insensitive); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, case_preserving); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, fh_expire_type); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, link_support); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, symlink_support); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, named_attr); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, unique_handles); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, lease_time); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, acl_support); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, cansettime); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, homogenous); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxread); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxwrite); /* Init */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_Init(&init_param))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); } /* getting creds */ uid = getuid(); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_GetUserCred(uid, NULL, &cred))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); } /* Init of the cache inode module */ cache_param.hparam.index_size = 31; cache_param.hparam.alphabet_length = 10; /* Buffer seen as a decimal polynom */ cache_param.hparam.nb_node_prealloc = 100; cache_param.hparam.hash_func_key = cache_inode_fsal_hash_func; cache_param.hparam.hash_func_rbt = cache_inode_fsal_rbt_func; cache_param.hparam.hash_func_both = NULL ; /* BUGAZOMEU */ cache_param.hparam.compare_key = cache_inode_compare_key_fsal; cache_param.hparam.key_to_str = display_key; cache_param.hparam.val_to_str = display_value; if((ht = cache_inode_init(cache_param, &cache_status)) == NULL) { LogTest( "Error %d while init hash ", cache_status); } else LogTest( "Hash Table address = %p", ht); /* We need a cache_client to acces the cache */ cache_client_param.attrmask = FSAL_ATTRS_MANDATORY | FSAL_ATTR_MTIME | FSAL_ATTR_CTIME | FSAL_ATTR_ATIME; cache_client_param.nb_prealloc_entry = 1000; cache_client_param.nb_pre_dir_data = 200; cache_client_param.nb_pre_parent = 1200; cache_client_param.nb_pre_state_v4 = 100; cache_client_param.lru_param.nb_entry_prealloc = 1000; cache_client_param.lru_param.entry_to_str = lru_entry_to_str; cache_client_param.lru_param.clean_entry = lru_clean_entry; cache_client_param.grace_period_attr = 0; cache_client_param.grace_period_link = 0; cache_client_param.grace_period_dirent = 0; cache_client_param.expire_type_attr = CACHE_INODE_EXPIRE_NEVER; cache_client_param.expire_type_link = CACHE_INODE_EXPIRE_NEVER; cache_client_param.expire_type_dirent = CACHE_INODE_EXPIRE_NEVER; /* Init the cache_inode client */ if(cache_inode_client_init(&client, &cache_client_param, 0, NULL) != 0) exit(1); /* Init the gc */ gcpol.file_expiration_delay = 3; gcpol.directory_expiration_delay = 4; gcpol.hwmark_nb_entries = 6; gcpol.lwmark_nb_entries = 3; gcpol.run_interval = 4; cache_inode_set_gc_policy(gcpol); /* Getting the root of the FS */ if((FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_str2path("/", 2, &pathroot)))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); exit(1); } if((FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_lookupPath(&pathroot, &cred, &root_handle, &attribs)))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); exit(1); } fsdata.cookie = 0; fsdata.handle = root_handle; /* Cache the root of the FS */ if((cache_entry_root = cache_inode_make_root(&fsdata, 1, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status)) == NULL) { LogTest( "Error: can't init fs's root"); exit(1); } /* A lookup in the root fsal */ if((FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_str2name("cea", 10, &name)))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); exit(1); } if((cache_entry_lookup = cache_inode_lookup(cache_entry_root, &name, &attrlookup, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status)) == NULL) { LogTest( "Error: can't lookup"); exit(1); } /* Lookup a second time (entry should now be cached) */ if((cache_entry_lookup2 = cache_inode_lookup(cache_entry_root, &name, &attrlookup, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status)) == NULL) { LogTest( "Error: can't lookup"); exit(1); } if(cache_entry_lookup2 != cache_entry_lookup) { LogTest("Error: lookup results should be the same"); exit(1); } /* A lookup in the root fsal */ if((FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_str2name("log", 10, &name)))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); exit(1); } if((cache_entry_lookup3 = cache_inode_lookup(cache_entry_root, &name, &attrlookup, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status)) == NULL) { LogTest( "Error: can't lookup"); exit(1); } if((cache_entry_lookup4 = cache_inode_lookup(cache_entry_root, &name, &attrlookup, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status)) == NULL) { LogTest( "Error: can't lookup"); exit(1); } if(cache_entry_lookup3 != cache_entry_lookup4) { LogTest("Error: lookup results should be the same"); exit(1); } /* A lookup in the root fsal */ if((FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_str2name("SunOS_5", 10, &name)))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); exit(1); } cache_inode_print_dir(cache_entry_root); /* Test readdir */ if(cache_inode_readdir(cache_entry_root, 0, 100, &nbfound, &eod_met, dirent_array, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status) != CACHE_INODE_SUCCESS) { LogTest( "Error: cache_inode_readdir failed"); exit(1); } LogTest( "Readdir nbfound=%d, eod_met=%d", nbfound, eod_met); for(i = 0; i < nbfound; i++) LogTest( "dirent_array[%d] ==> %s | %p", i, dirent_array[i], dirent_array[i].pentry); cache_inode_print_dir(cache_entry_root); /* looping on readir */ LogTest( "Loop directory in several pass"); eod_met = TO_BE_CONTINUED; begin_cookie = 0; do { if(cache_inode_readdir(cache_entry_root, begin_cookie, 2, &nbfound, &eod_met, dirent_array_loop, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status) != CACHE_INODE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Error: cache_inode_readdir failed: %d", cache_status); exit(1); } for(i = 0; i < nbfound; i++) LogTest( " ==> %s | %p", dirent_array_loop[i], dirent_array_loop[i].pentry); begin_cookie += nbfound; } while(eod_met == TO_BE_CONTINUED); LogTest( "---------------------------------"); /* A lookup in the root fsal */ if((FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_str2name("cea", 10, &name)))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); exit(1); } if((cache_entry_lookup = cache_inode_lookup(cache_entry_root, &name, &attrlookup, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status)) == NULL) { LogTest( "Error: can't lookup"); exit(1); } /* A lookup in the root fsal */ if((FSAL_IS_ERROR(status = FSAL_str2name("log", 10, &name)))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL, status.major, status.minor); exit(1); } if((cache_entry_lookup = cache_inode_lookup(cache_entry_root, &name, &attrlookup, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status)) == NULL) { LogTest( "Error: can't lookup"); exit(1); } /* Print the Hash Table */ HashTable_Log(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ht); LogTest( "Readdir nbfound=%d, eod_met=%d", nbfound, eod_met); for(i = 0; i < nbfound; i++) LogTest( "dirent_array[%d] ==> %s | %p ", i, dirent_array[i], dirent_array[i].pentry); /* Call the GC */ LogTest( "Sleeping %d second before gc (for gc invalidation)", gcpol.file_expiration_delay + 2); sleep(gcpol.file_expiration_delay + 2); if(cache_inode_gc(ht, &client, &cache_status) != CACHE_INODE_SUCCESS) { LogTest( "Error: cache_inode_gc failed"); exit(1); } LogTest( "GC performed successfully"); /* Print the Hash Table */ HashTable_Log(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ht); /* Another readdir, after gc is made */ eod_met = TO_BE_CONTINUED; begin_cookie = 0; LogTest( "ANOTHER READDIR AFTER GC"); do { if(cache_inode_readdir(cache_entry_root, begin_cookie, 2, &nbfound, &eod_met, dirent_array_loop, ht, &client, &cred, &cache_status) != CACHE_INODE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Error: cache_inode_readdir failed: %d", cache_status); exit(1); } for(i = 0; i < nbfound; i++) LogTest( " ==> %s | %p", dirent_array_loop[i], dirent_array_loop[i].pentry); begin_cookie += nbfound; } while(eod_met == TO_BE_CONTINUED); LogTest( "---------------------------------"); /* Print the Hash Table */ HashTable_Log(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ht); LogTest( "---------------------------------"); /* The end of all the tests */ LogTest( "All tests exited successfully"); exit(0); } /* main */
