Beispiel #1
void InputBehaviour(LPMATSHAPER MatShaper, WORD In[], WORD Out[])
       WVEC3 InVect, OutVect;

       if (MatShaper -> dwFlags & MATSHAPER_HASSHAPER)
       InVect.n[VX] = cmsLinearInterpFixed(In[0], MatShaper -> L[0], &MatShaper -> p16);
       InVect.n[VY] = cmsLinearInterpFixed(In[1], MatShaper -> L[1], &MatShaper -> p16);
       InVect.n[VZ] = cmsLinearInterpFixed(In[2], MatShaper -> L[2], &MatShaper -> p16);
       InVect.n[VX] = ToFixedDomain(In[0]);
       InVect.n[VY] = ToFixedDomain(In[1]);
       InVect.n[VZ] = ToFixedDomain(In[2]);

       if (MatShaper -> dwFlags & MATSHAPER_HASMATRIX)
              MAT3evalW(&OutVect, &MatShaper -> Matrix, &InVect);
       OutVect =  InVect;

       // PCS in 1Fixed15 format, adjusting

       Out[0] = _cmsClampWord((OutVect.n[VX]) >> 1);
       Out[1] = _cmsClampWord((OutVect.n[VY]) >> 1);
       Out[2] = _cmsClampWord((OutVect.n[VZ]) >> 1);

Beispiel #2
void AllSmeltedBehaviour(LPMATSHAPER MatShaper, WORD In[], WORD Out[])

       WORD tmp[3];
       WVEC3 InVect, OutVect;

       if (MatShaper -> dwFlags & MATSHAPER_HASINPSHAPER)
       InVect.n[VX] = cmsLinearInterpFixed(In[0], MatShaper -> L2[0], &MatShaper -> p2_16);
       InVect.n[VY] = cmsLinearInterpFixed(In[1], MatShaper -> L2[1], &MatShaper -> p2_16);
       InVect.n[VZ] = cmsLinearInterpFixed(In[2], MatShaper -> L2[2], &MatShaper -> p2_16);
            InVect.n[VX] = ToFixedDomain(In[0]);
            InVect.n[VY] = ToFixedDomain(In[1]);
            InVect.n[VZ] = ToFixedDomain(In[2]);

       if (MatShaper -> dwFlags & MATSHAPER_HASMATRIX)

             MAT3evalW(&OutVect, &MatShaper -> Matrix, &InVect);
       else {

           OutVect.n[VX] = InVect.n[VX];
           OutVect.n[VY] = InVect.n[VY];
           OutVect.n[VZ] = InVect.n[VZ];

       tmp[0] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VX]));
       tmp[1] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VY]));
       tmp[2] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VZ]));

       if (MatShaper -> dwFlags & MATSHAPER_HASSHAPER)
       Out[0] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(tmp[0], MatShaper -> L[0], &MatShaper -> p16);
       Out[1] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(tmp[1], MatShaper -> L[1], &MatShaper -> p16);
       Out[2] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(tmp[2], MatShaper -> L[2], &MatShaper -> p16);
           Out[0] = tmp[0];
           Out[1] = tmp[1];
           Out[2] = tmp[2];

void XYZ2XYZ(WORD In[], WORD Out[], LPWMAT3 m, LPWVEC3 of)

    WVEC3 a, r;

    a.n[0] = In[0] << 1;
    a.n[1] = In[1] << 1;
    a.n[2] = In[2] << 1;

    MAT3evalW(&r, m, &a);

    Out[0] = _cmsClampWord((r.n[VX] + of->n[VX]) >> 1);
    Out[1] = _cmsClampWord((r.n[VY] + of->n[VY]) >> 1);
    Out[2] = _cmsClampWord((r.n[VZ] + of->n[VZ]) >> 1);
Beispiel #4
void OutputBehaviour(LPMATSHAPER MatShaper, WORD In[], WORD Out[])
       WVEC3 InVect, OutVect;
       int i;

       // We need to convert from XYZ to RGB, here we must
       // shift << 1 to pass between 1.15 to 15.16 formats

       InVect.n[VX] = (Fixed32) In[0] << 1;
       InVect.n[VY] = (Fixed32) In[1] << 1;
       InVect.n[VZ] = (Fixed32) In[2] << 1;

       if (MatShaper -> dwFlags & MATSHAPER_HASMATRIX)
              MAT3evalW(&OutVect, &MatShaper -> Matrix, &InVect);
       OutVect = InVect;

       if (MatShaper -> dwFlags & MATSHAPER_HASSHAPER)
              for (i=0; i < 3; i++)

              Out[i] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(
                     MatShaper -> L[i],
                     &MatShaper ->p16);
       // Result from fixed domain to RGB

       Out[0] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VX]));
       Out[1] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VY]));
       Out[2] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VZ]));

Beispiel #5
void LCMSEXPORT cmsEvalLUT(LPLUT Lut, WORD In[], WORD Out[])
       register unsigned int i;

       // Try to speedup things on plain devicelinks       
       if (Lut ->wFlags == LUT_HAS3DGRID) {

            Lut ->CLut16params.Interp3D(In, Out, Lut -> T, &Lut -> CLut16params);

       // Nope, evaluate whole LUT

       for (i=0; i < Lut -> InputChan; i++)
                            StageABC[i] = In[i];

       if (Lut ->wFlags & LUT_V4_OUTPUT_EMULATE_V2) {
           // Clamp Lab to avoid overflow
           if (StageABC[0] > 0xFF00)
               StageABC[0] = 0xFF00;

