Beispiel #1
static int compare_array_element(const void *a, const void *b)
	const array_element_t *t_left, *t_right;
	t_left = (const array_element_t *)a;
	t_right = (const array_element_t *)b;
	return MCStringCompareTo(MCNameGetString(t_left -> key), MCNameGetString(t_right -> key), kMCStringOptionCompareExact);
Beispiel #2
MCFontnode::MCFontnode(MCNameRef fname, uint2 &size, uint2 style)
	reqname = fname;
	reqsize = size;
	reqstyle = style;
	font = new MCFontStruct;
	font -> size = size;
	uindex_t t_comma;
	MCAutoStringRef reqname_str;
	reqname_str = MCNameGetString(*reqname);
	Boolean t_success;
	t_success = MCStringFirstIndexOfChar(*reqname_str, ',', 0, kMCCompareExact, t_comma);

    MCAutoStringRef t_before_comma;
    /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(*reqname_str, MCRangeMake(0, t_comma - 1), &t_before_comma);

    font -> fid = (MCSysFontHandle)iphone_font_create(*t_before_comma, reqsize, (reqstyle & FA_WEIGHT) > 0x05, (reqstyle & FA_ITALIC) != 0);

	font -> ascent = size - 1;
	font -> descent = size * 2 / 14 + 1;
	float ascent, descent;
	iphone_font_get_metrics(font -> fid,  ascent, descent);
	if (ceilf(ascent) + ceilf(descent) > size)
		font -> ascent++;
	font = new MCFontStruct;
	font -> size = size;
	uindex_t t_comma;
	MCAutoStringRef reqname_str;
	reqname_str = MCNameGetString(*reqname);
	Boolean t_success;
	t_success = MCStringFirstIndexOfChar(*reqname_str, ',', 0, kMCCompareExact, t_comma);

    MCAutoStringRef t_before_comma;
    /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(*reqname_str, MCRangeMake(0, t_comma - 1), &t_before_comma);
    font -> fid = (MCSysFontHandle)android_font_create(*t_before_comma, reqsize, (reqstyle & FA_WEIGHT) > 0x05, (reqstyle & FA_ITALIC) != 0);
	font -> ascent = size - 1;
	font -> descent = size * 2 / 14 + 1;
	float ascent, descent;
	android_font_get_metrics(font -> fid,  ascent, descent);
	if (ceilf(ascent) + ceilf(descent) > size)
		font -> ascent++;
Beispiel #3
void MCArraysExecCombineAsSet(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCArrayRef p_array, MCStringRef p_element_delimiter, MCStringRef& r_string)
	// String into which the combined keys are accumulated
    MCAutoStringRef t_string;
    // The array keys are not added in any particular order
    MCNameRef t_key;
    MCValueRef t_value_ignored;
    uintptr_t t_iterator = 0;
    while (MCArrayIterate(p_array, t_iterator, t_key, t_value_ignored))
        bool t_success;
        t_success = true;
        if (*t_string == nil)
            t_success = MCStringMutableCopy(MCNameGetString(t_key), &t_string);
            t_success = MCStringAppendFormat(*t_string, "%@%@", p_element_delimiter, t_key);
        if (!t_success)
            ctxt . Throw();
    MCStringCopy(*t_string, r_string);
    void exec_ctxt(MCExecContext &ctxt)
        MCNewAutoNameRef t_name;
        if (!ctxt . EvalExprAsNameRef(m_stackfile, EE_INTERNAL_BOOTSTRAP_BADSTACK, &t_name))

        MCStack *t_new_home;
		t_new_home = MCdispatcher -> findstackname(*t_name);

		if (t_new_home == nil &&
			MCdispatcher -> loadfile(MCNameGetString(*t_name), t_new_home) != IO_NORMAL)
            ctxt . Throw();

		MCdispatcher -> changehome(t_new_home);	

