Beispiel #1
* ML_GetFilename
* Returns the filename for the map with the corresponding fullname
const char *ML_GetFilenameExt( const char *fullname, bool recursive )
	mapinfo_t *map;
	trie_error_t err;
	char *fullname2;

	if( !ml_initialized )
		return MLIST_NULL;

	if( !ML_ValidateFullname( fullname ) )
		return MLIST_NULL;

	fullname2 = ( char* )Mem_TempMalloc( strlen( fullname ) + 1 );
	strcpy( fullname2, fullname );
	Q_strlwr( fullname2 );

	err = Trie_Find( mlist_fullnames_trie, fullname2, TRIE_EXACT_MATCH, (void **)&map );
	Mem_Free( fullname2 );

	if( err == TRIE_OK )
		return map->filename;

	// we should technically never get here, but
	// maybe the mapper has changed the fullname of the map
	// or the user has tampered with the mapcache
	// we need to reload the whole cache from file if we get here
	if( !recursive )
	ML_Restart( true );
	return ML_GetFilenameExt( fullname, true );
	return MLIST_NULL;
Beispiel #2
* ML_AddMap
* Handles assigning memory for map and adding it to the list
* in alphabetical order
static void ML_AddMap( const char *filename, const char *fullname )
	mapinfo_t *map;
	char *buffer;
	char fullname_[MAX_CONFIGSTRING_CHARS];

	if( !ML_ValidateFilename( filename ) )

	if( !strcmp(filename, "ui") )

	if( !fullname )
		ML_GetFullnameFromMap( filename, fullname_, sizeof( fullname_ ) );
		fullname = fullname_;

	if( !ML_ValidateFullname( fullname ) && *fullname )	// allow empty fullnames

	if( !strcmp(fullname, "ui") )

	ml_flush = true;	// tell everyone that maplist has changed
	buffer = ( char* )Mem_ZoneMalloc( sizeof( mapinfo_t ) + strlen( filename ) + 1 + strlen( fullname ) + 1 );

	map = ( mapinfo_t * )buffer;
	buffer += sizeof( mapinfo_t );

	map->filename = buffer;
	strcpy( map->filename, filename );
	COM_StripExtension( map->filename );
	buffer += strlen( filename ) + 1;

	map->fullname = buffer;
	strcpy( map->fullname, fullname );
	COM_RemoveColorTokens( map->fullname );
	Q_strlwr( map->fullname );

	Trie_Insert( mlist_filenames_trie, map->filename, map );
	Trie_Insert( mlist_fullnames_trie, map->fullname, map );

	map->next = maplist;
	maplist = map;
Beispiel #3
* SV_Map_f
* User command to change the map
* map: restart game, and start map
* devmap: restart game, enable cheats, and start map
* gamemap: just start the map
static void SV_Map_f( void )
	char *map;
	qboolean found = qfalse;

	if( Cmd_Argc() < 2 )
		Com_Printf( "Usage: %s <map>\n", Cmd_Argv( 0 ) );

	// if map "<map>" is used Cmd_Args() will return the "" as well.
	if( Cmd_Argc() == 2 )
		map = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
		map = Cmd_Args();

	Com_DPrintf( "SV_GameMap(%s)\n", map );

	// applies to fullnames and filenames (whereas + strlen( "maps/" ) wouldnt)
	if( strlen( map ) >= MAX_CONFIGSTRING_CHARS )
		Com_Printf( "Map name too long.\n" );

	Q_strncpyz( mapname, map, sizeof( mapname ) );
	if( ML_ValidateFilename( mapname ) )
		COM_StripExtension( mapname );
		if( ML_FilenameExists( mapname ) )
			found = qtrue;
			if( ML_FilenameExists( mapname ) )
				found = qtrue;

	if( !found )
		if( ML_ValidateFullname( map ) )
			Q_strncpyz( mapname, ML_GetFilename( map ), sizeof( mapname ) );
			if( *mapname )
				found = qtrue;

		if( !found )
			Com_Printf( "Couldn't find map: %s\n", map );

	if( FS_GetNotifications() & FS_NOTIFT_NEWPAKS )
		FS_RemoveNotifications( FS_NOTIFT_NEWPAKS );
		sv.state = ss_dead; // don't save current level when changing
	else if( !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "map" ) || !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "devmap" ) )
		sv.state = ss_dead; // don't save current level when changing

	// start up the next map
	SV_Map( mapname, !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "devmap" ) );

	// archive server state
	Q_strncpyz( svs.mapcmd, mapname, sizeof( svs.mapcmd ) );