/** * Tests about Log streams and special printf functions. */ void Test1(char *str, char *file) { char tempstr[2048]; int i; SetComponentLogFile(COMPONENT_INIT, "STDOUT"); LogAlways(COMPONENT_INIT, "%s", "Starting Log Tests"); LogTest("My PID = %d", getpid()); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test conversion of log levels between string and integer"); for (i = NIV_NULL; i < NB_LOG_LEVEL; i++) { int j; if (strcmp(tabLogLevel[i].str, ReturnLevelInt(i)) != 0) { LogTest("FAILURE: Log level %d did not convert to %s, it converted to %s", i, tabLogLevel[i].str, ReturnLevelInt(i)); exit(1); } j = ReturnLevelAscii(tabLogLevel[i].str); if (j != i) { LogTest("FAILURE: Log level %s did not convert to %d, it converted to %d", tabLogLevel[i].str, i, j); exit(1); } } LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); log_snprintf(tempstr, sizeof(tempstr), "Test log_snprintf"); LogTest("%s", tempstr); LogTest("\nTesting possible environment variable"); LogTest("COMPONENT_MEMCORRUPT debug level is %s", ReturnLevelInt(LogComponents[COMPONENT_MEMCORRUPT].comp_log_level)); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_MEMCORRUPT, "This should appear if environment is set properly"); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Send some messages to various files"); SetComponentLogFile(COMPONENT_DISPATCH, "STDERR"); LogEvent(COMPONENT_DISPATCH, "This should go to stderr"); SetComponentLogFile(COMPONENT_DISPATCH, "STDOUT"); LogEvent(COMPONENT_DISPATCH, "This should go to stdout"); SetComponentLogFile(COMPONENT_DISPATCH, "SYSLOG"); LogEvent(COMPONENT_DISPATCH, "This should go to syslog (verf = %s)", str); LogTest("About to set %s", file); SetComponentLogFile(COMPONENT_DISPATCH, file); LogTest("Got it set"); LogEvent(COMPONENT_DISPATCH, "This should go to %s", file); /* * Set up for tests that will verify what was actually produced by log messages. * This is used to test log levels and to test the log_vnsprintf function. */ SetComponentLogBuffer(COMPONENT_MAIN, tempstr); SetComponentLogBuffer(COMPONENT_INIT, tempstr); #ifdef _SNMP_ADM_ACTIVE { snmp_adm_type_union param; int rc; strcpy(param.string, "FAILED"); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test SNMP functions"); SetLevelDebug(NIV_DEBUG); rc = getComponentLogLevel(¶m, (void *)COMPONENT_ALL); LogTest("getComponentLogLevel(¶m, (void *)COMPONENT_ALL) rc=%d result=%s", rc, param.string); if (rc != 0) { LogTest("FAILURE"); exit(1); } strcpy(param.string, "NIV_EVENT"); rc = setComponentLogLevel(¶m, (void *)COMPONENT_MAIN); LogTest("setComponentLogLevel(¶m, (void *)COMPONENT_MAIN) rc=%d", rc); if (rc != 0) { LogTest("FAILURE"); exit(1); } TestAlways (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogAlways (should print)"); TestMajor (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogMajor (should print)"); TestCrit (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogCrit (should print)"); TestEvent (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogEvent (should print)"); TestDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogDebug (shouldn't print)"); TestFullDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogFullDebug (shouldn't print)"); TestAlways (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_INIT, "LogAlways (should print)"); TestMajor (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_INIT, "LogMajor (should print)"); TestCrit (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_INIT, "LogCrit (should print)"); TestEvent (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_INIT, "LogEvent (should print)"); TestDebug (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_INIT, "LogDebug (should print)"); TestFullDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_INIT, "LogFullDebug (shouldn't print)"); } #endif /* _SNMP_ADM_ACTIVE */ LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test all levels of log filtering"); SetComponentLogLevel(COMPONENT_MAIN, NIV_NULL); TestAlways (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogAlways (should print)"); TestMajor (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogMajor (shouldn't print)"); TestCrit (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogCrit (shouldn't print)"); TestEvent (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogEvent (shouldn't print)"); TestDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogDebug (shouldn't print)"); TestFullDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogFullDebug (shouldn't print)"); SetComponentLogLevel(COMPONENT_MAIN, NIV_MAJOR); TestAlways (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogAlways (should print)"); TestMajor (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogMajor (should print)"); TestCrit (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogCrit (shouldn't print)"); TestEvent (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogEvent (shouldn't print)"); TestDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogDebug (shouldn't print)"); TestFullDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogFullDebug (shouldn't print)"); SetComponentLogLevel(COMPONENT_MAIN, NIV_CRIT); TestAlways (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogAlways (should print)"); TestMajor (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogMajor (should print)"); TestCrit (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogCrit (should print)"); TestEvent (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogEvent (shouldn't print)"); TestDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogDebug (shouldn't print)"); TestFullDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogFullDebug (shouldn't print)"); SetComponentLogLevel(COMPONENT_MAIN, NIV_EVENT); TestAlways (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogAlways (should print)"); TestMajor (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogMajor (should print)"); TestCrit (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogCrit (should print)"); TestEvent (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogEvent (should print)"); TestDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogDebug (shouldn't print)"); TestFullDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogFullDebug (shouldn't print)"); SetComponentLogLevel(COMPONENT_MAIN, NIV_DEBUG); TestAlways (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogAlways (should print)"); TestMajor (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogMajor (should print)"); TestCrit (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogCrit (should print)"); TestEvent (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogEvent (should print)"); TestDebug (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogDebug (should print)"); TestFullDebug (FALSE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogFullDebug (shouldn't print)"); SetComponentLogLevel(COMPONENT_MAIN, NIV_FULL_DEBUG); TestAlways (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogAlways (should print)"); TestMajor (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogMajor (should print)"); TestCrit (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogCrit (should print)"); TestEvent (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogEvent (should print)"); TestDebug (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogDebug (should print)"); TestFullDebug (TRUE, tempstr, COMPONENT_MAIN, "LogFullDebug (should print)"); }
int asyncmeta_back_search( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { a_metainfo_t *mi = ( a_metainfo_t * )op->o_bd->be_private; struct timeval save_tv = { 0, 0 }, tv; time_t stoptime = (time_t)(-1), lastres_time = slap_get_time(), timeout = 0; int rc = 0, sres = LDAP_SUCCESS; char *matched = NULL; int last = 0, ncandidates = 0, initial_candidates = 0, candidate_match = 0, needbind = 0; ldap_back_send_t sendok = LDAP_BACK_SENDERR; long i,j; int is_ok = 0; void *savepriv; SlapReply *candidates = NULL; int do_taint = 0; bm_context_t *bc; a_metaconn_t *mc; slap_callback *cb = op->o_callback; rs_assert_ready( rs ); rs->sr_flags &= ~REP_ENTRY_MASK; /* paranoia, we can set rs = non-entry */ /* * controls are set in ldap_back_dobind() * * FIXME: in case of values return filter, we might want * to map attrs and maybe rewrite value */ asyncmeta_new_bm_context(op, rs, &bc, mi->mi_ntargets ); if (bc == NULL) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER; send_ldap_result(op, rs); return rs->sr_err; } candidates = bc->candidates; mc = asyncmeta_getconn( op, rs, candidates, NULL, LDAP_BACK_DONTSEND, 0); if ( !mc || rs->sr_err != LDAP_SUCCESS) { op->o_callback = cb; send_ldap_result(op, rs); asyncmeta_clear_bm_context(bc); return rs->sr_err; } /* * Inits searches */ for ( i = 0; i < mi->mi_ntargets; i++ ) { /* reset sr_msgid; it is used in most loops * to check if that target is still to be considered */ candidates[i].sr_msgid = META_MSGID_UNDEFINED; /* a target is marked as candidate by asyncmeta_getconn(); * if for any reason (an error, it's over or so) it is * no longer active, sr_msgid is set to META_MSGID_IGNORE * but it remains candidate, which means it has been active * at some point during the operation. This allows to * use its response code and more to compute the final * response */ if ( !META_IS_CANDIDATE( &candidates[ i ] ) ) { continue; } candidates[ i ].sr_matched = NULL; candidates[ i ].sr_text = NULL; candidates[ i ].sr_ref = NULL; candidates[ i ].sr_ctrls = NULL; candidates[ i ].sr_nentries = 0; candidates[ i ].sr_type = -1; /* get largest timeout among candidates */ if ( mi->mi_targets[ i ]->mt_timeout[ SLAP_OP_SEARCH ] && mi->mi_targets[ i ]->mt_timeout[ SLAP_OP_SEARCH ] > timeout ) { timeout = mi->mi_targets[ i ]->mt_timeout[ SLAP_OP_SEARCH ]; } } bc->timeout = timeout; bc->stoptime = op->o_time + bc->timeout; if ( op->ors_tlimit != SLAP_NO_LIMIT ) { stoptime = op->o_time + op->ors_tlimit; if (stoptime < bc->stoptime) { bc->stoptime = stoptime; bc->searchtime = 1; bc->timeout = op->ors_tlimit; } } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &mc->mc_om_mutex); rc = asyncmeta_add_message_queue(mc, bc); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &mc->mc_om_mutex); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { rs->sr_err = LDAP_BUSY; rs->sr_text = "Maximum pending ops limit exceeded"; asyncmeta_clear_bm_context(bc); op->o_callback = cb; send_ldap_result(op, rs); goto finish; } for ( i = 0; i < mi->mi_ntargets; i++ ) { if ( !META_IS_CANDIDATE( &candidates[ i ] ) || candidates[ i ].sr_err != