Beispiel #1
 * v_curword --
 *	Get the word (or non-word) the cursor is on.
 * PUBLIC: int v_curword __P((SCR *));
v_curword(SCR *sp)
	size_t beg, end, len;
	int moved, state;
	CHAR_T *p;

	if (db_get(sp, sp->lno, DBG_FATAL, &p, &len))
		return (1);

	 * !!!
	 * Historically, tag commands skipped over any leading whitespace
	 * characters.  Make this true in general when using cursor words.
	 * If movement, getting a cursor word implies moving the cursor to
	 * its beginning.  Refresh now.
	 * !!!
	 * Find the beginning/end of the keyword.  Keywords are currently
	 * used for cursor-word searching and for tags.  Historical vi
	 * only used the word in a tag search from the cursor to the end
	 * of the word, i.e. if the cursor was on the 'b' in " abc ", the
	 * tag was "bc".  For consistency, we make cursor word searches
	 * follow the same rule.
	for (moved = 0,
	    beg = sp->cno; beg < len && ISSPACE((UCHAR_T)p[beg]); moved = 1, ++beg);
	if (beg >= len) {
		msgq(sp, M_BERR, "212|Cursor not in a word");
		return (1);
	if (moved) {
		sp->cno = beg;
		(void)vs_refresh(sp, 0);

	/* Find the end of the word. */
	for (state = inword(p[beg]),
	    end = beg; ++end < len && state == inword(p[end]););

	vip = VIP(sp);
	len = (end - beg);
	BINC_RETW(sp, vip->keyw, vip->klen, len+1);
	MEMMOVEW(vip->keyw, p + beg, len);
	vip->keyw[len] = '\0';				/* XXX */
	return (0);
Beispiel #2
 * v_change -- [buffer][count]c[count]motion
 *	       [buffer][count]C
 *	       [buffer][count]S
 *	Change command.
 * PUBLIC: int v_change __P((SCR *, VICMD *));
v_change(SCR *sp, VICMD *vp)
	size_t blen, len;
	u_int32_t flags;
	int isempty, lmode, rval;
	CHAR_T *bp;
	CHAR_T *p;

	 * 'c' can be combined with motion commands that set the resulting
	 * cursor position, i.e. "cG".  Clear the VM_RCM flags and make the
	 * resulting cursor position stick, inserting text has its own rules
	 * for cursor positioning.

	 * Find out if the file is empty, it's easier to handle it as a
	 * special case.
	if (vp->m_start.lno == vp->m_stop.lno &&
	    db_eget(sp, vp->m_start.lno, &p, &len, &isempty)) {
		if (!isempty)
			return (1);
		return (v_ia(sp, vp));

	flags = set_txt_std(sp, vp, 0);
	sp->showmode = SM_CHANGE;

	 * Move the cursor to the start of the change.  Note, if autoindent
	 * is turned on, the cc command in line mode changes from the first
	 * *non-blank* character of the line, not the first character.  And,
	 * to make it just a bit more exciting, the initial space is handled
	 * as auto-indent characters.
	lmode = F_ISSET(vp, VM_LMODE) ? CUT_LINEMODE : 0;
	if (lmode) {
		vp->m_start.cno = 0;
		if (O_ISSET(sp, O_AUTOINDENT)) {
			if (nonblank(sp, vp->m_start.lno, &vp->m_start.cno))
				return (1);
	sp->lno = vp->m_start.lno;
	sp->cno = vp->m_start.cno;


	 * If not in line mode and changing within a single line, copy the
	 * text and overwrite it.
	if (!lmode && vp->m_start.lno == vp->m_stop.lno) {
		 * !!!
		 * Historic practice, c did not cut into the numeric buffers,
		 * only the unnamed one.
		if (cut(sp,
		    F_ISSET(vp, VC_BUFFER) ? &vp->buffer : NULL,
		    &vp->m_start, &vp->m_stop, lmode))
			return (1);
		if (len == 0)
		return (v_txt(sp, vp, &vp->m_stop, p, len,
		    0, OOBLNO, F_ISSET(vp, VC_C1SET) ? vp->count : 1, flags));

	 * It's trickier if in line mode or changing over multiple lines.  If
	 * we're in line mode delete all of the lines and insert a replacement
	 * line which the user edits.  If there was leading whitespace in the
	 * first line being changed, we copy it and use it as the replacement.
	 * If we're not in line mode, we delete the text and start inserting.
	 * !!!
	 * Copy the text.  Historic practice, c did not cut into the numeric
	 * buffers, only the unnamed one.
	if (cut(sp,
	    F_ISSET(vp, VC_BUFFER) ? &vp->buffer : NULL,
	    &vp->m_start, &vp->m_stop, lmode))
		return (1);

	/* If replacing entire lines and there's leading text. */
	if (lmode && vp->m_start.cno) {
		 * Get a copy of the first line changed, and copy out the
		 * leading text.
		if (db_get(sp, vp->m_start.lno, DBG_FATAL, &p, &len))
			return (1);
		GET_SPACE_RETW(sp, bp, blen, vp->m_start.cno);
		MEMMOVEW(bp, p, vp->m_start.cno);
	} else
		bp = NULL;

	/* Delete the text. */
	if (del(sp, &vp->m_start, &vp->m_stop, lmode))
		return (1);

