 *  ======== WiFiCC3100_open ========
WiFi_Handle WiFiCC3100_open(WiFi_Handle handle, unsigned int spiIndex,
	WiFi_evntCallback evntCallback, WiFi_Params *params)
    unsigned int              key;
    WiFiCC3100_Object        *object = handle->object;
    WiFiCC3100_HWAttrs const *hwAttrs = handle->hwAttrs;
    union {
#if !defined(MSP430WARE)
        Hwi_Params            hwiParams;
        Semaphore_Params      semParams;
    } paramsUnion;

    key = Hwi_disable();
    if (object->isOpen) {
        Log_warning0("WiFi Hwi already in use.");
        return (NULL);
    object->isOpen = true;

    /* Construct semaphores to block read/write transactions. */
    paramsUnion.semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY;
    paramsUnion.semParams.instance->name = "WiFi.writeSemaphore";
    Semaphore_construct(&(object->writeSemaphore), 0, &(paramsUnion.semParams));

    paramsUnion.semParams.instance->name = "WiFi.readSemaphore";
    Semaphore_construct(&(object->readSemaphore), 0, &(paramsUnion.semParams));

#if !defined(MSP430WARE)
    paramsUnion.hwiParams.arg = (UArg) handle;
    paramsUnion.hwiParams.enableInt = false;

    /* Hwi_construct cannot fail, use NULL instead of an Error Block */
    Hwi_construct(&(object->wifiHwi), hwAttrs->irqIntNum,
	    WiFiCC3100_hostIntHandler, &(paramsUnion.hwiParams), NULL);

#if defined(MSP430WARE) || defined(MSP432WARE)
    MAP_GPIO_clearInterruptFlag(hwAttrs->irqPort, hwAttrs->irqPin);
    MAP_GPIO_enableInterrupt(hwAttrs->irqPort, hwAttrs->irqPin);
    GPIOIntClear(hwAttrs->irqPort, hwAttrs->irqPin);
    GPIOIntEnable(hwAttrs->irqPort, hwAttrs->irqPin);

    /* Store SPI interface parameters */
    object->spiIndex = spiIndex;
    object->bitRate = params->bitRate;

    return (handle);
 * DataService_RegisterAppCBs - Registers the application callback function.
 *                    Only call this function once.
 *    appCallbacks - pointer to application callbacks.
bStatus_t DataService_RegisterAppCBs( DataServiceCBs_t *appCallbacks )
  if ( appCallbacks )
    pAppCBs = appCallbacks;
    Log_info1("Registered callbacks to application. Struct %p", (IArg)appCallbacks);
    return ( SUCCESS );
    Log_warning0("Null pointer given for app callbacks.");
    return ( FAILURE );
Beispiel #3
 *  @brief  Function to initialize the CC26XX SPI peripheral specified by the
 *          particular handle. The parameter specifies which mode the SPI
 *          will operate.
 *  The function will set a dependency on it power domain, i.e. power up the
 *  module and enable the clock. The IOs are allocated. Neither the SPI nor UDMA module
 *  will be enabled.
 *  @pre    SPI controller has been initialized.
 *          Calling context: Task
 *  @param  handle        A SPI_Handle
 *  @param  params        Pointer to a parameter block, if NULL it will use
 *                        default values
 *  @return A SPI_Handle on success or a NULL on an error or if it has been
 *          already opened
 *  @sa     SPICC26XXDMA_close()
SPI_Handle SPICC26XXDMA_open(SPI_Handle handle, SPI_Params *params)
    /* Use union to save on stack allocation */
    union {
        Semaphore_Params semParams;
        Hwi_Params hwiParams;
    } paramsUnion;
    SPI_Params               defaultParams;
    SPICC26XX_Object         *object;
    SPICC26XX_HWAttrs const  *hwAttrs;
    unsigned int             key;

    /* Get the pointer to the object and hwAttrs */
    object = handle->object;
    hwAttrs = handle->hwAttrs;

    /* Disable preemption while checking if the SPI is open. */
    key = Hwi_disable();

    /* Check if the SPI is open already with the base addr. */
    if (object->isOpen == true) {