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { continue; } rc = asyncmeta_dobind_init_with_retry(op, rs, bc, mc, i); switch (rc) { case META_SEARCH_CANDIDATE: /* target is already bound, just send the search request */ ncandidates++; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s asyncmeta_back_search: IS_CANDIDATE " "cnd=\"%ld\"\n", op->o_log_prefix, i , 0); rc = asyncmeta_back_search_start( op, rs, mc, bc, i, NULL, 0 ); if (rc == META_SEARCH_ERR) { META_CANDIDATE_CLEAR(&candidates[i]); candidates[ i ].sr_msgid = META_MSGID_IGNORE; if ( META_BACK_ONERR_STOP( mi ) ) { asyncmeta_handle_onerr_stop(op,rs,mc,bc,i,cb); goto finish; } else { continue; } } break; case META_SEARCH_NOT_CANDIDATE: Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s asyncmeta_back_search: NOT_CANDIDATE " "cnd=\"%ld\"\n", op->o_log_prefix, i , 0); candidates[ i ].sr_msgid = META_MSGID_IGNORE; break; case META_SEARCH_NEED_BIND: case META_SEARCH_CONNECTING: Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s asyncmeta_back_search: NEED_BIND " "cnd=\"%ld\" %p\n", op->o_log_prefix, i , &mc->mc_conns[i]); ncandidates++; rc = asyncmeta_dobind_init(op, rs, bc, mc, i); if (rc == META_SEARCH_ERR) { candidates[ i ].sr_msgid = META_MSGID_IGNORE; if ( META_BACK_ONERR_STOP( mi ) ) { asyncmeta_handle_onerr_stop(op,rs,mc,bc,i,cb); goto finish; } else { continue; } } break; case META_SEARCH_BINDING: Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s asyncmeta_back_search: BINDING " "cnd=\"%ld\" %p\n", op->o_log_prefix, i , &mc->mc_conns[i]); ncandidates++; /* Todo add the context to the message queue but do not send the request the receiver must send this when we are done binding */ /* question - how would do receiver know to which targets??? */ break; case META_SEARCH_ERR: Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s asyncmeta_back_search: SEARCH_ERR " "cnd=\"%ldd\"\n", op->o_log_prefix, i , 0); candidates[ i ].sr_msgid = META_MSGID_IGNORE; candidates[ i ].sr_type = REP_RESULT; if ( META_BACK_ONERR_STOP( mi ) ) { asyncmeta_handle_onerr_stop(op,rs,mc,bc,i,cb); goto finish; } else { continue; } break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } } initial_candidates = ncandidates; if ( LogTest( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE ) ) { char cnd[ SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN ]; int c; for ( c = 0; c < mi->mi_ntargets; c++ ) { if ( META_IS_CANDIDATE( &candidates[ c ] ) ) { cnd[ c ] = '*'; } else { cnd[ c ] = ' '; } } cnd[ c ] = '\0'; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s asyncmeta_back_search: ncandidates=%d " "cnd=\"%s\"\n", op->o_log_prefix, ncandidates, cnd ); } if ( initial_candidates == 0 ) { /* NOTE: here we are not sending any matchedDN; * this is intended, because if the back-meta * is serving this search request, but no valid * candidate could be looked up, it means that * there is a hole in the mapping of the targets * and thus no knowledge of any remote superior * is available */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s asyncmeta_back_search: " "base=\"%s\" scope=%d: " "no candidate could be selected\n", op->o_log_prefix, op->o_req_dn.bv_val, op->ors_scope ); /* FIXME: we're sending the first error we encounter; * maybe we should pick the worst... */ rc = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; for ( i = 0; i < mi->mi_ntargets; i++ ) { if ( META_IS_CANDIDATE( &candidates[ i ] ) && candidates[ i ].sr_err != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { rc = candidates[ i ].sr_err; break; } } rs->sr_err = rc; ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &mc->mc_om_mutex); asyncmeta_drop_bc(mc, bc); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &mc->mc_om_mutex); op->o_callback = cb; send_ldap_result(op, rs); asyncmeta_clear_bm_context(bc); goto finish; } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &mc->mc_om_mutex); asyncmeta_start_listeners(mc, candidates, bc); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &mc->mc_om_mutex); finish: return rs->sr_err; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int i; struct timeval tv1, tv2, tv3, tvdiff; int count, rc; char *dir; handle_map_param_t param; time_t now; /* Init logging */ SetNamePgm("test_handle_mapping"); SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); SetNameFunction("main"); SetNameHost("localhost"); InitLogging(); if (argc != 3 || (count = atoi(argv[2])) == 0) { LogTest("usage: test_handle_mapping <db_dir> <db_count>"); exit(1); } dir = argv[1]; strcpy(param.databases_directory, dir); strcpy(param.temp_directory, "/tmp"); param.database_count = count; param.hashtable_size = 27; param.nb_handles_prealloc = 1024; param.nb_db_op_prealloc = 1024; param.synchronous_insert = false; rc = HandleMap_Init(¶m); LogTest("HandleMap_Init() = %d", rc); if (rc) exit(rc); gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); /* Now insert a set of handles */ now = time(NULL); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { nfs23_map_handle_t nfs23_digest; fsal_handle_t handle; memset(&handle, i, sizeof(fsal_handle_t)); nfs23_digest.object_id = 12345 + i; nfs23_digest.handle_hash = (1999 * i + now) % 479001599; rc = HandleMap_SetFH(&nfs23_digest, &handle); if (rc && (rc != HANDLEMAP_EXISTS)) exit(rc); } gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); timersub(&tv2, &tv1, &tvdiff); LogTest("%u threads inserted 10000 handles in %d.%06ds", count, (int)tvdiff.tv_sec, (int)tvdiff.tv_usec); /* Now get them ! */ for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { nfs23_map_handle_t nfs23_digest; fsal_handle_t handle; nfs23_digest.object_id = 12345 + i; nfs23_digest.handle_hash = (1999 * i + now) % 479001599; rc = HandleMap_GetFH(&nfs23_digest, &handle); if (rc) { LogTest("Error %d retrieving handle !", rc); exit(rc); } rc = HandleMap_DelFH(&nfs23_digest); if (rc) { LogTest("Error %d deleting handle !", rc); exit(rc); } } gettimeofday(&tv3, NULL); timersub(&tv3, &tv2, &tvdiff); LogTest("Retrieved and deleted 10000 handles in %d.%06ds", (int)tvdiff.tv_sec, (int)tvdiff.tv_usec); rc = HandleMap_Flush(); gettimeofday(&tv3, NULL); timersub(&tv3, &tv1, &tvdiff); LogTest("Total time with %u threads (including flush): %d.%06ds", count, (int)tvdiff.tv_sec, (int)tvdiff.tv_usec); exit(0); }
void Test2() { char tempstr[2048]; int n1, n2; /* * Set up for tests that will verify what was actually produced by log messages. * This is used to test log levels and to test the log_vnsprintf function. */ SetComponentLogBuffer(COMPONENT_MAIN, tempstr); SetComponentLogBuffer(COMPONENT_INIT, tempstr); SetComponentLogLevel(COMPONENT_MAIN, NIV_EVENT); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test string/char formats"); TestFormat("none"); TestFormat("String: %s", "str"); TestFormat("String: %12s", "str"); TestFormat("String: %-12s", "str"); TestFormat("String: %12s", "too long string"); TestFormat("String: %-12s", "too long string"); TestFormat("%c", (char) 65); // Not tested lc, ls, C, S LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test integer formats"); TestFormat("Integer: %d %d %i %i %u %s", 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, "extra"); TestFormat("Octal and Hex: 0%o 0x%x 0x%X %s", 0123, 0xabcdef, 0xABCDEF, "extra"); TestFormat("Field Length: %3d %s", 1, "extra"); TestFormat("Variable Field Length: %*d %s", 5, 123, "extra"); TestFormat("Alignment flags: %+d %+d %-5d %-5d %05d %05d % d % d %s", 2, -2, 333, -333, 444, -444, 5, -5, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: %-05d %-05d %0-5d %0-5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: %+ d %+ d % +d % +d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: %-+5d %-+5d %+-5d %+-5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: %- 5d %- 5d % -5d % -5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: %+05d %+05d %0+5d %0+5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Two Flags: % 05d % 05d %0 5d %0 5d %s", 333, -333, 444, -444, "extra"); TestFormat("Use of # Flag: %#x %#3x %#05x %#-5x %-#5x %0#5x", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); TestFormat("Many Flags: %#-0 +#-0 +#-0 +5d", 4); TestFormat("Special Flags (may not be supported) %'d %Id %s", 12345, 67, "extra"); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test floating point formats"); TestFormat("%e %E %e %E %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%f %F %f %F %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%g %G %g %G %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%a %A %a %A %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%Le %LE %Le %LE %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%Lf %LF %Lf %LF %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%Lg %LG %Lg %LG %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%La %LA %La %LA %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%lle %llE %lle %llE %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%llf %llF %llf %llF %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%llg %llG %llg %llG %s", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("%lla %llA %lla %llA", (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1, (long double) 1.1E10, (long double) 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("Field Length: %8f %8.2f %8f %8.2f %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E3, "extra"); TestFormat("Field Length: %08f %08.2f %08f %08.2f %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E3, "extra"); TestFormat("Field Length: %-8f %-8.2f %-8f %-8.2f %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E3, "extra"); TestFormat("Variable Field Length: %*.*f %*.2f %6.