	/* If replacing entire lines, insert a replacement line. */
	if (lmode) {
		if (db_insert(sp, vp->m_start.lno, bp, vp->m_start.cno))
			return (1);
		sp->lno = vp->m_start.lno;
		len = sp->cno = vp->m_start.cno;

	/* Get the line we're editing. */
	if (db_eget(sp, vp->m_start.lno, &p, &len, &isempty)) {
		if (!isempty)
			return (1);
		len = 0;

	/* Check to see if we're appending to the line. */
	if (vp->m_start.cno >= len)

	rval = v_txt(sp, vp, NULL, p, len,
	    0, OOBLNO, F_ISSET(vp, VC_C1SET) ? vp->count : 1, flags);

	if (bp != NULL)
		FREE_SPACEW(sp, bp, blen);
	return (rval);
Beispiel #3
 * ip_read --
 *	Read characters from the input.
static input_t
ip_read(SCR *sp, IP_PRIVATE *ipp, struct timeval *tp, int termread, int *nr)
	GS *gp;
	fd_set rdfd;
	input_t rval;
	size_t blen;
	int maxfd;
	char *bp;
	int fd;
	const CHAR_T *wp;
	size_t wlen;

	gp = sp == NULL ? __global_list : sp->gp;
	bp = ipp->ibuf + ipp->iblen;
	blen = sizeof(ipp->ibuf) - ipp->iblen;
	fd = termread ? ipp->t_fd : ipp->i_fd;

	 * 1: A read with an associated timeout, e.g., trying to complete
	 *    a map sequence.  If input exists, we fall into #2.
	if (tp != NULL) {
		FD_SET(fd, &rdfd);
		switch (select(fd + 1, &rdfd, NULL, NULL, tp)) {
		case 0:
			return (INP_TIMEOUT);
		case -1:
			goto err;
	 * 2: Wait for input.
	 * Select on the command input and scripting window file descriptors.
	 * It's ugly that we wait on scripting file descriptors here, but it's
	 * the only way to keep from locking out scripting windows.
	if (sp != NULL && F_ISSET(gp, G_SCRWIN)) {
		FD_SET(fd, &rdfd);
		maxfd = fd;
		if (sscr_check_input(sp, &rdfd, maxfd))
			goto err;

	 * 3: Read the input.
	switch (*nr = read(fd, termread ? (char *)ipp->tbuf : bp, 
			      termread ? sizeof(ipp->tbuf)/sizeof(CHAR_T) 
				       : blen)) {
	case  0:				/* EOF. */
		rval = INP_EOF;
	case -1:				/* Error or interrupt. */
err:	        rval = INP_ERR;
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "input");
	default:				/* Input characters. */
		if (sp == NULL) {
			rval = INP_ERR;
			msgq(sp, M_SYSERR,
			    "Can't convert input with NULL screen");
		if (!termread) ipp->iblen += *nr;
		else {
			CHAR2INT(sp, (char *)ipp->tbuf, *nr, wp, wlen);
			MEMMOVEW(ipp->tbuf, wp, wlen);
		rval = INP_OK;
	return (rval);
Beispiel #4
 * sscr_exec --
 *	Take a line and hand it off to the shell.
 * PUBLIC: int sscr_exec __P((SCR *, db_recno_t));
sscr_exec(SCR *sp, db_recno_t lno)
	SCRIPT *sc;
	db_recno_t last_lno;
	size_t blen, len, last_len, tlen;
	int isempty, matchprompt, rval;
	ssize_t nw;
	CHAR_T *bp = NULL;
	CHAR_T *p;

	/* If there's a prompt on the last line, append the command. */
	if (db_last(sp, &last_lno))
		return (1);
	if (db_get(sp, last_lno, DBG_FATAL, &p, &last_len))
		return (1);
	if (sscr_matchprompt(sp, p, last_len, &tlen) && tlen == 0) {
		matchprompt = 1;
		GET_SPACE_RETW(sp, bp, blen, last_len + 128);
		MEMMOVEW(bp, p, last_len);
	} else
		matchprompt = 0;

	/* Get something to execute. */
	if (db_eget(sp, lno, &p, &len, &isempty)) {
		if (isempty)
			goto empty;
		goto err1;

	/* Empty lines aren't interesting. */
	if (len == 0)
		goto empty;

	/* Delete any prompt. */
	if (sscr_matchprompt(sp, p, len, &tlen)) {
		if (tlen == len) {
empty:			msgq(sp, M_BERR, "151|No command to execute");
			goto err1;
		p += (len - tlen);
		len = tlen;

	/* Push the line to the shell. */
	sc = sp->script;
	if ((size_t)(nw = write(sc->sh_master, p, len)) != len)
		goto err2;
	rval = 0;
	if (write(sc->sh_master, "\n", 1) != 1) {
err2:		if (nw == 0)
			errno = EIO;
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "shell");
		goto err1;

	if (matchprompt) {
		ADD_SPACE_RETW(sp, bp, blen, last_len + len);
		MEMMOVEW(bp + last_len, p, len);
		if (db_set(sp, last_lno, bp, last_len + len))
err1:			rval = 1;
	if (matchprompt)
		FREE_SPACEW(sp, bp, blen);
	return (rval);