           StageABC[0] = (WORD) FROM_V2_TO_V4(StageABC[0]);
           StageABC[1] = (WORD) FROM_V2_TO_V4(StageABC[1]);
           StageABC[2] = (WORD) FROM_V2_TO_V4(StageABC[2]);

       if (Lut ->wFlags & LUT_V2_OUTPUT_EMULATE_V4) {
           StageABC[0] = (WORD) FROM_V4_TO_V2(StageABC[0]);
           StageABC[1] = (WORD) FROM_V4_TO_V2(StageABC[1]);
           StageABC[2] = (WORD) FROM_V4_TO_V2(StageABC[2]);           

       // Matrix handling. 

       if (Lut -> wFlags & LUT_HASMATRIX) {

              WVEC3 InVect, OutVect;
              // In LUT8 here comes the special gray axis fixup

              if (Lut ->FixGrayAxes) {

                  StageABC[1] = _cmsClampWord(StageABC[1] - 128);
                  StageABC[2] = _cmsClampWord(StageABC[2] - 128);

              // Matrix 

              InVect.n[VX] = ToFixedDomain(StageABC[0]);
              InVect.n[VY] = ToFixedDomain(StageABC[1]);
              InVect.n[VZ] = ToFixedDomain(StageABC[2]);

              MAT3evalW(&OutVect, &Lut -> Matrix, &InVect);

              // PCS in 1Fixed15 format, adjusting

              StageABC[0] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VX]));
              StageABC[1] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VY]));
              StageABC[2] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VZ]));

       // First linearization

       if (Lut -> wFlags & LUT_HASTL1)
              for (i=0; i < Lut -> InputChan; i++)
                     StageABC[i] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(StageABC[i],
                                                   Lut -> L1[i],
                                                   &Lut -> In16params);

       //  Mat3, Ofs3, L3 processing
       if (Lut ->wFlags & LUT_HASMATRIX3) {

              WVEC3 InVect, OutVect;

              InVect.n[VX] = ToFixedDomain(StageABC[0]);
              InVect.n[VY] = ToFixedDomain(StageABC[1]);
              InVect.n[VZ] = ToFixedDomain(StageABC[2]);

              MAT3evalW(&OutVect, &Lut -> Mat3, &InVect);              

              OutVect.n[VX] += Lut ->Ofs3.n[VX];
              OutVect.n[VY] += Lut ->Ofs3.n[VY];
              OutVect.n[VZ] += Lut ->Ofs3.n[VZ];

              StageABC[0] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VX]));
              StageABC[1] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VY]));
              StageABC[2] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VZ]));

       if (Lut ->wFlags & LUT_HASTL3) {

             for (i=0; i < Lut -> InputChan; i++)
                     StageABC[i] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(StageABC[i],
                                                   Lut -> L3[i],
                                                   &Lut -> L3params);


       if (Lut -> wFlags & LUT_HAS3DGRID) {

            Lut ->CLut16params.Interp3D(StageABC, StageLMN, Lut -> T, &Lut -> CLut16params);


              for (i=0; i < Lut -> InputChan; i++)
                            StageLMN[i] = StageABC[i];


       // Mat4, Ofs4, L4 processing
       if (Lut ->wFlags & LUT_HASTL4) {

            for (i=0; i < Lut -> OutputChan; i++)
                     StageLMN[i] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(StageLMN[i],
                                                   Lut -> L4[i],
                                                   &Lut -> L4params);
       if (Lut ->wFlags & LUT_HASMATRIX4) {

              WVEC3 InVect, OutVect;

              InVect.n[VX] = ToFixedDomain(StageLMN[0]);
              InVect.n[VY] = ToFixedDomain(StageLMN[1]);
              InVect.n[VZ] = ToFixedDomain(StageLMN[2]);

              MAT3evalW(&OutVect, &Lut -> Mat4, &InVect);              

              OutVect.n[VX] += Lut ->Ofs4.n[VX];
              OutVect.n[VY] += Lut ->Ofs4.n[VY];
              OutVect.n[VZ] += Lut ->Ofs4.n[VZ];

              StageLMN[0] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VX]));
              StageLMN[1] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VY]));
              StageLMN[2] = _cmsClampWord(FromFixedDomain(OutVect.n[VZ]));


       // Last linearitzation

       if (Lut -> wFlags & LUT_HASTL2)
              for (i=0; i < Lut -> OutputChan; i++)
                     Out[i] = cmsLinearInterpLUT16(StageLMN[i],
                                                   Lut -> L2[i],
                                                   &Lut -> Out16params);
       for (i=0; i < Lut -> OutputChan; i++)
              Out[i] = StageLMN[i];


       if (Lut ->wFlags & LUT_V4_INPUT_EMULATE_V2) {
           Out[0] = (WORD) FROM_V4_TO_V2(Out[0]);
           Out[1] = (WORD) FROM_V4_TO_V2(Out[1]);
           Out[2] = (WORD) FROM_V4_TO_V2(Out[2]);

       if (Lut ->wFlags & LUT_V2_INPUT_EMULATE_V4) {
           Out[0] = (WORD) FROM_V2_TO_V4(Out[0]);
           Out[1] = (WORD) FROM_V2_TO_V4(Out[1]);
           Out[2] = (WORD) FROM_V2_TO_V4(Out[2]);           