ENTRYPOINT void change_fire(ModeInfo * mi) { firestruct *fs = &fire[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (!fs->glx_context) return; glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(fs->glx_context)); /* if available, randomly change some values */ if (do_fog) fs->fog = LRAND() & 1; if (do_shadows) fs->shadows = LRAND() & 1; /* reset observer position */ frame = 0; vinit(fs->obs, DEF_OBS[0], DEF_OBS[1], DEF_OBS[2]); fs->v = 0.0; /* particle randomisation */ fs->eject_r = 0.1 + NRAND(10) * 0.03; fs->ridtri = 0.1 + NRAND(10) * 0.005; if (MI_IS_DEBUG(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n\tnum_part=%d\n\ttrees=%d\n\tfog=%s\n\tshadows=%s\n\teject_r=%.3f\n\tridtri=%.3f\n", MI_NAME(mi), fs->np, fs->num_trees, fs->fog ? "on" : "off", fs->shadows ? "on" : "off", fs->eject_r, fs->ridtri); } }
static Bool Init(ModeInfo * mi) { int i; firestruct *fs = &fire[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; /* default settings */ fs->eject_r = 0.1 + NRAND(10) * 0.03; fs->dt = 0.015; fs->eject_vy = 4; fs->eject_vl = 1; fs->ridtri = 0.1 + NRAND(10) * 0.005; fs->maxage = 1.0 / fs->dt; vinit(fs->obs, DEF_OBS[0], DEF_OBS[1], DEF_OBS[2]); fs->v = 0.0; fs->alpha = DEF_ALPHA; fs->beta = DEF_BETA; /* initialise texture stuff */ if (do_texture) inittextures(mi); else { fs->ttexture = (XImage*) NULL; fs->gtexture = (XImage*) NULL; } if (MI_IS_DEBUG(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n\tnum_part=%d\n\ttrees=%d\n\tfog=%s\n\tshadows=%s\n\teject_r=%.3f\n\tridtri=%.3f\n", MI_NAME(mi), fs->np, fs->num_trees, fs->fog ? "on" : "off", fs->shadows ? "on" : "off", fs->eject_r, fs->ridtri); } /* initialise particles and trees */ for (i = 0; i < fs->np; i++) { setnewpart(fs, &(fs->p[i])); } if (fs->num_trees) if (!inittree(mi)) { return False; } /* if no fire particles then initialise rain particles */ if (!fs->np) { vinit(fs->min,-7.0f,-0.2f,-7.0f); vinit(fs->max,7.0f,8.0f,7.0f); for (i = 0; i < NUMPART; i++) { setnewrain(fs, &(fs->r[i])); } } return True; }
static void set_window_title(ModeInfo * mi) { XTextProperty prop; char *buf; unsigned int status; buf = (char *) malloc(strlen(MI_NAME(mi)) + strlen(MI_DESC(mi)) + 3); (void) sprintf(buf, "%s: %s", MI_NAME(mi), MI_DESC(mi)); status = XStringListToTextProperty(&buf, 1, &prop); if (status != 0) { XSetWMName(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), &prop); XFree((caddr_t) prop.value); } free(buf); if (MI_IS_ICONIC(mi) && description) { modeDescription(mi); } }
ENTRYPOINT void init_atlantis(ModeInfo * mi) { int screen = MI_SCREEN(mi); atlantisstruct *ap; Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi); Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi); if (atlantis == NULL) { if ((atlantis = (atlantisstruct *) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi), sizeof (atlantisstruct))) == NULL) return; } ap = &atlantis[screen]; ap->num_sharks = MI_COUNT(mi); if (ap->sharks == NULL) { if ((ap->sharks = (fishRec *) calloc(ap->num_sharks, sizeof (fishRec))) == NULL) { /* free everything up to now */ (void) free((void *) atlantis); atlantis = NULL; return; } } ap->sharkspeed = MI_CYCLES(mi); /* has influence on the "width" of the movement */ ap->sharksize = MI_SIZE(mi); /* has influence on the "distance" of the sharks */ ap->whalespeed = whalespeed; ap->wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi); if (MI_IS_DEBUG(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n\tnum_sharks=%d\n\tsharkspeed=%.1f\n\tsharksize=%d\n\twhalespeed=%.1f\n\twireframe=%s\n", MI_NAME(mi), ap->num_sharks, ap->sharkspeed, ap->sharksize, ap->whalespeed, ap->wire ? "yes" : "no" ); } if ((ap->glx_context = init_GL(mi)) != NULL) { reshape_atlantis(mi, MI_WIDTH(mi), MI_HEIGHT(mi)); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); Init(mi); AllDisplay(ap); glXSwapBuffers(display, window); } else { MI_CLEARWINDOW(mi); } }