*f %s", 6, 2, 1.1, 6, 2.2, 2, 3.3, "extra"); TestFormat("Negative: %e %E %e %E %s ", -1.1, -1.1, -1.1E10, -1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("With '+' flag: %+e %+E %+e %+E %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("With ' ' flag: % e % E % e % E %s", 1.1, 1.1, 1.1E10, 1.1E10, "extra"); TestFormat("With '#' flag: %#8.0e %8.0e %s", 1.0, 1.0, "extra"); TestFormat("With '#' flag: %#g %g %#5g %#5g %5g %s", 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0, 2.0, "extra"); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test some special formats"); TestFormat("pointer: %p %s", &n1, "extra"); #if 0 // we can't support %n due to security considerations TestFormat("count: 12345678%n %s", &n1, "extra"); snprintf(tempstr, 2048, "count: 12345678%n %s", &n1, "extra"); log_snprintf(tempstr, 2048, "count: 12345678%n %s", &n2, "extra"); if (n1 != n2) { LogTest("FAILURE: 12345678%%n produced %d expected %d", n2, n1); exit(1); } LogTest("SUCCESS: 12345678%%n produced %d", n2); #endif errno = EIO; TestFormat("strerror: %m %64m %s", "extra"); TestFormat("percent char: %% %s", "extra"); LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test integer size qualifier tags"); TestFormat("%hhd %s", (char) 1, "extra"); TestFormat("%hd %s", (short) 500, "extra"); TestFormat("%lld %s", (long long) 12345678, "extra"); TestFormat("%Ld %s", (long long) 12345678, "extra"); TestFormat("%ld %s", (long) 12345, "extra"); TestFormat("%qd %s", (long long) 12345678, "extra"); TestFormat("%jd %s", (long long) 1, "extra"); TestFormat("%td %s", (char *) &n1 - (char *) &n2, "extra"); TestFormat("%zd %s", sizeof(int), "extra"); /* * Ganesha can't properly support the $ parameter index tag, so don't bother testing, even if it does work * when the indices are in ascending order. TestFormat("%1$08x", 6); TestFormat("%3$llx %2$d %1d", 1, 2, (long long)0x12345678); */ LogTest("------------------------------------------------------"); LogTest("Ganesha specific tags"); LogTest("\nTest %%b, %%B, %%h, %%H, %%y, and %%Y. These are odd tags:"); LogTest(" %%b, %%B, %%h, and %%H each consume int1, str2, str3 even if not all are printed"); LogTest(" %%y and %%Y each consume int1, str2, str3, int4, str5, str6 even if not all are printed"); LogTest(" An extra string parameter is printed to demonstrate how the parameters are consumed"); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "str2(1) (not part of %b)", "%b %s", 1, "str2", "str3", "(not part of %b)"); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "str2(1) : 'str3' (not part of %B)", "%B %s", 1, "str2", "str3", "(not part of %B)"); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "str2(1) (not part of %h)", "%h %s", 1, "str2", "str3", "(not part of %h)"); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "str2(1) : 'str3' (not part of %H)", "%H %s", 1, "str2", "str3", "(not part of %H)"); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "str2 str5(4) (not part of %y)", "%y %s", 1, "str2", "str3", 4, "str5", "str6", "(not part of %y)"); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "str2(1) : 'str3' -> str5(4) : 'str6' (not part of %Y)", "%Y %s", 1, "str2", "str3", 4, "str5", "str6", "(not part of %Y)"); LogTest("\nTest new tags for reporting errno values"); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "EINVAL(22)", "%w", EINVAL); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "EINVAL(22) : 'Invalid argument'", "%W", EINVAL); LogTest("\nTest context sensitive tags"); LogTest("%%K, %%V, and %%v go together, defaulting to ERR_SYS"); LogTest("%%J, %%R, and %%r go together, defaulting to ERR_POSIX"); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "ERR_SIGACTION(5) : 'sigaction impossible' EINVAL(22) : 'Invalid argument'", "%K%V %K%V", ERR_SYS, ERR_SIGACTION, ERR_POSIX, EINVAL); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "ERR_SIGACTION(5) EINVAL(22)", "%K%v %K%v", ERR_SYS, ERR_SIGACTION, ERR_POSIX, EINVAL); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "ERR_SIGACTION(5) : 'sigaction impossible' EINVAL(22) : 'Invalid argument'", "%J%R %J%R", ERR_SYS, ERR_SIGACTION, ERR_POSIX, EINVAL); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "ERR_SIGACTION(5) EINVAL(22)", "%J%r %J%r", ERR_SYS, ERR_SIGACTION, ERR_POSIX, EINVAL); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "ERR_SIGACTION(5) : 'sigaction impossible' EINVAL(22) : 'Invalid argument'", "%V %R", ERR_SIGACTION, EINVAL); TestGaneshaFormat(TRUE, "ERR_SIGACTION(5) EINVAL(22)", "%v %r", ERR_SIGACTION, EINVAL); LogTest("Ganesha expects it's tags to just be two characters, for example %%b"); TestGaneshaFormat(FALSE, "str2(1) (not part of %b)", "%5b %s", 1, "str2", "str3", "(not part of %b)"); }
void usage() { LogTest( "Usage :\n\ttest_fsal <no_test>"); LogTest( "\ttests :"); LogTest( "\t\t1 - getattrs"); LogTest( "\t\t2 - lookup"); LogTest( "\t\t3 - lookupPath"); LogTest( "\t\t4 - readdir (acces par tableau)"); LogTest( "\t\t5 - readdir (acces liste chainee)"); LogTest( "\t\t6 - access/test_access"); LogTest( "\t\t7 - snprintmem/sscanmem"); LogTest( "\t\t8 - mkdir/rmdir"); LogTest( "\t\t9 - setattr"); LogTest( "\t\tA - digest/expend handle"); LogTest( "\t\tB - dynamic fs info"); return; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); SetNamePgm("test_lru"); LRU_list_t *plru; LRU_parameter_t param; LRU_entry_t *entry = NULL; LRU_entry_t *kept_entry = NULL; LRU_status_t status = 0; int i = 0; char strtab[MAXTEST][10]; param.nb_entry_prealloc = PREALLOC; param.entry_to_str = print_entry; param.clean_entry = clean_entry; param.lp_name = "Test"; BuddyInit(NULL); if((plru = LRU_Init(param, &status)) == NULL) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Bad Init"); exit(1); } for(i = 0; i < MAXTEST; i++) { LogTest("Added entry %d", i); sprintf(strtab[i], "%d", i); if((entry = LRU_new_entry(plru, &status)) == NULL) { LogTest("Test FAILED: bad entry add, status = %d", status); exit(1); } entry->buffdata.pdata = strtab[i]; entry->buffdata.len = strlen(strtab[i]); if(i == KEPT_ENTRY) kept_entry = entry; } /* printing the table */ LRU_Print(plru); LRU_invalidate(plru, kept_entry); if(isFullDebug(COMPONENT_LRU)) LRU_Print(plru); if(LRU_gc_invalid(plru, NULL) != LRU_LIST_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Test FAILED: bad gc"); exit(1); } LRU_Print(plru); /* Tous les tests sont ok */ LogTest("\n-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test succeeded: all tests pass successfully"); exit(0); } /* main */
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char localmachine[256]; char *test; fsal_parameter_t init_param; fsal_status_t st; uid_t uid; hpssfsal_export_context_t export_ctx; hpssfsal_op_context_t op_ctx; hpssfsal_handle_t root_handle, handle; fsal_name_t name; fsal_path_t path; fsal_attrib_list_t attribs; fsal_attrib_mask_t mask; char tracebuff[256]; if(argc < 2) { usage(); exit(-1); } test = argv[1]; /* retrieving params */ /* init debug */ SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); SetNamePgm("test_fsal"); SetNameFunction("main"); InitLogging(); /* Obtention du nom de la machine */ if(gethostname(localmachine, sizeof(localmachine)) != 0) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_SYS, ERR_GETHOSTNAME, errno); exit(1); } else SetNameHost(localmachine); AddFamilyError(ERR_FSAL, "FSAL related Errors", tab_errstatus_FSAL); /* prepare fsal_init */ /* 1 - fs specific info */ #if HPSS_MAJOR_VERSION == 5 init_param.fs_specific_info.behaviors.PrincipalName = FSAL_INIT_FORCE_VALUE; strcpy(init_param.fs_specific_info.hpss_config.PrincipalName, "hpss_nfs"); init_param.fs_specific_info.behaviors.KeytabPath = FSAL_INIT_FORCE_VALUE; strcpy(init_param.fs_specific_info.hpss_config.KeytabPath, "/krb5/hpssserver.keytab"); #else init_param.fs_specific_info.behaviors.AuthnMech = FSAL_INIT_FORCE_VALUE; init_param.fs_specific_info.hpss_config.AuthnMech = hpss_authn_mech_krb5; init_param.fs_specific_info.behaviors.Principal = FSAL_INIT_FORCE_VALUE; strcpy(init_param.fs_specific_info.Principal, "hpssfs"); init_param.fs_specific_info.behaviors.KeytabPath = FSAL_INIT_FORCE_VALUE; strcpy(init_param.fs_specific_info.KeytabPath, "/var/hpss/etc/hpss.keytab"); #endif /* 2-common info (default) */ FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxfilesize); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxlink); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxnamelen); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxpathlen); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, no_trunc); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, chown_restricted); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, case_insensitive); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, case_preserving); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, fh_expire_type); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, link_support); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, symlink_support); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, named_attr); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, unique_handles); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, lease_time); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, acl_support); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, cansettime); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, homogenous); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, supported_attrs); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxread); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, maxwrite); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, umask); FSAL_SET_INIT_DEFAULT(init_param.fs_common_info, auth_exportpath_xdev); /* 3- fsal info */ init_param.fsal_info.max_fs_calls = 0; /* Init */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_Init(&init_param))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } /* getting creds */ uid = getuid(); LogTest("uid = %d", uid); st = FSAL_BuildExportContext(&export_ctx, NULL, NULL); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st)) LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); st = FSAL_InitClientContext(&op_ctx); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st)) LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); st = FSAL_GetClientContext(&op_ctx, &export_ctx, uid, -1, NULL, 0); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st)) LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); /* getting root handle */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookup(NULL, NULL, &op_ctx, &root_handle, NULL))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &root_handle); LogTest("Root handle = %s", tracebuff); /* getting what are the supported attributes */ attribs.asked_attributes = 0; FSAL_SET_MASK(attribs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_SUPPATTR); LogTest("asked attributes :"); printmask(attribs.asked_attributes); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_getattrs(&root_handle, &op_ctx, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } LogTest("supported attributes :"); printmask(attribs.supported_attributes); mask = attribs.supported_attributes; /* TEST 1 */ if(test[0] == '1') { attribs.asked_attributes = 0; FSAL_SET_MASK(attribs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_SUPPATTR); LogTest("asked attributes :"); printmask(attribs.asked_attributes); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_getattrs(&root_handle, &op_ctx, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } LogTest("supported attributes :"); /* getting all spported attributes of root */ attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_getattrs(&root_handle, &op_ctx, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } printattributes(attribs); } else /* TEST 2 */ if(test[0] == '2') { /* getting handle and attributes for subdirectory "OSF1_V5" */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2name("cea", 4, &name))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookup(&root_handle, &name, &op_ctx, &handle, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/cea handle = %s", tracebuff); /* displaying attributes */ printattributes(attribs); /* getting handle and attributes for subdirectory "bin" */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2name("prot", 5, &name))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } root_handle = handle; attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookup(&root_handle, &name, &op_ctx, &handle, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/cea/prot handle = %s", tracebuff); /* displaying attributes */ printattributes(attribs); /* getting handle and attributes for symlink "AglaePwrSW" */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2name("lama", 5, &name))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } root_handle = handle; attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookup(&root_handle, &name, &op_ctx, &handle, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/cea/prot/lama handle = %s", tracebuff); /* displaying attributes */ printattributes(attribs); } else /* TEST 3 */ if(test[0] == '3') { /* lookup root */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2path("/", 30, &path))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookupPath(&path, &op_ctx, &handle, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/ handle = %s", tracebuff); /* displaying attributes */ printattributes(attribs); /* lookup path */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2path("/cea/prot/lama", 15, &path))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookupPath(&path, &op_ctx, &handle, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/cea/prot/lama handle = %s", tracebuff); /* displaying attributes */ printattributes(attribs); } else /* TEST 4 */ if(test[0] == '4') { /* readdir on root */ hpssfsal_dir_t dir; hpssfsal_cookie_t from, to; fsal_dirent_t entries[READDIR_SIZE]; fsal_count_t number; fsal_boolean_t eod = FALSE; int error = FALSE; attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_opendir(&root_handle, &op_ctx, &dir, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } LogTest("'/' attributes :"); /* displaying attributes */ printattributes(attribs); from = FSAL_READDIR_FROM_BEGINNING; while(!error && !eod) { unsigned int i; char cookiebuff[256]; snprintCookie(cookiebuff, 256, &from); LogTest("\nReaddir cookie = %s", cookiebuff); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_readdir(&dir, from, mask, READDIR_SIZE * sizeof(fsal_dirent_t), entries, &to, &number, &eod))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); error = TRUE; } for(i = 0; (!error) && (i < number); i++) { snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &entries[i].handle); snprintCookie(cookiebuff, 256, &entries[i].cookie); LogTest("\t%s : %s (cookie %s)", tracebuff, entries[i], cookiebuff); } /* preparing next call */ from = to; } LogTest("Fin de boucle : error=%d ; eod=%d", error, eod); } else /* TEST 5 */ if(test[0] == '5') { /* readdir on root */ hpssfsal_dir_t dir; hpssfsal_cookie_t from, to; fsal_dirent_t entries[READDIR_SIZE]; fsal_count_t number; fsal_boolean_t eod = FALSE; int error = FALSE; attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_opendir(&root_handle, &op_ctx, &dir, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } LogTest("'/' attributes :"); /* displaying attributes */ printattributes(attribs); from = FSAL_READDIR_FROM_BEGINNING; while(!error && !eod) { fsal_dirent_t *curr; char cookiebuff[256]; snprintCookie(cookiebuff, 256, &from); LogTest("\nReaddir cookie = %s", cookiebuff); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_readdir(&dir, from, mask, READDIR_SIZE * sizeof(fsal_dirent_t), entries, &to, &number, &eod))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); error = TRUE; } if(number > 0) { curr = entries; do { snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &curr->handle); snprintCookie(cookiebuff, 256, &curr->cookie); LogTest("\t%s : %s (cookie %s)", tracebuff, curr->, cookiebuff); } while(curr = curr->nextentry); } /* preparing next call */ from = to; } LogTest("Fin de boucle : error=%d ; eod=%d", error, eod); } else /* TEST 6 */ if(test[0] == '6') { /* readdir on root */ hpssfsal_dir_t dir; hpssfsal_cookie_t from, to; fsal_dirent_t entries[READDIR_SIZE]; fsal_count_t number; fsal_boolean_t eod = FALSE; int error = FALSE; attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_opendir(&root_handle, &op_ctx, &dir, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } LogTest("'/' attributes :"); /* displaying attributes */ printattributes(attribs); from = FSAL_READDIR_FROM_BEGINNING; while(!error && !eod) { unsigned int i; snprintCookie(tracebuff, 256, &from); LogTest("\nReaddir cookie = %s", tracebuff); st = FSAL_readdir(&dir, from, mask, READDIR_SIZE * sizeof(fsal_dirent_t), entries, &to, &number, &eod); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st)) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); error = TRUE; } /* for each entry, we compare the result of FSAL_access * to FSAL_test_access. */ for(i = 0; (!error) && (i < number); i++) { fsal_status_t st1, st2; char cookiebuff[256]; snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &entries[i].handle); snprintCookie(cookiebuff, 256, &entries[i].cookie); LogTest("\t%s : %s (cookie %s)", tracebuff, entries[i], cookiebuff); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_getattrs(&entries[i].handle, &op_ctx, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } /* 1 - test R access */ st1 = FSAL_access(&entries[i].handle, &op_ctx, FSAL_R_OK, NULL); st2 = FSAL_test_access(&op_ctx, FSAL_R_OK, &attribs); LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st1.major, st1.minor); LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st2.major, st2.minor); if(st1.major != st2.major) { LogTest( "Error : different access permissions given by FSAL_access and FSAL_test_access : %d <>%d", st1.major, st2.major); } /* 2 - test W access */ st1 = FSAL_access(&entries[i].handle, &op_ctx, FSAL_W_OK, NULL); st2 = FSAL_test_access(&op_ctx, FSAL_W_OK, &attribs); LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st1.major, st1.minor); LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st2.major, st2.minor); if(st1.major != st2.major) { LogTest( "Error : different access permissions given by FSAL_access and FSAL_test_access : %d <>%d", st1.major, st2.major); } /* 3 - test X access */ st1 = FSAL_access(&entries[i].handle, &op_ctx, FSAL_X_OK, NULL); st2 = FSAL_test_access(&op_ctx, FSAL_X_OK, &attribs); LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st1.major, st1.minor); LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st2.major, st2.minor); if(st1.major != st2.major) { LogTest( "Error : different access permissions given by FSAL_access and FSAL_test_access : %d <>%d", st1.major, st2.major); } } /* preparing next call */ from = to; } LogTest("Fin de boucle : error=%d ; eod=%d", error, eod); } else /* TEST 7 */ if(test[0] == '7') { /* test snprintmem and sscanmem */ char test_string[] = "Ceci est une chaine d'essai.