int main (int argc, char **argv)

  med_err           _ret=0;
  med_idt           _fid=0;
  med_geometry_type _geotype=MED_NONE;

  const char        _elementname1[]="MED_BILLE";
/*   med_int           _elementdim1=3; */
/*   const char        _supportmeshname1[]="MED_BILLE_SUPPORT"; */
/*   med_entity_type   _entitytype1=MED_NODE; */
/*   med_int           _nnode1=1; */
/*   med_int           _ncell1=0; */
/*   med_int           _geocelltype1=MED_NONE; */

  const char                _varattname1_1[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="MED_VFOO_ATR1_1";
 /*  const med_attribute_type  _varatttype1_1=MED_ATT_INT; */
/*   const med_int             _ncomponent1_1=1; */
  const med_int             _varatrvalue1_1[3]={ 22 , 24, 25 };

/*   const char                _varattname1_2[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="MED_VFOO_ATR1_2"; */
/*   const med_attribute_type  _varatttype1_2=MED_ATT_FLOAT64; */
/*   const med_int             _ncomponent1_2=2; */

  const char                _varattname1_3[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="MED_VFOO_ATR1_3";
  const med_attribute_type  _varatttype1_3=MED_ATT_NAME;
  const med_int             _ncomponent1_3=1;
  /*Ce qui suit est une seule chaine */
  const char                _varatrvalue1_3[3*MED_NAME_SIZE+1]=
    { "*--------------------------------1-----------------------------*"

  const char   _meshname[]="maa1";
  char         _axisname[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1]="";
  char         _axisunit[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1]="";

  strcat(_axisname,"x               ");
  strcat(_axisname,"y               ");
  strcat(_axisname,"z               ");
  strcat(_axisunit,"cm              ");
  strcat(_axisunit,"cm              ");
  strcat(_axisunit,"cm              ");

  const med_int _nentity = 3;
  const med_int _con[3]={ 2, 4 ,5}; /* (3 billes dont les centres sont les noeuds 2, 4 et 5 du maillage maa1 )*/

  /* Ouverture en mode lecture du fichier */
  _fid = MEDfileOpen("",MODE_ACCES);
  if (_fid < 0) {
    MESSAGE("Erreur à l'ouverture du fichier");
    return -1;

 /* Creation du maillage "maa1" de type MED_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH
     et de dimension 3 */
  if (MEDmeshCr(_fid,_meshname,3,3,MED_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH, "un premier maillage","s",MED_SORT_DTIT,
		MED_CARTESIAN,_axisname,_axisunit) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("Erreur a la creation du maillage maa1");
    return -1;

  _geotype = MEDstructElementGeotype(_fid,_elementname1);

  /* ecriture des connectivites des segments */
  if ( MEDmeshElementConnectivityWr(_fid,_meshname, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT, MED_UNDEF_DT,
				    MED_STRUCT_ELEMENT, _geotype, MED_NODAL,
                                    MED_FULL_INTERLACE, _nentity, _con) < 0 ) {
    MESSAGE("Impossible d'ecrire la connectivité des billes: ");
    return -1;

  if (MEDmeshStructElementVarAttWr(_fid,
				   ) < 0 ) {
    return -1;

  if (MEDmeshStructElementVarAttWr(_fid,
				   ) < 0 ) {
    return -1;

  if ( MEDmeshComputationStepCr(_fid,_meshname,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,
				1,MED_NO_IT,0.5) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Erreur a la creation du pas de temps du maillage %s\n",_meshname);
    return -1;

  return _ret;

Beispiel #2
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  med_idt fid;
  const char meshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1] = "2D unstructured mesh";
  const med_int spacedim = 2;
  const med_int meshdim = 2;
  /*                                         12345678901234561234567890123456 */
  const char axisname[2*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1] = "x               y               ";
  const char unitname[2*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1] = "cm              cm              ";
  const med_float coordinates[30] = { 2.,1.,  7.,1.,  12.,1.,  17.,1.,  22.,1.,
				      2.,6.,  7.,6.,  12.,6.,  17.,6.,  22.,6.,
				      2.,11., 7.,11., 12.,11., 17.,11., 22.,11.};
  const med_int nnodes = 15;
  const med_int triaconnectivity[24] = { 1,7,6,   2,7,1,  3,7,2,   8,7,3,   
					 13,7,8, 12,7,13, 11,7,12, 6,7,11 };
  const med_int ntria3 = 8;
  const med_int quadconnectivity[16] = {3,4,9,8,    4,5,10,9, 
					15,14,9,10, 13,8,9,14};
  const med_int nquad4 = 4;
  med_err ret=-1;
  /* open MED file */
  fid = MEDfileOpen("",MED_ACC_CREAT);
  if (fid < 0) {
    MESSAGE("ERROR : file creation ...");
    goto ERROR;