		MCdefaultstackptr = MCstaticdefaultstackptr = t_new_home;
		MCdefaultstackptr -> setextendedstate(true, ECS_DURING_STARTUP);
		MCdefaultstackptr -> getcard() -> message(MCM_start_up);
		MCdefaultstackptr -> setextendedstate(false, ECS_DURING_STARTUP);
		if (!MCquit)
            t_new_home -> open();
Beispiel #5
	bool createwidget(MCNameRef p_kind, MCArrayRef p_properties)
		if (m_widget != nil)
			return true;
		m_widget = new (nothrow) MCWidget();
		if (m_widget == nil)
			return MCErrorThrowOutOfMemory();
		m_widget->bind(p_kind, nil);
		m_widget->attach(OP_NONE, false);
		MCExecContext ctxt(MCdefaultstackptr, nil, nil);
		uintptr_t t_iter;
		t_iter = 0;
		MCNameRef t_key;
		MCValueRef t_value;
		while (MCArrayIterate(p_properties, t_iter, t_key, t_value))
			MCEngineSetPropertyOfObject(ctxt, MCNameGetString(t_key), m_widget, 0, t_value);
			if (MCErrorIsPending())
				return false;
		return true;
Beispiel #6
void MCArraysExecCombine(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCArrayRef p_array, MCStringRef p_element_delimiter, MCStringRef p_key_delimiter, MCStringRef& r_string)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	uindex_t t_count;
	t_count = MCArrayGetCount(p_array);

	MCAutoStringRef t_string;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCStringCreateMutable(0, &t_string);

	combine_array_t t_lisctxt;
    t_lisctxt . elements = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNewArray(t_count, t_lisctxt . elements);

	if (t_success)
        t_lisctxt . index = 0;
        MCArrayApply(p_array, list_array_elements, &t_lisctxt);
		qsort(t_lisctxt . elements, t_count, sizeof(array_element_t), compare_array_element);
		for(uindex_t i = 0; i < t_count; i++)
			MCAutoStringRef t_value_as_string;
            t_success = ctxt . ConvertToString(t_lisctxt . elements[i] . value, &t_value_as_string);
            if (!t_success)

			t_success =
				(p_key_delimiter == nil ||
                    (MCStringAppend(*t_string, MCNameGetString(t_lisctxt . elements[i] . key)) &&
					MCStringAppend(*t_string, p_key_delimiter)))&&
				MCStringAppend(*t_string, *t_value_as_string) &&
				(i == t_count - 1 ||
					MCStringAppend(*t_string, p_element_delimiter));

			if (!t_success)
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCStringCopy(*t_string, r_string);

	MCMemoryDeleteArray(t_lisctxt . elements);

	if (t_success)

	// Throw the current error code (since last library call returned false).
	ctxt . Throw();
Beispiel #7
bool MCArraysSplitIndexes(MCNameRef p_key, integer_t*& r_indexes, uindex_t& r_count, bool& r_all_integers)
	r_indexes = nil;
	r_count = 0;

	MCStringRef t_string = MCNameGetString(p_key);
	uindex_t t_string_len = MCStringGetLength(t_string);
	if (t_string_len == 0)
		return true;

	r_all_integers = true;
    uindex_t t_start, t_finish;    
    t_start = 0;
    t_finish = 0;
        if (!MCStringFirstIndexOfChar(t_string, ',', t_start, kMCCompareExact, t_finish))
            t_finish = t_string_len;
		if (!MCMemoryResizeArray(r_count + 1, r_indexes, r_count))
			return false;
        MCAutoStringRef t_substring;
        MCAutoNumberRef t_number;
        MCStringCopySubstring(t_string, MCRangeMake(t_start, t_finish - t_start), &t_substring);
        if (!MCNumberParse(*t_substring, &t_number))
            r_indexes[r_count - 1] = 0;
            r_all_integers = false;
            r_indexes[r_count - 1] = MCNumberFetchAsInteger(*t_number);

		if (t_finish >= t_string_len)

		t_start = t_finish + 1;

	return true;
Beispiel #8
static bool list_int_indexed_array_elements(void *p_context, MCArrayRef p_array, MCNameRef p_key, MCValueRef p_value)
    combine_int_indexed_array_t *ctxt;
    ctxt = (combine_int_indexed_array_t *)p_context;