\nLes chiffres : 0123456789\nLes lettres : ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; char buffer[256]; char string[200]; /* 200 suffit car test_string fait <100 */ int size1, size2, size3, i; /* we put bad values in string, to see if it is correctly set. */ for(i = 0; i < 200; i++) string[i] = (char)i; LogTest("Initial data (%d Bytes) = <<%s>>", strlen(test_string), test_string); /* Write test_string to a buffer. */ /* We don't give the final '\0'. */ snprintmem(buffer, 256, test_string, strlen(test_string)); LogTest("Dest_Buffer (%d Bytes) = <<%s>>", strlen(buffer), buffer); /* read the value from the buffer */ sscanmem(string, strlen(test_string), buffer); /* sets the final 0 to print the content of the buffer */ LogTest("Retrieved string : following byte = %d", (int)string[strlen(test_string)]); string[strlen(test_string)] = '\0'; LogTest("Retrieved string (%d Bytes) = <<%s>>", strlen(string), string); /* Automatic tests : */ size1 = strlen(test_string); size2 = strlen(buffer); size3 = strlen(string); LogTest("-------------------------------------"); if(size1 <= 0) LogTest("***** ERROR: source size=0 !!!"); if(size1 != size3) LogTest("***** ERROR: source size <> target size"); else LogTest("OK: source size = target size"); if((size1 * 2) != size2) LogTest("***** ERROR: hexa size <> 2 * source size"); else LogTest("OK: hexa size = 2 * source size"); if(strcmp(test_string, string)) LogTest("***** ERROR: source string <> target string"); else LogTest("OK: source string = target string"); } else /* TEST 8 */ if(test[0] == '8') { hpssfsal_handle_t dir_hdl, subdir_hdl; fsal_name_t subdir_name; /* lookup on /cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2path("/cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic", 40, &path))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookupPath(&path, &op_ctx, &handle, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic: handle = %s", tracebuff); sleep(1); /* creates a directory */ LogTest("------- Create a directory -------"); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2name("tests_GANESHA", 30, &name))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_mkdir(&handle, &name, &op_ctx, FSAL_MODE_RUSR | FSAL_MODE_WUSR | FSAL_MODE_XUSR | FSAL_MODE_RGRP | FSAL_MODE_WGRP, &dir_hdl, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &dir_hdl); LogTest("newly created dir handle = %s", tracebuff); printattributes(attribs); } sleep(1); /* Try to create it again */ LogTest("------- Try to create it again -------"); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_mkdir(&handle, &name, &op_ctx, FSAL_MODE_RUSR | FSAL_MODE_WUSR | FSAL_MODE_XUSR | FSAL_MODE_RGRP | FSAL_MODE_WGRP, &dir_hdl, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { LogTest("**** Error: FSAL should have returned ERR_FSAL_EXIST"); } sleep(1); /* creates a subdirectory */ LogTest("------- Create a subdirectory -------"); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2name("subdir_GANESHA", 30, &subdir_name))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_mkdir(&dir_hdl, &subdir_name, &op_ctx, FSAL_MODE_RUSR | FSAL_MODE_WUSR | FSAL_MODE_XUSR | FSAL_MODE_RGRP | FSAL_MODE_WGRP, &subdir_hdl, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &subdir_hdl); LogTest("newly created subdir handle = %s", tracebuff); printattributes(attribs); } /* try to removes the parent directory */ LogTest("------- Try to removes the parent directory -------"); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_unlink(&handle, &name, &op_ctx, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { LogTest("FSAL should not have unlinked %s because it is not empty",; } sleep(1); /* removes the subdirectory */ LogTest("------- Removes the subdirectory -------"); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_unlink(&dir_hdl, &subdir_name, &op_ctx, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { LogTest("New attributes for parent directory:"); printattributes(attribs); } /* removes the parent directory */ LogTest("------- Removes the parent directory -------"); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_unlink(&handle, &name, &op_ctx, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { LogTest("Unlink %s OK",; } } /* TEST 9 */ else if(test[0] == '9') { hpssfsal_handle_t dir_hdl, subdir_hdl; fsal_name_t subdir_name; fsal_attrib_list_t attr_set; fsal_fsid_t set_fsid = { 1LL, 2LL }; #ifdef _LINUX struct tm jour_heure = { 56, 34, 12, 31, 12, 110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; #else struct tm jour_heure = { 56, 34, 12, 31, 12, 110, 0, 0, 0 }; #endif /* lookup on /cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2path("/cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic", 40, &path))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookupPath(&path, &op_ctx, &handle, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic: handle = %s", tracebuff); sleep(1); /* creates a file */ LogTest("------- Create a file -------"); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2name("tests_GANESHA_setattrs", 30, &name))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_create(&handle, &name, &op_ctx, FSAL_MODE_RUSR | FSAL_MODE_WUSR | FSAL_MODE_XUSR | FSAL_MODE_RGRP | FSAL_MODE_WGRP, &dir_hdl, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &dir_hdl); LogTest("newly created file handle = %s", tracebuff); printattributes(attribs); } sleep(1); LogTest("------- Try to change its attributes -------"); /* Macro that try to change the value for an attribute */ #define CHANGE_ATTRS( str_nom, nom, flag, new_val ) do {\ memset(&attr_set, 0, sizeof(fsal_attrib_list_t) ); \ LogTest("\nTry to change '%s' :",str_nom); \ FSAL_SET_MASK( attr_set.asked_attributes , flag ); \ attr_set.nom = new_val; \ attribs.asked_attributes = attr_set.asked_attributes; \ /* attribs.asked_attributes = mask; */\ st = FSAL_setattrs( &dir_hdl, &op_ctx, &attr_set, &attribs );\ if ( FSAL_IS_ERROR(st) ) \ LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT,ERR_FSAL,st.major,st.minor);\ else \ printattributes( attribs ); \ } while(0) CHANGE_ATTRS("supported_attributes", supported_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_SUPPATTR, FSAL_ATTRS_MANDATORY); CHANGE_ATTRS("type", type, FSAL_ATTR_TYPE, FSAL_TYPE_LNK); sleep(1); /* to see mtime modification by truncate */ CHANGE_ATTRS("filesize", filesize, FSAL_ATTR_SIZE, (fsal_size_t) 12); sleep(1); /* to see mtime modification by truncate */ CHANGE_ATTRS("fsid", fsid, FSAL_ATTR_FSID, set_fsid); /* @todo : ACLs */ CHANGE_ATTRS("fileid", fileid, FSAL_ATTR_FILEID, (fsal_u64_t) 1234); CHANGE_ATTRS("mode", mode, FSAL_ATTR_MODE, (FSAL_MODE_RUSR | FSAL_MODE_WUSR | FSAL_MODE_RGRP)); CHANGE_ATTRS("numlinks", numlinks, FSAL_ATTR_NUMLINKS, 7); /* FSAL_ATTR_RAWDEV */ CHANGE_ATTRS("atime", atime.seconds, FSAL_ATTR_ATIME, mktime(&jour_heure)); jour_heure.tm_min++; CHANGE_ATTRS("creation", creation.seconds, FSAL_ATTR_CREATION, mktime(&jour_heure)); jour_heure.tm_min++; CHANGE_ATTRS("mtime", mtime.seconds, FSAL_ATTR_MTIME, mktime(&jour_heure)); jour_heure.tm_min++; CHANGE_ATTRS("ctime", ctime.seconds, FSAL_ATTR_CTIME, mktime(&jour_heure)); CHANGE_ATTRS("spaceused", spaceused, FSAL_ATTR_SPACEUSED, (fsal_size_t) 12345); CHANGE_ATTRS("mounted_on_fileid", mounted_on_fileid, FSAL_ATTR_MOUNTFILEID, (fsal_u64_t) 3210); CHANGE_ATTRS("owner", owner, FSAL_ATTR_OWNER, 3051); /* deniel */ CHANGE_ATTRS("group", group, FSAL_ATTR_GROUP, 5953); /* sr */ sleep(1); /* removes the parent directory */ LogTest("------- Removes the directory -------"); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_unlink(&handle, &name, &op_ctx, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { LogTest("Unlink %s OK",; } } else if(test[0] == 'A') { char digest_buff[FSAL_DIGEST_SIZE_HDLV3]; /* lookup on /cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic */ if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_str2path("/cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic", 40, &path))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } attribs.asked_attributes = mask; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_lookupPath(&path, &op_ctx, &handle, &attribs))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic: handle = %s", tracebuff); /* building digest */ st = FSAL_DigestHandle(&export_ctx, FSAL_DIGEST_NFSV3, &handle, digest_buff); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st)) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { /* print digest */ snprintmem(tracebuff, 256, digest_buff, FSAL_DIGEST_SIZE_HDLV3); LogTest("/cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic: handle_digest = %s", tracebuff); } memset(&handle, 0, sizeof(hpssfsal_handle_t)); /* expend digest */ st = FSAL_ExpandHandle(&export_ctx, FSAL_DIGEST_NFSV3, digest_buff, &handle); if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st)) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); } else { /* print expended handle */ snprintHandle(tracebuff, 256, &handle); LogTest("/cea/prot/S/lama/s8/leibovic: handle expended = %s", tracebuff); } } else if(test[0] == 'B') { fsal_dynamicfsinfo_t dyninfo; if(FSAL_IS_ERROR(st = FSAL_dynamic_fsinfo(&root_handle, &op_ctx, &dyninfo))) { LogError(COMPONENT_STDOUT, ERR_FSAL, st.major, st.minor); exit(st.major); } LogTest("total_bytes = %llu", dyninfo.total_bytes); LogTest("free_bytes = %llu", dyninfo.free_bytes); LogTest("avail_bytes = %llu", dyninfo.avail_bytes); LogTest("total_files = %llu", dyninfo.total_files); LogTest("free_files = %llu", dyninfo.free_files); LogTest("avail_files = %llu", dyninfo.avail_files); LogTest("time_delta = %u.%u", dyninfo.time_delta.seconds, dyninfo.time_delta.nseconds); } else LogTest("%s : test inconnu", test); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int i; struct timeval tv1, tv2, tv3, tvdiff; int count, rc; char *dir; time_t now; if (argc != 3) { LogTest("usage: test_handle_mapping_db <db_dir> <db_count>"); exit(1); } count = atoi(argv[2]) if (count == 0) { LogTest("usage: test_handle_mapping_db <db_dir> <db_count>"); exit(1); } dir = argv[1]; /* Init logging */ SetNamePgm("test_handle_mapping"); SetNameFileLog("/dev/tty"); SetNameFunction("main"); SetNameHost("localhost"); /* count databases */ rc = handlemap_db_count(dir); LogTest("handlemap_db_count(%s)=%d", dir, rc); if (rc != 0 && count != rc) { LogTest( "Warning: incompatible thread count %d <> database count %d", count, rc); } rc = handlemap_db_init(dir, "/tmp", count, 1024, false); LogTest("handlemap_db_init() = %d", rc); if (rc) exit(rc); rc = handlemap_db_reaload_all(NULL); LogTest("handlemap_db_reaload_all() = %d", rc); if (rc) exit(rc); gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); /* Now insert a set of handles */ now = time(NULL); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { nfs23_map_handle_t nfs23_digest; fsal_handle_t handle; memset(&handle, i, sizeof(fsal_handle_t)); nfs23_digest.object_id = 12345 + i; nfs23_digest.handle_hash = (1999 * i + now) % 479001599; rc = handlemap_db_insert(&nfs23_digest, &handle); if (rc) exit(rc); } gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); timersub(&tv2, &tv1, &tvdiff); LogTest("%u threads inserted 10000 handles in %d.%06ds", count, (int)tvdiff.tv_sec, (int)tvdiff.tv_usec); rc = handlemap_db_flush(); gettimeofday(&tv3, NULL); timersub(&tv3, &tv1, &tvdiff); LogTest("Total time with %u threads (including flush): %d.%06ds", count, (int)tvdiff.tv_sec, (int)tvdiff.tv_usec); LogTest("Now, delete operations"); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { nfs23_map_handle_t nfs23_digest; nfs23_digest.object_id = 12345 + i; nfs23_digest.handle_hash = (1999 * i + now) % 479001599; rc = handlemap_db_delete(&nfs23_digest); if (rc) exit(rc); } gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); timersub(&tv2, &tv3, &tvdiff); LogTest("%u threads deleted 10000 handles in %d.%06ds", count, (int)tvdiff.tv_sec, (int)tvdiff.tv_usec); rc = handlemap_db_flush(); gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); timersub(&tv1, &tv3, &tvdiff); LogTest("Delete time with %u threads (including flush): %d.%06ds", count, (int)tvdiff.tv_sec, (int)tvdiff.tv_usec); exit(0); }