  /* write a comment in the file */
  if (MEDfileCommentWr(fid,"A 2D unstructured mesh : 15 nodes, 12 cells") < 0) {
    MESSAGE("ERROR : write file description ...");
    goto ERROR;
  /* mesh creation : a 2D unstructured mesh */
  if (MEDmeshCr(fid, meshname, spacedim, meshdim, MED_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH, 
		"A 2D unstructured mesh","",MED_SORT_DTIT,MED_CARTESIAN, axisname, unitname) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("ERROR : mesh creation ...");
    goto ERROR;

  /* nodes coordinates in a cartesian axis in full interlace mode 
     (X1,Y1, X2,Y2, X3,Y3, ...) with no iteration and computation step 
  if (MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr(fid, meshname, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT, 0.0,
			      MED_FULL_INTERLACE, nnodes, coordinates) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("ERROR : nodes coordinates ...");
    goto ERROR;

  /* cells connectiviy is defined in nodal mode with no iteration and computation step */
  if (MEDmeshElementConnectivityWr(fid, meshname, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT, 0.0, MED_CELL, MED_TRIA3,
				   MED_NODAL, MED_FULL_INTERLACE, ntria3, triaconnectivity) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("ERROR : triangular cells connectivity ...");
    goto ERROR;
  if (MEDmeshElementConnectivityWr(fid, meshname, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT, 0.0, MED_CELL, MED_QUAD4,
				   MED_NODAL, MED_FULL_INTERLACE, nquad4, quadconnectivity) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("ERROR : quadrangular cells connectivity ...");
    goto ERROR;

  /* create family 0 : by default, all mesh entities family number is 0 */
  if (MEDfamilyCr(fid, meshname,MED_NO_NAME, 0, 0, MED_NO_GROUP) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("ERROR : family 0 creation ...");
    goto ERROR;

  ret = 0;
  /* close MED file */
  if (MEDfileClose(fid)  < 0) {
    MESSAGE("ERROR : close file ...");
    return -1;

  return ret;
Beispiel #3
int main (int argc, char **argv)


  int     _i          = 0;
  int     _j          = 0;
  med_idt _fid        = 0;
  med_int _meshdim    = 3;
  med_int _rmeshdim   = 0;
  med_int _rspacedim  = 0;
  med_int _n          = 0;
  med_int _rnnoe      = 0;
  med_int _rnse2      = 0;
  med_int _rnaxis     = 0;

  const med_int _nnoe = 5;

  /* table des coordonnees
     (dimension * nombre de noeuds) */
  med_float coo[5*3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1 , 0.0, 0.0,
			1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1 , 0.0, 0.0,
			2.0, 0.0, 0.0  };
  med_float * _rcoo=NULL;

  med_int nse2 = 4;
  med_int se2[10] = {1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5};
  med_int * _rse2=NULL;

  const char   _supportmeshname[]="SUPPORT_POUTRE";
  char         _axisname[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1]="";
  char         _axisunit[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1]="";

  char           _rsupportmeshname[MED_NAME_SIZE+1]="";
  char           _raxisname[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1]="";
  char           _raxisunit[3*MED_SNAME_SIZE+1]="";
  char           _rdescription[MED_COMMENT_SIZE+1]="";
  med_axis_type  _raxistype;
  med_bool       _chgt=MED_FALSE,_trsf=MED_FALSE;

  strcat(_axisname,"x               ");
  strcat(_axisname,"y               ");
  strcat(_axisname,"z               ");
  strcat(_axisunit,"cm              ");
  strcat(_axisunit,"cm              ");
  strcat(_axisunit,"cm              ");

 /* ouverture du fichier */
  if ((_fid = MEDfileOpen("",MODE_ACCES)) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("Impossible de creer le fichier");
    return -1;

  if (MEDsupportMeshCr( _fid, _supportmeshname, _meshdim, _meshdim,"Maillage support ED de type poutre",
			MED_CARTESIAN,_axisname, _axisname) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("Erreur a la creation du maillage support : "); SSCRUTE(_supportmeshname);
    return -1;

  /* Ecriture des coordonnees des noeuds en mode MED_FULL_INTERLACE :
     (X1,Y1, X2,Y2, X3,Y3, ...) dans un repere cartesien */
  if (MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr(_fid,_supportmeshname,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,MED_UNDEF_DT,
			      MED_FULL_INTERLACE, _nnoe,  coo) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("Erreur a l'écriture des coordonnees des noeuds du maillage support");
    return -1;