    MCAutoNumberRef t_key;
    if (ctxt -> converter -> ConvertToNumber(MCNameGetString(p_key), &t_key))
        index_t t_key_num = MCNumberFetchAsInteger(*t_key);

        if (t_key_num < 1) // Invalid index
            return false;

        ctxt -> elements[ctxt -> index] . key = t_key_num;
        ctxt -> elements[ctxt -> index] . value = p_value;
        ++(ctxt -> index);

        return true;
        return false;
Beispiel #9
static int MCA_do_file_dialog(MCStringRef p_title, MCStringRef p_prompt, MCStringRef p_filter, MCStringRef p_initial, unsigned int p_options, MCStringRef &r_value, MCStringRef &r_result)
	int t_result = 0;

	MCAutoStringRef t_initial_file;
	MCAutoStringRef t_initial_folder;
    MCAutoStringRef t_initial_native_folder;

	if (p_initial != nil && !MCStringIsEmpty(p_initial))
		MCAutoStringRef t_fixed_path;
		/* UNCHECKED */ MCU_fix_path(p_initial, &t_fixed_path);

		if (MCS_exists(*t_fixed_path, False))
			t_initial_folder = *t_fixed_path;
		else if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) != 0)
			uindex_t t_last_slash;
			if (!MCStringLastIndexOfChar(*t_fixed_path, '/', UINDEX_MAX, kMCStringOptionCompareExact, t_last_slash))
				if (MCStringGetLength(*t_fixed_path) != 0)
					t_initial_file = *t_fixed_path;
				if (t_last_slash < MCStringGetLength(*t_fixed_path) - 1)
					/* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(*t_fixed_path, MCRangeMake(t_last_slash + 1, MCStringGetLength(*t_fixed_path) - (t_last_slash + 1)), &t_initial_file);

				MCAutoStringRef t_folder_split;
				/* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(*t_fixed_path, MCRangeMake(0, t_last_slash - 1), &t_folder_split);
				if (MCS_exists(*t_folder_split, False))
					t_initial_folder = *t_folder_split;
			uindex_t t_last_slash;

			if (MCStringLastIndexOfChar(*t_fixed_path, '/', UINDEX_MAX, kMCStringOptionCompareExact, t_last_slash))
				MCAutoStringRef t_folder_split;
				/* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(*t_fixed_path, MCRangeMake(0, t_last_slash - 1), &t_folder_split);
				if (MCS_exists(*t_folder_split, False))
					t_initial_folder = *t_folder_split;
        MCAutoStringRef t_resolved_folder;
        /* UNCHECKED */ MCS_resolvepath(*t_initial_folder != nil ? *t_initial_folder : kMCEmptyString, &t_resolved_folder);
        /* UNCHECKED */ MCS_pathtonative(*t_resolved_folder, &t_initial_native_folder);
	if (!MCModeMakeLocalWindows())
		MCAutoStringRefArray t_filters;

		if (p_filter != NULL)
			/* UNCHECKED */ MCStringsSplit(p_filter, '\0', t_filters.PtrRef(), t_filters.CountRef());

		MCRemoteFileDialog(p_title, p_prompt, *t_filters, t_filters.Count(), *t_initial_native_folder, *t_initial_file, (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) != 0, (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL) != 0, r_value);

		return 0;

	Window t_window;
	t_window = MCModeGetParentWindow();

	MCAutoStringRef t_value;
	bool t_succeeded;
	int t_filter_index;

	if (MCmajorosversion >= 0x0600)
		static SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr  s_shcreateitemfromparsingname = NULL;
		if (s_shcreateitemfromparsingname == NULL)
			static HMODULE s_shell32_module = NULL;
			s_shell32_module = LoadLibraryW(L"shell32.dll");
			s_shcreateitemfromparsingname = (SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr)GetProcAddress(s_shell32_module, "SHCreateItemFromParsingName");