void printattributes(fsal_attrib_list_t attrs) { if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_RDATTR_ERR)) LogTest("FSAL_ATTR_RDATTR_ERR"); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_TYPE)) LogTest("Type : %s", strtype(attrs.type)); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_SIZE)) LogTest("Size : %llu", attrs.filesize); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_FSID)) LogTest("fsId : %llu.%llu", attrs.fsid.major, attrs.fsid.minor); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_ACL)) LogTest("ACL List ..."); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_FILEID)) LogTest("FileId : %llu", attrs.fileid); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_MODE)) LogTest("Mode : %#o", attrs.mode); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_NUMLINKS)) LogTest("Numlinks : %u", (unsigned int)attrs.numlinks); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_OWNER)) LogTest("uid : %d", attrs.owner); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_GROUP)) LogTest("gid : %d",; if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_RAWDEV)) LogTest("Rawdev ..."); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_ATIME)) LogTest("atime : %s", ctime((time_t *) & attrs.atime.seconds)); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_CREATION)) LogTest("creation time : %s", ctime((time_t *) & attrs.creation.seconds)); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_CTIME)) LogTest("ctime : %s", ctime((time_t *) & attrs.ctime.seconds)); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_MTIME)) LogTest("mtime : %s", ctime((time_t *) & attrs.mtime.seconds)); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_CHGTIME)) LogTest("chgtime : %s", ctime((time_t *) & attrs.chgtime.seconds)); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_SPACEUSED)) LogTest("spaceused : %llu", attrs.spaceused); if(FSAL_TEST_MASK(attrs.asked_attributes, FSAL_ATTR_MOUNTFILEID)) LogTest("mounted_on_fileid : %llu", attrs.mounted_on_fileid); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SetDefaultLogging("TEST"); SetNamePgm("test_libcmc_bugdelete"); LogTest("Initialized test program"); hash_table_t *ht = NULL; hash_parameter_t hparam; hash_buffer_t buffval; hash_buffer_t buffkey; hash_buffer_t buffval2; hash_buffer_t buffkey2; hash_stat_t statistiques; int i; int rc; struct Temps debut, fin; char tmpstr[10]; char strtab[MAXTEST][10]; int critere_recherche = 0; int random_val = 0; hparam.index_size = PRIME; hparam.alphabet_length = 10; hparam.nb_node_prealloc = NB_PREALLOC; hparam.hash_func_key = simple_hash_func; hparam.hash_func_rbt = rbt_hash_func; hparam.hash_func_both = NULL ; /* BUGAZOMEU */ hparam.compare_key = compare_string_buffer; hparam.key_to_str = display_buff; hparam.val_to_str = display_buff; BuddyInit(NULL); /* Init de la table */ if((ht = HashTable_Init(hparam)) == NULL) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Bad init"); exit(1); } MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); LogTest("Created hash table"); for(i = 0; i < MAXTEST; i++) { sprintf(strtab[i], "%d", i); buffkey.len = strlen(strtab[i]); buffkey.pdata = strtab[i]; buffval.len = strlen(strtab[i]); buffval.pdata = strtab[i]; rc = HashTable_Set(ht, &buffkey, &buffval); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE, "Added %s , %d , return code = %d", strtab[i], i, rc); } MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Time to insert %d entries: %s", MAXTEST, ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE, "-----------------------------------------"); HashTable_Log(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE, ht); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE, "========================================="); /* Premier test simple: verif de la coherence des valeurs lues */ critere_recherche = CRITERE; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); rc = HashTable_Get(ht, &buffkey, &buffval); MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Now, I try to retrieve %d entries (taken at random, almost)", MAXGET); MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); for(i = 0; i < MAXGET; i++) { random_val = random() % MAXTEST; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", random_val); buffkey2.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey2.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Get(ht, &buffkey2, &buffval2); LogTest("\tPlaying key = %s --> %s", buffkey2.pdata, buffval2.pdata); if(rc != HASHTABLE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Error reading %d = %d", i, rc); LogTest("Test FAILED: the reading is incorrect"); exit(1); } } MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Time to read elements %d = %s", MAXGET, ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", critere_recherche); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; srandom(getpid()); MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); for(i = 0; i < MAXDESTROY; i++) { random_val = bugdelete_key_array[i]; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", random_val); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE, "\t Erase %u -> %lu | %lu", random_val, simple_hash_func(&hparam, &buffkey), rbt_hash_func(&hparam, &buffkey)); rc = HashTable_Del(ht, &buffkey, NULL, NULL); if(rc != HASHTABLE_SUCCESS) { LogTest("Erreur lors de la destruction de %d = %d", random_val, rc); LogTest("Test FAILED: delete incorrect"); exit(1); } } MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Time to delete %d elements = %s", MAXDESTROY, ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Now, I try to retrieve %d entries (possibly destroyed)", MAXGET); MesureTemps(&debut, NULL); for(i = 0; i < MAXGET; i++) { random_val = random() % MAXTEST; sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", random_val); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Get(ht, &buffkey, &buffval); } MesureTemps(&fin, &debut); LogTest("Time to read %d elements = %s", MAXGET, ConvertiTempsChaine(fin, NULL)); LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Writing a duplicated key"); sprintf(tmpstr, "%d", CRITERE_2); buffkey.len = strlen(tmpstr); buffkey.pdata = tmpstr; rc = HashTable_Test_And_Set(ht, &buffkey, &buffval, HASHTABLE_SET_HOW_SET_NO_OVERWRITE); LogTest("The value must be HASHTABLE_ERROR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS = %d --> %d", HASHTABLE_ERROR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS, rc); if(rc != HASHTABLE_ERROR_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS) { LogTest("Test ECHOUE : Clef redondante"); exit(1); } LogTest("-----------------------------------------"); HashTable_Log(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE,ht); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_HASHTABLE,"-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Displaying table statistics"); HashTable_GetStats(ht, &statistiques); LogTest(" Number of Entrees = %d", statistiques.dynamic.nb_entries); LogTest(" Successful operations : Set = %d, Get = %d, Del = %d, Test = %d", statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_set, statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_get, statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_del, statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_test); LogTest(" Failed operations : Set = %d, Get = %d, Del = %d, Test = %d", statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_set, statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_get, statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_del, statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_test); LogTest(" Operations 'NotFound': Set = %d, Get = %d, Del = %d, Test = %d", statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_set, statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_get, statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_del, statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_test); LogTest(" Statistics computed: min_rbt_node = %d, max_rbt_node = %d, average_rbt_node = %d", statistiques.computed.min_rbt_num_node, statistiques.computed.max_rbt_num_node, statistiques.computed.average_rbt_num_node); /* Test sur la pertinence des valeurs de statistiques */ if(statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_set != MAXTEST) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Incorrect statistics: ok.nb_set "); exit(1); } if(statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_get + statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_get != 2 * MAXGET + 1) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Incorrect statistics: *.nb_get. Expected %d, got %d", 2 * MAXGET + 1, statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_get + statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_get); exit(1); } if(statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_del != MAXDESTROY) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Incorrect statistics: *.nb_del. Expected %d, got %d", MAXDESTROY, statistiques.dynamic.ok.nb_del); exit(1); } if(statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_del != 0) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Incorrect statistics: *.nb_del. Expected %d, got %d", 0, statistiques.dynamic.notfound.nb_del); exit(1); } if(statistiques.dynamic.err.nb_test != 1) { LogTest("Test FAILED: Incorrect statistics: err.nb_test "); exit(1); } /* Tous les tests sont ok */ BuddyDumpMem(stdout); LogTest("\n-----------------------------------------"); LogTest("Test succeeded: all tests pass successfully"); exit(0); }