        Log_warning1("SPI:(%p) already in use.", hwAttrs->baseAddr);

        return (NULL);

    /* Mark the handle as being used */
    object->isOpen = true;

    /* If params are NULL use defaults */
    if (params == NULL) {
        /* No params passed in, so use the defaults */
        params = &defaultParams;

    Assert_isTrue((params->dataSize >= 4) &&
                  (params->dataSize <= 16), NULL);

    /* Initialize the SPI object */
    object->currentTransaction = NULL;
    object->bitRate            = params->bitRate;
    object->dataSize           = params->dataSize;
    object->frameFormat        = params->frameFormat;
    object->mode               = params->mode;
    object->transferMode       = params->transferMode;
    object->transferTimeout    = params->transferTimeout;
    object->returnPartial      = false;
    object->wakeupCallbackFxn  = NULL;

    /* Determine if we need to use an 8-bit or 16-bit framesize for the DMA */
    object->frameSize = (params->dataSize < 9) ? SPICC26XXDMA_8bit : SPICC26XXDMA_16bit;

    Log_print2(Diags_USER2,"SPI:(%p) DMA buffer incrementation size: %s",
                           (object->frameSize) ? (UArg)"16-bit" : (UArg)"8-bit");

    /* Register power dependency - i.e. power up and enable clock for SPI. */

    /* Configure the hardware module */

    /* CSN is initialized using hwAttrs initially, but can be re-configured later */
    object->csnPin = hwAttrs->csnPin;

    /* Configure IOs after hardware has been initialized so that IOs aren't */
    /* toggled unnecessary and make sure it was successful */
    if (!SPICC26XXDMA_initIO(handle)) {
        /* Trying to use SPI driver when some other driver or application
        *  has already allocated these pins, error! */
        Log_warning0("Could not allocate SPI pins, already in use.");

        /* Release power dependency - i.e. potentially power down serial domain. */

        /* Mark the module as available */
        key = Hwi_disable();
        object->isOpen = false;

        /* Signal back to application that SPI driver was not succesfully opened */
        return (NULL);

    /* Create the Hwi for this SPI peripheral. */
    paramsUnion.hwiParams.arg = (UArg) handle;
    Hwi_construct(&(object->hwi), (int) hwAttrs->intNum, SPICC26XXDMA_hwiFxn, &paramsUnion.hwiParams, NULL);

    /* Check the transfer mode */
    if (object->transferMode == SPI_MODE_BLOCKING) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "SPI DMA:(%p) in SPI_MODE_BLOCKING mode",

        /* Create a semaphore to block task execution for the duration of the
         * SPI transfer */
        paramsUnion.semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY;
        Semaphore_construct(&(object->transferComplete), 0, &paramsUnion.semParams);

        /* Store internal callback function */
        object->transferCallbackFxn = SPICC26XXDMA_transferCallback;
    else {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "SPI DMA:(%p) in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK mode", hwAttrs->baseAddr);

        /* Check to see if a callback function was defined for async mode */
        Assert_isTrue(params->transferCallbackFxn != NULL, NULL);

        /* Save the callback function pointer */
        object->transferCallbackFxn = params->transferCallbackFxn;

    /* Declare the dependency on the UDMA driver */
    object->udmaHandle = UDMACC26XX_open();

    /* Configure PIN driver for CSN callback in optional RETURN_PARTIAL slave mode */
    /* and/or optional wake up on CSN assert slave mode */
    if (object->mode == SPI_SLAVE) {
        PIN_registerIntCb(object->pinHandle, SPICC26XXDMA_csnCallback);
        PIN_setUserArg(object->pinHandle, (UArg) handle);

    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "SPI:(%p) opened", hwAttrs->baseAddr);

    /* Register notification functions */
    Power_registerNotify(&object->spiPreObj, Power_ENTERING_STANDBY, (Fxn)spiPreNotify, (UInt32)handle, NULL );
    Power_registerNotify(&object->spiPostObj, Power_AWAKE_STANDBY, (Fxn)spiPostNotify, (UInt32)handle, NULL );

    return (handle);