ENTRYPOINT void change_sballs(ModeInfo * mi) { sballsstruct *sb; if (sballs == NULL) return; sb = &sballs[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (!sb->glx_context) return; /* initialise object number */ if ((object == 0) || (object > MAX_OBJ)) object = NRAND(MAX_OBJ-1)+1; object--; /* correct sphere number */ spheres = MI_COUNT(mi); if (MI_COUNT(mi) > polygons[object].numverts) spheres = polygons[object].numverts; if (MI_COUNT(mi) < 1) spheres = polygons[object].numverts; if (MI_IS_DEBUG(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n\tobject=%s\n\tspheres=%d\n\tspeed=%d\n\ttexture=%s\n", MI_NAME(mi), polygons[object].shortname, spheres, (int) MI_CYCLES(mi), do_texture ? "on" : "off" ); } glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(sb->glx_context)); }
static void Init(ModeInfo * mi) { sballsstruct *sb = &sballs[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; int i; /* Default settings */ if (MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi)) do_texture = False; if (do_texture) inittextures(mi); else { sb->btexture = (XImage*) NULL; sb->ftexture = (XImage*) NULL; } vinit(sb->eye ,0.0f, 0.0f, 6.0f); vinit(sb->rotm ,0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); sb->speed = MI_CYCLES(mi); /* initialise object number */ if ((object == 0) || (object > MAX_OBJ)) object = NRAND(MAX_OBJ-1)+1; object--; /* initialise sphere number */ spheres = MI_COUNT(mi); if (MI_COUNT(mi) > polygons[object].numverts) spheres = polygons[object].numverts; if (MI_COUNT(mi) < 1) spheres = polygons[object].numverts; /* initialise sphere radius */ for(i=0; i < spheres;i++) { #if RANDOM_RADIUS sb->radius[i] = ((float) LRAND() / (float) MAXRAND); if (sb->radius[i] < 0.3) sb->radius[i] = 0.3; if (sb->radius[i] > 0.7) sb->radius[i] = 0.7; #else sb->radius[i] = polygons[object].radius; #endif } if (MI_IS_DEBUG(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n\tobject=%s\n\tspheres=%d\n\tspeed=%d\n\ttexture=%s\n", MI_NAME(mi), polygons[object].shortname, spheres, (int) MI_CYCLES(mi), do_texture ? "on" : "off" ); } glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, LightAmbient); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, LightDiffuse); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION,LightPosition); glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); }
static Bool Init(ModeInfo * mi) { int i; firestruct *fs = &fire[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; /* default settings */ fs->eject_r = 0.1 + NRAND(10) * 0.03; fs->dt = 0.015; fs->eject_vy = 4; fs->eject_vl = 1; fs->ridtri = 0.1 + NRAND(10) * 0.005; fs->maxage = 1.0 / fs->dt; vinit(fs->obs, DEF_OBS[0], DEF_OBS[1], DEF_OBS[2]); fs->v = 0.0; fs->alpha = DEF_ALPHA; fs->beta = DEF_BETA; /* initialise texture stuff */ if (do_texture) inittextures(mi); else { fs->ttexture = (XImage*) NULL; fs->gtexture = (XImage*) NULL; } if (MI_IS_DEBUG(mi)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n\tnum_part=%d\n\ttrees=%d\n\tfog=%s\n\tshadows=%s\n\teject_r=%.3f\n\tridtri=%.3f\n", MI_NAME(mi), fs->np, fs->num_trees, fs->fog ? "on" : "off", fs->shadows ? "on" : "off", fs->eject_r, fs->ridtri); } glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); /* makes particles blend with background */ if (!MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi)||(!fs->np)) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } /* fog stuff */ glEnable(GL_FOG); glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP); glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogcolor); glFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY, 0.03); glHint(GL_FOG_HINT, GL_NICEST); /* initialise particles and trees */ for (i = 0; i < fs->np; i++) { setnewpart(fs, &(fs->p[i])); } if (fs->num_trees) if (!inittree(mi)) { return False; } /* if no fire particles then initialise rain particles */ if (!fs->np) { vinit(fs->min,-7.0f,-0.2f,-7.0f); vinit(fs->max,7.0f,8.0f,7.0f); for (i = 0; i < NUMPART; i++) { setnewrain(fs, &(fs->r[i])); } } return True; }