		IFileSaveDialog *t_file_save_dialog;
		IFileOpenDialog *t_file_open_dialog;
		IFileDialog *t_file_dialog;

		t_file_dialog = NULL;

		HRESULT t_hresult;

		if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) == 0)
			t_hresult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IFileOpenDialog), (LPVOID *)&t_file_open_dialog);
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

			t_file_dialog = t_file_open_dialog;
			t_hresult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileSaveDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IFileSaveDialog), (LPVOID *)&t_file_save_dialog);
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

			t_file_dialog = t_file_save_dialog;

		if (t_succeeded)
			DWORD t_options;

			if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL)
				t_options |= FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT;
			if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG)
				t_options |= FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT;
			if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG)
				t_options |= FOS_PICKFOLDERS;
				t_options |= FOS_FILEMUSTEXIST;

			t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetOptions(t_options);
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

		if (t_succeeded && *t_initial_native_folder != NULL)
			IShellItem *t_initial_folder_shellitem;
			t_initial_folder_shellitem = NULL;

			MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_initial_folder_wstr;
			/* UNCHECKED */ t_initial_folder_wstr.Lock(*t_initial_native_folder);

			t_hresult = s_shcreateitemfromparsingname(*t_initial_folder_wstr, NULL, __uuidof(IShellItem), (LPVOID *)&t_initial_folder_shellitem);
			if (SUCCEEDED(t_hresult))
				t_file_dialog -> SetFolder(t_initial_folder_shellitem);
			if (t_initial_folder_shellitem != NULL)
				t_initial_folder_shellitem -> Release();
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

		if (t_succeeded && *t_initial_file != NULL)
			MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_initial_file_wstr;
			/* UNCHECKED */ t_initial_file_wstr.Lock(*t_initial_file);
			t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileName(*t_initial_file_wstr);
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

		if (t_succeeded && p_filter != NULL && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0)
			uint4 t_filter_length, t_filter_count;
			measure_filter(p_filter, t_filter_length, t_filter_count);

			MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_filter_wstr;
			/* UNCHECKED */ t_filter_wstr.Lock(p_filter);

			COMDLG_FILTERSPEC *t_filter_spec;

			filter_to_spec(*t_filter_wstr, t_filter_count, t_filter_spec);

			t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileTypes(t_filter_count, t_filter_spec);
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

			delete t_filter_spec;

		if (t_succeeded && p_filter != NULL && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0)
			t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileTypeIndex(1);
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

		if (t_succeeded)
			MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_prompt_wstr;
			/* UNCHECKED */ t_prompt_wstr.Lock(p_prompt);
			t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetTitle(*t_prompt_wstr);

		if (t_succeeded)
			t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> Show(t_window != NULL ? (HWND)t_window -> handle . window : NULL);
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

		if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) == 0)
			IShellItemArray *t_file_items;
			t_file_items = NULL;
			if (t_succeeded)
				t_hresult = t_file_open_dialog -> GetResults(&t_file_items);
				t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

			DWORD t_file_item_count;
			if (t_succeeded)
				t_hresult = t_file_items -> GetCount(&t_file_item_count);
				t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

			if (t_succeeded)
				for(uint4 t_index = 0; t_index < t_file_item_count && t_succeeded; ++t_index)
					IShellItem *t_file_item;
					t_file_item = NULL;
					if (t_succeeded)
						t_hresult = t_file_items -> GetItemAt(t_index, &t_file_item);
						t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

					if (t_succeeded)
						t_hresult = append_shellitem_path_and_release(t_file_item, t_index == 0, &t_value);
						t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

			if (t_file_items != NULL)
				t_file_items -> Release();
			IShellItem *t_file_item;
			t_file_item = NULL;
			if (t_succeeded)
				t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> GetResult(&t_file_item);
				t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