  /* ecriture des connectivites des segments */
  if ( MEDmeshElementConnectivityWr(_fid,_supportmeshname, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT, MED_UNDEF_DT,
                                    MED_CELL, MED_SEG2, MED_NODAL,
				    MED_FULL_INTERLACE, nse2, se2) < 0 ) {
    MESSAGE("Impossible d'ecrire la connectivité des segments du maillage support : ");
    return -1;

  if (MEDsupportMeshCr( _fid, "MED_BILLE_SUPPORT", _meshdim, _meshdim,"Maillage support ED de type bille",
			MED_CARTESIAN,_axisname, _axisname) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("Erreur a la creation du maillage support : "); SSCRUTE(_supportmeshname);
    return -1;

  /* Ecriture des coordonnees des noeuds en mode MED_FULL_INTERLACE :
     (X1,Y1, X2,Y2, X3,Y3, ...) dans un repere cartesien */
			      MED_FULL_INTERLACE, 1,  coo) < 0) {
    MESSAGE("Erreur a l'écriture des coordonnees des noeuds du maillage support : MED_BILLE_SUPPORT.");
    return -1;

  if ( (_n =MEDnSupportMesh(_fid)) < 0 ) {
    MESSAGE("Erreur à la lecture du nombre de maillages supports : ");
    return -1;

  for (_i=1; _i <= _n; ++_i) {

    if ( (_rnaxis = MEDsupportMeshnAxis(_fid, _i)) < 0) {
      MESSAGE("Erreur à la lecture du nombre d'axe du repère d'un maillage support : "); 
      return -1;
    printf("\t -Dimension de l'espace : %d\n",_rnaxis);

    if ( MEDsupportMeshInfo(_fid, _i ,
			    _rsupportmeshname, &_rspacedim, &_rmeshdim, _rdescription,
			    &_raxistype, _raxisname, _raxisunit) < 0 ) {
      MESSAGE("Erreur à la lecture des informations sur le  maillage support : "); SSCRUTE(_supportmeshname);
      return -1;

    printf("Maillage support de nom : |%s| , de dimension : %d.\n",_rsupportmeshname, _rmeshdim);
    printf("\t -Dimension de l'espace : %d\n",_rspacedim);
    printf("\t -Description du maillage : %s\n",_rdescription);
    printf("\t -Noms des axes : %s\n",_raxisname);
    printf("\t -Unités des axes : %s\n",_raxisunit);

    /* Combien de noeuds a lire ? */
    _rnnoe = MEDmeshnEntity(_fid,_rsupportmeshname,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,
    if (_rnnoe < 0) {
      MESSAGE("Erreur a la lecture du nombre de noeuds. ");
      return -1;
    } else
      printf("Nombre de noeuds du maillage support: "IFORMAT" \n",_rnnoe);

    /* Allocations memoires */
    if (_rnnoe > 0) {
      /* table des coordonnees (dimension * nombre de noeuds ) */
      _rcoo = (med_float*) calloc(_rnnoe*_rspacedim,sizeof(med_float));

      if ( MEDmeshNodeCoordinateRd(_fid, _rsupportmeshname, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT,MED_FULL_INTERLACE, _rcoo) < 0 ) {
	MESSAGE("Erreur a la lecture des coordonnees des noeuds");
	return -1;
      } else {
	printf("Valeur de _rcoo : ");
	for (_j=0;_j<_rnnoe*_rspacedim;_j++)  printf("%4.2f ",_rcoo[_j]);


    /* Combien de segments à lire ? */
    _rnse2 = MEDmeshnEntity(_fid,_rsupportmeshname,MED_NO_DT,MED_NO_IT,

    if (_rnse2 < 0) {
      MESSAGE("Erreur a la lecture du nombre de segments.");
      return -1;
    } else
      printf("Nombre de segments du maillage support: "IFORMAT" \n",_rnse2);

    if (_rnse2 > 0) {
      /* table des connectivités (_rnse2 * nombre de noeuds ds un MED_SE2) */
      _rse2 = (med_int*) calloc(_rnse2*2,sizeof(med_int));

      if ( MEDmeshElementConnectivityRd(_fid, _rsupportmeshname, MED_NO_DT, MED_NO_IT,
	MESSAGE("Erreur a la lecture des connectivités des segments");
	return -1;
      } else {
	printf("Valeur de _rse2 : ");
	for (_j=0;_j<_rnse2*2;_j++)  printf("%d ",_rse2[_j]);



  return 0;