/* Join two sets according to operator op and flags op_flags. * op can be: * '|' (or): the union between the two sets is returned, * eliminating duplicates * '&' (and): the intersection between the two sets * is returned * '+' (add): the inner product of the two sets is returned, * namely a set containing the concatenation of * all combinations of the two sets members, * except for duplicates. * The two sets are disposed of according to the flags as described * for slap_set_dispose(). */ BerVarray slap_set_join( SetCookie *cp, BerVarray lset, unsigned op_flags, BerVarray rset ) { BerVarray set; long i, j, last, rlast; unsigned op = ( op_flags & SLAP_SET_OPMASK ); set = NULL; switch ( op ) { case '|': /* union */ if ( lset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &lset[ 0 ] ) ) { if ( rset == NULL ) { if ( lset == NULL ) { set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] ); goto done2; } set = set_dup( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) ); goto done2; } slap_set_dispose( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) ); set = set_dup( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) ); goto done2; } if ( rset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ 0 ] ) ) { slap_set_dispose( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) ); set = set_dup( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) ); goto done2; } /* worst scenario: no duplicates */ rlast = slap_set_size( rset ); i = slap_set_size( lset ) + rlast + 1; set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( i, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( set != NULL ) { /* set_chase() depends on this routine to * keep the first elements of the result * set the same (and in the same order) * as the left-set. */ for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &lset[ i ] ); i++ ) { if ( op_flags & SLAP_SET_LREFVAL ) { ber_dupbv_x( &set[ i ], &lset[ i ], cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); } else { set[ i ] = lset[ i ]; } } /* pointers to values have been used in set - don't free twice */ op_flags |= SLAP_SET_LREFVAL; last = i; for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ i ] ); i++ ) { int exists = 0; for ( j = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &set[ j ] ); j++ ) { if ( bvmatch( &rset[ i ], &set[ j ] ) ) { if ( !( op_flags & SLAP_SET_RREFVAL ) ) { cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( rset[ i ].bv_val, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); rset[ i ] = rset[ --rlast ]; BER_BVZERO( &rset[ rlast ] ); i--; } exists = 1; break; } } if ( !exists ) { if ( op_flags & SLAP_SET_RREFVAL ) { ber_dupbv_x( &set[ last ], &rset[ i ], cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); } else { set[ last ] = rset[ i ]; } last++; } } /* pointers to values have been used in set - don't free twice */ op_flags |= SLAP_SET_RREFVAL; BER_BVZERO( &set[ last ] ); } break; case '&': /* intersection */ if ( lset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &lset[ 0 ] ) || rset == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ 0 ] ) ) { set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] ); break; } else { long llen, rlen; BerVarray sset; llen = slap_set_size( lset ); rlen = slap_set_size( rset ); /* dup the shortest */ if ( llen < rlen ) { last = llen; set = set_dup( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) ); lset = NULL; sset = rset; } else { last = rlen; set = set_dup( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) ); rset = NULL; sset = lset; } if ( set == NULL ) { break; } for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &set[ i ] ); i++ ) { for ( j = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &sset[ j ] ); j++ ) { if ( bvmatch( &set[ i ], &sset[ j ] ) ) { break; } } if ( BER_BVISNULL( &sset[ j ] ) ) { cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( set[ i ].bv_val, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); set[ i ] = set[ --last ]; BER_BVZERO( &set[ last ] ); i--; } } } break; case '+': /* string concatenation */ i = slap_set_size( rset ); j = slap_set_size( lset ); /* handle empty set cases */ if ( i == 0 || j == 0 ) { set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 1, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( set == NULL ) { break; } BER_BVZERO( &set[ 0 ] ); break; } set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( i * j + 1, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( set == NULL ) { break; } for ( last = 0, i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &lset[ i ] ); i++ ) { for ( j = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &rset[ j ] ); j++ ) { struct berval bv; long k; /* don't concatenate with the empty string */ if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &lset[ i ] ) ) { ber_dupbv_x( &bv, &rset[ j ], cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( bv.bv_val == NULL ) { ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); set = NULL; goto done; } } else if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &rset[ j ] ) ) { ber_dupbv_x( &bv, &lset[ i ], cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( bv.bv_val == NULL ) { ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); set = NULL; goto done; } } else { bv.bv_len = lset[ i ].bv_len + rset[ j ].bv_len; bv.bv_val = cp->set_op->o_tmpalloc( bv.bv_len + 1, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( bv.bv_val == NULL ) { ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); set = NULL; goto done; } AC_MEMCPY( bv.bv_val, lset[ i ].bv_val, lset[ i ].bv_len ); AC_MEMCPY( &bv.bv_val[ lset[ i ].bv_len ], rset[ j ].bv_val, rset[ j ].bv_len ); bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ] = '\0'; } for ( k = 0; k < last; k++ ) { if ( bvmatch( &set[ k ], &bv ) ) { cp->set_op->o_tmpfree( bv.bv_val, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; } } if ( k == last ) { set[ last++ ] = bv; } } } BER_BVZERO( &set[ last ] ); break; default: break; } done:; if ( lset ) slap_set_dispose( cp, lset, SLAP_SET_LREF2REF( op_flags ) ); if ( rset ) slap_set_dispose( cp, rset, SLAP_SET_RREF2REF( op_flags ) ); done2:; if ( LogTest( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL ) ) { if ( BER_BVISNULL( set ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, " ACL set: empty\n", 0, 0, 0 ); } else { for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &set[ i ] ); i++ ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, " ACL set[%ld]=%s\n", i, set[i].bv_val, 0 ); } } } return set; }
int idmap_computer_hash_value(char *name, uint32_t * phashval) { char padded_name[PWENT_MAX_LEN]; uint32_t computed_value = 0; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int offset = 0; uint64_t extract = 0; uint64_t sum = 0; uint64_t i1; uint64_t i2; uint64_t i3; uint64_t i4; uint64_t i5; uint64_t i6; uint64_t i7; uint64_t i8; uint64_t l; if(name == NULL || phashval == NULL) return CLIENT_ID_INVALID_ARGUMENT; memset(padded_name, 0, PWENT_MAX_LEN); /* Copy the string to the padded one */ for(i = 0; i < strnlen(name, PWENT_MAX_LEN); padded_name[i] = name[i], i++) ; LogTest("%s \n", padded_name); /* For each 9 character pack: * - keep the 7 first bit (the 8th is often 0: ascii string) * - pack 7x9 bit to 63 bits using xor * - xor the last 8th bit to a single 0 , or-ed with the rest * Proceeding with the next 9 bytes pack will produce a new value that is xored with the * one of the previous iteration */ for(offset = 0; offset < PWENT_MAX_LEN; offset += 8) { /* input name is ascii string, remove 8th bit on each byte, not significant */ i1 = padded_name[offset + 0]; i2 = (padded_name[offset + 1]) << 8; i3 = (padded_name[offset + 2]) << 16; i4 = (padded_name[offset + 3]) << 24; i5 = (padded_name[offset + 4]) << 32; i6 = (padded_name[offset + 5]) << 40; i7 = (padded_name[offset + 6]) << 48; i8 = (padded_name[offset + 7]) << 56; sum = (uint64_t) padded_name[offset + 0] + (uint64_t) padded_name[offset + 1] + (uint64_t) padded_name[offset + 2] + (uint64_t) padded_name[offset + 3] + (uint64_t) padded_name[offset + 4] + (uint64_t) padded_name[offset + 5] + (uint64_t) padded_name[offset + 6] + (uint64_t) padded_name[offset + 7]; LogTest("|%llx |%llx |%llx |%llx |%llx |%llx |%llx |%llx |%llx | = ", i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8); /* Get xor combibation of all the 8h bit */ l = (padded_name[offset + 0]) ^ (padded_name[offset + 1]) ^ (padded_name[offset + 2]) ^ (padded_name[offset + 3]) ^ (padded_name[offset + 4]) ^ (padded_name[offset + 5]) ^ (padded_name[offset + 6]) ^ (padded_name[offset + 7]); extract = i1 ^ i2 ^ i3 ^ i4 ^ i5 ^ i6 ^ i7 ^ i8 | l; LogTest("%llx ", extract); computed_value ^= extract; computed_value ^= sum; LogTest(",%x\n ", computed_value); } if(computed_value > 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL) computed_value = (computed_value >> 32) ^ (computed_value & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL); LogTest("===>%x\n", computed_value); *phashval = computed_value; return CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS; } /* idmap_computer_hash_value */