			if (t_succeeded)
				t_hresult = append_shellitem_path_and_release(t_file_item, true, &t_value);
				t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);

		t_filter_index = 0;
		if (t_succeeded && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0)
			UINT t_index;
			t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> GetFileTypeIndex(&t_index);
			t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult);
			if (t_succeeded)
				t_filter_index = (int)t_index;

		if (t_file_dialog != NULL)
			t_file_dialog -> Release();

		if (!t_succeeded)
			t_result = t_hresult;
			t_result = 0;
		OPENFILENAMEW t_open_dialog;
		memset(&t_open_dialog, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW));
		t_open_dialog . lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW);

		MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_initial_folder_wstr;
		MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_prompt_wstr;
		MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_filter_wstr;
		/* UNCHECKED */ t_filter_wstr.Lock(p_filter);
		/* UNCHECKED */ t_initial_folder_wstr.Lock(*t_initial_native_folder);
		/* UNCHECKED */ t_prompt_wstr.Lock(p_prompt);

		MCAutoArray<unichar_t> t_buffer;
		/* UNCHECKED */ t_buffer.New(MAX_PATH);

		if (!MCStringIsEmpty(*t_initial_file))
			/* UNCHECKED */ MCStringGetChars(*t_initial_file, MCRangeMake(0, t_buffer.Size()), t_buffer.Ptr());
			t_buffer[0] = '\0';

		t_open_dialog . lpstrFilter = *t_filter_wstr;
		t_open_dialog . nFilterIndex = 1;
		t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = t_buffer.Ptr();
		t_open_dialog . nMaxFile = t_buffer.Size();
		t_open_dialog . lpstrInitialDir = *t_initial_folder_wstr;
		t_open_dialog . lpstrTitle = *t_prompt_wstr;

		if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL)
			t_open_dialog . Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT;

		if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG)
			t_open_dialog . Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT;

		t_open_dialog . lpstrFilter = *t_filter_wstr;
		t_open_dialog . lpfnHook = open_dialog_hook;
		t_open_dialog . hwndOwner = t_window != NULL ? (HWND)t_window -> handle . window : NULL;

		if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG)
			t_succeeded = GetSaveFileNameW(&t_open_dialog) == TRUE;
			*t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = '\0';
			t_succeeded = GetOpenFileNameW(&t_open_dialog) == TRUE;

		if (!t_succeeded)
			t_result = CommDlgExtendedError();

		// MW-2005-07-26: Try again without the specified filename if it was invalid
		if (t_result == FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME)
			*t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = '\0';
			if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG)
				t_succeeded = GetSaveFileNameW(&t_open_dialog) == TRUE;
				t_succeeded = GetOpenFileNameW(&t_open_dialog) == TRUE;

			if (!t_succeeded)
				t_result = CommDlgExtendedError();	

		if (t_result == FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL)
			t_succeeded = true;

		if (t_succeeded)
			t_filter_index = t_open_dialog . nFilterIndex;

	if (t_succeeded)
		if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_RETURN_FILTER)
			// The filter string has the following format:
			// "<description0>\0<extensions0>\0<description1>\0...\0<extensionsN>\0"
			// so the n'th filter comes after the 2(n - 1)'th null character
			uindex_t t_index = 2 * (t_filter_index - 1);
			uindex_t t_offset = 0;
			while (t_index--)
				/* UNCHECKED */ MCStringFirstIndexOfChar(p_filter, '\0', t_offset, kMCStringOptionCompareExact, t_offset);
			uindex_t t_end;
			t_end = UINDEX_MAX;
			/* UNCHECKED */ MCStringFirstIndexOfChar(p_filter, '\0', t_offset, kMCStringOptionCompareExact, t_end);
			/* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(p_filter, MCRangeMake(t_offset, t_end-t_offset), r_result);

		t_result = 0;
		r_value = MCValueRetain(*t_value);
		r_result = MCValueRetain(MCNameGetString(MCN_cancel));


	return t_result;